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03x33 - Cake Fear

Posted: 04/23/24 07:56
by bunniefuu
All right, dad, the taxi's here.

It's time to go and
be on your way.

Look at that.

Yeah. Mom's waiting
for you at aunt Sonya's.

You guys are gonna have
a great weekend together.


Wait. Whoa. Whoa.

If I didn't know
you guys any better,

I'd swear you were
trying to get rid of me.


Why would you say that?

Because you called a
cab, packed my bags,

and I'm not leavin'
till tomorrow.


Oh, snap!

Hey. You know, that
really cuts into our weekend.

Hey, is there anyway
you could sleep in the cab?

First of all, I am not
sleeping in the cab,

and second of all, I am
not leaving you two alone.

What? Why?

Why? Because the
last time I left you alone,

you threw a party
with a mechanical bull.

That was fun. Yeah. Yeah.

Whoa. Whoa.

Ok. What are the odds that
that'll ever happen again?

Zero, because I'm gonna
use one of our old babysitters.


We're not babies.

Don't tell me you
called Mrs. Wilson.

You know she used to
make us massage her toes.

Eww. And one wasn't even real.

For real?

You didn't know?

No, it's not Mrs. Wilson.

It's one of your other
babysitters we used to use.

Ms. Patterson.


You know what, dad?

I think you're right.

We do need a responsible
adult watching us.

You know what?

I'm glad you feel that way.

I'm gonna let this cab go.

Yes. All right.

Yes, dad. Yeah. Good.

Yes! Pushover Patterson.

She let us get away
with everything.

I know! I know!

And all her toes are real.

They are real, aren't they?

Yes. And this will be
better than being alone.


Pushover! Pushover! Pushover!

♪ If you could gaze
into the future ♪

♪ future, future ♪

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

♪ life is a breeze ♪

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪ go, Rae!

♪ But it's not that easy ♪
♪ oh, no ♪

♪ I try to save the situation ♪

♪ then I end up misbehavin' ♪

♪ ohh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ hey, now, say now
'bout to put it down ♪

♪ yeah come on and
ride with Rae now ♪

♪ and the future
looks great now ♪

♪ and everything's
gonna change now ♪

♪ all right ♪
♪ let's keep it goin' ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious to me ♪

♪ I like that ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious
to me, yeah ♪

yep, that's me.

Kids, my cab's outside.

Someone wanna give me a hand?

Kinda busy.

I helped you yesterday.

That's Ms. Patterson.

I'll get it! Ooh!

Captioning made possible
by abc cable networks group

Ms. Patterson!

Raven and Cory!

My, you're so grown up.

Come on in.

Here. Let me get that for you.


I mean, no thank
you, sweetheart.

I'll just take care
of this myself.


Here's all the instructions

and the important numbers.

Oh, thank you, Mr. Baxter.

I'll just go to the guest room

and put my things away.

She is such a sweet woman.

Why did I stop using her?

Who remembers?

It was so long ago.

There was an incident.

Oh, yeah. The cake.


I don't remember a cake.

Me neither.

I made this special cake
for your mom's birthday,

we went out to dinner,

and when we got home there
was nothing left but crumbs.

And you guys said
that Ms. Patterson ate it,

and she admitted it.

Maybe I shouldn't
have hired her again.

No, no, no, dad.

Ah. She is so nice.


Yeah. She is nice.

And except for
that cake incident,

she's an excellent babysitter.


Well, you guys behave,

and don't give
Ms. Patterson any trouble.

Ok, dad. Ok. Thanks, dad.

Have a good trip bye.

Tell mom I said holla at ya. Ok.

Whoo! That cake was
slammin'. Oh, yeah.

I can still taste it.

That creamy icin'.

The spongy goodness.

Forbidden cakes
are the best kind.

Yes, this is true, but...

We shouldn't have blamed

Ms. Patterson for eating it.

Hey, if she wasn't
such a pushover,

she wouldn't have taken the rap.

True. It is all her fault.

Pushover, pushover.

Pushover, push... over.

Hey, Ms. Patterson.

It is so good to have you back.

Did you get settled
in? Yes, thank you.

It's very comfortable.


Don't you wanna put
your bag in your room?

Why would I wanna do that?

'Cause it looks kinda heavy.

Yes. It is.

So, is there anything I can do

for you, children?

You could make us
some hot fudge sundaes.

Oh, yeah.

Oh, won't that
spoil your dinner?

We want them for dinner. Ohh.

Well, then I better get started.

I think I remember
where everything is.

Same old pushover.


Were you looking in my bag?

No, no, no! Of course
not! Of course not.

I was just... just taking
a look at the counter

and your bag just
happened to be there.

Let's get one thing straight.

I don't want anyone
lookin' in the bag,

talkin' about the bag,

or even thinkin' about the bag.

What about smellin' the bag?

And no smartmouthin'
around the bag either.

Do we understand each other?


Who wants sprinkles?

Yeah. I do.

Cory, need to talk
to you for a second.

Dad told me to tell you
about the conversation

that we had the other day.

Told us to talk about it.

Yeah. We gotta go
discuss somethin'.

There is something very
weird about her and that bag.

Yeah. She won't
even let us smell it.

Where's pushover Patterson?

I brought her something.

Oh, that's nice, Eddie.

Yeah. It's my laundry.

I figure she can do
it while we watch TV.


That's rude.

If she's doing your laundry,

she won't have time to
varnish my birdhouse.

You guys, she's changed.

She's not a pushover anymore?

Well, I don't know really.

I mean, first she's like
"do you want sprinkles?"

And then the next
minute she's like,

"don't touch the bag."

Yeah. Yeah. That bag...

She doesn't let anyone near it.

Did she let you smell it?


But sometimes you
can tell what's in it

if you smell it.

That's what I thought.

Will you two stop it?

You know what?

This sounds just like that movie

forbidden bag of doom.

See, this lady, she's walking
around with this bag, right.

And see, when they
finally looked inside of it,

it had an axe in it.

Maybe she was a lumberjack.

She was chopping,
but it wasn't no wood.

Ok. Ok. Ok. Stop.

You guys are really
starting to freak me out.

What is Ms. Patterson
really is...


No, no, that's not

what I was gonna say.

Ok. No nuts on your sundae.


Eddie and Chelsea.

It's been so long.

Hey, Mrs. Patterson.

Great to see your bag.


Great to see you're back.

See? Did you see the reaction?

Ugh. I told you.

Her and that bag
is totally... bananas?

No, no, no.

That was the farthest
thing from my mind.

Fine. No bananas. No nuts.

Ok, you guys. Huddle up.

Ok, you guys.

We really gotta be
careful what we say.

If something weird is going on,

we don't wanna insult her.

It might set her off.

Good idea.

Uh, who we talking about?

Ms. Patterson.


Ms. Patterson.

We weren't talking about you.

Wait a minute.

You guys, I thought we
were talking about her.

Oh, Chels.

You're so funny.

Get back... Well,
anyway, children,

here are sundaes for everyone.

Eat up, sweet things.

Do they taste ok?

Good. 'Cause I put
something special in them.

A little dash... Of cinnamon.

Oh, did you say cinnamon?

Oh, no.

It's time.

I have to do this now.

Do what? What do
you have to do now?

Take a shower.

Every day at 6:03,
I take a shower

for exactly 5 1/2 minutes.

I call it me time.

That's very specific.

Yet normal. Totally normal.

Yes. I kinda got into the habit.

That's all the time
they allowed us

when I went... Away.


Where away?

Nowhere. And I'm
never going back.

Ok. You don't have to go back.

You can stay right here.

In this house.

Well. It's time to
rubba dub dub.

All right. All right.

Y'all, she is just weird.

Yes, but it gives
us 5 1/2 minutes

to see what's in that bag.

And it gives me

a 5 1/2 minute head start

to get the heck outta here.

Wait. Get back here.

You first. Hey.

Now, that was weird.

Was the bag in
there? Yeah, it was.

Well, go in there and snatch it.


Because you're
bravest. No, I'm not.

Well, you're the closet. What?

Get in there.

♪ La la la la la ♪

♪ la la la la la la la ♪

♪ la la la la ♪

Time to shampoo.

Where is that shampoo?

Without... oh.

Where's my loofah?



I'm ok.

Ok, let's check it out.

We only have 2 minutes.

There's no axe.

It's only this stupid scrapbook.

Ooh. Let me see it.

I love scrapbooking.

Maybe I can get some ideas.


There's nothing in
here, but a boring

"revenge seeking
babysitter sent away."


She said she went away.

But... She was sent away.


Well, that's the one
that's not a vacation.

Wherever she was sent, it's ok

because, I mean,
she did her time.


Well, not all of it. Look.

"Revenge seeking
babysitter escapes."

Look at this one.

"Revenge seeking
babysitter seeks revenge.

"Patricia Patterson,

also known as
pushover Patterson,

pushover Patty,
pushover pat, and lefty,

has escaped and vowed
revenge on all children

who, quote, pushed her around."


Well, uh, it's a good
thing that, you know,

you and Cory always
treated her well.

Except for the cake.

There's cake?

There's no cake.

When Cory and I were little,

we blamed Ms. Patterson

for eating mom's birthday cake,

and... now, she's out to get us.

What we gonna do?

Ok. I'm gonna tell
you what we gonna do.

We gonna put this
back in the bathroom,

and then, we're gonna run.


Ooh. A penny.

It's my lucky day.

Penny for your
thoughts... Lefty?

Ok, you guys. Everybody
calm down. All right?

The good news is that we
know we are not imagining this.

Uh-huh. All right.
Bad news is...

She gonna get us.

Oh, Cory.

No. No, she's not.

Do you know why? You know why?

Because we are
getting out of here. Go!

Who said that?

Wait a minute. We're
missin' somebody.


Hello, children.

Ms... Ms. Patterson.

You wouldn't happen to have
seen Chelsea up there, did you?

As a matter of fact, I did.

She said she had to... Go.

Oh! Oh.

G-g-go... go, uh, go where?

Let's just say she's
watching over us

from a better place.


What is this place?

It's a TV production truck.

Hope we didn't scare
you guys too much.

What you don't know is
you're on a new TV reality show

called revenge
of the babysitter.

Oh, I get it.

Ms. Patterson broke
out to be on TV.

No, she never broke out

because they
never sent her away.


Well, then she should
sue those newspapers.

They're saying horrible
things about her.

Chelsea, stay with me now.

This is all one big joke.

Ms. Patterson is in on it.

The newspaper
articles aren't real.

This is all fake.

Yeah, but I thought you
said it was a reality show.

It is.

She's a real babysitter
seeking real revenge

on Raven and Cory

because they ate the cake.

Oh, so there is cake.

Ms. Patterson, you have to tell
us what happened to Chelsea.

Don't worry about Chelsea.

You children need to... Relax!

I'll make you some cocoa.

That always calms me down.

Well, y'all.

Looks like we got 2 choices.

We can run. Mm-hmm.

Or we can scream and run.

Whoa! Whoa!

Slow down.

It's dangerous out there.

It's dangerous in here.

We're going door to door
alerting the neighborhood.

There's a revenge-seeking
babysitter on the loose.

That's her!

Where? She's in there.

In the Kitchen.

Making cocoa.

Cocoa, huh?

Sounds like her.

Looks like we got
here just in time.

Oh, thank you!
Thank you very much.

Thank you for the protection.

Who wants cocoa?

That's her, officer.

I didn't know we had company.

Yeah, officer.

Arrest her.

First we have to make
a positive identification.

Nope, that's not her.

What? What?

Officer, are you
trippin', homey?

Look at it! Look at it!

It looks just like her.

She even got the
same clothes on.

The person we're looking
for is a master of disguise.

She'd never be that obvious.

Yes, she would.

You know what? I need
you to check her bag

because all your
evidence is in that bag!

All right. Fine.

Ms... Livingston.


Ms. Livingston, would you mind?

Yes, everything is right
here in her bag of evil.

Along with her...
Evil knitting needles.

And her evil... Teddy bear.

And her evil book of...

Nighty nighty stories.

It was in here.
I swear I saw it.

You kids should be
ashamed of yourselves,

blaming this nice lady.

You're right. You're right.

Please, arrest us.

Yes, please take us
to a nice, safe jail. Here.

Kids, I'm sure Ms. Livingston

will take good care of you.

Just keep your eyes
open for that maniac.

I'm sure you'll be just fine.

Oh, man. She's gonna
take care of us all right.

It's ok. It's ok.

You know why? Why?

'Cause it's still 3 against one.

Right, Eddie? Let's... Eddie?

Where's Eddie?

Eddie's not with us anymore.

He's with your
friend Chelsea now.

I told you not to
look in my bag.

We got you good, huh, Eddie?

Yeah, man. I can't believe
how scared you were.

Scared? I... I wasn't scared.

I was just playin', y'all.

See, look. I knew it was
a joke the whole time.

Ms. Patterson, what
do you want from us?

Oh, I have plans
for both of you.

Big plans.

I can't believe she got them.

Are you all right, dear?

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Uh-huh.

I... I... I was just...

Havin' a moment. Really.

She got plans all right.


Ok. Now they're
gonna cut the lights

and cue the thunder.

It's the icing on the cake.

Ahh. Where is this cake?

Oh, snap.

Time for cake, children.


"Happy birthday..."


That looks exactly... like what?

What happened?

The cake that, uh,
that we used to like.

Well, if you like it so much,

then why don't you eat it now?

Be... because.

We're not allowed to
have desert before...

Eat it!

I mean, can we at
least have like a fork?

- Eat it!
- Ok!

Does this cake bring
back any memories?

Ok. Ok!

We did it.

We ate the cake
and we blamed you.

We were just little kids.

We didn't wanna
get in any trouble.

The cake was so good,

but we were so bad.

We didn't...

So, you admit that
you ate the cake

and blamed me?


Could you admit it to
that camera over there?

Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!

We ate the... camera?

Raven. Cory.

You're on revenge
of the babysitter.

Ha ha ha.

We got you good.

Yeah. That's what y'all get.

Wait a minute. Wait a
minute. Wait a minute.

So, this is... you're serious?

This is one of
those practical joke,

hidden video candid
punk'd situations?

Yeah, that's right.

Daddy, why?

Well, the show came to me

and told me that
Ms. Patterson wanted revenge,

and when I heard her story,

I agreed that you
two deserved it.

I was such a
pushover in those days,

I even let you blame me
for something I didn't do.

It bothered me for years.

Ms. Patterson, that
was a good one.

Well, it was just a
little good-natured fun

at your expense.

Plus, I discovered I
have a real mean streak.

Uh, guys, I think
this is where we look

in the camera and wave.

When do we get cake?

Say good night, Chelsea.

Good night, Chelsea.

I can't believe she got them,

but they deserved it!

You know what, dad?

In my vision it really looked

like you were crying.

I'm glad the show's
getting canceled.

Well, I do know one thing.

You two will never
do something bad

and blame it on
someone else again.

Now, if you excuse me,

I'm gonna have the
last piece of strudel

I have been saving for myself.

Ok. Who ate the strudel?

Ms. Patterson.

I can't believe you two.

After everything
you been through,

you're gonna blame
Ms. Patterson again.
