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03x06 - Sweeps

Posted: 04/23/24 07:34
by bunniefuu
Welcome, everybody.
And I want to thank you all

for signing up to help us

with our community theater play.

Oh, and I also wanted to say

that I am very honored

that you had the
confidence to choose moi

to be your producer.

That's 'cause no one
else wanted the job.

I know that's right.

Now let's give it
up for our director...

Miss Tonya Baxter.


I am a mom...

But I've always
wanted to direct.

And this play is an original,

written by an original...
Miss Chelsea Daniels.

Thank you.

Thank you.

The play is called,

the pitiful, joyless life

of the urchin chimney
sweep children

of London.

Sounds like a million
laughs, Chelsea. Thank you.

And I just want to thank
the entire cast and crew,

and say that this is
going to be the best play

that our community
theater has ever done!

Rae, get into the spirit!

Where's your "whoo"?

Whoo... whoo... whoo...

Let's go.

♪ If you could gaze
into the future ♪

♪ future, future ♪

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

♪ life is a breeze ♪

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪ go, Rae!

♪ But it's not that easy ♪
♪ oh, no ♪

♪ I try to save the situation ♪

♪ then I end up misbehavin' ♪

♪ ohh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ hey, now, say now ♪

♪ 'bout to put it down, yeah ♪

♪ come on and ride
with the break now ♪

♪ and the future
looks great now ♪

♪ and everything's
gonna change now ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious to me ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious
to me, yeah ♪

yep, that's me.

You're low. You're
weary. You're exhausted.

Your spirits are broken.

Lots of energy, now! And...


All right, you lazy layabouts,

get your bloomin' brooms movin'!

There are more
chimneys to be swept.

More, Mr. Ashburn?

You're already
worked us to the bone.

Please, sir, I've come
down with a case

of the sniffles.

And it's starting to snow.

It's starting to snow!

Cue the snow!



Ah. Cuing the snow!

Hey, hey!

You're silent murph!

I need someone to talk to.

So, listen, I get these,
um... These feelings.

Well, they're kinda
hard to explain.

But I had a feeling
that this play was gonna

get booed off the stage.

I... I just don't know why.

Oh, look! It's the wealthy
widow Mrs. Haypenny.

Her house has many
a chimney to sweep.

I said... Many a
chimney to sweep!

Victor, cue the chimney!

Cuing the chimney!

Oh, Mr. Ashburn!

Fancy meeting you
here on my rooftop.

Fancy, indeed.

The night's blow so cold in
my large but lonely house.

Perhaps a good sweeping's
what my chimney needs.

Consider 'em swept.

All right, sweeps,
let's get to work.

And remember
what I always say...

Grime... is money.

"Grime is money"?!

Oh, it's definitely the writing.

Excuse me, people.

Can I make some suggestions?

Rae, what's the problem?

Uh, see... yeah.
We're off to a fun start.

And it's working out great.

And not to criticize
anybody in particular...

"Grime is money"?

Oh, that's my
favorite line, Rae.

I can see that, Chels.

You put it in the
script about 72 times.

See, we need to find
something to do to the script

so that the audience...

Won't start booing the
play and walking out.

Why would they do that?

I don't know, really.

But if we fix
something in the script,

maybe they won't.

Oh. So you want to
change my script, then?

No, no, no. Now, no,
no, no, no. Not change it

maybe give it a little, uh...


Fine, Rae. Tweaky-tweaky
yourself silly!

Hit it!

♪ Grab your brushes
and your rags ♪

♪ turn your
collars to the cold ♪

♪ there's lots of
money to be made ♪

♪ where you see
ash, I see gold ♪

♪ if you've got to sweep,
you've got to sweep ♪

♪ until you've grown ♪

♪ yes ♪

♪ you've got to
work your fingers ♪

♪ to the bone ♪

♪ yes, we've got to work
our fingers to the bone ♪

♪ yes, you've
absolutely, positively ♪

♪ got to work your
fingers to the bone ♪


Ok, now, this is wack!

Yeah, I second that wack!

What? You guys
don't like my changes?

Well, let's start
with the title, Rae.

What was wrong with
the pitiful, joyless life

of the urchin chimney
sweep children of London?

Well, for one thing, Chels,

the title was
longer than the play.

That's why I
changed it to sweeps.

Ok, well, I don't think it
was necessary to add songs.

Chels... come on, dude.

Nobody boos a musical.


They're still booing
and walking out!

It's gotta be the acting.

Ok, everybody, come
over here, please.

Please come over
here, everybody.

Let me talk to you for a second.

All right. Thank you.

Um, I'm just not feeling it.

All right?

Where's the pain? Ok?

Where is the rage?!

Trust me, Rae,
the rage is coming.

Sweetie, maybe
they were a little off

because the
chimney cue was late.

Rae, relax. I'm still
trying to learn the ropes.

Get it? The ropes. 'Cause
there's only 3 of them.

This is no joking matter!

Can I... can I talk to you?

Yes, mom.

Rae... Hmm?

I'm the director.

The director...
That could be it.

That could be what?

What what? What? What?

What? What what?

What I'm trying to say is,

as the director, all
of these changes

need to come through me.

Oh, mom, I'm not
trying to direct the play.

I'm just, you know,
trying to, um...

Tell everybody what to do,

what to say, and how to say it.

Yes, but, honey,
the play is my vision.

Oh, your vision.

Well, my vision says that
your vision ain't so good.

What? Huh?

What what? Ok,
people... people, please,

come around again.

Um, we had a very good day.

All right?

But it could be
better. All right?

So I want you to go home,

study your lines,
learn your songs,

and come back tomorrow
refreshed and ready to go.

Hands in!

Hands in, people.
Come on. Ready?

Goooo sweeps!

All, without
enthusiasm: Go sweeps.

That's more like it!

Ok, all right, settle
down everyone.

Settle down. She got to go!

I was asked to call this meeting

because some of
you have expressed

concerns about the
way the show is going.

If anyone would like
to discuss this matter

in a calm and mature manner.

Ok, ok, ok, one at a time!


Thank you.

I had a dream.

A dream called the
pitiful, joyless life

of the urchin chimney
sweep children of London.

But that dream has been
turned into a nightmare by...


Oh... this is awkward.

Hey... Are you guys
having a meeting?

No, no...

No. Why would we
be having a meeting?

I mean, that's so crazy
that you would even think

that we would have that... Here.

Then why does it say
"cast and crew meeting"?

Who put that there?!

It's crazy!

Um, are you guys
talking about me?

Ha ha! No. No. No. No.

Why would we even be talking...

Then why does it say
"discuss the Raven problem"?

That's just the name
of next year's play.

Right! Exactly.

It's all about you.

Right. We forgot to tell you.

Uh, ok.

Honey, let's just get
this out in the open.

You're drivin' us nuts.

What Cory means is

you've been stepping
on some toes.

More like... Stomping!


Ok, everybody, listen up.

See, I didn't want to do this

'cause I didn't want
to freak you out,

but I've been having
some very strong feelings.

Yeah, ehh, right, yeah, ok.

And, um, yeah, it's telling me

that the audience is
gonna hate the play.

Well... well did
you happen to...

Feel why they hated it, Rae?

No. And you know what?

I've been trying
to figure that out.

Yeah, well, you know, maybe
it's all those songs you put in.

Yeah, I doubt that.

Or those cheesy dance numbers.

Well, William,

I don't really think
they'd be that cheesy

if someone had some rhythm.

Oh, no, you didn't.

Ok, it doesn't even matter.

Listen, people.

I had another
feeling. All right?

And because of the
changes that I made,

the audience is
gonna love the play.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Wait. Hold up. Hold up.

You mean to tell me that if
you didn't come in, take over,

and do everybody's job,

that we would be laying
flat on our faces right now?

Yep. You got it.

I think I got it, Rae. Heh.

Looks to me like you don't
want anybody around here.

I'm outta here.

Me, too. Me, too.

What? Wait, you guys. Come on!

Don't go, you guys.

Don't even worry
about it, all right?

I fixed it.

Rae! It wasn't broken.

Look here. Mon and dad.

Thanks for not leaving me.

Honey, we couldn't leave.

We live here.

But we are quitting the play.

What?! Creative differences.

Nothing personal.

Honey, we love you.

Just can't work for ya.

Ok, listen up, people.

It's opening night.

All right, we
worked hard for this,

now let's go out there and
give it everything we've got!

Who am I kidding, murph?

It's just you and me.

I couldn't get anyone
to do the show,

and I was just too
stubborn to admit it.

I guess my feeling was wrong.

The show's not going on.

What did you say?!

Oh, snap! What did you say?!

I've never heard
you talk before.

Well, that's because no one's
ever cancelled a show before.

Not once in 37 years.

Young lady, we have
a proud tradition here.

The one thing this community

can count on every
year is this show.

Do you want to go down as
the one who destroyed that?

Who let this entire
community down?

Who ruined 37
years of tradition?

Dang, murph, when you
start talkin', you be trippin'.

You bet I'm trippin'.

I hear you, murph.

You know, I guess
I got a show to do!

Now that's the spirit.

You go out there and
give this community

the best darn show
they've ever seen!

I will, murph. Thanks!

This should be interesting.

So, you guys decided to
come and support Raven.

Actually, I just came to
see who's playing my part.

There's a rumor going
around that it's Denzel.

Heh heh.

Yeah, there's another
rumor that it's not.

All right, you lazy sweepies,

there's work to be done!

This is definitely not Denzel.

There are chimneys out there,

and you get to clean them.

Isn't that right, me sweepies?

Yes, Mr. Ashburn, sir.

I can't hear you!

When did this become
a one-woman show?

I guess when only
one woman showed up.

Where is me main sweep,
young dusty Dudley?

And take your time
before you answer, please.

Sorry I'm late, sir,

but do we have to work now?

It's starting to snow.

At least in a minute it will.

I can... I can feel
it in me bones.

I can feel...

Oh, 'ello.

The snow, it will
chill us to the bone

as sure as me
name is... Smithers.


To Mrs. Haypenny's chimney!


Oh, it's a beautiful chimney!

Well worth waiting for!

Maybe not.

That shouldn't keep you lazy
sweeps from doing your job!

♪ Grab your brushes
and your rags ♪

♪ turn your
collars to the cold ♪

♪ there's lots of
money to be made ♪

♪ where you see
ash, I see gold ♪

♪ you've got to sweep,
you've got to sweep ♪

♪ until you're grown ♪

♪ yes ♪

♪ you've got to work
your fingers to the bone ♪

♪ yes, we've got
to work our fingers ♪

♪ to the bone ♪

♪ yes, you've
absolutely, positively ♪

♪ got to work your
fingers to the bone ♪

Aah! Ooh! Ooh!

Oh, snap!

♪ Yes, you've
absolutely, positively ♪

♪ got to work your
fingers to the bone ♪

Oh, man, she's dying up there.

I know. It's so horrible...

But I can't look away.

The widowed and wealthy
Mrs. Haypenny is on her way.

Give my girl her props, yo.

She never gives up.

♪ Please don't make
them work so hard ♪

♪ they should be
out there in the yard ♪

♪ they're only
children, after all ♪

♪ but they play with
brooms instead of balls ♪

People... people,
please don't go!

Don't you want to see what
happens to the children?

Stay for the children!

I'm sorry, ok?

I ruined 35 years of tradition.

You burnt me, murph.

Look, everyone, I'm sorry. Ok?

I tried to make a great show,

but I made it worse.

Way, way worse.

♪ Sweep, sweep ♪

♪ we brush the
grime and soot away ♪

♪ sweep, sweep ♪

♪ it's what we earn
instead of pay ♪

♪ weep, weep ♪

♪ we cry ourselves
to sleep at night ♪

♪ and dream of
waking at first light ♪

♪ to once again
with all our might ♪

♪ sweep, sweep... ♪

Mom, you guys came!

Well, we figured
you suffered enough.

We know the audience did.

We just thought if the
show's going down,

we're all going with it.

Thanks, mom.

I'm sorry.

It was my visions
that messed me up.

I became obsessed.

I just wanted to save the show.

Honey, I know it's tough
trying to figure out your visions,

but sometimes you just
have to let things happen

the way they're meant to happen.

Well, how do you
know which times?

I wish I knew.

It isn't easy, honey,

but I know your heart
is in the right place.

Ok. Thanks.

Sounds like they like it.

Oh, mom, and they're
really gonna love

this next part.

It's where all the sweeps

dance around the chimney.


That's... that's me! That's me!

♪ Sweep, sweep ♪

♪ we struggle through
this endless night ♪

♪ sweep, sweep ♪

♪ to once again
with all our might ♪

♪ sweep, sweep ♪

♪ sweep ♪

♪ Your life was very harried ♪

♪ now it's better
'cause we're married ♪

♪ you'll all stay here with me ♪

♪ we'll be a happy family ♪

♪ no longer will we weep ♪

♪ we'll never have to sweep ♪

♪ anybody's chimney ♪

♪ again ♪