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03x10 - True Colors

Posted: 04/23/24 07:40
by bunniefuu
What's cooking?

We are having fried
chicken, collard Greens,

candied yams, and cornbread.

I thought we were
ordering pizza.

I'm whipping up some soul food

in honor of black history month.

So I can't eat pizza
for a whole month?

Boy, don't you want to
celebrate your history?

I get enough of that in school.

They even making
me write a report.

I love your thirst
for knowledge.

So, what are you going
to do your report on?

I don't know. Some old dead guy.

You know, Corey, you
have a pretty good life

thanks to the contributions
of some old dead guys.

Hi, y'all. Bye,
y'all. Love to stay,

but Chelsea and I
are going to the mall

to apply for jobs
at sassy's! Ah!

Sassy's... isn't that
that clothing store

where you spend
most of your allowance?

You should be part owner by now.

Raven... Swing by the food court

and pick me up a large
pepperoni with sausage.

And bring back my change.

And a receipt.

What did I tell you?

I said I'm making a special dinner
in honor of black history month.

No disrespect, but I want
to celebrate getting this job,

so, uh, I'm black...
And I'm history.

♪ If you could gaze
into the future ♪

♪ future ♪
♪ future ♪

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

♪ life is a breeze ♪

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪
♪ so Raven ♪

♪ but it's not that easy ♪

♪ oh, no ♪
♪ take it to the pitch now ♪

♪ I try to save the situation ♪

♪ then I end up misbehaving ♪

♪ oh, oh, oh, no ♪

♪ hey now, say now
'bout to put it down ♪

♪ yeah ♪
♪ come on and ride with ra now ♪

♪ and if the future
looks great now ♪

♪ 'cause everything's
gonna change now ♪

♪ all right ♪
♪ keep it going ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious to me ♪

♪ I like that ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious to me ♪

♪ yeah ♪

yep, that's me.

Ok, experience?


Special skills?


Why do you want this job?

Don't know.

Hey, Chels...

you might want to put a
positive spin on the application.

Oh. Well, what did you write?

Ok, well, for special skills,

I wrote that I design
my own clothes.

Oh. Ok, right.
Ok, special skills.


can whistle through nose.

I can do that.

Welcome, ladies.

I am Chloe, manager
here at sassy's.

I have examined
your applications.

Now I am going to put you
through a series of tasks

to evaluate your skills.

Let's see how well you
sort and fold these sweaters.

Ok. Ready... Set... Fold.

And... stop.

Well, let's see how we did.


Um, well, I stacked mine
according to color, size,

and fabric density.

Impressive. All righty, Chelsea?

Well, I stacked mine
according to quality.

I put the cutest one on top,

and all the ugly
ones on the bottom.

Or was it the other way around?

Ok, ladies. You've each
been assigned a customer.

Your task is to help them
choose a complete outfit.

Ready... begin.

♪ I feel so ordinary ♪

♪ and I just need
something new ♪

♪ I thought I had
all the answers ♪

♪ but I haven't got a clue ♪

♪ can you show me the magic? ♪

♪ The magic ♪

♪ will you lift my spirit up? ♪

♪ Sail high ♪

♪ can you show me the magic? ♪

♪ The magic ♪

♪ 'cause I really want to fly ♪

♪ show me the magic ♪

Ok, well, I'll review
your applications

and get back to you
tomorrow with my decision.


We should really keep
our fingers crossed.

I know, ra, but I think
we kind of nailed it.

I'm so excited.

I kind of feel like whistling.

Hey, I thought you were
supposed to be working on

your African-American
history report.

All done, dad.

Ok, then, show me.


"Black history is very, very,
very, very, very important to me.

There are many, many, many,
many, many people to choose from."

Ok. I see where this is going.

Come on, son. Sit down.

But dad, you only read 18 words.

Corey, you just
don't get it, do you?

Look, when I was a kid,
African-American history

wasn't even taught
in our textbooks.

They didn't teach us that
there were black scientists

or inventors or statesmen.

Now, look. We've
come a long way,

but you need to
learn to appreciate it.

I want you to
write a real report,

and I don't care how
long it takes you to do it.

You got it?

Yes, sir.

Good. 'Cause if you don't,

you're gonna be in this room

for many, many, many,
many, many, many days.

Heh heh. Don't worry, ok?

I got connections
over at sassy's.

I'm-a get y'all
some discounts, ok?

Y'all gonna be lookin' hot.

Heh. Holla!

Please tell me
you got the job, ra.

Oh, I don't know yet.

Oh, well, I need to know soon,

'cause I promised those 2 girls

that I would get them some
discounts on some gear.

Well, I don't want
to be over-confident,

but I absolutely...
Heh heh... Positively...

Aced it!

Cool! Cool!

It's on and poppin' there.

So, uh, how did Chelsea do?

Oh, well, she absolutely,
positively did her best.

Well, I'm not surprised.

Hey, Chelsea.

Shh! It's Chloe from the store.


Are you serious? I start today?

You guys, I got the job!

That's what I'm talkin' about!

Yes, yes, yes!

Ok, ok, Chels. Ok, ok.

Wait... ask her about me.

I get my own locker?

That is so cool! Wait! Hey!

What does she say about me?

You guys, I get the top locker!

Top locker is the business!

Wait, but I need you to
ask her about me, though!

Um, actually,

I probably know you're already
going to call her and everything,

but what about Raven?


Oh, ok, thanks.


Ra, I don't know
how to tell you this,

but, um... You're
not getting a locker.

Girl, I am not trippin'
over that locker.

I can share with you.
I only got 2 things.

Actually, um...

The lockers are only
for the employees.


Are you saying that
I didn't get the job?

Yeah. I'm sorry, ra.

Well... but...

I thought you aced
that interview, right?

Yeah, I thought so, too.

I did everything perfectly.

There's got to be some reason
why you didn't get that job.

The truth is, I don't
hire black people.

Did you have a vision, ra?


And I saw Chloe straight-up say

"I do not hire black people."

That... That's discrimination.

I don't believe this.

I can't believe I didn't get
the job because I'm black.

Well, think about it, ra.

Have you ever seen
anybody black, latino, or Asian

working at sassy's?

Actually, no.

You know, I can't even believe

people are still so prejudiced.

Well, they're out there, Chels.

Matter of fact, y'all remember

my friend Freddy
from the second grade?

Whatever happened to him?

Well, one day while Freddy
and I were at the park,

his dad came charging
over all of a sudden.

Snatches Freddy away.

Started yelling at him.

Told him he's not allowed
to play with black kids.

What'd you do?

What could I do, ra?

I was just nothing
but a little kid.

Before that day, I
never thought of Freddy

as different, or white.

He was just my friend.

I always knew
about racism, but...

I never knew how
much it could hurt.

Yeah, ra. That's intense.

Well, I'm off to work.

What? What?

What? Are you actually
going back there?

Well, yeah, ra, so I can quit.

Please, I'm not working
for somebody like that.

Fight the power!

Peace out.

Can't believe I'm
stuck doing this report.

So boring.

Psst. Corey Baxter...

Corey Baxter... Who said that?

It's me. Frederick douglass.

From that black history
you find so boring.

Now, hit that escape
key and let me out.

Ok. That was
definitely not boring.

Corey... I have
argued against sl*very,

I have debated with presidents.

But you, by far,

are the most hard-headed
person I have ever met.

I'm sorry,

but writing 500 words about
black history is pretty tough.

I'll tell you what's tough.

Being the first woman...
Black or white...

To get an international
pilot's license.

I'd like to see you try.

Corey, this is bessie Coleman.

Bessie, Corey.

Corey, bessie.

Ragtime music!

Scott joplin's downstairs.

Now we got a party.

What do you think
about ragtime, Corey?

Uh... It's a-right...

But it's just not
my kind of music.

Well, if it wasn't for
this kind of music,

you wouldn't have
your kind of music.

What did you do with our cds?

Just trying to show you
what music would be like

without Scott's contribution.

His ragtime music led to jazz,

R&B, rock, hip hop...

Well, you get the idea.

Of course, I didn't get
paid like the stars of today.

Let it go, Scott.

What was that?

Aw, that was just a
little Fender bender.

Of course, there'd
be a lot more of those

if Gary Morgan hadn't invented

the traffic light.

Another brother?

Yeah. And I betcha he
didn't get paid, neither.

Scott... Hey, I'm just saying.


I didn't realize how
many cool things

came from our people.

You have no idea.

Corey Baxter, say
hello to Harriet tubman.

She created the underground
railroad that led slaves

north to freedom.

Jackie Robinson.

He single-handedly broke
the baseball color barrier.

Thurgood Marshall the first
black supreme court justice.

Sojourner truth.
Human rights activist.

Madam c.J. Walker.

The first woman... black
or white... to earn $1 million.

Althea Gibson.

Tennis champion extraordinaire.

Marcus garvey.

Political activist.

Mary McCloud bethune.

Educator and
advisor to presidents.

And Jesse Owens.
Olympic champion.

Nice to meet... You.

Aw, man.

I got to get to work.

So don't miss this exciting
exhibit on black history.

A people and their progress.

Some progress.

Can't even get a job at sassy's.

Oh, honey.

You didn't get the job?

I'm sorry.

Yeah, mom. I didn't
get it because I'm black.


Sweetheart, that's terrible.

Are you sure that's the reason?

Yeah. I had a vision,

and I heard the manager say

that she does not
hire black people.

Nobody discriminates
against my baby.

We're gonna bust 'em,
we're gonna shut 'em down

by any means necessary.

Ok. Slow your rope, Malcolm.

What's our evidence?

Our psychic
daughter had a vision?

Let's just drop it.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Now, wait a minute.

I didn't say give up.

Mom, even if they
did believe me,

I'm just one person.

I can't change the world.

Raven! If Rosa Parks

or Martin Luther King
had the same attitude,

we'd still be sitting
in the back of the bus.

So, what are you guys
saying? I can fight this?


If this woman is going to
admit that she's a r*cist,

you've got to be
there to hear her say it.

But she'll never
say it to her face.

Wait. Maybe it wasn't my face.

I got to call Chelsea
before she quits.

Thank you so much
for coming down here

and helping us
out, miss Johnson.

No. Thank you.

This type of discrimination
needs to be exposed.

Now, Chelsea, remember,

the mini camera is in your hat.

So, when Chloe says
something incriminating,

make sure the hat gets it.

Got it. Got it.

And don't nod your head so much.

Ok. Raven's getting ready.
You guys know the plan.

Let's go get our story.


Chelsea Daniels reporting
for her first day at work.


Chelsea, I want you to
keep a really close eye

on that guy over there.

Ok, but what about all the
other customers, though?

Chelsea, certain kinds of people

need a little more attention.

Oh, right.

You mean bald people.

I think you know
what I'm saying.


Oh! Do we have a
problem, young lady?

No. Just keeping an
eye out on the baldies.

You know, until my
friend Raven gets here.

I am your friend Raven.


My gosh, Raven. A cool disguise.

I would've totally never
guessed it was you.

I know. I got it from
the Halloween store.


Why don't you let me
handle this customer?

Good idea.

Can I help you?

Can I show you anything?

Can I hold this for you?




Do you have any idea
who I am, young lady?

That's right I am
Marvin c. Sweetback.

I have been named
new general manager

of sassy's international.
There, said.

I'm sorry. I wasn't
expecting you.

Please inform me of the status

of this retail establishment

as vis-à-vis sales and
so forth, and such which.

Everything's great.

Wonderful. Sales are up.

You know what is not up, ma'am?

Signs announcing our
black history month sale.

Oh, snap!

I didn't know we
were having one.

But you are aware this is
black history month, aren't you?

Of course. I
celebrate it every year.

I wish every month
was black history month.

Very curious.

You do hire people
of color, don't you?

Actually, Mr. Sweetback...

It is general sweetback, ma'am.

U.S. army retired. 2 stars.

I am now in women's clothing.

Well, clearly right now
I am dressed as a man.

Yes. Well, um... General, sir,

um, I did see a wonderful
applicant yesterday,

and I believe she's of the
African-American persuasion.


Here it is. Raven Baxter.

Yes, I do believe that's a
very good choice, ma'am.

Very good choice.

Are you going to get that?

Get what?


Just stopped ringing.

Hey, you dropped
this on my head.

That's very honest of you, sir.

I think we should
have people like this

working in this
establishment, don't you?

Yeah. As a matter of fact,

I'm here to apply for a job.

Ooh. Is that going
to be a problem?

No. Of course not.

Let me get you an application.

This is not going
well. She's being nice.

Ra, maybe we're wrong.

Actually, it's bald people
she discriminating against.

Chelsea, will you
please just get over there

and make her say
something mean to the hat.

So, when does
this new guy start?

He doesn't.

Ooh. Why? Out of lockers?

Chelsea... The boss is here.


Ok. Listen to me.

I have to pretend
to hire this guy.

The second the general leaves,

this application
goes in the garbage.

Well, why?

Chelsea, can I trust you?

Aye, aye, boss.

Truth is, I don't
hire black people.

Could you say that again?

I'm sorry. I didn't hear you.

My hat wasn't on.

I said...

Truth is, I don't
hire black people.

And there you have it.

Shocking evidence
of job discrimination

right here in San Francisco.

Thanks to Eddie
Thomas, Chelsea Daniels,

and Raven Baxter
for taking a stand

and for going undercover for us.

Nice look, Raven.

Heh heh heh.

I really don't think you
should be laughing,

because that's you
in about 30 years.

As a result of
this investigation,

the manager Chloe
hunter has been fired.

And the company has
issued a public apology.

See? You guys can
make a difference.

You guys showed
a lot of courage.

As long as there's
people like that out there,

it's up to us to
stand up to them.

Yeah. I'm glad we did
it together, you guys.

Yeah. Hey, dad, do you have
any more of that soul food left?

I think I can make it happen.


Get on, then. Hey, hey!

You know, Mr. Baxter,
I did not know

black history was so delicious.

Well, I'm glad
you all enjoyed it.

Corey, shouldn't you be
working on your history project?

All done, dad.

So, who'd you
finally write about?

Someone close to me.

Who's been there for as
long as I can remember.

Aw, it is so cute
that I inspire you.



I picked Sam Jackson.

Inventor of modern ice cream.

Figures a brother would
invent something so cool.

That's what I said.

We should give it
up for Mr. Jackson.

I meant the ice cream!
