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03x25 - Extreme Cory

Posted: 04/23/24 07:49
by bunniefuu
Yes. I'm Eddie Thomas, and
welcome to my exciting life.

Ha ha ha ha! Cut! Cut!

Cut! Eddie!

Your project is to do a video

on the most exciting
person you know.

How could you not pick me?

'Cause I picked myself.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Ya see,my life

is full of nonstop, wall-to
wall excitement. Yeah.

And, Chels, you better not
miss a single second of it.

I'm on it!

All right. Now, follow me,

and we'll all get started.


Rae, nice shoes!

Oh. Well, thank you.

I'm just breakin'
'em in. You know.

Hey, I'm gonna wear 'em
to the ultra jam concert.

But I have to wait on the
right time to ask my dad.

Hey, Chels, did you get
that? I just found 5 bucks.

Yeah, yeah, I got it!

No, you didn't.

Yeah, I know. I was
kinda talkin' to Rae.

But, hey, look, look,
I promise I won't miss

any more exciting
things you do. Ok?

All right. Come on.

Hey! That was my 5 bucks!


Yeah! Yeah!


Oh, man!


Oh, yeah. Ha ha! Yeah! Yeah!

Yeah! Yeah!

To the extreme!

Let's go, guys!

Come on, you
guys, let's go! Yeah!

Cory?! What are you doin' here?

Oh, I came to check
out the x squad.

Man, they've got the coolest
shirts, the coolest nicknames.

I wish I could skate like them.

Oh, I bet you could.

Just missin' 2 things...

Skateboard and
some skills. Ha ha ha!

Well, I'm buyin' a
skateboard today.

And as for skills,
I happen to be

a natural athlete.


Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

Look at you.

Fallin' to the ex... Treme.

Hah hah hah!

Let's go.

♪ If you could gaze
into the future ♪

♪ future, future ♪

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

♪ life is a breeze ♪

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪ go, Rae!

♪ But it's not that easy ♪
♪ oh, no ♪

♪ I try to save the situation ♪

♪ then I end up misbehavin' ♪

♪ ohh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ hey, now, say now ♪

♪ 'bout to put it down, yeah ♪

♪ come on and ride
with the break now ♪

♪ and the future
looks great now ♪

♪ and everything's
gonna change now ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious to me ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious
to me, yeah ♪

yep, that's me.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Dang. Ok, I getcha, Cory.

Ok. I hope that skateboard
came with a bag of skills.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Ok, this happens to be

the top of the line

extreminator 3000.

Oh! Ok.

The guy at the store said, uh,

you just get on it and go.

Ok! Get on it... And go.



All right. Yeah.

To the extreme!


Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha
ha! Cory! How many times

have I told you not to
skateboard in the house?!


Huh. You'd think I
would've. It's so obvious.


you know what,
Cory? You definitely

have a future in

as a crash test dummy! Ha ha ha!

Thanks a lot, Raven.

I'm there for you anytime.

Ha ha ha ha ha! Raven,

that was not funny.

You shouldn't be
makin' fun of him

just because he wants
to learn somethin' new.

Man, bad timing.

I was gonna ask
dad for the money

to go to the ultra jam concert.

I... I wonder if he
knows I'm not listening.

I better just nod my head.

Are you listening to me?

Uh-huh, sure. I
heard every word, dad,

to what you were
sayin' when you s...

Hey! Hey, dad, can
I have some money

to go to the ultra
jam concert? Aah!

I knew you weren't
listenin' to me!

Don't you care about
anything else but yourself?


I care about all the great acts
that are gonna be at the ultra jam!

Myesha, pressure.

Boyz 'n motion.

You... great. I
don't want to hear it.

Look, until you start showin'

some support for your brother,

you can forget
about that concert.

Dad. Ok, you know
what? Don't worry. Ok?

Did she say myesha
and boyz 'n motion?

Ooh, that's a good show.

I should buy a ticket myself.

We would never separate.

He doesn't laugh at
me, so why should...


And don't you forget it.

Cory Baxter, right? Yeah?

I'm scabz. This is razor.

This is my crew...
bones, skids, bruise,

wheels, and stitches.

Word down at the skateboard shop

is you bought the
extreminator 3000.

Yeah. Hey, you wanna
come in and see it?

Yeah! Yeah! All right!

Thanks! Let's go!

Dude, this board is awesome!

Where'd you get the cash?

Well, you know. Uh...

I moved some investments around,

liquidated some assets.

I got a hookup.

Oh. Oh. Yeah. Oh. All right,

so let's see what you got.

Right here?

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

You know, you could do,

like, uh, an Ollie...

Ooh, this should be fun...

Cory gettin' busted
by the x squad. Ha ha!

Wait. I... I'm supposed
to be supportive.

I want to go to that concert.

But I do love to
watch him squirm.

Nah. I'll make him look good.

Cory! Cory, now, you know

you are not supposed
to be skateboardin'

in the house! Remember,
you scratched up

the bannister and the floor

doin' all your little
dips and tricks

and... and grindings
all up on the ceilin'

with the 170-twist Ollie into
a nosedive. Remember that?

It's crazy.

The ceiling?

Extreme! Extreme! Extreme!

Man, Cory, you
gotta hang with us

at the skate park.

Yeah! No doubt!

Yeah! All right. We'll
see you tomorrow, then.

Let's bizzounce.



Yeah, ok! Ha ha! Raven,

thanks for sayin' all
those cool things about me.

Anytime, home bro.

Just make sure you tell
dad how supportive I was.

Yeah, ok. Sure.

Man, I can't believe
I'm gonna be skatin'

with the x squad
tomorrow. Ha ha!

I'm... I'm gonna be skatin'
with the x squad tomorrow.

I can't skate! You built
me up to those guys!

Now I gotta come through!

Relax, Cory, ok? All you
need is a little practice.

Do the little flippy
thing that they did.

Hey, I'm gonna go,
uh, sh**t some hoops,

so keep that camera on me

while I rain down
on some chumps.

I'm on it!

Ooh! What's for lunch today?

Fish sticks and
grilled cheese...

Hey, what was that?!

Over the shoulder! No look.

Full court, nothin' but nets.

What?! Is that good?!

Is that good?

Chels, I just made a
one-in-a-million shot.

Oh, man! That would've
been great for the video.

You missed it, Chels?
This video has to be exciting.

My reputation's at stake.

Ok. Well, just do it again.

I'll never make a
shot like that again.

Not with that
attitude, you won't.

How'm I doin'?

Well, you've mastered the
bench. Let's try the board.

Ha! I've got it! Aah!
I'm skateboarding!

Ha ha! Ha ha!

I wouldn't celebrate just yet.

Check me out!

Oh! Look out, Cory!
There's a step down there!

Oh! Good boy!


Oh! See?

Raven, I did it! If we keep
practicin' like this every mornin',

I'll be ready for the x squad.

Every morning?

I am not gettin'
up every mornin'.

Uh, Cory, we need to talk.

See, I think, uh...

I think you're ready
right now! I am?

To the... Extreme. Ha ha.

Thanks, Raven.

Uh, uh, Cory?

Yeah, I know. I
won't forget to tell dad

how supportive you are.

Good boy!

Yeah! Us to the extreme!


What's up, xers?

Yeah, what up, Cory?

Y'all bring my shirt?

Slow your rope.

Oh, right. I need
a nickname first.

You know, I was thinkin'
of, uh, moneybagz...

With a..."Z." Ha ha.

Whoa, dude. You gotta do
something extreme to earn that name.

And you know the shirt's 29.95.

Huh. How extreme are we talkin'?

Extremely extreme.




Hey, champ, how'd it go?

Did you make it
into the x squad?

No... but I need an X-ray.

I think I broke my ankle.


Here you go, Cory.


You know what?

I never shoulda
sent you out there.

I just wasn't ready. Um...

How bad does it hurt?

Really bad.

Can I at least get you a refill?

If it's not too much trouble.

Trouble? Please!

Whatever you need.

Poor little guy.

It's movie time!


Hoo hoo! Hoo!

That little phoney! Oh, snap!

Here you go, you
poor little baby.

Drink your milk,
and Raven will adjust

your bandage for you.

No, no! No, thank you.

Uh, it's adjusted just right.

Oh, it is? Let me make sure.

No, it's ok!


I knew it! You little faker!

You'd better come
clean right now.

Ok. Here's what happened.

I was at the park,
and the x squad said

if I wanted to join, I had
to do somethin' extreme.

You wanna be in
the x squad or not?

Yeah, I'm down.

All right. Yeah.

I'm down!

I'm down!

What happened? Uh...

My ankle! It hurts!

Ex... extremely bad!

Yeah? Well, maybe you're
just extremely chicken.

Bawk bawk bawk!

Poser! Poser! Poser!

Ha ha! Ha ha!

Nice try.

And that's why I can never
face the x squad again.

They're gonna clown
me... To the extreme.

Cory, be realistic. You can't
stay in this house forever.

Of course not!

Just for a couple of years
until everybody forgets.

Cory, now, listen.

You need to go down there,

look those kids in the eyes,

and say, "listen!

"I don't do anything
than I don't want to do,

and I don't want to do this."

I don't want to do that.

Cory, trust me.

They'll respect you if
you stand up to them.

Ahh... You're right.

I'll do it.


All right!

Ooh! Talk about excitement!

Now we find Eddie
opening his locker.

Maybe later,
he'll tie his shoes.

I do not need the
attitude. Ok, Chels?

And now we see
Eddie getting annoyed.


Of course I'm annoyed! Ok?

I told everybody I
had this exciting life,

and all you got on camera is that we're
having grilled cheese on Wednesday!

And fish sticks.

Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, excuse me.

There's such thing as courtesy.

What planet are you... From?


C-Chels! Chels!
Are you gettin' this?

Wait just a sec. Something's
wrong with the camera.

Everything's green!

Oh. All right, that's better.

Ok, Eddie. What'd
you want me to see?



Oh! Hey, dad!

So, um, did you
talk to Cory about

the big sister, supportive,
there-for-him thing?

Yeah, he did tell me
that you've been great

and you've given him
some good advice,

so I guess you've
earned the concert.

Aah! Thank you, thank
you, thank you, thank you,

thank you, thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you, dad! Aah!

You know what? I
am really proud of you.

Um, could you get
me a myesha t-shirt?

And a pressure hat.

Oh, no. A pressure poster.

Mmm, you're gonna
need some more money.

I sure will!


And a boyz-'n-motion mug.

Hey, dad, um,

did, uh, Cory already
go to the park?

Uh, yeah. He left
a few minutes ago.

You know what? I
already got a mug.

How about a button? Yeah.

Um, dad... ok. You know
what? Thank you very much,

but I have to come back. I have
to take care of something. Ok?

Oh, and when I come back, dad...

We need to talk about
your musical interests.

Check it out, fellas.

Look who's walking.

Hey, guys, there's
somethin' I gotta tell you.

I don't do anything
that I don't wanna do.

'Preciate that respect.

Dude, you're the biggest
wimp we've ever met.

Ha ha! Ha ha! Ha ha!

Ok, maybe I got
some bad advice here.

Ok, what do I have to do?

You gotta ride the half-pipe.

That little bitty thing?

I would, but, you know,
I don't have a board...

Or a helmet... Or pads.

Ok. Here I go.

Tell my parents I love 'em.

Oh, dudes, man, dudes,

cover your brake,
man, yeah! Ha ha!

Who are you?

Oh, the name's
E.R., 'cause I, like,

totally live in the
emergency room.

Get it?

Who's your crew? I
never heard of you.

O.x., baby!

Original extreme!


Raven, what are you doin' here?!

I'm tryin' to keep
you from getting hurt.

So, where's the
rest of your crew?

Yeah, man, they're
not with us anymore.

You mean... They're up in...

In Canada, for sure! Ha ha ha.

They retired. I mean,

like, totally. Once
you've broken

every bone in your body,
you've done it all, right?

That's what I say. Yeah! Ha ha!

So, what kind of extreme
stunts are you dudes into?

Show him, razor.



Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

Yeah! Yeah!

Yeah. Yeah!

Dude. You call that extreme?

Ha! For sure, not.

My mom could do
that. You know what?

I didn't get a plate in my skull

for doin' baby
stunts, man, for sure.

Baby stunts?

Yeah, that's what I said!

You dudes are punks, man!

For sure. You wanna
see somethin' extreme?

You better follow me.

Come on. Watch
this, man. Watch this!

Yeah, man! Ha ha!

Let's see you ride down those.

The stairway to nowhere?

No one can ride that.

You'd break into
a million pieces.

Yeah, you would!

But, I mean, once they
put you back together,

you'd, like, totally stand tall.

Well, not tall as you
would have before,

'cause you woulda
lost some bone mass.

But that's beside the point.

So, uh, who wants to
go down first, dudes?

Uh, scabz, how 'bout you?

Forget it, man!

Whoa! Am I feelin'

that someone's tryin', to
chicken out here, man?

Stop sweatin' me.
I'm not chicken.

That's just too dangerous.

Exactly. See, no one
likes to be pressured

into doin' something
that they don't wanna do.

Now that we learned
our lesson, rock on, man!

E.R., let's see you do it.

Yeah! Yeah! Huh?

Yeah. If you're as
extreme as you say you are,

it should be no
problem. Yeah! Yeah!

Cripes! It's tubular, man!

But do you really,
really want me to do it?

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

Maybe you didn't
hear me. I said,

"did you really, really,
really want me to do that?"

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

Oh, this is ridiculous.

This is my sister Raven.



How y'all doin'?

Dude, you brought your
sister down here to punk us?

Hey, I didn't, but,
uh... Heh... It worked.

Thanks for havin' my back.

If you guys go around
tellin' everyone I punked out...

I'll just say the
same about you.

Dude, come on!
We've got a reputation!

The x squad never backs down.

All right. Look, Cory,

if you don't tell anyone
we backed down,

we'll really teach you
how to skateboard.


All right! Cool!

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!


Wait, dudes! Dudes! Dudes!

Man, are we... are we ok?

To the extreme! To the extreme!


Aah! Oh!

Aaahhh! Yeah! How
do you stop this thing?!


Whoa! Burnside boardslide!

Aaaahhhh! Help me!

Help me! I don't
like this! Help!



Hey, what's that called?

I don't know.
Somethin' with a "g" in it.

Oh, that's gotta hurt.

Dude, if your
sister survives this,

she's gonna be a legend.

Ohhh... aaahhh!

Camera's on. Let's
see something amazing.

Oh, what do you think,
something's gonna fall

right out of the clear blue sky?

Aah! Aah!

Aaahh! Oh!

I am not... Ok.

Did you get it?

Yes! Got it!


Oh. Out of tape.

Oh, hey. So, how
was the ultra jam?

Ahh... too bad you
couldn't use your ticket.

You know, it was pretty cool.

You don't look like
you had that much fun.

Yeah. You know, it
would've been a lot better

without all the
yelling, shrieking,

and hysterical screamin'.

Yeah, well, those girls
can get pretty excited.

Girls? I wish. I was
talkin' about dad.

I lost my voice.

But that was the best
concert ever. Ooh.

♪ I like that modern style ♪

♪ g'bye-bye ♪