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04x06 - Hook Up My Space

Posted: 04/23/24 08:00
by bunniefuu

Rae! Oh, my gosh.
Look at all this stuff.


Man. Rae, are you in here?

Over here!

Oh, I love this game. Marco!


Oh, no, Rae, you're
supposed to say "Polo."


Rae, this mess is
getting out of control.

I know. All my school stuff
is mixed in with my work stuff

is mixed in with
my beauty stuff.

I think I need a bigger room.

Or smaller stuff.

Now, this is you every time my
band rehearses in the living room.


But this could be you

if you let me turn the
basement into a band room.

The basement. I don't know
why I didn't think of that before.

I have to get downstairs
to dad before Cory does.

You know, dad, can I
talk to you about my room?

Hey, dad, um, my room
is getting way too crowded.

Can I move into the basement?

Sure. I don't see why not.

But, dad, I was gonna ask

if I can turn the basement
into a band room.

Oh, I'm sorry, son.
Your sister asked first.

Let's go.

♪ If you could gaze
into the future ♪

♪ future, future ♪

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

♪ life is a breeze ♪

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪ go, Rae!

♪ But it's not that easy ♪
♪ oh, no ♪

♪ I try to save the situation ♪

♪ then I end up misbehavin' ♪

♪ ohh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ hey, now, say now ♪

♪ 'bout to put it down, yeah ♪

♪ come on and ride
with the break now ♪

♪ and the future
looks great now ♪

♪ and everything's
gonna change now ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious to me ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious
to me, yeah ♪

yep, that's me.

Captioning made possible
by abc cable networks group

♪ movin' on down
to the basement ♪

♪ to that deluxe cell
on the lower floor ♪

♪ movin' on down
to the basement ♪

♪ that's what sisters are for ♪

♪ sing it with me now ♪

♪ that's what sisters are for ♪

♪ sing it with me now ♪

♪ that's ♪

♪ what ♪

♪ sisters ♪

♪ are ♪

♪ for ♪



Sorry about your
presentation, homie.

It's cool. I really wanted
that room for my band.

Wait a second. How did you
know about my presentation?

Who said anything
about a presentation?

You did.

Huh? When?

Just now.

You said, "sorry about
your presentation."

That wasn't me.

Are you trying to confuse me?

Is it working?

You know what? I know
exactly what's going on here.

You knew about my presentation
'cause you had a vision.

What? Vis... quit playing.

Yeah, yeah. That's it.

And that's how
you got to dad first.

Oh, yeah. Mm-hmm. I
had a vision. So what?

So that's cheating.

No, it's not
cheating. It's a gift.

I'd be cheating
myself if I didn't use it.

Against your own brother?

Cory, don't take
it personally, ok?

It's just that I saw
an opportunity,

and I took advantage of it.

We cool, right?

You know what?

I have a gift of my own,
and I intend to use it.

Huh? Wait a second now, Cory.

Wait a second. That
wasn't a question.

I said, "are we cool?"

Oh, yeah. We cool.

Yeah, Chels. It's
a tough decision.

I can't choose between passion
peach or very poppy purple.

Yeah, it's a very
tough decision.

I'll call you when I
land on something.

Oh, snap! I've been bedjacked.

Congratulations, Raven Baxter!



You're sly ovington! No way!

Yes way! You are
on hook up my space.


Shut up!

You shut up!

Am I on television right now?

Yeah. Well, not right now. But
you will be when the episode airs.

Aah! Shut up!

You shut up.

Oh, my goodness. Oh, my
goodness. Wait, wait, wait.

I watch your show all the time.

Y'all remember that one where
that girl, she lived in the garage,

the one that still
had the car in it?

And you turned her
crib into a 2-story place,

and you hooked her
up with a home theater,

and you hooked
her up with a hot tub.

Oh, my goodness. You
hooked her up for reals.

Ok. Great. Then you
know how our show works.

Someone who cares
about you wrote in

and told us that you had a space
that needed to be hooked up.

I do. Sly, I do.
How did you know?

I'm moving into the basement.

And that person's
gonna be in charge

of turning that basement
into your dream room

here on hook up my space.

Oh, my goodness. I have the
bestest best friend in the world.

Thank you, Chels. Thank
you, Chels. Thank you, Chels.

Ok. Ok, you know the rules.

You have to leave
the house for 24 hours

and you cannot
interfere in any way.

Interfere. That's so not Raven.

And, of course, our cameras will
be here to cover the whole thing.

Can you handle that?

I got one thing
to say to you, sly.

Hook me up!


Oh! Man! What's going on?

I didn't know Raven
had so much stuff.

Man, that show should've
hooked us up with some movers.

Eddie, watch out.
Your side is slipping.

Hey, your end is not doing
too well either, my brother.

Man, that was heavy.

What does she
got in there, bricks?

Well, uh, those pillows were
packed in pretty tight, huh?

Yeah. And don't forget
about the weight of the box.

Right. Right.

Man, we need to go to a gym.

Hey, gyms are expensive, Mr. B.

Yeah, but now that Raven's room
is empty, we can work out here.

Come on. I still got my old
weights from college in the garage.

They had weights way back then?

No. We used to lift dinosaurs.

Wow! They really
hooked this space up.

What an amazing
transformation. Rae, it's a miracle.

Chels, they haven't
even started yet.

Oh, good, 'cause
this place is a dump.

Anyway, listen. I know
this is against the rules.

But they're gonna kick me
out for a whole 24 hours.

So I want you to know exactly
what I want my room to look like.

Ok. But I don't know how you're
gonna fit in that tiny bed, Rae.

Raven Baxter, do you
know what time it is?

Yes, I do, sly!

It's time to hook up my space!

That's right. Now, before
we boot you out of here,

we're gonna bring in the person
in charge of your makeover.

Don't worry. She's right here.


But, Chels, didn't
you... No. No?

Well, then who did?

All right, people, let's
get this show on the road.


That's right.

Your little brother Cory
wrote us a heartfelt letter

about how he wanted to give his
sister the dream room she deserves.

Yeah, and, uh,
don't worry Raven.

I'm gonna hooked
you up big time.

Look what sister made for you.

It says "world's best brother,"

because that's what you are.

Please. You're just kissing up to
me 'cause I'm decorating your room.

Is it working?

You tell me.

Here's the new wallpaper
I picked out for you.

Cowboys? Boy, are
you... I'm gonna...

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I meant cowboys, they're
so... They're so cute.

Um, wouldn't you like
to know what I like?


But, Cory, come on.

I was thinking like really fun
paint colors like passion peach.

Yeah, I'm sure you were.

But I like cowboys,
so, uh, let's giddyup.

Cory, listen.

This is my one chance
for a beautiful room.

Please, do not
make this ugly, ok?

Oh, my goodness!
What is that ugly thing?

Hey, that's a lamp to go
with your new wallpaper.

That doesn't match
the wallpaper.

I know.

You can't do this to me.

To quote my favorite sister,

don't take it personally.

It's just an opportunity I
had to take advantage of.

Raven Baxter!

You're not supposed to be here.

We got to go downstairs and see
what you're doing to my room, homie.

Yeah, well, I'm sure
your curiosity can wait.

No, it can't. He got
cowboys and bowling pins.

He's trying to sabotage my room.

You know the rules.

Bend 'em. I won't tell
anybody. I promise.

Turn it off. Turn it off.

One piece. Just one piece.

Feel the burn.

Man, my own fitness center.

Man, we are gonna be so buffed,

yeah, tell me about
it. Ok, here's the plan.

Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday, we're gonna do upper body.

Then Tuesday, Thursday, and
Saturday, we're gonna do lower body.

Then Sunday, we flex.

Oh, yeah.


Ho! Ho! Whoa, whoa,
whoa. Slow down there, slick.

You might wanna
give these to me.

You might wanna start with
those lighter ones over there.

So, uh, what you
saying, my brother?

Because these are pink.

Oh, oh. No, no, no, no.

Man, I just meant,
you know, it's obvious

you haven't worked
out in a while,

and I didn't want
you to hurt yourself.

Well, I wouldn't be
the one talking, Mr. B.,

because I've seen
you break a sweat

trying to open
up a jar of pickles.

They vacuum-pack those things.


Hey, come on, now.

Let's start off, say, with,
um... With 10 reps each, ok?

Good. That'll give you
time to rest while I do my 20.

Uh, did I say 10?

I meant 35.

Why your arms quivering? Why your
arms quivering? Why your arms quivering?

That's what happen
when steel starts to form.

Why your legs buckling, huh?

Hey, they're not buckling. I'm
dancing because this is so easy.



All right. We're in.

Rae, are you sure you're not
gonna get in trouble for being here?

Chels, it's driving me nuts.

I have to see what
Cory's doing to my room.

Now, remember, if anyone asks,

I'm pat and you're Chris.

Got it, pat.

Now, fix your mullet.
We're going in.

That's your hair, Chris.

Got it, pat.

Yep, that's good
work right there.

That's good work.

We would know that
'cause, uh, we're workers, too.

Uh, yeah. So we're just gonna
get into some work right now.

But you're doing
good. Keep it up.

Good work.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Whoa, whoa. Yeah, yeah.

Look. Cory knows
I hate sad clowns.

Look what he's doing to me.

Hey, the sneaker
phone's kind of cool. Hello.

No, it's not, Chelsea.

It's cheesy and tacky.

And rude. He just
hung up on somebody.

You know what? New plan. We're
getting rid of all this ugly stuff.

Especially that
cowboy wallpaper.

Ok, people, we got 24 hours

to hook up this space.

Hold it. Where are you
going with the wallpaper?

Uh, we were just
taking it out for some air.

Isn't that right, Chris?

Uh... uh, that's right, pat.

Right. We like to air out our
wallpaper before we put it up.

Sometimes, dude, we
even throw it in the trash.

Like find some really cute, really
nice, dainty paint colors, man.

Yeah. Yeah. Whatever.

Whoa, guys.

Girls. Whatever.

Look, there's a young
lady named Raven

who's gonna come
in here tomorrow

and expect her room to be
the room that she's dreamed of.

Now, I want that
paper up pronto.

I wanna see that entire
wall covered in cowboys.


Are you crying?

There's no crying
in construction.

It's an emotional thing. Pat
always wanted to be a cowboy.

Uh, cowgirl.

Uh... ok, whatever.

Move it. I want that
wallpaper up asap.

All right? Move
it. Move it. Move it!

What are you doing?

Wallpaper doesn't stick
up by itself. Use the paste.

Of course.

Yeah. Pasting.
Definitely. Right now.

We knew that.

And you, be careful
with those wires.

Uh, Chris, you got it
on the wrong side, man.

If you say so, pat.

Back up. Back up. I'm
gonna show you, man.




That makes more sense.

Let's try and get this up.

Great. Now we just have
to get rid of the air bubbles.

Uh, Chris?

All right. It's looking good.

Now let's just hurry up,
finish it and get out of here.

I'm on it, Rae. Nothing
can stop me now.

Don't cross those.

I'm in the zone, baby.


Rae, where are you?

Rae, wherever you
are, come quick.

There's this air
bubble, and it's huge.

I'm just gonna get it out here.


Rae, what are
you doing in there?

Come on, Rae. Use
your grown-up words.

Ok. Well, you didn't say so.

Chels, you have to take
the rest of it off of me

before the lights turn
back on and we get busted.

Ok, um... Oh, snap.

Hello, Raven.

That's not Raven.

That's pat and I'm Chris.

Hey, Chelsea.

Oh, hi, Cory.

I thought you looked familiar.

Ok, everybody, stop your work.

It seems we have a rule breaker
here on hook up my space.

Hey-hey, america.
How y'all doing?

Raven, why did you sneak
down here and break all the rules?

Didn't you want your
space hooked up?

Yeah, but there was
cowboys and sad clowns.

I just couldn't take it, sly.

Well, we were just
giving you what you want.

Yeah. You wanted this room
so much, and now you got it.

Cory, come on.

You were just mad that I
got to dad before you did.

Yeah, by cheating.

You had, a, uh... A you-know-what,
and you used it against me.

You had a you-know-what and
used it against your own brother?

Wait. What are we
talking about here?

It's gets worse.

Not only did she steal my room,

but, you know, she never
even thought to apologize.

Ok. You're right, Cory.

I wanted this room so
much, I got carried away.

Now, I'm truly sorry.

Well... at least you admit
that you were wrong.

You know what? I want you
to have this room for your band.

Wow. That's a switcheroo.

Well, we've never
done this before, but...

Cory Baxter, do you
know what time it is?

Yeah, yeah!

It's time to hook up my space!

That's right! Let's do it!

Aah! Aah!

Hey, you guys,
before you hook it up,

can you hook a sister up
and get her out of this wall?

Hey! Hey!

How you doing?

Yeah. Ooh-ooh-ooh!

Hey. Not so hard.

Huh. It's like somebody's
too sore to work out today.

What? Are you kidding me?
I'm gonna race you to the gym.

Yeah? Come on.

Did y'all overdo it yesterday?

Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

Yeah, I'm sore, too,

sleeping on that lumpy
couch in the living room.

Hey, Rae, if you want
your old room back...

We're gonna take a little
break from working out.

Really? Oh, my goodness.
Dad, thank you so much.

No. Thank you.

All right.



So, who wants to check
out my new bedroom?

Uh, you guys going on ahead.

We're gonna go
catch up with you later.

Yeah. Much, much later.


Oh, my goodness!

Oh, my goodness!
Cory! Shut up! No!

Oh, my goodness,
Cory. Cory, not the bed.

Shut up. Wait.

No way!


Raven Baxter, we just
hooked up your space!

My... my space.

Oh! It's beautiful.

It's perfect. But I
don't understand, sly.

Well, your brother Cory decided

he wanted to give
the room to you.

For reals?

Yeah. I knew how much
this room meant to you,

and once you got embarrassed on national
television in front of millions,

you know, I kind of
thought we were even.

That was the sweetest thing.


Come here.

Nah. Come on, now.

You know how you get
when you get emotional.

Come on, now. Get her off me.

Ok, ok, ok. Ok.
Ok. You're crazy.

That was my brother.

Well, that wraps up
a really weird episode.


We'll see you next week on...

Hook up my space!

Whoo! Bye!

Come on. Come on.

I got a room. Look at my room.

Well, it took a while to
get down the stairs, but...

This is really cool.

Hey, I should've moved
down here myself.

Here. You can
have this one, Mr. B.

Um, Cory, you can have
Raven's old room for your band.

Well, thanks, dad, but what
about all the weights up there?

You're gonna have to
take those down by yourself.

Hey, you guys, I have one last
piece to make this room complete.

Just a little something to
remember my favorite brother by.

Aw, come on, now.

Don't even start
walking towards me.

Cory, don't run
from the loving, man.

What you want?

What you want? Come on. Come on.

Come on. Come on.

Right now.