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06x03 - Briggitte Reinholt

Posted: 04/23/24 12:54
by bunniefuu
Previously on Nip/Tuck:

Dr. Christian Troy.

Dr. Mike Hamoui.

- McNamara/Troy, right?
- Heard of us, huh?

Christian, hey.
I heard you guys were out here now too.

I have to tell you.
I've always been a big fan of your work.

- Hope to see you soon, Kimber.
- Nice to meet you, Mike.

For chrissakes, snap yourself out of it,
would you?

As if Mike would date
an old leather shoe like you.

Whatever, Christian.

Mime is so amazing, man.

It takes us beyond our petty egos,
beyond language, and unifies us.

- Is this a joke?
CHRISTIAN: We can rent your room, okay?

So you either kick in
or you're out by the 1 st.



Sean McNamara...

...will you marry me?
- Yes. I will.

CHRISTIAN: Do you have any idea
what kind of stress he's been under?

That's why he's living the Lifestyles
of the Rich and Famous with you...

...and trying to pay child support...

...and trying to keep the business from
going under. He's hanging on by a thread.

What happened to the girl that didn't give a
shit about conventional bourgeois trappings?

I think we should just take
a giant step back.

You're gonna break off our engagement
over this?

I wish you knew me better, Sean.

Things mean nothing to me.

Honesty, that means everything.

Tell us what you don't like
about yourself, Briggitte...

...because I'm having trouble
finding any flaws.

You're so very sweet.
Where are your people from?

My mother's Mexican...

...and my father's from Egypt.
- Oh.

MIKE: I was actually raised in Cairo.
- And not even a hint of an accent.

I disguise it well, but get a couple
of Heinekens in me and, ooh, forget about it.


What is it you want done, Mrs. Reinhart?
According to your file... have every plastic-surgery procedure
known to man in very interesting locales.

Venezuela, Lisbon, Singapore.

I travel. Some people collect snow globes,
I like facelifts.

But in the last six months...

...the only thing I've had done
was a little lunchtime lipo in Vegas.

I am not an addict.

And let me apologize
if Dr. Troy implied that you were.

- Excuse me?
BRIGGITTE: Well, before you pucker up...

...and kiss my ass too much,
pretty boy...

...first, you got to lipo out all the fat
in there from the last few months, huh?

Also, I want my neck tightened and then
I think I want another little browlift.

But I must have my own man in there
to supervise the post-op.

Ma'am, we provide
state-of-the-art post-op care.

There's really no need
for an outside physician.

Yeah, but Hans is not a doctor.

He's a leech farmer.


- Leeches?
- Oh, yes.

Dr. Mendoza used it down in Caracas
after my last eyelift.

I swear,
it healed three times faster than usual.

- See, those leeches...
- I know what the leeches do.

Their saliva acts as an anticoagulant
and an anti-inflammatory.

Yes, and then you give yourself
a little tiny dose of heparin...

...and a couple of aspirin
and, muah, they are little miracle workers.

They're a crock, and I'm not
gonna allow them in this office.

The last thing we need here
is more parasites.

What are you so afraid of, Christian?

You know what, boys? I think I'll have
Hans come in and show you his babies.

And why would I agree to that?

Because, darling, I pay in cash.

Don't you ever talk to me like that again.
This is my office, pod boy.

You're right.

Look, I need to be honest with you.

I've been hiding these feelings,
and now I'm acting out. It's Kimber.

She's still in love with you.

When I eat asparagus, my piss stinks.
Tell me something I don't know.

- I'm in love with her.
- What?

- You're seeing Kimber?
- It's been the most amazing...

...six weeks of my life.
I've been with thousands of chicks...

...but there's something about Kimber
that just hooks me.

She's so open, you know?

First couple of weeks,
we were doing it three times a day...

...all over town,
and all of a sudden, nothing.

Total lockdown.

Maybe you just don't turn her on

I hate to say it,
but the fact is I didn't want to have to...

...but it looks like you got a little more
junk in the trunk, my friend. Whew.

Well, I've been eating a lot more,
you know?

- Yeah.
- Stress.

The last time we did it,
she even started crying.

- She ever do that with you?
- You think because she's in love with me?

- She talks about you, a lot.
- Yeah? What does she say?

Nothing good. But it's more about
the quantity than quality.

She can't disguise
how she's really feeling.

I'll tell you what I'll do.

I'll get to the bottom of what's going on.
Kimber's never been able to lie to me.

- Really?
- Yeah.

You'd do that for me?

You get yourself back into shape...

...and I'll make sure that Kimber's
all lubed up and ready to go.

Thanks, man. You're the best.



Okay, come on. We're at work.

It's not like anyone can do anything,

You don't want them to find out that way,
do you?

Yes, I do.
I wanna see the looks on their faces.

Could I get everyone's attention
for a second, please?

Teddy and I
have an announcement to make.

- We eloped two days ago.
- Surprise.


- You got married?
- Yep.

- And we have the hardware to prove it.
- Yes, we do.

- Is this a joke?
- Why would it be a joke?

You dumped her and fired her
a few days ago.

We couldn't stand being apart... we decided to have one of those
"let's try and be friends" dinners.

TEDD Y: Then one thing led to another.
SEAN: Yeah.

Anyway, we figured the best way
to get through these stormy patches...

...was to drop anchor
and just make a firm commitment.

Go down with the ship.

What I think he meant to say
was congratulations.

We're very happy for you,
and we are just a little bit surprised.

LINDA: So, what are you two doing here?
You should be on your honeymoon.

Annie comes in this week... I thought it'd be better
if she met Teddy right away...

...not postpone anything, you know?

- You're not gonna congratulate us?
CHRISTIAN: Of course.

Congratulations. Hans.

Sorry, I'm a little distracted.
We're right in the middle of a lesson here.

What's this?

This is Miss Reinhart's Argentinean genius...

...who's gonna teach us
how these little suckers work.

Hans, this is my newly married partner,
Sean McNamara.

- Congratulations.
LIZ: Could you put one of those on Christian?

Maybe around his mouth?

That's like the old Liz,
the one I didn't marry.

So as I was saying, hirudotherapy...

...or using leeches
for medicinal purposes...

...has been around
for thousands of years.


Well, they have a natural anticoagulant
they secrete.

It's great for post-surgical use...

...because they restore the blood flow
around the sutures.

Yeah, well, I'm still not touching them.

How much blood can they drink?

Up to five times their weight.

SEAN: They run a high risk of infection,
don't they?

No more than any other recovery method.

And they work much faster
than man-made dr*gs.

And Mrs. Reinhart has used them before.

And she gave us a deposit,
so if she wants leeches, she gets leeches.

It's feeding time for my little friends.

I put their food in your fridge,
so excuse me.

You know, Mrs. McNamara?

I want to hear every single detail
about that wedding. Let's go, Linda.

I get it.

You're pissed I didn't tell you.

Still doesn't excuse the attitude.

Actually, I'm not pissed at all. I've had
my fair share of weddings this year.

I'm fine with it.

Well, then what? Just spit it out.
You don't like her? I don't care.

I just hope you didn't put
any of your stuff in her name.

Teddy's not Liz, Christian.
And I'm not you.

And as far as signing my life over...

...she's the one who insisted
I sign a pre-nup before we got married.

That's right.

So maybe it's better
you weren't there.

"Make sure she can't touch your money"
would've been a lousy toast.

- Fancy meeting you here.
- Jesus, Christian.

You scared me.

- What are you doing here?
- Last I heard, this is a public beach.

- Leave me alone.
- I've got a vested interest, sweetie pie.

You're banging one of my staff.


How's that going, by the way?
Heard there's a little trouble in paradise.

Why won't you sleep with him, huh?
Because he's a knockoff of the real thing?

He is a sunny, upbeat person
and you aren't.

What's the matter? He can't keep his cum
in his cock long enough for you to get off?

No. In fact he has a few moves
that would make you blush.


The problem is, is that he's perfect.

And just when I'm ready to let go,
I think of you.

And then a little voice
pops in my head saying:

"Is he gonna ask you to pee on him?"

Or, "Is he gonna put you in handcuffs,
or is he gonna hand you a dildo?"

And I'm tired of it. I want a connection.

Like a real emotional connection.

And every man
turns into a complete assh*le...

...the minute you open up to them.

So I keep him sweet, I keep him vulnerable
by not putting out so much.

Well, you know what they say.
There's no prude like an old whore.

What the hell is that?

Well, we got drunk on our second date
and exchanged tattoos.

He has me on his shoulder.

It's cute, huh?

You two mental midgets belong together.

You know, if I didn't know better,
I'd think you were jealous.


Honey, eat.

You love pasta.

You're a pasta-tarian.

You used to beg me to take you
to a place like this when we were in Florida.


Can you turn off your iPod, please?

- Take off your iPod, please.
- Stop it. You'll break them.

- And take off that hat.
- I don't want to.

Annie, your mom told me you were
having a tough time...

...adjusting to the divorce
and all the changes...

...and I want you to know I get it.

And I'm here for you. We both are.

You're the one who married her. Not me.

All right, I don't care how much you're
going through. I didn't raise you to be rude.

It's fine, Sean. Just leave it.

Okay. Great.

- Let's just eat.
- I'm not hungry.

My stomach hurts.

I need to go to the bathroom.

Unless you think that would be rude.


Sorry, it's like I don't even recognize her.
I don't know who that is.

That is a 13-year-old girl, honey.
We're all horrifically hormonal at that age.

It's totally normal.

And what's with the makeup and the hat?

Well, I guess she's just, you know,
experimenting for the first time.

Trying on different personas, disguises.

Seeing what image fits her.

Well, they're gonna have to fit me
with a straitjacket.

I'll tell you, compared to her,
Matt was a breeze.

Well, I am sorry
but I have to leave you two.

Oh, right. Run away, coward.

Lawyer appointment, actually.

If something happens to me, I want
everything to go to my new husband.

- Good luck.
- Yeah. I'm gonna need it.

BRIGGITTE: Are you Swedish? You are?

- Yeah.
BRIGGITTE: What's your last name?

LINDA: Klein.
- Have you had any surgeries done yet?

Which ones?

Good afternoon, Mrs. Reinhart.
I'm Dr. McNamara.

I'll be doing your operation.

BRIGGITTE: Oh, I don't care who does
my surgery, darling.

Just tell me,
did my leeches make it here all right?

The little suckers are sliming away happily
in the next room, awaiting marching orders.

Good. Good. Good. Because I have
a very big charity event this weekend.

And the only way I can make sure
that I recover in time... if I have the hirudotherapy...

...and then a little bit of the soup?on
of the heparin on the side.

Now, heparin is contraindicative
with leeches...

...because they produce
their own anticoagulant.

- You can't rush recovery, Mrs. Reinhart.
- But I always do, doctor. I always do.

Okay, shall we get started?

BRIGGITTE: Let's put this show on the road.
SEAN: Linda, hit it.


Dixie. Dixie, is that you?

You look fantastic as a brunette.

No, I'm Teddy. Teddy Rowe.

Oh, come on. I never forget a pretty face.

Oh, sweetie, I'm so sorry
about what happened with Harland.

Oh, you poor baby. Oh, you poor child.

What was she talking about?

I don't know.
She must have thought I was someone else.



Hey there, stranger.
You must be pretty hungry.

- I saved some food for you if...
- I told you. My tummy hurts.

Well, if you get hungry
in the middle of the night...'s in the fridge.

And you can just help yourself, okay?

No, don't. I like to wear it.
It helps me fall asleep.

Annie, you have to take it off.

It's not healthy to keep a hat on
all the time, you know?

Gotta give your scalp
a chance to breathe.


When was the last time
you washed your hair, huh?

Want all the boys to run
in the opposite direction...

...and say you have stinky hair?

- Sweetie, I'm not fooling around. I just...
- Dad, no.

I just want you to take it off.
I want it off.

What the hell is this?

How did this happen?

Annie, how did this happen?

I get nervous sometimes. I just...
I just pull it out, that's all.

- Does your mother know about this?
- No.

And if you tell her,
I'll never speak to you again.

Did you know that Hippocrates
used leeches?

So did ancient Indian doctors,
and the Egyptians.

They also prayed to the hippo gods
in the hope that springtime would come.

- What's in the box?
- Wedding presents.

- Are all these for me?
- No, no, no. You get to pick one.

"To Liz and Christian. Get toasted.
Love, Nurse Linda."

I'm guessing that's the toaster oven.

Are you re-gifting
your wedding presents?

Try the big box.
This is meant to be an ice-cream maker.

Thanks, it's just what I wanted.

- Mike was looking for you.
- Mike.

You know he's dating Kimber?
What a skank.

- What do you care?
- I don't care.

She's a whore.
Has absolutely no moral values.

Sound like anyone else you know?

Come on. You and Kimber
were made for each other. We all know it.

You're both superficial, addicted to sex.

- Both of you were abused as children.
- Bullshit. I can do better than her.

For a night, maybe.

Kimber's the only woman
who would actually stay with you.

You were the male and female version
of the same person.

Frankly, I'm surprised it's taken you
this long to figure that out.

Come on, we have a consult.

Frankly, I'm just surprised...'s taken you this long to figure that out.

Okay, tell us what you don't like
about yourself, Mr. O'Brien.

Call me Steve.

I am not a pretty woman.

Well, Steve... are doing cosmetic surgeries
in almost equal measure with women.

What I mean is, an attractive female face
would be slightly heart-shaped.

Her profile would be fairly flat,
her features more delicate in appearance.

I mean, if you look at my profile,
it slopes backwards.

- Are you a transsexual?
- A tr*nsv*stite.

A fully functioning heterosexual male...

...who occasionally likes being a woman.

My feminine name is Modesty.

I'm not gay. L... Most transvestites aren't.

We just have certain characteristics
inside of us that society labels feminine.

Cross-dressing provides me
the opportunity to explore certain things...

...that I suppressed as a kid.

Hm. I see that you're married.

Yeah, 17 years, three great kids.

My wife said she married me
because I was like a great girlfriend.

With a fully functioning penis.

You know, looking at you, I'm not sure
a brow reduction or a chin reduction...

...would create a more feminine profile.

I think it would just compromise
what you already have.

That's my point, doc.

I want to stay a good-looking man.

I just want to broaden my options
as a woman.

That's why I'm here.

I want you to create a mask
that I could actually wear in public.

But why?

Your wife likes you the way you are.

I don't know if you guys are married,
but my wife likes going out.

And unless we stick to gay restaurants
or visits to Buckles & Boas...

...we run the risk of running
into somebody from the office...

...or God forbid, the tennis club.
Those guys are mostly lawyers.

They live inside the box.
They wouldn't understand Modesty.

- What's Buckles & Boas?
- It's a boutique that caters to transvestites.

They make female underwear
that takes care of our needs.

Just have a look at my specs.

I mean, I'm sure you could improve
on what I've done.

We do plastic surgery,
not special effects.

You do faces.

Guys, I'm just asking you
to dress me up for the ball... I can turn back into plain old Steve
at the stroke of midnight.

I'm willing to pay top dollar.

The Buckles & Boas.
Is that in West Hollywood?

STEVE: Oh, yeah.
- Cool.

Research stuff.

There you are.

So did you talk to Kimber yet?

Bad news, kemosabe.

It's over, isn't it?

Shit. I was thinking she was the one,
you know?

She still could be.

You just have to show her that you're
willing to go the distance, my friend.

- What do you mean?
- Well, Kimber's a porn star.

She's done it every which way
and then some, right?

Oral, a**l, double penetration,
triple team, everything.

You think she cares
about some regular Joe-cock guy?

Jeez, Christian, what did you do
when you two were together?

Well, I was banging her before her p*ssy
became a revolving door...

...but there was one thing
that got her off:

When I dressed up like a woman.

That shit, she loves it.
The kinkier, the better.

You're crazy. No way. I can't do that.

Come on. If you love her,
that's the only way you can prove how.

I wouldn't even know where to start.
I mean, what am I supposed to do?

Just walk into Bloomingdales
and ask for a...? Heels and dress in my size?

Better yet.
Go to a place that caters to your needs. Huh?

You really suck, you know that?

I was just trying to make you laugh.
You know, enjoy life a little bit.

Just go. I don't feel good.

Stay in your little box of brattiness.


I tried, man.
She's being a complete bitch.

Don't call your sister a bitch.

She's obviously going through
a very hard time.

As long as she knows you care,
maybe just try to respect her space a little.

Yeah, well,
she can have all the space she wants.

All right, I'm out of here.

Wait a minute.
I'm making lunch for everyone.

I'm not hungry.

Matt. We haven't all been together
as a family in a long time.

I think this is what she needs.
I think we all need it. I need it.

Please. Just try.

- Fine.
- Thank you.

Annie, lunch is ready.



Ow. It hurts.

Daddy, my stomach. It hurts so much.

All right. Let me see. Let me see.

She was fine a minute ago.

- What, you think it could be her appendix?
- I don't think she has an infection.

Honey, did you eat something
that I don't know about?

Get my car keys. We gotta take her
to the hospital. Come on, sweetie.

What about the pain?
Should we do a biopsy?

I don't think a biopsy will be necessary.

Your daughter has something
called trichobezoar...

...or the more colloquial
Rapunzel Syndrome.

It's an intestinal condition...

...extremely rare,
resulting from the consumption of hair.


It's usually triggered
by trichotillomania...

...a nervous disorder
in which one pulls out one's own hair.

You can see the mass that's collected here
in the gastrointestinal tract...

...which is what's causing
the stomach pain.

Well, is there a purgative
to give her to induce...?

I'm afraid with a hairball this size,
surgery will be necessary to remove it.

An endoscopic retrieval.

With your consent, we can have her
scheduled for tomorrow evening.

No, that won't be necessary. Thank you.

It's my fault.

I just...

I left her. I figured she'd be able
to process the divorce... half the kids she knows have.

And then suddenly she's got a new mom
and she's never met her...


You're doing the best you can.

Nobody's perfect.

You call Julia?

I downplayed
what's going on with Annie.

Julia's been very fragile lately.

I didn't want to upset her.
She's coming out next week.

I should've known better.

Even though she doesn't live with me...

...she still needs my protection.

Get in here.

Stop acting so suspicious.

You're just drawing more attention
to yourself. Just relax.

- All right.
- Take a deep breath.

Just be yourself.
I mean, that's what this place is all about.

Look at that. Oh, my God.
This place is fantastic.

I don't know
if I can go through with this.

You love her, right?
You wanna satisfy her?

So this is what works, okay?

Well, then you're gonna have to help me,
all right? Because you know her best.

Hey, sweetheart.

You've got a bag we can use
while we're shopping?

Just let me know if you need a room.


Follow me.

- Mike, how's it going in there?
MIKE: Okay, I guess.

You see the Lakers last night?

Are you kidding? I used to play in college.

- Seriously?
- Oh, yeah.

- Think they'll go the whole way?
- Definitely.

I mean, we can run the floor, post up.

And they got that deep bench. It's on.

MIKE: Hey, Christian,
you wanna come in and see?

Well, just come out. What's the big deal?

MIKE: Well, I don't know if I'm too
comfortable with that right now.

If you can't do it here, how are you
gonna be able to do it later?

Just step out and show us
what you're working with.

Remember, I'm here to help you.


What do you think?

I think she'll love it.

- Oh, yeah.
HANS: There we go.

Just give me more and more and more
of my little friends, okay, Hans?

I've got a packed social schedule.

I really need for the swelling
to be down by Saturday.

Oh, I'm gonna hurl.

BRIGGITTE: Hey, where's Dixie?
- I'm sorry?

Dixie, my little friend from Las Vegas.

Oh, she was so helpful with that business
with the morphine drip. Ooh.

I could use a little more morphine
right now, huh?

You mean Teddy?

Her name is Dixie, g*dd*mn it.

Why does everybody keep talking to me
like I'm senile?

Oh, come on, Hans.
Give me some more leeches.

Every little suck makes me feel
one step closer to perfection, darling.

I'm just gonna put one more.

No, sweetie, more than one. Come on.

No, more than one.
I'm telling you, more than one.

HANS: You already have four.
BRIGGITTE: Oh, for goodness sake.


Nurse, could I please have some water?
My throat...

I can't move my hands. What's...?

What's going on here, huh?

I need you to stay still, Mrs. Reinhart.

We need to let these suckers
do their work.

Oh, my God.

No, no. No, no, no.

- What is this? Oh, God.
- Now, now.

- Why are you doing thi...?
- Stay calm.

- Ah! Somebody help! Where is everybody?
- I'm gonna have to help you relax.

Oh, God.

Hello? Hello? Stop!



Beauty sleep.

These little suckers are so beautiful.

You're bleeding out. So sorry.

We're all out of Band-Aids.


Cause of death:

Exsanguination due to misapplication
of medicinal leeches.

- No, I don't remember there being so many.
HANS: I only put six leeches.

She must have added some herself
to speed up the recovery process.

The woman was pain-phobic.
She was mad as a hatter.

You don't understand.
They're totally engorged.

- They're supposed to fall once they're full.
- I want a full toxicology report.



You guys didn't give her blood thinner,
did you?

- Of course not.
- No wonder the leeches kept feeding.

She must have self-administered.
She mentioned using heparin in Venezuela.

She could've used that
to inject it into her IV.

I mean, no disrespect to the dead,
but she was batshit.

The things people do to be beautiful.

Hey, close the doors, dude.

You were totally right.
Kimber went crazy.

- She liked that kinky trannie look?
- Totally.

Okay, so, what did you wanna show me?

She liked it?

You like it? I wanted you to, you know...

...see that I was in touch
with my feminine side.

Of course I like it.

I love it.

I don't believe you.

I'm telling you,
I got the blow job of my life last night.

Oh, I owe you so much, man.

Thank you. I never would have done it
if it weren't for you.

What's this?

Oh. I went crazy and ordered a whole bunch
more stuff at crossdresser. Com.

Bras, corsets, panties,
strap-on latex boobs.

- You're really committed to this, Mike.
- Hey, if Kimber's into it, I'm into it, right?


Did she tell you how good I looked
when I'm dressed up?

You know, like a chick?

Christian never did this for you, did he?

Dress up like a lady-boy to excite you.


Never. I mean, that idea
would never have raced through...

...that self-centered little brain of his.

He would never risk making a fool
out of himself to make me happy.


We were so busy getting busy,
we never even talked about you, bro.


Your consult's waiting for you in the lobby,

Thank you, Linda.

Hey, go ahead and check out all the stuff.

Just don't take it home...

...because I'm planning
on wearing all of it tonight.

Hey, I thought you were supposed to get
your blood drawn before we got married.

What's all this?

Well, all your talk about
wills and insurance inspired me.

I am doubling my life-insurance policy.

Are you planning on dying anytime soon,
Dr. McNamara?


No. But I'm not gonna live forever.

Our slump at work is going to end...

...but what if something happens to me
during the next one?

I have worked too hard
to leave my family with nothing.

Listen, I hope you understand...

...l'm making Conor and Annie
sole beneficiaries.

What about Matt?

I gave him a large sum of money
from the sale of the Florida house...

...and he spent it on Scientology,
his porn-star wife...

...and methamphetamines.

- So no fatted calf for the prodigal son?
- Not unless he kills it himself.

How about a drink?

Just a few more signatures,
Dr. McNamara.

I'll get it.

It's perfect.

- I'm so happy for you, honey.
STEVE: I'm so happy for us.

For the freedom this gives us
to live out our fantasies.

Look at me,
I'm primping like a vain schoolgirl.

We'd better hurry,
our dinner reservation is in half an hour.

What do you think, Dr. Cruz?

- Is my shadow balanced?
- You're asking the wrong person.

Hey, I've got an idea.

What if Annie stayed with us
for a couple of months?

You know,
with all the trouble she's been having... might be nice
to give her some time with her dad.

She's on a break from school, right?

Heck, Conor can come out too.


You wouldn't mind having
a couple of rug rats running around?

Sean, those kids are my new family.
I'm their stepmom.

This could be a great way
to get to know each other...

...and I can make
my new husband happy.

Well, it might put a crimp
in our honeymoon period.

Annie is not well enough to fly yet.

She needs time to recover,
you know, get her strength back up.

Julia can always come out later
if she wants.

I'm completely comfortable with that.

I love you.

Dr. McNamara? A few more.