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04x13 - Mad Hot Cotillion

Posted: 04/23/24 08:05
by bunniefuu
¡Ay, caramba!

And when the... when the waiter

fell in the guacamole,
it was just hysterical!

Raven, where have you been?

Funny story.

I had a vision that Eddie
and Chelsea needed help

at a Mexican restaurant, so I...

I don't want to hear it.

You're 2 hours late.

For what?

Oh, my goodness! Aunt Jeanette!

Are you serious?
That was tonight?

Yes. It's her 80th birthday,

and all she wanted to do was
spend it with her favorite niece.

Well, uh...

It's not too late to
get this party started.

Aah! Aah! Aaaahh!

Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah!

Raven, the party is over.

Look, you keep getting involved

in these crazy situations,

and you keep ignoring
your responsibilities.

Well, you know,
I... You know what?

You're grounded for a week.

A whole week?

A whole week. No phone,

no TV. No... Friends.

No friends?! What...
what did we do?!

Why we bein'
punished? We didn't do


Ah, you almost got me, dad.

You had me goin'. "I'm
gonna ground you for a week


Nyuh nyuh nyuh nyuh nyuh nyuh."

You wanna make it 2 weeks?

No, señor.

Ok, now go and wake
up your aunt Jeanette

and wish her a happy birthday.


Pedro! I knew you
would come back for me!


Let's go.

♪ If you could gaze
into the future ♪

♪ future, future ♪

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

♪ life is a breeze ♪

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪ go, Rae!

♪ But it's not that easy ♪
♪ oh, no ♪

♪ I try to save the situation ♪

♪ then I end up misbehavin' ♪

♪ ohh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ hey, now, say now ♪

♪ 'bout to put it down, yeah ♪

♪ come on and ride
with the break now ♪

♪ and the future
looks great now ♪

♪ and everything's
gonna change now ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious to me ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious
to me, yeah ♪ oh, snap!

Yep, that's me.

Yeah. So, um...
Our band's called

Cory and the boy.

I'm the boy.

And I'm Cory. We
only have one song.

But, baby, we play it loud.

Aah! Aah! Aah!

Oh, man, there's only one
reason why people run off like that.

Hello, boys.

The juicer! The juicer!

Beat it, weenie.

Beating here, juicetest.

Are... are you gonna juice me?

The only thing I'm
gonna squeeze out of you

is some advice.


I've been watchin' you, and

you're pretty smooth
with the ladies.

Not really. You
know? I just talk to 'em.

Oh, come on, that's it?

Yeah. Why? Is
there a girl you like?

Sorry 'bout that.



Oh, ok, ok.

So you crushin' on
the new girl... Kayla.

Yeah. I'm gonna be
crushing your head

if you don't help
me talk to her.

Right. Well, um, look,

just keep it simple.
Ok? Introduce yourself.

Talk about school, TV...
Music. All right? Good luck.


TV! Music?


Great advice, Casanova!

She responded to
none of those subjects.


Ohhh... well, you're
gonna be sorrier

if you don't make Kayla
like me by tomorrow!

How am I supposed to do that?

You better think of somethin'!

Or else...


And don't tell
anyone about this...

Especially that
meddling sister of yours.

Man! No TV, no
phone, no friends.

What am I supposed to do?

Cory! What's
up, little brother?!

How are you doing?
Come talk to your big sister.

How you doin' today?
What's goin' on?

Why don't you tell me
what's happenin' in your life.

I'm here to talk to you!

You must be really bored.

No, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no.

That k*lled 10 seconds. Ok, now
tell me what's goin' on in your life.

Well, look. There's this...

This... this friend
of mine. Ok? Ok.

And he's havin' a
problem at school.

Right. Right. Right. A
"fuh-riend." Ha ha ha!

Yeah. Look, he
really likes this girl,

but every time he
gets close to her,

he gets all tongue-tied and
doesn't know what to say.

Well, maybe your, uh...

Uh, uh, "friend"... Ok?

Needs to find a different
way of expressing his feeling

towards this girl.

Like what?

Hmm. Hey, you know what
girls find romantic? Poetry.

Yeah! Yeah. Yeah, that's it.

I'm gonna write a poem.

Y-you... you know
what I mean. You know...

For my friend? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, for your "fuh-riend."

Thanks, ok?

No worries, man. Wait. Hold up.

Wait. Wait. Wait a second.

Don't you have some
homework I can help you with?

Or somethin'? Ok.
I'll be here all week!

All week?


Did you give Kayla that
poem you wrote for me?

Yeah. Yeah. It's all
set. I put it in her locker.

You sure she's gonna like it?

Yep. Girls find
poetry very romantic.

Well, she'd better.

Oh, there's Kayla!

Just... be cool. Be cool.


Here she comes.

Here she comes.

There she goes.

There she goes!

Oh, man!

She hated it! Put
your head in here!

Calm down! Calm down! Ok?
Maybe she hasn't read it yet.

Good point. Yeah.

Go and find out! Me?

Rrrrhhh! Oh! Just don't
hurt me. I'm goin' right now.

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.

I hope you had a
pleasant day at school.

Before we start cotillion class,

I'll put up a kettle for tea

while we warm
up with our bows...

And curtsies.

Larry, man, what's
goin' on in here?

Uh, in cotillion
class, I'm Lawrence.

Ok... lawrence.
What's goin' on in here?

We're learning manners,
etiquette, and ballroom dancing.

You bein' punished?

Listen, what are you doin' here?

The juicer wants me to see if
Kayla read the poem I wrote for him.

No problem.

I'll help you make
her acquaintance.

Ahem. Pardon me,
Kayla. I'd like to present

master Cory Baxter.

Oh, very pleased
to meet you, Cory.

Yeah, yeah, whatever.
Look, we gotta talk.

Uh... Excuse my
ill-mannered friend.

He's a little... Rough
around the edges.

So, Kayla...

Did you happen to get a poem

from my friend the juicer today?

Oh, yeah. It was corny.

I mean, who rhymes
"romance" with "torn pants"?

Maybe someone who
has a way with words.

Well, I don't now why he's
interested in me, anyway.

Well, you know... You
can't really blame him.

I mean, you're one of
the cutest girls in school.

Um... really?

You, uh... You think I'm cute?

Um... Yeah! Yeah.

Uh, I sure do.

But, um, more importantly,

the juicer thinks you're cute.

You know what I think?


I think you're cute.

Time for tea.


I really don't think
I should be here.


Ladies and gentlemen,

before we serve our tea,

just a reminder that tonight

is our big cotillion ball.

Oh, great! That'd be perfect!

Why don't you come
to the ball with me?

Uh, well, isn't this
a little sudden?

Well, yes, but...

There's something about you.

It just... Feels right.

Well, you know, that's...

Wow! I really got to go!

Larry! Lawrence.

Ok. "Lawrence."
Look, Kayla likes me.

What are you
gonna tell the juicer?

Nothin'. Ok? If he
comes lookin' for me,

tell him I moved to Cincinnati.

Uh, it's really impolite to lie.

But it's also impolite to
get brain juice on the floor!


Point well taken. Mm-hmm.

Got a pretty good poker
face goin' there, man.

I believe you're bluffin'.

That's right. Double
kings. What you got?

What you got, huh?

Hey, Cory! What's
goin' on, man?!

Tell me everything that
happened with your "fuh-riend"

and everything. Come on,
talk to me, man, talk to me.


I wrote him a poem
just like you said.

But it backfired.

What?! What?! What happened?

The girl fell for the wrong guy.

Oh, this is gettin' good.

No, no, no, no, no,
no. This... Is bad.

Oh, yes. T-totally. Of
course. This is totally bad.

Look, Raven, if I don't
straighten this out,

this could be very... Painful.

Ok, look. If the girl fell in
love with the wrong guy,

then you have to make her
fall in love with the right guy.


Or... Or, or, or I could get her

to fall out of love
with the wrong guy!

True. Yes!

Thanks, Raven. I'm
gonna straighten this

all out at the
cotillion tonight!

Ok! Wait! Uh... Um... Ok, Cory!

I'm here! Remember that!

I'm so lonely.

Ooh, and I smell cookies.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

What are you guys doin' here?!

Well, just because you're grounded
doesn't mean that we have to be.


Uh... I didn't invite 'em.

They must've
smelled the cookies.

Ok. Well... In that case

I guess I might as well
just stay and talk to 'em!

Rae. Rae.

Rae, Rae, Rae, Rae, Rae!

You're still on punishment.

Now, take one of those cookies

and go back in the livin' room.

But, dad, can't I just...

No. Just for a s...
No. But can't I...

Just stay... no.

For just one... nope.

Ooh! Ooh! So...
Mr. B... How's business?

Do you really care?


Ladies and gentlemen.

Welcome to our
annual cotillion ball.

Cory... I'm appalled.

This is not how a
gentleman dresses.

Exactly, man. Kayla
likes gentlemen,

and I don't want to be
anything that Kayla likes.

Oh, right, 'cause if the
juicer ever found out

that the girl he likes
likes you... Mm-hmm...

Ooh! Ooh!

So, is she here yet?

Uh, no, but according
to the etiquette book,

it's acceptable to
be fashionably late.

Good. I need the time. I
gotta practice bein' bad.

Look. There's my first victim.

Watch this. Watch this. Ahem.

Yo, waiter! Man, get over
here with that grub, fool!

How was that?

Not bad!

That's right! That's right!

I'm bad!


Let's go.


Hey, man!

Oh, it's you. I was
lookin' for Cory.

Oh, he's not here,
but come on in!

Rouahhh!! Oh, my goodness!
What can I do for you?

Uh, do you want something to
eat? How about I take your hat?

No! No! What's wrong with you?

Well, I'm actually a
little lonely. Sit down!


See, the situation is

that my dad took my
best friends to the movies

and left me here by myself.

Wow. Creepy. Anyway...

I'm lookin' for Cory. There's a
rumor he moved to Cincinnati?

Ooh, no such luck. Oh,
no. He still lives here.

But, um... Tell me
what's goin' on with ya.

All right. Well, my
friend likes this girl,


By "friend," you
do... Yeah. It's me.


So... what should I do?

Um... let me... let me just
understand this a little deeper.

Explain the girl.

Oh. Well... She's pretty. Ok.

She's classy. Nice.

She... she says
things like, uh...

"Please" and, uh..."Thank you."

Ok. I see your problem. I do.

You need to become a "please"
and "thank you" kind of guy.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!
You mean a weenie?!

No! No, not a wienie.

No. A gentleman.

You know what you need to do?

You need to get
your act together,

and you need to go over
there and win your woman back!

Yeah! Yeah!

I'm goin' to that
cotillion ball,

and I'm gonna win her over!


Cotillion ball?

Hey... I guess
he'll see Cory there.

I'm sorry, Cory,

but now that I see
the juicer like this...

I don't want you.

I want him!

Oh, snap!

Mmhh... Mmhh. Mmhh, mmhh.


Oh, no. Oh, no.

Here come Mrs. Rothschild,
man. Keep her busy.

Talk about... Talk
about manners and stuff.

This is where I
shine. All right, man!

Ahem. Good evening,
Mrs. Rothschild.

Allow me.

Oh. Thank you, Lawrence.


Lawrence, you little..

It's ok.

Accidents happen.

Now if you'll excuse me,
I'm going to ice my tailbone.

Ooh. Oh, I'm gonna
take one of these.

Mmm. Wow.

These... these
cucumber sandwiches,

they're so delicate. It's
like eatin' a little cloud.


Man, get this stuff
outta my face! Go on!

What are you wearing?

What I feel like wearin'. Ok?

That's what I'm
wearin'... 'Cause I'm bad.

I'm a bad boy, and bad
boys do what they want.

Whenever! I do what I want!

This... is... A side of
you I've never seen.

Get used to it, baby.


Huh. Ooh. Get used to that, too.

You're so rude and crass.

You hate it, right?


I like it!


I've always been
attracted to bad boys.

My parents made
me take cotillion

to keep away from them,

but... I can't resist.

I like what I like.


You know what? If you...

If you really want a bad boy,
I got one for you right there.

Oh, yeah.He's a real outlaw.

Juicer! Juicer, juicer.

Raven! What are you doin' here?

Hey! Um... You know
what I was thinkin'.

I might've given you
some confusing advice.

Not now. I gotta go fight
for Kayla, like you told me.

No, no, no! Wait! I'm...

First... we dance.


Whoop! Tango!

Whoa! I'll lead. Ha ha ha!

Raven?! What is she doin'?!

Where you goin', bad boy?

Let's tango!

I'll keep him away from you!

Raven, wait!

Ahem. Excuse me, Ms. Rothschild.

I'm so sorry.

Will you do me the
honor and tango with me?

Well... it might take my mind

off my throbbing derriere.

Lawrence... you're toast!

Ms. Rothschild!

What about etiquette?

I'll give you etiquette!

Uhh! Let go of me!
I'm supposed to be

fighting for my girl!

Well, um, fight for
that girl over there!

Ohh! Aaahh!

Oh! Hey! Cory! Shall we dance?

Raven. What are you doin' here?

You're messin' everything up.

Don't worry, Cory.
I got this. Ok?

You see that girl over there?

Go over there and win her heart.



Kayla's your girl?


Ohh... Ohh!

Uhh? Uhh?! Juicer!

Aah! Wienie!

Aah! Aah! Aah!

I shoulda never left the Navy.


Cory Baxter!

You double-crossin',



Uhhh! It's juicin' time, baby!

Aaahh! Ha ha ha!

Look, Cory. This... Is
gonna be your head.


That's nasty.


He is bad!

I... I told you.

I'm sorry, Cory...

But now that I see
the juicer like this...

I don't want you.

I want him.

Yes! Yes!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Thank you! Great
choice! Great choice!

Cory, what are you
so happy about?

The juicer just took your girl.

No, no. That's what I wanted.

I was tryin' to
get them together.

And I was tryin' to keep 'em
apart! I thought you liked her!

No! I said "my friend"!

Oh, and by "friend," you
really meant a "friend."

My bad.

Hey, aren't you
supposed to be grounded?

Oh, snap! I gotta
get home before dad!

Raven, where have you
been? We've been worried sick.

You could've at least

called someone,
Raven. I mean, what

are we supposed to
do with you, young lady?

Well, uh... I had a vision,

and... and there was
Cory and the juicer,

and I had to tango
and... Raven, enough.

You're grounded
for an extra week.

Now, go to your room.


I'm sorry.

Hot enough for you?

Hey, Rae, maybe I
was a little too harsh!
