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01x01 - La mappa

Posted: 04/23/24 13:20
by bunniefuu
[opening theme music playing]

[music fades]

[man] They say my land is poor.

YEAR 1860

{an8}Burned by the sun.

[intriguing music playing]


It's not true. My land is rich.

That's why there's always been
an invader eager to plunder it.

Then Garibaldi the hero arrived
with his Redshirts...

- [grunts]
- [people clamoring]

...promising freedom from the landlords.

And I fought for it.

[indistinct shouting]

[man] I fought this w*r like it was mine.

They screwed us.

They screwed me.




[man] To pay for their w*r,
they emptied the Bank of Palermo.

Leaving behind only death

and destruction.

w*r LOAN

[intriguing music continues]

[man] The gold disappeared,
along with the map to find it.


[intriguing music continues]

[bell ringing]

[man] Now, there is finally a reason
to be hopeful.


The map was found again.

And as sure as my name is Sparrowhawk,
I'm going to reclaim it.

A pact is a pact.

Armed robbery, kidnapping,

and m*rder.

[brigand] Don't touch me. Let go! I said
let go! Sparrowhawk, you'll pay for this!

[judge] You've always been our best
brigand hunter, Sparrowhawk.

[brigand] You bastard!

It's quite a long way you've traveled
just to turn him in here.


[Sparrowhawk] I'm looking for a man
who's making deals with the Piedmontese.

He lives here.

That mask is useful
when you're hunting outlaws,

but you can take it off in here.

[Sparrowhawk] Let's just say
he has something that belongs to me.

Who is he?

The one you're looking for
is Don Clemente.

His farmhouse is at the end of the valley.

[man 1] An enigma is woven into the map.

"I would set the world on fire for it."

Don Clemente, you made me come
all the way here for this?

It appears the Redshirts hid it well.

I thought it was only a legend.

I'm positive that the map is authentic.

We should begin our search
around this area.

You're assuming that
the Southern gold is still there.

And the brigands? What about them?

There aren't brigands in these woods
to my knowledge.

[man 2] Then what is this?


[Don Clemente]
That is Michelina De Cesare.

Her g*ng is
currently spreading a superstition

that a woman will liberate the South.

They'll spread any rumor
to turn the people against us.

They have help coming from the Vatican
and what's left of the Bourbons.

It's precisely why I'm recruiting.

Once the recruits
have completed their training regimen,

there's no chance they'll wanna join
with those silly bandits.

They'll combat them.

Train our workers, not our soldiers.

Entire families rely on
those young men's work already.

Without their help,
there's no one to tend the fields.

- Not to mention...
- That's enough, Filomena.

[chuckles] Don Clemente,

your wife is truly lovely.

You can leave us, Filomena.

[Don Clemente]
The secret contained in this map

can guarantee you winning the w*r
against the brigands once and for all.

[man] Isn't it safer
to bring the map to the police station?

[Don Clemente] My personal safe
is impossible to force open.

When I served the Bourbons,
they always trusted me.

And I expect you to as well.

I'll leave a few soldiers behind
to guard it.

[indistinct chattering]

[Filomena] Why did you call for me?

We're all starving here
while you play Your Ladyship.

[Filomena] The house is full of soldiers.
I couldn't come before.

So, what happened?

Jurillo drank from a contaminated well.

He's been running
a high temperature for days.

My brother is helping me,

but the Piedmontese are going
farm to farm.

If they recruit him,
I don't know what I'll do, Filomena.

Come to my farmhouse at dusk.

I'll give you some medicine
and clean water.


Come now, eat.

[horse snorts]

[suspenseful music playing]

[dog barking in distance]

[suspenseful music continues]

[woman] Filomena!

Come here.

Take it.

Why are you so late?

Where's the water?

I can't tonight.
There are soldiers at every entrance.

- You made a promise, Filomena!
- Sh!

[distant creaking, clattering]

Let's go this way.

[footsteps approaching]

[music intensifies]

[Filomena] Sh. Be quiet.

[Filomena grunts]

[Don Clemente] Who's there?

I took you out of poverty,
and now you bring it to my home, huh?

I can explain.

I was only giving her
a little bit of water.

Come here.

She didn't do anything.

This was all my idea.


You're not allowed to have ideas.

Let us finish here,
and I'll join you back home.

Wait for me inside.

[music intensifies]

[screams] No!

[unsettling music playing]

[breathing heavily]

[whimpers] No. No, no, no.

No, no. [sobbing]

[cries] No!


Leave me alone! Leave me alone!

- Know your place, Filomena!
- This is not my place! [gasps]

Let go of me!

Let go of me.

[Filomena moans, breathes heavily]

[Filomena grunts]

[Filomena grunts, sobs]

[Filomena coughing]

I'll show you where your place is.

[somber music playing]

[Filomena screaming] No!

[water splashing]

[Filomena screaming]

[screams] Help me!

[Filomena gasping, crying]




[groans, grunts]


[somber music continues]





[music fades]


[door hinge squeaks]

[match strikes]

[water splashing]

[suspenseful music playing]

[distant clattering]

[wistful music playing]

[door opening]

[footsteps approaching]

[tense music playing]

It seems the rumor is true
that poor people can survive anything.

Come over here.

[intriguing music playing]


You can't wash away the peasant smell.

[Filomena breathing heavily]

[tense music playing]


[Filomena screaming]

[Don Clemente gasps]

[Filomena breathing heavily]

[Filomena screams]

[Filomena breathing heavily]

[Filomena groaning, grunting]

- [breathing heavily]
- [body thuds]

[tense music continues]


- [guard 1] Who's there?
- [g*nsh*t]

[dogs barking]

[guard 1] Don't move!


[panting continues]

[animals howling]

[guard 2] Welcome to your new cage,

[door locks]

[footsteps retreating]


I'm gonna k*ll you!

- You son of a bitch! You son of a bitch!
- [Sparrowhawk grunting]

[both grunting]

[breathing heavily]

[guard 2] What's going on in there?


[Sparrowhawk groaning]

I swear to God, I'll k*ll you.

I'll k*ll you.


[door hinge squeaks]

- [door closes]
- Um, good evening.

You're welcome here.

- [keys jingle]
- [door lock clicks]

[Sparrowhawk breathing heavily]

You're just a dead man walking

without your pretty little mask.

It's only a matter of time.

It's only a matter of time.

[intriguing music playing]

[music fades]

[leaves rustling]

What do we have here?


Look what I stumbled on.

[horses trotting]

Search this place thoroughly.

[cries softly]

[wind gusting]

Filomena De Marco,

married to Degli Orti,

has disappeared.

We know she was born here.

Has anyone seen her?

She's the master's wife.

I suggest that you look some other place.

[Fumel] Your master is dead,

and the property he owned
has been confiscated by the king.

Your master's wife has stolen something
that did not belong to her.

If she's hiding here,

it's best you tell us now.

Before it gets bad.


It's my sister lying here.

Maybe do something about her death.

You expect us to start working for you?

Give us our land back, and leave us alone.

[unsettling music playing]

You're searching for peace,
and I think I can help.

In the Italian infantry.

I'll take this young man
and nine others of his choosing

to serve the country as soldiers.

You'll leave tomorrow.

Shame on you!

All because of that curse of a woman,
you're taking our sons!

[Fumel] What did you call her?

Every time she's involved,
everything goes to hell.

Find her,

and you'll be rewarded.

If you refuse to collaborate with us...

let this wake serve as a warning,
the first death of many.

[woman] You were supposed to find money,
not a woman.

Why did you bring her here?

[man] She smells of the bourgeois,
even though she is in bad shape.

I think that she's rich.

Remove the blindfold.

[breathing nervously]

Let me live, I beg you.

So are you injured?

No. I'm fine.

All that blood
must've come from somewhere.

Do you know Michelina De Cesare?

[pensive music playing]

Are you with her?

The Monaco only stick to the Monaco.

She's bourgeois, Pietro.

Just as I thought.

Got a husband?


He died.

Other family?

No, I'm all alone.


Head to town and find out
who this woman really is

and if there's someone
who will pay for her ransom.

Pietro, every day we waste is another day
your father spends rotting in a cell.

He'll spend his whole life in there
if we're not prepared.

Truth is we need money.

What if Fumel finds out about this place?

He's not going to, okay?

[bell ringing]

[indistinct chattering]

[man] Have you traveled far?

[Celestino] I came from Calabria

to help a relative
who's been falsely imprisoned.

We were passing through the forest
on our way to Mignano

when we discovered this ring.

We'd like to know who this belongs to
so we can return it.

The owner is a woman who disappeared
after her husband was k*lled.

Now, everyone in the village
is looking for her.

Especially the foreigners.

Do you know if there's anyone
I could return this ring to?

The woman has a brother. His name is Nino.

But they haven't spoken in years.

Thank you, Father.


God will help those
who help the oppressed.

We need people like you close by
to help chase away the invaders.

[indistinct chattering]

[Jurillo] What's his name?

[Celestino] Don't touch him.
He could bite you.

[Jurillo] Who are you looking for?

[Celestino] Nino. Do you know him?

[Jurillo] He lives outside of the village.

[Celestino] Is he rich?

[Jurillo] Rich?
He can barely afford to breathe.

[Celestino] How is that possible?
His sister is bourgeois.

[Jurillo] What do you know about her?
She disappeared last night.

Fumel is looking for her.

[unsettling music playing]

Have you seen her?

[Celestino] No. Mind your business.

Hey, mister.

Are you a brigand?

The Piedmontese took my uncle.
I don't have anyone.

Do you think I can come with you?

The Monaco can't do anything
with a kid like you.

[Jurillo] Fine, but at least
tell me your name.

I'm Jurillo.

You think it's a game, but it's not.

Now go.

[keys jingle]

[guard 3] Sparrowhawk!

[door lock clicks]

[intriguing music playing]

[Sparrowhawk sobs]

[object clattering]

[guard 2] Stay still.

[Sparrowhawk crying]


[nose blows loudly]


[guard grunts]

[both grunt]

[guard gasping]

[Sparrowhawk grunting]

[neck cracks]

[groans, sighs]

I asked you to stay still.

[camera shutter clicks]

[Sparrowhawk breathing heavily]


Your reputation precedes you.

It's quite an honor to have you
in front of me, here in the flesh.

And unmasked.

Why haven't you k*lled me yet?


the plans I have for you
are much more interesting.

I was thinking of sending you to Mignano.

In case you're not familiar with it,

it's a maximum-security prison
where people go to hang.

- Is that so?
- Mm-hmm.

Nobody told me about it.

Or I could publish

this portrait.

Reveal Sparrowhawk's identity
to the world.

The infamous bounty hunter.

Either way, it would be a shame
to lose a man of your talents.

Lately, it seems
you're getting a bit rusty.

- [laughs]
- Caught red-handed.

You got bested by a young woman.

How does this sound?

Tell me who you are working for
and why you were there that night,

and maybe I'll spare your life.

I know how to find her.

[pensive music playing]

I'll bring her to you.

On one condition.

Destroy the photo

and cover up my identity.


A pact is a pact.

- Untie him.
- No.

I think I know how to bring her back here,

but you need to send me to Mignano
with the other prisoners.

I don't have any jurisdiction there.

I'll be fine.

It's better if you don't know about it.


The rumors are all true.

You can't wait to be dead.


Add him to the list for Mignano.

Bring the woman to me.

I want her alive,

if possible.

[music fades]

So? What did you find out?

The husband is dead, and the brother
can barely afford to breathe.

You idiot. Were you followed by someone?

[dog snarling]

[leaves rustling]

Who goes there?

A fellow brigand.

Yeah, but does your mom know that?

[men laughing]

He helped me get information,
and he told me he has no family.

- He could be useful if we needed someone...
- Celestì.

What the f*ck is this?

Let's hear him out.
How can the boy help us?

- [Celestino] I don't know.
- [Pietro] Right.

[Jurillo] You curse!

It's your fault that my mother died!

[Filomena grunts]


- It's not true.
- You're a liar!


You wanna be a brigand?

Then m*rder her.

[suspenseful music playing]

What's wrong, kid? Are you scared?

Just pull the trigger! Come on!

It was my husband
who m*rder*d your mother, Jurì.

And then he tried to k*ll me,
but he didn't succeed.

- [crying]
- [Filomena] I k*lled him.

I had the chance, and I stabbed him, Jurì.

Celestino, is she telling the truth?

She could be. The priest said
the Piedmontese are looking for her.

sh**t, or I'll do it myself.

Ciccilla, she's an outlaw like we are.

Fumel's looking for her.
She might attract his attention.

So why don't we just turn her in?

There must be a bounty on her head.

[Ciccilla] We're done making deals
with the Piedmontese.

I'd rather be a k*ller
than a f*cking snitch.

- Listen, please.
- You're done talking.

I know somewhere you can find treasure.

[unsettling music playing]

They have guards posted,

but I have a way inside.

[rain pattering]

[thunder rumbling]

[door lock clicks]

[unsettling music continues]

[music stops]

[guard groans]

[tense music playing]



[music stops]


There's no gold here.

If you f*cked me over,

you'll regret being kept alive,
believe me.

The soldiers were stationed here
to protect this.

[thunder rumbles]

[lock clicks]

[intriguing music playing]

Hey! The soldiers are coming!

[Salvatore] Hurry up!
We have to get out of here! Now!

[Pietro] Let's go, go!

[intriguing music continues]


[music fades]

[urine splashing]

[guard 2] Hurry up!

Keep staring, you assh*le.

I hope that I'm sentenced after you.

Getting to see you hang
would be a pleasure.

[guard 2] Quiet back there.

If I don't k*ll you first.

You're all talk.


[man] He broke free!

- [guard 3] What's going on back there?
- [man] Guard! He's free! Get him!

[guard 1 grunts]

- [horses neigh]
- [guard 2 grunts]

[thunder rumbling]

[dogs barking]

If they find you here,

they will punish me.

That's all you have to say to me?

[Filomena sighs]

You can't stay here, Filomena.

Everyone is looking for you.

[Filomena] Don't worry.

I have a place to stay.

[wistful music playing]

Take this.

I want you to have it.


[music fades]

[man] My friend, free me too.

[horse neighs]

Come on.

Hurry up.

On your knees.

[unsettling music playing]

Who the f*ck are you guys?

You can call me Manzo.

- I am... I... I am Ve...
- Get the f*ck out of here.


What is Sparrowhawk
looking for in these lands?

Are you out here hunting
for Palermo's gold as well?

[Ventre] If... if you take us with you,

you won't just have our...
have our s... silence.

You will have our undying loyalty.


You know, I could use
the two of you in Mignano.

Then every man for himself.

If you try f*cking me over

or escaping,

I'll put a b*llet right there.


We, under... Yes. Yes, sir.

Uh, mmm, one thing though.

Did you say we are going to Mignano?

No one's ever gone there
and come back alive.

Almost no one.

[Ventre] What are we going to do
in Mignano?

[music fades]

- [melody playing]
- [man whistling]

[g*n cocks]

I got separated.

You've returned?

After being freed.

You didn't scamper off.

Why not?

I'm not going to give in.
I'd rather burn in hell.

[whistling continues]

[Pietro] I'll be damned. Look who's here.

The black widow.

So what should we do with you, murderess?

I'll be a woman brigand.

[rhythmic folk music playing]

Then let me welcome you to the Monaco.

[body thuds]

[rhythmic folk music continues]

[Filomena] I have a map.
It holds a secret, but I don't know what.



The Monaco g*ng sees you.
We are now family.

New members change gangs.

Sound the alarm!

[Manzo] Risking our lives is our job.

[mockingly] "Risking our lives
is our job." [scoffs]

[rhythmic folk music continues]

As long as you turn on each other,
my job will be all too easy.


It belongs to the Southern people.

It did.
Now, it's the first one to find it.

[all exclaim]

[man 1] The prophecy says that
a woman will save the South, right?

That gold is a symbol.
It stands for liberation.

[man 2 screams]

They took her!

I can offer you anything
that you desire. Riches.

These riches you speak of
is the gold you're stealing from our land.

- [man 3] We only have one enemy.
- [laughs]

- [woman] We need a plan.
- I have an idea.

Your plan will get us all k*lled.


- [woman] Brigands!
- [Filomena] Keep going no matter what.


Prepare for battle.

[music fades]

[wistful music playing]

[intriguing music playing]

[music fades]