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01x17 - Mission Invisible

Posted: 04/21/24 16:44
by bunniefuu


Cell phones are a violation.

I think you sticking your hand in
my backpack is also a violation.

Planning on texting your
girlfriend in class, were you?

I don't have a girlfriend.

Yeah, well, now you don't have
a cell phone either. Bye-bye.


You're not gonna
want anything in here.

It's just stuff that improves
your hygiene and appearance.

Mocking my
porcelain Irish skin?

Back of the line, Princess!

[ Sighs ]

[ Bag unzips ]

[ Loud whoosh ]

Where'd that breeze
come from?

Are you blowing on me?

[ Loud whoosh ]

[ Screams ]

Morning, boys.

can we put a bell on her?

Yeah, you gotta chill
on the super agility.

Somebody's gonna see you
using your bionics.

No one ever sees me.

I mean, you didn't see me
swipe your lunch money.

Oh, you're good!

Hey, you! How'd you
get past my checkpoint?

I sent you
to the back of the line.

That wasn't me.

Must've been
somebody else.

Yeah, somebody
who can't climb ceilings.

Saved it!

You three have an answer
for everything, don't you?

I don't like to brag,
but the answer to that is yes.

[ Clicks tongue ]

There's one thing
I pride myself on...

Your incredibly sturdy calves?


My instincts!

And my instincts tell me
that you three are trouble!

Well, I don't like
your instincts at all,

and you can tell 'em
I said that.

I can't put my finger on it,

but ever since you arrived, strange
things have been happening around here.

And the only strange thing
I'll tolerate is the janitor.

I have to, he's my cousin.

Who are they?

Air-conditioning repairmen.

They're here to check on
the strange winds

that have been blowing
around here for months.


She's talking about you!

You're the mysterious wind!

The only mysterious wind
around here comes from Adam.

Just so you know,
tonight is parent/teacher night.

Which means tomorrow
is "you're grounded" day!

[ Laughs ]

[ Sighs ]

So, good luck!

[ Laughs ]

What the heck
is parent/teacher night?

It's when teachers tell your parents
every bad thing you've done...

Forgetting homework,
skipping class,

staging a protest
for better bathroom soap.

Don't look at me like that. You're
all benefiting from my rebellion.

If Perry tells Davenport about
the strange things she's seen,

he'll know we're using bionics in
school and he'll pull us out for sure.

Well, then we can't give principal
Perry any hard evidence.

No one uses their bionics.

That means no heat vision,
no super strength,

and no super speed.

Well, that's just crazy.

I mean, what do you
expect me to do, walk?

I myself plan to Ace
parent/teacher night

by kissing up
to all of my teachers.

That way, my mom will let me go to the big
concert I've been looking forward to...

The riffraff jammy jam!

Ooh! I wanna go
to the riffraff jammy jam!

Not with moves like that.

Watch this.

Miss Watkins!

Wow, that new haircut
is workin'!

I thought
you were Angelina Jolie!

That should be good for a c+.

Narrator: The world's
first bionic superhumans.

They're stronger than us,

faster, smarter...

The next generation
of the human race is...

Living in my basement?


All: Aaaahhh!

Why, hello there!

And how are my
highly qualified

and underpaid
educational leaders doing today?

Hey, I'm not in your class!
Give me that apple back!

Oh! [ Spits]

Ugh! This hotdog's
not even hot!

And don't get me started on the
fact that it's not even a dog!

Hey! No heat vision!

Principal Perry
is watching us like a hawk!

I feel like I've been
standing in lines all day!

I just want pizza!

Not being able to use my super speed
whenever I want is k*lling me!

You think it's hard on you?

My bag of cookie bits got
stuck in the vending machine.

I couldn't call for Adam
to shake 'em free.

Oh, I love shaking
your cookie bits!

That's it.
I'm speeding to the front.

Control yourself, woman!
Do something! Shut her off!

Hey, are those new glasses?

It's amazing what they're
doing with bifocal fashion.

Don't try to butter me up!

But if you must know...

They're mother of Pearl
with an onyx trim.

That sounds great for you!
I gotta go!

[ Whistling ]

Whistling while you work?

[ Laughs ]

Hi there!
[ Screams ]

[ Chuckles ]

Where did you come from?

Just trying out
my latest invention...

Invisibility cloak!

Thank you. I'm amazing.
I know. It's true.

You look like
a giant solar panel.

Well, I'll take that
as a compliment. Very bright.

Only one guy came close
to making one of these things,

and he disappeared.

Very funny.

No, no, I'm serious.

He got on a bus
and nobody ever saw him again.

Anyway, don't forget that tonight
is parent/teacher night.

Oh. [ Chuckles ]
Good luck with that.

No, Donald, you said that you wanted
Adam, Bree, and chase to blend in,

and part of blending in is having parents
who show up at parent/teacher night.

But I...

No excuses just because you don't
want to take responsibility for them.

I am happy to take
responsibility for them.

I engineered them
for greatness!

It's Leo
you should be worried about.

I will have you know that Leo has
been an exemplary student this year.

[ Laughs ]
Who told you that?


Stop it! Put me down!
I want pizza!

Well, you're not getting any!

Ooh! But I can offer you
this half-eaten ice-cold hotdog.

Wait a second.
What's that noise?

I don't hear anything.

[ Creaking ]
It's coming from that vent.

Leo, watch out!

[ Creaking ]

[ Screams ]

I'm walking toward the light!

It's so peaceful!

What did you do to my school?!

We're okay.
Thanks for asking.

It's not our fault. The air conditioner
fell from the hole in the ceiling.

Well, if it crashed
from that hole up there,

what's it doing
sitting unbroken right here?

Well, it's not because
I caught it and put it there.

Saved it!

You did this!
You sabotaged my vents!

It wasn't us.
Sure wasn't.

Do I look like
a "sabotusiter" to you?

You know what?
It doesn't matter.

I'll just see what happens
when I watch the video footage.

Oh, good, she said it doesn't...

Wait, the video "whatage"?

That's right.

I had surveillance cameras

and I'm gonna find out
exactly what happened.

And when I do,
you're all going down!

Perhaps a honeycrisp
will change your mind.

How many rows of teeth
does this woman have?!

We have to stop principal Perry
from watching that video,

or she's gonna see all three
of us using our bionics.

Whatever we do,
we cannot panic.

Everyone just stay calm.

We are calm.

Well, you shouldn't be!
We're in crisis!

Guys, is it that big of a deal if she sees
us using our bionics and tells Davenport?

I mean, he already knows.

Wait! Guys, I know!

Why don't we just use
Davenport's invisibility cloak

to sneak into Perry's office

and grab
the camera's hard drive!

Good idea!
I'll race home and get it!

[ Loud whoosh ]

Okay, so while she's gone...

[ Loud whoosh ]

And she's back.

We better hurry. There's not much time
until parent/teacher night starts.

Davenport and Tasha
will be here any minute.

One of us
has to get that hard drive.

Okay, well, you guys
seem to have a handle on this.

I'm gonna bounce. Good luck!

No, Theo, we need you!

If we get caught, Davenport
will pull us out of school!

Yeah, and he's not gonna pull you out.
You're useless to him.

Fine. Let me have it.

[ Beeps ]


Hey, guys, check it out!

Follow the bouncing Leo!

What an airhead!

A-ha! Now I'll finally be able to see what
those little stink monkeys are up to!

[ Creaks ]

Ugh! These drafts!

[ Wind blowing ]

[ Door shuts ]


Oh, great! I spilled decaf
all over my lucky slacks!

[ Whooshes ]

[ Screams ] Dooley!

[ Screams ] You can see me?!

No, I was talking to myself.

Oh, cool. So let's just chalk this
up to the fact that you're crazy.

Did you just call me crazy?

[ Screams ]

What is taking Leo so long?

Taking Leo so long
to do what?


To go out and get a job.

Yeah, kid's gotta leave
the nest some time, right?

So, where is
my stellar student?

Leo. Where's Leo?

I don't know what you're up to,
by I do know one thing, dooley!

Hello, welcome.

If I ever find you in my office
again, I will break every single...

Help yourself
to the cheese and crackers.

Mom! [ Laughs nervously ]


Mom, this is
principal Perry.

Principal Perry, my extremely
sympathetic and understanding mother.

I caught this troublemaker
sneaking around in my office.

Ooh, troublemaker.

Troublemaker? Troublemaker?
Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Leo, what were you doing sneaking
into this nice woman's office?

I wasn't sneaking into
a nice woman's office,

I was sneaking
into her office.


I'm sorry.
I can't tell you why.

[ Sighs ]

This must be
so difficult for you.

You guys know
anything about this?

Not a clue.

He's working alone.

I am very disappointed in you, Leo, and
you are not going to that concert.


But I...

But they...

But fine.

What do you say we go into the gym and
I show you that rope he can't climb?

[ Laughs ]

Ah, yes!

Principal Perry: Right this way.

Principal Perry: My office
is right down this hall.

[ Loud whoosh ]

Don't you wish kids
had a return policy?

[ Both laugh ]

Now let's talk about
your other three.

They're great,
aren't they?


Do you know what's
fascinating about this office?

The floor.

And I think everyone
should look at it!

Let's look at the floor!

Hey, eyes on the prize.

Let's start with the tall one.

Yeah, or as I like to call him,
empty box on a neck.

[ Laughs ]

[ Laughs nervously ]
Almost dropped my gum.

Hey, no gum in school!

Spit it out!

You couldn't have said that
two seconds ago?

Where'd that come from?

That is, uh...


It's for windy days.

You were saying?

Why tell you
when I could show you?

Ugh! Where is that hard drive?!

Don't go anywhere, or else!

I mean, please,
make yourselves comfortable.

[ Laughs ]

[ Loud whoosh ]

What is going on?!

It's a long story.
Well, talk fast!

We were hanging out in the hallway when
chase was like, "what's that noise?"

And I was like, "move,"
and Adam was like, "I got it."

So then we used our
bionics to save Leo from

getting pancaked by
an air conditioner.

Bad news... cameras recorded everything
and it's all on this hard drive.

[ Chuckles ]
Is that all?

And we used
your invisibility cloak,

so your top-secret million-dollar
technology may be ruined,

but, yeah,
that's pretty much it.

Give me the hard drive!
We have to get rid of it!

[ Loud whoosh ]


[ Laughs nervously ]

Found it.

Oh, I could kiss you!

Please don't.

Fork it over.

Bree, what is taking so l...
Uh, I mean...

Oops, this isn't the men's room!

Why would I be sitting
in the men's room?

Because anything else
would be unladylike.

Stop! Turn! Sit!

Just one more connection...

Quick! Crush that hard drive!

But you told us
never use bionics in school.

And yet here we are. So forget
what I said and crush it!

Aw, that's so pretty! Is that
something new you're trying?

Just crush it!

[ Loud whoosh ]

Talk about getting
caught up in your work.

[ All laugh ]

[ Screams ]

One of you did this!

You, you, you, or you!

I was standing here
the whole time!

I didn't see anything!

Ugh! This is not over!

Oh, I think it is.

Air-conditioning units
falling from out of nowhere,

illegal backpack searches,

recording students
without consent...

Does the school board
know about any of this?

[ Stammering ]

Like I was saying, let's put
this whole thing behind us!

Way to lawyer up, big d.

[ Chuckles ]

Nice meeting you.

Thank you for the cheese.

Well, that was fun.

I happen to think that
my first parent/teacher night

was a huge success!

Mainly because I will never
be asked to go again.

Point Davenport.

Up top.

[ Chuckles ]

So are we in trouble?

I'm gonna let
this one slide...

Because you guys did save Leo from
being crushed by an air conditioner.

And besides, it's not like
you guys have ever used

your bionics
at school before, right?



Saved it!

Where have you been?

Well, since I couldn't tell
principal Perry the truth,

I had to clean every bathroom
in the school.

I've scrubbed, I've scraped,
I got a little nauseous,

but luckily I was in the
bathroom, so that worked out.

Oh, by the way,
here's your invisibility cloak.

Sorry it's wet.
I used it as a mop.

[ Sighs ]

Leo, thanks for
having our backs.


It was cool of you
to cover for us like that.

It all worked out.

I didn't get flattened
by an air conditioner,

your bionics didn't get exposed,

and I still get to go
to the riffraff jammy jam!

Cool, maybe we can all go.

Whoo-hoo! We are going
to the riffraff jammy jam!

Riffraff jammy jam!

Not with moves like that.


♪ lab rats ♪

♪ lab rats ♪

♪ Lab rats ♪

♪ lab rats ♪