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02x21 - My Little Brother

Posted: 04/21/24 17:31
by bunniefuu
[ Sniffing ] Ugh! Smells
like something died in here.

Whoa! Something did die in here!
Chase, look at this!


Well, at least tell me
if this is fur or mold.


Adam, what did
you do to your shoe?

I guess I don't know
my own strength.

The same thing happened
yesterday with my underwear.

Oh, that reminds me, I got you
a new headband for gym class.

Man, Mr. Davenport
warned us about this.

As we get older, our chips have to be
re-calibrated to adjust for our growth.

[ Laughing ] Oh, well, then yours
will never have to be adjusted.

'Cause your body
doesn't grow, get it?

I'm saying you're small.
I get it!

When Mr. Davenport
gets back,

he can re-calibrate
your super strength.

Toss me my backpack.

Or we could do it now.

Quick, get in your capsule.

Ah, but I like being
ridiculously strong.

I'm like king Kong without
the little lady in his hand.

Go ahead, chase,
jump in.


All right, let's see,
Adam's size parameters.

Six-one, hundred
and seventy-five pounds.

Make it a hundred and eighty.
Had a big breakfast.

Since your strength
has intensified,

I'm gonna dial it back
from an eight to a six.

Hold on, you can
adjust my strength?

Well, don't dial me down,
make me a ten!

No way.
That would be like

giving a stick of dynamite
to a...

Well, you.

There. Done. Now hurry.
We're gonna be late for school.

Uh, yeah, I'll be right there!
I just have to

not do something
for a minute.

I can't wait to see
if it worked!

The world's first bionic

They're stronger than us,
faster, smarter.

The next generation of
the human race is...

Living in my basement?


♪ lab rats ♪

♪ lab rats ♪

♪ Lab rats ♪

♪ lab rats ♪

♪ Lab rats ♪

Man, I always get stuck
with the wobbly chair.

Here, let me fix it.
Hold my tray.


[ Laughing ]

Budget cuts, am I right?

The evidence is
all around us, people.

[ Laughing ]

You maxed out your super
strength, didn't you?

Of course I did.
Look who you're talking to.

This is so dangerous.

You can't control
your strength,

and it could cause
a ton of glitches.

We have to change
you back, now!

Calm down,
you're over-reacting.

Okay, you can dial me
down to a nine.

Morning, oxygen hogs!

Time for another surprise
locker inspection!

Why, you ask?
The superintendent says

that if I'm gonna accuse you
little criminals of doing stuff

I need "evidence."

Lindsey, you're up.

[ Annoyed sound ]

[ Laughing ]

Stuffed animal?
What is this, your prom date?

Makeup? You've already lost
that battle, sweetheart.

You know what? I am so
tired of principal Perry

and her power trips.
How, how does she

keep getting away
with this stuff?

Just accept it. It's a lot easier
once you let go of the hope.

Ooh, pretzel logs! Jackpot!

You're next,
glow stick.

I don't think so.

[ Grunts ]

[ Yells ]

[ Laughing ]
Stiff arm. Legal play.

Okay, principal Perry,
this is not fair.

You walk around here
like a dictator

and treat the student
body like prisoners.

Aww, you noticed. It's so
good to be appreciated.

No. This is no way
to run a school.

And I think that
I speak for everyone

when I say we're not
gonna take it anymore!

[ Students gasping ]

And by "we" she means her.
You and me, rock solid.

Are you challenging
my authority?

She's sweating through her pant suit.
Retreat, retreat!

Listen, lipstick,
I didn't command a ship

in the merchant marines
to take guff from you.

You know, I just think the school
might be a bit more enjoyable

if we were treated
like adults

and had more freedom.

Right, and then we could all
ride unicorns to school

and eat food that passes
a health inspection.

But it doesn't have
to be like this.

Oh, yes, it does. I learned
one thing from my mother:

To rule with an iron fist.

Oh, and that salad takes up
space where meat should be.

She sounds like a lovely woman.
She isn't!

You kids think my job
is so easy, don't ya?

[ Laughing ] Well, I mean, how
hard can it be? You do it.

[ Students gasping ]

You think you can
do better? All right!

Have at it.
School's yours.

You go ahead
and be principal for a day.


Go ahead and be
the nice principal.

These maggots will eat you
alive in two hours. Hmm.

You coulda use your last
breath to scream for help,

but you shoulda used it
to say "I'm sorry." Oh!

All right. You're on. But if I'm
gonna be principal for the day,

I'll need the keys to your office.
All right.

But remember, no matter
how loud the banging gets

in the file cabinet,
don't open it.

I can't believe you
maxed out your strength

after I specifically
told you not to.

In my defense, you telling
me what to do is like

a monkey telling a hedgehog
what to do... it's ridiculous.

But it would make an
awesome buddy cop movie.

Can we just please
get this over with?

I gotta get back to school.
It's karaoke day

in Latin class and I'm singing
twinkle twinkle little star.

[ Singing in Latin ] Scintillat
scintillat Paulo Stella...

[ Laughing ]

You do know you're never gonna
have a girlfriend, right?

Yeah? And yours is gonna have to
cut your food, so we're even.

Get in your capsule!

All right, reducing super
strength in three, two, one...

All right, we should
probably test it out

to make sure that you're
back to normal. Come here.

This is made out of
ultra-strength titanium.

Think you can break it?

stand still while
I smash it over your head.

No, with your hand.
Not as fun, but okay.

[ Exhales ]

Ah, I'm back
to normal.

Now I'm only a hundred
times stronger than you.

[ Sighing ] I guess I'm
gonna have to hit you

more often
to make up for it.

You really don't have to.
Oh, that's sweet.

But I really do.

No, you don't.
Yes, I do.

No, you don't.
Come here.

Stop. Get away.
Don't touch me.

Don't... get away, get away.
No, no! [ Yells ]

[ Laughs ]

Whoa! It's only
been a few hours,

but look how much happier
everyone is under principal Bree.

Well, that is just how I
roll, vice principal Leo.

[ Laughing ]

I mean, isn't it amazing
how much happier

and more productive
students are when

they're given
a little bit of freedom?

Let breedom ring!

Oh, uh, by the way, I have some
paperwork for you to sign.

Sure. What is it?

You know,
just an approval form,

forcing all girls
to be my friend.

What is going on here?
Stop talking on the phone!

Spit out that gum!

Uh-uh, don't you
listen to her!

Put that gum back
in your mouth.


This is my school now.

See how smoothly things are running
and how happy everyone is?

[ Grunting ]
I know, it's disgusting!

All these smiling faces.

I haven't seen this many teeth since
I kept dental records at the morgue.

Sorry, principal Perry, but I guess
it is easy doing your job. [ Scoffs ]

Watch it, dooley!


Vice principal dooley.
And if I'm not mistaken,

you're not allowed to be here
unless you're a student or faculty.

So I'm afraid, I'm going to
have to ask you to leave...


[ Grunting ]
This isn't over!

[ Phone ringing ]

What, mom? I'm at work!

Sorry, I didn't mean
to raise my voice.

Yes, I've been a bad girl.

[ Bell rings ]

Hey, chase, when you
zapped me I think you took

a little bit of weight off.

that's impossible.
It doesn't work like that.

The re-calibration adjusts the
ratio of your muscle mass

to your body frame and,
and, who am I kidding?

You stopped listening
five seconds ago, right?



[ In high-pitched voice ]
I'm down here!

Told you I was
losing weight.

Chase, what's going on?

I, I, I guess I was in such
a rush to re-calibrate

your chip, I, I accidentally
forgot to enter

the size parameters,
which caused a glitch and...

I'm two inches tall
and naked! Do something!

Really, chase?
A purple ninja outfit?

You know purple's
not my color!

It was from
the lost and found.

There were only two action
figures, this and power girl.

And you Don not have
the legs to work that skirt.

Ha. Just hurry up
and fix this!

I can't stand being
smaller than you.

You know, I've been smaller
than you for my entire life.

Now you know
what it's like.

Do you remember all
the names you called me?

Not all of 'em,
but I remember there was

tinypants mcgoo, microman,
tiny boy, ant boy, eency meency,

little woman...
[ Laughing ]

Hey! Whoa, hey!

Adam: Why is it dark?
What's going on? Let me out!

Hey, what'd you
do that for?

I wanted you to see
what it's like

to be picked on by
someone larger than you.

But, since
I'm a nice guy,

now I'll take you
home to fix you.

Thank you, chase,
it's really big of you.

And I don't get to say
that very often. Ha ha.

You just can't stop
yourself, can you?

I'll try.
Um, you're huge...

Ly small.
Nope, can't do it.

You know what?
Forget home.

We're gonna have
a little fun.

No, no, no, no. No! No!

You know that new tarantula
in the science lab?

Oh, yeah, Harvey!
He's great.

Well, let's see how great
he is when he gets

a surprise visit from
a tiny, purple ninja.

[ Yelling ]

Hey, where is everyone?

Why is no one in class?

[ Music playing distantly ]

[ Music playing ]

Principal Perry?

Who wants to know?
[ Laughing ]

The name's Terry. On the street they
call me t.P. 'Cause I clean up.

Um, what are you doing? Never
mind that, what are you wearing?

Well, the more I thought about
it, it seemed only fair

that if you get to be
principal for a day,

then I get to be a student for a day.
[ Laughing ]

Since you're such
a big fan of freedom,

I thought I'd show you
what it really looks like.

Bertha, ruthie,
saddle up!

[ Students chanting ]
Go, go, go, go,

go, go, go, go, go!

[ Students cheering ]

[ Crashing sound ]

Oh! She just got loafed!
[ Laughing ]

If she gets hurt while you're
principal, you're responsible.

You know what they do
to principals in prison?

Well, you can't thr*aten me.
Vice principal Leo?

My pleasure.

You just got detention,
squat mug.

Do you really wanna go
there, knowing that

I'm back to running
this place tomorrow?

And I quit.
You're on your own, Bree.


So, you ready to give up?

[ Scoffing ] Not a chance.
Because freedom is always...

Principal Perry: Oh!
[ Laughing ]

Sorry, I couldn't hear you with
all that freedom on your face.

[ Laughing ]

Somebody get this girl
some gravy.

[ Laughing ]

All right, Adam, time for a
water fountain jerk bath.

Adam? Adam?
Oh, no! Adam?


[ Laughing ]
New Internet dance craze.

Look it up.


I need your help. I accidentally
shrunk Adam and he is gone!

I got your back. You were
with me, we were kayaking.

No questions asked.

No! He was in my pocket but he fell out.
I lost him!

They'll never buy it.
Stick to the kayak.

I don't know where he is.
He could be anywhere!

Chase! Leo!
I'm over here!

Over here!

Aah! Incoming butt!

Ha! No one can
defeat the butt-ninja.

Hey, I have those jeans!

No, don't sit down,
don't sit down!

[ Yells ]

Chase, I think
I just saw a little,

purple ninja dive
into that book bag.

And there's something
I'll never say again.

Go, go!

Sorry, ma'am.
Random bag search.

There's been a rash of crouton
theft at the salad bar.

We're not saying it's you,
but we're all thinkin' it.

A-ha! I got him.
You got him?

Dude! You almost
spilled my third lunch.

Right. Sorry.


Oh, wow, gigantic food.
It's so beautiful.

Ooh, pickles!

Adam, get out of there!


[ Yelling ]

[ Grunting ]

Braver men than you have
tried to take my food before.

They ain't men now.

I won't let you
eat my brother!

[ Scoffs ] You vegetarians
make me sick.

It's a Turkey,
not your brother.

Now give me back that
bird, hippie! No!

No, no!
Yes, yes!

Ge... let go
of the bird!

Drop the burger,

How about I drop you,

Hmm, I had a feeling
you might say that.

Which is why I brought
in the big g*ns.



What are you doing here?

This lovely young lady called me
and said you were causing trouble.

What did I tell you
about wrestling for food?

Oh! That if you're gonna
do it, you better win?

Don't you sass your momma!
Sorry, mother.

Hands off, troll!

I apologize for her
causing so much trouble.

She's not really
the principal!

And you're not really a child,
so stop acting like one!

[ Grunting ]

Theresa, what do you
say to principal Bree?

[ Yelling ]

Big girl voice!


I'm going to take her home
and give her a good talking to.

Mm, I think
that's a great idea.

No, momma, no,
no, no, momma!

No, momma, no,
no, no, no! No...

Hey, hey, hey!

[ Yelling ]

Thanks a lot, ruthie.

I lost my retainer.

[ Laughing nervously ]

Got him! Oh, wait,
no, that's a celery stick.

Ah, got him! Wait, no,
that's a chicken bone.

Ooh, I found him!

He was curled up
inside a burrito.


Uh, Adam size parameters, six-one,
hundred and seventy-five pounds.

Strength level, six.
Clothing... yes, please.

Whoa! Chase, I just had
the most awesome dream.

I was a tiny ninja
in a land of butt giants.

No, Adam, that
wasn't a dream.

I made a mistake
and shrunk you.

That's right! And I had
nothing to do with it.

For once, Leo's part of
the solution to a problem

he didn't create!

Wow, I think I finally
understand what it feels

like to be
the smaller brother.

[ Sighing ]

So does this mean that
you're not gonna make short

jokes at
my expense anymore?

I'm sorry, can you speak up?
I can't hear you down there.

You just cannot
help yourself, can you?

Oh, I'm just kidding. Look, I
don't think you're that small.

And for turning me back to
normal, I got you a gift.

Okay, close your eyes.

Open 'em.

It's a tiny ninja costume!

Oh, don't worry about the size.
You'll grow into it.

Ugh, I am so happy to
just be a student again.

And I am so happy you've forgiven
me for quitting as vice principal.

I didn't.

So we're good?

Well, if it isn't
the former administration.

Well, if it isn't
the failed administration.

That was my dis!
You only changed one word!

Now that I'm back in charge, I'm
gonna make your lives miserable.

I think you mean her life,
because I resigned my position.

You and me, rock solid.

Not a chance. You two are
gonna spend the rest

of the day cleaning
up the cafeteria.

Oh, [ Laughing ]
I don't think so.

I may not be principal
anymore, but, uh,

I do still have one thing:

Your mother's phone number.


On, no!
No, mommy, no!

I've been a good girl!
No, no, no, no, no, no!

Theresa! Theresa!