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03x14 - Promma Mia

Posted: 04/23/24 11:28
by bunniefuu
Oh, I am so sorry, ladies.
It's too late, but don't hate.

Ollie's already got a prom date.

Oh, and you can have your
eggs, you can have your bacon,

but you can't have Lilly, 'cause she is taken.

-Oh, you see that? See that?
-See ya.

-You are just so adorable!
-You are!

-Let's go to prom together!

-All right.
-It's so great not having

to sit around praying that the one guy

you really wanna go with will ask you.

That feeling of being so
desperate, so needy, so...

Ask me, ask me, ask me, ask me, ask me, ask me.

-So that.
-Ask me. Cheap shot.

Ask me, ask me, ask me now!

You ask me, ask me now!

Is this what you used on me?

Yeah, you bet.

Miley; You don't seriously think that, uh, this

is gonna get hottie Lamottie
to ask you to prom, do you?

You're right, you're right. I'm
acting like a little lovesick puppy.

-If it's meant to happen, it'll happen.
-Absolutely. Good for you.

We'll see you after class.

Either way is fine with me.

I mean, I'm an independent, mature, strong woman.

Ask me to prom!

Ask me to prom!


-Single people.
-So sad.

-You are so cute.
-You are cute.

-You're cuter.
-Thank you.

-You're the cutest girl...

♪ Here we go, everybody ♪

[font color="#ffff80"]♫[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ come on ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ you get the limo out front ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ oooh ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ hottest styles every shoe, every color ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ yeah, when you're
famous it can be kind of fun ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ it's really you but no one ever discovers ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ who would have thought that a girl like me ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ would double as a super star ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]Whooo![/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ You get the best of both worlds ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ chill it out take it slow ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ then you rock out the show ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ you get the best of both worlds ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ mix it all together and you know ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ that it's the best of both worlds ♪[/font]

-Hey, Miley.
-Oh, Gabe, hey.

Didn't even see you there.

Where you headed? Over, uh...

over there?

Uh, yeah...

No, I'm just headed to English.

Oh. Uh... Ok, yeah.

That'll just, uh...

That'll just be to your right,

uh, past the prom poster, and then another right,

by the prom poster that you just saw.

Right. Got it.

You better hurry.

It's always good to be prom... pt!

Prompt. Prompt. Pro... phht!

Ooh, hottie at three o'clock!


I wasted a good hair flip on Oliver?

What? He's a hottie to me.

-So cute.
-You're so cute.

Ok, never not gross.


Quick, there's Gabe! Gimme your perfume.

-Oh, uh...

No, that's not my perfume! That's my...

safety siren.

On the plus side, he did notice you.


Hey, Gabe. There you are again.

Are you following me? 'Cause here we are.

-Just gettin' something to eat.

Oh. I'm actually getting a

low-cal beverage myself.

Gotta make sure I'm looking
good for any upcoming pep rallies,

proms, uh, football games,

proms and, I don't know, the occasional prom.

And, uh,

pop goes the weasel.

Please tell me you thought that was adorable.

Miley, are you ok?

No! I'm not! I mean,

why can't you get that I
want to go to prom with you?

-She said sweetly.
-Miley; I'd love to.

-But I can't.

Theresa Hartman already asked me this morning.


That's ok. I mean,

Theresa's a great girl.

I bet for prom, she'll even shave her back.

-I'm just sayin'. Bye!

Think about it this way;

Now you don't have to worry
about getting your hair done

or finding the right shoes
or finding that perfect dress

that flows just right when you're

slow-dancing on that big romantic dance floor,

feeling like the most special
girl in the whole wide...

So Amy, I was thinking that maybe,

if you're not going to the,
uh, you know, prom event

celebratory thing yet, maybe
you and I could, possibly,

maybe go together,

or in separate cars if that
makes you more comfortable.

We could go there together,

or in separate cars. Prom?

Wow, that's totally sweet of you!

But to tell you the truth, I'm waiting
for somebody better to ask. Sorry.

Appreciate the honesty.

-Poor Aaron.
-Yeah, no kidding.

Man, I'm so glad I'm not out there
anymore. That is embarrassing.

Not that there aren't positives. I mean,

suffering helps you grow as a person.

-You know, you should write a book.
-About what?

I don't care, as long as you stop talking.

I'll be back.

-Hey, Aaron.
-Sorry, I'll move.

No! No, honey, sit. Um...

I just want to say

I saw what happened with Amy
and I think it's totally unfair.

Any girl in this school

would be lucky to go to prom
with a guy as nice as you.

Really? You mean that?

Yeah. You're great and don't you forget it.

Will you go with me?

Keep walking.


Dang it!

You meant me, Miley.

Will you go to prom with me?




My best friend is not gonna believe this.

Hello, mom? You're not gonna believe this!

I saw that coming from the minute you got up.

Look. You know what?

It's ok. I'm doing a nice
thing and I feel great about it.

Gabe, prom's gonna be so much fun.

And now I feel even better.

-Mornin', dad.

It's two in the afternoon.

Fine. Good afternoon then, Mr. Technicality.

Wow, somebody got up
on the wrong side of the bed.

Yes, I did.

-Six hours ago!
-No wonder you're cranky.

You probably need a nap.

And you need a kick in the butt.

I let you come home from college
because you said you were homesick.

Well, now I'm homesick, too.

Sick of having you home doing nothing.

Because Tennessee didn't work
doesn't mean you can't go to college.

But, dad, what if I don't want to go to college?

And do what?

You gotta have some plans for a future.

I have a plan. Inherit half
your money, and if that runs out,

write a tell-all book about Miley. Done and done.

Oh, you're done, all right.

It's time for you to cowboy
up and act like a man.

Tomorrow morning, you're going down

to Malibu community college and enroll.

I hear what you're saying, dad,

and I love that you're so concerned about...

Hey, that smells great.

-Are you doing something different?
-Actually, I am!

Halfway through the rinse, I
add a just a dash of softener.

It's made all the difference in the world.

I can feel it.

Oh, that is so nice when
someone notices the hard...

Wait a minute. We were talking about college.

Oh, right;

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to try to change...

Look at that shine!

Are you wiping the floor
with something different?

I'm about to.

Tomorrow. College. a.m.

That means the morning.

No, actually, it means a
morning, not the morning.

Otherwise it would be t.m.

And I'm the one that has to go to college.

A tell-all book about Miley?

That's not a bad idea.


Get up there!

Jackson Rod Stewart! It's nine in the morning!

I want your rear in gear in your car on your way

to higher education in the next two minutes!


I don't feel so good.


Poor little feller.

Looks like you have a case
of i-think-my-dad's-an-idiot-it is.

You know, I'm not always
trying to pull something.

Sometimes I'm really sick.

And now, not only does my head hurt,

but thanks to you,

so does my heart.

It'd be nice if you believed me once in a while.

And it'd be nice if you put
the lid back on that felt pen.

Now that rash has spread to your butt!

-Now get upstairs and change.

Pen rash. I tried that when I was 13.

"I tried that - when I was 13".

You just spit in my eye!
-Yeah, I did.

Yeah, I did!

I just want to thank you for being
brave enough to have a second child.

Honey, we all develop at our own pace.

Whatever stops the tears, daddy.

I'll tell you one thing I'm proud of.

The way you stepped up to the plate

tonight to go to prom with that Aaron boy.

That probably means the world to him.

I'm happy to do it.

Aaron's a sweet guy and sometimes
it feels good doing something

just 'cause it's the right thing.

-Hey, Hannah.

It's David Archuleta.

-Hey, David. What's up?
-I'm in town recording

and I was thinking about how we
talked about doing a duet together.

Oh, yeah, I'd love to.
Anytime's great except for...


-So you'll do it?

-Oh, great.


Tonight. Do we have a bad connection?

-No, um...
-I know it's last minute,

but I'm leaving town tomorrow
and I really want to work with you.

But if you can't, I totally understand.

No! Um...

I was just gonna say that, um...

I can cancel what I'm doing
tonight. See ya later. Bye.


Tomorrow, I'm gonna get
you one of those little cat bells.


-Miley, Miley, Miley.

There is no reason to "three-Miley" me.

There's a perfectly good explanation for...

-Breaking that boy's heart?
-Ok, daddy.

I think you need a little
bit of perspective here.

If I go to the prom with
Aaron, I make one guy happy.

But if I do this duet with David,
we make millions of people happy.

I think that if Aaron knew this, he'd be

the first to insist that I bail on the prom.

And if he doesn't, I don't want to
go with someone so selfish, anyway.

Oh, and another thing is he
kinda took advantage of me,

when he cornered me into
going out with him tonight.

So I think that boy actually owes me an apology.

-Here you go.
-What's this for?

If you're gonna pile it on that deep,

you're gonna need that to dig yourself out.

I still shine next to Jackson!

Whatever stops the tears, darlin'.



I'm sorry, but...

No. Um...

Aaron, look, in life, funny things happen...

No. Um... come on.

Just do it, you gutless jellyfish. Do it!

Oh, no. I did it.

Why did you do it? Let's go.

-Miley, hey, hi. Hey, there.

Hi. Why are you in your tux already?

Oh, actually it's my dad's tux.

Grandma's just tailoring a little.


...about that.

Who's at the door?

Oh, you must be Miley!

You see, Aaron, I told you some
pretty girl would snap you up.

-Yeah, about that...

Grandpa, you were wrong!
The boy didn't make her up!

You owe me five bucks!

-Live with your grandparents?
-No, my parents are out buying

-a new camera for tonight.
-New camera?

Have to capture the big night.

We flew in from Pittsburgh
as soon as we got the news.

Last minute flights are expensive,

so we had to dip into our meat money.

Your meat money?

But it was worth it just to see
the smile on my grandson's face.

Gam-gam, please!

Oh, all right. I'll leave you two alone. Ooh!

Oh. Grandpa, get outta the
refrigerator! That's their meat!

-Sorry about that.
-Yeah, it's ok.

I forgive you, because, after all,

forgiveness is the most
important thing in this world.

It makes us human and separates
us from the animal kingdom.

Which reminds me, we should go
to the zoo and I can explain to you

why I couldn't go to prom with
you. We'll have a big old laugh.

See you at school. Love to gam-gam. Bye.

Bye, Miley.

Oh, sweet Pete, an hour on this thing's enough.

Time for plan B

So, son; How'd registration go?

It didn't, ok?

I went down there, I stood in line,

the woman called out "next"

and I didn't want to be next.

I didn't even want to be next to next.

Or next to the next to the next...

to the next.

-I think you skipped a next.
-No, that next left before I did.

-Face it, dad.

I'm not college material.

I'm "sleep till noon, eat toaster waffles",

play football online with some kid in Iceland

"and then take a power nap till dinner" material.

It's who I am;

Just accept it; Embrace it.

Leave it alone.

I think I know what this is about.

It's totally natural for someone to
be scared about going to college.

Scared? You think I'm scared?

You think that Jackson rod Stewart is scared?

Pftft! Pffft! Pftft!

Ptfft! Pftft! Pfft! Pffft!

I'm terrified!

It's ok, son. It's ok.

Change is always scary.

But I know that you're brave enough

and smart enough to handle it.

No, I'm not, dad! Look at me, I'm a mess!

It's ok, son.

If you don't want to go to
college, you don't have to.


If you want to work at
Rico's for the rest of your life,

totally fine by me.

For the... the rest of my life?

Hey, oh! My aching back!

Jackson, wake up!

Miley Stewart's Hannah Montana!

Oh, no, I just gave up the secret!

What secret?

She announced it at her eighth

final farewell concert 50 years ago.

Oh, that's right.

I missed that one because I was, uh...

I was, uh...

I was,..


Miley Stewart's Hannah Montana!

You are the worst excuse
for an employee I ever had.

-You're fired!

But what'll I do? I never went to college.

That's your problem.

Warghh! ha, ha, ha!

I gotta register for college!

Thanks, dad.

I'm gonna need to leave that boy a lot of money.

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ Whoa, whoa ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ whoa, oh ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ whoa, whoa, oh ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ whoa, oh ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ when I saw you over
there I didn't mean to stare ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ but my mind was everywhere I wanna know you ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ gonna guess that you're the
kind to say what's on your mind ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ but you listen when I
have somethin' to show you ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ you smile, never shout
you stand out in a crowd ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ you make the best of every situation ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ correct me if I'm wrong
you're fragile and you're strong ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ a beautiful and perfect combination ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]-♪ oh ♪
-♪ Whoa, whoa, oh ♪

[font color="#ffff80"]-♪ whoa, oh ♪
-♪ I wanna know you ♪

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ whoa, whoa, oh ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]-♪ whoa, ah ♪
-♪ I wanna go there ♪

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ where you go, I wanna find out what you know ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ and maybe someday down the road ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ sit back and say to myself ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ yeah, I thought so ♪[/font]

Is everything ok?

I'm sorry, David, I can't do this.

It was the onion bagel, wasn't it?

No, no, you're fine. Just maybe next duet,

you might wanna try a nice little lemon bar.

Then what is it?

Oh, no, when I called, you
thought I was David Cook.

No, no. It's just, um...

I broke a promise that I really need to keep.

That's cool then.

Do what you have to do. I understand.


[font color="#ffff80"]♪ I like how you are with me ♪[/font]


[font color="#ffff80"]♪ And I know your history
maybe someday down the road ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ I'll sit back and say to
myself yeah, I thought so ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ I thought so ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ whoa ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ yeah ♪[/font]
[font color="#ffff80"]♪ yeah ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ yeah ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ yeah, I wanna know you ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]-♪ oh, whoa ♪
-♪ Yeah ♪

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ I wanna go there where you go ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ I wanna find out what you know ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ maybe someday down the road ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ sit back and say to myself ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ I like how you are with me ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ I know your history ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ maybe someday down the road ♪[/font]

[font color="#ffff80"]♪ I'll sit back and say to myself... ♪[/font]

-You got any eights?
-Go fish.

You got any fives?

Go fish.

Liar! I know you got fives.


I looked at your hand when
you went to the bathroom.


Well, you were in there long enough!




That's it, you old geezer. You're going down.

Well, bring it on!

-You ok?


And go!