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01x11 - Oops! I Meddled Again!

Posted: 04/23/24 10:15
by bunniefuu
This is so cool!

I can't believe how many
people e-mail Hannah Montana.

"Dear Hannah, you rock. Jill in Milwaukee."

[Both exclaim]

"Dear Hannah, you're
awesome! Danny in Iowa City."

"Dear Hannah, get your bra off the shower rod".

"Jackson in Malibu."

[Exclaims in disgust]

And I mean it!

He touched it. Now I have to burn it.

"Dear Hannah,

I love, love, love that scarf
you wore at the video awards."

"Where, where, where can I get one?

Jenny in Walla Walla, Washington."

Listen to this one.

"Dear Hannah, I have this massive crush"

"on a boy who doesn't know I exist."


"His locker is three down
from mine. What should I do?"

"Your biggest fan, Becca from Malibu."

Becca from Malibu?

You don't think it could be
Becca Weller from homeroom?

I'm thinking it's a good shot.

Let's see, three down from Becca...



I can't believe it, Becca
Weller is crushing on Oliver.


"Dear Becca, if he won't
ask you out, you ask him."

"Rock his world!

Sincerely, Hannah Montana."

Making the world a better place for love.

Hey, Miley.

My robe fell in the toilet so I borrowed yours.

Hope you don't mind.

Great, now I have to burn that, too.

♫ Come on!

You get the limo out front

Hottest styles, every shoe, every color

Yeah, when you're famous it can be kind of fun

It's really you but no one ever discovers

Who would have thought that a girl like me

Would double as a superstar?

You get the best of both worlds

Chill it out, take it slow
Then you rock out the show

You get the best of both worlds

Mix it all together

And you know that it's the best of both worlds


Did you see that? She
just totally checked him out.

Definitely interested.

Perfume walk-by.

First you see her, then you smell her!

Kinda like my Uncle Earl.

[Clears throat]

Oliver? Hi.

Did you get the History
assignment? I forgot to write it down.

No, I don't have it, but Mr. Aaron,

he always writes it on the
board. You can just go look at it.

Oh. Okay.

I'll go look.


Oh, Oliver?

Excuse us. I'm sorry.

-What's wrong with you?!
-Augh!; What'd I do?

Couldn't you tell that Becca
Weller was hitting on you?



A grilled cheese sandwich
would've picked that one up!

They're serving grilled cheese today?

Becca's an "A" student. She knows
what the "History" assignment is.

Then why'd she ask me? And don't hit me again.

Because she's crushing on you.

Listen to me, and I'm going
to make this real simple.

She... like... you.

How do you know?

Remember when you had
to spit-swear never to reveal

my other identity?

Yes, and I got a cold right after that,

thank you very much.

Well, start sucking down
some chicken soup, because...

Another secret's coming your way.

I wish we hadn't outgrown the pinky swear.

Becca e-mailed Hannah Montana

and said she had a massive crush on you.

Becca Weller has a crush on me?


I know. We were shocked, too.

So, Becca Weller

wants to take a ride on the Ollie Trolley.


All right then, let's go make her dreams...

come true.



A-ding, a-ding, ding!

-I forgot something.

My name!

It rhymes with "trolley."

I need more than that!

That boy doesn't have the brains

the good Lord gave a hunk of turkey jerky.

I don't get it, man.

What happened to Oliver Smokin' Oken?

Yeah, you're usually all, "Hey, babe",

"are you from Tennessee?
Because you're the only 10 I see."

I got one.

"Are you from Mississippi?
'Cause you're the only miss I sippy."

What? You got something better?

I just totally froze. Has
this ever happened to you?

-Has this ever happened to him?
-Excuse me.

But I can be honest about my romantic history.

I don't have anything to hide.

It's never happened to me.


Gimme a water, Son.

I swear there's nothing better
than a 10-mile run down the beach.

One of these days I'm gonna
know what that feels like.

Here you go, Dad. Feel free to tip.

Here's one for ya.

"Stop leaving your
underwear on the kitchen floor."

Hey, bud,

Miley told me about Ollie's
Trolley's little derailment.

Well, why don't we just put it in the newspaper?

Hey, it's nothing to be embarrassed about.

You wanna know how I got my first date?

I walked right up to her, I looked
her straight in the eyes and said,

"My Robbie name is hi."

-And it worked?
-Like a charm.

I mean, sometimes with women,
you just got to keep in mind

it's not a matter of what you say,

but having the guts to say something.

You just be yourself, partner.


Well, if you all will excuse me,

I think I've jogged my way to a fudgy-buddy.

Hey, ice cream man!

[Chuckling] I got another one.

"Are you from Waikiki?"

"'Cause I gotta ask, why, Kiki?"

Oh, come on, it works if her name is Kiki.

'Hello, Jackson'.

'Hello, Rico'.

-I want chicken wings.
-We don't have chicken wings.

-Well, we should.
-Well, we don't.

Come on, Rico;

Why do you always have to be so mean?

Hey, everybody has to have a hobby.

I used to collect stamps, but this is more fun!

Anyways, back to chicken wings.

Whose name is on that sign?

-That's one.

And whose father owns this place?

-[whispering] That's two.

And whose father told you to "keep Rico happy"?

Does this look happy?

That's three. And we have a winner!

All right, Rico;

What kind of wings you
want? Mild, medium or spicy?

I'd say medium, but then I couldn't say spicy!

Just one more tweak and it's Becca time.

There, just messy enough to say,

"I'm wild, but I can be tamed."

Breath check.



That's perfume!

[Chuckling] Oops! Sorry.

But it worked.

This is it.

It's all up to you now.

-Are you ready?!
-I'm ready!

-Do you feel it?!
-I feel it!

-Are you the man?!
-I'm the man!



Go, go, go!

Hi, Oliver.

[Clears throat]

My Robbie name is hi.


My Oliver name is hi.

-Are you trying to ask me out?
-Yes. Wow.

For a second there I
thought I was a babbling fool.

-Oh, baby!

What, a girl can't get excited
about Brussels sprouts?

What is the matter with you people?

-Are you done?

Now I am.

Keep your pants clean. I'm
gonna eat some ribs later.

Sad, sad, sad.

My best friend has been
reduced to a moist towelette.

These are perfect.

Crunchy, spicy and... uh!


Hot sauce in my eye! Hot sauce in my eye!

Soda in my eye!

Soda in my eye!

There's nothing like dinner and a show.

I told Dad this wing thing would work.

I can't wait to tell him my next idea.

Oh, man, it doesn't involve
him in a chicken suit, does it?

It does now!

♪ ♫ Everybody dance, ♪

♪ everybody sing ♪

♪ Everybody try a chicken wing ♪

Free chicken wing!

Hey! Back off!

Watch the nuggets!


Lying down on the job.

Dad's not gonna be happy about this.


How did your date go with Becca?

Yeah, come on! Flap those lips!

Sorry, I don't kiss and tell.

-You kissed?

My lips...

are sealed.

She thinks I'm funny, smart and sensitive!

It was the greatest afternoon of my life!

Zipped tight.

This is wicked awesome.

Once again, Hannah Montana

has made the world a better place for love.

Becca must be so jazzed.

I wonder if she's thanked Hannah yet.

-Check your e-mail.
-I am way ahead of you.

"Dear Hannah, thanks for the awesome advice."

"Too bad I have to end things
with this guy who really likes me."


"He's a super nice guy
but I just have to tell him

I just want to be friends."

She's going to dump Oliver!

After just one day?

Well, think on the bright side,

it is the longest relationship he's ever had.

I don't understand. Becca was so into Oliver.

He thought things went great. Why
would she want to break up with him?

-I think I know.
-The little tramp.

-[Chuckling] Hey, what's up?


Oliver! You don't want to go in there.

Big casserole expl*si*n! Horrible!

-Tuna everywhere.
-What are you doing?

-You need to dump Becca.

Did you miss everything I said to my locker?

Trust us. She's bad news.

Real bad news.

Like walking barefoot through a field
of cows after their morning sit down.

What? Y'all never heard that one before?

Oh, I get it.

You guys are afraid I'll be too busy with Becca.

Come here!

I'll always have time for my two little girls.

But not right now. Gotta go.


She e-mailed Hannah.

She said she just wants to be friends with you.

I'm sorry.

It's true.

She's already got someone else.

Oh, man!

I don't understand.

We're supposed to go to the beach this afternoon.

Oh man, she's going to dump me at the beach.

No, you don't know that.

She could dump you on the bus,
in between classes, in the mall.

-She could even text message you.
-That's what I'd do.

Why did you tell me she
liked me in the first place?

This is all your fault,

you and Hannah's stupid e-mail advice!

Why don't you stick to singing
and your little dance moves?!


He's right. I feel horrible.

Don't. You dance way better than that.

Hey, Mile, you're just in time. I'm
working on a new melody for Hannah.

Sit down and tell me what you think.

♫ The other side, the other side

The other side, you'll see

The other side, the other ♪
♪ side The other side of me


Well, Jackson said he liked it.

Then again, he is a little kiss-up.

Dad, it's not the song.

It's just that I used the Hannah
advice column to help Oliver get a girl

and ended up making things worse.

Then I guess it's all your fault.

Whoa, you're not supposed to say that.

You're supposed to say I
did it with good intentions

and shouldn't be so hard on myself.

Okay, then you shouldn't be so hard on yourself.

How can you say that?

It doesn't matter what my intentions were.

I meddled, and now Oliver's miserable.

You cannot just let me off the hook for that.


-You're grounded.

This is where you're supposed to hug me

and say, "Everything's gonna be all right, bud."

-Do I have to draw you a map?
-It sure would help.

Mile, you tried something,

it didn't work out.

Sometimes that's just how life is.

It's like telling your brother to put on a
new roll when the toilet paper runs out.

Sometimes he does it,

sometimes I'm left sitting
there reading shampoo bottles

till someone comes home.

That don't mean I was wrong for trying.

Everything's gonna be all right, bud.

Too little, too late, Dad.


-Have you seen Oliver?
-Oh, yeah.

-Does he still hate me?
-Oh, no.

He's way past that.

I hate my life, I hate my life, I hate my life.

Enough, already! Have some pride.

I keep telling you dump her before she dumps you.

Lilly's right.

The important thing is you're still Smokin' Oken.

[RAPPING] You leave the ladies heartbroken

And everybody knows that we're not just joking

-A wicky, wicky, why -And a wicky, wicky, bye

You guys are right!

When it rhymes, it makes sense.

[RAPPING] You made my life a ♪
♪ wreck-a so I'm dumping you, Becca

-You made my life a wreck-a ♪
♪ -So he's dumping you, Becca

A wicky, wicky, why A wicky, wicky, wicky ♪_

What the heck are you wearing?

Don't drain the tub.

I'm making soup.

What are you doing?

I'm giving that Becca a piece
of Hannah Montana's mind.

No, you're not.

Hannah Montana's done enough trouble for one day.

Oh, look. How convenient. She wrote you again.

Lilly; I mean it. I'm not doing this anymore.



"Dear Hannah, you were right".

-"Oliver is such a great guy for me."
-"So today in the cafeteria",

"I broke up with my old boyfriend Toby."

That's the guy she was
holding hands with! [Sighing]

"He took it pretty hard. But
now Oliver and I can be together."

Not if he breaks up with
her! We have to stop him!

What are we standing here for? Let's go!

I thought you weren't going to butt in anymore.

That was before we told him to break up

with the first girl to like him since preschool.

Hey!, I didn't like him, like him.

I only held his hand
because I wanted his crayons.

He had the 64 pack, with the sharpener!

I'm not hanging from a parasail
and flying across this beach.

Oh, yes, you are.

It's advertising, and my dad already paid for it.

I don't care.

-I refuse to look ridiculous.
-Said the man in the chicken suit.

Jackson, have you seen Oliver?

Yeah, he's down on the beach with some girl.

'Cause he can get a girl,
because he's not in a chicken suit!

All I'm looking for is "down the beach."

But thanks for sharing.

-We'll never get to him in time.
-I have to!

I'm the one that messed
this up. If I don't stop him,

-then I'm never gonna forgive myself.
-But how? Look how far away he is.

You'd have to be able to fly!

Is that a parasail?

Slow down there, toots.

There's only one way you
get to go up in this thing.

You are one evil little boy.

It's a little too late for flattery.

Hit it!


Hey, this isn't bad!

Oh, yeah, I like this.



Boat driver, I need to be lower!




Thank you.

Becca, I...

Oliver! Don't do it! Don't say anything!


Please say I'm not too late.

Miley, why are you dressed like a chicken?

Because they're all out of gorilla
suits. Now, can we move on?

Me and Oliver need to have a
little talk, you know, face to beak.

Please say you didn't break up with her.


Excuse me, can't a chicken
get a little privacy here?

You were going to break up with me?

Well, you were going to break up with me.

No, I wasn't. Why would you think that?

Because that's what you
wrote Hannah Montana! Ouch;

-How did you know that?
-How did I know that?

How did I know that?...

How did I know that?

Because you read minds.

Seriously, I don't read minds, that's ridiculous.

I read your PDA,

which I stole from your gym locker.

Why would you do that?

Because I'm a 'baaaad chicken'.

And because she's in love with me.


You don't have to hide it anymore.

Face it, you were nearly driven mad

by the thought of me in
the arms of another woman!


What he said, but with less feeling.

She's been in love with me for years.

-A deep, needy_
-Okay, she gets it.

The good thing is that nobody
was breaking up with anybody.

Oliver's a really special guy.

You two were meant for each other.

Well, all that's left to say is,

'bock, bock, bye-bye!'

All out of eggs, sorry.

[imitating chicken]
'bock, bock, 'bock, bock, '


[Billy] Jackson!


Is that you?


Yeah, Dad?

Jackson! Guess where I am.

Oh, no!

Sorry, Dad,

That's my bad, buddy.