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06x14 - Sheila Carlton

Posted: 04/23/24 13:02
by bunniefuu
Previously on Nip/Tuck:

- This is really bad. Ooh.
- How come I don't feel guilty?

- We need to stop doing this. SEAN:
You're not going back to him, are you?

- He's my husband, Sean.
- You deserve better.

You'll never make me happy.

I can never love you enough.

We've hit a rough patch. You
don't break up because of it.

He's done with me now.

Good. He's doing you a
favor, Kimber. It's a gift.

Kimber fell off a boat
last night. She's missing.

Oh, my goodness.
These are so good.

Here, I'll go get you
some food, okay?

Weather report says it should be
clear through the weekend. That'll help.

It's been two days, Sean.

If the Coast Guard's not
giving up then we can't either.

You want some noodles?

Jesus, what are you doing, Matt?

Feeding the kid Thai. It's
spicy. What's your problem?

Take it easy. You wanna get pissed
at someone, be mad at Hamoui.

If the police didn't charge him with
anything, what the hell am I gonna do?

Hello. Hi, Brandie.

No, you're at the right place.
Okay, see you in a minute.

It's Kimber's mom.

Have you really never met her?

Kimber kicked her out
of her life a long time ago.

- Didn't invite her to the wedding, so...
- What happened?

Unresolved issues
is what I heard.


You made it.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you too.

Hey, didn't you, uh, say you
were bringing someone with you?

Les is coming tomorrow.

He's got business, so I'm here.

- Come in.
- Wow, this is right on the water.

- Brandie, I'm Sean.
- Hello, Sean.

Hi, I'm a friend of
Christian's and your daughter.


Hey, I'm Matt.

You're Matt. Oh.

So this must be Jenna. - Yeah.

Wow, this is a lot to take in...

son-in-law, a granddaughter,
an ex son-in-law.

I wish it could have been
under different circumstances.

Well, the important
part is we're all here now.

- That's right. SEAN:
Hey, little one...

you wanna go back
and finish coloring? Okay.

I was just thinking
on the way here...

that when Kimi was a little girl, I
taught her how to swim in the lake...

that was near our house and
she just loved the water so much...

you know, she was
such a good swimmer.

I just hope that everything is
gonna be all right, and she's tough.

Yeah, she is.

That was the Coast Guard.

They're, um, calling
off the search.

Jenna, sweetheart,
it's time to go.


Don't you think it's a little
soon to be uprooting her?

Uprooting her? I'm her father.

Yeah, but come on. Please, act
like an adult for once in your life.

You'd take her to your sh*thole?

Who's gonna take care of her
when you're looking for a job?

Oh. My sh*thole's a sunny studio
in a great old deco building...

and I'm actually
working right now.

Yes, it's as a barista at the coffee
mill on Hyperion, but it's a job.

And FYI, I'm dating the
manager. Her name's Ramona.

She comes from a huge family and
they all absolutely love my daughter.

So when are we gonna
meet this Ramona, then?

Jenna, honey, Ramona is waiting.
She made us some meatball soup.

You wanna go?

Give me a big, big, big hug. Oh.

And a kiss. I love you.

I love you too.

You be a good girl, okay?

I will.

- Okay. Take care.
- I will see you soon.

I will see you soon.

Oh. Let's go.

- Brandie?
- Sorry.

- I'm so...
- No, no, no, stop.

I was just checking
if you were okay.

I'm okay.

I just...

I just wish that somehow we could
have worked out our differences.

She was always so mad at me.

I mean, we were more like sisters in a
way, because I had her when I was so young.

I just didn't... I
didn't have a clue.

And I tried to
reach out to her...

but she didn't want me to
be a part of her big fancy life.

You know, you can't
let the guilt take over.

I know it's hard but...

This isn't about us.

It's about Kimber. We need
to celebrate her and her life.


You're right.

Uh, tell me what you don't
like about yourself, Mrs...

Carlton. Sheila Carlton.

Of course, I call her Shu-Shu.

I've been calling her Shu-Shu
since we met in middle school...

or was it in high school?
I don't even remember.

Seems like the years have flown
by and I keep calling her Shu-Shu.

Well, it says here that the injuries
to your face were caused by...

Me. It was because of
me, that's why she's here.

Because I almost k*lled her.

It wasn't your fault, Jane.
Stop blaming yourself.

It was Wayne.

He's the one who did
this to me. He's an animal.

- I'm sorry. Wayne is your husband?
- Her monkey.


He weighed over 200 pounds.

He had a big appetite.

Well, I'm gonna have to
do a complete workup...

and talk to the surgeons who
treated you after the attack.

But I would recommend that you do
the reconstructive surgeries in stages.

Your body's already been
through enough trauma.

And it's my fault.

Can you imagine being the one to
cause your oldest friend such agony?

Reminds me of that awful tragedy with
Travis in Connecticut a few years back.

- Jane, please.
- I shouldn't have let him out of his cage.

He seemed unsettled that
morning and I should have just...

You saved my life,
Jane. Now stop it.

How did you?

I hit him with a frying pan.

And when he wouldn't release
her, I stabbed him repeatedly...

with a kitchen knife.

I don't know how you
can ever forgive me.

Why don't I have a nurse
escort you to the exam room?

You can change and we
can do a thorough exam.

I want you to make her as beautiful
as she was. I don't care what it costs.

- It's never going...
- He owes you this.

Wayne did some work in
movies, uh, television shows.

He had such star appeal.
He was such a little performer.

I never spent a dime of his
money. I was saving it for his old age.

But I'm spending
it now, every cent.

And everything I have
as well, if I have to.

Where is she?

Um, she's... Les.

Come here, baby.

It's okay. I'm here now.

I can't believe it's true.

- When did you hear for sure?
- Last night.

That why you didn't
pick me up at the airport?

Because that's what
we originally planned.

Les, I'm, uh, Christian
Troy, Kimber's husband.

- The plastic surgeon? Mm.
- Yes.

- My deepest condolences.
- Thank you.

Please, uh, forgive me.

Was that your
Maserati out there?

- Yeah.
- Wow.

For somebody so concerned about

appearances, to drive
a foreign car... Pfft.

- Excuse me?
- American economy needs our support.

I own the largest domestic
dealership in Wisconsin.

Great deals. You'd be surprised
what your money can buy.

We ship anywhere.

You trying to sell me a car?
- Ha-ha-ha.

I don't sell cars. I
make people happy.

- Ready to get back to the hotel?
- Christian invited us to stay here.

Talking about the
memorial service...

I already booked the room for
a week, remember? On points?

- Gotta try that Jacuzzi, huh?
- Yeah.

You don't wanna see her before she
puts her face on in the morning. Ha, ha.

There a bathroom around here?

I had a couple of beers
and my bladder's...

Just back there.

Charming. So how long
you guys been together?

Six years. We break up, we get
back together, we break up again.

He can be a lot to
handle but I love him.

We have a connection.

Well, Kimber and I, we sure had our
fair share of ups and down, you know?

I understand exactly
what you're talking about.

I guess it runs in
the family, then.

That is such great soap you
got in there. I love it. You ready?

- Okay, bye.
- We'll call you, okay?

And don't forget to tell me
where you got that soap. Love it.

I am so sorry to hear that.

Yeah, they were
married about a year ago.


Christian's taking
it pretty hard.

Well, please, give
him my condolences.

I just can't imagine what it
would be like to lose Sarah.

And su1c1de, jeez.

That's difficult.

I guess you just...

You can't know what's
going on in someone's head...

- even if you're married to them, right?
- Yeah.

I think in a way we
all feel responsible.

How can you not?

You know...

probably not the best time for
you to be joining me in Africa, right?

Probably not, Curtis. I'm sorry.

No, I understand.

Life gets in the way sometimes.
We all have responsibilities.

- And you can't leave Christian right now.
- No.

You get back from this
trip in what, three weeks?

- Mm-hm.
- Tell me about the next trip after that.

We'll be building a new
hospital in Basra this spring.

- I'm in.
- I've heard that before.

No, no, no, it's firm
this time. I am in.

I'll get the ball rolling
while you're in Africa.

I won't let this be
another Harvard.


- I'll hold you to this one, buddy.
- Yeah.

Your blood pressure's on the high
side. Are you under a lot of stress lately?

You could say that.

You need to control it.

Iraq isn't really relaxing.
It's beautiful, yes...

but work there
is really intense.

I think it's gonna be
really good for me, actually.

It's exactly the kind of change
I need in my life right now.

You couldn't have picked a better
organization to help change your life.

The Savior Center
is a great place.

Curtis often says it
saves us who work here

at least as much as
it saves our patients.

So nice to meet you, Dr. McNamara.
I've heard so many good things.

Thank you, Mallory.

Dr. Kwinda.

I'm sorry to say I haven't
heard as much about you.

That's just as well. We
keep very busy around here...

- eyes on the prize, so to speak.
- Mm.

Are you gonna be helping
build the hospital in Basra?

I'm afraid not. I'll be here
in San Diego with Nsolo...

spending most of my time
fundraising, unfortunately.

Breathe deep, please.

Heart rate's a little elevated.

But we'll chalk that up to
the excitement of a new job.

We're all excited
about it, frankly.

You'll be our first reconstructive
surgeon on staff, Dr. McNamara.

Often our patients with
deformities are ostracized...

from their villages
and their communities.

Your work will give them a
chance at normalcy again.

- Would you like your prostate examined?
- Excuse me?

You're 45. You need to check it
every year. Better safe than sorry.

Oh, no, no, it's all right.

We should at least be on
a first-name basis before...

I know yours, Sean. I'm surprised
my husband didn't at least tell you mine.

Oh, you're married to Nsolo.

No. Curtis is my husband.

I'm Sarah.


Am I disturbing you?

Not at all.

What are you doing in
this neck of the woods?

Well, Les took me
shopping at Neiman Marcus.

Bought a dress for the memorial.

And I was wondering if
you would take a look at it...

to see if you think
Kimber would approve.

Wow. That Les, he's
got an eye, doesn't he?

Managed to pick the one dress in the world
that would make you look like a whore.

Oh. That's not very nice.

I'm sorry, but the guy's a tool, and
I don't like the way he talks to you.

Well, he takes care of
me, you know, Christian?

I thought women liked
a little class. Kimber did.

Well, I'm not Kimber.

Kimber was a star even
before she became one.

I'm just a Midwestern nobody.

What am I gonna do? I really
wanted to make my baby girl proud.

I have an idea.

I have this laser machine
that tightens the skin...

through soft cell coagulation and
there's absolutely no healing time.

It's like a hi-tech facial.

I'd like to talk to Les first.

Oh. No, no, trust me, it's exactly
what Kimi would want you to do.

- Really?
- Yes.

Is this gonna hurt?

I told you, it's like
getting a facial.

I've never had a facial.

Never could afford one.

Sad, right?

So Les always tells
me that my skin is dry.

Is this gonna help with that?

- It should. Ha-ha-ha.
- Yeah?


Okay, take a look
over here for me.

Oh. I'm sorry, just a sec.

I, uh... I got...

I'm sorry I was never
good enough for you either.

Something wrong?

Yeah. It's me.

You don't need
this, Brandie. Ha.

You look beautiful
just the way you are.


Wow, Les doesn't say
that to me anymore.

I haven't heard
that in a long time.

I missed it.

Thank you.

How do you get through that...

not suffer post-traumatic
stress the rest of your life?

What about her friend, knowing
that she was responsible for this?

It's not like she trained it
to be an attack monkey.

It's what she's
doing that counts.

Helping her friend deal with it,
seeing her through these surgeries.

Maybe, but she's still gonna have
to find a way to live with the guilt.

I don't envy her.

That's great. Yes.

Oh. Here he is. It's Curtis.

Yes, of course I will. You too,
darling. I'll talk to you tomorrow.

Curtis sends his regards.

- What are you doing here, Dr. Kwinda?
- I gave a talk at USC Med...

and I thought that rather than
face the traffic back to San Diego...

I'd see if you were
free for dinner.

Oh. Uh...

Sure. I guess I'm
available. Yeah.

Great. I'd love to hear your
ideas on facial reconstruction...

for patients with

- Hey.
- Hey.

- How did you get in my house?
- Cleaning lady.

Just came to grab
Brandie's makeup bag.

She left it in your
bathroom the other day.

Is that what you're watching?

Okay, confession time. Uh...

Look, I only found out about
Kimber's career from Brandie recently...

and being somewhat of an
aficionado, I couldn't help myself.

So you went snooping
through my shit.

I know I could have gone on the
Internet, but the hotel doesn't have Wi-Fi.

You wanna know something weird?

Brandie and Kimber both make that same
face when they're taking it from behind.

You're talking about...

You're talking about my wife.

I meant no disrespect.

She gave me a chubby.
The ultimate respect.

Lucky I don't throw
you off the balcony.

Wait, wait, I'm sorry.

You gotta admit, it's the one
thing these Henry girls are good at.

Figured it'd be a
way for us to bond.

Please get out of my house.

Ah. Got it.

You are being
too overprotective.

Now, friends don't let other
friends' wives drive drunk.

I'm not drunk. I'm just relaxed.

- Bathroom?
- Ah. Right back here.

- This?
- Yes, right in there, right here.


Just twisting a little
starboard there, matey.

Believe me, this isn't drunk.

That night in Thailand when I
had my fifth scorpion whiskey...

or sixth, now that was drunk.

Now, the sheets on the bed are
actually fresh as of this morning...

so you're in luck.

- And where do you sleep?
- On the couch.

Here, let me.

I had an easier time bivouacking
on the side of Mount Kilimanjaro.

Uh... Towels are in this chest.

Aspirin's in the bathroom.

The water in the
kitchen is filtered.

- I don't...
- Ah, ah, ah. Stop.

I'm gonna go to bed before
you tell me about the time...

you boiled parasitic
water from the Ganges.

- Good night, Sarah.
- Good night, Sean.

Sleep tight.

What the hell? Hey.

Feel me, Sean.

That's right.

That's what you do to me.

Don't. Please, just don't.

I know you want me.

The way you looked at me.

And now I have
tangible proof in my hand.

I can't, Sarah.

I mean it. I can't.

What about Curtis?

I love Curtis.

But these long separations in our
marriage have forced me to be more...


You have an arrangement,
an open marriage?

No, I mean I have no idea what
Curtis does when he is away.

I can only assume that since our
sexual encounters are at best sporadic...

he finds some other way
of satisfying his needs.

Don't ask, don't tell.

He won't ask...

- and I'll never tell.
- Whew.



you are a beautiful woman
and I am attracted to you...

but I can't do this to Curtis.


I never expected you
to be such a Boy Scout.

I'm... I'm not.

Just that I've been
there, done that before.

Slept with my best friend's
wife and believe me...

no amount of pleasure
can make up for the guilt.

She's gonna be fine, you know.

I managed to reconstruct the
floor of the orbit, and the orbital rim...

and rebuilt her ear
and the nasal cavity.

There's gonna be some swelling,
but we can deal with that later.

I keep seeing it over and over.

Give me something to
help me sleep, please.

I can if you want...

but you might wanna
talk to someone.

Your friend has forgiven you.

- It might be time to forgive yourself.
- How can I?

Every time I try
to sleep, I see...

the knife plunging
into his back...

and the eyes staring at me...

pleading with me.

"Why, Mummy, why
are you hurting me?"

Did you know that...

98 percent of their DNA
is the same as ours?

They can give us blood
transfusions and vice versa.

He would comb my
hair ever so gently.

And he'd make these little play
statues while he sat in front of the TV.

So expressive.

I could see God
in those statues.

I couldn't have loved him
more if he'd been my own.

Sheila never approved.

He could sense that.

Maybe she was afraid.

In light of what happened, her
instincts proved to be correct.

She didn't respect him.

She should've known that showing
up in that new garish makeup...

would disorient him.

And teasing him with that toy?

- You don't torment an innocent animal.
- Innocent?

He practically
ripped her face off.

He couldn't help it. He didn't
know what he was doing.

She was the one who was the
grown-up, should have acted like one.

But it was my fault.

And I told him that.

After they shot him and he
just lay there in all that blood...

I told him I was sorry.

He was still my good boy.

I would love him forever.

Someday, maybe
she'll forgive me.

I don't know and
frankly, who cares?

I'll never be able
to forgive myself.

Hey, I was looking for you.

Is everything okay?

Yeah, yeah. I, um...

I was thinking how good Kimber
looked in this one black dress she has.

So beautiful, you know?
Big tits, teeny little waist.

I'm such an assh*le.

She really did love you.

Yeah, that was probably
her biggest mistake.

Listen... there's
something that, uh...

- I need to tell you.
- sh**t.

I need to take some time off.

I mean, maybe we both do.

We should shut down
the business for a while...

and take a vacation.

Where would we go?

Well, I think we should go our
separate ways for a little while.

You and I have been
together for 20 years...

practically nonstop.

You're gonna work with Curtis.


Yeah, I am. I'm gonna help the
Savior Center build a hospital.

That's what I wanna do.

I don't wanna let another
opportunity like this pass me by.

Then go.

But you go for a month...

you go forever. Ahem.

Come on. Ha, ha. Does it fit?

Ha, ha. Well, you flatter
me with a size 2, Christian.

Yeah, it fits.

Oh, yeah, it's perfect.

Did you buy this on Rodeo?


- Try this.
- Wow.

It's beautiful.

- Wanna try it out?
- Yeah.

Of course. Ha, ha.

- May I?
- Yes.

What do you think?

I think you look just
as amazing as she did.

Did I do something wrong?

I don't know.

I'm sorry. I just...

- Um...
- We can go shopping for a new dress.

I don't know what I
was thinking. Just...

No, no, no, it's good,
it's good. It's all good.

You've been so good
to me, really, really.

I can't thank you enough. It's
just a little strange, but it's good.

Just having you here has
been a great comfort for me so...

She loved you very much.

Yeah, maybe so, but something
of which I'm not entirely worthy.

No, don't say that.

That's not true.

My mother?

My mother?

She is a lovely woman.

She's lonely.

She lost her daughter.

Come on, Christian.

What kind of woman sleeps
with her daughter's husband?

And really, that's
even a new low for you.

We were giving each other
comfort in a time of need.

It's human, it's normal.

Well, it's a good thing I'm dead, so
this isn't the final knife in my heart.

Everything's a
knife in your heart.

So, what are you gonna do now,
Christian? Are you gonna take care of her?

Give me a break. You
don't care about my mother.

You're just using her
like you do everybody.

I am who I am, all right?
You don't have a say in it.

- You k*lled yourself.
- You destroyed me.

What is it?

I really miss her.

I know.

I know.

I know.

Dr. McNamara.

- Nsolo, how are you?
- Good.

- What are you doing here?
- We don't leave for a few weeks.

But since it's a Saturday...

I thought I'd come down
and volunteer for the day.

We can always use an extra
hand. We're helping the WHO...

with an airdrop into Kenya...

to help the people who
suffered from flooding.

We have over 1100
units still to pack.

Show me where.


I'll catch up with you.

I didn't think
you'd be back yet.

Uh, something more
pressing came up here.

Can I help?

I've already told Christian.

So I'm officially yours
in a couple weeks.

You know, you and Christian...

you guys are a lot more
alike than I ever thought.

I mean, you come in here
all eager like a puppy...

and then you piss
all over the carpet.

- Curtis, what's going on? I don't...
- Sarah told me, you assh*le.

And when I got the call, I was
holding a 3-month-old little girl...

severely malnourished.

Chances of survival,
practically nil.

Her mother died of AIDS
20 minutes earlier than that.

One less doctor there
means many less lives saved...

but I came home
to save my marriage.

Curtis, I don't know what
she said, but nothing...

I mean, nothing happened.

Don't believe you.

I mean, we went to dinner.

She got really drunk and...

- We both were...
- Oh, Jesus.

But we both went right to sleep.

Nothing... Nothing happened.


I wouldn't do that to you.
I wouldn't do that to us.

Why would my wife lie about
screwing an old friend from college?

I have no idea but
you gotta believe me.

No, I don't. And as
executive director...

you won't work at
the Savior Center...

or any of its affiliate missions,
so just get out of here. Okay?

Go back to Christian. You two...

You two are obviously
meant to be together.

Curtis, you gotta let me...


Here we go.

Dr. McNamara is
gonna be in today...

and then we can
schedule your follow-ups.


May I?

Oh, absolutely, you may.

You know that Jane has paid
all your bills, you know that.


You know, a lot of the
swelling has not gone down...

and when it does, we will
then know how to proceed.

It was never going
to be what it was.

They told me that.

But still, you hope.

I suppose I should take some
comfort in becoming a poster child.

If anyone had any doubts about
the State passing that ordinance...

requiring owners to cage their exotic
pets, they only have to look at me.

Knock, knock.

Oh, my, look at you.

You look beautiful.

Well, you will look beautiful.

Of course you're still swollen and
bruised, but that's not surprising.

I just knew they were the best.

I knew we picked the
right doctors to come to.

You know, I was just telling her
that she's gonna have to take it easy...

when you leave here tomorrow.

I'll make sure of that.

I've got the
guestroom all made up.

It'll be like staying
in a five-star resort.


And I've got a surprise.

Oh, dear, that's not
very relaxing, is it?

Something to cheer you up.

- Make sure all the... JANE:
There, that's much better.

Wait till you meet
Gunther. He's hilarious.

Your favorite.

A little comedian in fur.


Jesus, Jane, you didn't...

He's just a baby, Shu-Shu.
He's nothing like Wayne.

He's just the most
adorable thing you ever saw.

He's already using
a fork and knife.

- You got another monkey?
- Chimp.

Look at me.

Look at me!

Look at what that
animal did to me.

- Look at what you did to me.
- Shu-Shu.

You get rid of that ape, Jane.

Stop showering all your
affection on these animals.

That's why you can't find love.
There's no room for anything human.

If you value our friendship, the
30 years we've known each other...

you have to choose:

The monkey or me.

That monkey loved
me unconditionally.

He never judged me...

and he forgave me even
when I took his life to save yours.

You think your heart
will ever be that big?

- Hey.
- Hey.

- Do you mind if I have one of those?
- Sure.

Where's Brandie?

Wisconsin. It's for the best.

She reminded me
too much of Kimber.

Aren't you supposed to be getting
dysentery sh*ts or something?

I'm not going to Africa.

- Where's St. Curtis taking you?
- Nowhere.

Turns out he's
kind of an assh*le.

Well, you never were too
good at picking partners.


He accused me of
sleeping with his wife.

- Did you?
- No.

That's good. Sleeping with your friend's
wife is very tough on the relationship.

I'm staying.

That's good.

I'm thinking about
selling this place.

Getting a place up
in the hills, you know?

- A view of the city lights or...
- You can't beat this view.


I used to love it but now it's
just like looking at a graveyard.

It'll pass.

It's good to have you back.