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03x08 - Taken

Posted: 04/23/24 08:55
by bunniefuu

So, what do you think?

I think you're begging
for a g*ng of bikers

to do rotten things to you.

Are those my pants?

Not anymore.

I call it "a daven-cycle".

She's got auto-pilot,
laser-guided w*apon systems,

and a tiny little
flower vase,

to brighten your day.

Whoa, cool. Throw in a tiny
basket for chase to ride in

and we're good to go.

[ Static ]
Hello? Anybody home?

[ Douglas laughs ]

He hacked you again?

Would it k*ll you
to spend $40

on some security software?

Love the new lab, Donnie.
Ooh, tunnels!

Industrial, yet classy.

Take a hint, ex-brother.

There's a reason
why none of us

accepted your
buddy requests.

Oh, I accepted it.

What? His updates are hilarious!

"Looking forward to
a weekend of evil, winky-face."

Listen, I don't have
a lot of time,

krane'll be back soon.

He went out to
get his head waxed.

You know what?

It might sound
like I'm hanging up.

Wait, wait, wait!

This isn't another trick!

You're in danger!

Krane has completely lost it!

Oh, wow!

So, the guy who keeps
implanting himself

with bionics is unstable?

Who could have
seen that coming?

I'm serious!

Krane is using my technology

to give himself new abilities

I didn't even know
were possible!

He's a ticking time-b*mb,

and he sees you three
as a threat!

Hey! What about me?!

I'm dangerous!

Yeah, there's always a chance

you might faint on somebody.

Look, Adam, Bree, chase...

And Leo, can handle anything.

And after all you've done
to this family,

why should we trust you?

Well, I...

Give me a minute.

Take all the time you want.

Oh, thanks. I...
[ Static ]

Douglas is up to something.

He's obviously trying
to distract us

with this krane guy.

Well, maybe so, but

what if he's
telling the truth?

Yeah. We've seen krane

He's a total creep.

Nice eyes, though.

Trust me, this is
exactly what Douglas wants.

Don't fall for his trap.
My brother is the real threat.

[ Electricty surging ]

[ Krane grunting and screaming ]

Narrator: The world's
first bionic superhumans.

They're stronger than us.

Faster. Smarter.

The next generation
of the human race is...

Living in my basement?!

Good news.

We're kicking chase
off the team?!

No. Until I figure out
what's going with Douglas,

nobody's going to school.

Aw, no way!

I'm gonna miss
my chemistry test!

Nerdiest sentence ever.

Well, Leo already left.

I sent Tasha to pick him up.
In the meantime,

we have a new state of the art
security fence,

capable of withstanding
any threat.

Even bionic ones.

Behold! The...

Wait! Let me guess!

"The daven-fence"!

No, that's lame.

This is the new cyber security
perimeter daven-wall!

I control it remotely
from my wrist.

Robotic voice: Lab security
perimeter engaged.


And this little baby
can only be turned on and off

using my own personal
thumb print.

Mr. Davenport,
I applaud your efforts,

but I could easily
break out of this thing

by using my fingerprint
recognition app.

Uh, actually, ya can't.

I removed my fingerprints
from your database.

But, I can come and go
anytime I want,

by wearing this.

But, wait. What if you
lose the remote?

We'll be stuck
in here forever.

I'm not gonna
lose the remote.

But, what if it
runs out of batteries?

It doesn't use batteries.

What if you
lose your thumbs?!

I'm not gonna
lose my thumbs!

Just because he
says it confidently

does not mean
it can't happen.

[ Bell rings ]

[ Girly yell ]

I mean...
[ Manly yell ]


I am relaxed.
I'm very relaxed!

Let's do this spiky!
Let's get real!

You done?

Oh. Giving up, I see.

What do you want?

You're smart, Leo.

You knew about me and Marcus
before anybody else.

So you have to believe me
about krane.

All right. Talk.

Krane and I used to be
on the same page;

get my kids back,
use 'em to Rob banks,

pull scams, you know,
garden variety bad guy stuff.

But I was never
gonna hurt them.

Marcus tried to k*ll me!

I said "them"!

Listen, krane is
completely out of control!

He's got a serious score
to settle with the world,

and now he has
the bionics to do it.

Why does he want
Adam, Bree, and chase?

He doesn't want them,
he wants to destroy them!

They're the only ones
who can stand in his way.

Look, I'm scared, Leo.

And you should be, too.

Watch this.

[ Music starts playing ]

Oh, sorry. That's my
fortieth birthday party.

We had a burger truck.

Stop it.

This is it.

[ Power surging and
krane yelling ]

Yeah, that dude's no joke.

So, what am I
supposed to do?

Talk to my brother.

He'll believe you.

I gotta get back
before krane blows a gasket.

Literally. He has one
right under here.

Davenport on phone:

Hey, big d, it's Leo. Listen...

What? Speak up.
I can't hear you.

It's Leo! Listen,

Douglas just came by school,
and I hate to say it, but...

I think he's telling the truth
about krane.

Ha ha, just kidding!
You got my voicemail.

Beep's on you.

[ Douglas whistling ]

Oh, hey. Sorry I'm late.

I was at the grocery store.

The girl from the deli
says "hello".

Nice try.

I know where you've been.

Yeah, you got me.

I talked to the kid.

But I was just trying to
turn him over to our side.

Our side?

I work alone now.

I don't need you anymore.

O... Kay...

Well you coulda
told me that

before I gave you my share
of this month's rent.

Well, I, uh...

I guess I'll just
get going, then.

[ Choking sounds ]

Good riddance.


Let's see, what else
can I throw?

Don't even think about it.

Something's wrong.

Leo just left a message

that Douglas showed up
at school,

and now I can't find
him or Tasha.

Oh, well I'm sure
we'll find them if you

keep us locked down here
in the basement.

[ Static ] Help! Help!

Can anybody hear us?!
Help us!

I knew it.
Douglas has them!

Guess again.

Guys, don't worry.
We'll get you out of there.

Chase, don't make promises
you can't keep.

So you're Victor krane.

Love the face. Do you get all
the premium channels

on that thing, or...


Hand over the bionic kids.

[ Scoffs ]
Not gonna happen.

This isn't a game.

I've sent you my coordinates.

They have ten minutes
to get here,

or I downsize your family.

[ Static ]

I got him! He's at the corner
of Prescott and maple.

Oh, nice neighborhood.
Crime does pay.

Let's go!


There's too many unknowns
with this krane guy.

This one I do alone.

[ Adam snorts ]

Yes, me!

Aw, it's so cute
when he gets all macho!

Okay, no offense,

but if this guy's
too dangerous for us,

then how are you
gonna beat him?

With this.

My thermal blaster.

Trust me,
you do not wanna be

on the wrong end
of this baby.


This is the most powerful
w*apon I've ever created.

It's like carrying around
a lightning bolt.

It will fry krane's circuits
for good.

Or you can wear
your motorcycle outfit

and he'll die of laughter.

Look, Mr. Davenport,
you can't go alone.

Krane is a powerhouse!

He's the toughest enemy
we've ever faced!

And without my speed,
you'll never make it!

My daven-cycle will get me
there in plenty of time.

I'll have Leo and Tasha
home by dinner.


But if you're not back by 6:30,
we're eating without you.

You know, I am a fairly
well-known TV personality,

and this could bring
a lotta heat your way.

I've seen your reporting.

I'm doing the world a favor.

Hey, if you hurt my family,

I will hunt you down,
so you better take me out, too.

All right.

[ Knuckles cracking ]

Box it is.

Sweetie, you gotta
stop talking.

Adam, Bree, and chase
will be here any minute,

and they will take care of you!

No, they won't.

Your egocentric husband
will try to be a hero

and play right into my hands.

Sorry I'm late.


You're right on time.

[ Grunting and yelling ]

What's happening?

I don't know how
he's doing it,

but he's draining all
the power from my blaster!

[ Krane laughs ]

Okay, well that was
the main thrust of my plan.

I guess it's gonna be
hand-to-hand combat.

And we're doomed.

You blocked me outta the lab
with your litts security fence.

Turn it off.


I figured you'd say that,

so I'm gonna give you a choice.

Adam, Bree, and chase...

Or them.

It's up to you.

I'll never make that choice.

How about now?

What is that?

An exothermic energy field.

It's like a microwave.

Good for chicken.

Bad for humans.

They should be well-done
I about six minutes.

Look, just let them go.
Take me instead.

Well, that wouldn't be
as much fun.

But you can stop this.

All you gotta do is turn off
the security perimeter.


Hurry! We have to get out
of here and help them!

I'm trying! I hacked
through the encryption,

but it won't let me go any
further without a fingerprint.

Ooh! I have a fingerprint!

I meant Mr. Davenport's.

Why would I have
Mr. Davenport's fingerprint?

Think, chase! Think!

Hey. Isn't that
his coffee mug?

Ah, good one.

Let's have a cup of Joe
and talk about the good old days

while chase figures it out.

Bree's right.

I can use my fingerprint
recognition app

to pull his thumbprint
from the cup.

Then we can shut down
the perimeter.

Okay, but, if that
doesn't work,

I got 12 of these bad boys
and, odds are,

one of 'em's bound
to do something.


Do something!

Stop! They have nothing
to do with it!

And yet, they seem to have
everything to do with it.

Don't give in, big d!
We can take it!


Oh yeah!

Okay, that burns! Yeah!

Stop talking to him!

You're running out of time.

Just stop!

[ Groans of agony ]

I thought you were
smarter than this.

You will never beat me.

Give me Adam, Bree, and chase,
or you will lose everything.

[ Davenport's watch beeps ]
What's that?

Nothing, my fantasy football
team is winning.

Robotic voice: Lab security
perimeter disengaged.

Why'd you turn it off?

I didn't!

It's okay,
I can re-arm it from here.

Too late!

He can geo-leap?!

I haven't even
cracked that yet!

You know what,
I'd love to help with that

if my brain cells
weren't boiling!

Come on,
let's get outta here.

Not so fast.

Quick! Turn the fence back on!

Get us outta here!

I can't use my thermal blaster

'cause krane drained
all the power out of it.

What kind of
evil villain's lair

doesn't have a large device
for cutting metal?

Just do something!

I can't take much more.


This lab must be tied
to a huge power source.

Can't you patch that in
to the thermal blaster?


And if I reverse the polarity,

it'll pull the heat
from the cube

and burn a hole in the door!

I-is that safe?

I don't know.

Maybe we should
consult the manual

before we rush into anything.

Just do it!

Okay, here goes.

Hot, hot, hot.
You're burning me.

You're burning me.
You're burning me.


How would you like
your lives to end?

Living on Mars.

I accidentally take off
my helmet.

Get him!

Later, freak.

[ Loud thud ]

[ Sounds of Adam and krane
fighting below ]

Got him!

Never mind, get him!

Well, this has been fun.

But all good things...

Must come to an end!

Hi, kids.
Good to see ya.

I thought I finished you.

Yeah, that's what
I wanted you to think.

I'm gettin' pretty good
at faking my own death.

Good luck faking
your way around this!

[ Douglas gasps, coughs ]


You might wanna leave
for this next part.


You finally did something!

I shoulda done this
a long time ago.


Oh, no! You...

You let him get away!

Get out of my house.

No! Mr.Davenport,
it's okay!

Douglas saved us
from krane.

Saved you? He's the reason

we're having to fight krane
in the first place.

Don, I can explain...

You're lucky
I'm letting you go.

Now get out of here
before I change my mind.

Hey, if you're gonna blast him,
can you get it over with?

'Cause this is getting
really uncomfortable.

Hey. What are you guys doing?

Safely watching you
from outside

the cyber perimeter
that we just turned on.

Ah, I see.
This is revenge

for me trapping you
in the lab.

Nah, the real revenge
will happen

when you touch the fence.

We upped the voltage.

I should know,
I touched it three times.

Yep. And then
we upped it again.

The slightest contact

will short-circuit
the entire house.

And leave you hairless.

I get it, you guys
want me to think it's on,

but it's not really on.

Whatever you need
to tell yourself.

Of course, you would expect me
to think it's not on,

therefore, it may
actually be on.

It's a real possibility,
isn't it?


But only a fool would think
it's on, and I'm no fool.

I'm a genius!

So there is absolutely no way
that this thing is on.

[ Davenport shrieking
like a girl ]