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03x07 - Ben White

Posted: 04/22/24 20:22
by bunniefuu
Previously on nip/tuck...

The hotel de la mer was miami's

Most exclusive
spot in the twenties.

I'll be your partner, 50-50.

We'll transform it into
a surgical recovery spa.

I'm sorry, sean,

But I have taken another job.


Julia's spa.

Christian: what are you doing?

I'm sorry, christian. I
can't do this anymore.

We can talk about it tomorrow.

There's not gonna
be a tomorrow for us.

Quentin is an excellent surgeon.

I'm sure you two will
get along just fine.

Mr. White, tell me what you
don't like about yourself.


I can't look at
myself in the mirror.

It's, uh... It's too painful.

Mr. White, I'm not exactly
sure what we can do for you.

I have a condition
called b.i.i.d...

Body integrity
identity disorder.

No matter how many
psychiatrists I've seen

Or medications I've taken,

I can't stop obsessing
about my leg.

Well, you've, uh...

You've suffered a big
loss. It's very natural...

No, no, no, no, no.
You don't understand.


Mr. White, please,
keep your pants on.

We don't do prosthetics.

I don't want one.

I just want my body to
reflect who I am inside.

I want you to remove my leg.

Ever since I was 5 or 6,

I've felt I had this
extra appendage.

I used to ask god to make
this awful feeling go away.

It didn't.

I turned 40 last week,

And now I have a
different prayer.

If there is a god,
I just want him

To lead me to a doctor

Who will help me end this agony.

We don't do amputations.

You have built your
practice on body modification,

And I am no different than somebody
who'd come to you for a sex change.

Would you turn him away?

No, but we would be helping him,

Not maiming him.

My friend eric...

I met him in a support group.

He'd finally found a doctor

Willing to perform
the surgery in mexico...

A dr. Carrion.

So I loaned him the $10,000,

I drove him to the
airport. He was so happy.

He'd finally be free.

They found him in a garage

With both of his legs cut off.

He died of gangrene
and infection.

It turns out dr. Carrion
never had a license.

Mr. White, no licensed physician

Will take off a healthy limb
just because "it isn't you."

Don't talk to me like
I'm insane, dr. Troy.

I am a successful architect.

I didn't ask for this condition.

I was born this way.

I had no choice in the matter.

What about your family?

Are they in favor of this?

My wife, she, uh...

Took my son and left
almost a year ago.

Mr. White... A
procedure like this,

Uh, wouldn't exactly
be covered by your hmo.

Money is not an object.

I'm not asking for favors,

Just control over my own body.

There are thousands of
people like us all over the world

Who are willing
to lose everything,

Our families, our
friends, our lives,

To be at peace and
to finally feel whole.

Captioning made
possible by warner bros.

♪ Make me ♪

♪ Beautiful ♪

♪ Make me ♪

♪ A perfect soul ♪

♪ A perfect mind ♪

♪ A perfect face ♪

♪ A perfect ♪

♪ Life ♪

So I guess you're just
going to dismiss this case.

Watch me.

Case dismissed.

It is a little inconsistent,
though, isn't it?

I mean, we correct a
lot of imagined flaws

To alleviate psychological pain.

That's exactly what
mr. White's asking us to do.

And once he's lost his leg

And he goes hopping
down the loony trail,

He'll realize that
his amputation

Solved nothing.

Well, I'm not saying
we should do it.

I'm just saying that maybe
you should do a little research

Before you turn into sean.

What's that supposed to mean?

You always talk about
sean's moral posturing.

Well, he's gone now,

And you need to start
thinking outside the box.

You want to be
cutting-edge, right?

Who's stopping you?

You're certainly
highly qualified.


The money I could make
as a civilian surgeon

Lifting saggy tits and asses.

Tell me, dr. Mcnamara,

Why would a rich,
liberal plastic surgeon

Want to assist the fbi?

It's just my work started
to lose its meaning.

I spoke to dr. Grotten at the
american board of plastic surgery.

We were friends
in medical school,

And I told him I was looking for
something with more purpose.

Want to get back in
touch with the reason

I became a physician
in the first place.

He told me about your program.

6 Figures isn't doing
it for you anymore?

I want to be of service.

I left my practice,

My wife, my son and daughter.

I always thought
I'd die without them,

But I didn't. I'm alive.

Alive with nothing to live for.

Could you speak
up? It's hard to hear

Through all those violins.

Listen, if you don't
want my services...

I didn't say that, but I
do want you to know

What you'd be
getting yourself into

Were I to accept your services.

Working as a surgeon in the witness
protection program requires total secrecy.

That's not a problem.

And there's not a lot
of warm and fuzzies,

If that's what
you're looking for.

There is no doctor-patient

Once you've altered their
appearance, all contact ends.

You will not be told their new
names or their whereabouts.

It's the work
I'm... Let me finish.

Lives are at stake.

It's not about
your mid-life crisis.

There's no room for
emotion or debate.

And it's my call as to whether your
shit's together enough to accept that.

So... Is your shit
together, dr. Mcnamara?

No, it's not.

My shit is definitely
not together.


Then you won't have any
trouble taking orders from me.

Your first consult's
waiting in the garden...

Nicole morretti.

She's very pretty.

It's not about changing looks.

It's about saving her life.

I'll be working alongside you

To preserve the resemblance
between the mother and son.


Nicole morretti?


I'm dr. Mcnamara. I'll
be doing your surgery.

I'm sorry, ms.
Morretti. I guess...

Sneaking up on someone about to
enter the witness protection program...

It's ok. You're a doctor.

At least you know
how to restart a heart.

Please call me nikki.

My husband vic was a
member of the cardoni family.

In the beginning, I
pretended not to know.

All I knew was that
we belonged together.

Don't get to pick whom
you fall in love with, do you?

No, you don't.

The fbi saw me as a mark.

They said if I gave
them information,

We would all have immunity.

They would help
us move, start over.

But cardoni didn't
give immunity.

On the afternoon of
our son's birthday...

He had just turned 12...

Vic was coming home early.

They shot him,

Coming out of a
sporting goods store.

He would still be alive
today if it weren't for me.

And now look at all
this we gotta go through.

You'll be fine, I promise.

The procedure will be minimal,

Enough to be effective
without being... Too radical.

A narrowing of your
nose, cheek implants,

Possibly minor liposuction
in the lower jaw region.

A change in hair color,

Tinted contact lenses...

Sometimes minor adjustments
are all that's needed

To change your appearance.

What about austin?

Have you ever done something
like this to a boy his age?

A good surgeon always
takes into account

How the young person's bone
structure will develop and change.

And I'm a good
surgeon, ms. Morretti.

Julia: well, perhaps you'd like to
reserve a space at another time?

No, I understand,

Although being new
does have its advantages.

No, we're not listed
in that publication yet,

But once we're reviewed,

I'm sure it'll be...

Absolutely! We'll still be here.

It's a vicious circle.

People won't come because
no one knows about us,

And no one knows about
us because no one comes.

Well, ms. Carr seems very
happy and very well-connected.

I'll bring her some flowers.

I don't want our
only client happy.

I want her ecstatic.

Good morning. I brought
you some fresh flowers.

A little pampering speeds
up the recovery process.

If there's anything else I can get
you... Some fresh cucumber water or...

Honey, please. It's gonna be
hard enough adjustin' to reality

After a week in this paradise.

Well, we're still new, so if
you can help spread the word...

Oh, like wildfire, darlin'.

A lot of us out-of-state
girls come to florida

For a quickie and have no
idea where to go afterwards.

I just thank the lord he sent
me to the gym that mornin'

And then guided me to the
elliptical machine next to liz.

Within 5 minutes,
she knew I was gay,

And I knew she was having lipo.

There are no secrets when you're
jiggling up an electronic mountain.

The office toilet
is overflowing.

Either one of you
took a big dump

Or some homeless beach...

Oh. I'm sorry.

I thought you were discharged.

Don't worry. I have two boys.

I've been uncloggin'
toilets for 17 years.

You don't have kids that old.

So, what? Did you
give birth at 13?


I want the number
of your surgeon.

Oh, he hasn't
touched my face... Yet.

I just had a little lipo.

See? It's all a
matter of diet...

Vegetables, 8
glasses of water a day.

I put semen on my face
every night before I go to bed.

And I was worried
about saying "shit."

Before the divorce, my
husband used to like to...

Spread his seed
all over my face.

Didn't do a thing
for me sexually,

But I did notice how much
better my skin looked afterwards.

Well, I checked,
and it turns out

That sperm is chock full of
all these wonderful things...

Amino acids,
proteins, vitamin c.

What do you do about supply now
that your husband's not around?

Oh, that's not a problem. I
get all I need from my sons.

Your sons? You put your
sons' semen on your face?

Well, it's not like I stand
over them and watch.

I give them these
little amber bottles,

They fill them up, and
put them on my night table.

Well, it's the
least they can do.

It's not like I'm asking them
to unload the dishwasher.

No one here could accuse
me of being a prude, right?

No one anywhere.

But taking your sons' spooge
and putting it on your face?

Well, scientifically speaking,

Mrs. Carr is simply
using an all-natural,

hormone-rich substance

Uncontaminated by
cancer-causing preservatives.

It sounds like you're
making a sales pitch.

You're not makin'
a sales pitch...

Are you?

No! No, of course not.
It's totally disgusting.

I'm just saying that,

From a business perspective,

It's effective, it's healthy,

It's cheap to produce.

Sperm banks throw away
tons of unused donations,

And semen's an anti-depressant.

It has mood-altering
hormones in it. I read about it.

Didn't do a thing for me.

That's unbelievable.
My entire life

I thought there was a psychological
reason why I'm a sex addict.

Turns out I was just
jonesing for jizz.

We are so sitting
on a gold mine here.

We are not going
to bottle semen.

Look, we need a
signature product,

Something that
makes us distinctive,

Gets people to notice us.

I mean, if we can't make
a name for ourselves,

They're gonna
foreclose this place, ok?

And then sean and
christian will say

They knew all along
that we'd screw it up...

That I would screw it up

Because I don't have what
it takes to be a success,

And I can't let them
be right about that.

Neither can you.

Dr. Troy, thank you for coming.

I was thrilled when you called
and agreed to see me again.

I just thought by coming here,

You'd see I'm not some,
uh, crazy homeless man.

I know it's a bizarre request.

"The american
architecture award."

That's impressive.

I got it for an atrium
house I designed in, uh, 2001.

I utilized the power
of negative space,

The beauty of what's missing.

That's the last
thing I designed.

So... What does this have to do
with you cutting off your leg?

My obsession has
gotten so bad lately,

It's all I can think of.

Nothing else matters.

Depression has a dulling effect.

When you implied that
you still might do it...


I took an oath as a
physician. First do no harm.

The "hypocritical" oath.

The medical profession's

To help me and others
like me stop the pain

Is what's really harmful.

That's why I wanted to show
you my contingency plan.

Auto-amputation, doctor.

My first attempt
at furniture design.

I fill the chest with dry ice.

At minus 78 1/2
degrees centigrade,

It's cold enough to
freeze one's leg off...

Quite literally.

In a few hours, I'll be numb,

And my leg will feel
like a block of wood.

A member of my support
group, a former nurse,

Has agreed to assist me.

As plasma starts leaking
through the capillary walls,

The skin and tissues
begin to freeze.

Necrosis sets in at last.

Once the skin is cut,

My leg will separate
from my body as easily

As a boiled chicken leg.

Once it's gone, I'll
finally feel whole.

What about the risks?
Sepsis, gangrene, infection?

You might die.

Is that why you wanted me here?

I just wanted you to know

I'm losing my leg, doctor...
One way or another.

So your mom tells me
you're into baseball.

I was. Who knows if they even
have a team where we're going.

Well, they pretty much play
baseball everywhere in the country.

That's why they call
it the national pastime.

Any allergies, penicillin,
other medications?

No, not a thing.

Is it blocked?

Is what blocked?

My deviated septum.

Dr. Sagamore said it was.

He said I wasn't breathing
through my nose enough.

I don't understand.

Well... That's why
I'm here, right?

I might have to
wear strips at night.

What's wrong?


Do you know what
a plastic surgeon is?

Yes. They change
how people look.

That's right.

Well, dr. Sagamore
and dr. Mcnamara

Are both plastic surgeons and...

They're gonna change my face?

No. No, I don't want
them to do anything to it.

Just little changes so
that we can look different.

I don't want to look different!

I don't want you
to look different!

I know, sweetie, but
we have to do this.

It's the only way
we can be safe.

You're a liar!

Austin. Austin, please.

This is all your fault.

Oh, dr. Sagamore
said not to tell him.

I wish someone had told me.

I should have told him, no
matter what dr. Sagamore said.

I'm his mother. Now there's
nobody he can trust.

Christian: first the
furniture, now the artwork.

It's coming along,
don't you think?


I went to see mr. White.

A house call?

Well, when I said
research, I meant go online.

I did that, too.

B.i.i.d. Case studies.

One guy got drunk, laid
down on the train tracks,

Woke up a double amputee.

Somebody else, a guillotine.

Necessity is the
mother of invention.

All had the best
psychiatric help and meds.

Nothing stops the obsession.

Ok, ok, so we go for it.

I mean, it's better
they come to us

Than one of these
do-it-yourself methods. Right?

And what next? If a
guy thinks he's a dog,

Do we give him a tail?

Look, christian,
either you're serious

About making our
practice number one,

Or we are not gonna survive.

And what's operating on
mr. White got to do with that?

For starters, he's
willing to pay us $100,000.

That's $70,000 over
the asking price.

Why didn't you tell me this?

I am telling you. Now.

You got any more
renovations planned...

That'll cost some poor
schmuck an arm and a leg?

Hey, at least I've
paid my dues, doctor.

You've always been
in it for the money.

Or were all those tit jobs your
way of giving back to the world?

We're not operating
on mr. White.

Well, you better go
break the news to him, then.

Because I've
already scheduled it.

Maybe we should have waited
until the spa had an actual signature

Before marketing a
signature product.

Maybe if we gave away samples...

Oh, wait a few weeks.

We're gonna get rid
of crates of this stuff

Just as soon as our active
ingredient stops swimming.

If you're thinking of becoming
a motivational speaker... Don't.

I'm just repeating
what my friend told me

When I went to pick the
stuff up at the sperm bank.

Success is where preparation
and opportunity meet.

Oh, please. What do you
know about preparation,

Miss "I'll design the packaging

While you kids mix the yuck
with lavender and alcohol."

I'm the only one with
marketing experience.

I studied advertising
before I went into premed.

Oh, and you've been
so successful at both.

You can be a real
bitch, you know that?

Woman: excuse me. I'm
looking for julia mcnamara?


Hi. I'm joan rivers.

Yes, of course. I'm a huge fan.

Thank you. But don't
think of me as a celebrity.

Think of me as a familiar face

That changes every
couple of weeks.

I'm here for a procedure,

And the tabloids know
my usual recovery places,

So I thought I'd
check you guys out.

You're thinking
about staying here?

Well, my privacy certainly
wouldn't be at risk.

Wait a second. Mcnamara/troy.

Julia mcnamara. You must
be the doctor's wife, right?

Uh... E-ex.

Oh, well, good for you.

You're certainly putting
your alimony to work.

So what was it?

"Change of wife?"

Ha. It was more like
a "mid-wife" crisis.

That's very funny.
I'm stealing that one.

Ooh! Along with this
beautiful guest robe.

Oh, do take it with
our compliments.

Thank you very, very much.

I know it sounds pushy, but...

Could I have a book, too?

It's my girlfriend's birthday.

It's yours.

Thank you!

Face masks! I love face masks!

Ms. Rivers, we're only
test marketing it right now.

It's not really ready for...

Come on! It's not
like it's made of gold.

"All-natural, protein
enriched. Lavender."

Smells like... Like a
saturday night at the drive-in.

Can we take you on a tour?

Our accommodations
are state-of-the-art.

This is very evocative.

We have an electric
magnetic resonance

Which is the latest thing
in post-operative healing.

And tivo.

Whatever it is...

My girlfriend heidi abramowitz
used to wear this all the time.

When were you
planning on telling him?

I wasn't.

What were you gonna do, put
him to sleep, change his face,

And then when he woke up say,
"surprise! Guess who you are."

I was planning on mixing midazolam
in with his juice to induce sleep.

After the surgery,
I'd tell him what I did.

He'd either thank
me or curse me.

Either way, he'd stay alive.

What about informed
consent? If he were your son...

He's a minor. His
consent isn't necessary.

It is for me.

No, it is not.

Your name is not on
the door here, doctor.

I thought I made that clear.

Look, this isn't the
first kid to come to us.

Last year we had
one who ran away.


He was afraid his dog
wouldn't recognize him.

Ran home to find
it... Wound up dead.

I don't want that on
my conscience. Do you?

Look, christian,
this isn't a good time.

Fine, thanks. And how are you?

I'm sorry. I just
can't talk now.

No problem. You call me back
from wherever the hell you are

When you're finished doing
whatever the hell you're doing.

Ok. Go ahead. I'm listening.

When we did the
work on mrs. Grubman,

We both knew it was
medically unsound, right?

Ha. Mrs. Grubman
was blackmailing us.

She threatened to
put us out of business.

What's your point?

So... We did it just for
the money, didn't we?

The patient was aware
of the risks involved.

She insisted on surgery
despite our best advice,

But yes, it was for the money.

It was always for the money.

Anyway, there's this
new client who's offering

A shit load of money for us to
do this unorthodox procedure.

Just what you
always wanted, right?

No ethnical restraints
and a shit load of money.

You left out sexual
depravity and devil worship.

What is it you want from me,

Advice? Because I
don't have any to give!

Christian, I'm the last
guy you should be calling

For help with moral dilemmas,

Because I don't know. I
don't have the answers.

You just have to figure it
out on your own like I'm doing.

How long have you
been standing there?

Uh, since sexual depravity
and devil worship.

Who were you talking to?

No one.




It's like we never
even knew each other...

Ever cared about each other.

He was my mirror, you know?

I'd look at him
and see who I was.

Baby, you can't
depend on mirrors.

They can make you look
fat or old or too thin.

And sean's made you look small.

Way smaller than you are.

I feel like a part
of me is gone.

Maybe it's a part you
don't need anymore...

Like an appendix.

You only know it's there when
it hurts, and once it's gone,

You realize you never
really needed it to begin with.

You just got used to the pain.

I'm glad sean's gone.

If you need a mirror to tell
you who you are... You look at me.

I know who you are,

How big and strong
and good you are.

Let him go, baby.

Just let him go.

It's a quarter past. She
said she'd be here at 4:00.

It's called making us sweat.

Look, we don't know
why ms. Rivers is coming.

It may have nothing to
do with the face mask.

And if it does,
we'll just play dumb

And tell her to
talk to our lawyer.

We have a lawyer?

We will. And if we
can't afford one,

The court will
appoint one for us.

Look on the bright side.

The tabloids will go nuts.

"Spa trio gives jizz to joan."

We'll be famous.

Well, she'll be famous.

We'll be stoned in the streets.

That's the bright side?

I don't wanna
hear the dark side!

Too late. I hear
clicking down the hall.

Ladies, time is money,

And at my age
inflation's a bitch.

I want to know who's responsible

For la premiere vie face mask?

It was my idea.

Well, let's cut
right to the chase.

I think you know
why I'm here, julia.

Ms. Rivers, please
let me just say...

Yesterday, I went home,
I looked in the mirror.

I looked like a
g*dd*mn gabor sister!

I was a mess!

If I lived in afghanistan,

I wouldn't even come in
last in a wet burka contest.

I figured I had
nothing to lose, so...

Oh, dear god!

Take a look at me.

The three of you
take a look at me!

This stuff is miraculous!

I'm canceling my surgery!

And I'm here to offer
the three of you a deal.

50/50, Plus my personal
endorsement and infomercial.

I'll have my lawyers
draw up some contracts.

Of course, with my name on it,

We'll have this stuff on the face of
every woman in america by christmas.

Uh, with your name?

Of course! Joan
rivers... Forever.

But it's our signature product.

Your signature is worth bubkis.

It's our entree
into the business.

It has to be
connected to de la mer.

Ok, whatever.
Then it'll be, uh...

"Joan rivers" de la mer...

Premiere vie, la dolce vida,

La grande casa..."
Who gives a damn?

We'll just get a bigger jar!

But I want 50%.

Liz and gina: we'll take it.

Ok. So, pending, of course,
on the manufacturer's specs.

I want to know what
is in this fabulous shit!

Well, the active
ingredient is...

A spa secret.

Your spa does not need a secret.

Your spa is a secret!

Ms. Rivers, we have no intention
of divulging it to you or anyone,

Despite whatever advantages
your name affords us.

Take it or leave it.

I totally underestimated you.

I thought you were
just one of those little...

Blond whoop de doops.


I'll have my lawyer send the new
contracts around in the morning.

See you tomorrow.


And as for you...

Your husband was a
schmuck to have dumped you.


Sean: they're
beautiful, aren't they?

Did you know koi are one of
the only fish that can see color?

Apparently these guys can live
to be over a hundred years old.

They look sad.

Like they're trapped
or something.

But they're a lot safer in
here than in a lake, right?

Fighting off
predators and bacteria.

They may not understand
it, but if they did,

I bet they'd feel a lot better.

Will it hurt?

The operation?

During? No.

After? Maybe a little.

But you're a tough kid.

I think you're strong enough
to handle it. So does your mom.

What if I refuse to do it?

Would I be k*lled, like my dad?

I don't know. But I don't
want you to take that chance.

I know it's tough when you think
about what you'll be giving up,

But when you think about
what you're getting...

A chance to grow up
safe and protected...

It's worth it.

Well, we should go.

I promised to have
you home before dinner.


Those fish in there...

They really live to
be over a hundred?

That's what I've heard.


I can handle it.

But I want you to be
the one who does it.

May I come in?

Ah ha...

I was actually planning
on coming by later today.

I know that there are
some papers for me to sign?

We're not gonna do
the surgery, mr. White.

Is it a matter of money? No.

Because if it is,
I can pay more.


How much do you want?

No, it's got nothing
to do with money.

Dr. Costa assured me
for a hundred thousand...

He shouldn't have made
any promises prematurely.

Not without consulting me.

I apologize.

I have the name of a
preeminent cognitive therapist.

His specializes in treating
patients with ocd and other phobias.

He feels confident that
your particular... Fetish...

It's not a fetish.

It is a legitimate
medical condition.

Whatever it is,

He believes that he can treat
it with behavioral modification.

Do you think I'm crazy?

Not at all.

I wouldn't have come here
in person if I thought that.

And I wouldn't have come to
you if it weren't a last resort,

If I weren't desperate.

I understand that.

Please put the
g*n down, mr. White.

I am so sick of you doctors

Who think you know all
the g*dd*mn answers.

Have you ever been
desperate, dr. Troy? Hmm?

Yes, I have.

You condescending assh*le.

You and your perfect body.

You couldn't possibly understand
what it is like to feel incomplete,

That god made a mistake...

That help is possible...

But no one will give it to you!

How much blood did he lose?

At least a liter.

Dr. Troy tied him up
before there was more.

Christian... I didn't
know you were there.

He was a prospective patient.

Blood pressure?

80 Systolic. Heart rate 120.

Pupils are responsive.

No sign of head injury.
What the hell happened?

He shot his leg off.

Well, it's a good
thing you were around.

Any more blood loss,
he'd be in shock now.

The femoral artery is severed.

It's missing about 10 centimeters
proximal to the trifurcation.

Most of the bone is still there.

We can always do a vein graft,

Use bone plates if we have to.

Ready the o-neg.
Prep him for surgery.

No... I don't want...

I don't want it reattached.


He did it on purpose. He
wants to be an amputee.

Please... Help me...

Look, it's a body
integrity disorder,

Something he's
suffered since childhood.

I don't know, maybe
it's not a good idea to...

You know, mr. White,
you are a very lucky man.

Your leg is salvageable.

Move him into the o.r.

I'll do it again... And again.

And I'll keep doing it.

Dr. Abrams has agreed
to let me take over.

Hospital privileges
and patient requests.

I reminded him of his
"hypocritical" oath.

Now... You sure about this?


Once we separate the
leg, there's no turning back.

This might not give you
what you're looking for.

You might think it's
the problem, but...

Once it's gone,
you might miss it.


Let's take it off.

First-rate, dr. Mcnamara.

'Course, the work
isn't as lucrative.


But it's a hell of a
lot more satisfying.

It's like we've given
them a new life...

A chance to start over.

Too bad they had to
lose everything to get it...

Their past, their identities.


Maybe sometimes you
have to lose who you were

To find out who you are.

Believe me when I tell you this is
a face mask that actually works.

Otherwise, I would
not put my name on it.

Julia: don't worry, mrs. Cole.

I have you down for a private
room arriving on the 12th.

I look forward to
meeting you as well.

You can feel that right
on your skin as it dries.

De la mer spa. May I help you?

Yes, I'm having my breasts
enlarged, and I'd like to book a room.

Sean, did you want something?

'Cause we're kind of
swamped right now.

You're kidding?

Don't act so shocked.

We may even turn
a profit this year.

Wow, that's, uh...

Joan river endorsed
us on an infomercial

And business really picked up.

Although it would be nice
if mcnamara/troy threw us

A patient every now and then.

Oh. I'll tell christian then.

That's amazing, jules.

All these years, I really believed I
couldn't do anything without you.

I kept looking to you
for my self-esteem,

Hoping you'd complete me.

Maybe we both just
set it up that way.

Maybe I needed
to be depended on.

Needed it.

Well, I guess we're
both better off.

I never in a million years

Would have guessed
that in losing my marriage...

I'd be finding me.

It's the first time in my life

I feel like this...
Whole person.

I'm happy for you.

That you feel that way. Whole.

I'd better go rescue gina.

When she gets flustered,
she gets all potty-mouth.

Where are you calling from?

Um... Nowhere, really. Just...

It's all right, sean. You
don't have to tell me.

We're not married
anymore, remember?

I'm just touching base.

I'm proud of you, julia.

You didn't compromise
your integrity.

You stayed true to
yourself, and you succeeded.

I... Gotta go, sean.



What are you doing, honey?

Marry me?

Baby, we've been
through this before.

I know, I know, I know,
but it's different now.


Today I took off a...

Man's leg so he
could feel whole.

What has that got to do with it?

I guess you just have
to do whatever it is that...

Makes you feel complete,

No matter how crazy it is.

All I know is that
without you, something's...



You and me.

Till death do us part.

I love you.

Say yes, kimber.

Marry me.


♪ All these people
drinking lover's spit ♪

♪ They sit around and
clean their face with it ♪

♪ And they listen to teeth
to learn how to quit ♪

♪ Make me beautiful ♪

♪ Life ♪