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04x06 - Simulation Manipulation

Posted: 04/23/24 09:08
by bunniefuu
The exoskeleton's gone rogue.

We have to take it down before
it destroys the whole academy.

You're doing it wrong.

Wait for my command
before you attack.

Why aren't you attacking?

Don't do it now.
Retreat. Retreat.

Great. My team is down.

My team is down!

Well, I think we can all agree

that's not how you
take down an exoskeleton.

Come on, give us one more shot.

I'm sorry, Chase.
This combat simulation

was to test
your students' progress,

and as much as it pains me,

I'm gonna have to give
your team a big "F."

Who am I kidding?
This doesn't hurt at all.

It's called failure, Chase.

Let me spell it out for you.


You know, on second thought,

you spell it out for me.

The world's first
bionic superhumans...

they're stronger than us.

Faster. Smarter.

The next generation
of the human race is...

living on a bionic island.

I can't believe
you guys messed up

the combat simulation.

What's the first thing
I taught you?

Do as I say and as I do.

Good pep talk.

Adam, your team's up.

Okay, guys, what's
the first thing I taught you?

[all] Don't be like Chase.

Okay, let's do what we do.


And that's what we do.

That was amazing.

That was even faster
than Bree's team last week.

All I'm hearing is Chase lost
and I'm a better teacher.

No way. You are not a
better teacher than I am.

Calm down, dude.

You've got plenty of other
things to be proud of.

Once we find out
what those things are,

you're gonna feel a lot better.

Look, there's still
two more tests

to evaluate
your students' progress.

I'm sure your team will do
better on the next one.

It's more cerebral.

Yes. Me and my brainiacs
are gonna take you down.

You're taunting me and making fun
of yourself at the same time.

I didn't think
that was possible.

Look, both teams will be judged

on how well they handle
analytical thinking.

All right, guys, huddle up.

Does anyone know what
analytical thinking is?

I'd say you got
the second round locked up.

[squishing sound]

Ah! Gross!

Hey, Leo.

What are you doing?

Just grabbin' a glass of milk...

to go with my pie.


What is going on here?

This is disgusting.

Yeah. Welcome
to my world.

Adam and Chase live like
a couple of farm animals.

At least farm animals
lick themselves clean

every once in a while.

I'll just have to clean
this whole place up myself.

Hand me that towel.

Um, I wouldn't use that one.

- Why not?
- Because it's moving.


Listen up, roomies.

You've got another person
living with you now.

You need to respect that.

I have been scrubbing
our room for the past six hours.

- I've got pruney fingers.
- Why didn't you just wear gloves?

I did.

I don't care which
one of you is making the mess.

Just stop.

Now who's makin' a mess?

Okay, everybody
gather round and listen up.

It is time for
the second challenge.

Everybody to your work stations.

Each time will have 60 seconds

to diffuse their

This is gonna be so easy.

Like taking
dynamite from a baby.

Even though
the expl*sives are fake,

the potential for humiliation
is very real.

Don't forget to work
together as a team.

Your 60 seconds starts...


Okay, guys, all you have to do

is cut one of these wires.

But choose carefully,

because it's
a life or death decision.

Whose favorite color is red?

Whose favorite color is blue?

Don't look at me.
I like 'em both.

Okay, guys, we've been through
this a million times.

Once you assessed
the detonator's

internal architecture,

remove the Dorris plate,
expose the motherboard,

clip the primary command node,
and the firing mechanism

will deactivate.
Got that?

[frustrated grunt]

Great thinking.

We'll cut the wire that
combines red and blue.



Congratulations on
defusing the device.

And more impressively, not knowing
that red and blue make purple.

Don't worry.
We have plenty of time.

- Five seconds.
- Out of my way. You're all useless!

Three, two...

No, wait.
I need more...


Don't worry, Chase. I'm not gonna
say that I'm disappointed.

[whispers] Just know
I'm thinking it.

[horrified shriek]

What have you done?!

What are you talking about?

Yeah. We haven't
done anything.

I had a feeling
you might say that,

which is why I have this.

That's right, savages.
Security footage.

Let's take a look.

Put anything on a screen,
I'll watch it.

Where is it?
Where is it?


Ugh. Now that's a lady.


Oh, that's a big one.

She's a keeper.

She's an animal!

No, that's an animal.

Oh, look, he grew.

Wrong, wrong.
Terrible. Bad.

Ew, no. Do it again.


Do you ever think you might
be losing these challenges

because you're
going about it all wrong?


You're reprimanding them.

You're not teaching them.

Maybe try a little
teamwork like Adam did.

That's Professor Adam.

Adam, you're not a professor,

and for the last time,

you are not a better
teacher than I am.

Do you not see the glasses?

All I'm saying is, you might get
a better response from your team

if you let them be more involved
in the decision making.

Wait, you're serious?

There's one last test,

which means your team
has one last chance

to prove themselves,
and for you to prove yourself.

You wanna borrow my glasses?

Okay, that's it.

I am not about to lose
to Adam and his meatheads

three times in a row.

We have to show them
that we're better than them.

The best way to do that
is to manipulate

your bionic chips so I can
control your every move.

Yeah, yeah, I know
what you're thinking.

Isn't that cheating?

Well, let me just
nip this in the bud.

Yes. Yes, it is.

All right, I've figured out a
way to use my override app

to control all of you at once,

which means no more mistakes,

because when I think
of something, you'll do it.

Too bad I can't
do that to everyone.

All right, let's link up.

There. Let's test it out.

Why aren't you doing
what I'm thinking?

I don't get it.

Why isn't this working?

Great. Now you're mocking me.
Very funny.

Wait a minute.

[all] Gah!

My override app must not
be able to control

this many people.

Instead of doing
what I'm thinking,

you're just mirroring what I do.

We can't make it through
the test like this.

Let's go, Chase.
Test's about to start.

He's gonna know we're cheating.

What do we do?

Quit it!

Aha! Busted!

You're the slob.

Leo, I was aiming
for the trash can.

You mean the one
that's not on my forehead?

I have a whole video
of you trashing this place.

If you have a video, why are you
trying to catch me in the act?

Because this is more dramatic.

What happened to you?

I don't know.

I guess, for the first
time in my life,

I actually have some freedom,

and I'm enjoying it.

This is not freedom.

This is a cesspool of
filth and girl garbage.

Look, if you were stuck in
a basement for your whole life,

you'd wanna let loose, too.

Besides, you're
the new guy here,

so if you have a problem
with my mess,

go live with the rest
of the students in the dorm.

I am not going anywhere.

And you know what?
Two can play at this game.

What are you doing?

Hey, that's where I sleep.

Not tonight.

This blanket
doesn't seem warm enough.

You know what it needs?

A nice layer of month-old chili.

Looks delicious.

Now if you'll excuse me,

I have to take out the trash.

Oh, yeah?

You know the best part
about living on an island?

All the fresh seafood
that's been rotting in the sun.

Okay, I think I'm gonna be sick.

Luckily, I'm standing
next to your capsule.


Welcome to
the third and final challenge.

[cheesy game show music plays]

Adam Davenport,
you have an opportunity

to lead your team
to a third victory.

Chase Davenport,
you and your team

have one last chance
to save yourself

from a lifetime of ridicule

from your brother...
and me.

And Bree.
She's not here,

but I'm pretty sure she'd
want in on some of this.

This last test will challenge

both your mental
and physical prowess.

So there will be
a brief warm-up period

of brisk exercise.

No movement!

I mean, stretching's overrated.

What's the worst
that can happen?

Torn hamstring.

Okay, suit yourself.

Guys... ooh!

Guys, Mr. Davenport can't
find out I'm controlling you.

Just keep quiet and follow my lead.
Got it?

Why aren't you nodding?

Oh. Right.

Deep in the bowels
of the academy...

is a high-tech maze,
complete with obstacles

that I control with this tablet.

Electric walls, ninja stars,

and my own personal favorite,

flaming balls of fury!

The first team
to complete the maze wins,

but before we start,
I need to see both mentors.

Adam, Chase, over here.

Guys, give us a second?

- Guys!
- I got this.

Back it up, nerd herd.

For this challenge,
it's just the students.

What?! No!

Teams, I hope you've studied
the maze carefully.

If not, too bad.


Don't worry, Chase.

We can track their progress
from over here.

Adam, your team is
off to a great start.

Chase, your team
hasn't moved at all.

Ha! Looks like you guys
are gonna lose again.

Not if I can help it.

What? They keep losing.

I have to do
my "good luck" dance.

Are you done yet?

I could go all night.

I lost my sense of smell
hours ago.

Which is why I can bury you

in Adam's dirty,
sweaty workout clothes.

No, stop!

This has gone far enough.

There has to be a way
that I can still stay messy,

and you won't
have to clean up after me.

Maybe there is.

Great idea, Leo.

This is gonna
work out perfectly.

Yes, it is.

Okay, I'm finished.

That was awesome.

I'm not hungry, but let's order
more stuff we can blow up.


Chase, I can't believe it.

Your team is actually winning.

Adam, what are you doing?

I don't know,
but it's working for Chase.

Let's see. How can
I make this more interesting?

I know. Flash bombs.

Oh, not good enough.

Better try
my flaming balls of fury.

[groaning and crying]

Burn, baby, burn!

Chase, your team is almost out.

Oh. Great.
Go, team.

Almost there.

Almost there.

Almost there.

Almost there!

They made it!

[bells ringing]

Ah, come on!

Let's bring 'em up.

Wait. Why aren't
they celebrating?

Yeah! Whoo!
Oh, yeah!

We won, we won, we won...

Wait a minute.

Something's goin' on here.

Yeah. It's called

No, it's not that.

I know that really well.

What are you doing?

Professor Adam
is about to conduct

a science experiment.

- [yells]
- [all yelling]

Just as I thought.

This proves they
messed with something

that caused
something to happen, I think.

Chase, care to explain?

Cheating? What
were you thinking?

I don't know.

I guess I just got carried away.

Chase, these tests were designed

to measure your students'

and instead, you turned it
into a competition

between you and your brother.

- Which I won.
- And handily.

That's not the point.

If you'd been less
focused on beating Adam,

and more focused on
being a good teacher,

your team would've had
the tools to win for themselves.

Okay. You're right.

But just in case,
can I have a new team?

- No!
- Aargh!

Fine. I'll work on
becoming a better teacher.

Good. Now there's just
one last thing for you to do.

Don't worry.
I'll make it up to my team.

Oh, I know you will.

But your punishment
for cheating is gonna be

to find out what it feels like

to have someone control you
with the override app.

What? Who?


Go ahead, Adam.

Don't mind if I do.

Ow, ow, ow, ow!

This is fun.

You do realize
you're hurting yourself too?

Oh, yeah.

Now we'll see who's hurting who.

Cut it out.
Quit it.

I'm not gonna stop until you do.

Wow! This place
is spotless.

Whatever you're doing,
it's working.

Thank you.


What's that noise?

Oh, that's our new housekeeper.

You turned
my incredibly expensive

piece of combat technology

into a walking vacuum cleaner?

He doesn't just vacuum.

He sorts laundry,
he washes dishes,

he even does windows,
right, Exo?

See? Spotless.