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03x32 - Save the Last Dance

Posted: 04/23/24 07:55
by bunniefuu
Wow... I can't believe our
prom's finally here, you know?

It seems like yesterday
that we were riding bikes,

chasing butterflies,
running through sprinklers.

That was yesterday, Chels.


Oh, no wonder my shoes are wet!

Well, Chantel and I
are ready for the prom.

She bought a new dress,

and I bought a whole case of
frozen burritos for the limo ride.

Well, I have been dreaming
about this night forever, you guys.

I found the perfect dress...
Do you have a date?

Do you have a date? I
found the perfect shoes...

I've rented the limo...

She ain't got no date.

Let's not focus on
the negative, ok?

Yeah! That's right! Exactly.

There are more important
things about going to the prom

than just getting a date.


So you ain't got
one either, huh?

Eddie, we're not worried,

'cause we're both intelligent,
attractive young women.


But you could help us out

by dropping a few
hints that we're available.

Ok. See what I can do.

Hey, y'all, we got 2
desperate girls right over here

lookin' for prom dates!

Eddie, that's not...
Such a bad idea.

How you doin'? How you doin'?

I'm Raven. How you doin'?

Hey! Whassup? How you doin'?

Let's go. Let's go.

♪ If you could gaze
into the future ♪

♪ future, future ♪

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

♪ life is a breeze ♪

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪ go, Rae!

♪ But it's not that easy ♪
♪ oh, no ♪

♪ I try to save the situation ♪

♪ then I end up misbehavin' ♪

♪ ohh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ hey, now, say now ♪

♪ 'bout to put it down, yeah ♪

♪ come on and ride
with the break now ♪

♪ and the future
looks great now ♪

♪ and everything's
gonna change now ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious to me ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious
to me, yeah ♪

yep, that's me.

Whassup, ladies? So, y'all
get some prom dates yet?

I've been, you know,
spreadin' the word.

Yeah, we know. We heard
you over the P.A. system.

I wouldn't want to go to the
prom with anyone else but you.

I'm gettin' a date!

I'm gettin' a date!
I'm gettin' a date!

I'm gettin' a date!
I'm gettin' a date!

Ok... ha ha ha.

Who is he?

I don't know! I don't know!

But he was this tall, this wide,

and he had the most adorable
left ear. Aah! It was so cute!

Oh, Rae, he sounds
perfect for you.

Yeah, yeah. Ha ha.

Except for one thing...
you don't know who he is.

I'll know him when I see him.

Raven. I heard the announcement.

If you don't have a date for
the prom, I'd love to go with you.

Oh, Trevor, that is so sweet!

Come here, let me see... Oh...

you know what,
Trevor, thank you,

but I'm going with
a different ear. Boy.

Different guy. Person.

I guess I'm too late.


Keep your head up, man!

What are you doin',
Rae? Trevor's a great guy.

Yes, but it's not the guy.

I want the guy in my vision!

Yeah, but you
don't... I want him!!

♪ Here comes my man ♪

♪ he's gonna find me ♪

♪ just you wait and see ♪

♪ he's down around the corner ♪

♪ and he's looking out for me ♪

♪ here comes my man ♪

♪ he'll deliver ♪

♪ he'll arrive on time ♪

♪ and I don't need to worry ♪

♪ 'cause my man'll
treat me fine ♪

♪ here comes my man,
here comes my man ♪

I don't get this genetics stuff.

It's just a fancy word

that means you inherit
things from your parents.

Oh, you mean like money?


Like your hair color, eye color,

stuff like that.

Pfft. I'd rather have money.


It's a scorcher out there.

Hey, how's the studying going?

We're learning about genetics.

Well, son, you hit the jackpot,

because you're gonna inherit
a lot of good things from me.

Like money?


But there's a good
chance you'll be tall like me.

That would be nice.

And... I have perfect eyesight.

Hey, that can come in handy.

Mmm. And dynamite dance moves.

Well, 2 outta 3 ain't bad.

Whoo! Ok.

I think I'm gonna
finish mowing the lawn.

It's a scorcher out there.

Hey, this is interesting.

It says hair growth is one
of the most common traits

that you inherit
from your parents.

Why couldn't he have money?

You know what,
Rae? It doesn't matter

if your vision
doesn't come true.

Ok, you know why? We're
going to prom together.

We don't need dates.
We've got each other! Ok!

Chelsea, hey...

If you're not going to prom
with anyone, I was thinking...

Yes! Yes, yes, a
thousand times yes!

Great. Great. I'll call you.

Ok. Ok!

I was this close to
going to prom with you.

Which would have
been really fun.

Hold still, you.

Hey, any boys call for me?

What are you doing?

We have to eat with
those tongs, you nasty!

I found a hair on my back.


What do you mean, uh-oh?

It's startin', little bro.

The hairy Baxter curse.

There's a curse?

Yep. Just ask cousin
Stephanie. She's got it bad.

I thought that was cousin Steve!

Nope. Nope. It's Stephanie.

Yep. But on the bright side,

she saves a lot of
money on sweaters.

Ooh, I knew my dream
date would come.

I'm comin'! I'm comin'!


H... I knew it was you.

Who were you expecting?

My date.

You got one? What date?

No. I'm keepin' hope alive.

That's him!

That's him!

Ok... ok... ok...

Can I use your can?

I'm guessing you're not my date.

Nope. I'm Felix,
your limo driver,

and my t*nk is full, if
you know what I mea...

Ok, ok! Second door on the left.

Thank you. You're funny.

I can't believe I turned
down all those nice guys

'cause of my stupid vision. Now I
don't even have a date for the prom.

It's ok, Rae. Look,
everything's gonna work out.

Of course it is.

Uh, Rae?


Sweetheart, look,

I know I'm not
your first choice,

but who's to say a father
can't dig out his old tuxedo

and escort his
daughter to the prom?

I'll say it.

Dad... I can't go to
the prom with you.

That's more pathetic than
not having a date at all!

Oh, baby, I'm so sorry.
I was just trying to help!

It's sweet.

It is, but...

I'd rather go with my friends.


Good to go!

Oh, and, uh... Whoever
has the yellow toothbrush,


Who was he and why was
he using my toothbrush?

That's the limo driver and
we'd better hit the road. Nasty!

I told Randy we'd
pick him up at 7:30.

Who's Randy?

My date, silly!

Um... his name is Danny.

Uh, I think I know my
own date's name, Rae, ok?

I've known him
since the third grade,

and his name is Danny.

Then why would I buy him this
mug that says Randy on it? Sheesh!

Ok, question number 10.

If both parents have blue eyes,

what are the chances that the
offspring would have blue eyes?

Cindy, I'd rather
talk about your eyes.

What's wrong, Cory?

Um, um, nothing, nothing.

Are you wearing gloves?

Yeah, yeah, see,
it's cold in here.




It's the hairy Baxter curse!


Oh! Yes! Thank goodness
it was just a dream!

All right. Ha!

Hey, what's up, Cory?

Devon?! Man, what
are you doing here?

Did you move back from Seattle?

No, but my dad
had a business trip

so I thought I'd come with
him and surprise Raven.

Well, the surprise
is kind of on you

because she went to the prom.

Oh, man. I knew I
should've called first.

Hey, but don't worry.
You can see her tomorrow.

I'm just in town for tonight.

So who'd she go
to the prom with?

I don't know.

Well, whoever she's with,

I'm sure she's
having a great time.

♪ All I need is
your love, baby... ♪

What's the matter, Randy?
You don't like your present?

You know, I don't really know

how to tell you this, Chelsea,

but, uh, my name's Danny.

Not according to your mug.

Heh. No, seriously, Chelsea,

if this relationship is
gonna go anywhere,

I really think you
should probably

call me by my name,
which is Danny.

Oh! Did Raven
put you up to this?

His name is Danny!

Ok. "Danny" it is.

Stop the car!


What is it?

Cute guy right
across the street.

Right hair, right height.
Might be my date.

What date?

Hey! Yoo-hoo! How you doing?

Girl in a limo. Would you
mind taking off the hat, please?

Hey, that's not a
hat. You nasty...

Drive, drive, drive!

Tonight on unexplained oddities,

man, beast, or
hairy genetic freak?

Oh, god! Son, don't
sneak up on me like that.

You make the hairs
on my back stand up.

Why do you gotta
say it like that?

What is wrong with you?

Look, dad, I don't want to
get the hairy "backster" curse.

The what?!

According to genetics,

if you have a hairy back,

I'm gonna have a hairy back.

They're gonna me bigfoot.

Look, first of all, you're
not necessarily gonna inherit

everything I have,
and second of all,

everybody inherits traits they
like and traits they don't like.

Do you like the
hairs on your back?

Well, no, not at first.

In fact, when I first
started dating your mother

I always wore
turtleneck sweaters.

And then one day,
one hot, hot day,

I remember thinking,
"why am I wearing

a turtleneck sweater
to the beach?"


And then I realized
right then and there

I have to accept
myself for who I am.

So I took my turtleneck sweater
off, and you know what happened?

Everyone ran screaming.

No. She saw the
little tufts of hairs

and she thought they were cute.

All that time I was
worried about nothing.

So I guess I shouldn't be
freaking out about this, huh?

That's right. The traits you
get make you who you are.

Which is a really cool kid.

No! Thanks, dad.

The doors are locked.

Ooh, the sun roof opened.

Snooky-puss, how long's
Raven gonna be in that minimart?

'Bout as long as it takes her
to find a guy that she, uh...

Pictured as her date.


No luck. Cashier
was kinda close,

bur his shift doesn't
end till midnight, so...

Couldn't have been mine.

That's it, Rae. No more stops.

Ok, you know what? You're right.

I held you guys up long enough.

We'll just... we'll
just go to the prom

like we planned together.

I'm fine with that.

Speaking of fine, excuse me.

Excuse me!

I'm gettin' stuck here!

It's a little tight.

You guys, can you
please hit something?

'Cause I'm a little
stuck in this position.

I can't get out.

Nothing's happening, Rae!

Felix, we have a situation.

The sun roof is jammed.

Can you hit the manual
override or something?

Kid, it's a limo, not
the space shuttle.

All right. Let's just
try pulling her out.

Ok. On 3.1, 2, 3!

Ow! Ow! Ow, ow! Stop! Stop!

No room whatsoever!

This isn't working.

Rae, are you ok?

Yeah. Everything's peachy keen.

Can't you see I'm stuck?!

Don't you get no
attitude with us.

Ok, you the one
that broke the car.

This is not my fault!

I am just trying to
find my prom date.

What date?!

I've had enough of this.

We may be stuck
in here for a while.

Might as well
crank up the tunes.

Felix, at least you're
gonna to keep me company.

Keep you company?

I ought to drive you
under a low bridge!

I'm going back to
that service station

down the road and see
if I can find a mechanic.

Meanwhile, don't touch anything!

Well, what if I have
to scratch my foot?

Great. Now I got
to scratch my foot.

Guys, is it really right to party
with Raven stuck in the roof?

I don't now. It
actually looks like

she's gettin' into the music.

Somebody, scratch my foot!

Ok, Raven, Raven, calm down.

Now, you're in a bad situation,
but it's a beautiful night.

Except for that one cloud.

Why did I say that?

Ohhh, perfect!

What else you got for me?

No! No, I... No!

My hair, my hair.

You know what?
This is all my fault

and that stupid vision!

I'm not gonna have
a date for the prom.

I might as well accept that.

At least the rain's letting up.

That's right. That's right!

You better turn around
and apologize to me.

After all that I've
been through tonight,

you better come back
here... Raven, is that you?!

Get over here! Yeah,
it's me! Who wants to...


I must be dreaming.

I can't believe it.

We were just on our way
to stop for gas and then...

Then on our way
back up to Seattle.

What are you doing here?

My dad came down for business

and I came along
to surprise you.

You did?


I stopped by the house,

but Cory said that
you were at the prom.

I was... I was... I
was on my way there.

I just got...

I got stuck in
a little situation.

You're stuck?

Little bit.

Same old Raven.

Just a little wetter,
little muddier,

and a little slipperier.

Rae, are you ok?

I am now.

Devon, you're not
in Seattle anymore.

Unless we're in Seattle.

No, no, we're here.

You're in there,
so stay in there.

Go back down,
hurry up. Get going.

Going down.

I can't believe that we would
run into each other like this.

But I'm sure you want
to get back to your date.

I would if I had one.

You... you mean you're
not seeing anyone?


Me, neither.

Devon, my man!

You really are here!

I told you.

Hey, hey, a little privacy.

Going down.

So, um... How long
are you here for?

I'm going back tonight.


But my dad's going to be coming
down on business all the time,

so we'll be able to
see each other again.

Good, Devon, because
I really missed you.

I missed you, too, Rae.

This one goes out
to Raven and Devon.

♪ Ahh ahh ahh ♪

That's our song.

Would you like to dance?

I'd love to.

I have to admit,

I'm glad that you didn't go to
the prom with someone else.

I wouldn't want to go to the
prom with anyone else but you.

I bet this isn't
how you pictured it.

This is exactly
how I pictured it.

Tow truck's here!

And you don't care.

Going down.

I kiss your little button.

I kiss your little button.

Ha ha. We are so obnoxious.

What's your Cologne?

Oh, I bought that
just for you, baby.

That's pancake syrup.

Ohh, snooky-puss.

Man, I can't believe all
this year in math class

I was calling you
by the wrong name.

Well, at least you
got it right now.

Yeah. I'll never forget
you, Danny farber.

It's Warren.

Warren farber?

Man, was I off.

Ok. It's all fixed. We can go.

Fine with me. I'm
paid by the hour.

Would you like to dance?

You know how to robot?

I don't know. You tell me.