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03x12 - You Posted What!?!

Posted: 04/23/24 08:57
by bunniefuu
Guys, the rupture is getting worse.
That's natural gas.

We have to fix that leak
or it'll explode.

Go check the rest
of the pipeline for cracks.

On it.

Oh, we have to move fast.
The whole pipe is unstable.

You ever wonder what it'd
be like if we weren't bionic?

What's like
the first thing you'd do?

Not get trapped in these
stupid conversations.

You know what I would do
if I wasn't bionic?

Try to become bionic.

Can we just do this?


I'll seal the crack
with my heat vision.

Yes, let's sh**t blistering heat
at highly flammable gas.

I just said that.
Were you not listening?

Just let me contain it
with my force field first.

It's only gonna hold it
for a few seconds. Go.

Pipe's secure.

Checked out 200 miles,

All right,
let's get out of here.

All right, grab on.

Actually I'm gonna take the bus.

Me too.

The world's
first bionic super humans.

They're stronger than us,
faster, smarter.

The next generation
of the human race is...

Living in my basement?

[ Chattering ]

What's everybody looking at?

A new viral video.
Guess what it's called.

"The world's first
bionic humans."

BOTH: What?

Wait, there are
other bionic people?

Then why are we working so hard?

She's talking about us.

Yeah, look.

That's yesterday's mission.

Somebody filmed us.

Your secret's out.

Everybody is gonna know
you are bionic.

Never mind that.

Now I can't blackmail
Daddy Big Bucks anymore.

My gravy train just ran
right off the tracks!

Everyone's looking at us.

Hey, quit your staring!

So they're bionic.

Get to class before they mow you
down with their finger missiles.

How could this happen?

What are we gonna do?

I don't know.
We're in big trouble.

Wait, I know
how we can fix this.

We'll convince everyone

the video was made
with special effects,

you know, like those fake videos
Adam's always watching.

So "Giant baby eats Tokyo"
is fake?

[ Sighing ]
I should have known.

Where are they gonna
get a diaper that big?

Leo, that might actually work.

Well, first we better go
tell Mr. Davenport.

Wait, wait, hold on. Is "Giant
baby eats London" fake, too,

because I just sent 50 bucks
to the victims' relief fund?

Mr. Davenport!

We just heard.
What are we gonna do?

I say we sell
Chase to the circus

and use the money
to start our new life.

Big D, I know
how we can spin this.

Oh, no, no,
we're way past spinning, Leo.

That video is all over the news.

Experts have verified the
footage wasn't manipulated.

People all over the world
are freaking out.

Ah, of course, they are.

They just saw Chase
in a skintight mission suit.

Douglas is right. This
is way too big to spin.

I can't believe this.

You guys are
the biggest news story ever,

and I got scooped!
How could this happen?

I don't know. I did a thermal
scan of the mission site.

No one was there.

Well, the footage from my Daven-Earth
satellite says otherwise.


Someone standing right there.


But I scanned the site.

Yeah, well, you missed a spot,

and now the entire family
is in danger.

Come on, Donny.

The kid made a mistake.
Could've happened to anyone.

Yeah, not really.

He's the only one
who thermal scans.

So what's our next move?

Give Tasha Davenport
an exclusive interview.

It's my job to ask.

Don't worry, guys,
I've prepared for this.

I've got a safe house in a secure
location, you three will hide there.

It's got capsules, food,
everything you'll need

for a year's worth of survival.

A year?

Well, 343 days.

After that,
play rock-paper-scissors,

and eat the loser.

In the meantime, I'm gonna
hold a press conference,

and prove to the world
that you're not dangerous.

When they're ready
to accept you, you'll come home.

Any questions?

Yeah, I finally decided
to whiten my teeth.

Wait, that's not a question.
So, yeah, no questions.

Everybody, get your stuff.
We leave in five minutes.

I feel bad, Donny.

It was my idea
to put bionics in humans,

and it's not fair for you
to take all the heat.

Yeah, I know. I'm-I'm only
holding that press conference

so I can blame
everything on you.

I don't get it.

I know I scanned
the mission site.

How did I not notice that girl?

Yeah, it is weird.

Usually it's the girl
who doesn't notice you.

You know what? I'm gonna
check my chip log.

Guys, hurry up.

See, this is why
I should have raised you.

Then you'd know
how to abandon a building.

Aha, look.

Chase is right.

He did do a thermal scan
at the mission site.

I knew it.

Still perfect!

Hey, look.

The time codes match

and that's the spot where the girl
showed up on Big D's satellite footage,

but on your chip log,
she's nowhere to be found.

That's impossible.

Something weird is going on.

I'm gonna go tell Mr. Davenport.
Good idea.

But leave out the part
about being perfect.

It just makes people want
to punch you in the face.

Adam, what are you doing?

I don't want to lose
touch with people,

so I'm sending out
an email blast

with the address
of our safe house.


While you do that,
I'll tell Davenport

that we need a new safe house.

where is Mr. Davenport?

He's still upstairs.

What's going on?

I was right.
I did scan the site,

but that girl didn't show up
on my chip log.

So what does that mean?

Go! Go! Go!

[ Indistinct shouting ]

Secure the perimeter.

Don't try anything.

We have more than enough
firepower to take you down.

Hit the lights.
I need eyes on them.

All right.
Who are you?

Why are you doing this?


I ask the questions.

We got them.

Bionic targets
have been secured.

It is what I would say
if I found them but I haven't.

Look, no, you've got it all
wrong, we're not a threat.

You obviously saw the video of us fixing
the pipeline. We're on your team.

I'll decide
whose team you're on.

Oh, you know what will help?
If we do shirts and skins.

Come on, guys.

Keep your shirt on.

Fine, you be skins,
I was just trying to be nice.

I know how you old guys are
about showing your love handles.

[ Footsteps approaching ]

Oh, hey. Oh, hey.
I know my rights.

You cannot barge in here
without a warrant.


Aren't you just
Mr. Prepared?

Mr. Davenport, talk to them.
Tell them to let us go.

Guys, there's nothing I can do.

It's over.

We have to help them.

We don't stand a chance
against those guys.

Well, then,
I'll go rescue them myself.

The only way we can help them
is if we don't get captured.

[ Whirring ]


They're coming in the elevator.

[ Footsteps approaching ]

They're coming
in the tunnel, too.

We're surrounded.

You want me
to blow up the lab again?

I'm good at it.

Let's make that plan B.

Well, what's plan A?


[ Screaming ]

We'll hide here till
we figure out our next move.

I know things are bad
if school is my safe place.

Principal Perry?

What are you doing
in Bree's locker?

Certainly not stealing stuff

to sell
at my bionic souvenir shop.

Ooh, I see you brought
the one family member

who doesn't disgust me.


Principal Perry,
we need your help.

Please call me Terry.

It's easy to remember
because it rhymes with marry.


It's okay, I'd still
like to call you principal

because it rhymes with...
I have a girlfriend.

Special agents
took over the house

and have Adam, Bree
and Chase in custody.

Put a sock in it!

Mama's trying
to get her groove back!

It's true. For all we know, they're
being grilled by the feds right now.

No, no, no.

If the feds find out I was in
on this, I'm cooked.

Well, I guess there's only
one thing left to do.

Trade you two for my freedom.

No, no, no, no, please.

You're our
only friend right now.

Well, who can say no to a man

with such hairy knuckles?

We don't think the bionic video
was an accident.

This is the girl who did it.

Have you seen her?

No, but email me the picture

and I'll run it through
our student-faculty database.

It's supposed to be
used for transcripts,

but I use it to play
the ugly-face-ugly-name game.

Be back in a flash,
my little love troll.

[ Snorting ]

So, let's think about this.

The mission alert was
for a pipeline that burst

because of seismic activity
at exactly...


What's wrong?

This geological website says

there was no significant
seismic activity yesterday.

That's weird.

Nothing came up on your gal.

The record says
she doesn't exist.

But check out the horse face

on this French teacher from
Modesto. Bonjour, Matilda Flart.


So no seismic activity,
no trace of the girl.

I'm starting to think this
whole mission was a setup.

If we could find evidence
that that pipe was sabotaged,

that would prove it.

Let's go check
that mission site.

Wait! There's one other
thing you should know.

The school board frowns
on parents dating teachers,

but let's be honest,

you ain't no parent,
I ain't no teacher.

[ Grunting ]

I can't take it anymore!


Man, you found giggle spots
I didn't even know I had.

Well, this is fun.

I wonder
how Mr. Davenport's holding up.

He is the one who trained us
how to handle interrogations.

I'm sure he's fine.

Why are you doing this to me?

I'm a good man.

I'm a good, good-looking man.


So far, I haven't seen
proof of either.

Who are you anyway?

Special Agent Graham.

I run a top-secret division

that investigates
abnormal global phenomena,

you know, strange creatures,

paranormal activity,
unusual occurrences.


So that stuff really exists.

Nope, none of it.

For ten years, I've been
the joke of the entire agency,

but not anymore.

Your freaks are gonna
put me on the map.

They're not freaks,
they're my family.


According to your wife,
your bionic "kids"

have been kept
in this basement for 15 years.

Okay. First of all,
technically speaking,

they're not my kids,
I stole them from my brother.

Secondly, it was 16 years.

And thirdly, I think I should
probably talk to my lawyer.

So, you and Principal Perry.

I don't want to talk about it!

Hey, check this out.

It looks like
a super speed trail.

Yeah, you're right.

That couldn't be Bree's.

She went east.
These clearly point south.

Wait, isn't that the bush
the girl was hiding behind?


Well, if the trail isn't Bree's,
then it must be hers.

Could she be bionic?

Uh-uh, impossible.

The only other person
with bionics is...

is Krane.

But how could Krane be the girl?

Wait, did you give him
a cyber mask?

I might have.


And I also might have given him
a full body cyber cloak, too.

But he was only supposed
to use it on Halloween.

Last year, we went
as Brad and Angelina.

So the girl who took the video
is actually Krane.

What do we do now?

I don't know about you,

but I'm slapping on a cyber mask

and selling apples
by the highway.

So far, your story checks out.

We haven't found any evidence
the bionic subjects

are being used
for hostile purposes.

In your face, suit,

which looks great on you,
by the way.

How do you afford that
on such a mediocre salary?

Donald, don't annoy the man.
He drives a t*nk.

Great news, guys,
they got nothing on you.

You're free to go.

I never said that.

Well, you don't have
any evidence that they...

They're bionic humans.

I don't need any more evidence.

But I will be taking them away

for a much more
thorough examination.


A secure testing facility
in the desert.

Ooh, is it area 51?

Area 52?

Area 53?

He's getting madder.
I must be getting closer.

You guys are gonna
love working with him.

Wait, but what about Mr. Davenport?
What's gonna happen to him?

He's been harboring unauthorized
weapons of mass destruction.

So he'll be taken into custody
pending my full report.

Look, it doesn't matter
what happens to me,

but admit it,
you're never gonna let them go.

Don't worry.

Lots of people thrive
in solitary confinement.

Wait, you're gonna
split them up?

Absolutely. They're too
dangerous to leave together.

So they'll be separated until
they're no longer a threat.

What does that mean?

It means you're never gonna
see each other again.

And that's why Krane cloaked himself
as the girl and posted the video.

He knew the feds would take Adam,
Bree and Chase out of the picture.

Quick question.

At any point during your
dealings with this Krane guy,

did my name come up?


Then get out of my school!


Look, we need to tell
someone about Krane.

It may not free our family,
but maybe the feds can stop him.

You're right. We can't
waste any more time.

Totally agree.

you go back to the house,

while me and Douglas
hunker down in a remote cabin,

very remote, where no one
will hear your screams.

There you are.

It's always the last place
you look, isn't it?

If you're
the new health inspector,

the money is in
an envelope on my desk

marked "Art Supplies."

That's Krane.

take the defenseless child,

but leave me
the dreamboat of a man.

How did you know we were here?

I've had someone
keeping tabs on you.


Wait, so that wasn't you
in the cloak.

There really is a girl?

Sure is.

Ever been beaten up by one?

Do I need to answer
that question?

S-1's no mere girl.

She's a genetically
engineered super soldier.

She's bionic, too?

You should be proud.

Your technology
has come in very handy.

I've also upgraded
your triton app

so I can control her abilities
directly from my brain.

[ Whirring ]

Wait, if she's a bionic human,

how come she doesn't have
a heat signature?

It's one of her many abilities.

She can manipulate
her body temperature

to adapt to her surroundings.

Where is this going, Krane?

What's your plan?

The world will find out
soon enough, but you won't.

Ha! The fire department
will be here any minute.

[ Alarm blaring ]

Good, then they can
clean up the mess.


Can I take care of the kid?

Of course.

Just make it hurt.

Let me go!

[ Groaning ]


That was fun.

The fun has just begun.

[ Alarm continues blaring ]

[ groaning ]

Are you okay?

Well, I'm alive.

I'm pretty sure
I broke some ribs,

mostly 'cause
you're on top of me.

I'm sorry.

How are you not hurt?

Luckily I landed on my left side

where I have a metal hip,
titanium shoulder,

and I couldn't even tell you
what's in my skull.

LEO: Help!


My arm's pinned
underneath the beam.

[ Grunting ]

[ siren blaring ]
I got this, Dougy.

I once lifted
a car off a guy's leg.

It was the least I could
do since I ran him over.


Oh, tough to get a grip.

My hands keep slipping
on what I hope is red paint.

The firemen are here.
I'll go get them.

Okay, I'll stay here
and take care of Dooley.


Oh, I feel so helpless.

What to do?
What to do?

Think, Terry, think.


Sorry, sorry.

[ Groaning ]

Shh, I'm thinking!

They said Leo had some sort of accident.
Is he okay?

He's hurt pretty bad, but he's resting now.
Don't worry.

I'm making sure they take
good care of our precious Leo.

Our precious Leo?

Yeah, we almost died together.
That bonds us.

It's like me and the guys
I fought with overseas.

You were in the military?

No, I was a street
fighter in Bangkok.

That's it, I cannot
wait anymore.

Where is my son?

He's right over there.

He's gone.

My baby!
My baby!

Agent Graham, you have to let us

go to the hospital to see Leo.

We don't know even
what happened to him.

Yeah, he's injured.

And this isn't funny like
all the times I hurt Chase.

You are not going anywhere.

Military transport
will be here any second.

You've seen the last
of your friend and each other.

Agent Graham, please
don't take them, take me.

I'm obviously
the brilliant mastermind,

the brains behind the brawn,
the smart behind the heart.

Even when he's begging,
he finds a way to gloat.

Go ahead, ask me anything.

I bet you're wondering
how a 43-year-old

continues to defy Father Time.

This is happening,
whether you like it or not.

And for the record,
Father Time caught up with you

long before we did.

How could you let this happen?

Find my baby.

Does it have to be yours?

'Cause I can get you a kid.

There's a whole bunch
of them upstairs.

They're gonna
search the building.

I don't get it.

I never left his side, except for a
bathroom break and a cafeteria run.

And they were playing water
volleyball in the rehab center.

I couldn't pass up
that easy win.


I thought I heard
violent splashing.

Hey, while Douglas
is down in X-ray,

let me ask you something.
Is he single?

Now that he's damaged goods,
I might actually have a shot.

What kind of monster would
take somebody from a hospital?

What if that Krane guy got him?

Tasha, calm down,
it's gonna be okay.

It's probably
just a simple patient mix-up.

You're probably right.

He's probably down the hall
getting a lung transplant.

Transport's here.


You know, every now and then,

life just gives you
a little gift.

Hurry up and say your good-byes.

I can't believe this.

We're never gonna
see each other again.

You guys are gonna be okay.
You don't know that.

I know, that's just something
you say, you know.

What do you want me to say?
You're doomed?

I mean, obviously, they're
gonna conduct experiments

on you with probes and...

Okay, okay.
We get it.

Look, I know I didn't give
you guys a normal childhood,

but I hope I at least
gave you a happy one.

Of course, you did.

Yeah, we can't imagine
having a better dad.

Oh, I can. Guy who is half Tom
Brady, half golden retriever.

I'd call him Golden Brady.

I love you, guys.

All right, that's enough.
Get them out of here.

You know what?
No, you can't do this.

I'm not going.

You heard me.

I said no!
Get off of me!

Get the tranquilizer g*ns.


That's it, take them all down!

What now?



Where am I?


This is Krane's warehouse.

Help! Help!

Somebody help, please!

Leo, calm down, calm down.

Where is he?
Where is Krane?

He abandoned
this place a while ago.

The guy's got hideouts

You should see his t*rture
chamber in Palm Beach.

It's gorgeous.

Why am I strapped down?
Why am I here?

I had to bring you here.

This is the only place I knew
with the necessary equipment.

Equipment for what?

Take the bandage off.

It's completely healed.
But how?

Go ahead, pretend like
you're throwing a ball.

Is this really the time to make
fun of how uncoordinated I am?

Just do it.

What did you do?

Congratulations, Leo.

You're bionic.

Check this out.


You almost toasted my tips.

Sorry, I just can't
believe I'm bionic.

Doctor said you'd never be
able to use your arm again,

and I wasn't about
to let that happen.

So I used bionic
components to save it.

[ Clicking ]
What's that clicking noise?



I might have left
my pen in there.

And I threw in some
self-defense upgrades,

since, you know, you are
pretty much the weak link.

Your fingers
can generate laser spheres.

And the arm's
got bionic strength,

so you may want
to shake hands lefty

from now on,
or maybe just curtsy.

This is awesome!

[ Screaming ]

And there go the tips.

I can't believe you idiots
let them get away.

I have waited my entire career
for a break like this,

and I am not going to lose it now.
I want choppers in the air.

I want robots on every
street out of this city.

I don't care what you do,
just take them down!

[ Sighing ]

Yeah, new water bowl
for the kitties.

Poor guy.

I wonder if there's any jewelry.



Stop it.
It's us.

Oh, thank goodness.

Why did you scare me like that?

BOTH: Ow! Ow!

Stop, stop, stop.
We don't have much time.

Mr. Davenport and Bree
are hiding outside.

How is Leo?

Well, we thought
he was gonna be okay,

but then, we lost him.
BOTH: What?

Oh, sorry, he's not dead,
just missing.


We think Krane
took him, so 50-50.

Wait, Krane
is behind all of this?

We have to find Leo.

Search that corridor.


[ Clears throat ]


Ma'am, have you seen a pasty, middle-aged
man traveling with three kids?

Can't say that I have,
but I'll help you look.

Oh, excuse me.

Works every time!

Get down!

BOTH: Ow! Ow!

Come on, Douglas,
we should get out of here.

Yeah, just give me
five more minutes.

I just want to find
some evidence

that'll get Krane
locked up for good.



To add a second bathroom.

Come on.

What is it gonna take
to finally get rid of you?

Well, now that you mention it,

we were just leaving.

Don't move.

How did you find us?

I'm always one step
ahead of you.

Yeah? Well, let's see you stay
one step ahead of this.



You gave the kid bionics, too?

Well, it wasn't easy.

You have to attach bionics
to muscle, and, well...

Let's do this already.

All right, bring it, cupcake.

You're about to meet
my new bionic friend.

Other hand, Leo.

My new bionic friend.


Not the ribs again.

Would it k*ll you to spread
the pain around?

[ Leo grunting ]

So much easier to hit
you if you just stop moving.

Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!

Try that with my right hand.
I dare you.


I'm so sorry, Leo.
This is all my fault.

If you're waiting for an "It's
okay, don't worry about it,"

it's not coming.


And Douglas.

This is ridiculous!

Oh, why can't I find them?

[ Beeping ]


Those are GPS locators.

They must be part
of the fugitives' bionics.

Let's go.
We got them.

Leo, are you okay?

I'm all right.

Doing fine here, too.

That's the girl that filmed us.

Let them go.

Oh-oh, I'm not letting
any of you go.


I don't think we've met.
I'm Adam.


She's bionic.

And has super strength.

Yeah, you wouldn't be interested
in making a trade, would you?

You sure you want to do this?

Four against two
hardly seems fair.

You mean five against two.

Oh, come on,
what am I, invisible here?

[ Grunting ]

[ all groaning ]

What do you say,
I start with you?

Bree, you got this?
Good, thanks.

[ Grunting ]

Too bad this is the last time
I see you guys.

Your brother's kind of cute.


No, the other one.

Chase? What did Krane
do to your brain?

Now I got her.

[ Grunting ]

Okay, I'll take it.

Mr. Krane!

Did you see that?

When did Leo learn how to throw?

I can't believe you
gave bionics to Leo.

Yeah, well, it saved your life.

No, it didn't.
Tasha is gonna k*ll me.

[ Chattering ]

Okay, guys, round them up. Use your
tranquilizer g*ns if you have to.

Wait! You're arresting
the wrong people.

This is the man you want,
Victor Krane.

He's a sociopath who's been
implanting himself with bionics,

and now, he's turned
her into a bionic soldier.

If you don't stop him now, he could
create more and have an entire army.

And you are?

Douglas Davenport.

There's no official
record of me,

because I faked my own death.

But I'm very credible.

All right.

Take these two into custody.

I don't think so!

[ Krane groaning ]


saved me.


You're welcome.

Like we keep telling you,
we help people.

Restrain these two
before they wake up.

Here, use these to cuff him.

They've got a bionic
signal interrupter.

Why would you have these?


I help people, too.

That beam weighed
hundreds of pounds,

and there's not even a scar.

How is that possible?

Well, first, I used a...

I moisturize.

[ Knocking on door ]

She will freak out.
Do not tell her I'm bionic.

Principal Perry, come on in.

And for the first time,
I actually mean it.

Just came to check
on my little fella.


Not you.

This little fella.

I brought you a gift
from the hospital

to make you feel better.

"Get well, Grandma"?

Yeah, it didn't work for her, but
maybe it will bring you some luck.

Oh, hey, guys, the press
conference is starting.

The rumors you've
been hearing are true.

There are bionic humans
living among us.

But after a thorough

I, Agent Graham,
that's with an "h,"

have determined
they are not to be feared.

They are just like us.

I'm Chase.

This is my brother Adam,
and my sister Bree.

And yes,
we are bionic super humans.

For years, we've been going
on top-secret missions.

Yeah, remember that runaway
train full of nuclonium

that almost blew up Welkerville?

That was us.

[ Crowd gasps ]

No, no, no, we didn't
cause it, we stopped it.

You didn't know
about these missions

because we weren't sure
if the world was ready for us,

but now that our secret's out...

Let's get to know me. I enjoy
long walks on the beach,

eating stuff,
and punching this guy.


Why do you always do that?

Were you not listening?
It's what I like to do.

Hey, guys, hey, hey, hey...

What are you gonna do?
Stop it.

What is wrong with you?

We are on TV!

Get off! Get off!
Get off!

No, no, no.


Any questions?

Enough of this junk.

Let's see if there's
a romantic comedy on,

like, maybe something about
a rugged bad-boy inventor

and his suburban
ginger-haired princess

with legs that just won't quit.

Why don't I just give
you the remote?

About time.

Good luck with that, Dougy.

Hey, Principal Perry.

I just want to say thanks
for looking out for me.

Yeah, yeah.

I'll admit maybe I care
for you a little bit.

Put her there, Dooley.

[ Groaning ]

Not that hand!

Did someone give my son bionics?

I can explain.

But it'd be better
coming from him.

Well, that went well.

All right, guys, get ready.

As soon as you walk out
that door,

your lives are gonna
change forever.

It's about time
you guys got credit

for all the good that you do.

Thank you, Mr. Davenport,

but we'll always be
a four-person team.

Oh, Agent Graham,
I just want to thank you

for letting the kids
come home and hearing us out.

Actually I'm the one
who should be thanking you.

Without you, we wouldn't be in
control of the ultimate w*apon.

We, what do you mean "we"?

You're not in charge
of these three anymore.

This is my show now.

From this point forward,
they work for me.

What are we gonna do?

Not to worry.

We may be imprisoned,

but our power runs
far beyond this little cage.

Our bionic brothers and sisters
will make sure of it.

Rise, bionic soldiers!
