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04x10 - Can You See the Real Me?

Posted: 04/23/24 11:44
by bunniefuu
Six years ago, a 12-year-old
pop star with a Temessee twang,

exploded onto the music scene,
taking the world by storm.

Since then, Hamah Montana has dazzled us

with her incredible talent,

her infectious charm, and her unique style.

But underneath all that amazing talent

was a secret even more amazing.

That famous blonde hair was really a wig,

that hid a regular teenage girl.

While Hamah was doing sold out
tours and blockbuster movies,

the girl under the wig was going to school,

and trying to fit in
like any other teenager.

Well, days ago, that teenager
stumed the world

by revealing the truth behind
the international phenomenon.

I'm Robin Roberts and today
we sit down with Miley Stewart

the remarkable young woman who is,

or rather was, Hamah Montana.

As she, for the first time,
shares her amazing journey.


Here we go, everybody!

♪ Come on ♪

♪ You get the limo out front ♪

♪ Oooh, hottest styles
every shoe, every color ♪

♪ Yeah, when you're famous
it can be kind of fun ♪

♪ It's really you but
no one ever discovers ♪

♪ Who would have thought
that a girl like me ♪

♪ Would double
as a superstar ♪

♪ Whooo! ♪

♪ You get the best
of both worlds ♪

♪ Chill it out Take it slow ♪

♪ Then you rock out the show ♪

♪ You get the bt
of both worlds ♪

♪ Mix it all together
and you know ♪

♪ That it's the best
of both worlds ♪

♪ This is the life,
hold on tight ♪

♪ And this is the dream,
it's all I need ♪

Wow, you were so young, Hamah.

I mean, Miley. This is goma
take some getting used to.

Yeah, for me too. I think it was
six years and 47 weeks ago.

So that would make you what,

I was 12 because I had
just got my first retainer

so you could hear it when I
sang, "This is the life."

What did you like most about being Hamah?

In the begiming,
I almost felt uncomfortable

without the wig on or without
the makeup on, thinking,

"OK, maybe true, nobody does care
about me unless I look that way."

But I got so confident because
what I learned was,

the wig is not what people are drawn to.
They don't know it's a wig.

That's not what they like.
They don't like the mystery of it, they don't know.

It's me, it's just with
a different hair color.

So that's what you liked.
What did you dislike about being Hamah?

Sometimes it was kind of

a downer when you went from all
the hype of being Hamah Montana,

and people screaming your name
and whatever,

and then you do take the wig off,

and you take off the eyelashes
and all the makeup

and you're like, "OK, this is
who I really am."

You know, I don't have eyelashes
up to here and I will,

you know, my skin will be bad sometimes

or my hair won't look that great, but
it's like, that is a real person.

And that's what, at the end of the
day, people did love about Hamah

is she was real, because I was real.

Most kids, when they
dream of being a rock star

they can't wait to be famous,

but you created Hamah Montana

so she'd be the famous one

and nobody would know who you were.

I mean, why'd you do that?

I mostly did it because I had a famous dad

and I saw what he went through.

Country rocker, Robby Ray.

♪ I want my money back ♪

♪ My old Camaro
and my 8-track ♪

I saw some of the stuff
that he had to deal with

and I kinda made Hamah so I could

get away from that a little bit
and have more of a normal life.

You talk about some of the
things that he had to deal with.

I mean, what are you really
talking about here?

Mostly, I think he really wanted people

that loved him
just because he was Robby Ray,

not because of any other reason

or because of his career and
that's what I wanted too.

I just wanted friends that
really loved me for who I was.

Now did you find those friends?

I did.

♪ You're a true friend ♪

♪ You're here 'til the end ♪

♪ You're a true friend ♪

And they found out you were Hamah
along with the rest of the world?

No, I told them as soon as I
knew that I could count on them.

How'd they take it?

Hey, Lilly, I think things are
goma be a whole lot better

around here now that you know
our little secret.

I'm Hamah Montana.

Pretty well.

Really, so it didn't put any
strain on your friendships?

Well, you know,
maybe a few times or, a lot.

How much time do we have?

I get the best seat 'cause
I'm her best friend.

You mean her greediest friend.

Well, it's better than being
her dumbest friend.

Will you two just work it out?

Oh, look at that.

I knew you two couldn't
stay mad at each other.

Oh yeah, we're closer than ever.

Thank you so much for this
incredible honor.

Every time that I hear True Friends

it always makes me think

about... about real...

America's Top Talent
will be right back

with our next contestant,
Oliver Oken.

I was just thinking about this.
You know, you really benefited

from being able to see
how Hamah was treated,

"Ahhhh, the superstar."

And then Miley Stewart.

- Right.
- In school, trying to get along

the best she can like everybody else,

so you had the benefit of
really knowing how that works.

It was great at times
and then sometimes, it just,

I think I was so lucky
to have Hamah Montana

and then Miley Stewart

because I got to see people's true colors.

Oh, hey, look everyone,

it's a couple of last page losers

in their native habitat.

So sad, still eating as if
they had a reason to live.



Hey, Amber, it's Hamah Montana.

The producers asked me
to call you to tell you

that you are one
of the three lucky people

performing with me
on Singing with the Stars.


Oh, Rico.

Hey, Bubble Brain, how's it going?

- Rico.
- I'm sorry, girls,

I'm looking for someone with
a little more cha, cha, cha.

Ten thousand dollars.

- Is that?
- It couldn't be.

Sweet niblets.

Hiya, toots.
Wear something yummy.

But no heels.
I don't wama climb too high.

- Sit down, Missy.
- No problem.

Let me tell you two something.

Society has rules.

One of those rules is
if you miss registration,

you camot register again
until the second semester.

The second.
The rules are for schnooks.

It's such an honor to have you as part
of our senior class, Miss Montana.

- Please, call me Hamah.
- Hamah.

But we got to see your true colors too.

You know, because you stayed grounded.

- Definitely. - For the most part,
with all this going on in your life.

Yeah, and there was times
where I wanted to, you know,

of course, anybody would
want to stand up and say,

"Well, I'm Hamah Montana,"
or, "I'm this or that,"

and I need this special
treatment or whatever.

Of course, when there's things
going on in life that you can't

control otherwise unless
you have, you know,

something up on someone but I, of course,

there were times where I would think that,

but nothing was more important,

no thing, no anything was more important

than my friends and normalcy and my family.

What about your older brother?

Was he any help in dealing
with this double life?

Well, as my daddy always says,

"What doesn't k*ll you
just makes you stronger."

The truth is, Jackson and I are...

Totally and completely in love.


- Oh, no.
- I love Hamah Montana!

I love Hamah Montana!

I love Hamah Montana!

Again, really sorry about the
whole convertible top thing.

Hi, everybody.

You got a little something in your teeth.

Eww, it's a fly, eww.

You come to me now in your time
of need and beg for help.

But when have you ever extended
your hand in friendship?

When have you ever given me
the respect of calling me...


You made me wait 20 minutes
so you could put on

some stupid costume and do a bad imitation.

You hear that, Fluffy?
More disrespect.


I need your plotting,
scheming, twisted mind...


This is so sweet.

- You totally cheated.
- You totally cheated.

You always do that.
Why do you do that?

You stop it!

You fight like a girl.

I am a girl.
What's your excuse?

No, no, no, no, no!

I'm not going to let you
tell her my secret.

All right, fine.
I'll tell her my secret.

I have a sister who's Hamah Montana.

She's a lot heavier than she looks.

- Lift some weights.
- Eat some lettuce.

But, you know what?

In the end, no matter how much
of a snotwagon he was...

Am I allowed to say snotwagon?

I have an older brother,
so it's OK to say snotwagon.

OK, well then, my snotwagon
always had my back.

♪ One in a million ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ One in a million ♪

- Stop pointing at the watch.
- Sorry.

What about the rest of your family,

were they in on the secret too?

Yeah, they're my family,
I tell them everything

but it's not always the best idea.

You know, actually,

I never really thought
you were all that fumy.

Well, Elvis thought I had
a wonderful comic mind.

Oh, I know what Elvis was
thinkin' about, and honey,

trust me it had nothing
to do with your mind.

- You take that back.
- You make me.

And what makes this night
perfect is I can share it

with the two women who've inspired me

with their character,
strength, and of course...

- Man stealer!
- Sore loser!


I'll be right back.

♪ Everybody makes mistakes ♪

♪ Everybody has those days ♪

♪ One, two, three, four ♪

♪ Everybody makes mistakes
Everybody has those days ♪

♪ Everybody knows what
What I'm talkin' 'bout ♪

♪ Everybody gets that way ♪

♪ Everybody makes mistakes ♪

♪ Everybody has those days

Uncle Earl!

If you think that was embarrassing,

there was this other time that Mamaw...

Miley, remember when you asked
me how much time we have?

Got it, movin' on.

♪ La-dee-aah-aah-ooh ♪

Being Hamah, obviously
complicated your life

so it had to be relief when you could just

go back to being Miley and that
normal life you talk about.

Right, well the truth is, that normal life

didn't end up being as normal
as I thought it would be.

You are one evil little boy.

- Hit it.
- Whoa!

I wama serve up some justice

and I think I know just who
I wama serve it up on.

Oh, boy.

Oliver, go deep.

What do you think, a little too much?

And somewhere in all of this,
you found time to date?

Now how exactly does that work,
living two lives?

Well, that question's easy.
It doesn't work.

♪ Nobody's perfect
I gotta work it ♪

♪ Again and again
'Til I get it right ♪

♪ Nobody's perfect
You live and you learn it ♪

♪ And if I mess it up
sometimes ♪

♪ Nobody's perfect
You live and you learn it ♪

♪ 'Cause everybody
makes mistakes ♪

♪ Nobody's perfect
Nobody's perfect ♪

♪ No, no ♪

♪ Nobody's perfect ♪

Dating is hard enough when
you're just one person,

but when there's two...'s practically

- Admit, Jake, you like me.
- No, you like me, just say it.

No, you say it.

- No, you.
- No, you.

Jake could fall out of the sky wearing
a tuxedo and I wouldn't care.

Uh, Miley?

I'm serious.
He could come down,

giving me a dozen roses and it
would make no difference.

Zero, zilch, el zippo.

Sorry it's only one rose,
but I did bring chocolates.

Jake, you were totally honest with me

and I have a secret too.

And I'm not sure how
you're going to take it.

Oh, come on, how bad can it be?

I'm Hamah Montana.

It's different with you.

I can't get you out of my head.

Your laugh.

The way you lose yourself in a song.

The way you love life.

Just say no if you want me to stop.

No, no. No.

See, I can't do this because,
I mean I want to kiss you.

You have no idea

how much I want to kiss you.

Boy, do I want to kiss you.

You wama what?


Why do you have to be so wonderful?

Why can't you guys just do
the honorable thing and stink?

- Hey, watch it!
- Not the face, not the face.

What do you see in this guy anyway?

Oooh, real macho movie star, are you?

"Not the face, not the face."

- This is Jessie time.
- It's Jake time.

- Jesse time.
- Jake.


- Jake, Jake.
- Jesse, Jesse.

Stop it!

Well, I hope now that the secret is out,

that maybe this part of your life
will be a little bit easier.

It's got to, right? But,
of course, whoever they are,

they're still goma have to
deal with my dad.

Right. The one man we haven't
really talked about yet,

your dad.
He's your father, of course,

but he also writes most of
your songs, he's your manager,

you spend a lot of time together,

more time than most teenagers do.

Right, I do, but lucky for me,

my dad's the most amazing guy in the world.

OK, that sounds great and all that

but you are a teenager,

there had to been a few problems.

Yeah, there were, you know,
like one or two...

...a day.

Dad, I know I have midterms Monday,

but the new Ashton Kutcher movie
is previewing tonight.

How many pretties do I
have to put before please

for you to let me go?

- Mile...
- Pretty, pretty, pretty...

...pretty, pretty, pretty,
pretty, please, Dad, please.

- Whoa.
- I can go?

No, you can stop.
You know you gotta study.

- I was here first.
- Well, I was born first.

Don't you mean, hatched?

You two are hopeless.

If you're goma act like kids,

then I'm goma treat you like
kids. You're both grounded.

Now I don't wama hear it.

We're goma stop and smell the dang roses

and you're goma like it.

So clean up your faces,

get off this bus, and start sniffin'.

Oooh, Daddy!

No, no, no way, honey.

Why not? Roxy's taken me to
plenty of concerts before.

Not all the way across the country.

"Roxy like a puma."

- But that's not the point.
- Then what is the point?

The point is you're not ready
to do this on your own.

- But, Dad!
- No, Miley, not another word.

Fine. How about three?

I hate you!


Oh, come on, Dad.

Can't you let me do something
wrong for once?

And then I can learn, and I can grow,

and I can be a better person.


But, you know what, in the end,

he's always been there for me
and he's my rock

and without him I couldn't
have done any of this.

He's my best friend.

♪ You're with me ♪

♪ If any other love ♪

♪ You've been here all along ♪

Let me ask you this.

What would've happened, do you think,

if this all hadn't worked out?

You didn't get that first hit,

what do you imagine yourself doing?

I would hope that I would still
be involved in music somehow.

I love making music,
I love playing my instruments.

♪ I want my money back ♪

♪ My old Camaro
and my 8-track ♪

♪ Fuzzy dice hangin'
loose and proud ♪

♪ ZZ Top there
play it on loud ♪

♪ Doing the bone dance
You dance and you learn it ♪

♪ And we won't mess up
this test ♪

♪ We'll get it perfect Word ♪

♪ Life's what you make it ♪

♪ So let's make it rock ♪

♪ Make it rock! ♪

♪ No need to pretend ♪

♪ You're a true friend ♪

I love everything about
what I do now as, you know,

Hamah Montana or Miley Stewart.
Whoever it is, I love music

and so anyway that I could
still be involved with that

I would continue to do.

So by any means necessary,

you wama do whatever it was
to get the music out of you.

Yeah, I mean, I remember, you know,

being younger and music class

and I always wanted to be the one

that would go first on the stage.

I always loved it and I loved
being different in some way.

And that's what I feel like
Hamah Montana was,

and why so many people around the world,

girls and guys both, loved her,

was because she was different and
that's what I always wanted to be.

And now you're through it.

No more secret, no more privacy,

no more Hamah to hide behind.

Just you, Miley.
Are you ready for that?

Yeah, I am, and I know that it's a risk

but something in my heart was
just telling me that it's time.

And now you've said goodbye to
Hamah. Are you goma miss her?

I'll never say goodbye
to Hamah. She is...

...always been a part of me
and always will be

and I was able to live out
my dream because of her

and I could, you know,

have my rock star life and still be a kid.

So what you're saying is, you
had the best of both worlds.

You had to put that in there.

Oh, come on, I've been patiently waiting

to get that into the interview.

And we're almost at the end here.

There are goma be some stumed
fans and some very sad fans.

What do you want to say to them?

Just that I think that Hamah has the
most amazing fans in the whole world

and I hope they will embrace me for
who I am as just Miley Stewart

and love me the same because everything
that I said as Hamah Montana

about them being so wonderful

and giving me this amazing opportunity

was coming from my heart.

It was coming from Miley Stewart,

so I just want them to know
that I love them so much

and thank them for letting me
live my dream.

You know what? I'm guessing they're
goma love you right back.

I hope so. Thank you
so much, Robin.

Thank you, it's been a delight
getting to know you, Miley.

And we're out.

Oh I probably done a million interviews

but this is the most
nervous I've ever been.

Really? You were fantastic.

- Really?
- Absolutely.

So you would've told me if I stunk?

Probably not.

So I might've stunk?

But you didn't.

But, if I did stink, you would tell me?

- Probably not.
- So in other words...

- Miley, I've been up since 4 o'clock, hon.
- Oh, really? You look great.

- I do, really?
- Yeah.

- You wouldn't tell me if I didn't, would you?
- Probably not.