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02x09 - Spike's Got Talent

Posted: 04/21/24 17:24
by bunniefuu

Did you guys see
the yearbook?

Everybody but me got a "most
likely to..." Even Leo!

Let me see that.

"Most likely never
to get a 'most likely.'"

I'm on the board!

Well, that proves it.

I'm completely invisible
at this school.

Chase, that's not true.

If you were invisible,
I couldn't do this.


Chase, just because
you weren't nominated

doesn't mean
you're invisible.

Oh, really? Yeah?
What's this?

"Chip Davenport."

I'm a misnamed
question Mark!

Wussup, snot-buckets?

Don't forget to sign up
for the annual

mission creek high
talent show.

Auditions are after school,
and will be judged by moi.

Chances are that if I don't
like you you won't get through,

and I don't like any of you,
so good luck.

Talent shows are wrong!

There are no winners or losers
in creative expression.

Stick a paint brush
in it, emo sabe!

I refuse to stand by
while that woman

crushes the artistic souls
of our student body.

I'm gonna go
sketch my feelings!

He is so tortured.

Isn't it great?

This talent show is the perfect
opportunity for me to build my fan base.

Leo, you don't have
a fan base.

I know. That's why
I have to build one.

With magic!

Well, that is
what it would take.

No. I got a magic kit
and I've been practicing,

specifically for
the competition.

A magic kit?
Isn't that kind of lame?

There is nothing lame about
buying something off the Internet

to make friends.

Hello, ladies. Would you like
to see a card trick?

Okay, this is your card.

Mm-hmm... hey,
what's that in your hair?


See? Magic.

You know what
my problem is?

All of my talents are bionic, and
I can't reveal them at school.

Aw. Bionic people


Give me those cards.
Come on, gimme.

Watch this.

Hello, ladies.

Pick a card, any card.

Put it back in.

Is this your card?

This one?

This one? This one?
This one?



The world's first bionic

They're stronger than us,

faster, smarter.

The next generation
of the human race is...

Living in my basement?!


[ Gargling/singing
"twinkle twinkle little star" ]

[ Buzzer ]

Don't you spit that out!

You swallow that
disgusting performance!


Ugh! Dooley. Next!

[ Buzzer ]
Come on, give me a chance!

Ah, fine.
Just get it over with.

Three solid steel rings

pass right through each other
to become interlocked.

Locked solid, right? Hmm?

Perry: Ho ho ho!
[ Applause ]

Wow! That wasn't awful!

All right, you're in.

[ Ding ] Yes! For my next trick,
I'll leave while I'm ahead.

What's your talent? Other than
having my middle school haircut.

I am the smartest man
to ever live.

[ All scoffing, groaning ]

Break out your online
dictionaries, people...

I can spell any word.

I got one for ya:
"Snoozefest." Ha ha ha!

[ All boo ]

[ Buzzer ]

No! No! I have
another talent!

I can do magic!

Oh, no, you can't.


Perry: Whoa!

[ Amazed laughter ]

Ha ha ha ha!


Wow! That was amazing!
[ Loud applause ]

Dooley, you're out.

Little Dutch boy,
you're in!

Great job, chase.

Hey, maybe for
your next trick

you can remove this knife
from my back!

I have to do something to
protest Perry's talent show.

Something that will take her and
the entire establishment down!

Are you thinkin'
what I'm thinkin'?


Storm the school!
Build a sculpture!

Of course. A sculpture.

We are so in sync.

A sculpture will symbolize
how authority

suffocates creative

We can put it right in
front of the entrance

to the school where
everyone will see it.

The question is:
What do we make it out of?

Uh, ice?

Too obvious.


Adam: Butter?

What did you say?


Everything's better with butter.

[ Laughs ]

Probably even your art.

Butter is the perfect substance.

Milk is fluid,
like creativity,

but when you judge creativity,
you beat it and churn it

until it becomes butter

clogging the arteries
of expression!

That was a lot of words.

Adam, you want to help me make
a sculpture out of butter?

I have been waiting for someone
to ask me that my whole life.

Wait! But I...
I thought we were gonna...

Do something together!
[ Beep ]

Eddy: I guess someone
likes his art more than you

thanks, eddy.

And by "someone,"
I mean Owen.

And by "you,"
I mean...

I get it!

Oh, yeah! Ooh! Yeah.

Who's the man?
I'm the man.


You abra'd my cadabra.
You hocus'd my pocus.

You Ali'd my kazam.

I was being booed,
and I panicked.

What else was I
supposed to do?

Suffer! You're
supposed to suffer.

Leo, I finally found a way to
look cool by using my bionics,

and people think it's magic.

How could I not share my
amazing gift with the world?

You're welcome, world!


Wow! And I thought I was the
biggest jerk in the room!

He lapped me!

You know, if he didn't
have his bionics,

I would still have
my place in the show.

Yeah, if only there was something in
the bottom of Davenport's desk drawer

that you could use to
manipulate his bionics.


Bionic signal interrupter!

So this thing will interrupt chase's
bionics in the middle of his act?

You betcha!

Oh, and if you flip it over,
it will also shave a cat.

Bree, your brother and I
are so in sync.

I can't wait to show you
what we've created together.


I love it.

You really, uh...

It's almost like a...

Okay, what is that?

It's principal Perry.

She represents everything
that's wrong with society.

and triglycerides;

Perry and butter.

I rubbed a pancake on her.

Hey, you know what
she needs?

Big honkin' glasses!

You get me. Come on,
let's go make something.

Wait. He gets you?

He's baffled by
a tissue box.

How does one know when the other
one's gone? It just pops right up.

That's it.

Eddy, crank up the heat...
Full blast.

But if I do, it'll melt
the butter sculpture,

and that would be...


Okay, next up we have
the amazing chase,

the only magician whose magic
wand is bigger then he is!

[ Drum roll ]

[ Upbeat techno music playing ]

Thank you, thank you,
ladies and gentlemen!

For my first trick,
I will move that chair...

With my mind.

[ Thunder crashes ]

Let's see how amazing
chase is now.

[ Remote control beeping ]

And... hmm!


Bring out the girl who looks
eerily similar to a giraffe!

I don't know what happened!

I do: You stink.
Get off the stage

before you incur the wrath
of my rotten tomatoes.

[ All boo ]

No, no, no, no! Please!

I can do it! I really can.

[ Grunting ]

[ All laughing ]

This is awful!

[ Distorted,
slow-motion laughter ]

[ Laughter continues ]

[ Beeping, whirring ]


[ Distorted ] Hey!!!

You want to see me move
that chair with my head?

I hope he's doing
an impression,

'cause that voice sounds
an awful lot like spike.

[ Growling, roaring ]

Wow! Ha ha ha ha ha!

Yep, that's spike.

[ Applause ]

[ Growling ]
Well, there's a fine line

between entertaining
and disturbing, and...

I think we've crossed it.

So let's take
a brief intermission.

[ Growling ]

Hi. Um, spike,
I was wondering

if you could chill out

and let weak little chase
pop back out before...

Principal Perry...

I don't want
to chill out!

I want to rip out
someone's spine

and use it as
a pogo stick!

Or... we could picture
a nice, tranquil forest

filled with leaping gazelles,
while you...

Have a nice cup
of soothing tea.

[ Growling, roaring ]


Leo, what just

I... might have disabled
your molecular kinesis,

but I only did it
because you cheated first,

so there, we're even.
More tea?

Leo, you made me nervous
and triggered my commando app.

You turned me into spike!

Yeah, well, now you're back
to good ol' nerdy chase.

So let this be a lesson:

No one steals
from the magic man.

[ Beeping, whirring ]

[ Distorted ] What'd you
say to me, fruit fly?!

[ Growling ]

[Quavery] Hey...

Look, everybody.

Spike's back.

[ Gasps ]
Butter Perry escaped!

You check the bus station,
I'll check the pancake house!

[Mock innocent]
Oh, no. What happened?

I don't get it. Butter doesn't
melt at room temperature.

And we can't rebuild it
in time for the talent show.

Hmm. Tragic.

Oh, well, let's go
see a movie. Come on.

Slow your roll, Shirley!

Check out this movie!

Eddy, crank up the heat...
Full blast.

Bree, how could you?

I'm sorry, but you were
spending so much time with Adam,

I just got jealous.

So you purposely
sabotaged me?

I'm gonna go sketch
my disappointment.

When he's done, I'm hanging
it up on the fridge.

[ Chase growling, roaring ]

Goody. I love it when all the easy
targets are gathered in one place.

There you are.

I hope this signal interrupter
works on spike, too.

[ Beeping, whirring ]

[ Roaring ]

Twirl that, Princess!

Come on,
you piece of junk!

[ Roaring ]


It's like this thing is amplifying
spike's bionic aggression

instead of interrupting...

[ Roaring ]

Save a cup,
save the planet!

Owen's not
returning my calls.

How am I gonna
make this up to him?

Look, the damage is done.

Unless you have 28 pounds of delicious
popcorn to soak up his butter art.

You do?

No. I mean, what if we build
Owen a new protest statue?


[ Whooshing ]

With 28 pounds of popcorn.


But how are we ever gonna pop it
all before the talent show ends?

Oh, I got this.

[ Popcorn popping ]

That'll work.

Hey, Bree.
This better be important.

I was in the middle
of doodling my pain away.

Owen, I know
you're mad at me,

but hopefully this gigantic waste
of popcorn makes it up to you.

Adam! Stop licking
principal Perry!

I can't help it!
She's salty.

I'm really sorry that
I melted your butter sculpture.

Her eyes!

They're so beautiful!

It's like they're staring
deep into my soul.

They're cookies.

I was so upset.

But... this gesture is
making my heart melt like...

Butter? No! No!

[ Roaring ]

[ Crashing ]

That's what I call
a slam punk!

[ Crashing continues ]

Nice spike.

Good spike. Sit!

Spike, sit!

[ Roars ]

Oh, hey. Did I mention
spike's back?


I smell butter!

Who is responsible
for this?

I am!

I love it!

The talent show is over!

We have a winner!


[ Roaring ]

Perry: No!!!

How dare you

the Mona Lisa that
was my popcorn bust?!

[ Spits ]

What are you gonna do
about it, shoulder pads?

Easy, butch.

Your mouth is writin' a check
that you can't cash.

Oh, yeah?
Well, Santa called...

He wants to know if you'll
be making toys this year!

[Baby talk]
Why bother makin' a Dolly

when I have
my own right here?

Ooh! That's a funny joke.

Where'd you get it from,
your cat's litter box?

Ohh-ho-ho. Nobody talks about my cats!
You're goin' down!

Back when I was in the Tijuana
ladies wrestling league,

they called me
la Rosa bonita!

[ Roars ]

And watch out,

because I have... thorns!

All right, kitty cat!

Ready to tango?

Must... protect...

My... students!

Prepare to be subdued!

[ Both grunting ]

Come on. Come here.

[ Chase grunting ]


Come on. Come on.
Come on.

Chase: Ooh!
Ha ha ha ha!

[ Onlookers gasp ]

Get him, Perry!

Ha ha ha ha!


Come on!

Ah, here it comes...
Here it comes...


[ All groan ]

Give it to me.
Give it to me.

[ Applause ]

Come on. Come on.

[ Whooshing ]

Viva la Perry!!!



[ Grunting ]


La Rosa bonita!


Why am I being smothered by a female
Mexican wrestler in a pantsuit?!

I'll fill ya in later.

[ Mock whimpering ]

[ All laugh ]

[Sarcastic] Ha ha.

Well, chase, you finally
got what you wanted.

You are no longer
invisible at this school.

You'll forever be known as the kid
who got pinned by principal Perry.

Thank you, Leo.

Pinned like the butterfly
on the science teacher's wall.

Gotcha, Leo.

Ya know, if being pinned was a
talent, you would have won.

[ Roars ]
[ Screams ]

Spike! Spike!

Ahh. That little trick
is gonna come in handy.

[ Boing ]
