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03x21 - First Day of Bionic Academy

Posted: 04/23/24 09:03
by bunniefuu
Welcome to the Davenport
Bionic Academy.

Whoa, cool.

Ooh, a window.

Wow, the hydro-loop is amazing.

We just went from the mainland
to the middle of the ocean

in less than 30 seconds.

Yep, my lunch just went
from my stomach

to the floor in less than three.

So, what do you think?

Beautiful view, tons of space.

I'm assuming we'll be
living in the basement again.


Here, we call it
"below sea level."

By the way, the hydro-loop
will take you

anywhere you want to go
on the island at any time.

This is one of the main
classroom areas,

and here, the training area

where we'll develop
the kids' skills

and teach them to become
bionic heroes.

If you couldn't teach Chase how to
be one, what chance do they have?

Guys, this is serious.

You have important roles
as mentors.

Don't worry, Big D.

We got this.

Now what exactly
will I be teaching?

You're a student.

A what?

But you gave me a mission suit.

You said I was part of the team.

Yeah, he says a lot of things.

By the way, still waiting
on that sweet 16 party.

Leo, you are a part of the team.

You've only had your
bionic arm for six months.

You still have
a lot more to learn.

That's the last time
I save your life.

Come on, Big D.
I am ready.

Adam, tell him.

Leo, were you not listening?

I'm a teacher now.
It's Mr. Adam to you.

The world's first
bionic superhumans.

They're stronger than us.


The next generation
of the human race is...

living in my basement?!

Hey, what's Orientation Day?

Oh, that's just a fancy way
of saying

that Mr. Davenport's
gonna talk a lot.

I heard that.

And he's right.

- Hey, Leo.
- Don't "Hey, Leo" me.

I look like a bionic bumblebee.

Hey, so what do all the
different colors mean?

Mr. Davenport and I assessed
each of the kids' bionics,

and the colors represent
their level of mastery.

See, red for expert,
and it goes all the way down

to yellow for beginner.

I'm a beginner?

Don't worry.
I am, too.

I'm on the same level as him?

- He's tiny.
- I'm young. What's your excuse?


Ooh. 'Sup, little mama?

Can we help you?

Yeah, I have a little problem
with my uniform.

How can I put this?

I need a little bit
more room in the cargo area.

Uh, you sure about that?

Because tight is
where it's at, right, guys?

[fabric ripping]

You know what?

Let's just get started.

Hello, and welcome to
the world's first

Davenport Bionic Academy.

When do I get
to throttle people?

We don't throttle people,
Mighty Mouse.

Leo's right.

You're not soldiers anymore.
You're students.

I know you've had it rough,

and you're still adjusting
to the outside world,

but we're here to help.

- See, there are...
- Told ya.

This facility is here
so that you can

train your bionics
in a safe space

and develop into the heroes
you see before you.

But first things first.

We have to get rid of
your soldier numbers

and give you
some really cool new names.

S12, you are now Donald Junior.

You're Donald III.

Donna, Donaldella, Donaldina.

I don't wanna be a Donald.

I already gave myself a name.

It's Spin!

That's not really a name.

Why do you want to be
called Spin?

'Cause I can do this.

All right.

You're Spin.

I did not even know
you could do that.

Forget yellow, you just
moved up to green.


Oh, come on.
He twirled.

Mr. Davenport, I'd like
to change my name

from S3 to Sebastian.

Really? 'Cause I always
saw you as a Julio.

Come on, Big D.

Leo, you're not ready
to be a mentor,

so stop complaining and start getting
to know your fellow students.

I don't have to.
They're all named Donald.

Plus, I don't fit in anywhere.

Everybody's already formed
their own groups.

Adam's mentoring
the bionic bros.

Hey, hey, hey, settle down.

Settle down!

Bree's the leader
of the alpha girls.

You can use that move
to fight off an attack

or to get even with a boy
who stands you up on prom night.

Not that I'm bitter.

And Chase...

is still being Chase.

What do you get when you cross a
joke with a rhetorical question?


Everyone else is hiding
because they're afraid

you're gonna give
another speech.

Well, then let's find them
and give them one.

As your mentor,

I have scheduled
today's activities

by military time.

If you'll direct your attention

to the virtual blackboard.

Donald III, no questions
until 1100 hours.

Chase, it's only the first day.

Take it easy on 'em.

I am taking it easy on them.

If you had bothered
to look at the magenta block,

you'd see that I scheduled
six-and-a-half minutes

of general horseplay.

Shenanigans, if you will.

Oh, okay, there it is.

Guess I must have missed it

since I don't have
microscopic vision.

I do.

This guy.

Look, I'm just saying,
if I was in charge...

Well, you're not
in charge, okay?

You're in my class, so why don't
you sit down and pay attention?

I've got a better idea.

How about we just have
our six minutes of fun now?

What are you doing?
You touched my blocks.

Nobody touches my blocks.

Oops. Sorry.

Must've slipped, just like now.

That's it!

You just earned
yourself detention, mister.

Good. I don't even know
what that is.

Hey, Breezy.


If I didn't know any better,

I'd say you were stalking me.

I'm sorry.

I don't even know your name.

Me neither.

Look at us, so much in common.

Whoa, dude, be careful.

You could really
hurt yourself with that.

Those weights are,
like, 100 pounds apiece.

You probably never heard of it,

but I've got a little
something called super strength.

Oh, yeah.

Feel the burn.

What else can you do?

Well, I'm the only kid
in the whole school

who can do this.


Dude, you can fly?

it's called levitation.

Look it up, bro.
I had to.

Either way, we're gonna have a
blast together. What's your name?

Didn't get one yet.
I was thinkin' Theodore.

Nah, you need something
more sophisticated

and distinguished.

A complex name
for a complex man.

I'm gonna call you Bob.

I like it.

Wait. How do you spell

You and I are gonna
get along just fine.

And at 1400 hours, we'll
all jump out the window,

and get eaten by sharks,

'cause it's better
than listening to...

Oh, look.
He's here.

What do you think you're doing?

Look, I'm just trying
to make people laugh

before you put 'em to sleep.

I don't put people to sleep.

I motivate them to think
with their eyes closed.

Oh, well, do you also
motivate them to snore?

That's it.

It's time I show you who's boss.

Really? Are you sure you
scheduled enough time for that?

I'll make room.


Stop it.

You cannot pick a fight
with him; you're a mentor now.

He's turning my group
against me.


You may not like the way
Chase runs his group,

but it's his, and if
you can't respect that,

then maybe you should
find a different one.

Okay, when did I start
talking like a mom?

She's right.

The two of us in the same
group isn't gonna work.

Finally, something
we can agree on.

Good. So I'm gonna take
half of your group,

and make my own.
Let's go, guys.

Hey, you get back here.

You can't do that.

Just did.

Does it look like

Great job, guys.

Maybe tomorrow, you can try
hitting the target instead of me.

Hey, Big D., check out
my new trick.

I call it the bionic curveball.

That's fantastic, Leo.

I know. Some might even say
it's the kind of skill

- only a mentor...
- No.

But if you learned
that in one day,

imagine all the other things
you'll learn as a student.

Hey, Big D., wanna see
what I learned?

Whoa, don't you call
my Big D. "Big D."

Whoa, now that was incredible!

You just moved up another color.


For what?
He buffed the floor.

Thanks, Mr. Davenport.

I worked all day on it.


Eh? Eh.

Stop showing off.
You're making me look bad.

I'm not showing off.

The skills come naturally,

just like you and your
ability to complain.

You are workin'
my last nerve, kid.

If you'll excuse me,
I'm gonna go get my new color.

You know, the one
you didn't get.

[frustrated yell]


Well, that can't be good.

Leo, you shouldn't
have done that.

I know I shouldn't
have done that.

Stop stating the obvious
and help me cover the leak.

If I bust the wall,
I must've hit a water pipe.

Who's stating the obvious now?

What happened? I felt
the whole building shake.

Uh, well...


Spin did it.

I did it?

See, he confessed.

He was just spinning
all around the room,

and he went right
into this wall.

He must've hit a water pipe.

Thank goodness I was here
to clean up his mess.

Leo, that's not a water pipe.

There's a structural beam
behind that wall.

Spin's force must've cracked the
foundation of the entire building.

That's ocean water coming in.

Ocean water?

Like underneath us ocean water?

- Like we're all gonna drown?
- Yes, ocean water!

Mr. Davenport,
I'm trying...

Not now, Spin. We have
to deal with this fast,

otherwise the water
pressure's gonna build up,

and knock the whole island
off its foundation.

You guys find a way
to patch that up.

I'm gonna go look
for other damage.

I can't believe
you blamed this on me.

I panicked.

If he ever found out
I was the one who did this,

he'd know I'm not
ready to be a mentor.

Guess what.
You're not.

Whoa, radical.

Way to shred, little man.

Adam, get off of him.
He's not a surfboard.

I know. Surfboards don't belch
every time you take a corner.

That was awesome.

Hey, Breezy.

I got a name now.

What is it again?

- Bob.
- It's Bob.

Aren't you lovin' it?

Yeah. Um, I'm gonna go
love it over there.

Hey, Bob, you wanna go outside

and see if you can hover over the
water like a real surfboard?


What if it doesn't work?

No biggie. I can
breathe underwater.

Yeah, but I can't.

Well, then, you're in trouble.

How's the leak?

Leak? What leak?

There is no leak.

That wall is as good as new.

Mr. Davenport,
can I talk to you?

Not now, Spin.

We're cleaning up your mess.

And by the way, you are
demoted back down to yellow.

Or whatever's below yellow.
What is it, buttercup?

You're buttercup.

But that's not fair.
It wasn't even my fault.

I don't wanna hear it.

And to think I was proud of you.

Maybe you're too young for this.

- Big D., wait.
- What?

It wasn't his fault.
I did it.


I got so frustrated,
I punched the wall.

I can't believe you, Leo.

Not only did you damage
my brand-new academy,

but you lied to me
and betrayed my trust.

[loud rumbling]

What was that?

I don't know.

Mr. Davenport!


The entire island is sinking.

What? How?

You see, Chase,
when water rises...

I know why things sink!

Leo punched a wall
and cracked the foundation.

Why would you do that?

I didn't think
this was gonna happen.

Well, what did you think
was gonna happen?

Honestly, Leo...

[all talking at once]


So he made a mistake.

We all make mistakes.

Not as big as that one.

It was this huge...

Okay, we get it.

Instead of yelling at him,
let's help him fix it.

He's right.

Maybe I can lift the island
back onto its foundation.

I mean, after all, I do have
molecular kinesis.

So do I, buddy.
Get in line.

That'll help,
but it's still not enough.

The island is too heavy.

Don't worry.

My whole group
has molecular kinesis.

So does mine.

If you don't, just fake it.

Look, we can pool
our abilities together

to form one giant force
and raise the island.

Come on. Follow me.

Oh, no, you don't.

My group will raise
the island. Follow me.

Come on, guys, we got this.

So do we.

Stop it!

If you guys don't work together,

we're not gonna have an academy.

We're almost completely

What if we combine our groups?

That way, we can spread
the force equally,

and lift the entire
island at once.

Good idea.
Everyone form a circle.

Don't just stand there.
Do what he says.

Water's already coming through
the hydro-loop tunnel.

- Hurry.
- All right, on my count.

Three, two, one.


It's moving.

Yes. You did it.

The island's back on
its foundation.

Good job.

Yeah. You, too.

Hey, what do you know?

All's well that ends well.

Yeah, this isn't gonna end well.

I'm very disappointed
in you, Leo.

But you took responsibility, and
you didn't leave Spin on the hook.

You've learned a very
valuable lesson today.

As a student.

Hey, thanks for
standing up for me.

You didn't have to do that.

Somebody had to do it.

You really messed up.

I mean, you really...





Don't think I'm not gonna show
you up every chance I get.

And don't think I'm
not gonna train 24/7

to make you look like
the runt you are.

Runt? I will spin you
back to the mainland.

Uh, I think you mean twirl.

I don't twirl.

Face it.

You're a bionic ballerina.

How about I twirl
all over your face?

And I hope this experience
has taught you two

to stop working
against each other

and start working together.

Now, Chase, is there anything
you wanna say to Sebastian?


I guess I could call a truce,

as long as he learns
to respect my authority

as a mentor.

And Sebastian.

I'm good with a truce,

as long as he stops acting
like a bionic dictator.

I only do that because
I know what everyone should do

and when they should do it.

Okay, I see your point.

All right, good.

I'm gonna go make
you two a snack.

Ugh, what is happening to me?

Pretty soon, I'm gonna
start carpooling

at a soccer practice.

She's pretty cute.

Dude, that's my sister.

I know.

Could you put in
a good word for me?

Truce is off.