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03x20 - Bionic House Party

Posted: 04/23/24 09:02
by bunniefuu
Good news, guys!

My mom called from the hospital

and said Big D is
doing much better.

He's gonna make it.


Yep, soon he'll be back here
making us

all wish he was
still unconscious.

Hey, I really miss him.

Although it has been nice

having the hair spray
all to myself.

Actually, Adam's been
using it, too.

He's developing new
hairstyles for his armpits.

You wouldn't think it,

but the ponytails are
surprisingly cute.

You know, we should
have traded in Adam

for one of
Krane's bionic soldiers

when we had the chance.

Oh, no.

The soldiers.

I was so worried
about Mr. Davenport,

I completely forgot about them.

Relax, I'm sure they're fine.

Now that the Triton
app is deactivated,

they're just normal teenagers.

Normal teenagers
roaming the streets

with deadly bionic abilities.

We need to find them.

Find who?
Krane's soldiers.

Ah, I think
I can help with that.

They're right here.

You invited 30 bionic soldiers
into our home?

No, I invited one.

The other 29 were hiding
in the bushes

and followed us home.

ANNOUNCER: The world's
first bionic super humans,

they're stronger than us,
faster, smarter.

The next generation
of the human race is...

Living in my basement?

Chase, Bree, I don't think
you guys have been

formally introduced
to our friends.

This is S-5, S-6, S-7, S-8 and...

Ha, I'm sorry,
I forgot your name.

Hi, I'm S-3.


I know who you are.

You tried to k*ll me!

Why would I do that?

I don't even know you, friend.

I am not your friend.

You used your electro-fork
thingie on me.

And friends don't electro
fork thingie friends.

I don't remember that,
but if I hurt you, I'm sorry.

Whoa, dude.

Never apologize
for hurting Chase.

Wait. So do you remember

I remember my name is S-3,

these are my brothers
and sisters,

and we followed
this smart guy here.

Well, he obviously
doesn't remember

what the word "smart" means.

They don't remember anything.

It's like
they're bionic blank slates.

Can we keep 'em?

Most of them are potty trained.

S-27's still a work-in-progress.

No, we can't keep them.

Just 24 hours ago, they were
trying to destroy us.

Plus, Mr. Davenport
would freak out

if he came home
to 30 bionic soldiers.

All right.
S-30, take a hike.

S's 1 through 29, welcome home.

Forget Big D, it's my mom
I'm worried about.

She's still not sold on you
three living here.

But you didn't hear it from me.

Fine, I'll get rid of them.

Come on, dude, I'll help you
pack your stuff.

We don't have any stuff.

Don't worry.
I got you covered.

Here you go.
Take as much as you want.

Thank you.

Hey, those are mine.

Yeah, I hope
you're all a boy's small.


What are you doing here?

It's time for my 12:30
sponge bath.

What do you think
I'm doing here?

What's going on?

You said he was doing better.
That doesn't look better.

Of course he's better.

Look at him,
he's pale, lifeless,

surrounded by technology.

That's the guy I married.

I'm sorry, honey.

I just didn't want
you guys to worry.

They're doing
everything they can.


Big D.


you look so beautiful.

Pretty, pretty, pretty.

Just go with it, honey.
He's juiced to the gills.

Hey, did you ditch
the bionic army?

Yeah, but those guys were
tough to shake.

I had to run through the mall,
hop a fence,

run back through the mall, snag a
churro and go under a bridge...

but I think I finally lost...

[ exclaims ]

Now I have to do it again.

Can you spot me
for their churros?

Why do they keep following you?
They're soldiers,

they must have a natural
tendency to follow their leader.

But with Krane gone they didn't
have one until Adam showed up.

What does that mean?

They think
Adam's their new leader!

Great, now
they're more dangerous

than they were under Krane.


[ Phone rings ]

Oh, Mr. President calling.

Quick, take them upstairs.
We'll deal with them later.

To the elevator!

SOLDIERS: To the elevator!

Hello, Mr. President.
Chase, we have a problem.

Sir, if this is about what Adam did
in the Lincoln Bedroom... It's not.

I sent agents to retrieve
Krane's army and they're gone.

Don't worry, we know exactly...

Uh, Mr. President,
when the agents do find

Krane's soldiers
what's gonna happen to them?

They're bionic criminals,
so they'll be separated

and placed in high security
isolation cells.


The only reason they committed
any crimes was

because Krane was
controlling them.

That may be,
but they're still bionic

which makes them dangerous.


That's what people
thought about us.

But you three have
proven yourselves.

All we've seen
from these individuals is evil.

Find them.

Yes, sir.

Now what?

We can't just hand them
over to the government

or they're gonna lock them up.

I know, and we can't
keep them here

or they'll lock us up
for harboring fugitives.

[ Elevator bell dinging ]

Can somebody please
push the button?

SOLDIERS: Can somebody please
push the button?

Then Adam, Bree and Chase
shot Krane into the sky.

He looked like
a big bald evil bird.

Oh, and I used my energy
transference ability

to finish off S-1.

Got to say, sorry you're sick
but this is the most

I've talked without you
interrupting me.

And there you go.

[ Monitor beeping ]

Mom, what's happening?

I don't know.

Stay with him,
I'll get the doctor.

Stop beeping!

Oh, no.
Start beeping!

Start beeping!

Somebody help!

No, no, no, no, no.

Okay, that's it.
If this doesn't work,

I'm really sorry.

Please work.



I feel great!


'Cause I don't.

Leo, don't just lie there
on the floor twitching.

Give me a hug.

Honey, are you okay?

Better than ever.

I was talking to Leo.


Well, let me know
when you get back to me.

I'm okay.

[ Phone rings ]

Ooh, I better get this.

It's the donor bank.

I kind of promised them
your gallbladder.

You what?

Well, they were just
so nice on the phone.

Hey, Debbie...

Look at me.

You know, I thought
I was Daven-done

but then fate stepped in

and realized
how incredibly valuable

I am to the world.

Yes. What other logical
explanation could there be?

I didn't think it was possible,

but I actually feel younger.

Look at thee old kickers.

Look, fate didn't save you.

I did.

Leo, I've seen your grades,
you're no doctor.

I'm serious.

I used my energy
transference ability

to transfer some of my energy into you.
You what?

Leo, the human body was not meant
to be tapped as an energy source.

It's not meant to be bleached,
plucked, or tucked either,

but that hasn't stopped you.

By giving me energy,
you depleted your own.

There could be
serious side effects.

Don't worry, I'm fine.

Good, 'cause you could never

make the recovery I just made.


I feel like a new me.

Yeah, well, maybe you should
close up a little bit,

'cause I'm seeing a little
too much of the old you.

Oh, sorry.

Did you figure out
what to do with the kids yet?

So far all I've come up with is

turn them over
to the government.


Well, you better
figure out something

because they just used

my prom dress
for target practice.

Well, in their defense,

the odds of you using
it were very slim.

How did we get into this mess?


Don't look at me, Bree.

I didn't ask to be king.

Adam, quit messing around.

We have to find a safe place
to hide them all

before the President finds out
they're here.

[ Knocking on door ]

We don't know who it is.

I know. That's why I'm
going to open the door.

Hey! It's more of our bionic
brothers and sisters!

Wait, there's more of you?
Oh, tons more.

I'll send them all a signal to
tell 'em to come to our new home.

No, no! No signal!

No new home!

Great, so now there are

What are we gonna do?

There's only one thing
we can do.

Bionic house party!

ALL: Bionic house party!

we got your discharge papers.

Yep, you're free to go.

And for the record,
you are way older than

you claim to be.

Is that a gray hair?

Could be.

I thought it was obvious

but you two really
stress me out.

[ Gasps ]

What's wrong?

Your whole head is turning gray.

Oh, no.

That must be a side effect

of his energy transference

His what?

The doctors didn't save me.
Leo did.

He transferred
some of his energy into me.

That must have sped up
his aging process.

Donald, how could you
let him do that?

I was unconscious!

Look, if I could give it back,

I would, but it doesn't work
that way.

He must be aging years
by the hour.

I have to find a solution
to this fast, or...

Or what?

Or Tasha may have found
that gallbladder

she's been looking for?

Is there any way that we could

reactivate the Triton app?

One of them just drank the pool.

Hey! Welcome home!

I see you got my signal.

Hey, S-3, could...
Could you do me a favor?

Stop sending signals!

Hey, dude, what's the best way
to have fun?

Do the opposite
of what Chase says.

I taught you well, grasshopper.

I'm really
worried about you, Leo.

We had to stop seven times
so you could go to the restroom.

What did she say?

She said you have
a weak bladder.

Why does she need a ladder?

Never mind.

I'm gonna go down to the lab
and see if I can work up

a serum to reverse the aging.

I need to sit.

Back in my day,
places weren't so spread out.

Honey, "your day"
was this morning.

No, I got it.

Got it.

[ Cheering ]

What on Earth is that noise?


Oh. Hey, Tasha.

ALL: Hey, Tasha!

Mr. Davenport,
you're not dead.


What is going on?

Why is the bionic army

that tried to k*ll us
in our house?

We had no choice.

The government wants
to lock them up.


[ Doorbell rings ]

Oh, goodie.

More people.

I'm Agent Reed.

The President sent us to assist
in the search for the criminals.

But it looks like
you've already found them.

Good work.

We'll take it from here.

No. Mr. Davenport,
this is not their fault.

They were being controlled
by the Triton App.

They're just like us.

He's right.
We should all be arrested.

Is this necessary?

I mean, what law
have they actually broken?

Theft of government property,

breaking and entering
into the White House

and launching a bionic w*r
against humanity.

Oh. Yeah, well...

that seems like a slap
on the wrist

kind of a thing to me.

Cuff 'em.


What just happened?

They geo-leaped away.

See, essentially
they can manipulate

their molecular structure to...

Short answer.

They're gone.

Find them!

My knee's acting up.

Must be rain.

Either that
or I'm starting to fall.


Whoa, whoa, whoa...

Okay, serum's ready.

Try this.

You feel any different?

No, but you're the ugliest nurse
I've ever seen.

Any sign of the bionic army?

They could be anywhere.

How's Leo?

None of my anti-aging serums
are working.

That's pretty obvious.
I mean, look at you.

[ Phone buzzing ]

Mr. President.

Davenport, it's nice to see you

up and around.

Where are those bionic soldiers?

I honestly have no idea, sir.

Way to make me look good, guys.

I'm sending my agents
to collect them.

You're responsible
until they get there.

Mr. President,
these kids are harmless.

We don't have proof of that.


Big D.

Yes, Leo.

It should have been you.

What's going on?

His time's running out.

Hey, what are they doing?

Get away from him.


Let them do it.

Davenport, what are they doing?

They're saving my son's life.


Ding dong.
Leo's home!


So what just happened?

We transferred
some of the energy

from our bodies into his.

But won't that make you
all turn old, too?

If it was just one of us, yes.

But since we all did it,
the effect is minimal.

That was awesome!

It's like you brought him
back to life.

Nobody move, I'm gonna
go dig up my goldfish.

Wow, I can't believe
you guys saved me.

I can never repay you.

But he can.
Pony up, Big D.

Mr. President, I think this
is all the proof you'll need.

That was admirable...

but I can't let these
bionic kids roam free.

I'm sending a transport
to pick them up.

But, sir, they're not...

It's okay.

You've helped us
as much as you can.

It's time for us to go.

We won't run this time.

Guys, look.

I finally found
where I buried my goldfish.

Okay, people, do your magic.

Nobody's going anywhere.

Donald, if you try
to take on a team

of federal agents again,

I will put you back
in the hospital myself.


I have a solution.

These kids have proven
they can save lives

and change the world.

We already know
what you three can do

with your bionics.

Just think what a hundred
bionic kids could do.

Aw, don't make me think,
just tell me.

With proper training
and supervision,

they could go on
multiple missions,

save thousands of lives.

And the President
is already on board,

I just got off
the phone with him.

Hold on.

I didn't get anything
about a change...

[ phone beeps ]

Okay, you're good.

Well, Mr. Davenport,
this all sounds great

but how are you supposed

to train hundreds
of bionic kids?

I'm not.

We are.

Since you're the
first of your kind,

you'll be their mentors.


You'll train them,
socialize them

and introduce them to the world,

just like Leo did with you.

Only we'll do a good job.

Excuse me?

Don't act shocked, you found us
five friends in three years.

So where is all this
training gonna take place?

At the world's first
"Davenport Bionic Academy."

I think you mean

and Son Bionic Academy."

And I think you still have
a touch of grandpa brain.

What did you say?

Behold the world's
first ever bionic academy.


Yeah, back up.
This is my moment.


Wow, Mr. Davenport,
that place looks amazing.

It's a man-made island.

Here's the combat training area.

And the capsule dormitory.

And the hydra loop.

What's a hydra loop?

This guy.
"What's a hydra loop?"

Yeah. This guy.

What's a hydra loop?

It's an ultra-modern
high-speed transport

system that works like
a pneumatic tube

to and from the island.

You hop in on one side
and it spits you

out on the mainland in minutes.

That alone cost me

Great, see you on the island.

You couldn't spend 50 million
dollars to make us do that?