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03x18 - Mind Your Own Business

Posted: 04/23/24 07:45
by bunniefuu
Welcome to future
leaders united in business,

or as I like to call
it the flub club.

Some of you are
here because you are

highly motivated,
success-driven overachievers.

And some... I don't
know why you're here.

♪ How about a boogie shake? ♪

♪ Shake, shake! ♪

Seriously, why are you here?

Well, um, see, we
signed up late for clubs,

so it was either
this or clog dancing.

Señorita Rodriguez, do we
need special shoes for business?

No, but let's get
down to business.

All right, I'm going to
divide you into 2 teams.

Reg, Troy, ambrosia,
you are team one.

Raven, Eddie, and
Chelsea, you are team 2.

Your first task is to come
up with a team name.

Got it.

Our team name is dynamo.

Ok, done!

What is your team name?

Yeah, I don't know,

but we're going
bowling on Saturday.

Ok, I see I'm going
to have to name you.

What is the opposite of dynamo?

Uh... slow-mo?

Good enough.

Ok, dynamos, slow-mos,
your second task

is to create, advertise,
and sell a product

that students can
use in their lockers.

Got it.

Now y'all really need
to stop doin' that.

If you can't stand the heat,

please get out of the Kitchen.

We're not even in a Kitchen!

And they call us slow-mos.

Look, we don't want to get

all competitive with you guys.

Yeah, so if y'all
really want to win

this little business thingy,

be our guest.

Oh, did I mention the
prize for this little "thingy"

is a super shopping
spree at the mall?

A super shopping spree?

Slow-mos huddle up!

Let's go.

♪ If you could gaze
into the future ♪

♪ future, future ♪

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

♪ life is a breeze ♪

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪ go, Rae!

♪ But it's not that easy ♪
♪ oh, no ♪

♪ I try to save the situation ♪

♪ then I end up misbehavin' ♪

♪ ohh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ hey, now, say now ♪

♪ 'bout to put it down, yeah ♪

♪ come on and
ride with Rae now ♪

♪ you know the future
looks great now ♪

♪ and everything's
gonna change now ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious to me ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious
to me, yeah ♪

yep, that's me.

Ok. Let's figure out
what we're gonna do

about this contest.

Now, what do kids
need in their lockers?


Oh! Oh!

Man, Eddie, what died in there?

Well, let's see I got
my gym socks in here.

Oh, this is my lunch
from last week.

And my mold experiment
from science class.


Or is this my lunch?

You know what, you guys?

I have a great idea!


It's gonna sell like hotcakes.

That's it, Rae.
We'll sell hotcakes.

No, Chels. French toast?

Chels, has to be
for your locker.

Locker waffles?


Listen to me. We
are going to make

locker deodorizers!


Oh, yeah, that's
it, Rae. Good idea.

I mean, Eddie can't be the only
one in school with a stank locker.

So you guys really think these
locker deodorizers will sell?

Ohh! I don't know,

but you are definitely
getting the first one.

Ya nasty.

Hey, Cory, I... What the heck?

Dad, could you be a
pal and close the door?

I'm catchin' a draft.

You got a hot tub?

Cool, huh? It came this morning.

Look, Cory, I can't
deal with this right now.

I'm too stressed out.

Look, I'm swamped at
work, my taxes are due, and...

How can you afford this?

I got it on my tax refund.

That's why I always file early.

Yeah, I guess I'll
remember that next time.

Dad, you really need to relax.

No, what I need for is this
hot tub to get out of here.

Look, I want it
gone by tomorrow.

How did you even
get it through the door?

Water angels!

Water angels!

And we will be selling
locker organizers.

Very clever, dynamos.

You heard her. We're clever.

And what have we here?

It's a locker deodorizer.

Yeah, we call them "stank away."

I'm impressed, slow-mos.

Heh! She's impressed!

Well, both teams have
interesting products,

but in business the
proof is in the profits.

So whichever team
makes the most money,

will win the super
shopping spree.

And for the other, I will say...

Hasta la vista.

Prepare to be
demolished, slow-mos.

We have the most professional
and proficient marketing strategy

this school has ever seen.

Yeah? Yeah? Well,
we've got a big arrow.

Locker deodorizers
right this way, y'all!

Right this way!

Hey-eh, everybody!
How you doin'?

I'm gonna tell you somethin'

that I know you
don't want to hear.

Ya locker stank.

That's why we have this for you!

Stank away handmade
organic locker deodorizers.

Yes! You've got to
deodorize... Ha ha!



So the the stank won't
rise and burn your eyes!

Can I get a sniffness?

All right.

Ok, y'all, step right up.

We got pine forest, lemon
fresh, and misty ocean.

These all smell the same.

Oh, really, ambrosia?

Ok, don't block the line then.

Here it is, ha!
The locker wizard.

You got your drawers,
you got your shelves,

and you've got your hooks.

Now step right up, everybody.

Please have your money ready.

How are the slow-mos doing?

Big arrow was really
bringing in the crowd.

There's no way
they're gonna beat us.

We gotta crush them.

You don't mean... That's right.

Oh, no! They got a bigger arrow.

With lights.

You know what we have to do?

You mean... That's right.

♪ Here we go ♪

♪ Here we go ♪

♪ ooh ♪

♪ here we go ♪

Time's up. Stop selling.

Reg, big chicken,
cough up the cash.


I will tally the results

and announce the winner
at out flub club meeting,

where one team will go shopping,

and the other will hear me say

hasta la vista.


Oh! Hey, son.

Is it 3:30 already?

Where did the day go?

What are you
doing in my hot tub?

Well, I thought
about what you said

about needing to relax and...

Thanks to your tub, I am
bubblin' my stress away.

Well, I am happy for you,

but I already called the
guy to come pick it up.

Oh, yeah, he rang the doorbell,

but I was too
relaxed to answer it.

So the tub's staying then?

Good, 'cause I had
a long day at school,

and I could really use a soak.

Uh-uh! Not until you
finish your homework.

Homework? Dad, come on!

Hey, hey, schoolwork
comes first.

You better get started.


Ooh! Turbo jets.

Ah ha ha ha ha!


Ok, I've counted all the money,

and we have a winner.

Dynamos... Yes!

Hasta la vista.


Ha ha ha!

The winning team is
Raven, Eddie, and Chelsea,

the slow-mos.


You know how we do! Don't hang!

I told you we should've
gotten an animal suit,

but, no, you had to
think inside the box.

The big arrow was fine.

Somebody didn't
dance enough with it.

Know what, you guys?

I am so glad we're not
competitive, you know, like them.

Yeah, that's
because we're friends,

and we got each
other's backs, y'all.

And that's why we won.

Ok, prize, prize, prize.

Off to the mall we go, slow-mos.

Hook it up, hey!

Not so fast, slow-mos.

The competition is not over yet.

You see, there is twist.

Only one of you is
getting the shopping spree.

What? Which one?

The one who makes the most
money selling a new product.

Because, you see,

now you will be competing
against each other.

♪ Da da dun! ♪

Just trying to amp
up the tension.

Mmm! I can't believe Rodriguez

is making us compete
against each other.

Yeah, ok, and you know what?

We are not gonna turn against
each other like the dynamos

over some stupid shopping spree.

Some... once-in-a-lifetime
dream shopping spree.


Rae, come back.

Huh? Oh, yeah, sorry.

Ok, if we're gonna do this,

we have to make a pact
that it will not get ugly.

Hey, well, it might
be fun to have

a little friendly
competition, y'all.

Yeah, but I can't
think of what to sell.

Don't worry about
that. Me, neither.

Yeah. Me, neither.

Raven, your popcorn
stand is popping!

Aah! I just had a vision!

I know what I'm gonna sell!

It is gonna be hot!

Really? Well, what is it?

Huh? Uh... nothin'.

What do you think, I'm gonna
steal it or something, Rae?

Eddie! Of course not! Please!

Well, why won't you tell us?

Yeah, Rae, that's
not really fair,

using your visions to beat us.

Uh-uh-uh. Now
listen to me, people.

It's just business.
Strictly business.

Fine. Fine then.

I'm not gonna tell you my idea.

Uh, Chels, I thought
you didn't have one.

Well, I don't, but,
uh, when I get one,

I'm not tellin' ya.

Yeah, yeah. And
the idea I don't have

is gonna be better than
the both of yours. Ha.

Oh ho ho! Keep dreaming/

you know why?

'Cause I'm gonna win
that shopping trip, ok?

Oh, yeah? Well,
you're goin' down!

Yeah! You, too, mister!


Dad, what are you doing?!

Oh, hey, son, you know
the chill grill staff, right?


Why aren't they
at the chill grill?

Well, you see, everybody's
so stressed out at work

that we thought we'd relax

while we have our staff meeting.

Dad, can I talk to you alone?

Hey, you guys mind?

Ok, son, you
better make it quick.

Ok. Dad, you keep
talking about your stress,

but I have stress, too.

Son, you're a kid.

What kind of stress
could you have?

Well, let's see.

I've got 4 tests and a
paper due this week,

I'm worried about my
social life, my future,

and I've got a dad
who's living in my hot tub

that I bought to relax in.

Oh, son, I'm sorry.
I didn't realize.

Of course you have
your own kind of stress,

and I should have
been sensitive to that.

That's ok, dad.

Tell you what.

How about we move the
hot tub to the backyard?

That way we both can use it,

and, uh, I get my room back.

Yeah. Yeah, that sounds fair.

All right, dad.

Whoa. And, dad?

Yeah, son?

The staff?

Oh, right!

Thinking caps! Get
your thinking caps here!

Oh, I get it.

A brain on a hat.

Oh, Chelsea, very clever.

Thank you very much.

No, "think" you.

Did she just rip me off?

I think she did!

Your face on a t-shirt, $10!

And for 20 bucks,
you can have my face.

Big smile, man, all right?

Another great idea.

Yeah, it's pretty
cool, too. See?

All I have to do is let the
camera take the picture,

and it prints it
right out on a t-shirt.

Very impressive, Eduardo.

Uh, can you show me
how this thing works again?

Oh, yeah. No doubt.


Big smile now, all right?

Look at that.

All right.


That'll be 10 bucks.

Oh, do you have change for a 50?




Ooh. Ooh, something smells good.

Yeah, smell like Turkey necks.

Aw, she jacked me for a t-shirt!

Popcorn here! Get your popcorn!

Freshly popped popcorn
for your corn-eatin' pleasure,

by Raven Ravenpopper.

So, what do you have for me?

I mean, how's business?

Oh, it is on and poppin'.

Here you go.

I'll need to take a sample
for testing purposes.

Oh, most definitely.

Totally understand.


That's very generous,
but I think I'll need a capful.

A what?

Oh, spare me!

I'll get back to you
with my results.

Uh-huh, you better get
back to me with my 2.50!

All right, your
mother's gonna love

her birthday present, mad dog.

Ha ha! Hey, you
look like a girl.

Uh, not you, the t-shirt.

See, something' went wrong.

It's a good thing you don't
have a sister, my brother,

because she'd be one ugly...

You got a sister, don't you?

Ha ha ha! I'm this way.

Calm down, you guys. Everyone's
getting their money back.

Hey, Chels, somebody
messed with my computer.

You wouldn't happen to know
anything about it, would you?

Wait a minute.

Somebody put itching
powder in my thinking caps.

You wouldn't happen to
know anything about this,

would you?

No, but I bet the same person
that messed with your caps

is the same person that
messed with my computer.

Who would do
something like that?

Someone that would do
anything for a shopping spree.



Great. Well, better go
check out the competition.

Hey, you guys! What's goin' on?

Like you don't know.

Actually, I don't.

Oh, ok. Well, does this
mean anything to you?

You stuck your
head in poison Ivy?

Really? Yes, I did once.

But that's not why I'm doing it.


Look. And I suppose you
had nothing to do with this!

You know what? That
is a really good picture

of mad dog's sister.

No, it is a really bad
picture of mad dog.

Somebody messed
with my computer, Rae.

Wait a second. Are
you accusing me?

Um, are you accusing
me of accusing you?

Yes. So you confess?

Wait. What are you
guys talking about?

You know what? I would
never do anything to cheat.

If you guys actually think I would
do something to sabotage you,

I don't even know
why we're friends.

We were thinking the same thing.

Raven, your popcorn
stand is popping!

I know. It's on and
pop, pop, poppin'.

Yes, it is... All
over the school!

Pop, pop, pop, pop,
pop, pop, pop, pop!


Oh, snap!

Ok, wait a second!

Y'all owe me money for that!

I better have my
money when I get back!


You sabotaged my
popcorn machine!

Rae, why would we do that?

I don't know. Maybe because
you thought that I sabotaged yours,

which, ha ha, I didn't.

Well, we didn't do
anything, ok, Rae?

At least, I didn't.

Well, hey, what do
you think, I did this?

Everyone, drop that
popcorn and get back to class!

Rae, let's stop
your crazy machine

before the whole
school is filled!

Ok, ok, I'm goin' in!

She's been under too long.

I know. The
suspense is k*lling me.

We got to go in
there and get her.

Let's do it.


This is better than the movies.

I did it!

Eddie and Chelsea
are down there!

They went in to save you!


Raven just went
down to save you!


Raven, Eddie and
Chelsea, they just...

Just wait here.

Rae, you ok?

Hey, you guys, yeah. Are you ok?

A little salty, but, um, I'm ok.

Wait a second.

Even though you guys
thought I messed you up,

you still tried to save me?

Well, uh, even after we said all
those crazy things to you, Rae,

you still tried to save us.

You know what?

Look what this
competition has done to us.

It's turned us
against each other.

Well, let's never let it
happen again, ok, you guys?

Ok, we're best friends,
and let's stay that way.


I love happy endings.

Well, I guess we'll never
know who messed us up then.


Oh, I did not see that coming!

Aah! Aah!


Reg? What are you
doing underneath there?

You guys didn't deserve to win!

You know nothing about business!

So it was you, huh?

Everyone, report to the
flub club immediately.

I'm sorry for what I did.

I just can't stand... Losing.

Reg, you can think about that

when you're cleaning
up the popcorn.

And for the rest of you,

I think we learned two
valuable lessons today.

Competition can bring
out the worst in people,

and never eat popcorn
out of an itching cap.

So, um, señorita,

who's getting the
shopping spree?

Well, I think the
only fair thing

would be for the

All right.

But there's another twist.

Unfortunately, most of the
merchants refused to participate.

They said I took
too many freebies.

But I did manage to
get you a gift certificate

to one of the most
popular stores in the mall.


Popcorn town?!

Hasta la vista.


Well, at least it's free.

Hey! I wonder
what they sell there?

Dad, come on! You've
been in the hot tub for 3 days!

You're gonna shrivel
up into nothing!

Too late!



Aah! Aah!

Ok, it was just a bad dream.

It wasn't a dream!

Aah! Mommy!

Son, I was just
cleaning up some water.

Well, back to the tub.

♪ Yeah! ♪