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02x07 - The Rats Strike Back

Posted: 04/21/24 16:49
by bunniefuu
Another successful mission!

Sure you guys blew
a lot of stuff up,

but hey,
that's the city's problem now.

Uh, I am so exhausted.

I can't wait to just stand up,
and go to sleep.

you guys get your rest.

My big NASA
presentation is this week,

and we still
have to complete training

on my gravity
propulsion belt.

I don't know what that is,

but it sounds like it does a lot
more than hold up my pants.

This is a huge contract.

If NASA buys this,

astronauts will
be able to spacewalk

anywhere in the galaxy.

They'll probably name
a moon after me, or a planet!

Things are going to land on me!

Ha ha!

I'll see you guys
bright and early in the morning.

Wait, tomorrow?

No, no.
That's not going to work.

I planned an awesome
cyberpong tournament.

I made nicknames and everything.

I'm "kingpong".

And tomorrow's
the teen fiancee marathon on TV.

I didn't think it was possible,

but I actually
found a group of people

who's lives are
more pathetic than mine.

Yeah, and I was
going to have a spa day.

According to one
of Bree's girly magazine's...

I have cankles.

And I was going to get
a headstart on my homework.

I mean,
play sports and talk to girls.

All right.
Look, none of that is happening.

This stuff is important.

What makes your stuff
more important than ours?

Uh, 'cause my stuff can
make a billion dollars.

Yeah, so, when
you're the boss,

you can make the rules.

But until then,

[ deep voice ]
I am the king of davenportia,

and you will all do my bidding.

Ha ha ha ha...

Oh! Ow!

Man, this stinks.

Why do we always have
to do what he wants us to do?

Weren't you listening?
The man is king!


Maybe you guys should do what
those hotel workers downtown did.

You know, strike.


Ow! What was that for?

Leo said strike.



What's a strike?

Stop it!

It's when employees
refuse to work,

until they get better
working conditions,

like more days off.

Or in your case...

A day off.

Hey, that's a great idea.

I say we all strike!

Oh, come on!

The world's
first bionic superhumans.

They're stronger than us.



The next generation
of the human race is...

Living in my basement?

♪ Fiddily-diddily-diddily-di ♪

♪ fiddily-diddily ♪

[ King voice ]
Greetings people of davenportia.

It is I, king Donald,
here to train thee.

Ha ha!

All: Unfair.

On strike.


On strike.

What's all this?

We... are on strike.

Why would you guys strike?

You have the most awesome
lives ever.

Except maybe for mine.

Ha... ha... ha.

We're serious.

Adam even made us signs.

Probably should have
used a pencil.

Oh, okay guys.
Quit being ridiculous.

There's nothing
ridiculous about it.

They're on strike,
and I'm their captain.

We're sticking it to the man.

Yeah! And it don't
exactly know what it is,

but we're sticking
it to ya!

And it's going to be
really hard to get off.

Leo, why are
you striking?

You don't even
have to train.

This isn't about training.

It's about unity!

And equality!

And getting what we want!


We're striking for a day off.

We need downtime
just to have fun.

As long as it doesn't
effect our school work.

That's right.
We are united in this cause.

We will get what we deserve,

Superhumans are humans too!

Come on, guys.

Superhumans are humans too!

Superhumans are humans too!

are humans too!

Superhumans are humans too!

I see.
You guys want to play hardball.

Yes, we do.

And after that, we're going
to go right back to striking.

The kids say I don't give
them enough time off.

Hot stove!

But I have been more than fair.

I feed them.

I clothe them.

And I give them a very
generous 10% discount

at the Davenport
industries gift shop.

Donald, if a calendar with 12 pictures
of you enjoying the great outdoors

doesn't make them happy...

What will?

You know what my
favorite one was?


You have to remember
those kids aren't you.

Work doesn't always come first.
They're teenagers.

Uh, excuse me.

They were the ones who wanted to
go to school and go on missions.

They need kid time.

You know how hard they train.

Bend a little.
It is not always about you.

Okay. This conversation just took a
sharp left turn into crazy town.


Take that!

Eat it!
Not going to hit me!

Winning shot!


Can you guys
please keep it down!

Teen fiancee is on.

Jimmy-John is about to pop
the question at the taco shack.

He hid her ring in a churro!
[ Squeals ]


Who wants burritos?!

Ah! Fresh out of the eyeball.

[ Bubbling ]

Ahh! That's the stuff.

All: Hey!

What gives?

My cankles!

And darkness falls
across the land of davenportia.

Ha ha ha ha!

Turn our stuff back on!

I think you mean,
turn my stuff back on.

Because you
can't strike against me

without striking against
Davenport industries,

and that means you can't use
Davenport industries' equipment.

Ha! Boom!


So, if you don't mind,

I will take that, and that,
and that, and this, and that.


Ha ha!

And... that!

Oh, hey! That's
my face cream!

Adam, this is sour cream.

Yeah, and when it's
done on my face,

I use it on my burrito.

And that is also mine.


Yep! Now, all you
have to do is end the strike,

and you can have the stuff back.

Hmm. Sounds like
a win-win.

I think we should go for it.


What about your day off?

Come on, guys! Stay defiant!

Stand up to the man!

But the man has my burrito!

And the man
is having it for lunch.

Now, if you don't mind...

I'll be up
in my well-lit mansion,

playing with
all my toys that still work.

Ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha!
Hee hee hee hee!

Last night
I turned the air-conditioning

in the lab
down to meat locker!

They are going
to have to give up, or grow fur!

You realize you're
fighting with children?

Yes! And I'm winning!

Ha ha ha!

Oh! By the way, NASA called.

Oh, and they want
their nerd back.

It's funny every time.

No, seriously.
They left a message.

They moved up
your big presentation,

and the rep is coming
here tomorrow.


But the-but the gravity
belt isn't even ready yet.

I have to
calibrate the jets,

and then-and then
I have to test it,

and-and what
am I going to do?

I don't know.
I stopped listening at "belt".


So... cold.

It's freezing
down here.

I... can't...
Feel my toes.

Because those
are mine, weirdo!

Guys! NASA called.

They want their
nerd back?

Look, they moved

the gravity belt presentation
up to tomorrow!

So, we have to put all
this ridiculousness behind us,

and get back to work!

Strike's over!

Au contraire, big d.

You obviously don't know
how a strike works.

It's not over because
you say it's over.

Guys, the biggest contract
of my life is on the line here.

Oh! We'd love to help you,
Mr. Davenport,

but since you
didn't care about our needs,

why should we care about yours?

Uh, because I,
and listen closely now...

[ Screaming ]
Said so!

All right. So, I'm going
to go get the gravity belt,

and when I come back,
strike's over!

Did we win?

Great plan, Leo.
We lost.

No, that's what he
wants you to think.

But now we have all
the leverage.

You're right!

He can't do that
presentation without us.


And we can use that to get
what you guys want, and more!

Trust me, guys.
I smell a victory.

Oh! No, those are my feet.

I used rosewater
in my cankle bath.

Oh, gravity belt.

How I love you.

You two need a minute?

I wasn't talking to it.

I'm here to negotiate.

Leo, there is
nothing to negotiate.

The strike's over.

Ah, slow your roll,
big money.

You need them for
your demonstration,

so we have some
new demands.

Get up.
Right, sorry.

First, better snacks.

Second, a 401k.

We don't know what it is,
but we know we want it.

Third, matching hats.

Leo, those are some
interesting demands.

Well, I'd be lying if I said
I didn't have some input.

You've been working
so hard on what they want.

Why don't we talk
about what you want?

Well, this isn't
about what I want.

But I'm listening.

Leo should have
been back by now.

His lungs are way too tiny
to be talking this long.

The negotiations
must be grueling.


I knew I shouldn't have demanded
that bucket of sour cream!

Yes, I'm sure that's
the sticking point.

Oh, finally.

Is the man with
the fancy belt ready to buckle?

Nope. Actually, I'm
ready to begin training

for the presentation.

You can't do that
without one of us.

Actually, I can,
because you have been replaced.


Okay, you're replacing us?

You were supposed
to negotiate for us!

To be fair,
your demands were...


They were your demands!

When did they become ridiculous?

When I got what
I wanted. Boom!

This is unbelievable!

We had Davenport right
where we wanted him,

and Leo just handed
him all the power.

I know.
What was he thinking?

Now we're never
going to get matching hats!

If Leo succeeds as a test pilot,

Davenport gets what he wants,
and we lose.

I need my TV!

I am a highly
irrational teenage girl,

and it is
the only thing keeping me

from unleashing all of this...

On you.

Guys, I think I figured out
Mr. Davenport's game.

He can't use Leo to
present the gravity belt.

He's bluffing!

You're right!
Davenport needs us because we're

trained, fit,
and conditioned to wear it.

And Leo's... Leo.

Mr. Davenport knew
Leo was our leader.

He thought if he cut off
the head of the beast,

the beast would die!

Wait, there's a beast,
and we're going to die?!

I did not train for that!

I say we call Davenport's bluff,

and at the same time,
get revenge on Leo.

We k*ll two birds
with one stone!

Wait, are we k*lling
birds or beasts?

I am so confused!


Do you have anything
lighter than these?

Leo, those are one pound.

Donald, what is he
doing with my weights?

He's going
to throw his back out.

Oh! Hey, mom.
Check me out.

I'm going to be big d's test
pilot for the NASA presentation.


That's right.
Little man, top g*n!

Oh, no!

He is not testing one of your
half-baked disaster gadgets.

Hey! My gadgets have a...


Safety record.

Besides, he's not
really testing anything.

I just told him he is,

so he would swing
over to my side.

Divide and conquer, baby!

So, you're pitting
the children

against each other
for your own benefit?

You so get me.

And on switch.

And presto.


Look at you!

Oh! You are beautiful!

You are floating perfection!

You little sw...

Still not talking to it.

Oh! Hey, guys.

Did you come here to grovel?


Uh, no.

Actually, we came to check
on your new test pilot.

You really want
to replace us with Leo,

we should really
make sure he's up to it.

Oh! Leo is up to it.

It's a hand cramp.

Look, if you're replacing
us with Leo,

shouldn't he be doing
the same training that we did?

Oh, no. I mean,
I don't think that's necessary.

Oh! But we do.

I mean, unless, of course,

you've been bluffing
this entire time.

And you really have no intention

of letting Leo
test the gravity belt.

Okay. Fine.

Why don't we start
with some pushups?

Or a pushup.

No. Leo has
to train exactly as we did.

Throw him in the deep end.

Yeah, big d.
Throw me in the deep end.

Just give me a second
to get my floaties.


Good work!

That was heavy.

That's not heavy.


That's heavy.

Leo: I'm okay!

Okay, Leo.
Ten more seconds.

Way to focus
under pressure.

That is not pressure.



That's pressure.

Leo: I'm okay!

This is awesome!

That's 'cause you're
in beginner mode.

Why don't we test your reaction
time in, uh, combat mode.


Oh! Ohh!

Okay. Okay!


Wasting my life playing
video games finally paid off.

Here we go.

Leo: I'm okay!

Ha ha ha!

Congratulations, Leo.

You have completed
every training test

necessary for
the gravity belt presentation.

How many did he pass?

He completed them!

Just give it up!

We all know you're not letting
Leo go up in that thing.

Oh, yes, I will, missy!

The NASA rep will
be here any second now,

and Leo is good to go.

Unless, of course, you guys want
to end this right now

and help me
with the presentation.

Not unless you're
ready to give us more time off.

Not a chance!

All right. Fine.

Then let's belt you up, Leo!

Don't mind if I do.

Uh-uh, yeah, that's-that's,
hey! That's fine.

You know, I am 100%
comfortable with this!

[ Doorbell ]

NASA rep! Okay. Take it off!
Take it off!

Help me with
the presentation!

I'll give you
anything you want!

I want a purple pony
named "blue"!

What? You said anything.

We want you to be fair.

We work hard
and deserve time off.

Just think about that
the next time

before you automatically say no.

Yeah. You have to know
when to be our boss,

and when to be our dad.

And our dad would know
when we need a day off.

Mm-hmm. The "dad" card.
Well played.

[ Doorbell ]

Come on, guys!

Do we get a day off, every week,
to do whatever we want?

I'll let you ride blue.

[ Doorbell ]

Whatever you guys want!

Okay. I hear you, uh...
More dad, less boss.

Listening... yada-yada-yada.
Are we good?


Yes! Wait.
What just happened?

Leo, give the belt to Adam.

[ Doorbell ]

Isn't anybody
going to get the door?

No! Ohh!

Hey, hey, hey!

Jerry, good to see you.

Hi. Good to see you.

Donald: Looking good.

Leo give the belt to Adam.

[ Beeping ]

What was that?

The on switch.



Donald! Do something!

Leo, grab on to something!



No! No! Stop it!

No! Why?

[ Screaming ]

Why do we keep getting
glass dining tables?

As you can see,
it actually works pretty well.

Uh, comes in black, gray, green,
magenta, pink for the lady-naut.

If you want
a little rhinestone...

Excuse me... I got to...

I'm good!
I'm good.



It works a lot better
on a normal-sized person.


Here we go.

He went through the roof!

Hey! See if my
football's up there.

Here he comes!

How did I get outside?!

Leo: There's the off switch.

[ Thump ]

I'm okay!


Where's my football?

And that concludes
our presentation.


Wouldn't you want to be able
to do that on another planet?

I mean, you buy all
kinds of junk that doesn't work!

Hey guys!

I'm really sorry.
I just...

I wanted to be
like you guys so much

that I lost track of what's
most important.

Our friendship.

Oh, that's so sweet
it makes me want to... blah!

Yeah, I guess I can forgive you.

Yeah, me too.

It's all good.

So, are you ever planning on
taking that outfit off?

Well, no.

It's the closest I'm ever going
to get to a mission suit.

You can't get it off,
can you?

It's adhered to me in a way I'm
no longer comfortable with.