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04x01 - Bionic Rebellion

Posted: 04/23/24 09:04
by bunniefuu
Okay, Lexi,
when you're under attack,

use your superspeed as a
distraction to catch your enemy...


I'm so sorry. Are you okay?

Tomorrow we'll cover timing.

Okay, guys, this is called
Bionic Arm Wrestling.

Now, it's not really training,
but it's fun. So we're doin' it.

All right, t*nk,
you're up first.

[ Neck joints cracking ]

[exhales] Go!

[ Grunting ]

Okay, t*nk, you can let go now!

Let go!!!

Uh, since you guys have
never arm wrestled before,

let me explain
what just happened.

I won.

Wow. Looks like we've all
learned a lot from you guys.

Pretty soon I might even
be smarter than you.

[ laughs ]

Don't ever say that again.

Good morning, everyone.

Not for me. Bob kept me up
all night with his snoring.

It's not my fault. You try
breathing with this thing.

I've got a Spin-sized nose
on a Bob-sized body.

Greetings, everyone.

I hath returneth
from the mainland.

And no one careth.

Ah, come on.
No fanfare? No balloons?

No rousing round of applause?

I didn't even know
you were gone.

If you're looking for applause,

try adding a couple more
bathrooms in the student dorm.

Maybe just one
exclusively for Bob.

I gotta agree.
It ain't pretty in there.

I'm gonna take your word for it.


So how, have things been going
here without me?


I mean, uh...

we miss you!

Don't worry, Mr. Davenport.

Adam, Bree and Chase
have been doing a great job.

They're amazing mentors.

Well, good. Maybe I can
cut my trip short

and head back
to the mainland tomorrow.

Cool. He finally
got the hint.

I mean, "She loves you!"

Not so fast, Donnie Come Lately.

Things around here
aren't as peachy

as the droid babies
say they are.

Really? Name one problem,
Sergeant Short Set.

Well, for starters, they've
been littering in the hallways.

That was you.

Making rude gestures
to passing Coast Guard ships.

Also you.

And sneaking extra dessert
from the cafeteria.

Seriously? You're
wearing the evidence.

No. That was from
a different stolen meal.

Great. You're my Head of Security and
you're the one breaking all the rules.

Well, I know I didn't steal a set of
key cards from my own Security office,

so it had to be
one of your students.

These kids would not steal
your key cards.

Knowing you,
you probably lost them.

Hey! I will not have my
employees talk to me like that!

You work for me!

Keep telling yourself
that, boss man.

Don't walk away! There's
something sketchy goin' on!

Getting revenge on all of you...

is gonna be easier
than I thought.

The world's first
bionic superhumans.

They're stronger than us...


The next generation
of the human race is...

living on a bionic island.


DONALD: So, how do you like
your new living quarters?

I love 'em! We went from
a dingy basement to paradise.

It's like we won't the lottery.

Or finally got a parent
who cares about us.

Yeah, I mean, people
would pay to stay here.

Oh, that reminds me. I rented the
place to an Australian family

for the month of August.
Hope that's cool.

Guys, you're forgetting
the best part:

You finally get to share a room with me!
Isn't that awesome?

Wait. So, this is, like,
a permanent thing?

Leo, we only let you
sleep on the couch

because you threw a tantrum when you were
assigned to live in the student dorm.

I do not throw tantrums.

I just express my passion
through tears.

Hey, dudes.
'Sup, boo.

No, Bob.
I love you too.

Hey, guys, what's going on?

Just came to say hi,

see how you guys are doin',
make sure everything's okay.

I'm here to see
how the mentors live.

Ocean view, fireplace...

Is that a swimming pool?

Wow! I've never
seen one before.

Maybe you should
throw on a bikini

and show me how it works.

All right, tour's over.

Hey. If Leo's a student,

how come he gets to live
in the mentor quarters?

Because I'm more than a student.

I'm family. Which is
another way of saying...


You know, this place
is pretty great.

I might just bunk in here
with you myself.

No, that's okay.
Yeah, we're good.

Please get out.

Hey, Chase.

I've been meaning to ask you.

Am I doing okay with my training?

Of course. You're the best
student here by far.

Well, I did learn from the best.

Say it again.
But slower.

I just get so bored of using the
same abilities all the time.

I wish I could unlock
a new one like you did.

Think you could do it for me?

No way. Only Mr. Davenport
is authorized to do that.

I could get into serious trouble.
You're right.

I shouldn't have even asked.

I just didn't think
it was such a big deal.

I mean, I thought
we were best friends.

We are!

Don't worry about it.
It's totally cool.


I'll do it.
But you can't tell anyone.

I promise.

Thanks, Chase.

We really are best friends.

Can you say that again?

I want to make it my ringtone.

Hey, Spin. Ready for another
great day of training?

[ Grunts ]

All right,
that's enough of that.

LEO: Morning, everyone.

Hey, you're late.

Well, you're annoying,
so I guess we're even.

All right, everybody, listen up.

Today we're going to take
you step-by-step

through a real-life mission where we
had to shut down a particle collider.

I was there!

I was also on that mission.

In fact, I had to rush in there

to push these guys
out of harm's way.

That's right...
I mentored the mentors.

Liar. You weren't there.

Actually, he was.
He saved our butts.

Yes, he did.

And it was then I realized
that he and I

would be friends for
the rest... of that year.

I don't even know why I'm in the
same group with these amateurs.

They're the ones that
need to learn, not me.

You know what
I don't need to learn?

How to kick your butt!

Can you even reach that high?

Oh, you're about to find out!

Hey hey hey hey!

Fight on our own time.

And preferably in a large area

where I can make a mud pit
and charge for admission.

I need to see
you three. Outside.

Uh, Leo, we'll be right back.
You lead the class.

Got it.

Now, where were we?

Uh, I believe
you were telling us

what it's like
to live with Bree.

What's going on?

Someone stole the expl*sives
from the weapons area.

No worries.

All we have to do is wait
for someone to explode,

and boom! That's our guy.

Oh, I already know who did it.

The creepy-looking guy.

You know, dark hair,
whiney voice,

always making googly
eyes at you.

So right there we know
he's messed up in the head.

Wait. Sebastian?

No, he wouldn't do that.
He's my best friend.

We talked about it.
We're official now.

Well, I scanned
the surveillance tape,

and he's the only one
that was in that area.

It all adds up. First,
he stole the swipe cards.

Then he broke into
the weapons area.

Now, if I were a criminal,
which I'm not,

because community service
cleared my record,

I'd say that his next move is to
blow this place to smithereens!

Look, you can't just go around
accusing students without any proof.

And last time I checked, hoarding
feral cats in a Winnebago

does not count as
community service.

It does if you're dating
an Animal Control officer.

There's the perp right there!


Where ya headed, Sebbie?
Out for a stroll?

Little break between classes?

Give me those expl*sives!
What's she talking about?

She thinks that you stole
expl*sives from the weapons area.

Why would I do that?

Don't play coy with me.

I'll find those expl*sives.

I have the nasal cavity
of a b*mb-sniffing dog.

Literally. That's what I get for saving a
few bucks on a nose job in New Guinea.

[ Sniffles ]

Look, let's just all
go down to the weapons area

and figure out what's going on.

Suit yourself. I'm more
interested in Perry's dog nose.

Ooh. It's cold...
You're healthy.

[ Growls ]
[ hisses ]

Which brings me to minute 337

of the particle
collider mission.

There I was,
far beneath the rubble,

clinging to what little
life I had left.

[ Gasps ] Aaah!


Help me!

Man, this is getting scary.
I hope he makes it.

Really? I was thinking we should
put him out of his misery.

Shh! The hero is speaking.

Anyway, I was about
to come up for air...

Spoiler alert:
No one cares!

All right, smart guy.

You don't care about
today's training,

then you get to run sprints
for the rest of the class.

I don't think so.

You may be living
with the mentors,

but you're still a student.

You're not in charge.

Hey, Leo, we have to run
to the weapons area,

so you're in charge.


See? What'd I tell ya?
The expl*sives are...

Exactly where
they're supposed to be.

But it's impossible.
They were gone!

Yep, and so were the dinosaurs.

But through the magic of cinema,

we can see them again.

This is fishy. Somebody took
these and put them back.

Well, we are in the middle of the ocean.
Maybe it was a mermaid.

Yeah, or a dolphin.

That doesn't even make sense.

Oh, and a mermaid does?
At least they have arms.

Mermaids don't have arms.
Now mermen, their arms are...

Stop talking!

Look, I appreciate you
trying to do a good job,

but I think you're being
a bit overzealous.

This isn't Mission Creek High
where every student is guilty

until proven more guilty.

Yeah, I understand.

Yes, Don!

And another thing:
My name is not Don.

You call me Mr. Davenport.

Sorry, Don.
All right...

It's called a hologram, Don.

Hey, Tasha, I'm hopping
on the hydraloop now,

I should be on the mainland
in just a little bit

and I'll see ya at home.
Love you. Bye.

PERRY: Donnie!



Did you just pry open my titanium
doors with your bare hands?!

My mother always said I had the
strength of a Dutch-belted ox.

The expl*sives you saw
weren't real!

Sebastian tricked you with a hologram!
Come on, I'll show you!

Oh, so now the expl*sives are fake.
That makes a lot of sense.

You know what? Adam was right.

This is clearly the work
of an evil dolphin.

Let go of the door.

I'm not leaving
until you believe me!

Let go!!!

Achh! You have the grip
of a Kodiak bear!

And the kick of a kangaroo!

Ow!!! Aaah!


[ Whooshing ]

Listen, I know what I saw.

Yeah, this coming from a
woman who said she saw Yetis

standing in line at the bank.

You don't know.
You weren't there.

Okay, that's it. I'm turning
this hydraloop around.

[ Loud boom,
circuits shorting out ]

[ Perry screams ]

What was that?!

You're touching.
You're touching.

You're touching. You're...

It sounded like there was
an expl*si*n in the tunnel.

So we're stuck in
the middle of the ocean?!

Oh, boy.

Did I pick the wrong day
to eat sardines and milk.

This is bad!
This is really, really bad!

Don't worry, Donnie, I'm here.

I know. That's why
this is so bad.

Now do you believe me that
Sebastian took the expl*sives?

You know what,
there's an emergency phone.

I've gotta call Adam, Bree
and Chase and warn them.

The cord's been cut. But our cell
phones won't work this far under water.

Uh-oh. Here come
the fish burps.

[ Loud belch ]

[ belching ]

You know what?
This is stupid.

I'm done running.

Are you talking back
to your superior?

No. I'm talking back to you.

Oh. You guys thought
that was funny.

[ laughing ]

Okay, well, guess what.

Thanks to Spin's big mouth,
now you all have to run.

Wait. What?

Spin, tell him you're sorry.

No way. I'd rather run
till my legs fall off.

I've never heard a more
heartfelt apology in my life.

[ groans ]


Go! Everybody run!

You get to run
and you get to run

and you get to run.

[ Computer beeping ] Are
you sure this is working?

I don't think these sensors
are doing any... Whoa.

There you go. We just unlocked
you a brand-new ability.

All I had to do
was tap into your chip

with Mr. Davenport's
secret password.

FYI, I also accidentally tapped
into your digestive system...

You're now allergic to papaya.

Chase, we need you in the common area.
There's a situation.

Uh, what is it?

If I wanted everyone to know there's
a life-threatening emergency,

I wouldn't have used
the secret code

of calling it "a situation."
Think, Chase, think!

Okay, quick, put those sensors
away and meet me downstairs.

Yeah, go!
I'll be right there.

[ Beeping ]

What's going on?

There was an expl*si*n
in the hydraloop tunnel.

No, there was a situation
in the hydraloop tunnel.

Perry must have been right about
somebody stealing the expl*sives.

Okay. Bree, go check the weapons
area to see if anything's missing.

Adam, we need to put
this place on lock-down

until we figure out
what's going on.

Where's Mr. Davenport? He
went back to the mainland.

Well, get him on the phone
and tell him what happened.

[ Alarm blaring ]

Attention, students.

CHASE: Remain where you are.

The academy is on lock-down.

I repeat: The academy
is on lock-down.

This is not a drill.

What's going on?
I don't know!

Who cares? As long as
we don't have to keep running.

The expl*sives are gone. Somebody
used a hologram as a decoy.

Yeah, Mr. Davenport's
not answering.

This is crazy!

Do you really think
that one of our own students

would blow up
the hydraloop tunnel?

I'm gonna go with "yes."

What are you doing?

Is it not clear?

I'm turning on you.

It was clear to me.

Wait, what are you doing?

I'm taking my family back.

I thought we were your family.

No. Families fight together
for what's right.

At least that's what my father
believed before you took him out.

Your father?

Wait, how does he know
about Krane?

Well, my buddy Chase
told me all about him.

He told me all sorts of things.
Oh, great.

Did you also tell him
I've been wearing his shoes?

I always wondered
where we came from.

Luckily, Chase put the pieces
together for me.

Sebastian Krane was...

My father fought
for what he believed...

That bionic humans are superior.

And when his beliefs
were challenged

by a non-bionic human
like Davenport,

he fought back.
Yeah, well, he lost.

And that's why I'm gonna
carry on his legacy.

See, you took away our leader and tried
to pretend like nothing ever happened.

I think it's time
for a little payback.


if this is really
about the shoes,

you can have 'em back.

[ Beep ]

Mr. Davenport!

You destroyed my father.

Now you get to watch me
destroy yours.


[ Loud explosions ]

I just blew up the other end
of the hydraloop tunnel...

which means they should be out of
oxygen in about thirty minutes.

Nah, maybe less. That sweaty
one's a heavy breather.

Guys, we have to go save them!


You're not going anywhere.

Hey, Teach.

t*nk, you're with him too?

[ Neck joints crack ]

Oh, yeah? Well, two
can make that noise.

[ Cracks ] Ahhh!

We took down Krane.

What makes you think we can't
take down the three of you?

We were already the most
powerful students here.

Now that you've taught us
your secrets,

we know all your weaknesses.

It's time for the students...

to school the teachers.

The rebellion has begun.

What's going on out there?

I don't know, Bob.
I can't hear anything.

How did t*nk and Lexi
just disappear?

I don't know, Bob!

Well, where are Adam,
Bree and Chase?

What if they don't come back?

What if we're locked
in here forever?

I don't know, Bob!!!

All right.

Leo, what do we do?

Don't look at me,
I'm just a student!

What are we gonna do?
We have to save Mr. Davenport.

And Perry.

Time permitting.

You know what?
I'll save you the trip.

You can say goodbye
to both of them from here.

Look! It's the
mechanical people.

Yes, we're saved.

Not exactly.

Sebastian. He blew up
the hydraloop tunnel

and cut off your oxygen supply.

So, bad news we're gonna
need new hydraloop.

Adam. Well, I can't tell him we're
gonna need a new father too,

that'd be rude.

Look, will somebody please
tell me what's going on?

Sebastian knows about Krane and
he's trying to start a rebellion

with the rest of the students.

What? How does he
know about Krane?

I might have told him.

Only because I thought
we were friends.

See? There's your first mistake.
Who'd wanna be your friend?

Chase has been very helpful,

and once my brothers and sisters
hear what really happened

to our father, they'll join me.

Then... we can fulfill his dreams
of bionic humans ruling the world.

Guys, don't let him near
the other students.

They're not ready
to know about Krane yet!

They won't understand why we
had to destroy their creator.

Then you probably shouldn't
have just told them.

Did you know about this?

I didnt... I mean they just...

That is just messed up.

Please believe me. I was planning on
telling you about Krane eventually,

but I couldn't let anything interfere with
teaching you to become bionic heroes.

I needed you to trust...

[ muttering ]

Great, now we'll never know
why we should trust him.

why are you doing this?

We're the ones
who took out Krane.

Exactly. And now you're gonna know what
it feels like to lose your father.

Krane wasn't a father to you.
He was a deranged madman.

He was our leader.
And he was gonna prove

to the world that
bionic humans are superior.

Until you all got in our way.

Is it too late
to say we're sorry?

That's it.
I'm saving Mr. Davenport.

Chase, get the door!


I knew it! You're an
interior decorator too.

It's carbonex,
and it's impossible to break.

[ Smirks ] Oh, yeah, well I'm Adam
Davenport and... I break everything.

[ Sighs ]

[ rumbling ]

Yeah, she's right.

It's called molecular

You didn't know I had it because I've
been saving it for a special occasion.

How long have you
been working with him?

Long enough to know
our bionics are being wasted.

We're protecting humans when
we should be controlling them.

So where were we?
Oh, that's right.

Davenport's a goner.
I'm taking over the island,

and... oh, what am I forgetting?

Oh, yeah.

[ Groaning ]

Come on, Chase.

You should've seen that coming.

After all, you're the one who
unlocked the ability for me.

He what?

Okay, do you want to hit him
again, or is it my turn?

So you helped them
destroy our creator too.

Uh, no. Look, I just met those
guys a week before you did.

I don't even know
the fast girl's name.

Nice try!

Look, Krane was evil. He kept you
in a junkyard under lock and key.

Isn't that the same thing
Mr. Davenport is doing?

Keeping us all locked up
here on this island?


Well, yes,
but we have central air.

Is that why we're all forced
to wear the same clothes

and complete training exercises?

You know, I actually
like the clothes.

Quiet, Bob! I hate
these clothes.

Come on, guys.
We're family.

Is that why you're always bragging
about how you're not one of us?

I think you're just
pretending to be a student

so you can spy
on us for the enemy.

Wait, who's the enemy?

Listen up, bionic soldiers.

Oh, great.

Now you all know the truth.

The Davenport, the man who
pretends to be your savior

is actually your jailer.

And it's time to take back
your freedom!

ALL: Freedom!

Or keep things the way they are!

Are! Are you gonna stand by the
people who destroyed our leader?

Or are you gonna join me
in my rebellion?!

ALL: Rebellion!

I say let's sleep on it.

[ Inhaling ] Ohh.

[ Inhaling ] Phew. What's wrong?
Are you hyperventilating?

No, I'm stealing your oxygen.

It's every man for himself.

Oh. Get away from me!

Hey, what's this?

Uhh... that would be a
t*nk full of oxygen.

I really gotta start attending
those safety meetings.

Ladies first. Yeah, well, when a
lady shows up, she can have it.

Look, properly rationed, this can
last both of us a full two hours.

See, that's the problem.
I only care about one of us.

Give it!

Give it! No... No. Quit tugging!

[ Oxygen escaping ]

Come on!

Uh, hm.
Got another one?

ALL: Rebellion! Rebellion!

ALL: Rebellion! Rebellion! Rebellion!
Rebellion! Rebelli...

What? It's catchy.

Guys, Leo's still
trapped in there.

Not for long.

Soldiers! If you're truly
committed to this rebellion,

it's time for you
to prove yourselves.

Your first order:
take... out... Leo.

That should take care of Leo.

Looks like you're next.

Three on three.
It's gonna be fun.

Actually, it's four
on three, so it...

[ whispering ]
One, two, three...

Oh, wait, no never mind,
you're right, carry on.

You're up, Teach,
catch me if you can.

Oh, I will.


[ Grunting ]

[ grunting ]


[ Grunting ]

Give it up, Chase. We're
more powerful than you.

You can't stop this rebellion.

[ Grunting ]


[ Grunting ]

[ grunting ]

ALL: Rebellion! Rebellion!

Rebellion! Rebellion!
Guys, what are you doing?

Help me out!

No way!
Sebastian's right.

We never should've trusted you!

Come on, Bob,
don't let them do this!

In case you haven't noticed,
I kind of follow the herd.

ALL: Rebellion! Rebellion!
I'm warning you, stay back!

Rebellion! Rebellion!

ALL: [ gasping ]

Yeah, that's right. Stay back,
or I'm gonna come after you.

[ Grunting ]


[ Battle cry ]



Okay, these are leather boots.
And you're dead.

[ Grunting ]

Ahhh, huh!

Once I have my bionic army,

anyone who stands in our way
will be eliminated.


All right.
That's it.

We're no longer best friends.

[ Grunting ] If I had a way
to splice these wires,

I could build a transmitter
and call for help.

And if I had
hardboiled eggs and mayo,

I could make egg salad.

But I only have the mayo.

It doesn't matter.
We're doomed.

Oh, no. I am not gonna leave this planet
watching you suck on a mayo packet!

There's gotta be something
here I can use to save us.

I can't believe this is the end.

I always thought there'd be a chance
for me to change and be nice.

You know, make a good
showing at the finish line.

I'm serious.

You may find this hard
to believe,

but I've done
some pretty bad things.

I don't find it hard to
believe, and I don't care.

I probably shouldn't
have stolen that money

from those little girls
selling cookies,

but it taught them
a valuable lesson.

Don't ring my doorbell.

Is it me, or did this
hydraloop just get smaller?

Well, I am known
for my 4 o'clock bloat.


Just what I need. Ha!

Well, how is that
supposed to help... argh!


[ Rumble ]

Those guys need me.
I gotta get in there!

Not on my watch, punk!

ALL: Yeah!

Ahh! I said back off, or the
next one's not gonna miss.


Come on, if the tables
were turned, I'd help you.

Like say, for instance,
oh, I don't know.

You call me in a panic because
you are stuck in quick sand!

[ laughs ] Hey, that did happen.

Why should we help you save the
people who destroyed our father?

Sebastian said that we...

Sebastian's just gonna control
you the same way Krane did.

Big D gave you the best
gift anyone can have.

The freedom to think
for yourself.

Yes! Finally, I get
to think for myself.

Spin, what do I do?

Look, Krane didn't care about you.
At least Big D does.

If you won't do it for me,
do it for him.

Please. He deserves a chance
to explain everything.

You at least owe him that.

Fine. But how are we gonna get out of here?
We're on lock-down.

Maybe someone can spin through the floor
like a drill so I can tunnel out.

On it.


Is it working?

Yeah, I was thinking
maybe Spin could do that.

Maybe. Some of us have had our
bionics for longer than a week.

All right, settle down, Turbo.

We need to create a distraction.

We need to turn their
attention to another target.

You're the target, Bob.

Eh, not the first time
I've heard that.

Hey, rebels, fall up.

I have a plan to take down Leo.

But first, how about some magic?

Who here has three rings
I can borrow?

Okay, here goes.

You know what, forget the rings.

Does anybody have a lady,
a box, and a saw?

There. That'll get you
through the vent system.

You won't be able
to see anything,

but you can feel your way and
crawl through the other side.

Got it.

You did the right thing.


Hey, Spin, did Leo get away yet,

or should I keep
distracting them?

Oh, I mean, tah-dah!
I made him disappear.

[ Leo screaming ]


Wrong room.

You ready to give up yet?

I could do this all day.

Trust me,
you won't last that long.


[ Yelling ]
[ Leo yelling ]

[ grunting ]

Yes! Three rooms later,
but I finally got it.

Hey, Leo,
thanks for "droppin' in."

Come on, I was gonna say that.

Ha! Now it's four
against three.

Wait! One, two,
three, four...

Oh, yeah!
I'm right this time.

Bring it on.



[ Grunting ]

Ahh! Time to take
out the trash.


Ahhhhh! Ahh!

How'd you do that?

Remember how you unlocked
my new ability?

Well, once you gave me
Mr. Davenport's password,

I unlocked them all.

Aghh. You have got
to be kidding me.

How can he use all
of his abilities at once?

He can't.
Not for long.

If we can get him to max out his
abilities, it'll fry his chip.

And he doesn't know that?

Finally! Something you
didn't share with your BFF.


Just follow my lead. We have
to keep him on the offensive.

Hey, Sebastian,
let's see what you got.

[ Grunting ]

Over here!

Hey, Sebastian!
[ growling ]

Get Chase again.


[ Gasping ]

It's working!

It's like a firework show.

I bet this is his big finale.

Ahh! Ohh,
what's happening?

How do I make it stop?

You can't. But if you could, I'm
sure Chase would've told you how.

[ Screaming ]

[ panting ]

Your rebellion is over.

What about Mr. Davenport?

Quick! Check the feed.

Mr. Davenport! Wait why
can't we see anything?

The oxygen level
in the hydraloop is in.


stop sweating on me?

That's not sweat. My mayo packs exploded.
[ groans ]

You're alive!
But how did you escape?

Found an emergency escape
pod in the hydraloop.

Who knew? Yeah, I really need to start
attending those safety meetings.

That does not look big
enough for two people.

It's not.

Oh, please. I've wiggled into
smaller things than that

with bigger men than you.

The authorities are on their
way to pick you guys up.

This isn't over.

We will get our revenge.

I don't think so. You're gonna be
locked up for a very long time.

You really think prison bars
or handcuffs can hold me?

[ Grunts ]

Not gonna work. While you were unconscious,
we removed your bionic chips...

Stop telling him stuff.

All right. Let's hit it,
sturdy, creepy, and butch.

You know, for once it's nice to
be on this side of the cuffs.

Now all we have to do
is convince the rest

of the rebellious bionic
students not to rip us apart!

Yeah, but first I need a couple of
hours to wash the Perry off my...


And so, the reason Mr. Davenport
didn't tell you guys

about Krane was because he
was trying to protect you.

Just like he was trying to
protect the three of us when

he didn't tell us that Douglas
was our real creator.

Mr. Davenport was
just looking out for you.

Does this all make sense?

Yup, but I think the real
takeaway here is...

that it was all Chase's fault.
Goodnight, everybody.