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02x13 - I Want You to Want Me... to Go to Florida

Posted: 04/23/24 11:10
by bunniefuu
♪ If cupid had a heart ♪

♪ he would surely throw ♪

♪ an arrow through your soul ♪

♪ let it aim and go ♪

♪ if cupid had a heart ♪

♪ you'd be mine, I know ♪

♪ I need you to see ♪

♪ I need you and me ♪

That was Mikayla with
if cupid had a heart.

Her first top-ten hit.

All you need now
is another dozen

to match the record
of Hannah Montana.

What do you think, Hannah?

She got the right stuff?

Totally, Colin. I
think she's great.

Thanks, Hannah! That
means a lot coming from you.

I'm welling up at
the love and respect

I feel between these

Well, I think there's enough
room in the music world

for the both of
us. Right, Mikayla?

Ab-si-tively pos-o-lutely.


You're not going to want to miss

these two sharing
the stage next week

at the united people's
charity relief concert in Florida.

We'll be right back.
I'm Colin lassiter,

and this is the real deal.

And we're out.

Speaking of relief,

I've got the
bladder of a kitten.

It is so great to
finally meet you.

I really am a huge fan.

Yeah, I hate you.

Thanks, I feel the
exact same... what?

Your voice is stingy,
your music is stupid.

Your outfits make me
want to puke on them,

but it looks like
somebody already did.


I don't know what
your problem is, but...

My problem is, is I'm

and you're going to
find that out in Florida.

Miss Hannah, I'm
takin' all your fan-nahs.

Ok, listen here, you
one-hit bobblehead.

The only thing you're
takin' from me is lessons.

Ok, lesson number one,

this is how you
do the head thing.

Yeah, that's
right. I went there.

Well, you know
where I'm going to go?

Down the toilet with
the rest of your career?

Yeah, that's right.
I went there again

and this time, I
bought property.

Back up, kid.

And don't go sh**t' off

your little tweeny-bopper
mouth at my client, ok?

She started it.

Yeah, and I am ending it,

little miss soon-to-be

Whoa, Nelly.

I don't know who put the
burr underneath your saddle,

but no one talks to
my client that way.

It's ok, dad. I can handle it.

You heard her, Zeke.

Why don't you go wait
out in the wagon, ok?

Excuse me?

Oh, and while you're at it,

you might want to shave
the ferret off your face, ok?

I'll shave mine when
you shave yours.

That's right, I went there.

We're back in 5, 4, 3...

Great story, Hannah!

Hey, we're back, and
we're having some fun now.

Aren't we, girls?

Oh, yeah. I just
can't wait till Florida.

Neither can I!

Come on.

♪ You get the limo out front ♪

♪ ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ hot styles, every
shoe, every color ♪

♪ yeah, when you're famous ♪

♪ it can be kind of fun ♪

♪ it's really you ♪

♪ but no one ever discovers ♪

♪ who would have
thought that a girl like me ♪

♪ would double as a superstar? ♪

♪ You get the best
of both worlds ♪

♪ chill it out, take it slow ♪

♪ then you rock out the show ♪

♪ you get the best
of both worlds ♪

♪ mix it all together ♪

♪ and you know that it's
the best of both worlds ♪

I cannot wait to
get to that concert

to show that 2-faced,
tone-deaf toad who's boss.

Yeah, but you have to
wear something amazing.

Mikayla always looks incredible.

For a 2-faced, tone-deaf toad.

Well, I don't care
what Mikayla wants.

It's a benefit concert
and all the girls

are sharin' one dressing room.

Go, daddy. Go, daddy.

I don't think so.

Because unlike
you and your kinfolk,

my client didn't
grow up in a barn

and we're expecting
our own dressing room.

Oh, I could see why you
would need more room.

I mean, where you
gonna put Mikayla's ego

and your big mouth?

Step off, goober.

Oh, darn. I'm
afraid I'm losin' ya.

We're breakin' up.

I know that trick.

You're crunching potato chips!

They're corn chips, and
you're not gettin' another room!

And that's the way
Robbie ray rolls.

Well, uh...

could Robbie ray
roll out some cash?

Hannah needs a
new outfit for Florida.

I thought you were gonna
wear that snazzy silver dress.

Dad, please. Get with the times.

That's so yesterday.

That's because yesterday's
the day you bought it.

Ooh, what about the one
you bought at the place

next to the place that
we went that one time?

No, that's too...
Yeah, you're right.

Plus, when you wear
that, you have to wear...

I know, and I hate
those. Who doesn't?

What about the one that I bought

after the one that I bought
at the place next to the place?

Oh, you mean the one that goes

with the shoes with the
things? I love that one!

Me, too.

Dad, do you even know
what we're talking about?

No, but as long as it doesn't
cost me a wad of cash,

I'm all for it.

Your dad is so... I know!




Son, are you working
out on that contraption

or givin' birth to it?

Laugh all you want, old man,

but when the g*ns come in,

there's going to be
a new sheriff in town.


And a new deputy, bang!

You know, when I was a kid,

we didn't have money
for stuff like this.

You know what we lifted?


And when it rained,
we went inside

and lifted your aunt Pearl.

Try liftin' her up after a bowl of
her homemade pinto bean soup.

Talk about your bang, pow!

Are you saying that
this isn't a workout?

Not sayin' that at all.

Thinkin' it, but not sayin' it.

All right, well, I'd like to
see you give it a try, flabio.


Don't come cryin' to me

when I break your
little rubber-band toy.

You know I'm just
kidding you, right?

Well, it's not set for
your height and weight.

Fine, then set it for
my height and weight.

Matter of fact, crank
it up to aunt Pearl.

I'd like to see the
rubber-band toy

that... can...
handle... Robbie ray!

Oh, gosh.

Hey, dad, look. This is
the dress I'm gonna wear.

What happened?

Mr. Puny-verse
got a butt-whoopin'

from a little, itsy, bitsy, teeny,
weenie, little rubber band.

Boy, I'm gonna get
to feelin' better soon,

and when I do,
I'm comin' after you.

Oh, no! I better run!


You look terrible.

Are you going to be
able to make it to Florida?

Lilly, he is obviously in pain.

We gotta show a little concern.

Daddy, can I get
you an ice pack...

A pillow...

Are you going to be
able to make it to Florida?

Don't worry about me, honey.

I'm gonna be fine.

I doubt it!

When my dad's back goes
out, he can't move for days.

He just sleeps on
the dining room table.

Last Thanksgiving, we
had to eat around him.

He had a muscle spasm,
giblets everywhere!


Roxy, this treatment
better work.

Otherwise I can kiss
Florida good-bye.

Oh, no problem, girl.

There's never been a jacked-up
back that roxy couldn't crack.

You know, I feel better already.

I think this treatment's
startin' to do the trick.

Oh, that's not the treatment.

This is.

I think the machine broke.

That... wasn't...
The... machine!

Ohh, I'm gonna be sick.

Now, daddy. I am so sorry.

I was just trying to help.

It's ok, mile.

Hey, I know you
had your heart set

on puttin' that Mikayla
in her place, but...

There's no way I'm going to be
able to sit on a plane for 5 hours.

I guess you're right.

Unless we strap
you to a surfboard

and check you through baggage.

Why don't you just
stick him in a coffin?

At least they're padded.

That's a great idea!

We could get him a
little portable DVD player.

Time will just fly by. Perfect!

Ain't gonna happen.

Let's face it. You
tried. Roxy tried.

Roxy, that's a great idea.
Daddy, roxy could take me!


No, no. No way, honey.

Why not?

Why not? Roxy's taken me
to plenty of concerts before.

Roxy's taken me to
plenty of concerts before.

Not all the way
across the country.

Besides, let's face it, if
I'm not there with you,

that Mikayla's manager is
gonna steamroll right over you.

Oh, come on, dad. I can
handle Mikayla and her manager,

and I'll have roxy.

Remember? Roxy like a puma!

Honey, we can't.
You're still just a kid.

But I'm your kid.

And you taught me how to
stand up and fight for myself.

And I'll have roxy.

Face it, dad. It's
all falling into place.

Not for me, it isn't.

Why not?

You know I can do this.

You can trust me.

But that's not the point.

Then what is the point?

The point is you're not
ready to do this on your own.

Yes, I am, daddy,
and you know it!

Come on, dad. Let me go, please.

That's it, mile. I don't wanna
talk about this anymore.

That's not fair!

I don't have to be fair.

I'm the dad, and
I'm not letting you go.

Why are you treating
me like such a baby?

Because you're actin' like one.

But, dad... no, Miley.

Not another word.


How about 3?

I hate you!


Miley ray!

Does this mean I'm
your favorite kid now?

I'll take that as a yes.

I have never said
anything like that

to my dad before, but...

He was just... he wasn't
making any sense,

and I got so mad.

Ugh! I hate him

for makin' me say I hate him.

This is terrible.

Now Mikayla's gonna
have that stage all to herself!

Lilly, I'm upset enough.

The last thing I want
to think about is...

Mikayla, comin' at you

with her new hit single,
if cupid had a heart.

Rico, could you turn that down?

I'm sorry. Is it bothering you?


Well, then this
will drive you crazy.

♪ If cupid had a heart ♪

♪ he would make you fall ♪

♪ fall in love with me ♪

♪ if cupid had a heart ♪

♪ he would give... ♪

Ugh, speak of the she-devil.

What is it, Mikayla?

Hannah, I heard you
pulled out of the concert.

What happened?

Did the big pop star get scared?

Listen, mccockroach.

One of my family members has
a serious medical condition, ok?

Yeah, it's you, and
it's called "wimp-o-titis."

That means you're a wimp.

I know what it means.

Oh, I can see the
headlines now...

Mikayla rocks while heartless
Hannah hides from the homeless.

The concert's for hunger relief.

Like I care.

Either way, I'm going
to steal all your fans,

and there's nothing
you can do about it.

Oh, yeah, there is.

I'm gonna be there.

You are?

You are? Yes!

And you better wear
something absorbent

because I'm gonna be
wipin' the stage with you.

That's right, I went there.

You can't go to Florida
without your dad.

Watch me.


By the time you read this,

roxy and I will be
on our way to Florida.

And when I come back,

I'll take whatever punishment
you decide to give me

like the grownup I'm
trying to convince you I am.

P.s. Don't blame
roxy. She doesn't know.

Dang flabit!

Jackson, get down here and
help me get outta this thing!

Oh, come on, dad.

Not another sponge bath.
Haven't I done enough?

Not until you get
me to the airport.


Maybe we should change first.

Good idea.

Sorry for the delay, folks.

We'll be leaving the
gate momentarily.

Thank you for your Patience.


Warm cashews, cold shrimp.

Oh, and complimentary slippers.

Time to let the dogs out.


I'm glad you're
enjoying the flight.

It'll be a whole lot
better once we take off.

Come on, fly-boy.

I could walk to Florida
quicker than this.

Come on!

Sweetheart, could
you keep it down?

Someone just complained.

Who? Me.

Now zip it. Thank you.

Ooh, channel 21 is
all Barry white all night!

Ooh, baby, baby.

Flight attendants, close the
doors and prepare for takeoff.


Excuse me.

I'm lookin' for my daughter.

Sweet niblets!

I was just making sure all the
carry-ons were stowed properly.

No need to thank me.

Sensible shoes!

Good choice.

I really don't like you.

Please take your
seat. Thank you.




I was just visiting my
grandkids in palm Springs.

Did you?

Pardon me, dollface.
Gotta make a pit stop.


Roxy? Hyah!

Well, hello. Right.

Robbie ray!

What are you doin' here?

Oh, no, she didn't.

Oh, yes, she did.

She bamboozled us both.

Yeah, well, your
bam is easy to boozle.

You still don't know I
sneak over to your house

and use your hot
tub on the weekends.


Enough of this chit-chat.
Let's find that girl.

Hey, this bathroom's occupado.

Sorry, dollface.

You know you're really
supposed to keep these closed.

I may shift during flight.

Oh, you're going to shift
right now. Get out here!

Come on, Miley. Get
that thing off your head.

We're goin' home.

But, dad... no but. Now.

Excuse me, ma'am,
but we'd like to get off.

And I'd like a job where I
don't have to smile all the time,

no matter how annoyed I am.

Now, the doors are closed

and no one's getting off
until our first stop in Denver,

so please take
your seats. But we...

I said please!

Miley Stewart,

I have never been
so disappointed in you.

You think you're
disappointed now.

Wait until you see
your snack box in coach.

Ow, ow, ow, ow.

Listen, kid.

You have a fantastic
sense of rhythm.

You must be very proud.

Big dad?

Huge, with a mohawk.

Gee, why would I want
to hang out with my friends

when I can spend 5 hours being
kicked in the back by the kangaroo kid

and drooled on by jabba the gut.

Don't blame me.
Blame your sister.


You're the one that wouldn't
let her go in the first place.

Don't start with me, son.

She wasn't ready to go.

She wasn't ready?

Or you weren't?

Excuse me?

Come on, dad.

I mean you raised us to believe

that we could do anything
we set our minds to.

And the whole time
we were growin' up,

you told us, "I
know you can do it.

So get ready, get set, go."

Why aren't you saying that now?

Oh, yeah. I can be deep.

Roxy, I really am
sorry I lied to you.

Hush up. I'm not talkin' to you.

But if I was talking
to you, I'd be saying,

"don't apologize to me.
Apologize to your daddy,

because he only does what
he does because he loves you."

I guess I should
apologize, shouldn't I?

If I was talking to you,
I'd be saying, "mm-hmm."

I'd also say,

"while you're up,
get me some 2%.

Roxy likes to dunk."

I was just... me, too.

Daddy, when I said I hated you,

I was just... I know.

Honey, sit down.

I think we need to talk.

Man, I was hopin'
we'd just said it all.

Not quite.

I think we both know
what you did was wrong.

We can talk about that later.

Right now I have
somethin' I want to give you.

A barf bag?

It has a song on it.

I just wrote it for you.

I know you didn't understand

why I was actin'
the way I was actin'.

I didn't understand it either.

But hopefully this
will help explain.

♪ She says things
are fallin' in place ♪

♪ feels like they're
fallin' apart ♪

♪ paintin' this big
old smile on my face ♪

♪ to heighten my broken heart ♪

♪ if only she knew ♪

♪ that this is
where I don't say ♪

♪ what I want so bad to say ♪

♪ this is where I want to ♪

♪ but I won't get in the way ♪

♪ of her and her dreams ♪

♪ and spreadin' her wings ♪

♪ she's at the startin' line ♪

♪ of the rest of her life ♪

♪ as ready as she's ever been ♪

♪ got the hunger and
the stars in her eyes ♪

♪ the prize is hers to win ♪

♪ she's waitin'
on my blessings ♪

♪ before she hits
that open road ♪

♪ oh, baby, get ready ♪

♪ get set, don't go ♪


No daddy ever wants to
see his little girl grow up.

Every dad knows
someday she has to.

When this plane lands in Denver,

I'm gettin' off and you're
stayin' on and going to Florida.

Are you sure?

I've never been
more sure of anything.

Besides, Hannah Montana
don't need her daddy

to hang around to go down and show
that Mikayla what she's made out of.

Aw, dad.


It's ok. It's a
good kind of pain.

I'm gonna save this forever.

Oh, no. Shrimp and
cookies, bad combo!


It's ok. I got it all in here.

I'm gonna need a bigger bag!

Lilly and I just watched
the concert on TV.

You were terrific.

And you blew
Mikayla off the stage!

The important thing is, honey,

you did a great
thing for charity.

And you blew
Mikayla off the stage!

Yeah, I guess Hannah
did show her a thing or two

and my daughter
did the same for me.

I'm proud of
you, darlin'. And...

You blew Mikayla off the stage!

Hey, Jackson. Your
sister's on the phone.

Do you want to say hello?

Uh, can't right
now. Kind of busy!

So, trust me, rico.

A couple of workouts
on this bad boy

and you are going
to be Mr. Irresistible.

I don't know. It doesn't
feel like it's doing anything.

Well, let me just turn
it up for you a little bit.


That was awesome!

Again! Jackson! Again, again!