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04x15 - Gala Gallardo

Posted: 04/22/24 20:55
by bunniefuu
Previously on Nip / Tuck...

Your boss, James, worked for me.

And now that she's gone,
you're gonna take her place.

I told you that if you fix my face,
I set you free as well.

A man is nothing in this world
ifhe doesn't keep his word.

Do you know
that aggressive sex during pregnancy

can be interpreted by the fetus as abuse?

I fear for your child's future.

I want you and Michelle to buy me out.

I don't know who I am without you!

I need to find that out.

Smudge the air over the couch, honey.

And then cleanse the TV area,

just in case they watched
one of those dirty cable shows.

- Good point.
- Good point.

- What the hell are they doing?
- Sage-ing the place.

Some kind of feng shui thing, I don't know.

Burning sage supposedly cleanses the
environment of bad events, bad memories.

Like a divorce.

Or if someone was shot in the head in
the living room, that sort of thing.

They still paid top dollar, though.
I got exactly what I asked for.

Yeah, yeah, that's good.
That lighting has got to go.

It's so Pottery Barn in here.

It is, it is.

Actually, they're kind of cute.

They remind me of you and Julia
before the whole...

You know.


Hey, you guys
might want to sage the nursery.

His ex-wife screwed a dwarf in there.

Let's get in there now.

- Thank you.
- Thanks.


What the hell are we doing, Sean?

We're packing up all your shit,

we don't even know
where you're going yet.

Yes, I do.


The plastic surgery capital of the world.

- Brazil?
- Los Angeles.

I have a job interview at a cooperative
next week, they're very interested.

You are so not gonna deal
with not being your own boss.

If I put up with Michelle
for almost a whole year,

think I'll be fine.

- Easy.
- Oh, that reminds me.

I have your going away present.

It's in the amount you asked for.
You're officially bought out.

- Thanks.
- Yeah.


But I'm gonna need royalties
on the name, my friend.

Actually, we're gonna change the name.

To Troy/Landau.
Maybe Troy/Troy, after we get married.

You'll be there for the ceremony, right?

Wouldn't miss it for the world.


So, we'll be back in an hour,
to continue the ceremony.

Why not finish now?

We tried to sage the master bedroom,

but the handyman said
we were disturbing him.

- I didn't know you had a handyman.
- I don't.

I need you.

Okay, you can take the blindfolds off now.

I really appreciate you guys coming
along like gentleman. Give me.

Yeah, like we had a choice

with the Paul Mitchell twins
pointing g*ns at our heads.

You know, that really hurts me, Christian.

Now, I gave my word to Sean
after you fixed my face that we were even.

You'll understand if we find that
hard to believe. What is this?

It's a consult. Have a seat.

Okay, say it.

- You know, your line.
- Is this some kind of joke?

Say it!

Tell me
what you don't like about yourself, Ms...

Mrs. Gallardo.

Gala Gallardo.

McNamara, Troy,
I'd like you to meet my wife.

This is bullshit.

Christian. Christian!

You're embarrassing me.

I don't give two shits
about what I'm doing.

You wanna give your wife a free boob job?

I need reconstructive surgery.

My husband says
that you are the best in Miami, no?

I like to think so.

Sit down. This won't take long.

I took over my husband's
pharmaceutical business in Cali

while he was in jail.

You know, profits have doubled
since my girl took the reins.

Wow, a female drug lord.

You have a family? Children, yes?

My husband has many enemies.

They want him dead, they want me dead,
they want my children dead.

The only safety in Colombia is money,
mountains of it.

I do what I have to, to protect my family.

Unfortunately, the hatred is so strong
you can't build walls high enough.

There was this girl, Antonia Ramos.
Do you remember her?

One of his double-D drug mules.

She developed an infection
from her implants.

She lost both of her breasts
when she returned to Colombia.

Her brothers couldn't get to him,

so they came for me.

I was taken from a cafe,
in front of my children, tortured.

I thought they will k*ll me,

but they just wanted to make me suffer,
like their sister suffered.

You know, every night in prison

I closed my eyes and I dreamed
of my bride's perfect sweater puppies.

Now look at them.

I will not return home to our family,
to our lives,

until they are perfect again.

Are you currently on medication
for the pain?

Yes, but I lowered the dosage.

I can handle agony.

Two-hundred fifty grand.
That's your fee for the surgery.

I understand
you've been through a lot, Mrs. Gallardo,

but the last time I took
a briefcase full of cash from your husband

I got a BOTOX shot in the d*ck.

Hey, Christian,
I can't just walk into some doctor's office

and give them
my Blue Cross number, okay?

I had to sneak Gala into the country.

If the Feds knew she was here,
we'd both go to prison.

Why not have the surgery
done in Colombia?

We are too hated there, we trust no one.

Okay, look.
Please, I'm begging you, as a friend.

Friends don't sh**t
their friend's anesthesiologists,

they don't thr*aten their families.

My wife and I have different ideas
about how to do business.

She thinks you attract more flies
with honey.

Look, the fact is,

as soon as you m*rder*d Alejandro Perez
in my living room

you lost any power you had over us.

We're not getting involved
with you anymore.

How dare you talk to me that way
in front of my wife.

Take them home.

Or haven't you learned it's not good to
make enemies?

Man of your word, huh?

I'm sorry, Mami.

Get me a Diet Coke.

You know, your day job is really
starting to get in the way of my business.

That's Natalie.

You'll be working with her tonight
up in Coral Springs.

Order is for two kidneys.

Call me on this when it's done.


I want you to listen to me.

I'm not as polite as that old British hag
you took orders from before.

You don't get second chances with me.

k*ll me. I can't do this anymore, I won't.

- You're just gonna have to k*ll me.
- You believe this shit?

Look, we had an arrangement. Didn't we?

Med school for four years of service.
There was a trust factor.

Frankly, reneging like this
really calls into question your character.

My character?

I realize as your boss, physically
hurting you only reduces my inventory.

You really wanna pay off your debt?
You wanna do us both a favor?

My wife.

She has this problem with her breasts.

She needs a skilled surgeon
to reconstruct them.

Get your fianc? to do the job.
I swear, I'll consider us even.

He's not cooperating.

Men listen to their women.

Don't I know it, right?

What do you say?

I don't need to involve Christian.

I have a better idea.

I bet you do.

- Don't you dare.
- I can't help it. I miss you already.

When it's all over
we'll have a good cry over margaritas.

In the meantime, let's focus
on making the last one a good one.


- I don't need any assistance, Michelle.
- I'm just here to watch.

This is your last surgery and I wanted
to soak up every last bit of your expertise.

I've normally seen you go in
through the armpit or under the breast?

I prefer going through the original
scars on a mastectomy patient.

There are a lot of adhesions,

it keeps the bleeding down
and the landmarks consistent.

And why did you choose
not to do the free flap procedure?

When it's a prophylactic mastectomy,
I think the implants are preferable.

Can you step back a little?

Are you planning on inserting the implant
under the muscle, or over it?

What is up with you, Michelle?

You know better
than to disrupt a procedure.

Can I have the implants, please, Linda?

I'm so sorry, Sean.
I guess I am a little over-eager.

I've decided to finish medical school
and do my surgical residency here.

I'm gonna be a plastic surgeon.

What are you doing
with my coffeemaker, Sean?

Since it's one of the few things of mine
in here,

I figured I'd take it with me
to Los Angeles.

Michelle and I bought you out,

which means that we own
everything in this place.

You can take the fishies from your office
if you like,

but the coffeemaker stays.

Cichlids don't travel well, Christian.

I have surgery this afternoon, Sean.
If I don't get my caffeine,

I will fire Linda as soon as she even thinks
about rolling her eyes at me.

Linda is irreplaceable.
There is no McNamara/Troy without her.

And there shouldn't be a Troy/Landau
without her, either.

You're the one I can't replace, Sean.

Well, after Michelle finishes med school,

I'm sure her surgical skills
will complement yours quite well.

And, for once, you'll be the one
with the talent and experience.

Michelle's not going back
to medical school.

That's not what she said in the OR today.

Scrubbed and gloved and asking 20
questions about breast reconstruction.

She seemed like a student already.

She said she was going back
to medical school?

If this is news, Christian, I can only
wonder what else she hasn't told you.

Look, I know you never liked her,

but that doesn't mean
you have to go throwing wrenches around

right when you're leaving, all right?

Michelle and I are fine. Okay?

You just misinterpreted
whatever's happening.

Yeah, I'm sure that's what it was.

Take the freaking coffeemaker,
for Christ's sakes.

Maybe when you become a big
successful Beverly Hills plastic surgeon

it'll remind you of where you came from.

Wilber's out.

Elsa said he fell asleep
the second she put his jammies on.

I don't know how anyone
manages these days without help.

Especially at his age.

What's the matter?

Why didn't you tell me you were thinking
about going back to medical school?

Sean told me.

It's something I've been thinking about.
It isn't definite.

I was gonna talk to you about it.

What other surprises
haven't you told me about?


I'm sorry you feel you can't trust me.

I do, it's just, I don't like hearing
things about you from other people.

You weren't exactly up-front
about your past, and I don't know...

Would you have been if you were me?

We need to be able to be honest
with each other.

I am.


Yes, of course.

No, I understand.

I'll be there as soon as I can.

The alarms went off at one of Burt's
office buildings, down on Wilson.

Security's already there,

but they need me to inspect the place
before they file a report.

Would you like to go with me
to make sure I'm telling the truth?

No, I think I'll skip playing detective
right now.

It's much more fun playing
sleep-deprived physician.

- Any trouble getting through?
- Not at all.

Her face was bandaged,
just like you told me.

We'll give you some general anesthesia,

and the procedure should take
no longer than two hours.

I want them to look natural.

That's why I came to this country
to have it done.

No scars.

- Escobar wouldn't like it.
- I understand.

- How many of these have you done?
- Too many to count.

As I told your husband,
I studied with the best.

Count backwards from 10.

Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven.

You shouldn't have agreed to this
if you're not sure of what you're doing.

- It will be bad for both of us.
- This is something I can do.

Okay, then why is your hand shaking?

What the hell are you doing?

- Why did you lie?
- I didn't want to involve you.

You decide to put on a gown
and play surgeon?

- Tell me the g*dd*mn truth!
- Escobar came to me.

He said you and Sean
refused to operate on his wife

and he was gonna make you pay.

- So I begged him not to. I could do it.
- You're lying!

Everything you say is a g*dd*mn lie.

- Why did he come to you?
- He knew we were engaged.

That I loved you.
He was hoping I could change your mind.

How do you know him?

- How do you know him?
- Christian, you're hurting me!

James worked for him.

Prostitution? That's bullshit.

He stuffs his b*tches' tits full of heroin.

They're worth more to him as mules
than they are whores.

He runs an international
organ harvesting ring.


That's when I stopped working for James.

When she expanded her business
and joined forces with him.

So Liz's kidney...

James had a quota to meet.

Escobar hated it when you were behind.

When I refused to help her,
she took Liz's kidney as a punishment.

- God!
- I didn't know anything about it.

I swear. You can't think that of me.

He said if I helped
with his wife's procedure,

he'd leave afterwards. I'd be free.

So coming to McNamara/Troy,
was that all part of your plan?

Burt was humiliated
after his cancer operation.

James trafficked in beautiful people.

When she said you were the best,
I believed her.

She must have heard it from Escobar.

Is there anything you haven't lied about?

That I love you. I love you.
I've never lied about that.

And what does he have on you?

What? What are you talking about?

I'm not the only one
with secrets, Christian.

There's a reason you agreed to fix his face.
A known criminal.

I'm a plastic surgeon.

If somebody wants to improve
their appearance, I quote them a price.

I don't ask them
how they're gonna pay for it.

Christian, help me. Help us.

Thanks for helping me out, partner.

The nerve damage is so severe,
I could never fly solo on this one.

Don't "partner" me, Christian.

I'm consenting to do this as a favor to you.

That doesn't mean
I'm consenting to your choices.

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

How many times does she have to lie
before you open your eyes?

She may not have
actually removed Liz's kidney,

but she brought the people who did
into our lives.

We do this, he leaves,
and takes his wife with him. Right?

We're free, finally.

Look, we've all done something
we're ashamed of,

and this surgery
is gonna make things right.

It's not the past I'm worried about,
Christian, it's your future.

Liars don't just pick a day to stop lying.

And if you lay down with dogs
you can wake up with fleas.

- Speaking of dogs...
- Okay, not today, Christian.

I'm only here because of my feminist guilt.

If that woman hadn't been brutalized
even worse than I was,

there is no way in hell you'd get me in
the same room with her pig husband.

I can always find myself
another anesthesiologist.

Well, you know what, Christian?
That is a really good idea.

Because if this is indicative of
how things are gonna be at Troy/Landau,

I won't be working here much longer.

You still haven't told me how the hell

we're supposed to
sneak this past the authorities.

Michelle already told them

that the surveillance cameras
and the coffee-swilling G-men

were bad for business.

They haven't had a lead in a month.

They agreed it was a waste of time
and taxpayers' money.

Just so we're clear, then.

Not only has your fianc?e brought
a psychotic k*ller back into our office,

she's dismissed the people
who were here to protect us from him.

You're in my seat.

Hey, Lizzie.

Hey, I just wanted you to know
that your kidney

went to a very deserving
Saudi businessman.

I think he was a member
of the royal family.

I think all those guys
are members of the royal family, right?

- I can't do this.
- Wait.

If you want to touch those implants again,
you say sorry to this woman.

I'm sorry.

Make me beautiful again.

Lizzie, hit it.

Hard part's done,
you can finish on your own.

Sean, wait, you can't leave yet, man,
those titties have got to be perfect.

I'm sure Dr. Troy's new partner
will be happy to help him finish.

Thank you.

- Hey.
- Hey, Mattie.

Well, come on in.

Kimber around?
I brought something for the two of you.

No, she's in the bathroom getting dressed.
We have to be at the church in an hour.

You know, I'm sorry I couldn't make it
to the house to help you pack up.

Kimber had me running all over town

trying to find this cream for
her nonexistent stretch marks.

That's okay, you're busy.

I just wanted to give you this. Come here.

The house sold for the asking price.

Christian and Michelle gave me my share
of what the business is worth, so...

I wanted you
to have your share of it all, too.

To help start your nest egg.

Dad, this is a lot of money.

It's to help pay for your child's education.

Or yours,
if you decide to go back to school.

Kimber will really appreciate it. Thank you.

Does she appreciate you?

How is married life?
Everything you thought it'd be?

Yeah, it's great.

You don't have to stay with her, you know.

I think Christian was right.

I think she's still in love with him.

And I think she just married me
in some twisted way to get back at him.

Oh, Matt. Come here.

Listen, sometimes it's better
for parents to be apart.

Your mother and I
could never make it work.

We put you and Annie through so much.

Matt? Was that the doorbell?

Yeah, it was just my dad.
He just came by to drop something off.

I should go.

I still have a lot to do
before I leave tomorrow.

You'll come back for the birth,
though, right? Help deliver the baby?

It would be an honor.

- Sean, hi.
- Hi.

My dad just gave us a lot of money
for the baby's education fund.

Well, that's generous of you, thank you.

- You're gonna change?
- Yeah. I'll get dressed.

So, you're gonna go find some cute
movie star out in Hollywood?

- Do you know how much he loves you?
- What's that supposed to mean?

Do you even know how to be loved?

- I love Matt, Sean.
- No, you don't, and you know it.

And the sad thing is,
that baby's gonna know it, too.

I'm trying.

Well, try a little harder.

I want to thank you.

That's not necessary. This is my job.

I'm aware of that.

I'm thanking you
because you could so easily k*ll me.

Put a little extra something in the IV

for revenge.

I know you'd like to k*ll my husband.
It's natural. But you're afraid.

I'm second best now.

Don't tell me
you haven't thought about that.

Of course I have.

I have been shot, seduced,
humiliated, cut up.

I almost lost my life.

I spent weeks
afraid to leave my own house.

I still can't sleep through the night.

So, I know this is the $64,000 question

and probably there is no answer that
will really satisfy me, but I have to ask.

Why did you marry a pig like him?

Why did I marry him,
or why am I still here?

These are two different questions.

Well, I assume that when you married him,
you didn't know any better. Right?

He was quiet and soft-spoken.

I mistake that for sweetness.

But he is not sweet, he is weak.

You know what they say,
"Beware of weak men. "

They're the most dangerous because
they'll do anything for a little power.

With all the money and the dr*gs,

it wasn't long
before he became a complete monster.

But doesn't being married to him

and running his business
make you Mrs. Monster?

History will decide that.

My husband has a very long reach.

I'm a practical woman.

I want to keep my children safe.

I want to thank you, because you
have made me feel very blessed.

When you leave here,
you're still stuck in your living hell.

But me, I'll be free.

- Tell me what you want, baby.
- Tell what?

Anything. Tell me.

I want to know if you had anything to do
with taking people's kidneys.


Then why would Escobar trust you
with the surgery?

And why did he come to you
to fix his face?

Is there something you're not telling me?

I already told you the truth.

The nanny called.

She said she had to take her mom
to the doctor tomorrow.

I said I'd stay home and watch Wilber.

We're ready.

The big unveiling. I can't wait.

Where are you two perverts going?

You think I'm gonna let you
see my wife's tits?

You stay here,
and stop screwing around with the lotions.

You smell like a couple of panty liners.

Let's begin.

Doctors, if you don't mind
I'd like to finish undressing my bride.

It's okay?

Get your hands off her.

- Jesus Christ, Liz.
- Have you gone crazy?

Crazy is trusting that this monster
is ever gonna leave us alone.

This is gonna end right here.

Hey, Lizzie, my sweet little angel,
what's gotten into you?

I'll tell you what's gotten into me.

You took my kidney, you assh*le!

You opened me up and you took it out!

Liz, just put the g*n down, all right?

- Dr. Cruz?
- Come on, put it down.

Look at the way your hand is shaking.

Baby, you ever even held a g*n before?

For Christ's sake, put the g*n down!

I'm not putting this g*n down.

I have wanted to do this ever since
you put a b*llet in my leg.

The only reason I agreed to help
with her surgery

is so that I could get close enough to you
to return the favor.

This is gonna end, right here!

Pull the trigger, then. k*ll me.
Pull the trigger, anesthesiologist.

- Put me to sleep.
- Shut up! Shut up.

Dr. Cruz. Dr. Cruz, this is not your way.
I know your pain.

- Lizzie, put the g*n down.
- Dr. Cruz, give me the g*n.

- I said, give me the g*n.
- Lizzie, put the g*n down.

Come on, put it down!

See, that's my girl, saving my ass again.
Is she the b*mb or what?


Put them down. Put them down!

Do you want to work for me
or a dead body?

Good, then go get my car.

You k*lled him.

Yeah, well, I certainly
wasn't going to screw him again.

That pedazo de mierda makes love
like an adolescent bull.

Besides, business was better without him.

Take it as payment for the surgery.

Now you can be sure
that he'll leave you alone.

- So, am I checked out or what?
- You need to take him with you.

I know. It would be a bitch
to get through customs.

You can have him.

Thank you for my breasts, Doctor.

Well? What are we gonna do?

- What are we gonna do, fix this?
- How?

Can't go to the authorities now,
the questioning would never end.

- We have to get rid of him.
- Well, where?

Where are we gonna do that?


I know a place.

You got the twine?

There we go. Twine.

Now what do we do?


This is what you did to Silvio's body.

Yeah. No evidence.

Lizzie, you missed a bit.

I'm gonna need a raise, Christian.
Big raise.

Thank you for waiting.

Well, judging from your qualifications,

I would think
you're interviewing for my job.

I'm really not interested
in that kind of pressure anymore.

You wouldn't have that problem here.

85% of our clients
are breast enlargement,

actresses who want lipo and BOTOX
sh*ts, that sort of thing.

Are you sure you're interested
in joining such a large staff?

With all due respect,
I've spent the better part of my life

trying too hard to really change people,
give them new faces, new bodies.

It doesn't work.

I think I'm the one
who needs to change now.

Well, what can I say?

Welcome to California, Doctor McNamara.
And welcome to the team.

Are you ready
to make the first incision, Doctor?

Actually, I'd prefer
if you made the first cut, Dr. McNamara.

I'm kind of nervous.

And actually, I'm not a doctor.
Third-year intern.

- And I take it this is your first assist?
- Yeah.

And it is such an honor to do it with you.

I mean, we read about you
and your partner in med school.

The Rosenberg surgery,
your son's recent ectrodactyly operation.

You're kind of a legend.
Way too legendary to be working here.

I'll do the first eye, you can do the second.

And don't be nervous,
you're in good hands.

Got it.



You want that,
you'll have to take me to dinner first.

Scoot over, junior.

I'm sorry, you are...

Dr. Troy, from McNamara/Troy.

- Maybe you've heard of us.
- Dr. Troy? Oh, my God.

- I was just telling Doctor...
- What kind of car do you drive, son?

- A Civic?
- How'd you know that?

Hate to burst your bubble, buddy,

but I think you're a little inexperienced
to be assisting my partner, Dr. McNamara,

in a very, very complicated surgery.

I know. I was worried about it, too.

Listen to me, son.
There's a Lamborghini out front.

Take it for a drive, take it for a wash,
and then have it back in an hour.

- Yes, sir.
- Thank you.


Nice place you're working at here.

I haven't seen color on walls like this

since we puked up wine coolers
during our sophomore year, remember?

I remember. What are you doing here?

Taking a vacation.

Yeah, took Wilber up to Universal City,

left him with the nanny
at the Peninsula Hotel,

did the whole Mann Chinese Theatre stuff,
all the touristy crap.

- Get me a sponge.
- Sure.

You know what my first impression
of Hollywood is, Sean?

It's a sh*thole.

Where's the excitement I grew up
reading about, where's the glamour?

Huh? This town needs me.

Which is why I'm moving here.

- With Michelle?
- Actually, she bought me out.

You love her, Christian.

I do love her. But I can't trust her.

Apparently, you're the only person
I can trust.

Absolutely trust.

Which got me thinking,
I'm auditioning new partners.

Maybe you're interested.

Why would you need a partner?

You must be rolling in it
after Michelle's buyout.

Actually, the buyout isn't so lucrative
when you quit,

and ask for the ring back on the same day.


Just so you know, this Encino crap
ain't gonna cut it. All right?

It's Rodeo Drive the whole way.

With my sizzling good looks
and brilliant business savvy,

and your moderately impressive talent,
I think we could take over this town.

Sorry, not interested.

Unless I get to pick out the carpet
this time,

and retain my customary first billing.

I think we could work something out.

Hey, sweetheart?
It's quieter than an ant's fart in here.

Can you get that music playing?

- You stay away from her.
- Don't think I can.

- Well, you'll have to absolutely, yes.
- Oh, no, no, no.

You're gonna have to. She's mine.