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03x28 - Country Cousins: Parts 2

Posted: 04/23/24 07:52
by bunniefuu
Previously on that's so Raven...

Ooh, that's one
creepy scarecrow.

Cory, you're late!

Cousin Raven!

Cousin Vicky?

Aah! Aah!

I can't wait for you to leave!


Can somebody pass the gravy?

Lord! Aah!

Last time your daddy
stepped foot in this house

was the last time we saw
that antique gravy boat.

I think coming here
was a bad idea.

You nasty! Aah!


Let's go.

♪ If you could gaze
into the future ♪

♪ future, future ♪

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

♪ life is a breeze ♪

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪ go, Rae!

♪ But it's not that easy ♪
♪ oh, no ♪

♪ I try to save the situation ♪

♪ then I end up misbehavin' ♪

♪ ohh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ hey, now, say now ♪

♪ 'bout to put it down, yeah ♪

♪ come on and
ride with Rae now ♪

♪ you know the future
looks great now ♪

♪ and everything's
gonna change now ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious to me ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious
to me, yeah ♪

yep, that's me.

Can you believe it, Chels?

This stupid feud is over
some stupid gravy boat.


Thank you, Chels.

And you know what
the worst part is?

They blame my
dad for stealing it.


Thanks, Chels.

You know what?

My dad's not a
gravy boat stealer,

and I'm gonna prove it.

I came all the way out here
to bring my family together,

and... oh! Chels!

Dude, you're supposed
to be on hey! Patrol.

Oh, I'm sorry.

But look, Rae.

That creepy scarecrow
keeps staring right at me.

Oh, yeah, that's Percy.

Yeah, he used to creep me
out too when I was a little kid.

Auntie Faye used
to tell this scary story.

Like, uh, when the
moon was out...

Kind of like tonight...

Percy would come to life,

sneak into your room...

And steal your soul.

Kind of silly... Chels?

Bus station? Hi.

Yeah, I wanted a one-way
ticket back to San franciscky,

and pronto.


Come on, dude,
it was just a story.

Lights out!


It... it's 7:00.

I know, but bein' that
it's the weekend and all,

we like to stay
up a little later.


Well, I guess we
better get ready for bed.

Cory, boy, when
you get this message,

you better already be here!

You were supposed
to be here 2 hours ago!

Oh, no!

Oh, man! Your
parents just pulled up.

I don't know how much
longer I can cover for you, man.

Hey, Mr. and Mrs. B!

Back so soon!

Gimme some love!

How was your dinner
with the coopers?


They stuck us with
the check again.

Oh, really? Well,
what about your plan

to, uh, you know, sneak into the
bathroom before the check came?

Oh, we did,

and when we came
out, the check was there,

but the coopers were gone.


So I hope you guys had
a better time than we did.

Where's Cory?

Um, he's out.

Uh, like a light...
Upstairs, sleeping.

Sleeping at this hour?

Yeah, well, uh, the
little fella was just

you know, plum Tucker tired,

so he just went to bed early.


'Cause we brought home desserts.

Dig in.

We're gonna see
if Cory's still awake.

Oh, hey!

Ho! Ho! Ho!


I know what you're
up to, Eddie Thomas.

You do?

Mm-hmm. You want both desserts.

Ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha!

I cannot get anything
past you, Mr. B!

Yeah! That's why I'm
the kid, you the adult.

I'm just gonna go ahead and,
you know, go in the Kitchen

and dig in like you said I was.

Everything's cool.

What do you know? He is asleep.

Wait a minute. He's not snoring.

That's my boy.

Snoring like a buzz saw.

But where's that cute little
whistling sound he usually makes?

He's getting so big.

I know. He never lets me
kiss him good night anymore.

Why don't you go
and sneak one in?

That was so sweet.

I think he's ready
to start shaving.


It's like he grew up overnight.

Well, let's go see if
Eddie's lovin' that dessert.

Ah... ohh!


Oh, mmm!

Mmm! Delicious!

Eddie Thomas, I cannot believe

you got Cory into bed so early.

Even we can't do that.

We are so lucky
to have you here.


You know what?

You could use
a little shave, too.

Cory, you better
pick up this time!

Pick up what?

Man, I thought you said you
were gonna be right home!

Chill, big bro.

Are my mom and dad home?

Yeah, man, they're
in the living room.

You did cover for me, right?

Yeah, I told them that
you were upstairs sleeping.

What'd you tell 'em that for?

Now I gotta go to bed.

You little ungrateful...

You better had
brought my corn dog.


Rae, I can't sleep knowing
Percy's right outside the window.

I can't sleep
knowin' it's only 7:15.

What was that?

I'm sure it was nothing, Chels.

Is that nothing, too, Rae?

Now that was a little some some.

At least that creepy
scarecrow shadow's gone.


Ok, ok, ok, Chels,
ok. Percy is gone. Ok.

Maybe he went to the bathroom.


Ok, ok, Chels. Shh.

Aah, aah.


Go home!!!

Is he still behind us?!

Girl, you look back and tell me!

Ooh, ooh. We got 'em
good tonight, Percy.

"Go home." Heh heh heh heh.

Betty Jane.

She tried to scare
us with that scarecrow

to make us go home!

Well, it worked,
Rae. Let's go pack.

Uh-uh. No. Come back here.

I came here to make peace...

And if Betty Jane wants a fight,

it's on.

All set. Payback
is gonna be sweet.

Oh. Here comes Betty Jane.

Ok, call my cell
phone. It's on vibrate.

Ok. You know, Rae,

I'm not really a
vengeful person.

But, uh... Let's
stick it to her good.


Aah! Aah!

That's not Betty Jane.

We scared the wrong person.

Don't go soft on me now, Rae.

Who is this?

It's for you.

You have reached a
number that is very, very sorry.

Raven, what is wrong with you?!

Mama, what's all
the holler? Whoa.


Betty Jane, are you ok?

Oh. Oh, honey.

Raven scared me and
made me drop the eggs.

Why does she keep
hurtin' us, mama?

I'm sorry, ok? I was just
tryin' to get back at Betty Jane

for scarin' us last night.

I don't know what
she's talkin' about.

Uh-uh! You put Percy
in our room last night.

How do you know that?

I had a...

A... a... a... a... somethin'...
somethin' I can't really say.

Just like you can't really say

what your daddy did
with our gravy boat.

You know what? This
trip was a mistake.

We're going home.

Come on, Chels, let's go.

Hello, bus station?
Yeah, it's Chelsea,

and this time, it's for real.

Dad, yeah. We're coming home.

I tried. I just can't get
along with these people.


Thanks. Now are you sure
you didn't take the gravy boat?

I did not take their gravy boat!

Oh, ok, ok! I'm sorry, dad!

I'm sorry. I was just
double checking.


Yeah, well, I need
to get outta here.

I wanna leave here

while I still have my dignity!

Aah! Unh. I'm ok.


Thanks, Chels.

Now see whatcha done
did? Ya woke the baby.

I'm sorry, auntie Faye.
We're getting out of here.

We won't be any
more trouble to you.

Come on, Rae. We
don't wanna miss the bus.

Rae, thank you for bringin'
gravy back into our life.

Chels, we are not
going anywhere.


Hello? Bus
station? It's Chelsea.

Auntie Faye, I know this
trip has been a disaster,

and it seems like everything
I touch, I destroy. But, um...

Is it possible that we
can stay for lunch?


Oh, auntie Faye, I have to.

I'm not sure how. But, um...

We're gonna be
celebrating today,

and I had a really
strong feeling

that we can bring our
families back together.

Ok, then, girl, you
got one more chance.

Thanks, auntie Faye.

Ok, ok. I'll meet you guys
at the arcade in 10 minutes.

Ok. All right. Bye.

You're not goin' to the arcade.

You promised your parents
you'd do your homework.

Nah, I'll do it later.

I'm gonna sneak out. Cover me.

Look, I don't think so, Cory.

Mick, come on. You
did great last night.

Just come up with
a better excuse.

Like I'm takin' a
nice, long bubble bath.

Look, your parents
are cool, man,

and they really,
really trust me.

I'm not gonna
mess that up, Cory.

Pfft. Fine.

That's how I
like to roll... Solo.

Ok, 6 letter word
for "turns to ice."


Ha ha ha! I am good.

Ok. Ok. Let's see.
How you do this?


Victor! Honey, my
mom wants to talk to you!

Coming, sweetheart.


Well... What's up,
Cory? Hangin' out?

Hey, Eddie,

do you mind getting
me down from here?

I thought you said
you was rollin' solo.

Ha ha ha. That was a joke, man.

Oh, it was a jokey joke.

Yeah, it was a jokey joke.

A jokey joke. Jokey joke.

I'm just playing.

Eddie, please, please.

Stop beggin', boy.
I'll see what I can do.

Wait, dude.

You were very charming

to my mom on the phone, honey.


That's because I love her baby.

And her baby loves you.


Victor, someone's
trying to break in!


All right, who are you?!


Aah! Aah!

Cory! Don't move.

All right, you guys,
you pull and I'll push!

You can do it! You can...

What were you eating?

Cory, you're supposed

to be home doing your homework.

What would make
you think that you could

possibly get away
with something like this?

Because I let him get
away with it last night.

Last night?

Cory went to bed
early last night.

Y'all are gonna laugh.

That was me.


But I went in, I
went in and... and...

Oh! Oh, Eddie!

It wasn't the highlight
of my night either.

You guys are right, all right?

I am like a big brother to Cory.

And I should have acted like it.

No, man, you did, but...
I took advantage of you.

I'm sorry.

Oh, it's cool, man.

Well, that's that.
Let's watch some TV!

No, you are going up to
your room, young man.

If you don't mind, I'd
like to keep him company.

Yeah, go ahead.

Yo, hold up, little bro!

Oh, it sure is hard

when we have to punish them.

I know, but it's our job

to be the responsible adults.

Yeah, you're right.

Come on, let's go
crank call the coopers.


Crank call your mom?

Victor! I'm kidding.

Rae, are you sure
this is a good idea?

Chels, we're family.

I'm sure they want to make peace

just as much as I do.


Tough crowd.

All right, everybody,

we are here today
to solve the mystery

of the missing gravy boat.

What? What mystery?

We had it,

your thievin' daddy took it...

Mystery solved.

Yeah, have a safe trip back.


No, you guys, I'm serious, ok?

We are going to find

that missing gravy boat.

Now, let's go back to the night

it disappeared.

Auntie Faye, what
do you remember?

What I do remember
is that that night,

I had so much to eat,

I had a bad case of the winds.

Nasty. Nasty... Yes, you did.

And I excused myself to the barn

and I asked, uh,

Vicky, I asked you
to wash the dishes.

Yes, well, I do remember
washing the dishes.

And then I gave

the gravy boat to delroy to dry.

So delroy had it last?

Look, ok, y'all ready for this?

Yes, I did have the gravy boat.

And I was gonna dry it,

but my drying towel...

Thank you very
much... was saturated,

so I put it out on
the post to dry...

Which was the worst
mistake that I ever made...

Because that's when
your daddy snatched it

and run out of the house.

You know, Raven,
you sure are asking

an awful lot of questions.

Um, what were
you doing that night?

Well, all I remember
about being in this house

was playing with Betty Jane.

That's right.

We did actually used
to like each other.

Yes, you did.

Y'all two were like
two peas in a pod.

I peed in the potty.

You know, the only reason

I came out here was because...

I found this picture.

I remember that!

The little pail and shovel.

Didn't we used
to play that game?

Um... Buried treasure!

Yes, you too little scamps
could Bury anything

you'd get your hands on.

Oh, snap!

Hey, hey, hey!

Oh, wow. Look at all
this stuff we buried!

An old hair brush,
a set of keys.

Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew!

Take it away! Take it away!

You've got auntie
Faye's Sunday teeth.

Now she can chew
gum in church again.

Hey, look what I found.

The gravy boat!

Oh, my goodness!

It was us that took it.

Well, we were just little kids.

We didn't know any better.

Yeah, but it caused
all that trouble.

And just think, we could have

been friends for
all these years.

Well, it's not too late.


Thank you for bringing
gravy back into our lives.

I was hoping you
were gonna say that.

I'd like to make
a little speech.

I know I'm not a
member of this family,

but I'd like to say that

even though Raven came here

and spilled your milk
and broke your eggs

and clunked several
of your heads...

Um, where was I
going with this again?

Sit down, Chels. Thank you.

Ok, and I would just like to say

that it is so great
to have our families

back together again.

And I would like to say...

Pass the gravy.


All right.


Here you go, baby g.


Baby likes the gravy.


Oh, yeah, that was good.

"So, thank y'all
for a right fine visit.

"We hope to be in your
neck of the woods someday.

With much love from
your country cousins."

You did it, Rae.

You brought our
families together.

I am so proud of you.

You guys expecting anyone?


Cousin Vicky! Auntie Faye!

Betty Jane! Cousin delroy!

It's been a long time.

Guess what I brought?
I brought the gravy!

Enough for three weeks.

Kissy, kissy.

Oh, and who is this
little sweetie pie?

I wouldn't do that, dad.

Oh! Let's go.

They staying here
for three weeks?

Come on in.