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03x17 - Miley Hurt the Feelings of the Radio Star

Posted: 04/23/24 11:30
by bunniefuu
Hey, it's Saturday morning, eight-o'clock,

and you know what that means!

£¨Radio Disney DJ Earnie D]

It's time for Charlie Green and the K-Teen scene!

What's hot? What's hip?

What's cracking in your cranium? Cloggin' in your noggin?!

Wake up and talk to me, me, me!

Me, me, me!

This guy is way to over the top, top, top.

And while you're dialling,

grab your brain around a little morning Montana!

Oh, but he has great taste, taste, taste.

I'll take pop stars with enormous egos for two hundred dollars.

Man, this is the best part-time job ever.

You know last week,

Charlie let me hit the "wing-ding-ding" button

Why Oliver! Maybe if you're lucky,

next week, you can hit the "boing" button.

Ignore her. I think it's totally "grawesome".

Oh, see, that's "great" and "awesome". Grawesome!

I'm starting a new trad.

Well see, that's "trend" and "fad". Trad!

And you are officially "sweird".

That's so and weird.

I mean look at him.

The guy doesn't stop for four hours straight.

Charlie, your wife's on line one.

He's a total bro.

You know he hasn't missed a show in ten years.

Argh! My baby's having a wife! My bife is having a waby! Argh!

OK, one show in ten years.

OK, we're on live air in ten seconds.

Let's see what you've got, "wing-ding-ding" boy.

Go, go, go, go!

But I don't even know...

You'll do great.

Argh... that was argh...

"Let's Do This," by...

by... by um...

Mi... little, favourite. Hannah Montana.

Isn't she um grawesome?

That's great and argh... and awesome.


Was it that lame when I said it?

Yep, pretty much.

You get the limo out front.

Hottest styles, every shoe, every color.

Yea when your famous it can be kinda fun.

It's really you but no one ever discovers.

Who would've thought that a girl like me

Would double as a superstar?

You get the best of both worlds.

Chill it out,take it slow,

then you rock out the show.

You get the best of both worlds.

Mix it all together and you know that

It's the best of both worlds.

Hannah Montana S03E17
Miley Hurt The Feelings of the Radio Star

We argh... having some fun now, huh?

Oh, no, no, wait. I didn't know. I didn't mean to click that,

I meant argh... I meant argh...

-He's very bad. -Very, very bad.

OK, here's our first caller...

-You stink! -Thanks for calling.

-Somebody's gotta save him. -Absolutely.

Rock, scissors, paper, sh**t!

-Huh-huh! -Dang it!

Like I should be the DJ! I don't know anything about this!

Hello! This is Miley Ray and Smoken Oken.

If you're in a stew or feeling blue,

don't boo-hoo, let us talk to you.

'Cause that's what we do.

Here at the K-Teen morning zoo!

Hello, you're on with Miley Ray!

And Smoken Oken!

You know, I met this girl and I think she likes me.

How do I find out?

Be honest and ask her.

Oh! You are such a girl.

OK. Pretend you couldn't care less,

then get one of your friends to ask her.

Hello! Is anybody home?

Doesn't look like it.

This is what you're really going to do, OK?

Hey, that looks like fun.

-You should of gone with paper. -Don't rub it in!

No, no, no!

These numbers can't be right.

This is so unfair.

Counting the number of kids at school that hate you again?

'Cause that's definitely not high enough! BURN!

This is serious. It's the worst news a person like me can get.

Jackson. I'm making too much money.

Hold me!

Great, now I'm going to have to boil the shirt.

And how could anybody make "too much" money?

The shack makes a lot of money.

So my dad thinks he can sell it for a lot of money.

The only way to stop him is if it starts losing money.

Then no one will want to buy it.

Don't talk to me like I'm an idiot!

-You still don't get it, do you? -No, not really.

-I have to lose money! -So lose money.

I can't! It goes against every fibre in my being.


See! I can't get rid of it.

You try.

Whoa. It's like Uncle Earl with the last hot wing

at the bottom of the jumbo bucket.

I'm just not dumb enough to lose money.

Congratulations! The shack is all yours.

Oh. Oh yeah I get it.

So you don't think I'm smart enough to make money?

Well I got news for you.

I'm going to make more money than you ever made!

And then when you sell this place,

I'm gonna be the one in charge.


Yeah. Like that'll ever happen.

Hey. When it comes to money, I'm just as savvy as you are.

Try to take it.

I already did.

And just because I was the one who asked him out,

he thought I should pay!

Is he right?


... Not!

I say, if he doesn't even bother to kick in, kick him!

Yeah, kick him good! Hoo-ya!

Whoa! Four hours and the phones haven't stopped.

Not too shabby.

I'm fine, thanks for asking!

You know, I can't believe we're almost outta here,

but we have time for one more caller.

Caller, you are on with Miley and Smoken,

what's your question?

Argh, yeah bud, what do you do if your kid's a pop-star

who forgot she has a rehearsal for a music video in ten minutes!

Hey, are you going to make a run... Ahhh

Once again, I'm fine, THANKS!

Men, sports and food.

Did somebody say, "cha-ching"!

Alright, who's ready to order?

Get out of the way we're watching the game!

And more free peanuts!

Ha. You had me buy an expensive TV,

you give away free peanuts

and no one's buying food!

At this rate, the Shack will be bankrupt by morning.

I'm so proud of you.

Hey, it's a minor setback!

What has two thumbs and plenty of great ideas?

This guy!

There you go, enjoy.

Ha! Games over.

Everybody's starving and they got a grill for fish,

I'm selling at top dollar!

Could somebody give me a "cha-ching"!

I'm still not worried.

With you in charge, something has to go wrong.

Hey, what's that dark cloud moving this way?

Oh no.


You say "cha-ching", I say "cha-chump"!

Who the heck came up with the idea

to sh**t my music video in a taekwondo studio, I'm exhausted!

I'm sorry honey, I thought it was a good idea,

but it sounds like it was more of a case of "taekwondo."


I must be tired. I actually laughed at that.

I don't care, it still counts.

All I want to do, is go home, get in a hot bath,

and then drive my pruned-up bod to bed.

Well honey, you better not prune-so-soon.

Did you forget about your concert tonight in San Diego?

-That's tonight? -Yeah, it's in two hours.

Hey I have a concert in two hours.

Whoa, nothing gets by you.

You know what,

you might need to do is take a little nap on the way there.

No, I hate doing that before a concert.

I guess I'll just have to shake it off.

Thank you guys so much! Goodnight, goodnight I love you!

OK, next stop pruney dream land.

Well you heard it darling, I'll tell you that.

That was a great show. At least what I saw of it.

I took a nap during the first act.

What? It's a long show.

Plus, there's fireworks in the second act.

Nice. Can't watch your only daughter perform

but you can stay up 'til 3:00 AM

watching the Three Stooges versus Godzilla?

Well honey, you're talking about a classic there.

'Sup Oliver?

Miley, guess what.

Charlie Green's wife accidently kicked him during the delivery,

knocked him out cold. Isn't this great!

And you're happy about this because...

Well until they unwire his jaw, we get to keep doing the show.

They want us back tomorrow morning at six.


Oliver, I can't, I'm sorry, I just finished a concert and...

But Miley,

They said that if we do as good as we did today,

we could get our own show.


Breaks like this don't just happen.

I mean this could change my whole life.



Come on Mile, you got your schoolwork,

you got your Hannah stuff...

The last thing you need to do is put

something else on your plate.

Yeah, I guess you're right.


Well, argh... oh...

OK, fine I'll do it.

I'll see you at the studio at six.


So when I talk to you is the only thing you hear is...

Dad. You heard Oliver. This is important to him.

Well so is everything else you gotta do.

Like hosting that pet adoption thing tomorrow.

What pet adoption thing?

Oh hey, I'm hosting a pet adoption thing tomorrow.


OK Dad, look.

We'll be home in like an hour and a half,

I'll go straight to bed and

I'll get plenty of rest and do both.

Easy peezie lemon squez...

Why are we stopping?

I don't know, but I think I reckon it's got something

to do with that massive traffic jam up there.

OK I don't know how, but you did this on purpose.

Oh my gosh,

how much longer are we going to be stuck in traffic?

This is exactly why I didn't

want you getting in over your head...

Dad! Don't say it. OK,

it's going to take a little longer to get home, but...

you know what. I'm going to sleep right here.

Slouch down a little bit. Slouchy.


Squishy soft. I'm so happy you stopped working out.

You're mean when you're tired.

Sweet niblets!

Yo! Freeway Philharmonic, can the horn section

I'm trying to get a little sleep here!

Mommy, it's Hannah Montana!

Everybody's watchin me

Its never as easy as it seems

To be super super

I'm super super girl

Thank you San Diego freeway,

you are the best freeway audience in the world!

I cannot believe I just did another three hour concert.

Excuse me driver, can you open this door,

he's walking home.

Yes Oliver, I know I'm late.

I'll be there, I promise, I just have to change.

Darlin', you can't still be going,

you haven't slept since yesterday!

Will you stop worrying, I'm fine!

Yeah but what about that pet adoption thing this afternoon?

I got it covered.


Yeah I would've been faster but those

four bottles of water I had in the limo...

really caught up with me.

I caught my boyfriend talking to another girl...

what do I do?

Hmmm... you know what, that's an interesting question

but I think I might have the answer for you.

Back off! Give the guy a little bit of space!

I mean, what are you, his mother?

We are men, so we are hunters.

It's what we do.

But I sure Miley has a different opinion on this one.

Ya think?

Sweet niblets, ya mud-crunkie,

-what I'd do is... -That's not Miley!

Argh... caller with a problem say what?


Where's the real Miley Ray?

Well apparently she got sidetracked ruining my career.

When have I ever said 'possum'?

Congratulations, caller!

You spotted the Fake Miley!

...And, you get two free

Hannah Montana concert tickets.

Hope that helps you get over the end of your relationship.

You mean it's over?

Deader than a possum on the free... way.

Dang it!

You said possum.

Whoa. Looks like business is pretty good.

What did you do this time?

Proved you wrong, that's all.

Found a new meat supplier.

Half of what we usually pay.

Which means Rico's is raking it in.

Hey, what has two thumbs and doesn't loose money?

This guy!

Why are you smiling?

Because I have faith in your ability to somehow mess this up.

I don't know how, but you will.

Oh man... my stomach.

Hello, what's that?

It's probably just the flu.

Oh, my burger tastes funny.

Brilliant! Bad meat.

No one's going to want to buy this place now.


Face it Jackson, you're never going to get the best of me.

Why are you smiling?

Cause I had a hamburger too.

No! No no! Noooo!

[Animal Rescue Foundation]

Hey we're here just in time.

Not a problem, we knew you'd make it.

Oh look! It's a little Lola dog for Lola!

Hello who's the little Lola! Who's the littile

Oh. You're a little leaky Lola.

You know honey I gotta hand it to you.

I didn't think you could do it, but you're lookin' pretty good.

Did you get your second win?

Second? I'm about to pop the top of win number five!

And this is Trixie. Say hello Trixie.

And there're plenty more just like her that need loving homes.

So please, ask your parents,

'cause this is a big responsibility.

Thirty six hours without sleep and

she still hasn't hit the wall yet.

What wall?

Isn't she so cute!

she smells like a puppy dog!

The sweetest darn smell in the world!

That wall.

Just like a tissue! With paws!

You see this!

Half of Matilda's face is brown and the other side is white!

And now we move onto the giddy phase.

Brown, white. Brown

And then... if you turn like if you turn like this way,

It's like that side is turned around and upside down!

It is, really... it's ...

-Does anything come after giddy? -Wait for it.

You are so cute. You know who should adopt you.

Me! I should!

I should adopt you. You hear that out there people.

You hear that, yeah I'm talking to you.

Don't you even bother calling! Do not call this phone!

This dog is mine! Mine, mine, mine, mine!

Come on Matilda.

We're going to talk Daddy into taking you home.

Pull it together pop star you're losing it.

This dog... can talk!

I have a talking dog!

Maybe you should go get her.

I would but it's almost over.

Who's there?

Or 2?

Yes I'm glad you didn't say banana!

This is the funniest dog that you ever...

I had the weirdest dream.

There was this white picket fence and a little yard and

a talking dog and, there was this camera man that...

[Hannah Howls]

Oh no!

I hit that wall hard this time, didn't I?

Mile, you 'gotta understand.

Even though you sing Super Girl,

doesn't mean you have super powers.

Not even you can do everything.

You just love using your song lyrics to make a point,

don't you?

What can I say honey? When I'm good I'm good.

When I'm bad...

who am I kidding I'm never bad!

Fourteen number one's! Boo-ya!

Miley, guess what!

Your phone's broken and you forgot how to use a doorbell?

No... sorry. OK listen.

Got some good news and I got some bad news.

The good news is, they love the show

and they want to put it on every Sunday.

-Every Sunday? -Every Sunday.

That's... well...

Whoa. Well would you look at that.

Spread my butter way too thin and now my toast is dry.

Yep. Not enough to go around.

-Way too thin. Way too thin! -I get it!

Even I get it.

You do?

Yeah! Your Dad doesn't have enough butter, duh!

You know what, it's not good for your heart anyway,

so you should probably try honey as a healthy alternative.

Oliver! I'm the butter.

I spread myself way too thin.

I just... I have too much on my plate.

And I didn't want to disappoint you. I'm...

You know what Miley. No no no no.

It's OK. I understand.

Really? You're OK with it?

You tried and... I appreciate that.

Well... bet I better go tell the station manager.

What was the bad news?

I think we've had enough sadness for one day.

No, really.

They hated you and they only wanted me. OK, bye.


Can you believe this!

Very interesting.

Miley on the radio with my lyrics... Superstar!

Miley on the radio without my lyrics... fired! Boo-ya!

Boo-ya, boo-ya, boo-ya! A boo-ya, boo-ya, boo-ya!

Fine, boo-ya.

Boo-ya, boo-ya, boo-ya! A boo-ya, boo-ya, boo-ya!

Hey there. You're on with Lily... of the Valley.

Hey there. It's Hottie Lamottie

with the swimmer's body.


I think you're the grawesomest girl at Seaview High!

Oh hottie. You're embarrassing me.

Do go on.

You're all I think about every d...

What are you doing?

I was just... goofing off while you were in the bathroom.

I know the radio was on while I was in the bathroom.

No... He told me Freebird was on!

I turned that off ten minutes ago. You were way more fun.

Howdy everybody! That was me, Miley

pretending to be a pretty girl named Lily.
