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03x17 - They Work Hard for His Honey

Posted: 04/23/24 07:44
by bunniefuu
All right, this is
the student store

where you volunteered to work.

Uh, we didn't even
volunteer, Ms. Depaulo.

Yeah, and you tricked us

because there's no
pony rides in here.

Well, do we at least get
student service credit?

Only if you do a good job.

But if you don't, you're fired.

Oh, wait. One of you
has to be store manager.

Ah, ah, ah!

Let me give this
some serious thought.

One potato, 2 potato... Eddie!

Heh heh heh! Now, ok, uh,

I know Ms. Depaulo
put me in charge,

but I'm not into the whole
bossing people around thing.

We're a team, and
any decisions we make

we make together. We cool?

Yeah, we're cool.
Yeah, we're cool.

All right, let's open up.


Oh, hey, Chantel.

I didn't see you at lunch today.

Well, I'll be working here now.

Yeah, but what
about Chantel time?

Well, don't worry, snookums.

We're still on for tonight.

Good. Because I'm in the mood

for a really good steak.

Heh heh heh! Excuse me. Ok.

Staff meeting!

Can I borrow some money?

Uh, Chantel's in
the mood for steak.

No. We just loaned you money

to take her out for lobster.

Yeah. How come
she's never in the mood

for something you
can afford? Yeah?

Well, look, ladies,
I know Chantel

has expensive tastes.

Heh heh heh! But she's worth it.

Do it for your boy.

All right, we got you.

Cool! Ha ha! Steak it is, baby.

Oh! I can't wait, snookie-puss.

Me neither, cookie lips.

Aw! That is so sweet!

I mean, how come we don't have

any cute little
nicknames, you know?

Ok, biscuit head.


Let's go.

♪ If you could gaze
into the future ♪

♪ future, future ♪

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

♪ life is a breeze ♪

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪ go, Rae!

♪ But it's not that easy ♪
♪ oh, no ♪

♪ I try to save the situation ♪

♪ then I end up misbehavin' ♪

♪ ohh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ hey, now, say now ♪

♪ 'bout to put it down, yeah ♪

♪ come on and ride
with the break now ♪

♪ and the future
looks great now ♪

♪ and everything's
gonna change now ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious to me ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious
to me, yeah ♪

yep, that's me.

Ok, Chels.

I'm sorry. Who?

Biscuit head.


Check it out. Ok, by displaying

the merchandise in
an attractive fashion,

people will be more
tempted to buy it.

Oh! Know what I'm saying...

aah! My goodness!

My bad.

What is this monstrosity?!

Ladies, I'd like
to introduce you

to señor freezy.

Eddie, when did we decide
on bringing in señor freezy?

Oh, it was Chantel's idea.

See, her uncle owns
an ice cream store,

and she got him to donate

an old one to the school.

I hope you guys
like it. It's gonna be

so much fun working here.

Excuse me? You're
working here? Excuse me?

Eddie hired me.

Oh, he did? Oh,
well, congratulations!

Welcome! All
right, staff meeting!

Um, excuse me, Eddie,

but you are making a
lot of decisions without us.

We are a "team."

look, I'm sorry,
Rae. I'm sorry. Look.

It's just that with
me working here

me and Chantel have
no time to spend together.

Aw, Eddie!

Rae, just wants to spend
a little time with his girl.

All right. But... We
are a team, Eddie.

Yes, yes, cool! I
owe you one. Ha ha!

Ok, y'all, let's
get back to work.

This ice cream machine
here needs some scrubbing.

Right. Here you go, Chantel.

Oh, no, no, no. We're
gonna give that back to Rae.

Heh heh heh!

Got a special job
for you, baby. Look.

Man, but this thing's filthy.

Why isn't Chantel helping?

Blow. Heh heh!

Oh, wait, wait,
pace yourself. Ok?

I don't want you
getting light-headed.

This is not good, biscuit head.


All right, let's
review our fractions.

Again? Man, I could
do this in my sleep.

Oh, that must be our
new student teacher.

I'd like you all to
meet Ms. Bonita.

Hello, class.

Hello, Ms. Bonita!

Class, Ms. Bonita's here
to offer individual attention

in any of the areas
you need help in.

Now back to the fractions. Cory?

Cory, you know this.

I'm sorry, Mrs. Applebaum,
I just don't get it.

Maybe I need some of
that individual attention.

Very well. Why don't
you go in the back

and work with Ms. Bonita?

So, Cory, what's the problem?

Everything. This
could take a long time.

Whatever it takes,
Cory. I'm here to help.

And if you still don't get
it, I do after-school tutoring.

You mean come to my house?

If it's ok with your parents.

My dad always listens to reason.

Daddy, I'm dumb.


Please, I need help with math.

It's so hard.

Son, you're good at math.

Hey, you even do our taxes.

I'm not good at it anymore.

I lost my math mojo.

I need a private tutor.

I need a new accountant.

You know what? I tell you what.

How about I cut back
my hours at the chill grill

and I work with you every day?

No, no, no, no, no!

No, no, you can't!

I mean, you can't let
your business suffer

just because my brain
stopped working. UN-uh.

Well, I guess I gotta
look for a tutor, then.

Look no further.
Bam! Right there.

Oh, I see you filled
out the permission slip.

No time to waste, dad. I'm
getting dumber by the minute.

Sign, come on!

Come on, Chels,
what is taking so long?

Where's that swirly
with sprinkles?

I'm working on it!

Enjoy your ice cream.

Thank you for shopping at
the bayside student store. Next!

Kenny, you still waiting
on that backpack, huh?

Rae, hurry up
with that backpack!

I'm working on it!

Sorry, Kenny. You know, good
help is so hard to find these days,

brother. They can't
all be chantels. Ha...

Heads up!

Look, let me stamp your
frequent shopper card.

Heh! You have a
gift, girl. You really do.

I don't care what
nobody says, sugar.

Eddie, I have to go. Mwah!

And don't forget. Only
one more shopping day

until somebody's birthday.

Right! You know I
got you, sweet thing.

Don't worry about nothing.

I got you. I got you! Ok?

Ha ha ha ha ha...

look, I don't got her.
Look, I really want to get

Chantel something
nice for her birthday,

but... look, can I
borrow some money?

Forget it.

Yeah, no way!

We cannot afford
your girlfriend anymore.

Ok, so that's what
this is all about?

You all hating on Chantel, huh?

I have nothing against Chantel,

but now that you bring
it up, she could carry

a little bit more of
the load around here.

Oh, so now you don't like
the way I run my business.

Eddie, you're
twisting it all up.

Yeah! I mean, come on, Eddie,

all Rae is saying
here is that you're

an unfair, lovesick,
money-borrowing tyrant.

But not in a bad way.

You know what? It's all good.

I'm gonna get that
money one way or another.

Thanks for helping
me out, "team."

I don't know, Rae. I'm
kind of worried about him.

He sounded really desperate.

Chantel's gonna
love me for this!

Ohh! What did you see?

Chelsea, he's more
desperate than we think.

I just saw Eddie stealing
money out of the safe.

Rae, your vision
doesn't make any sense.

I mean, do you really think
Eddie would steal out of the safe?

It's not like him,
but then again,

he's never been anybody's
snookie-puss before.

I believe this settles
our account in full.

Eddie, where did
you get this money?

Let's just say I did
what I had to do.

What did you have to do?

Don't worry, because
what I did is done.

Good day.

Well, I think he done did it.

Well, we have to undid it.

Come on, Chels. We
gotta check that safe.

I just hope we're wrong, Chels.

Me, too!

Ok. Oh, it's locked!

Why would someone lock a safe?

Ok. We gotta crack this.

Um, you know what? That's easy.

I've seen it done in movies
all the time. Let me see...

Perfect! Perfect! Here, Chels.

You hear anything, Rae?
Huh? How about now?

How about now? Do
you, do you, do you?

Man, is this thing on? Ow! Ow!

Chels! Hello, it
has to be quiet!

Ok. Thanks a lot. Shh!

Can I try?

Here, Chels. Try it out.
Let's see if you can do it.


Chels. Yeah?

How'd you do that?

Oh, the combination's
written on the back of this sign.

Ok! Get out of my way.

Well, yep. It looks like
all the money's here.

Good! Yay! Then
your vision was wrong

and Eddie's not a thief.

Yeah. What is this?

"To Chantel..."

Oh! "Love, Eddie!"

Oh, my goodness! He
bought her a friendship ring!

That explains my vision.

Yeah, but if he didn't
steal the money,

how did he pay for that ring?

I don't know.

But it looks expensive.

I'm gonna try it on. Oh!

Yes, that is beautiful!

I know! It looks so pretty.

So pretty.

Pretty stuck, Chels. I
can't get it off my finger.

Rae, get it off. I need help.

I'll go get Eddie. No!
Do not go get Eddie!

He'll be so mad. Here, um,

pull my finger.

Oh, no way! My
cousin Earl tries that one

every Thanksgiving, Rae, ok.

Pull my finger
to get the ring off.

Ow! Ow! One!

And... oh!

Ooohhh, nooo!

Uh, Mrs. Applebaum?

Hi, I'm Victor Baxter.
I'm Cory's dad.

Oh! I can see where
Cory gets his good looks.

Oh, Mrs. Applebaum!

Um, actually, the
reason why I came down

is I'm a little
concerned about Cory.

He's not doing well in math,

and that's always
been his best subject.

I know. He does my taxes.

Saves us a bundle every year.

Heh heh heh!

Um, but he mentioned
something about a tutor.

Oh, yes, Ms. Bonita,
our new student teacher.

That's his tutor? Mmh.

"Daddy, I'm dumb."

Yeah, right.

I can't see the ring, Chels.

Rae, come on, what
are we gonna do?

You know what? I'm going in.

Come grab my feet.

Oh! No!

Cousin Earl tries
that one, too, Rae.

Chelsea, get over
here and grab my feet.

I have to get Eddie's
ring out of here!

Ok, be careful.



How you doing down there?

Oh, I'm stuck, I'm
stuck. Oh, jeez...

Oh, I think I got something.

Uh, uh, Chels? Ok, come on!

Get me out! Pull me out!

Come here, come here!

Oh, ew! I broke
something off the machine.

Yeah, Rae, not good!

You broke the
a-4 regulator valve.

What? How do you know this?

Tsk! Ok, how do
you not know that?

Will you please go get
me a towel? I am freezing.

We have to figure out a way
to get that ring out of there.

Ew! Ew! I know.

What are you two doing in here?

The store is
supposed to be closed.

We could ask you
the same question.

Good one, Rae! Ha ha!

Go ahead, ask him.

Look, I just came by here
to pick something up, ok?

Not that it's any
of your business.

We have to stop him
from getting into that safe.

Ok, I'm on it. All right.

Hike! What are you doing?

Nothing, dude. Just
felt like spouting off

some random numbers.
Was it distracting?



Ooh, Chantel's
gonna love me for this.


That was my vision part.

Wait. The ring's gone.

And this is the part
where he freaks.

Somebody stole
Chantel's birthday present.

No, they didn't.

Ok, you two. I want to know
what happened right now.

Um, ok, first of all, uh,

everything we did

we did because
we care about you.

So... you're welcome.

And, um, secondly,

um, I had a vision you
were stealing out of the safe

to buy Chantel a
birthday present. What?!

Well, I checked out the safe
and I found out that everything

was still there,
so it's all good.

Of course everything
was still there, Rae.

I wouldn't steal anything.

We know! Of course
you wouldn't, Eddie!

Thank you.

So how'd you get the money?

I sold my CD collection.

Aha. I see, I see.

How'd you get the cds?

Christmases, birth...

look, why am I even talking
to you? Where is my ring?

That's a funny story, Eddie.

Kind of funny! What
happened was...

Was that I put on the ring

and it ended up in señor freezy.

Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

That's funny.

That's not funny.

It was an accident.

Well, y'all need to
hurry up and find the ring

because any minute
Chantel's gonna be here

for her big birthday surprise.

You guys, we should
just run the machine

and see if the ring comes out.

Oh, Chelsea,
please! That is such...

Such a good idea. Yeah.

Ok, I'll take vanilla,
Eddie, you take chocolate,

Chels, you take strawberry.

I don't really like strawberry.
Will someone trade with me?

Girl, if you don't grab a cone
and start looking for the ring...

Something's wrong with
the machine. It's so messy.

I didn't do anything.

Anyway, just keep
looking for the ring.

Well, well, no luck.

Oh, nothing.

Man, nada!

Next! See? We got a pretty
good system going here, huh?


Maybe I shouldn't
have said that.

Aah! Aah! Oh, no!

Turn it off! Rae!

It won't listen to me! Stop it!

I don't get it. It's like somebody
pulled the a-4 regulator valve.

How does everybody know that?

Oh, my gosh!

You guys, it's
getting everywhere!

Thanks for the
newsflash, captain obvious!

Ok, all right, hold on!

Get the ring,
Eddie, get the ring!

I'm trying to feel it,
Rae, I'm trying to feel it.

I can't hold it anymore!

Hold... hey, hey, hey!

Aah! Help!



Spread it around! I
can't find it, Eddie!

Go over there! Go over there!

Chantel will be here any minute!

Eddie, I'm ready
for my surprise... oh!

Don't tell me someone
pulled the a-4 regulator valve.

We can't turn this thing off!

Yeah, I guess that
would be one way to do it.

Is everybody ok?

Yeah, yeah.

Ok, good. So, Eddie,
where's my surprise?


Uh, uh...


Oh, it's an ice cream cone.

Look, baby, I really tried

to do something
special for your birthday.

It just... everything
got all messed up.

What is this?

There's a ring in my ice cream.

You found it? I
mean, you found it!

Eddie, it's beautiful!

Ha ha!

Ha ha ha! I fixed you
up good, huh, silly lady?

Heh heh heh!

"To Chantel, love, Eddie" ohh!


So I see the ice cream
thing worked out well.

I forgot. Who'd I put in charge?

Oh, that would be me,
Ms. Depaulo. Heh heh!

Fine. Clean up this mess,

then you're fired!

But, Ms. Depaulo!

Oh! Unh!

Is there any more
jobs in the library?

Look at you all
dressed up for tutoring.

Well, dress smart, be smart.

Heh heh! Well, it looks
like you're all ready.

Um, do you want
me to stick around?

Uh, thanks, but, no, thanks.

Why don't you go
wait in the Kitchen?

She's here! Get in the Kitchen!

Ms. Applebaum?

Let's get to work, Cory.

Where's Ms. Bonita? Is
she outside parking the car?

Change of plans, son.
Hope you don't mind.

Your father decided
that any boy this serious

about improving his grades

needs a teacher with
many years of experience.

Mm-hmm. And that
would be Mrs. Applebaum.

Wait a minute.

The square root of 144 is 12!

And 25% of 200 is 50!

Mr. Baxter, it seems that Cory's

got his math mojo back.

I figured he would.

Daddy, I'm not
dumb! It's a miracle!

Hey, Chantel, you
don't have to do this.

It's your birthday.

Oh, it's ok. I can handle it.

You guys have
been working so hard.

Yeah. Rae, Chels.
Look, I'm sorry.

We were supposed
to be a team and...

And I was a horrible boss
and an even worse friend.

We forgive you.

Oh, thank you, guys.

Chantel, uh, look,

I was acting like a big
shot to impress you,

but in reality I'm
just a regular guy

who can't afford to take you
to all of these fancy places.

Eddie, I don't like you because
you take me to fancy places.

You don't?

No! I like you because
you're my snookie-puss.

Oh, cookie lips!

Come on, biscuit
head, let's get to work.

Awww! Give me a hug!

Son, what are you doing?

Oh! Warming up.

I'm having some trouble in p.E.,

so I got a tutor.

Where do you get
a tutor for gym?

You'd be surprised.

Hello, pixie.

Good-bye, pixie.


You want a tutor for gym?

Then drop and
give me 20, solider!

But... now!

One! Unh!

Maybe you do need a tutor.