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01x21 - My Boyfriend's Jackson and There's Gonna Be Trouble

Posted: 04/23/24 10:21
by bunniefuu
I got nerve

Yeah, yeah, yeah

I got nerve

Thanks for coming! See you all next time!

Hey, take it easy, people.

She picks her nose just like everybody else.

-One nostril at a time.
-That is not true.

Right, she has people do it for her.

Hey, it was one time.

My nails were wet and Lilly offered.

Hey, Andy, don't bother with
switching the limos tonight.

Nobody's following us.

And the sooner I can stop breathing
the same air as my brother, the better.

Lighten up. I'm just having a little fun.

You'd feel the same way
if you had to sit backstage

and listen to songs you've
heard a thousand times.

-I get it, "You got nerve. "
-Yes, I do.

-Hey, Miley, you got your keys on you?
-Who's taking care of who?

Yeah, right, sorry.


Jackson, very funny. Come on, Jackson, let me in.

-Hey, Hannah!

Got you!

I knew if I kept following
you, I'd find out where you live.

Live here? Me?

No, I'm just here to visit a friend.

-Looks more like a boyfriend to me.
-A what?

Say "Front Page!"

Come on!

You get the limo out front

Hottest styles, every shoe, every color

Yeah, when you're famous it can be kind of fun

It's really you but no one ever discovers

Who would have thought that a girl like me

Would double as a superstar?

You get the best of both worlds

Chill it out, take it slow

Then you rock out the show

You get the best of both worlds

Mix it all together

And you know that it's the best of both worlds


Go away!

You guys wanna see something?
I'll show you a little something!

[Mimicking monkey]

Oh, great.

I can see the next headline
now. "Hannah Dates Monkey Boy!"

Hey, there wouldn't even be
any headlines if it wasn't for you.

And there wouldn't be any
picture if you hadn't locked me out.

Clear it! Out of my way!
This is my house! Get back!

Hey, why don't y'all go
chase a crooked politician?

At least he'll smile for you.

So, when exactly were you two
gonna tell me you were dating?

Come on, Dad, it's not funny. It's horrible.

Yeah, how could anybody believe that
I would go out with someone like her?

Jackson, it would be the
luckiest day of your life

if you got to date Hannah Montana.

And what am I saying?

Well, the two of you do make a lovely couple.


This is all your fault!

"Don't bother switching the limos.
Nobody's following us. I am so smart. "

Blah! Blah! Blah!

-Is that true, Mile?
-Dad, please, no lectures.

The entire world now thinks I'm dating Jackson.

Isn't that punishment enough?

I'm afraid this time you're not gonna
able to joke your way out of this.

Who's joking?

[Cell phone ringing-♪]

Oh, great, just what I need.

Hi, Traci.

Hannah, I can't believe you
have a boyfriend and didn't tell me.

And he's so cute.

Yeah, he's really... something.

You have to bring him to the party

I'm throwing for Madonna tomorrow afternoon.

Everyone's going to be there.

It's the perfect place to
show off Hannah's new hottie.

Trace, I don't know how we could
pass up an opportunity like this.

Of course me and my hottie will be at your party.


'Fabu.' 'Ciao'.

Will this nightmare never end?

Not until the press gets a
picture of us breaking up.

And that party is the perfect place to do it.

Look, I am not going to
some stupid celebrity party

as Hannah's little show dog.

Right, Dad?


Oh, no, Dad! Why?

Son, I know your sister
got herself into this pickle,

but she's not gonna be able
to get out of it without your help.

Now, you may not like it, but
that's what family does for family.

All right, fine.

But since you got me into
this, I get to break up with you.

No way.

I'm the teen pop sensation. I get
to break up with you. Right, Dad?


[Whining] Oh, no, Dad! Why?

Boy; Life sure can be weird.

Who would have thought
Miley would be dating Jackson

and you'd be burping a sack of flour.

Oliver, the assignment is to raise a fake baby.

You don't get extra credit
for turning into Daddy McDork.

Hey, when you take
Mr. Meyer's class next semester,

you can handle the assignment any way you want.

-But I'm gonna take it seriously.

There's my little cuddle-wuddles.

Mommy got you some organic strained beets

from a non-profit Native American commune.



You missed it, Sarah, sweetheart.

He just learned how to sit up on his own.

Good for you!

It won't be long until you're all grown up

and making alternative fuel out of raisins.

So, that's what this is all about.


It's just that you and
Sarah and your "flour child"

make a very cute family.

-Thank you.
-Oh, Lilly. You kidder.

We're just friends doing an assignment.

Nothing more.

Don't blow this for me.

-I really like her.
-[Giggling] Since when?

Since she became the mother of my assignment.

Look, I can't explain it.

But the more time I spend
with her, the more I like her.

Oliver; I'm worried.

I think he looks a little pale.

Of course he's pale, he's bleached flour.

Okay, so we're clear on the plan, right?

We get in front of the press and I say,

"Jackson, what are you trying to say to me?"

-And you say...
-"See you. Wouldn't wanna be you. "

Now where's the free shrimp?

Jackson; You're breaking up with Hannah Montana.

Can't you do it with a little more class?


Apparently not.

Look who came to wish you
a happy birthday, Madonna.

America's new sweethearts.

Madonna's a cat?

[Madonna meowing]

I'm at a birthday party in a tent for a cat.

What's for dessert, chocolate
mousse or chocolate mouse?

[Giggling] You're funny.
And he's even cuter in person.

He is?

I mean he is, of course, he
is. After all, he's my boyfriend.


Madonna's purring.

Oh, wait, that's me.



I smell something wrapped in bacon.

What a caveman!

You better be careful,
someone's going to steal him.

Make me an offer.

You're Hannah's new dude.

-Yeah, great, whatever.

Hey, I'm Stavros. I'm dating Ashley.

-Which Ashley?
-Like it matters.


I got courtside seats for
the Lakers tomorrow night

and Leonardo, he can't go.

You wanna come?

Do I have to pay for parking?

Hey, you're one of us now. We
don't have to pay for anything.

So, what do you mean?

Dude, when you're in the
public eye as much as we are,

companies give you stuff just for the publicity.


Get your picture taken wearing these,

you'll be getting tons of glasses for free.


Oh, yeah.


Look, Hannah, someone got
Madonna a rhinestone scooper.

[Miley laughs]

What a lucky kitty.

-Where's the press?
-Don't worry.

I knew you'd want your privacy,
so I kept the whole thing on the DL.


Isn't that woman wearing the
same dress as you? [gasps]

Oh, she has got to go.

Security! Escort my mother out!

[Mimicking Traci] Yes; This Week In Hollywood?

Hi, it's Traci Van Horne

and you'll never guess who's at my party.

Hannah Montana and her new beau.

That's right.

And you better hurry.


[panting] Oliver, you've got to get your

The waves are incredible today.

[Blowing air]

How did I get so lucky?

Everyone picked partners
and you were the only two left.

'Ollie-kins'; Where's the sunscreen?

Now that they've destroyed the ozone layer,

we have to protect Little Ollie.

Coming, Sarah-boo.


'Ollie-kins'? 'Sarah-boo'?

I know. My cup runneth over.

Oh, there you go.

Just think, one day he
could be a great humanitarian.

Or a couple dozen cupcakes.

So, is he a good kisser?
[Exclaiming in disgust]

We haven't done that yet.

We're taking it slow.

Real slow.

I'm talking centuries.

Hannah; Train wreck.

Someone tipped off the press that you were here.

-I'm so embarrassed.

-I'll sneak you out the back.
-No, that would ruin everything!

I mean, if we don't face them now,

they'll never go away.

You are so brave.

[Car brakes screeching]

[Stavros whooping]

Oh, yeah!

Jackson; Where've you been?

Stavros just let me drive
his Vavetti Convertible.

It was awesome!

Hey, why don't you keep it for the week?

I got an SUV that needs some TLC.

Oh, yeah!


Chicks. What?!

The press is here.

So if there's anything you would like to tell me,

you should tell me now.

-Oh, right.
-Come on, Jackson.

-What do you have to say to me?

Come on. I can handle it.

Say something, monkey boy.

I love you Hannah Montana

and I never want to break up with you.

Never, ever!

Well, aren't you full of surprises, honey?

Come on, Miley.

What's the big deal?
-Don't even talk to me!

Sounds like you two are still a couple.

Not just any couple!

According to Jackson, we're
the happiest couple in Hollywood!

Jackson; I'm gonna ask you a question

I've never had to ask one of my kids before.

Why didn't you break up with your sister?

All right, look, I admit it. I may
have gotten a little carried away.

But, Dad, some guy loaned
me his convertible for the week

just because I'm Hannah's boyfriend.

I don't care what the reason was,

you were supposed to help your sister_
-It's the Vavetti twin turbo.

You and I are gonna take a
long ride and talk about it. I'll drive.

Dad, what about me?

Oh, honey, there's no backseat
and you've already had a ride.

-Do you hear yourself?
-Oh, I'm sorry.

Your daddy just had little
bit of a male moment there.

Jackson, your sister's right.

You can't take advantage of her like this.

She's the one that made me
her boyfriend in the first place.

All I'm asking is to keep pretending for, like,

a week, so I can have a little fun with it.

And you can't even give me that.

Good! We understand each other.

Yeah, we do.

When you need a favor from
me, that's family helping family.

But when I ask for a little something in return,

well, suddenly Hannah doesn't play that game.

Nice to know how things work around here!

Don't worry, honey, he'll cool off.

I know, it's just...


Well, I did get him into
this, and he did help me out.

And he never really gets the
perks I get when I'm Hannah.

I mean, really, where's the harm?

I don't know, but I'm sure
the two of you will find it.

I can't believe I'm gonna say this,

but I think I have to do it.

-One week. I can handle that.


You are the best girlfriend I've ever had!

This is weirder than a three-eyed billy goat

in a flat-bed truck in the middle of Manhattan.

Okay, Coop, I'll tell him.

So, how was lunch with the boyfriend?

-We didn't eat.
-Why not?

No, no, no, you listen to me, Mr. Diddy.

If you want us to eat at your restaurant again,

it's table one or nothing.

Yeah, I don't even care if
you have to dump Bradgelina.

You're dealing with Jacksannah now.

Good day. I said good day, Diddy!

-Answer your question?
-Hey, Jacksannah, Cooper called.

Remember him, your best friend?

Oh, right, I've been meaning to get back to him.

Note to self.

Send Coop a nice fruit basket
saying I'm sorry, blah, blah, blah.

And throw in an autographed photo of Jacksannah.

That's it! I've had it! Look at yourself!

I don't even know who you are anymore.

And tomorrow on the "Wake Up, It's Wendy!" show,

I'm announcing that "Jacksannah" is history.

Hold on, you can't do that. We had a deal.

And if I'm not seen in public
wearing the sunglasses, the jacket,

and the watch, I'm gonna
have to give them all back!

I don't care!

But the public doesn't want me, they want us.

I'm nothing without you.

You complete me.

And you completely creep me out!

Okay, okay, okay, okay!

But what about family helping family?

I tried to help you,

but all it's done is turn you into
an obnoxious, self-centered jerk

who took advantage of his
sister and blew off his best friend!

Dude, it's over!

Snoop Dorky Dork.

Hey, hey, I did not blow him off!

I'm sending him a nice fruit basket!

Dad, talk to her.

[Car engine starting]


[Robbie whooping]

I am gonna send you a very
strongly worded text message.

So, how about that A we got on the baby project?


It's pretty great.

[Clears throat]

-Did you say something?


-I'm just gonna go stretch my legs.
-All right.

She's suffocating me!

Sarah? The love of your
life? The apple of your eye?

The mother of your flour?

That's just it. Without the kid
we have nothing to talk about.

So tell her how you feel and get it over with.

Lilly, you don't understand, I
mean, that would break her heart.

I'm her Big Daddy Oken!

Big Daddy.

I gotta be honest.

Without the baby we have nothing to talk about,

you're boring and you use
petroleum-based hair products.

It's over.

Bye, Lilly!

She's dying inside.

If we were a movie

You'd be the right guy

I'd be the best friend

That you'd fall in love with

In the end we'd be laughing

Watching the sunset

Fade to black, show the names

Play that happy song

[Audience cheering]

What a beautiful, beautiful song,
sung by a beautiful, beautiful girl.


Take a look under your seats people.

You've all got free Hannah Montana goodie bags!

[Audience applauding]

So, Hannah.

Whenever I hear a song
sung with that kind of emotion,

I can't help thinking that you were
thinking of someone very special.

Am I right? Am I right? I'm right, aren't I?

[Audience laughing]

-Well, now that you bring it up...

...I do have some news about me and Jackson.

[Audience whooping]

No, no, no, it's not like
that. It's really kind of serious.

[All exclaiming]

The truth is,

Jackson and I are_
-Totally and completely in love!

[Audience cheering]

-Oh, no.
-I love Hannah Montana!

I love Hannah Montana!

I love Hannah Montana!

Ladies and gentlemen,

the couple of the moment, 'Jacksannah'!

What are you doing?

I am trying to save this relationship!

-What relationship?
-Don't say that, babe.

I love this woman. I love this woman.

I love her more than I love my
Grunschwiegenflagen watch!

Water resistant to 150 meters.

Wow, Hannah; What do you have to say to that?

-You wanna know what I'm gonna say?
-Yes, yes!

Yes! Yes! Yes!

You make me sick!

I hate everything that you've become.

We never should've started this dating thing.

It was one big, huge mistake,

but now it's over.

No, no. No, I can change.

Please, just give me another chance.

I don't want to lose you and all the things,

Grunschwiegenflagen watch, that we have together.

Forget it.

We have nothing together. Jackson, it's over.

[All exclaiming]

Hannah, he's down on his knees.
How can you turn him down?

Watch me.

If we were a movie

I'd be the right guy

That you'd fall in love with

Look at yourself.

You're pathetic.

[Audience booing]

No, stop, please!

You don't understand!

Jackson! Jackson!
-Thanks a lot.

Jackson! Jackson! Jackson!

-Wait. Hold on, everybody.
-Jackson! Jackson!

I've got something I gotta say.

Hannah's not the bad guy here.

I am.

I just... I wanted a taste of the good life

and Hannah pretended to
go out with me so I could get it.

The truth is,

there never really was a Jacksannah.

[All exclaiming]

So you're saying all of this was pretend?

No, not all of it.

I do love Hannah, but... more like a sister.


I was hoping that we could get back to that.

I really am sorry.


[Exclaiming in delight]

Hug, hug.

Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug!
Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug!

Stop pointing at the watch.