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02x06 - Bro Down

Posted: 04/21/24 16:48
by bunniefuu
[ Cackling manically ]

Okay, what is with all of the
happy, squeaky hamster noises?

Did you finally
grow a chest hair?


I grew two.

Actually, this is
a little something

I like to call "Adam's payback."

For what? Don't you remember
what happened last Thursday?

Oh, yeah.

Adam, there is no way
you can clear that counter.

I can reach that easy.
I've seen him do it.

Hey. What you guys
talkin' about?



Told you.

Oh, yeah. We all love
the "bionic brother toss."

Yeah? Well, let's see
how he likes this.


Trap what?


Chase: Oh, yes!

It worked! Now let's see

how you like being
relentlessly manhandled!

That came out wrong.

Oh, the trap was
on the floor.

Yep, and now we're gonna play
a game called "human piñata."

But instead of candy, we're gonna
guess what Adam had for lunch.

I'm guessing it's candy.

You're forgetting
one thing, chase...

I can use my heat vision
to break free.

[ Thud ]
Aaah! Ooh!

Ha! Nice try!

Oh... Adam?

Whoa. I never knew
my arm could bend like that.

Um... it can't.



The world's first
bionic superhumans.

They're stronger than us.

Faster. Smarter.

The next generation
of the human race is...

Living in my basement?!


You're lucky it's just
a dislocation.

How many times have I told
you guys not to goof around?

Brace yourself, because this is
probably gonna shatter your world,

but they don't listen
to a word you say.

Look, I know this
was a freak accident,

but he could have
seriously been hurt.

What if he'd have
landed on his head?

Uh, it would have popped open,
spraying confetti everywhere?

Oh ho! That would
be awesome!

You know what I mean.

But Mr. Davenport,
I wasn't trying to hurt him...

I was trying
to get even.

Adam is always punching me
and throwing me around.

Yeah, but when I do it,
it's funny.

Adam, it is not funny.

If any of you get seriously
hurt when I'm not around,

all it takes is
one X-ray of your bionic chip

and you know what happens next.
Leo: Yep.

You three go to a government
facility, you go to the big house,

and I get a big old mansion
all to myself.

Leo, this is serious.
Oh, come on...

This really can't be the first
time Adam has ever gotten hurt.

No, it really is.

Although there have
been some close calls.

Yeah, like that one time I reached under
the table and when I stood up I...

[ Thud ]

Ohh. Hey, it was
just like that!

Look, you're all gonna have to
start being a lot more careful.

You're superhuman,
but you're not invincible.

Maybe not,
but I can still do this.

Ahhh! Oof!

That hurts!

Great, now Bree's
the strongest.

[ TV on ]

Oh, I love this movie!

Okay, I don't want
to spoil it,

but he falls off a cliff,
those two get married,

and that bear is
her father in disguise.

Why do you always
have to do that?!

[Leo's voice]: "I'm Leo, and I have
to ruin everything for everyone."


Did you just...

What'd you just do?!

[Leo's voice]:
I have no idea!

Bree, remember when I told you
that strange things

might be happening
to your bionics?

Well, it looks like you have uncovered
one of your hidden abilities.

Either that or puberty
has been very unkind to you.

It's not funny. This is
really freaking me out.

Freaking you out?
You jacked my voice, man!

It seems to be some kind
of vocal manipulation.

Whenever Bree
hears a sound,

her bionics manipulate
her vocal cords

to reproduce the exact
same Sonic wave length.

Okay, that's fair.

So chase gets to move stuff
with his mind,

and I'm a ventriloquist
without a dummy.

Look, I'm guessing you will develop
a bank of voices and sounds

that will come in handy
on missions.

But until then,
do not use it.

It's not a toy.

[Davenport's voice]:
Right, it's not a toy.

And I'm awesome! Ha!

You can do him, too?
This is incredible!

Oh. Now say,
"my name is Donald Davenport,

and I would like to withdraw
all my money from this bank."

what are you doing?

That accident
was a wake-up call.

I never realized
how unsafe the world is...

Danger lurks at every corner,

and it uses the stairs
to get there!

Go around, thistle!
I was here first!

Wait. If you're suddenly
so safety conscious,

then I guess you won't be able
to run after me when I do this.


Hey, be careful!

Running down the stairs
is dangerous!

Lives are at stake here!

Hey, you do know your class
is downstairs, right?

Come on, Bree,

this is the perfect place
to use your vocal manipulation.

It's a hotbed of
authority figures,

hormonal changes,

and people I need
to get even with.

Okay, fine. You
want me to use it?

[Leo's voice]:
Hi, I'm Leo dooley,

and that horrible stench
you're smelling is me.

Can I have a hug?

That's not true.
I take a bath every day.

Sniff me.
That's "hibiscus waterfalls."

All right!

Who put a raw chicken
in my desk?!

Joke's on you.

An old deli accident left
me immune to salmonella.

Bree, you have to imitate
principal Perry!

No way. I'm not even supposed to be
using this ability in the first place.

Come on, this is
too good to pass up.

Do it! Do it, do it, do it!

Uhh! Okay, fine.

But this is the last time.

Attention, students!

[Bree as Perry]: I have an
important announcement:

I'm a leprechaun.

Who said that?
It's not true!

I just like to
run after rainbows!

[As Perry]: I also have
six toes on one foot.

It's not a sixth toe,
it's an overgrown bunion!

And it gives me the balance
of a low-lying gorilla!

[ Laughter ]

I don't know who's doing this,

but when I catch you,
you're gonna pay!

[As Perry]: But not
with me gold coins!

Have you lost
your mind?

You're being ridiculous!
No, I'm not!

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
What's going on?

Our mission mother here
is so obsessed with safety

that he almost jeopardized
the entire operation.

He wouldn't pitch in,

he second-guessed
everything I said,

and look what he did
to our mission suits.

Well, what was I
supposed to do?

They wouldn't wear
their safety hats.

Adam, there is nothing wrong
with being cautious.

But if you're too cautious,
you'll overthink things

and you won't be able
to complete your missions.

Oh. So if I'm not careful,
I could get hurt.

But if I'm too careful,
I'm useless.


Great. No matter what I do I'm
either hurting myself or the team.

I'm not gonna be
responsible for this.

I'm not going on
any more missions.

What? What? What?

Adam, what are you saying?

I'm saying I quit.

I can't believe Adam said he's quitting.
What a baby.

He's had his confidence

It's kind of like when a baseball
player gets hit by the pitch

and he's afraid to
step up to the plate again.

That is what happens, right? My high
school sport was a.P. Chemistry.

He'll get over it.

In the meantime,
I'm loving this because

for the first time ever,
I'm the one making him flinch.

Look at this. See that?

I can finally wear
short sleeves again.

Look, chase, I know
this is fun for you,

but if Adam stops
going on missions,

we as a unit
are in trouble.

The only way to fix this is to
stop tearing down his confidence

and start building it up

I can't do that.

If he gets his confidence back,

I'm just gonna go back
to being his punching bag.

Or maybe now that Adam knows
what it's like to be picked on,

he'll treat you

Yeah. I don't know
if you've noticed,

but Adam isn't really
the best at learning...


Okay, fine.
I'll talk to him.

Good. 'Cause I thought
I was gonna have to. Ugh.

I've got news for whoever parked
their bike in my parking spot:

Uh, you need a new bike,

and you owe me four tires!

I'm gonna
do her voice again.

Bad idea, Bree.

She really looks mad,

and with Perry, you need to
know when to draw the line.

Come on. I'm loving this.

I never knew bionics
could be so much fun!

The last time
she turned that red,

the janitor had to take her down
with a tranquilizer g*n.

And it took three sh*ts.

Somebody better fess up.
I don't have all day.

[Perry's voice]:
Because school ends right now.

[ Bell rings, students cheer ]
No, no, no, no, no!

Who said that?
School isn't over!

Don't make me go home.



Hold it right there,

[As Perry]
Keep walkin', dooley!

Freeze, dooley!
Beat it, dooley!

Park it, dooley!
Are you not listening?

I thought I told you to...

Have a nice day?




You're the little
comedian, huh?

I don't know how you're
so good at imitating

the chorus of angels
that is my voice,

but go ahead...
Show me how you do it.

Uh... well..

I'm waiting.

Well, I'm not...
[ Bell rings]...

[As chase]: Really sure...
[ Alarm blares]..

[As Leo]: What you want me to say...
[ Bird chirping ]...

[As Adam] At this extremely...
[ Wolf howls ]...

[Boy] Awkward [girl] Moment...
[ Clown car horn ].

I don't know what
that was.

But I know something in there
was offensive.

I'm calling your dad,
and you're staying after school.

Don't move.

What just happened?

I got so nervous when Perry
busted me that I glitched.

Now Davenport's gonna know
I used my vocal manipulation!

[ Dog bark ]

If only someone suave,
cool and collected

had told you not to.

Yeah, well, they didn't...
You did.

Adam, did you put a seat belt
on the toilet?

Yep. And in the unlikely event
of a bathtub overflow,

the bath mat may be used
as a flotation device.

What are you wearing?
Safety suit.

You can never be too safe
when you're making toast.

[ Exhales ]

Adam, this is ridiculous.
Life is about getting hurt.

I get hurt all the time, but I
don't go overboard and quit.

Yeah, but you're supposed
to get hurt.

I'm a huge, muscular,
beastly man.

For me it's just unnatural.

Look, you can't quit the team.

Without you,
Bree and I can't do it.

We need your strength
and your...


Sorry, chase,
I made up my mind.

Hey, you know the saying
"there is no 'me' in 'team'"?

[ Toaster dings ]

Mmm. There.

I successfully made toast
and avoided injury

all thanks to my...

Safety suit.

Great. Now Perry's
gonna tell Davenport

I was using
my vocal manipulation.

Yeah, I like to split the world
up into my problems

and other people's problems,

and this seems to fall
squarely in the latter.

So have fun with that.

No. No.

This is partly your fault.
Help me.

How? It's not like you can
just be home right now

to take the call
to Davenport.

Oh, right. You can.

Oh, great.

Now I'm late for
my anger management class.

I hate it when I'm late
for that class!!!

All right, davendork, let's see
what excuse you come up with

for your little delinquents
this time.

[ Telephone ringing ]

Hello? Uh...

[As Davenport]:
I mean, hello,

this is Donald Davenport.

Don, Terry Perry.

Listen, your little
delinquent Bree

is becoming a pain in
the neck at school.

And that's a problem, because I can
barely stand the kids who behave.

[As Davenport]:
That's horrible.

That doesn't sound like the charming,
well behaved little Princess

I know as Bree.

[Laughs] Well, you
want to know what your

Princess sounds like
when she's imitating me?

I'll put her on the phone!


Where's little miss lip flapper?

Oh. She... is...

Say, where do you get
those lovely pantsuits?

I order them out of
a hunting catalog.

Where's your friend?!

Why do I smell
burning rubber?

I hate the smell
of burning rubber!

[ Perry grumbling ]

Oh. There you are.

Come here and tell your dad
what you did.

I am so sorry.
She's sorry.

I imitated principal Perry.

Yes, I will tell her you will
punish me when I get home tonight.

Okay, bye. Wait! I
wasn't done with him!

Hello? Don? Don?

He hung up.

Argh! I hate it when
people hang up on me!

Don't go anywhere.
I'm calling him back.

[ Telephone ringing ]

[As Davenport]:

Oh. So you'll punish her
at home, Mr. Davenport?

You betcha.


Well, there's someone here
who'd like to say hi.

Hello, Mr. Davenport?

This is Mr. Davenport!

[As Leo] Hey, big d.
Leo here.

I know you're mad at Bree,
but trust me,

this was all my idea.

I'm sorry that I used
my vocal manipulation.

But trust me, if you had it
you'd be using it all day long.

No, I would not,
because I am a mature adult.

I'm an adult.

Look, I know
it's a lot of fun.

But it's also a bionic ability,

and we cannot risk
people finding out about it.

You're right.

And can I just say that

this has taught me so much.

Thank you for
sharing your wisdom.

I have learned my lesson,
and I will never do it again.


Nice try. You're grounded.

Classic Davenport...

Tough but fair.

You're grounded too.

Are you insane?!

How'd your talk with Adam go?
Did you build up his confidence?

Is he ready to get back up
on the horse?

I keep trying, but whenever
I say the word "horse,"

he runs out of the room because
he's scared he's gonna get kicked.

All right, clearly,
logic is not gonna work,

so we're gonna have to resort to
some good, old-fashioned trickery.

Let's put our heads together and
come up with a way to outsmart Adam.


Okay, get ready.
Here he comes.

Adam! Oh, thank goodness
you're here.

There's an emergency.

The operating system in chase's
capsule has malfunctioned!


Oh, no! I'm trapped
in my capsule!

I can't get out!

I sure hope I don't
asphyxiate in here!

And stop breathing.

Adam, you gotta
break open the door!

Yeah, nice try, guys.
I know a prank when I see one.

If this were real, chase would be
screaming and gasping for air,

like when I use him
to clean the toilet.

All right, chase, come on out.
He's not buying it.

[ Beeping, whirring ]

Uh, Mr. Davenport?

Adam, your... your foot
turned on the heat sanitizer!

That thing gets up
to 200 degrees!

I really can't breathe!
Get me out!

It's locked!

Adam, you gotta
break down this door!

Ah, bravo!

So dramatic! Your acting's
much better this time.

Do it!!!

Wait a minute.
He really is in trouble!

Why didn't you say something?!
I did!

I'm coming for you,

Are you okay?

Wait, wait. So you two
set this whole thing up,

and chase almost
turned into a s'more?

Ha! And I'm the dumb one.

Adam... you just used
your super strength

to shatter an unbreakable

and fear never even
entered your mind.

Yeah. I wasn't thinking
about getting hurt.

I wasn't thinking at all.

Look, all this time
you've been living in fear,

and when you didn't
have time to think,

you just got the job done.

Wow! That's it!

From now on I just need to spend
my whole life not thinking!


So, you're back on missions?

I guess I am.

Phew. I'm glad
that worked out.

And I think you both learned
a valuable lesson today?

No more horseplay.

Got it.
Got it.

Hey, how about one more toss
just for old time's sake?

Do I have a choice?
No, you don't.

Hoo hoo hoo hoo!

Adam, I don't think
you're doing it right.

Trust me, Bree,
it will work.


Wait... trap what?

Whoa! Uhh!

Told you
you weren't doing it right.

You left the remote
over here.

Don't worry. I can use
my heat vision to break free.

No! No! No!

♪ Lab rats ♪

♪ lab rats ♪

♪ Lab rats ♪

♪ lab rats ♪