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04x20 - Space Colony

Posted: 04/23/24 09:16
by bunniefuu

I am so happy Mr. Davenport
gave everyone the day off,

because it's way too hot
to train.

Yeah, well, lucky for you,

your brother's a bionic
air conditioner.

Adam, nobody wants your disgusting
breath blowing all over...

Oh, good heavens,
that is so much better!

Get my back.
Get my back.

Hey, guys.

[ All saying hello ]


Mom, what are you doing here
in the middle of the week?

Did you finally give up that two-bit
job as a local news reporter?

Ahem! Everybody, I have
a very important announcement.


Donald Davenport...

am the first person
to create a livable environment

on another planet.



my very own space colony.

[ All exclaiming ]

You've colonized a planet?
Why didn't you tell me?

Because it was top secret,

and because every time
I tell you guys anything,

then you blow it up,
burn it down,

crack it in half or sink it.

Hey, that is not...

- Yeah, it is true.
- Mm-hmm.

Looks cool.
Is that Mars?

[ Scoffs ]
Please. Mars?

Mars is for amateurs.

I colonized a planet
in an entirely different galaxy.

Oh, by the way, did I mention

I discovered an entirely
different galaxy?

How dare you?

The planet is called Lithios,

and this high-tech dome
mimics the Earth's environment,

providing oxygen
and gravity to the 50 colonists

that I hand-picked
for the project.

I'm also the honorary
mayor of the colony,

which I have named Davenportia.


Those colonists have been
living there for almost a month,

and they are lovin'
every Daven minute of it.

And pretty soon, you will
all get to meet them.

That's right.
We are going

on a family vacation to space!

You told me
we were going to Greece.

Well, Davenportia
is the Greece of space.

Anyway, so it'll be
a lot cooler there.

It is way too hot here today.

No worries.
I got you covered.

[ Yells ]

That's gonna leave
a Daven stain.

The world's first
bionic superhumans.

They're stronger than us.


The next generation
of the human race is...

living on a bionic island.

This is it.

Welcome to my intergalactic

my pride and joy.

Isn't she beautiful?

Wow! I never thought I'd be
jealous of a spaceship.

Oh, come on, honey,
don't be jealous.

You don't stand a chance
against this thing.

I can't believe this spaceship's
been under the island

all this time.

That explains why he didn't
make us live in the basement.

Mr. Davenport,
this is awesome.

If I was a nerd, I'd totally
be geeking out right now.

[ Goofy excited laughter ]

Cool. What's that?

Oh, that's my high-velocity
escape suit.

It's made out of
ultra-protective material

that will allow me
to fly back to Earth

in case we encounter
any kind of emergency.

While in space.

But there's only one suit.

What about the rest of us?

The rest of you better hope
there's no emergencies.

[ Deep voice ]
I am Zolton,

leader of the planet Darkom.

Bow to me, puny inferior being.


Who is this Adam you speak of?

- I am Zolton!
- Adam!

- Zolton!
- Give me that helmet.

No, I will not.

Zolton does not understand
the human language.

Oh, but he speaks it?

Zolton will get back to you
when he has an answer for that.

Okay, people, listen up.

As your mission leader,
it's my responsibility

to inform you of what to do

in case of an emergency.

Since we'll be traveling
at speeds greater than

Blah blah blah.
I got this. Ahem.

Ladies and gentlemen,

there are two exits
on the aircraft...

One in the front
and in the rear.

In the event of a water landing,

Chase can be used
as a flotation device.

Okay, Bree, Leo,
Tasha, Mr. Davenport,

you're all up front with me.

Adam, you're in the back.

What? Why am I
in the back?

Because you are so immature,

you can't even pay attention
to my safety directives.

And I don't feel like
traveling across two galaxies

hearing, "Ooh, what does
this button do?" 800 times!

I'm not immature.

And for your information, I know
what all these buttons do.

Like this one right here
works the windshield wipers.

Adam, no!

ADAM: Chase, what do we do
in an emergency again?

Wow. Look at the moon.

Are we there yet?


Wow, look at Saturn.

Are we there yet?!


ADAM: Are we
there yet?

Adam, if you ask
"Are we there yet?"

one more time, I swear,
I'm gonna lose it.

Okay, sorry.

How much longer
till we get there?

Relax. Everybody,

Now that we've left
the solar system,

we can initiate hyper-speed.

What's hyper-speed?


Welcome to Davenportia.

Isn't it beautiful?

Ah, who needs Greece
when you can come here?

It's lovely.

But if you really
wanna make it up to me,

you should rename it Tashadonia.

Oh, honey, you know I love me

more than I love you.

Hey, what's this big bubble for?

It's not a bubble.
It's a dome.

Don't care.
Still wanna pop it.

Well, you can't.

It protects everything in here

from the planet's
natural elements.

Without that dome,
there'd be no oxygen,

and all the colonists would die.

Donald, that sounds dangerous.

It is. That's why I didn't
tell these guinea pigs

until after they signed
their paperwork.

Hi. How you doing?

I don't care
if you're not the waiter.

I want more space pancakes.

Perry?! What are you
doing up here?

Wherever the bus stops,
I get off.

Forget that.
How did you get here?

I snuck up here weeks ago
with the rest of these bozos.

I can blend in anywhere.

I spent three months

on the South Korean
gymnastics team.

How dare you
sneak up here uninvited?

That's Tasha, the one
I was telling you about.

That's a new low.

Never been bad-mouthed
on another planet before.

Oh, I doubt that's true.

This command center
is the electronic nervous system

of Davenportia.

From this chair,
I can monitor all the activity

in the colony.

Man, you old people
will do anything

to just sit around
and watch TV all day.

Love the colony,
Mr. Davenport.

This is just the beginning.

Pretty soon, there will be
Davenportias throughout the universe.

I don't know if aliens exist,

but if they do,
they are gonna hate you.

I have a very important
scientific question.

While we're here, is it okay
if I eat stuff off the ground?


Okay. Follow-up question.

How do I regurgitate stuff
I've eaten off the ground?

You see? This is what
I'm talking about.

Mature people don't eat stuff
off the ground.

Big D., you better
get over here.

I think we have a problem.

Oh, no.

The main communication
satellite is down.

What happened?

I don't know.
Something must've hit it.

Asteroid, space debris.

Now we have no way
of communicating with the Earth.

I need you three
to take the spacecraft out

and repair the satellite.

Leo and I will stay here
and re-establish contact

- once it's up and running.
- Let's go.

Adam, he just told you not to
eat stuff off the floor up here.


I got this
off the floor at home.

They should almost be
at the satellite.

As soon as they fix the problem,

communications will be restored,

and everything will be
back to normal.

Right, if normal is living
a trillion miles from home

in an ego-maniac's space bubble.

[ Alarm blaring ]

What's that?

That's the dome's
emergency system.

Something must have
punctured it.

Ah! Look!

Wow, Big D., first
your satellite's down,

then there's a hole in the dome.

I'm sorry, but your colony's
only getting two stars

in my online review.

If we don't patch that hole,

all the oxygen in the
colony will be sucked out

in a matter of hours,
and we'll both be dead!

Excuse me?!

Stop talking, Tasha.

You're sucking up
all the oxygen!

All right, we're
at the satellite.

Adam, help me put on
my jet pack.

Sure, but first,
there's something

I've always wanted to try.

Blowin' a bubble
in zero gravity.

Whoa! Awesome!

This is so cool.

Childish... but cool.

More bubbles comin' up.

Adam, stop.

If that gum gets on
any of the equipment,

Mr. Davenport
is gonna freak out.

- Adam!
- [ laughing ]

That's it.


You're a black hole of fun.


You got gum all over my gloves.

[ Frustrated groan ]

Hey, can I turn
the zero gravity back on?

I just drank a gallon of water,

and there's something else I've
always wanted to do in space.

Chase, do you see anything?

No. I don't get it.

There's no structural damage.

Hang on, I'll do a scan.

That's weird.

The signal was shut off
at the colony.

Someone back there
must be tampering with it.

Who would do that?

I don't know.

This sounds like a job
for Zolton.

- I'll get the helmet.
- No.

Hang on, I'm coming in.

Uh, Chase,
door's over here, bud.

I know. Adam's gum
jammed the controls.

They're stuck.

Hang on.
I think I got it.

[ Screaming ]

- [ screaming continues ]
- What are you doing?

It won't stop.

Okay, Adam, we have to fly
the ship and go get him.

Got it.

Do you know how to do that?

Nope. Ooh, but I bet
Zolton does.

Now can I get the helmet?

- Adam, this is serious.
- Okay, fine.

Maybe this'll do it.

Ah. There's
those windshield wipers.



He's not responding.
He must be out of range.

Great. He's speeding off
into space,

and we have no idea
how to work this thing.

Way to come up here
unprepared, Bree.

Wait. There's
someone on the ship.

[ Loud yawn ]

Perry? What are you
doing here?

Took a nap in the engine room.

I find the violent rumble
of rocket engines

to be soothing,
but the fumes knock me out cold.

Okay, we lost Chase in space.

- Score!
- No, this is serious.

We don't know
how to fly this thing,

and if we don't figure it out,

- we're gonna lose him forever.
- Score!

Okay, you know what?
Forget it.

I will just figure out
how to fly this thing myself.

[ Console beeping,
alarm blaring ]

Okay, I'm done.

Relax. I used to be
an astronaut.

I know how to fly this bird.

- Yeah, right.
- I do.

Back in the day,
me and my buddy Buck Champ

used to ride rings
around Neptune,

till an unfortunate
ejector seat accident.


You know what?
That's it.

You never had any of these jobs.

You were never an astronaut,

you never played
basketball in Romania,

you never knocked out
Muhammad Ali.

You are a liar.

Hey, I don't lie.

When you get fired from
as many jobs as I do,

you gotta take
whatever you can get.

- Why did you get fired so much?
- For lying.

Okay, T-minus ten to lift-off.

Hydraulics engaged.

Boosting the vector rates
of the orbital thrusters.

We are set
for maximum propulsion.

- What does that mean?
- It means sit back and shut your trap.

I'm drivin' this beast!

The hole in the dome
is bigger than I thought.

We have to hurry.

Power up your jet pack.
Let's go.

- On it.
- Are you sure this is safe?

He's just a boy.

Maybe you could hold hands
when you're up there.


Can we?

Everything is gonna be fine.

We just have to hurry.

Tasha, I need you to keep
the colonists calm.

Can you do that?

Please, Donald, I am
more than capable in a crisis.

Listen up, colony people.

My name is Tasha Davenport.

A major news reporter
from the Earth.


As you all know,
we are dealing with

a horrible disaster,
but good news.

My husband and son
are going up to fix it.

Which means most of you
probably won't die.

Mitzi, Beef, get over here.

I think I found the vapor trail
from Chris' jet pack.

His name is Chase.

Call him whatever you want.

He ain't gonna be around
to hear it.

I think he crash-landed
on that planet.

How? He would've burned up
as soon as he entered

the planet's atmosphere.

What are we waitin' for?

Let's land this baby,
grab his bones,

and bury them next to Buck.

None of our navigation devices
are working on this planet.

How are we supposed to track
Chase's location?

This place is creepy.

I'm more worried there's
something tracking us.

[ Chase screaming ]


Get off of me.

It's not aliens, it's Chase.

Come on.

[ Screaming ]

Help me up.

How did you survive?

My force field prevented me
from burning up

in the atmosphere
and cushioned my landing.

Hey, look, there is
intelligent life here.

The aliens put their sprinklers
on a timer.

BREE: Oh, no, they got water on
my navigation device.

That's not water.
It's acid. Run!

We need to relax
and enjoy things

when we're on vacation.

It's always go, go, go.

Oh, good.
You made it back.

Two more minutes,
and I was gonna ditch ya.

How is she...

You know what?
I don't even wanna know.

Glad that's over.

That place was scary,
huh, Chase?

Don't talk to me.

What? Why?

Because of you, I almost died.

We all almost died.

When are you gonna realize

that your stupid actions
have consequences?

- Chase...
- Don't Chase me.

You're always saying you wanna
be treated like an adult.

Well, here's an idea.

Why don't you grow up
and start acting like one?

Until then, we may be brothers,
but I am not your friend.

Aw. You look like
you could use a hug.

Whoa! I never said you were
gettin' one from me.

The molecular sealant
is patching the hole,

but there's still
one area I can't reach.

In less than a minute, the
dome's gonna run out of oxygen.

Let me try.

No! It's too dangerous.

You'll probably get
sucked out into space.

I'll do it.

Almost there.

Almost there.

Big D., be careful.

I got you.

Hang on.
I'll reverse my thrusters.

It's not working.

The suction's too strong.

Don't worry.
I got this.

- Uh-oh.
- Uh-oh what?

When I pull you back in,

spray the sealant
and patch the hole.

- Leo.
- Just do it!

Grab my hand.


We did it.

You know, in honor of me
saving your life,

I'm thinking we should
rename this place Dooleyopolis.

What is it with you and your mom

trying to put your name
on everything?

Feels good to be back
on the Daven ground.

Wait. Where is everyone?



That is weird.
Where did they go?

Mr. Davenport,
the satellite's fine.

The signal was manipulated
from here.

What? That doesn't
make any sense.

[ Footsteps approaching ]

It really is Zolton.

Who are you?

You know exactly who I am.


I knew you'd show up
sooner or later.

Where's my wife?

What have you done
with the colonists?

In due time.

But for now, what do you say

we focus on our little reunion?

Just for the sake of asking,

if we were to sacrifice Tasha...

Get over here.

We blasted you
miles into the sky.

How are you even alive?

What are the odds
he'd land here?

[ Garbled speech ]


I said...

[ garbled speech ]

Still not gettin' it. Sounds like
something's jammed in your air duct.

- Better?
- ALL: Yeah.

When I fell back to Earth,
I sustained severe injuries.

This face plate
helps me breathe.

Well, I think I speak
for all of us

when I say it's an upgrade,

because that chain of
paper clips you had

hangin' off your face
was not working.

Okay. Still got
that old trick.

And a few new ones, too.

How did you get up here?

I used a cyber cloak,
pretended I was a colonist.

Remember Roberta from Kentucky?

It all makes sense now.

The satellite,
the hole in the dome.

It was you.

When I heard you were
creating a space colony

in another galaxy,

I realized this was
my perfect opportunity.

To become a middle-aged
Southern woman?

To create a new base camp
for my bionic army,

far away from
any meddling humans.

Well, you don't have
a bionic army anymore.

They work for us now.

I have a new army.

Your colonists.

They're about to be
implanted with bionics,

which brings me to
Dr. Gao.

Dr. Gao is a scientist
who's come up with a new way

of creating bionic humans.

Liquid injection.

We will never let you put bionics
in those innocent people.

You won't have a choice.

Look familiar?

With the Triton App device,

I can make you do
anything I want.

Nice try, but the Triton App
won't work on us.

Mr. Davenport put a block
in our chips.

You may have a block,
but your father doesn't.



[ Evil laughter ]

Who's your daddy now?

Big D.

It's too late.

He's already under
Krane's control.

Please, whatever you do,

don't turn me into
a bionic soldier.

Just puttin' on
a little show for the kids.

I'm all yours.


Gao, come and get the
newest member of my army.


Don't even think about it.

[ laughing ]

Wait, he can geo-leap?

After I fell back to Earth,

Dr. Gao was the only person
who could fix me.

Since he's a scientist,
I paid him back

with my most precious resource...

The same bionic secrets
Douglas gave me.

With those secrets,

I was able to apply
my own science

to create this.

Liquid bionics.

Once this bionic fluid
enters the human bloodstream,

the compounds begin to solidify,

forming a bionic infrastructure

that communicates
with the muscles and brain,

creating one incredibly
powerful bionic human.

Why are you helping a madman?

[ laughs ]

Who's to say

I'm not madder than he is?

Destroy them.


Still here.

Just waiting to be bionicated.

Look, lady, pass means pass.

[ Shrieks ]


Is it just me,
or does Krane have

a really bad case of
the Terry Perrys?

What are you talking about?
The man tried to k*ll you.

That's right.
A crime of passion.

Guys, we have got
to do something

before they inject
Mr. Davenport and Tasha

and turn them into
bionic soldiers.

Yeah. Although it would be kinda
cool to see Tasha with bionics.

Ooh, she could be the world's
first flying news reporter.

She could interview birds.

I know this is a tall order,

but can you please
think before you speak?

Thought you weren't
talking to me.

[ Scoffs ]
I'm not.

- Okay, you just did.
- No. No, I didn't.

- Yeah, you did.
- No. I talked at him.

- There's a difference.
- No, not really.

Can we please just get back
to Mr. Davenport and Tasha?!

You know, Don and Tasha
have given us

some really good memories.

Maybe we should just
treasure them and move on.

Who gets their stuff?

Wait a minute.
Where's Leo?

You know, Leo has given us
some really good memories.

Wait. Where is Leo?

Leo is busy...

coming up with his own plan.

Nice. That's exactly
the firepower we need.

Where'd you get it?

I packed it on the spacecraft.

Did you really think
I'd fly out here empty-handed?

I've seen enough space movies

to know that the fourth banana
gets it right out of the gate.

Time to begin building
our bionic army.

I say we start with
the tiny vain one.

LEO: Not so fast,
chin strap.

Ha! Didn't think we'd find
you, did you?

The entire colony
is one square mile.

Yeah, well, we walked that mile,

and we found you.

You really think that toy

is going to do anything

to the two most powerful
beings in the universe?

We're about to find out.

Get him!

[ Shrieking ]

Leo, keep sh**ting.

You imbecile.
What are you doing?

Bree, now.

Let's finish this, Leo.

That should do it.

Come on, we have to
get out of here.

- What about Gao?
- We don't have time.

The entire dome
is about to collapse.

We have to get everyone
to the spacecraft fast.

So now you're
talkin' to me again.

Just go!

All right, the colonists
are locked up in the back

with Davenport and Tasha.

Great. Once we get
back to Earth,

we can deactivate
their Triton Apps.

Do we have to?

I think Mr. Davenport looks
kinda nice with green eyes.

That dome's about to come down.
We need to get out of here.

Saddle up, skin boards.

This filly's locked and loaded

and rarin' to jam out
of the space rock stable.

That one's for you, Buck.

Wow, looks like we made it
out of there just in time.


Okay, I don't know
about you guys,

but all this space stuff
has me worn out.

I'm gonna take a nice,
little inter-galactic nap.

Chase, just hurry up
and get us home.

All right, I'll plot a course.

I think we can take a shortcut
through the Andromeda galaxy.

Should be
smooth sailing from here.

Worst vacation ever.

Tell me about it.

What do you say tomorrow,
we hit the day spa

and get our armpits waxed?

It'll be a nice change
from goin' to the barber shop.

Hey, Leo looks nice
with green eyes, too.

That's the Triton App.

- Why is he aiming at us?
- Watch out!

Get behind me.

For a guy who throws
like my grandma,

he's got really good aim.

When I put my force field down,

you use your super speed
to take him out.

Then you subdue him.

- Got it.
- No problem.

Be careful.
We don't wanna hurt him.

Speak for yourself.


Nice work, everybody.


Very impressive.

Aw, thanks, Dr. Gao.
[ gasps ] Dr. Gao!

Did you really think
I would just run away

and let you go home?

I'm just getting started.

Capturing your little
space colony

was just a small piece
of our much-greater plan.

To begin again.

What do you mean, begin again?

Wiping out
all human existence on Earth,

and repopulating it
with a better, stronger,

bionic civilization.

Once I launch
my Doomsday m*ssile,

it will start a nuclear winter,
taking out all life.

Then I will inject
your colonists

with what remains
of my bionic liquid,

and my new race
of superhumans will thrive.

Not if we stop you first.

Too late.

I just launched the rocket.

In minutes, the human race
will be a distant memory,

and there's nothing you pathetic
little bionic heroes

can do about it.

Well, let's wrap
this up, shall we?

I got colonists to inject,

and a bionic army to assemble.

The workday grind
just never ends.

- Get him!
- Yeah, get him!


Destroy them!

Yeah. Destroy them!


What? I'm trying to end up
on the winning side.

What now?

Gao's controlling him.

Wait. I have an idea.

Hey, Leo, catch me.

If you...



Nice work, team.

I never doubted you
for a minute.

Lock him up in the back,

and take Leo with you.

Now that Gao's out of it, he's
not controlling him anymore.

Got it.

I haven't seen him
look this dazed

since he walked in
on my yoga class.

Come with me, Dooley.

What was that?

Something hit us.

[ Evil laughter ]

It's Krane. He's got one of
the colony's space pods.

I'm not a fan,
but this guy really commits.

[ laughing ]

Time for a little payback.

Man your stations.

Oh, now I get a seat up front.

Just sit!

All right, let's do this.
Loading missiles.

If I can't have my army,

I'm taking you out with them!

He just blew up
the weapons bank.

We can't defend ourselves.

No, we still have the m*ssile
that I just loaded.

Prepare to launch.

Activating homing system.

Target is locked.

Prepare to fire in three, two...

He just took out
the homing system.

The computer can't aim
the m*ssile without it.

Then I'm just gonna
have to do it myself.


Got you right where I want you.


Good-bye, my bionic friends.

And good riddance!


[ Screaming ]

- You did it!
- Nice job, bro.


Hey, what's with
all the commotion?

Did the big one
push another button?

So where do you want me
to fly this thing?

You know, now that the Earth
is gonna be uninhabitable.

Gao's rocket.

It's gonna hit Earth
in four minutes,

and we don't have
anything to intercept it.

We can't stop it.

I can if I use
Mr. Davenport's

high-velocity escape suit.

Chase, that's too risky.

Your body could never
withstand the force.

You'll be ripped to shreds.

I'll do it.


Adam, did you not hear me?
You could die.

My super strength will give me
a better chance of survival.

I think one casualty
versus an entire planet

is worth the risk.

- Adam...
- Let me do this, Chase.

You were right.
I need to grow up.

And this is my time.


It's gonna be very
difficult for you to see

when you're traveling that fast.

I'll help you navigate
on the com set.

And I'll monitor your vitals.

Adam, you ready?


Wait. Just in case
you don't make it back,

I want you to know that
you were always my favorite.

But that's not sayin' much.

I've located
the Doomsday rocket.

If you're going to stop it,
you have to match its speed.


Engage thrusters.


Turn up the things
that make you go faster.

Got it.
Engaging thrusters.

How you doing, Adam?

Uh, I think I'm all right.

I'm seeing stars, but that
could be because I'm in space.

We have to hurry.

Increase thrust to 85%.


Okay, Adam, 95%.

Got it.

Keep going, Adam.

Chase, his heart rate
is going through the roof.

I don't think he can
take much more.

He has to try.

You okay, Adam?


Keep going.
You're at 100%.

Just so you know,
it really hurts.

I think I'm burning up.

Push it further.
You have to go past the limit.


[ Screaming ]

Guys, if I don't make it...

You're gonna make it.
You're almost there.

Chase, it's too much.
Make him stop, please.

Guys, if I don't make it,
I want you to know

- that you're the best family...
- [ static ]




[ Beeping ]

Something's wrong.
He's slowing down.

What? No.

Adam! Answer me!

Come on, big guy, come on.


[ Beeping slows,
becomes continuous tone ]

- He's gone.
- No!

[ Beeping resumes ]

Wait. Wait, look.
He's speeding up again.

Adam, can you hear me?

Yeah. Yeah, I can hear you.

Sorry. I blacked out
for a few, but I'm back.

We thought we lost you.

Yeah, you're not gonna
lose me that easy.

Hey, can you guys
hold on a second?

I've got some unfinished
business to take care of.

I think I see the rocket.
It's pretty close.

It's about to enter
the earth's atmosphere.

We don't have much time.

If you can't stop it,
the entire planet is toast.

Oh, I got this.

You'll have to use
your super strength

to ram it head on.

The suit should protect you.

Okay. Here goes.

CHASE: Adam!
Adam, are you there?

Yeah, I'm here.


I did it!

Oh, you, uh...

you know that other thing
I wanted to do in space?

Mission accomplished.

Well, Mr. Davenport,

aside from losing
your entire space program,

I'd say it was
a pretty successful trip.

Yeah, it's not every day you get to
save the world from total annihilation.

I lost billions.

Let's go, handsome.

Are you taking him to jail?

That's what some men call it.

Help me!

Well, I'm off, too.

Where are you going?


Honey, I really don't
feel like traveling.

Oh, I didn't say you were going.
Come on, Bree.


Listen, Adam,

I just wanted to let you know

how proud of you I am.

And all those things I said
about you being immature,

you proved me wrong.

Thank you, Chase,
and from now on,

I'm gonna be a perfectly
responsible adult.


You know it's never
gonna happen, right?

Yeah, I figured as much.

Hey, Big D.
I almost forgot.

The space colonists wanted
me to give you this.

A thank-you note?


In the form of a lawsuit.