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03x01 - Sink or Swim

Posted: 04/23/24 08:50
by bunniefuu

Donald!!! Can you hear me?!

[ Metallic clanking, whirring ]

Ohh! Finally!

I was so worried!

I'm so glad you're okay.

How did you fix
the elevator?

Well, it was
incredibly difficult,

but in the face
of great adversity...

I shimmied up the shaft
and flipped the emergency switch

while he cried.

I coached him.

At least my sprinkler system
put the fire out

before it spread to
the rest of the house.

What about the lab?

It's worse than I thought.

The blast took out

I can't believe your own
brother would do this.

He could have
k*lled Leo!

And you.

My mission specialist desk.

Okay, this just got real.

I'm gonna hurt Douglas
where he lives.

As soon as I find out
where he lives.

Look at their capsules.

There's nothing left.

Even eddy's gone.


Yes. He will be missed.

He was my best friend.

I thought I was
your best friend.

No, it was him.

What are we
gonna do?

There's not much
we can do.

House isn't even ours

Speaking of which,
the bank wants us out.

I'll go gather
what's left of our stuff.

All your hard work.

Millions of dollars'
worth of equipment.


All this stuff
can be replaced...

Adam, Bree and chase can't. We have
to find them before Douglas does.

How? They disabled their GPS signals.
They could be anywhere by now.

[ Foghorn blowing ]


Well, after the last six hours,

I can confidently say there is no
ladylike way to sit on an anchor.

What are you
complaining about?

I had a seagull
using my head as a nest.

Where are we headed,

No idea. I can't pinpoint
our coordinates

without our GPS locators.

I bet we're going
to acapulco.

That's where
all the cruise ships go.

Adam, we're not
on a cruise ship.

It's a cargo freighter.

Whatever it is,
we're on vacation.

I'm making the most
out of it.

This is not a vacation.
We're hiding from the FBI.

And if they find out
about us,

we'll become government
Guinea pigs

and Mr. Davenport
will go to jail.

Oh, will you relax?

Ah. Nice to get away every
once in a while, isn't it?

And where is that waiter?

The world's first bionic

They're stronger than us,

faster, smarter.

The next generation
of the human race is...

Living in my basement?!


Almost ready.

Just three more bags.

Tasha, we're homeless.

Do you really need
all these clothes?

These are yours.

Oh, good. Did you get
my cashmere socks?

I cannot believe
they're kicking us out.

Where are we gonna go?

Look, there is a five-star hotel

We can stay there until we can
prove my account was hacked.

How? You have no money,
no credit cards, nothing.

Well, y-yeah. I just thought
we'd tap into your college fund.

What? I am a proud man.

I cannot sleep
on the street.

I'll just call my mother.
I'm sure we can stay there.

Street it is.

[ Knock on door ]

'Sup, dooley?
Oh, no.


Well, I see you did
your squats today.

That's the power
of protein.

I eat three whole chickens
a day. Uhhh!

Principal Perry,
what do you want?

Nothin' from you, Betty blue.

I just came here to shake down
old Donnie for my hush money.

Keeping a bionic secret
really takes it out of a gal.

And here I thought you were just
winded from walking up the driveway.

Look, you know I'm broke.

Well, then perhaps I'll have to
find another way to get my money.

Maybe a tell-all book.

How one adorkable principal
saved America

from three bionic freaks!

Look, I'll get you
your hush money,

but first, we need
a place to live.

And then we have to find
Adam, Bree and chase.


The freaks.


So you're telling me
the sooner you find a place,

the sooner I get my money.

That's right, t.P. You help
us out, we help you out.

You wash our back, we...

Hmmm. Hmmm.

All right, I'm in.
You can stay at my place.

As long as you don't mind
sharing the John

with eight cats and
the occasional semi-pro bowler.

What if we stay at the school

Like when you set up the shelter for
people after the big storm last year.

Oh! So that's why everyone was bangin'
on the door trying to get in!

All right, you can
stay at the school.

Oh, good. Well, you wanna
help us with our bags?

My pleasure.

[ Car starts, drives away ]

We're never gonna see
those bags again, are we?

Okay, we're all clear.
The crew just went to eat.

If it's veal shank,
I'm giving us up.


So, what's our plan?

Well, as soon as we get
wherever we're going,

I guess we just blend in
and live normal lives.

So does this mean we're
done with missions forever?

We have to be. Using bionics
will only get us caught.

Man, if I'm not
mission leader anymore,

then I don't know
who I am.


Don't worry, chase.

You'll have plenty of
girlfriendless years

ahead of you
to figure it out.

Yeah, and what are you gonna do
besides move pianos

and mouth kiss
every dog you see?

Well, you can't
shake their paws...

Those things are filthy.

We're just gonna have to learn
to live like regular people.

Kind of sad, isn't it?

If by "sad" you mean "awesome,

I finally get to move
far away from you two,"

then yes, tragic.

You can move
wherever you want.

We're still gonna have to spend
the rest of our lives

looking over our shoulders.

Don't be ridiculous,

They can attack us
from the front, too.

Hey, look,
I got a bite!

[ Rod spooling ]

Aw, she's a fighter!

what are you doing?!

Deep sea fishing. Come on,
fishy baby, come to daddy!


They're coming. Hide!

Ahh. Poor bugger
musta jumped right onboard.

Ha ha ha!

Well, I can't have a fish
stinkin' up my ship!

Ha ha ha! Be free!

Here you go.
Three cots.

This takes me back to the good ol'
days in the prison infirmary.

You were a nurse?

No, I was in prison.

Okay, you kids settle in.

I'm gonna go try and find
some less crusty blankets.

Is there someplace
we can store our things?

Sure. You can take the
gym locker next to mine.

You might want to wear
slip-ons in the shower.

I got something in between
my toes that just won't quit.

This was better
than my mother's?


Good news, big d.

I got some of this stuff
from the computer lab.

Maybe you can use it
to track Adam, Bree and chase's

last GPS location.

Or, judging by its age,

the last location
of king tut.

Sorry, Leo, I'm just frustrated.

Without my stuff,
without my lab,

this is hopeless.

Come on, big d,
you're a tech titan.

You built an empire
out of nothing.

Yeah, but it was so hard.

But you did it.

And if you put your mind to
it, you can do anything.

You're brilliant.

You know what?

You're right, Leo.

I am handsome.

And brilliant.

Hold on, I didn't say...

I'm back!

Guys, we're in luck.

You found food?


Crate full of boomerangs.

If he should mysteriously
disappear at sea,

it was me.

Time for target practice.

[ Boomerangs whooshing ]

[ Seagull cries ]

[ Splash ]

Good news, chase. You don't have to
worry about that seagull anymore.

Knock it off. You are
making too much noise,

and we all agreed
we weren't gonna use bionics.


Whoa. It's like that boomerang
came right back at us!


Call the coast guard. We got
ourselves some illegal stowaways.

What are we gonna do?

Guys, I got this.

Sir! We are not stowaways,
we're cruisers.

I'm Bob dunwoody
from tampa, Florida,

this is my wife, Joan,

and our lovely daughter,

Not now, Piper,

the grown-ups are talking.

Look, I don't know who you are
or how you got on my ship,

but the coast guard's coming,
and they'll find out.

Keep an eye
on these criminals.


Where you from?

Adam, I cannot believe
you got us caught.

When the coast guard gets here, they're
gonna trace us back to Davenport

and we'll be right back
where we started

with the FBI knocking
on our door.

Calm down.
We'll just escape.

We're in the middle
of the ocean.

Where are we gonna go?

Well, we can't go home.

Tampa's miserable
this time of year.

[ Buzzer sounding ]

Shh. Hold on.

Something's wrong.

Ah, listen up, men.

Coast guard's
gonna be a while.

There's a submarine
that's lost control

speeding towards
the ocean floor.

If it hits, it'll wipe out
the entire crew.

Poor guys.

Well, I gotta go up here
and moisturize.

Okay. That bought us
some time.

I'll scan the ship to see if there's
a life raft we can escape on.

Forget us. We have to
rescue that sub.

We can't. I'd have to
enable my GPS,

and if I did, it would give
our location to the FBI.

But it's what we do.

No. It's what
we used to do.

Just let the coast guard
handle it.

We can't save the world

Piper, do not take
that tone with your mother.

Principal Perry was hogging
the Internet in her office,

so I snuck in,
plugged in our wire instead.

Turns out she's a day trader
for the Japanese stock market.

That did it. We are now able
to pinpoint

their precise location when
they turned off their GPS.

You know, Leo,
with my genius

and your ability
to follow wiring,

we make a great team.

Did you two
snake my Internet?

Principal Perry,
look. We just...

Get out of my way,
gym squatters.

My online auction
is about to close.

[ Ding ding ding ding ]
Wahoo! I got it!

Guess who owns
a slaughterhouse?

This stuff ain't cheap.
Get me my money.

Their last known location
was at the port.

They must have
jumped on a ship.

It says there were three freighters
that left around the same time.

They must be on one of them.

Douglas may already have a jump on us.
We have to act fast.

But even if we know which freighter
it is, how are we gonna get to it?

I have a secret.

I have a helicopter I keep stashed
away for special occasions,

and nobody knows
about it! Ha!

I have a secret too.

I know.
I use it on weekends.

Good news.

The coast guard's bringing
another ship to arrest you.

Well, good for us.
Bad for you.

I guess I shoulda just said,
"bad news!" Ha ha ha ha!

Wait. What about
the submarine?

Doesn't look good.

It's tough being this close

and realizing there's nothing
anyone can do to help.

Chase, we have to
do something.

Yeah. We're the only ones
who can save 'em.

You do realize that
we would be giving ourselves up.

Our lives will be over.

We have no choice.

People are in trouble,
and I would rather rot in jail

knowing that
we did the right thing.

Me too.

Who am I kidding?
Of course we have to help.

Bree, how fast
can you subdue the crew?

Look who you're talking to.
"Fast" is my middle name.

You're lucky.
Mine's "Charles."

Adam, once I give you
the coordinates,

use your strength
to propel yourself deep enough

to reach the sub,

then you can divert it
to the surface.

Got it. And you can boss people
around like you usually do.

I do not boss people around.

I lead. I am a leader.

[Baby talk] Oh, yes
you are, aren't you?

Come on!

[ Door slams shut ]

Okay. The crew's tied up
below deck. Hurry.

This is it.
I'm activating my GPS.

[ Sonar beeping ]

Got it. Okay, Adam,
they're not far,

but we're running
out of time.

I'll send you the coordinates.

[ Whoosh ]
Ooh. Got 'em.

Let's do this.

Chase, we've never trained for
an underwater rescue mission.

I know. We're just gonna
have to take our chances.



And right now I'm not
really likin' our chances.


Well, searching that
first ship was a bust.

This is gonna take us all night!

Well, at least
we got the radio.

You're listening to another
Donald Davenport audio book,

"how to make
a billion dollars."

Oh, we need to
turn this up.


[ GPS beeping ]

It's chase's
GPS signal!

It's back on!

They turned on their GPS signals
that means they're in trouble.

Hang on, Leo.

We can track the sub
on my sonar scan.

[ Beeping ]

Come on, Adam.

Chase: Five hundred feet
to impact.

The sub's about to hit!

Don't worry.
He can do this.

Three hundred feet.

Two hundred feet.

One hundred feet.

It's fifty feet



He did it! Look!

They're safe!

You know, no matter what happens
to us, it was worth it.

Yeah. Mr. Davenport
would be proud.

Hey, where's Adam?



He's been down there too long.

No one can go that long
without oxygen.

This can't be happening.

I should have never
sent him down there.

It's all my fault.

What are we staring at?

We thought you were dead!

How did you survive so long
without oxygen?

By breathing under water.

What, you guys can't?

Wait. You didn't know that and you sent
me down there without any oxygen?!

Of course not!

No! Congratulations,

You did it!


We should be close.

[ Beeping rapidly ]

I think I see the ship!

That's gotta be it.

Well, I guess we're back to
using our bionics for missions.

Oh, great. So now
it's a working vacation.

You just can't unplug anymore.
I blame the Internet.

Now it's time
for our next mission...

Finding a life raft
and getting off this ship.

Don't move!

I thought you
tied them up.

I said I could tie fast,
not well.

[ Helicopter hovering ]

It's Mr. Davenport!

Quick! Climb on!


Captain: Get 'em!

Come on, men!


Adam, wait!

You're not goin' anywhere!



Adam, help!

Well, I know you're
pathetically weak,

but can't you at least
try kicking free?



Ohh! Uhh!

[ Captain screaming ]

[ Splash ]


Hey, at least a shark
broke his fall.

I don't get it.
How can they not be here?

Hey. We're looking for three
kids, two guys and one girl.

Have you seen them?
Of course I've seen 'em.

They just got on a chopper.

With you.

With me?

It is so good
to see you guys.

Hey, Mr. Davenport,
where's Leo?

Oh. Uh, he's waiting for us at
one of my offshore facilities.

We're gonna have to hide out there
since the FBI is on our tails.

Relax. You're safe now.

Oh. You come to keep
me company

until Donald and Leo
get back?

No. I've got
a little flea problem.

So I'm crashing here tonight.

Your cats have fleas?

No. I do.

I'm crashing here so I don't
give them to the cats.

How thoughtful.

[ Groans ]

♪ ♪


This is where we'll be
hiding out from the FBI.

What do you think?

I think we should update
our tetanus sh*ts.

Hey, where's Leo?

I thought you said
he would be here.

Yeah, I kinda lied
about that.

[ Chuckles ]

Guess who?


Awesome mask,
Mr. Davenport.

He looks just like his evil
brother who captured us.

That is his evil brother.

And he did just capture us.

Oh. Good one.

I did not see that coming.

I don't get it.

I thought you were an ice-cube
in Mr. Davenport's warehouse.

How did you get out?

I had a little help.

It doesn't matter.

We'll destroy this rat trap
just like your last one.

Yeah, thanks for that.

I didn't even have time
to back up my music.

jazz, gone!


Well, I know something
else that's about to be gone.


Let's get his reggae too.

Get him!


[ Laughs ] Told you
I had a little help.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Groaning ]

♪ ♪

[ Groaning ]


Eggs and bac-y.

it's just an expression.

All we have to eat around here
are nuts, berries, and...

The occasional
barbecued iguana.

Taunting us with
non-existent breakfast foods?

You really are evil.

But I will take
that barbecued iguana.


Who was that guy?

Oh, that's right.

You haven't been formally
introduced to my partner.

Crane, come say hi
to the kids.

Wait, now we have three dads?

After I was booted from
Davenport industries,

I needed cash to
continue my research.

I found a billionaire

who believed in me.

Say hello to my colleague,

benefactor, and
all-around bad guy,

Victor crane.

Why is he wearing a mask?


Dude, I have got to get
you into a dermatologist.

What is that stuff
all over his face?

You're no longer the only
humans with bionics.

Crane agreed to fund my work

so long as I shared
my research with him.

He implants every piece of
bionic technology I design

to make himself
more powerful.

Well, I hope he got
a good personality,

'cause what's on
the outside... yikes.


[ Whirring ]

Let's go.

You have work to do.

Isn't he cool?

You can cart out all
the freaks you want.

It's not gonna keep us here.

Oh, I beg to differ.

[ Whirring ]

[ Laughing ]

Whoa, cool.
Giant ring toss.

Gotta give you credit.

You're evil, but fun.

They're titanium energy rings.

They create an impenetrableforce

that nothing can escape.

I smell a challenge.

[ Yells ]

I smell burning flesh.

What do you want with us
this time, Douglas?

Oh, no.
I'm not falling for that.

First I tell you my plan,
then something goes wrong,

then you use it against me,
not gonna happen!

It doesn't matter
what you're planning.

I'm sure that Mr. Davenport
is looking for us already.

He'll be here any minute
to take us home.

Oh, yeah.
There's no place like home.

No, seriously.
There's no place like home.

I blew it up.

You destroyed our lab?

Yup. Hope you backed up
your music libraries.

♪ ♪


Please don't text into
Harry humwover in a helicopter.

I left my lunch all over
the rosenblatt's roof.

So what happened?
Where are the kids?

Douglas got to them
before we did.

Your brother, again?

Okay, you are done complaining
about my mother.

We have no idea
where they are,

but they're smart,

they will figure out
a way to escape.

Well, two of them will.

I do have some good news.

The FBI finished
their investigation

and proved you
were cyberhat?

So I'm getting
all my money back?

No. All the money was stolen.
You're still broke.

But I'm getting all
my stuff back, right?

My boats, my cars,
my planes.

Just the house.

Everything else including
Davenport industries is gone.

But the good news is that now

we can all move
back in together.

Not even like a jet-ski?

Or a motorcycle
with one wheel?

So what're you gonna do
about the kids?

Well, they're not
gonna come back here

because they still
don't think it's safe.

I just wish there was some way
we could get a message to them

and let them know
everything's all right.

Well, the only thing
I can do remotely is

update chase's software.

Wait. Maybe that's it.

Maybe I can embed a cyber
message into the update.

Leo, find us a computer.

Got it.

Is there anything I can do?

Tasha, now is not
the time for jokes.

♪ ♪

I can't believe
the lab is gone.

That's our home.

If anything happened
to our family,

I will end you.

And then we'll put your body
in an old-lady dress

so everyone laughs
during your funeral.

Guys, guys,
I understand you're mad.

Butt what's done is done.

Let's focus on moving
forward together.

First order of business,

what do you say we make mondays
family game night!

This guy, still evil,
still fauna.

Guys, something's
happening to me.

I'm getting
a tingling sensation.

Aw, you hear that, Bree?

Pretty soon he'll have
a baby moustache.



I just got a software
update on my chip.

That's really weird.
Why would I just...

Wait. Mr. Davenport

must be trying to send
us a message.

[ Electronic whir ]

Guys, I know Douglas has you.

Leo and I are doing everything
we can to find you.

But if you can escape,
come home.

Perry has agreed to keep our
bionics secret.

Can we do that again?

I just feel like this hologram
makes me look fat.

Mr. Davenport's okay!

Was he wearing guy-liner?

Now we just have to find a way
to get out of here.

What if I used my blast wave
abilities to destroy the rings?

If you do that,
you'll destroy the rings

and everything around us...
Including us.

But we'll be free.

Here's an idea:

How 'bout we come up with a plan
where we escape and survive?

Wait a second,
if these are titanium,

can't you just use your
magnetism app

to repel them apart?

Douglas would expect that,
just like he would expect

me to use my molecular kinesis
to manipulate them.

So do both.
He wouldn't expect that.

Adam, you can't use two
abilities at the same time.

Why not?


I don't know.

We've never
tried it before.

Well, I say you try it now,
and if your head explodes,

the survivors will
move on to plan b.


I'll give it a try.

Activating magnetism app.

[ Beep, whirs ]

And molecular kinesis.

[ High-pitched whir ]

Focus, chase.

When you tell me to focus
it makes me not focus.

You can do it.

Stop talking!

[ Loud whir ]

Way to go, chase.

Oh, man. Thought for sure
his head was gonna explode.


That's better than nothing.

Help me carry him.

Oh, wait. He's light.
I got it.

♪ ♪

[ Growls ]

They escaped.

Doesn't matter.

While they were knocked out,

I reinstalled
their triton app.

I'll finally be able to override their
bionic infrastructure, remotely.

This better work.

I paid you a lot of money
for your little triton app.

Oh, it'll work.
Get ready.

'Cause you're about
to find out

what this triton app
can really do.

Adam, Bree and chase,
are completely under my control.

[ Laughs ]

You got a little
iguana there.

♪ ♪

Still no word from the kids?


You're a tech wiz.

Isn't there something
else you can do?

Like send them a text alert

or friend request
or have them paged.

I'll be honest,

sometimes I wonder how
you two ended up together.

Look, all we can do is hope
they got the cyber message.

Until then,
we just have to wait.

We're home!

Well, that
didn't take long.

Oh, I'm so
glad you're safe.

I was so worried.

You guys okay?

We're fine, but Douglas
has a new partner.

Eh, give it six months.

Big one's super
high maintenance.

He's some crazy billionaire
named Victor crane.

And he's implanting
himself with bionics.

His face is really disturbing.

He could definitely use
some of your man makeup.

I don't wear...

It's bronzer.

Crane must be the guy who helped
Douglas escape from your warehouse.

I've never even heard of him,

but I'm gonna find out who
he is and how to stop him.

You guys must be starving.
I'll get dinner started.

Look at this.

Things are finally
getting back to normal.

[ Electronic whir ]

[ Beeping ]

Chase's triton app
is up and running.

Once I activate Adam and Bree,
they'll do whatever we want.

Time to have some fun.
Chest bump!

[ Groans ]

[ Grunts ]

You know what?

I'll just activate
Adam and Bree.

I'm fine, by the way.

♪ ♪

Then the lab blew up and we
got trapped in the elevator.

Big d confided his deepest
secrets with me.

Hiding you three in the
basement, not even top ten.

Hey, what's up
with your eyes?

Hey! Hey!
Easy on the chest hairs.

I only have two.

Adam, Bree, you're up.

[ Beeping ]

This fridge is empty. Why don't I
just whip up a little tuna surprise?

Adam, please don't
throw him.

You know how delicate
your father is.

What's happening?

Douglas must've enabled
their triton app.

Look at their eyes.
He's controlling them.

Mom, watch out!

[ Loud whoosh ]

Forget the tuna,

I'm about to open up a can
of Bree surprise.


Your brother figured that out
pretty quickly.

I know, he's a genius.

Been hearing it my whole life.

But I'm a genius too.
With much better hair.

I didn't pay you $80 million
for your hair.

I know. It's just a bonus.

Would it k*ll you
to crack a smile?

Actually, it might.

You're pretty
wired up there.

It's time to end this.

Only I touch the device.

♪ ♪

I think we lost them.

[ Screams ]

Why are they trying
to hurt us?

It's not them, it's Douglas.
Let's get out of here.

Okay, you and your brother
just need to hug this out!

[ Cackling ]

Enough with the games.
Finish them off.

But I love tormenting
my brother!

Destroy them now!

I'm touching the device.

♪ ♪

Why aren't you
going after Adam?

He's the one who
always picks on you.

Quick, Adam!
Make a short joke!

Tell him he's got a tiny,
doll-like body!

[ Loud whoosh ]

No, no, no.
Chase, no.

Donald! Do something!

Chase don't drop it!
Listen to me.

The triton app only controls your bionics.
Not your human side.

You have to fight it!

Yes, chase.

All the great times we had?

All the cool
inventions we built?

The time Trent made us Bob
for apples in the bathroom?

Okay, that wasn't really cool,
but we did it together.

It's not working!

Keep trying!
It's our only chance!

I'm the one who showed you
the real world, chase.

I taught you what it means
to be a brother.

A good one.
Not like Adam is to you.

Remember when I found you
in the lab?

Our first day at school?

When we won
the robot throwdown?

Oh! I still have
the picture!

Here. See?

Try and remember, chase.

Yeah, see? You, me?
Together? Brothers?

Come on, chase.
I know my brother's in there.

Where is he, chase?
Where is my brother?

Honestly, I did not think
that was gonna work.

[ Groans ]

Oh, come on!

I'm beginning to think

I backed the
wrong Davenport.

You know, some partners would
actually encourage each other.

I know what I'm doing.
We're still in control.

Adam, Bree,
take care of chase.


Do I look happy?

You know,
I can never tell with you.

My head is k*lling me.

It was Douglas's triton app.

He probably doesn't
remember anything.

[ Loud whoosh ]

Bree, what's wrong
with your eyes?

Douglas is controlling them.
You have to fight back.

I can't fight them.
They're my...



Adam's too strong.

Chase can't hold out
much longer.

I have a question.

Why am I holding
you in my arms?

[ Loud grunt ]

Dial up his power.

But it's not safe.
That could really damage him.


You know, there's a
nicer way to say that.

[ Loud whir ]

[ Grunting ]

Adam, stop!
You're hurting him.

Can't you just talk him out
of it like Leo did with chase?

There's no time.

Wait, if Douglas
is controlling them,

can't chase do
the same thing?

He's got that override app that takes
over their bionics in emergencies.

It's too dangerous.

He can't use two abilities
at the same time.

No! I've done it before.

Wait, why would you do that?

It puts too much stress
on your system.

You're lucky to be alive.

Hey, why don't
you yell at him

when he's not fighting
for his life!

I've got no choice
I have to try.

I believe in you, chase!

Stop talking!

Activating override app.

Hurry, your force field
is about to collapse!

See, I told you. When he uses
two abilities at the same time...

[ Both ]
Shut it!

[ Yells ]

Yes! He did it!

[ Both ]

I can fix this.

I'll just update
the triton app.

Do it.
And when you're done,

destroy Adam, Bree,
and chase.


You heard me, genius.

But that was never
part of my plan.

Your plan?
[ Laughs ]

Your plan is done.

We're going
with my plan now.

♪ ♪

This crane person seems
extremely dangerous.

With him and Douglas
still out there,

we're all gonna have to watch
our backs more than ever.

Quick question: Is anyone on
your side of the family

not a deranged maniac?

Do you guys remember

that happened when that
triton thing was going?

Tasha, we just got home.
What's with the third degree?

Guys, what you're about
to see is pretty disturbing.

Whole reason I built
this place was to protect you

and I couldn't even do that.

I feel like I failed you.

Well, I'm glad
someone said it.

You didn't fail us.

If you hadn't brought us
together as a family,

and let us live
like normal kids,

we would never have been able to
defeat the triton app.

Thanks, guys.

You're right.
I am handsome and brilliant.

I didn't...
No, no.

Let him go.
It's how he copes.