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04x10 - Sister Act

Posted: 04/23/24 08:03
by bunniefuu
We're home.

Hey, guys, how was happy models?

Cindy and I had the best time.

Check it out, Mr. Baxter.

Raven won us these monkeys.

I just knocked down
a few milk bottles.

And the guy in the
booth ran this old lady.

Point is, I won them.

And we rode the
spinning bar eight times!

And we only barfed twice. Yes.

You guys have
become pretty close

since you've been hanging
out at the community center.

As a matter of fact, they're
going to raise money,

so they're throwing
this pageant...

little miss and her
big sis. How cute!

That dumb thing?

Oh, so you don't want to enter?

Hello. I don't have a sister.

Hello. I could be
your big sister.

Hello... I'm in!

Looks like somebody's
going to be in a pageant.

♪ We're going to
be in a pageant ♪

♪ we're going to
be in a pageant ♪

Let's go.

♪ If you could gaze
into the future ♪

♪ future, future ♪

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

♪ life is a breeze ♪

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪ go, Rae!

♪ But it's not that easy ♪
♪ oh, no ♪

♪ I try to save the situation ♪

♪ then I end up misbehavin' ♪

♪ ohh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ hey, now, say now ♪

♪ 'bout to put it down, yeah ♪

♪ come on and ride
with the break now ♪

♪ and the future
looks great now ♪

♪ and everything's
gonna change now ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious to me ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious
to me, yeah ♪

yep, that's me.

Hello, ladies. I'm
Mrs. Valentine.

As director of the
community center,

I want to thank
all our contestants

for participating in our little
miss and her big sis pageant.

Our mcs for the pageant

will be Cory and Stanley.

Thank you, thank you.

And, of course, you all know

Eddie Thomas and
Chelsea Daniels,

who will be in charge of
music and choreography.

For sure, for sure.

How you all doing?

Ok, any questions?

Yes, dear.

Shouldn't we be working
with professionals

instead of some
people off the street?

Did she just dis us?

Uh, yeah. I'm
feeling a little dissed.

Oh, nothing personal,

it's just that my sister and I

have won a lot of pageants,

and we're used to
a quality production.

Uh, so, uh, where
is your sister?

She's on her way.

She likes to be
fashionably late.

Ok, everybody up on stage.

You guys warm up,
then me and miss Daniels

will teach you the moves.

Ok, man, let's start rehearsing.

All right.

So Stanley, why
is 6 afraid of 7?

I don't know, Cory.

Why is 6 afraid of 7?

Because... 7, 8, 9.

You get it?

Yeah, I get it.

I get that you're getting
all the funny parts.

See Stanley, you're what
they call a straight man.

All you do is set me up and I...

Hit them out of the park.

You know what I'm saying?

Ha ha! No.

♪ Me may ma may moo ♪

Wow, she is good.

We're never going to win.

It's not about
winning or losing, ok?

It's about having fun.

You're right, Raven.

That's why you're
the big sister.


♪ Me may ma may moo ♪

Make some room,
please. My sister is here.



Muffy... Should have
figured they were sisters.

Baxter, you're in a pageant?

They'll let anybody
in these days.

What makes you think
you're better than me?

Hmm... Better,
smarter, more talented.

You're not going to say anything

that's going to
get to me, all right?

Hmm... I have better shoes.

That's a lie! No, you don't!

I didn't wear my
brand-new shoes today!

That's not fair!

Raven, what are you doing?

Listen to me, Sydney, ready?

No matter what, we
have to crush them.

What about having fun?

It'll be fun, girl.

When we crush them!

Ladies and gentlemen,

welcome to the
community center's

first annual little miss
and her big sis pageant.


Thank you!

And now, let's welcome
our contestants!

Eddie, it was so much fun doing
the choreography and the music.

We should team up.

Yeah, I can see it now...

Thomas and Daniels,
music and choreography.

You mean, Daniels and
Thomas, choreography and music?

No, I said what I mean.

I know what I said.

Choreography's way
more important than music.

You're saying music's
not important at all?


Well, watch this.

Your dance is not
so pretty now, is it?

Think I'll start
the music again.

Yes, yes, keep it up!

Wasn't that great?


That's what I'm talking about.

Which reminds me... Stanley!

Why was 6 afraid of 7?

I don't know, Cory.

Oh, yeah, I do.

'Cause 7, 8, 9!

And now it is time for
our talent competition.

Show them what
you're working with!

Hey, y'all, I'm not even Irish

but I love watching
great rhythm dancing.

Let's hear it for
the brigode sisters.

Fellas, it you
hit on these girls,

I'm sure they'll
hit you right back!

It looks like our audience
got a kick out of that one.

Get it? A kick...

Let's hear it for
the belken sisters.

Check out our
amazing performance

by our hula-hoopers.

A lost art form.

What amazing skill,
style, and precision.


Looks like their routine

turned into a game
of human ring toss.

They're going to lose some
style points with that one.

Cheer it up for
the wiser sisters!

That's ok.

Kids will be kids.

You have a big head.

Let's welcome to the
stage little miss Sydney

and her big sister Raven!

♪ My sister and me,
my sister and me ♪

♪ we stick together
like a dog and a flea ♪

♪ and no one ever better
try to come between ♪

♪ my loving sister and me ♪

♪ my sister and my girl ♪

♪ my best friend in the world ♪

♪ no one can come between us ♪

♪ everybody wants to be us ♪

♪ you mess with my big
sis, you're going to get this ♪

♪ a style imitated by the
jealous ones who hate ♪

♪ we're tired of them braids ♪

♪ come on, good-looking ♪

♪ we always stay paid ♪

♪ and everybody
loves our cooking ♪

♪ we're the tightest
females you ever heard ♪

♪ and my lying big sister ♪

♪ no, you're not,
that's my word ♪

♪ rah ♪

Now, that's going to be
a tough sister act to beat.

Now let's see them top that.

Seriously, folks,

who doesn't love
a good trapeze act?

Especially one without a net.

It takes nerves of steel

to make you want to go up there.



What a display
of flips and twists.

These girls can fly!

Wow! Wow!

That was amazing.

Wasn't that amazing?

Yes, yes.

And now, for the results
of the talent competition,

the envelope, please.

And the winner
is muffy and Buffy!

We know what we have to do

to get them on the fashion
competition, don't you?

Crush them.

Now you're getting it.

And now it's time for
our fashion competition.

Let's bring it, girls.

Daddy, the man with the
big head took my lollipop.

I didn't take it.

Your kid stuck
it to my big head.

I mean my normal-sized head.

Like you said,
kids will be kids.

And let's say good
night to the belken sisters

in their adorable pajamas.

And now, let's
welcome to the stage,

little miss Buffy and
her big sister muffy.

Aren't these girls smashing
in their tennis outfits?

Looks like they're
having a ball!

Get it?

And finally,
dressed for success,

let's welcome little miss
Sydney and her big sister Raven.

Ooh, looks like these
girls mean business.

I see the judges have
tallied up their votes.

May I have the envelope...
And what's inside it...


Here you go, my brother.

Thank you, Stanley.

I'm glad you finally decided
to do something to help me.

So am I.


And the winner
is... I'm a dufus.

Does anybody know I'm a dufus?

They do now.

Oh... sorry.

I gave you the wrong
card, my brother.

That's my bad.

And the winner of the
fashion competition is...

Raven and Sydney!



In their faces, right, Rae?

Game... set... and match.

The competition is really
heating up now, am I right?

And now, to
announce our finalists.

Our first finalists are...

Muffy and Buffy.


And our second finalists are...

Raven and Sydney!

Oh... what?

And now, to help with
the personality competition,

show your love
for Mrs. Valentine!

Let me hear it! Let me hear it!

Thank you, gentlemen.

Peace out.

Ok, now, as you know,

big sisters need to
set a good example

for their little sisters,

so we've prepared some
questions for our big sisters

to see how well they do that.

This is my forte.
I got this good.

Big sisters, in one word,

what's the most valuable thing
you can give to your little sister...





Wait a second. Can
I change my answer?

Well, I... too late.

Ok, give me another one, then.

Give me another one.
I'll answer it just perfect.

All right. Judges, her we go.

What would you
say is the most... aah!


Well, I was going to ask,

what is the most
important meal of the day.



Because without it,

you wouldn't have enough energy

to spend quality time
with your loving sister.


Man, that was a good answer.

Maybe you should
listen to the questions.

Maybe you should let
your big sister handle this.

Ok, bring them
on, miss Valentine.

Keep them coming. I'm ready.

Oh, well, that ends our
personality competition.

No, I have the best answers!

Don't forget to
floss! World peace!

Don't be a fool, stay in school!

Take a bite out of crime!

And now it is time
for our musical salute

to sisters around the world!

♪ They come from all over ♪

♪ to say hello to you ♪

♪ they're shoulder to shoulder ♪

♪ with old friends
and with new ♪

♪ from far and wide they came ♪

♪ but they're
really all the same ♪

♪ they're just sisters ♪

♪ sisters 'round the world ♪

Give up, Baxter.

Why can't you just
lose graciously?

'Cause I'm going to win.

♪ With love in our hearts ♪

♪ we're just sisters ♪

♪ sisters of the world ♪

Thought you had me, didn't you?

What you want?
What you want, honey?

Wagner's flight of
the valkyres

Ok, no more Mr. Nice guy.

Bring it on.

Great choreography, Chels.

What? It's your music
that made them angry.

This is the last time that Thomas
and Daniels work together!

Daniels and Thomas!

Thomas and Daniels!

Daniels and Thomas!
Thomas and Daniels!

What are you
laughing at, joke thief?

I'm laughing at
your leg hurting.

That's too bad, because
my leg isn't hurting.

How about now?

Your kid's ruining
the whole show.

I always say that
kids will be kids,

but you know what?

Parents can be parents, too.

Are you insulting
my parenting skills?

No, I'm just saying...

That maybe you
should spend less time

working out in the gym,

and maybe more time
teaching that kid some manners.

Teach him some manners, dad.

How about that?

Is this your mouthpiece?

Don't you talk to my kid!

Now we're really
going to crush you.


Wait! Stop!

Sydney! Sydney, no!

Wait! Stop! No!

I know what you're going to do.

Good. You can help me.

I'm gonna crush her.

Sydney, no. I got
way too competitive.

This was supposed
to be about having fun.

A little late for that now.

Everybody! Everybody, stop!


Why are we fighting?

Muffy, what are we doing?

We're supposed
to be big sisters.

And, Sydney,
look, I'm sorry, ok?

I really wanted to
set a good example.

You did, girl!

We were crushing them!

That's not why we did this.

All the fighting and hating.

A big sister is supposed
to be a good role model,

someone you look up to.


I got way too competitive.

And I'm sorry.

Me, too, Baxter.

I brought shame
to the pageant arts.

And, Sydney,

will you give me another chance?

Of course I will.

You're the best big
sister in the world.


Chels, what are
we fighting about?

It can be Daniels and Thomas.


Or... or... It could be...

Thomas and Daniels.

You know what, after today,

I really doesn't matter because

nobody's going
to hire us anyway.

That's true.

I'm sorry I tried to
take all the jokes.

Yeah. Sorry about the kick.


So, we're cool?

We cool.

I'm sorry I kicked your chair

and hit you with the lollipop.

And what about his big head?

We'll just let that one go.

I can't believe you
went soft on me.

We've got six more
pageants this year.

Pull it together, girl!

Right. Don't tell mom.

Wow. Wow.

♪ We were friends
from the start ♪

♪ with love in our heart ♪

♪ we're just sisters ♪

♪ sisters 'round the world ♪

♪ sister around the world ♪

And now, it's time to crown

our little miss and her big sis.

Muffy and Buffy...
Raven and Sydney...

You're all disqualified
for starting a fight.


Ok, our little miss and
her big sis recipients

of a one-year free pass
to happy mountain are...

Liz and Wendy,
the belken sisters.

♪ Here comes little miss ♪

♪ little miss ♪

♪ and her big sis ♪

♪ her big sis ♪

♪ they share a bond ♪

♪ you can't dismiss ♪

♪ you can't dismiss ♪

♪ they share their bliss ♪

♪ as they blow us a kiss ♪

♪ it's little miss
and her big sis ♪

Yeah! Yeah!

Do you want to do
this again next year?

Are you kidding?


That's my girl.