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02x14 - Trudy Nye

Posted: 04/21/24 19:33
by bunniefuu
I am so excited. Are you sure
that you don't mind doing this?

And pass up yet another
vacant night at a tired, trendy club...

that smells like sweat, desperation,
and Drakkar Noir?

Movie night sounds fantastic.

- I just don't see how it's fun for you.
- Because you'll be my eyes.

When you describe to me
what's happening...

we see the same thing,
we experience it together.

It's very romantic.

Then I'll be quite imaginative
at describing the sex scenes.

And quite willing to act out
anything that you don't understand.

Anything you're dying to rent?

No Miracle Worker, no Scent of a Woman,
and no Val Kilmer movies.

I'll be right back.

You can listen to the radio.
Thank you.

Avoid Britney Spears in Crossroads
at all costs.

It's been known to cause
spontaneous combustion.

Thanks for the tip, Nightmare.

Help you find anything?

Here's my situation. I need to find
something for my girlfriend...

- but she's blind.
- Bummer.

But in that case, I guess she hasn't
seen much, so our world opens up.

How about All About Eve?

- I'm going to be there, too.
- Right, yeah. Might be a little gay.

Dude, I think she's blind.

No way.

Dude, check this out.

How 'bout Amélie?

Okay, be a cynic.
But it made me cry, dude.

Man, this is a sweet ride.

So is Helen Keller.

Nobody deserves to have both,
you know what I'm saying?

What about this? I love Brando.

Last Tango. Are you serious?

Are you really ready tell your girl:

"Okay, now Marlon is shoving
a stick of butter up his girl's butt"?

How about this?

Can I help you?

- What the hell just happened?
- What?

The whole front end of my car is gone.
Those rims are $7,000 apiece.

Christian, oh, my God, I'm so sorry.

Didn't you at least feel the car move?

I thought it was the bass in the song.

Ms. Nye, tell us
what you don't like about yourself.

My past.

I want to forget my last 25 years.
I want to forget...

who I was and what happened to my life.

Ms. Nye, we're plastic surgeons.

We work on the surface,
not what's underneath.

I'm sorry. I did sort of sound like a loon
just then, didn't I?

I'll be more specific.

My nose was broken 16 years ago...

and I would like to get it fixed.

You've been living with this fracture
all this time...

and now you want it repaired?

May I ask why?

Every time I look in the mirror,
it helps me remember...


It helps me hold onto him
in some small way.

Sorry, Tyler is my son.

He's our son, Stan's and mine.
And, well, Stan was a neatnik.

And Tyler...

Well, Tyler was 5.

He would always play with a toy
and leave it around the kitchen floor.

And no matter how many times
Stan told him to pick up his things...

Tyler continued to leave things around
for one of us to trip on. Then one day...

Stan just snapped...

and he hit me because...

I didn't pick up toys, either.

And then he threw one at Tyler.

It hit him in the head
and it knocked him unconscious...

and he died in my arms...

from bleeding on the brain. I'm sorry.

- Was this the first time he hit you?
- No.

He broke my wrist.
The bones stick out a little bit right here.

You know, they really
should've put Stan away for life...

but he's getting out in a couple weeks,
and he better not come looking for me...

because I am much stronger now,
I just wouldn't take that now.

Are you wanting the surgery now
to look different so your ex-husband...

We're not officially divorced,
but I'm going to file.

So your current husband won't find you?

No, I'm doing this for me.

I've lived with this pain long enough,
and it's time to move on.

Fixing my face...

completes my breakup with this man.

I want to look forward, not back.

Put on your clothes.

- How about you take yours off?
- Stop it.

I said stop it! Stop humiliating yourself.

If you have a sexual urge,

- Where are you going?
- Taking Matt to the Shore Club.

There's $20 on the kitchen counter.
Order yourself a pizza or something.

How could you still be seeing
that little shit?

- I thought we...
- You thought wrong.

What happened
was a momentary weakness.

You're a heartless bitch!

Vilify me if that helps
with your separation.

You treat me like a dog.

One day you hand-feed me
scraps from the table...

and the next day you just lock me up
in the basement!

You're the g*dd*mn Mother of the Year.

I'm so sorry.
There was terrible traffic on the causeway.

Honey, what's wrong?

Sean, I have terrible news.

I went to see Alma today, my new psychic.

Look. My heart line, it breaks right here.

Alma said it's nice and high,
meaning passionate, which is true...

but do you see where it breaks into two?


It means I'm going to have
a terrible tragedy in my love life.

It means we're not going to make it
as a couple, Sean.

Don't say that, Kimber.
We're having a great time, aren't we?

Will you make my love lines longer?

I told Alma
my boyfriend's a plastic surgeon...

and she said that if I had my heart lines
connected and extended...

then we would always be together.
That the physical can determine fate.

Hello, Sean.

Julia. Hi.

- Hello, Kimber.
- Hi.

Kevin Hotchkiss, this is Sean,
whom I'm separated from.

- And this is his friend, Kimber.
- How you doing?

Nice to meet you.

Is this your first date?

No, actually this is
our third date in three days.

Such a coincidence
that you're at this restaurant.

No, actually, Sean brought me here
for Valentine's Day last year...

and I always wanted to come back.

How did the two of you meet?

I started taking zennis lessons
with Kevin last week.

- Zennis?
- Yeah, it's a Zen approach to tennis.

I've found that most players
aren't tapping into their full potential...

because psychologically
they're standing in their own way.

I use the physical to access the emotional.

I see.

Already, it's made such a difference
to my game.

Really. Took a set off me this morning.
Can you believe that? You did, too.

You were in the zone.

Well, have a nice meal.

Okay. Nice to meet you.

I'll see you in the morning
when I come to get Annie.

- I can't believe the nerve.
- I know, right?

The nerve of you
to take me to this place, Sean.

It's kind of hard for me
to enjoy a romantic night out for two...

at a place where you and your wife
shared a Valentine's Day crème brulée.

Zennis! Please.

What a crock of New Age bullshit.
And could you believe that tan?

He's a walking, talking melanoma,
if you ask me.

Don't be upset, baby.

I'm sure he's not as good in bed
as you are.

I'm going to make love to you
from behind.

I want you to,
but how about some foreplay first?

It's just a simple surgery.

It's just that I'd have
so much more confidence about us...

with longer love lines.

This operation is crazy.

I told you,
you have nothing to worry about.

But if I had the surgery...

then I'd know for sure
we'd always be together.

We don't need that.

You really should be more secure.

- Tell me you'll do it.
- Oh, Kimber.

Tell me...

you'll do it tomorrow.

Okay. I'll fix your hands in the morning.

Good morning.

That's a nice way to start the day.

I think I can make it even better.

I think I've figured out
how to get you under my thumb.

I think I want you to use all five fingers.

What's the matter?

Why don't you have your eyes in?

You know that I have trouble
sleeping with them in, Christian.

Does it turn you off?

It might help...

make the moment more romantic
if I could see your pretty blue eyes...

instead of the veiny vitreous.

That's interesting.

So I guess it's...

what you see and not what you feel
that turns you on.

What I see is what I feel, Natasha.

They can't be separated.

- I thought you appreciated my honesty.
- I do.

It's just that I don't think that way.

I guess I'll go put my...

eyes in, since it disturbs you so much.

Which one's the love line?
The top one.

The other two are the head line
and the life line.

The head line?

Yep. The one that's
supposed to say how smart you are.

Go figure.
Kimber's head line is really long.

I want to thank you for not
drawing any conclusions about this.

Don't worry about it, partner.

If anybody understands
the power of the p*ssy, it's me.

I'm the one
dating the blind chick...

who mistook the closet
for the bathroom last night.

Luckily I stopped her before
she ruined my Prada loafers.

Natasha is a bright, beautiful girl.
You could do a lot worse.

You have done a lot worse.

This is crazy.

I shouldn't be assuaging Kimber's
insecurities about our relationship.

Should be breaking up with her.

I thought things
were getting serious.

It's moving too fast.

Frankly, she's superficial.

Her spiritual guide is a palm reader.

We ran into Julia last night,
on a date with some guy.

It bothered me much more
than I thought it would.

She's dating someone? Who?

Her zennis coach. It's some kind
of New Age approach to tennis.

Next thing you know, she'll
have hairy armpits and smell like patchouli.

I'm trapped, Christian.
I can't break up with Kimber.

She's been so sweet to me.

That sugar turns to acid
when she's crossed.

Remember when I tried
to break up with her?

She tied me to the bed
and threatened to re-circumcise me.

You watch out for her, Sean.

Kimber Henry is slippery
when wet, and unstable when crossed.

Hi, Mrs. McNamara.

Matt told me
you were the next Anna Kournikova.

What are you doing here, Adrian?

I need to hit something.

I need to hit something, too.

Nice shot...

but I'm done playing with you.

Well, I guess I win, then.

Everything is a game to you, Adrian,
isn't it?

Not everything.

I need to tell you something.

What, am I going to get to my car
and see you've slashed my tires?

It's about me and my mom.

She broke up with me.

You can't apply a romantic convention
to a parental relationship, Adrian.

Good point. I mean, we don't have sex
with candles blazing or anything.

In fact, the last time I went down on her,
the room was pitch black.

Mom has shame issues.

What can we do for you?

Well, Trudy's nose turned out terrific.

It really did. You guys fixed it real good.

I just love it.

So I thought I could come in,
talk to you about my face.

You're considering plastic surgery?

A new chin to go with those
prison-yard biceps, perhaps.

There seems to be a lot of attitude
in this room right now.

I understand your reaction.

- We get it everywhere.
- But it's not what you think.

I'm not being manipulated now.

You can understand how we might
hesitate to even be in the same room...

after you said your son died
at the hand of this man.

And how those fists destroyed your face.

He's a different person now.
I was amazed, too.

And when he saw me...

he got down on his knees,
and he literally begged for forgiveness.

I really meant it.

Why are you thinking about getting
a facial reconstruction, Mr. Nye?

Trudy's forgiven me. No one else has.

We go to restaurants,
a hush falls over the place.

Managers ask us to leave.

Yes, it's a rough world out there
for child-K*llers.

Even worse for those children they k*lled
who can't eat out.

Look, I repented for what happened...

but this face still scares a lot of people...

and they won't leave us alone.
The media...

I get death threats.

No one recognized me
after my new nose.

It totally changed the shape of my face,
so we were thinking...

maybe you could change Stan's nose,
or maybe his cheekbones.

Maybe give me some hair plugs.
I could dye the color.

Look, I just want to start over.

I want a quiet, anonymous life.

I served my time.
I did my sentence like a man.

Mr. Nye, as a victim myself
of childhood abuse...

I heard the same lament from my abuser.

The truth is, I believe you are sorry.

Sorry for yourself.
Not for Tyler, or for your wife.

Mrs. Nye, if you want to continue...

to be an accomplice
in your husband's crimes...

it's your business.

But we simply won't be.

Good afternoon.

Hi, I have an appointment
with Dr. McNamara.

I'll be taking your stitches out, Kimber.

Where's Sean?

He's at the hospital
doing a cleft palate consult on a newborn.

You can wait for him in the lobby
if you like, but it might take a while.

So, how's everything going
between you two?

Fantastic. Sean's been talking
about us moving in together.


Well, he's been hinting at it.
I know it's just a matter of time.

Annie and I get along so well.

I think Sean likes having
another female influence around for her.

I'm happy for you, Kimber.

Thank you, Christian.

How have you been?

You still with a different girl
every night of the week?


I've slowed down a lot
since I lost custody of Wilber.

But I appreciate...

every moment I shared with that kid...

so much more, now that he's gone.

That must be so hard.

- So, you guys going out this weekend?
- We're going salsa dancing.

- Café Iguana?
- Yeah.

Remember when we were sweating
so much from dancing there...

that we went to the beach, took off
our clothes, and jumped in the ocean?

Then that cop came with his flashlight
and was shining it on us in the water.

You and me, we had fun together,
didn't we?

Yeah. There were some good times.

But there were some pretty bad times,
too, though.

Well, the bad times
were mostly my fault...

but when it was good, it was so easy.

Sometimes with the person
I'm currently seeing, it's...


Okay, your new and improved
longer love lines are all set.

Your hands will be tender
for a couple of days, but after that...

I've scheduled the Myers...

I guess you can't change your heart lines,
can you, Kimber?

This isn't what you think.
This means nothing. This is just sex.

You're the one I want, not him.

I have to share my son with you...

I won't share my girlfriend.

We need to talk, Sean.

No need to talk.

It worked. Thank you.

You're welcome.

Obviously, you planned on me
finding you screwing Kimber in your office.

I did think that's what you wanted.

If that was your plan all along,
it was risky, but brilliant.

She threw herself at me,
like I knew she would.

- She pulled my d*ck out of my pants, Sean.
- I can only imagine.

I told you she wasn't good enough for you.

Well, thank God you proved that to me
before we got any deeper.

Now, this way,
the onus of the breakup is on her.

Don't worry, I won't tell Natasha.

This is Sean.

She what?

Do we have any idea if Matt's inside?

If he's not, he should be back from school
at any moment.

If this revelation doesn't cause him
to run out on her...

I'm going to drag him out.

All we have to do is thr*aten police action.

This is so far out of bounds,
she has no defense.

Wait. Before we go in there...

I'm sorry I was cold to Kevin
the other night.

I'm sure he's a nice guy.

It's okay, Sean.

I just have very high standards
for who you go out with.

- You ready?
- Yeah.

Julia, Sean. What a lovely surprise.

- Here for some couples counseling?
- Enough of your bullshit, Ava.

You're not gonna infect our son
with your poison any longer.

Where is he?


So George and Martha
have finally rejoined forces.

What a breakthrough.

We know what's been going on
between you and Adrian, Ava.

Adrian's my son.
What business is that of yours?

It's our business when you're sleeping
with our son and yours at the same time.

- That's disgusting.
- Adrian's told me all about it.

Adrian's told you what?

Hello, everyone.

Adrian, tell your mother and Matt
what you told Julia earlier today.

Yes, Adrian. Tell us all.

What did you tell Julia?

I told her we were having sex, Mom.

I told her you gave
the best blowjob in town.

You're disgusting, Adrian.

Very sad.

How could you say that
about your own mother?

That's sick.

He is sick, Matt.

Adrian's been on several drug therapies
since his early teens.

He's a garden-variety manic-depressive.

Clearly, Julia,
Adrian skipped a dose of his meds...

when he told you this horrible lie.

Isn't it true, Adrian?
You shut up.

You gave me those dr*gs to shut me up.
But I won't be silenced anymore!

I mean, Mom,
can't you see what we've done?

We've done nothing.

You need professional help, Adrian.
A sanitarium, perhaps.

The doctors I've provided...

clearly haven't made a dent
in your twisted pathology.

No! You screwed me when I was 12
and you said that you loved me!

Is this what you want,
to be a part of their sickness?

It didn't happen, Matt!

I'm sending Adrian away tomorrow
to get help.

It did happen. I swear it!

Why would I ever lie about something
so dark and so evil as incest?

Makes you sick to your stomach
to hear that word, doesn't it, Mom?

Say it! Say it with me. Incest!

I only held you when you were
unstable and upset, to calm you down.

Mothers don't screw their sons!

You're not my son, Adrian.

You were adopted.

That's not true.

Your father and I couldn't conceive.

Wait a minute.
This is not what you told me, Ava.

I'm tired of lying to spare his feelings...

when he only has contempt for mine.

My birth parents didn't want me?

Why not?

Why not?

The doctors said
you were mentally damaged.

A diagnosis that's proven correct.

I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, Matt.

Come on, Matt. Let's go home.


In here.

In here where?

I'm in here.

Guess what?

We got word the test marketing
on my new fragrance was sky-high.

A keen sense of smell does come in handy.

What's wrong?


Am I a little rank?


But she is.

Vaginal secretions are quite pungent.

You must know that.

Why didn't you try to shower off
the evidence?

Because I wanted you to know.

And her name is?

Kimber Henry.

She was Sean's girlfriend,
and before that, she was mine.

It happened in my office.

I was taking her stitches out
after an operation.

So it was an impulse interaction.

Well, I appreciate
your honesty...

but it's going to be okay,
because I know that you don't love her.

- Christ.
- I'm sorry.

The sorrys aren't enough.
I'm going to start billing you.

- Okay, why are you being such a prick?
- What, you're just noticing?

This is me, sweetheart.

I stink of stray p*ssy,
I don't like movie nights...

and I think about banging every girl I see.

You are very generous of heart.
You've been wonderful with me.

I cheated on you!

I keep putting myself in situations
where I should be broken up with...

but nobody cuts me loose.

Because we see the good
fighting the dark.

Because you're worth fighting for.

Just shut up
with your poetic largesse, okay?

I can't take the guilt any longer.
You're too good to me.

Not to mention your incredible
handicap, which if I had...

I would've thrown myself
out the window in 10 seconds.

I can't take the heroics,
and the goodness, and...

I can't do this anymore.

It's strangling me. You're strangling me.

Your handicapped ramps...

and your superhuman sense
of freaky smell...

- and your scary eyes.
- Okay, stop it, Christian.

You're a hassle, okay, Natasha?

And I slept with Kimber today...

because she is fun and breezy...

and I don't have to hold her hand
when we cross the street.

So I'm not asking...

I'm telling.

The best thing for both of us
is if you walk out that door right now...

and never come back.

You're better than this.
No, sweetheart...

you are.

And I'm tired of being reminded of it.


It's rude not to return a dozen phone calls.

I don't want to talk to you, Ava.

Just let me get my stuff
and get out of here.

Adrian's run away.

Good for him.

I'm worried about him.

He's unstable. He could hurt himself.

I'm worried he might want to hurt you.

I can defend myself.

You can stop acting, Matt.
I'm not your parents.

I don't expect an image.

I've seen the real soul inside.

And I know you miss me
as much as I miss you.


You lied to me about Adrian.

I was trying to protect him
from a truth he clearly couldn't accept.

Did you sleep with him?

The only man I've been with
since I met you...

is you.

Why should I ever believe you again?


even with all that I risk by doing it...

I love you, and only you.

Everything else falls away.

It's not what you think.

Stan wasn't even home.

He went down to the corner
to pick up some dinner.

Our freezer was on the fritz...

and there was water
all over the kitchen floor.

It was stupid. I knew it was there...

and I slipped on it anyway,
and hit my nose on the corner of the table.

Why didn't he come with you?

He would've,
but he had to be at his parole officer's.

Trudy, if Stan hit you again,
which he obviously did, you can tell us.

We'll call DHS and they'll put you
in a safe space tonight.

I'm telling you, he didn't do it!

It was my stupidity, and that is all.

Stan loves me, and I love Stan.
And we need each other.

What we don't need
is anyone telling us how to live our lives.

So can you please fix my nose?

Because I'm having trouble breathing.

We do have an opening this afternoon.

We could do the operation today
if you'd like.

I was wondering...

do you have to put me under anesthesia,
like you did last time?

Why do you ask?

I'm pregnant.

I don't want to hurt my baby.

It's sad, isn't it?
After all that's happened...

Stan Nye's power over Trudy
is still too strong for her to escape.

I don't see a
"happily ever after" in their future.

So, I guess we're just
two available bachelors now.

I guess.

What do you say
we grab a few beers...

get some steaks...

and have a rip-roaring
guys-on-the-town night?

I can't. I got plans.

Wow. A new girl already?

That's impressive, even for you.

When did you have time
to even meet her?

I'm having dinner
with Kimber tonight.

Why are you going out with her?

Know what? You're right.

I shouldn't
just use her sexually. You should.

I'll cancel, and then you can
play hide the pickle with her tonight.

I don't want that.

I'm relieved it's over.

Let's be honest.

Only reason
she jumped in the sack with me...

is because of my proximity to you.

She can't be trusted.

You don't belong with Kimber
anyway, Sean.

You belong
with someone like Julia.

Yeah, well,
Julia is not available any longer.