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02x15 - Sean McNamara

Posted: 04/21/24 19:34
by bunniefuu
Looks like a basal cell carcinoma.
Nothing to worry about.

I can take it off with a local
right here in the office, Mrs. Camden.

That's Ms. Camden.

My divorce was final
three weeks ago.

I'm sorry to hear that.

I'm also sorry to say that you'll have
to stop the nude sunbathing.


Tan lines are for strippers
and German tourists.

Then you'll have to find someone
to cover that...

rear end of yours in SPF 50.

And how do you suppose I'll ever find
someone to perform that thankless task?

So how's next Tuesday for you,
Ms. Camden?

I think I can fit you in.

Hey, assh*le.

You're like herpes. Every time I feel
like I'm getting my life back...

I have a Gina outbreak.
What do you want from me?

I need to talk. You need to listen.

Jesus, what is this? Step 9?

No need to apologize about
how you acted, Gina. I don't give a shit.

- I'm positive.
- Positive about what?

I had a fungus in my mouth.

The doctor at the clinic
said it was Candid-something.

- Candida albicans.
- Yeah.

I guess that could be
an early symptom for HIV...

so they tested me.

- When did you find out?
- A week.

Two weeks, maybe.

I'm all right, though.
They gave me some antibiotics...

for the fungus and put me on the cocktail.

Do they know when you contracted it?

They're not sure.

Six months or a year.

That's why I'm here,
to tell you to get tested.

How could you be so irresponsible?

You didn't stop to sheath your sword,
Sir Screws-A-Lot!

- I should have double-bagged it with you.
- You didn't, assh*le, did you?

Because you thought you were invincible
and you didn't give a shit about me...

or any of the sluts you dumped your load
into over the past two decades!

Get out.

Get out of my life.

No, wait. Please, I need your help
to get a hold of James and Wilber!

The doctor said I could have passed it
on to him in utero.

I don't care about me,
but I need to know if my baby's sick.

I could deal with the pills
and with the pain...

but I cannot stand
not knowing if he's all right.

I am not helping you find shit.

You're a poison, Gina.

Everything you touch gets infected
with your own special brand of misery.

The way I figure it, assh*le,
we're a match made in hell.

You know the only difference
between you and me?

I take responsibility for my mistakes.

"Beauty is a curse
on the world. "

That's what he said
when he did this to me.

And he's right. The way I look
has been my curse my whole life.

You can't take responsibility
for what happened to you, Mr. Rourke.

You were brutalized
by a very deranged individual.

My looks were his bait.

I never wanted to be a model.

I was discovered at the beach,
celebrating an A in Legal Ethics.

A photographer came up to me,
took a few pictures, and a month later...

I'm skipping the bar exam
to be on the cover of the J. Crew catalog.

Sounds like a dream come true.

May I?

I understand that you must be
feeling hopeless right now...

but have you seen Naomi Gaines?

She was one of The Carver's first, right?

Yes. We did her corrective surgery.
She just booked the cover of SELF.

There's no reason why your surgery
won't be as successful as hers.

We'll use musculature
from your inner thighs to repair...

- the nerve damage and cover the scarring.
- Not all of it.

Leave some of the cut on the right side.

The muscle loss from your legs
won't be noticeable...

- if that's what you're worried about.
- Look...

I have a responsibility to myself
to be more than...

some two-dimensional image in some
men's fitness magazine, okay?

Did you sustain any other injuries
besides the cuts to your face?

This is all covered under
the doctor-patient confidentiality, right?


I've got a maxi pad shoved down
the back of my pants.

He r*ped me.

I've been sh1tting razor blades for a week.

I can bench 275 pounds.
I'm a g*dd*mn black belt in Kenpo...

but I couldn't keep the son of a bitch...

He overpowered you?

He drugged me.
He shot me up with something.

I couldn't move, I couldn't talk.

We can repair the damage to your rectum
at the same time we work on your face.

Until then,
I'll prescribe some stool softeners.

I'm sorry I have to ask...

but have you had yourself tested for HIV?

No need to.

assh*le had enough
self-control to use a condom.

Police said it was to avoid
leaving any DNA evidence...

but I think the guy just assumed
all male models were gay.

He was just protecting his ass.

Can't be too careful nowadays, right?

What's this?

Just running some blood work.
I've been feeling a little weak lately.

I thought I might have
a vitamin deficiency.

More like a self-control deficiency.
You're not 20 anymore, pal.

Those all-nighters are catching up to you.

- Here, let me.
- No.

I was always better at finding
the vein than you were.

What's going on with you?

Gina's HIV positive.

Well, you...

slept with Gina...

what, three times?
I assume you never engaged in any...

high-risk behavior with her:
multiple partners...

a**l sex.

Wouldn't go back there
with a monkey stick.

Good. Then I'm sure you're fine.

The statistical probability
of you contracting the virus...

from low-risk heterosexual activity
is actually very small.

Is that why you put gloves on
to take my blood?

Look, even if you do have the virus
this isn't the '80s anymore.

The cocktail's been wildly successful
in suppressing symptoms.

- People are living for years.
- Some are, some aren't.

The media has just decided
that the stories of the living...

are more interesting
than the stories of the dying.

Nobody talks about the side effects
of the cocktail.

The chronic diarrhea, kidney stones,
fat redistribution.

I'm just saying
you can still have a normal life.

Normal life?

Do you realize what this means?

Besides having to donate
my d*ck to charity...

we're gonna have to reveal my status
to our patients, Sean.

Would you want an HIV-positive surgeon
operating on you?

Stop being my doctor.

Start being my friend.

Well, as your friend...

and your doctor...

I suggest you go through your BlackBerry,
you get a hold of...

every woman you exchanged
bodily fluids with since your exposure.

I'll start calling after I get my results back.

How long will that take? Two, three days?

How many of the women are gonna sleep
with other men during that time?

Lives are at stake here, Christian.

Including my mother-in-law's.

I'm here for you.
I'll help you through all of this...

good results or bad,
but you got to own up to your part.

You may not have been responsible with
the women, but you're responsible now...

for what you might have
unknowingly done to them.

Hi, Erica? It's Christian.

Good to talk to you, too.

Look, Erica, I'm going to cut
to the chase here.

I've been with someone who tested
HIV positive, which means I might be.

Which means you might be.

I didn't say I had it. I said she had it.

I tested myself today. I'm just saying
that maybe you should do the same.

Look, sweetheart,
don't put this exclusively on me.

You're the one who put my hand
up your skirt.

Why would I consider condoms?

You haven't considered a pregnancy scare
since Gabe Kaplan was a celebrity.

Yeah, well, you're full of shit, Erica.
I did not violate you!

I don't remember you asking
about my sexual history...

when you were bent over my desk
with your ass hanging out, Ms. Camden!

You don't think I'm in pain over this?

Stop crying.

Stop crying.

Stop crying.

But how do we stop
att*cks that are so random?

How do we fight an enemy so vicious?

One man with an answer to these
questions is Dr. Sean McNamara...

a plastic surgeon from Miami...

who dedicated his time and skills
to fix what The Carver destroys.

He looks good.

Makeup, a little Vaseline on the lens,
hell, my dog looks like Demi.

Shut up.

It's not for money.
You're losing thousands in OR time...

to help these victims gratis.

Well, that's just it, isn't it?
It's for the victims.

Sometimes we, as a society,
have to stop just watching the news...

and understand that we play
a part in all this.

That we have a responsibility
to our communities to stand up and fight.

I use a scalpel to do my talking,
but we all have tools.

The police report
that The Carver...

delivers a message to his victims
before he cuts them.

"Beauty is a curse on the world. "

You're a plastic surgeon.
How can you not take that personally?

I do.

Look, we all get caught up
in the myth of beauty.

The difference between
what The Carver does and what I do...

is that he's trying to make people
look as ugly as he feels on the inside.

I'm trying to make people as beautiful
as they feel on the inside.

This is Andrea Hall
reporting from Miami Beach. Back to you.

Nurse Kimberly...

I've never seen anyone
take someone's temperature using that.


Okay. It was good.

Remember what's going on here, Fantasia.
He just slept with a candy striper...

so this blowjob isn't to get him off.

It's to get him to love you.

Okay? All right.

You should take your tit out sooner
because we're not reading it on camera.


Well, this is a pleasant surprise.

Can we talk someplace private?


You'd think that being on
a porn set all day would make you horny...

but after a couple hours, it's like
the last thing you want to do is get laid.

I might be HIV positive.

This is serious, Kimber.

- You have to get yourself tested.
- Well, I have been. Every month.

I just got my PNR/DNA results
back last week.

I mean, it's sort of
an unwritten law in this business.

HIV, chlamydia, gonorrhea.

I'm clean.

Thank God.


I still have one call to make.
James and Wilber.

I'm so sorry, Christian.


It's okay.

I'm all alone, Kimber.

I've had sex with a thousand
women, but the truth is I haven't...

been intimate with a single one.

You were intimate with me.

You tried to be, at least,
and that counts for something.

Why are you so good to me?

Because I love you, Christian.

You love the idea of me.

Money, good looks, nice
things. On paper, I'm your perfect man.

But how will feel about me
when I have no hair...

and I can't eat a bowl of brown rice
without throwing up...

and I'm lying in a hospital bed
wearing a diaper?

Your heart will still be there.

And so will I.

Amazing drug, isn't it?

It's a modified form
of mivacurium chloride.

They use it on
violent psych patients.

Causes a kind of waking coma.
Should wear off in a few minutes.

It's like a plane crash, though.

A few minutes waiting
to hit the ground can feel like a lifetime.

Awful feeling.
Being totally helpless, having no control.

That's how most people
spend their lives.

Slaves to the tyranny of beauty.

Carb counting
and kickboxing classes and chemical peels.

I'm rescuing people
from all of that...

and you are destroying my work.

They call me The Carver.
I'm an artist. You are the carver.

Fifty noses all the same,
1,000 flawless breasts.

You're the monster...

carving what's beautiful
and real out of life.

This is my city now, Doctor.

The dr*gs are wearing off.
That's good.

Beauty is a curse on the world.

It keeps us from seeing
who the real monsters are.

Repair one of my masterpieces
again and the next time I'll k*ll you.

I didn't see his face.

He was wearing
some kind of Mardi-Gras mask.

I don't understand how he got in.
We have an alarm.

Looks like he broke in
through your son's bedroom...

at some point during the day,
and waited until you got home.

I'm going to put a uniform out front 24/7.
One at your office, too.

Let's take a look.

- Sweetheart.
- Thanks for coming over.

I didn't tell them to call you,
but I'm glad they did.

We're going to need
some fresh bandages on this.

I'll get them.

Not as bad as the others.

Angle of incision is above the
nerve. Shouldn't be too complicated to fix.

We'll drop everything,
have you on the table first thing.

I'll get Quentin Costa
from Atlanta for this.

He's the best face man
in the country.

I don't care if I have to charter a plane
to get him here myself.

Thank you.

You know I'd do it myself if I could.

- He didn't...
- No.

I can't thank you enough for coming down
on such short notice for this.

Oh, please.

After what the two of you have done
for all of these Carver victims...

it's just the least I could do.

So your office said
that you recently got back from Sudan.

That's gruesome shit over there.

These rebels, they're basically mutilating
entire villages.

I was reattaching noses and ears
that had been macheted off.

Another soldier for lost causes.
Sean is going to love you.

Don't get me wrong.

I did reward myself with a bottle
of '83 Chateau Mouton...

and a suite at the Shore Club
when I got back, so...

I have some very fond
memories of the Shore Club.

You and I need to get a drink there.
I think we could tear this town up.


The nerve damage seems to be minimal,
so there shouldn't be any...

serious microsurgery.

Just some irrigating and grafting.

- We already discussed that, didn't we?
- Twice.

Doc, relax.

Your partner's in good hands.

He's not just my partner.

He's my best friend.

I don't want his electric razor
knowing what happened to his face.

It won't.

A man's got to look as good
as his waiting room, right?

I'm sorry, I...

This damn wrist.

I respect your skills, it's just...

having someone else work
on Sean's face is like...

having another man sleep with my wife.

I promise I'll be gentle.

How are we feeling, Doctor?
Feels weird being on this side.

I can't stop shaking from the adrenaline.

Better give me 10 cc's of Versed.

This is your day off.
Just sit back and let us do the driving.

You'll be fine, buddy.
I'll be here with you every step of the way.

Let's hit it.

Marking pen.

He's so big.

I think he remembers you.

Hey, Wilber.



Come in.

We live in a very tight community.

Our physician lives two doors down.

It was hard enough telling
everyone that I had a child out of wedlock.

How was I supposed to explain...

that I now needed to have that child
and myself tested for AIDS?

What about Cicely?

Do we need to have her tested, too?

We haven't been that way for a long time.

Is this thing going to k*ll me, Christian?

I'd be shocked if you had it, James.

But if I do...

am I going to die?

Cross that bridge if we come to it, okay?

You shun your responsibility
for one night...

and you're caught in the wake forever.

Your turn, buddy.

Come here.
You're such a big boy.

How's he been?


Standing up on his own now.

He's talking like crazy.


Bye-bye. Dada.

What about him?

If he's sick, what are we going to do?

Chances are very low
that he contracted it from her.

If he did...

I'm sure there are good
pediatric AIDS specialists...

in Scottsdale or Phoenix.

If it's necessary, I'd like you
to be a part of his treatment.

Having a doctor you trust
and can get on the phone...

can make all the difference.

Of course I will.

How is Gina, by the way?

I don't know. She can rot.

May I give you some advice?

I have hated Gina...

cursed her many times.

But then I look at Gabriel...

and I can't help but see the good in her.

He's the one good thing she did in her life.

Sometimes one good thing is enough...

so whatever love you still feel for him...

you owe to her.

Very nice.

Dr. Costa's almost as talented
as you are, Sean.

I'm glad your practice
is in Atlanta, Dr. Costa.

Any closer, I'd be a walking ad
for the competition.

Well, I'm happy being a big fish
in my small pond.

Wouldn't dream of swimming
here with you two sharks...

unless you made me one of your own.

I'll leave you in the hands
of your capable partner, Dr. McNamara.

Thanks again, Doctor.

Thank you.

It's safe to say you can restart
your modeling career if you want to.

Come on, partner, smile.
You're on the mend.

Am I?


Thank you.

I come bearing bad news.

We found this next to the carved face
of a teenage girl.

Homecoming queen at Coral Gables Prep.

Christ. That's my son's school.

He hit her last night.

Parents are a mess.
They were out to dinner.

- Why is he leaving one of our cards there?
- It's a dare.

He wants to know if we're going to fix her.

We're sure as hell not going to.

I appreciate your desire
to help these people, Sean...

but not at the price this guy's charging.

Nobody's going to think twice
if you don't want to take this girl on.

But I need to let
the parents know, though.

They requested you specifically. I guess
they heard the piece on the news.

So are you going to do it?

This really isn't necessary, Julia.

I had to pick up Annie, anyway, so I think
staying for an extra half an hour...

to make you something to eat...

and straighten up the place
isn't going to k*ll me.

Is there anything else you need?

Well, if you're asking,
could you bring me that tube of vitamin E?


That looks great.

Christian really outdid himself.

No, here, let me.

It constantly amazes me
what you plastic surgeons can do.

You guys don't get the credit you deserve.


I always thought you had issues
with what I did.

Well, honestly, Sean, I did.

Whenever I used to tell people
what my husband did for a living...

there was always a little shame behind it.

The shallowness of the industry.

How it plays into our culture.
Self-loathing. You know?

The sick person who's doing this?

I hate to admit it, but there's a bit
of truth in his message.

I've contributed to the cult of beauty.
Built this house.

My work begat his work.

No, Sean, you can't do that to yourself.

Now, I was wrong to be ashamed.

What you're doing to help...

those poor people
that that monster is mutilating...

you should be proud of yourself for that.
I'm proud of you for that.

I wish you could have felt
more of that when we were together.

Maybe I needed some perspective...

to be able to really see you.

- Is that enough?
- Yeah.

Thank you.

They want me to fix this girl
he att*cked the other night.

Her parents asked for me specifically.

Her parents don't know
that he's threatened to k*ll you...

if you correct his work.

You think I should do the operation?

My advice would be...

to ask you what you think.

I think I'm scared.

Oh, baby.

You don't have to, you know?

- What will you think of me if I don't?
- What is the difference?

The difference is
no matter how much you hurt me...

or how disconnected we are,
I still crave your respect.

I did when I was in school,
just starting the business.

Now it's still what lifts me up.

Listen, maybe you should stay here
until they catch this guy.

You can stay in here,
I'll take Matt's room.

I think he found a way to pirate
the adult channels on his cable box.

I just don't want you out there
unprotected and alone.

But I'm not alone, Sean.

Kevin is with me.

Ready when you are, Sean.


- What's with this hospital pit stop?
- You tell me.

There's one doctor in the whole place,
and his third language is English.

This doesn't make sense.

You have low-grade URI but...

your white-cell count is at three.

The cocktail should have prevented
all of this.

I'm sure it would if I was taking it.

You're not taking your... Jesus, Gina.

- What, do you got a death wish?
- No.

I have no health insurance.

I guess that's the same thing.

- Why didn't you come to me?
- And beg you for money?

I hate myself, but not that much.

Bed sores?

but every muscle in my body is in a knot.

Roll over.

There you go.

I'm clean.


That's good.

Even you don't deserve this.

I just got the results for James and Wilber.


They're negative.

How did he look?

Good. Big.

He's got your eyes.

I screwed everything up, Christian.

Do you know what it's like
to lie sick in a hospital bed...

and have no one come
to visit you for days?

It's not that I burned bridges, I just...

never built them.

I don't want to die alone.

Remember the time
Wilber exploded all over you?

He ruined that shirt.

That kid could crap like an Olympian.

And what about the time
we gave him his first Cheerio...

and he was flapping his arms
around like he just...

tasted a little "O"-shaped piece of heaven?

Thank you.

For what?

For him.