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02x03 - Missin' the Mission

Posted: 04/21/24 16:47
by bunniefuu
[ Cheering ]

Great work.

Flawless execution.

Now that is how you
lead a mission.

Why, thank you.

I was talking about me.

But every olympic podium

needs a bronze and a silver.

Whoo-hoo! I medaled!


Don't look at us.

You're the one that gave super
strength to a box of rocks.

Hey, guys.

How'd the mission go?

Great. We fixed the
Pentagon's communication

satellite and
returned it to orbit.

I even rigged it so we get
every TV channel in the world!

Who wants to watch
Guatemalan drag racing?!

Did my suggestions
come in handy on the mission?

What suggestions?

I did a ton of strategic
research and gave it to bid d.

Oh, right. I'm sorry, Leo,
I didn't have time to use it.

Yes, you did. You spilled your coffee
and used Leo's research to mop it up.

You used my suggestions
as a sponge?

More like a paper towel.

But it was very absorbent.

Why don't you guys go
clear out the rest of your gear.

We need to talk.

I'm done being the water boy.
I wanna be a part of the team.

Leo, I told you, you can't be part
of the team. You're not bionic.

And besides, statistics show
that most accidents happen

within a three-mile radius
of you.

But I've grown. I've matured.

I wear medium now.

[ Beeping ]

Look, I know
I can't go on missions,

but I can help you
in other ways.

You keep ignoring me!


I'm sorry. You know what?

Maybe there is a way
you can help out around here.

Finally. Thank you.


You can type up
the mission summary reports.

You want me to be
your secretary?

No. Secretaries get paid.

You'd be doing this for free.

Narrator: The world's
first bionic superhumans.

They're stronger than us,

faster, smarter...

The next generation
of the human race is...

Living in my basement?


[ All laughing ]

Not so fast!

[ All groan ]

You three
missed school yesterday...

Not that I didn't enjoy it.

But it's been happening
way too much lately.

Look at this attendance report.

You still keep paper records?

You know,
we have computers now...

Also indoor plumbing
and fire.

Do you really
wanna poke the bear?

Do you really
wanna use that analogy?

Shut it, dooley!

I've been working out.
Don't make me flex my g*ns.

You three are in big trouble.

Oh, actually we're not,

'cause we have
a note from our dad.

He signed it and everything.

With his name.

Oh, well, I'm sorry. My bad.

That changes absolutely nothing!

Just because your dad lets you cut
school doesn't mean I have to.

Somebody has to be
the disciplinarian.

It's like I tell my cats...

[ Hisses ]

See you three in detention!

Great. We miss school
for a mission and get punished.

This isn't fair.

No, it really isn't.

Well, you guys have fun.

[ Beeping ]

Summary reports are done.

And may I just say,
I've never felt so alive.

[ Beeping ]

So what are you working on?


[ Screams ]

Ha! Now none of you are safe!

I designed a robot body
for eddy. Isn't it cool?

He can now patrol the grounds,
he can disable expl*sives,

and he can mix two paint cans
at the same time.

Look what else I can do!

[ Gasping ]

Isn't that great?
What do you think?

Well, at least I'm not the shortest
person in the room anymore.

Now what do you think?

I think I'm gonna start
locking my door at night.

You better hope that was water!

It's mostly water.

Welcome to dingo detention...

Or as I like to call it,
me time! [ Chuckles ]

I used to be
a maximum security prison guard,

and I still have the scars from
the electric chair to prove it.

It was the middle of the night
and I thought it was the can.

It happens.

You wanna see?
All: No!

Bottom line, there's no escape.

All the exits are covered.

In dingo detention,
we have two simple rules:

No talking...

[ Beeping ]
And no cell phones!

And apparently no mouthwash.

[ Coughs ]

Jokes on you,
I gargle with vinegar.

We will be on total lockdown
for the next three hours.

And that begins...

Now! [ Chuckles ]

[ Alarm sounds ]

Guys, I just got an urgent mission
alert from Mr. Davenport.

Oh, no.
What are we gonna do?

Guys, Perry said no talking!

Excuse me, we've got
a couple talkers over here.

You two are busted!
Give me that cell phone!


Any of you other
little thugs holding?

Flo, Brandy, we need
a pat down over here.

Go ahead, girls,
flip 'em and rip 'em!

Will you stop that!

What do you think, I'm trying
to crash into your butt?

Leo, where is everybody?

I sent out a mission alert
and no one is responding.

Oh, they're stuck in detention.

They're probably getting
flipped and ripped as we speak.

The flipping's not so bad,
it's the ripping that haunts ya.

[ Laughs ]

There is an underground gas leak

and the Hazmat team
cannot contain it.

I need Adam, Bree, and chase
to shut it down.

Let me help.

[ Laughs ]

That's very funny,
but this is serious.

If that substation explodes, it'll send a
highly toxic gas cloud into the atmosphere.

I gotta get principal Perry
to let them go.

Talk about
a highly toxic gas cloud.

[ Video game sounds ]

What is she doing with my phone?

Die, angry pigeon, die!

[ Buzzing ]

There's no answer.
I can't wait for them.

Look, take this note
to principal Perry

and tell her to let
Adam, Bree, and chase leave.

Eddy and I will head to the substation
and start taking gas level readings.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. You're taking
him on a mission and not me?

Oh, it's nothing personal.

He just thinks
you're worthless.

Come on!

We have to get out of here.

Guys, don't worry.

I'll just use my super strength
to bust down the wall.

Adam, then everyone
would see your bionics.

Oh, yeah.

Oh, goody.

What do you want?

There's an emergency and my stepdad
asked me to give you this.

Ooh, yum! Second lunch!

What are you doing?!
This is serious!

It's a matter
of life and death!

You said that same thing when the vending
machine ran out of cheese curls.

But this is different!
Please! You gotta let them go!

No! [ Chuckles ]

Although, there might be a way
they can earn their freedom.

All: [ Chanting ]
Spin, spin, spin!

And 40!

Okay, whoever makes it out
the open door is free to leave!


Come on, guys!
Come on, guys! Come on!

Oh! Oh!
Ah! Yes!

Come on, Bree!
You can do this!

No. No, Bree,
that way! That way!

No, no, no!
No, no, no!

Come on, chase!
Come on!

Freedom is so close?,
can't you just taste it?!

I'm almost there!
I'm gonna make it!

[ Groans ]

[ Laughs ] Fail!

Prepare to be entertained,
amoeba brains!

Time for my next challenge!

They're gonna be here
a while, aren't they?

Ring, ring.
Excuse me a second.

Hello? Oh, department
of stupid questions?

It's for you.

Why don't I get a Hazmat suit?

Because you don't need one.

Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!

How do you know? What if this gas
corrodes all my special parts?

You only have one special part:
Your off switch!

Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!

Eddy, give me a reading
with your gas sensor!

Coming right up!

[ Disco music playing ]

What? I added
a disco party ball.

Composed the music myself.

Is it to produced?
Tell me the truth.

Just take the reading!

Somebody's coming!

Finally Adam, Bree,
and chase are here!


They're stuck in detention

and principal Perry
won't let them out,

but I brought you
something even better!


Whoo-hoo! Leo's here!

Said no one ever.

Leo, it is
too dangerous in here!

The gas levels are rising!
You have to get out!

No way!
I am not leaving you behind!


Look out!
[ Screams ]

now the access tunnel's jammed!

The spark must have caused
the secondary line to blow.

If the primary line goes,
we're toast!

Well, that's just great!
There goes my 5k fun run!

Shut... it!

Hot! That's hot!
And my glove is melting!

Okay, time for round four...

Hundred! [ Chuckles ]

[ Both groan ]

And the winner of the very scary
Perry knockout challenge is...


Ah, that's better than watching

my cats fight for
the last spot on the bed.

Oh, the pretty kitties
get to cuddle with mama.

[ Bell rings ]

You three can go.

Here's your junk.

Come on, guys. If we hurry,
we can still make the mission.

But we have to go
get our gear first.

Hold on. What gear?
What mission?

Is that some sort
of code for vandalism?

Are you three
pulling a school prank?

No. No. Yes.

What are you doing?!

Not talking
about the mission.

He must've taken a few too many
giant boxing gloves to the head.

There's no prank.
We're gonna mosey.

Uh, thank you
for a lovely detention.

Ah, hold it, lady blah-blah.

You three have a secret,

and there's nothing
I hate more than secrets.

Well, except for
other people's birthdays.

"You're alive, we get it."

Now we're gonna play a little game
I like to call "interrogation"!

Oh, I love that game! I call top hat!
No, little dog! No, top hat! Ugh!

I can't decide.

The gas levels
are still building!

Our oxygen supply
is almost gone!

Time is running out!

I'm scared! Hold me, Donnie!

Stop that!

This stuff is useless! See, this
is why I need their bionics.

If Bree was here, she could use her
super speed to create a vacuum

to contain the gas until I figured
out a way to slow down the leak.

Wait, what if we speed it up?

You do realize that's the opposite
of slowing it down, right?

I mean the fan.

When Adam has b.O.,
we use the exhaust fan

in his capsule to empty
the nastiness into Bree's.

It's disgusting for her
but hilarious for us.

So you're saying
if we can start the turbine...

Then we can suck all the gas out of here
and seal it in the containment tunnel.

Leo, that is brilliant!

Yeah, well, just don't go using
it to wipe up your spilt coffee.

The only thing is,
if that turbine sparks,

it could blow
the whole place up.

Yeah, but if we don't do anything,
we'll definitely blow up.

Tiny logic strikes again!

Okay, fingers crossed.

[ expl*si*n ]

[ Chuckles ] Just kidding!

Come on.

[ Whirring ]

Leo: It's working!

See, big d?
I told you I could help.

Uh, guys,
should it be going that fast?

[ Screams ]

Wait! No, no, no, no, no, no!

Can you stop it?! Can you stop it?!
Can you stop it?!

I'm trying to concentrate!

Are you concentrating
on trying to stop it?

Well, since Adam clearly has no
clue what to say under pressure,

here's how we'll
handle the interrogation.

Whenever you're
asked a question,

we'll distract her
and answer it for you.

Got it?

Got it, Adam?


What?! I thought you were
gonna answer it for me.

Guys, get with the program.

[ Door opens ]


Let's start the interrogation.

Everybody comfortable?
Temperature okay?

Refresh your drinks? No?


What is the so-called mission?!

Can I just say that
your hair looks great!

Uh, who is doing it these days?

Fernando over at
the wig connection.

He's a genius.
It's mostly raccoon.

But that's not the point!

Why were you talking about
going on a so-called mission?!

Are you sure
he actually said that?

Uh, countless scientific studies have
proven that people perceive reality...

Don't try to distract me,
squat mug!

When you're hunting big game,

you have to separate
the weakest from the pack.


You two, scram!

Funny story,
the word "scram"...

I said scram!


[ Sighs ] Great.

Adam's totally gonna crack
under pressure.

No, no, he always comes through
when it counts... or not.

[ No audio ]

He told me everything.

Now I know all your
dirty little secrets!

Ha! [ Chuckles ]

This was not supposed to happen!

Really? 'Cause when
I woke up this morning,

I was so hoping I would be
pureed in a banana suit.

What if we jammed something in the blades?
Would that stop the turbine?

Maybe, but there's nothing
big enough down here.

I can think of something.

Wait, you don't mean...
Oh, no. No, no, no, no.

Uh, put it to a vote?

I vote eddy!
Me, too!

[ Grunts ]


Push that button and seal
the containment tunnel!

[ Tunnel closes ]

It worked! Way to go, Leo! Yes!

[ Groaning ]

Is that you, Donnie?

I'm here, eddy.

The light is so dim.
It's so cold.

You look...


You're dying, eddy.
Wrap it up.

I need you to do
something for me.

Tell Tasha...

It should have been her.

[ Beeping ]

Well, that should do it.

[ Beeping ]

It's about time!

Hey, where's the rest of me?!

I'm sorry, eddy.
We couldn't save your body.

But to be honest, we
didn't even try. No.

We're here, Mr. Davenport!
What's the urgent mission?!

You missed it.

Luckily, Leo here
saved our butts.

No, seriously,
what's the mission?

I'm not kidding.

Leo really stepped it up today.

He showed me that he has what it
takes to be a part of this team.

So I am making him our new
strategic mission specialist.

Way to go.

Mazel tov!

Awesome! Wait,
does that mean more paperwork?

[ Laughs ] Yes.

But you will also be
helping me design

the overall mission strategies,

and while these guys
are in the field,

you will be assisting me
from your own...

Mission specialist workstation!

Really? This is mine now?

According to this fancy
digital nameplate, it is.

Ah-ah-ah, fingerprints.

Wow. I'm officially on the team.

I have my own place in the lab
and I'll finally have input.

Sounds like the kind of
position that should

come with a serious
increase in allowance.

Or I could eliminate
the position entirely.

We'll talk about
the money later.

So how did you guys
get out of Perry's prison?

Yeah, about that...

Funny story...

Perry interrogated us

and Adam gave her some
very damaging information.

We are always missing school
because of Leo.

He's always playing these crazy
pranks on us. He calls them missions.

And he's actually
stronger than I am.

Chase thinks he's got
something missing up here,

and Bree just tries
to run away from him.

You kinda lost me
at the end there,

but if it means I still get
to punish dooley, I'm on board!

So now you got detention...

For a month.

What?! But that's not fair!

No, it really isn't.

Well, you have fun.
