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05x03 - Bring on the 90 Days

Posted: 04/23/24 19:59
by bunniefuu
previously on "90 fiancé"...

David is the first guy
I've ever said "I love you" to.

You're getting
married young.

- David's still young.
- David is getting married

[ Suspenseful music climbs ]
at a normal age.

[ Suspenseful chord strikes ]

I don't think she's
understanding the consequences

Of taking may over there.

Say bye-bye.

[Crying] I just got a bad
feeling about this.

[ Ominous music plays ]
luis is coming.

If you follow politics at all,

A lot of those guys use
this particular situation

To get to america,
to get citizenship.

Pretty much everybody in
my family is against andrei.

I'm just sick of defending
our relationship.

He's not
the right choice

For the rest
of your life.

and, coming up...

It's all starting
to feel so real.

Bring on the 90 days.

Oh, my god!

I feel like I'm in high school

And I landed the hottest
cheerleader on the squad.

There is something called
like romance scams.

She has got any option she wants
to go anywhere in the world,

And she picked me.

She picked
the united states.

[ Suspenseful music plays ]

I don't know.

Where he's from, he expects
a woman to be submissive.

My fiancé, luis, is about to
step off the plane any minute.

I hope she's on the way.

I know olivia has
some reservations, but,

I can't believe that
she might not show up.

May! Wait!

[ Wailing ]


[ May crying out ]

[ Whimsical tune plays ]
molly: welcome home.

Gimme a kiss. Did you have
a good day at school?

- Yeah.
- Yeah?

You ready to take a bath,
so we can get ready?

- Sure.
- 'Cause we gotta go

Get luis.

Today is the big day
that luis is arriving,

But not everybody
in my family is onboard

About me getting
married to luis.

What's the sleeping
arrangements gonna be?

Man and a woman,
they go together.

You think really
that's setting

A good example
for these girls?

[ Suspenseful chords striking ]

- Here we go.
- Oh, god!

We'll just like
fan you off,

Make sure you keep
nice and cool.

This is perfect.
Ohhh, it's great.

I called my good friend
nat to come over

Because he's always done
my makeup for special occasions

And this is one of the most
important occasions

That I've had.

I remember when you came
back from vacation

And told me
that you met this guy.

I know.

So, are you feeling crazy,
are you excited?

Crazy is not even the word.

It's nuts.

Like who does this?

Well, I'm gonna
make sure

You look the best
you possibly can.

Well, it's good on there.

I know it ain't coming off.

My makeup is
sexproof, too,

So it's gonna be perfect.
Oh, okay.

[ Laughter ]

You know, I wanted
olivia to help me,

So I'm glad you came
through, because...

She's really upset.

What are you talking about?

[ Crying ]

She's just afraid, like...

She's gonna lose her
girl time with me.


You know,
just the typical

- Ohh, yeah.
- Stuff, like.

I'm trying to understand
her feelings, but,

Those girls are my world.

- Yes.
- I do everything for them.

Like I always put them first.

I love my daughters

And I really hope olivia's
going to back down

From her thoughts
and feelings

About luis coming here.

I'm sweating... Like bad.

[ Suspenseful music plays ]

I just can't believe in just
a little bit like

Luis is gonna come through
the gates of the airport

And he's gonna get in my car
and come home with us.


I feel like I'm gonna
pass out right now. [Chuckle]

For real. Oh.

[ Suspenseful chord strikes ]

I'm texting her right now
to see where she's at.

I hope she's on the way,
'cause we need to go.

It's time for us to leave

And she's gotta drive us
to the airport.

[ Bloop ]

I know olivia has
some reservations, but,

I really wanted to go pick up
luis as a family.

She better hurry up,
'cause we're late.

She's probably doing this on
purpose, and you know what?

I understand. I understand.

If this is what we have to
battle through for a little bit,

We're about to meet luis

And I think she's
gonna change her tune.

I hope his plane's delayed
because I'm afraid

He's gonna be there
and we're not.


Hey, baby.

My fiancé, andrei, is moldivian.

But he currently lives
in dublin, ireland.

We are waiting,
not so patiently, for him

To get his k-1 visa interview
so he can come to america.

I had no idea it was gonna
take this long,

'Cause this is just insanity.

I mean, there's only so much
a person can take,

Especially when you're in love.

So next week,
I'm flying to dublin

So we can be together
while we wait.

We're all gonna go out tonight
and have one last hoo-ha

Before I leave and see you.


No, I was thinking
of wearing a dress.

What do you think?


[ Suspenseful music plays ]

I don't know.

Maybe, like...

Do you not want me

To go out late
or something?

What are you getting at?

Andrei is very old-fashioned

And he doesn't feel that there
should be a girls' night out.


He feels that,
if the girls go out,

The men should go with them

And they should be there
to kind of supervise.

It's really frustrating for me
because I have literally

Never been so submissive
in my life to somebody.

But you do that.

You make compromises
because you love that person.

So this might be the last
girls' night out for me.


Hi! Hey.

We already got started.

We have to get you guys
some drinks.

This is good.
Let's see what happens.

Does anybody want
some brie?

It's melted.
That's how I like it.

[ Laughter ]



- Andrei.
- Andrei.


Okay. Like really?


[ Shutter clicks ]

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

- I want to write something.
- That's better.

"You can borrow my sister,

But, you must"...

Let's not do that.
He's gonna get mad.

He doesn't like that.

Why are you
getting so upset?

If I tell him... Like tonight,
when we video-chatted

Before I came here,
he was like,

"What time are you
gonna be home?"

And I'm like, "I don't know,
maybe 11:00 or 12:00"

And he's like,
"that's not an answer.

Like what time are you
gonna be home?" What?

Where he's from, they don't
do girls' night out.

Anywhere the woman goes,
the man is there.

When we have girls' night

Once he is here?
I don't know.

[ Suspenseful music plays ]

I get that,
if he doesn't know

Out with girls

And there may be
some guys there,

I get that he, you know,
he might not be

Comfortable with the guys.

But who cares about the girls?

Your sisters?

Like what does it matter?

Andrei and I come from two
completely different cultures.

He's from moldova.

That part of the world
hasn't really progressed

In the modern society.

He expects, you know,

A woman to be the way
a woman was in 1900s.

When I'm in moldova
and there's, you know,

With like his family
and like men are there,

When I make a peep or interject,
they're just like...

"A woman said something?"
You know, like...

But that's
surprising for libby

Because libby's
very headstrong

And she does not like people
telling her what to do.

It was surprising
to me to hear

About maybe not being
anymore girls' nights

Just because elizabeth is very
strong-willed and hardheaded,

So the fact that she may have
someone in her ear, telling her,

"Okay, well, this is now
you need to live now

And this is what
I expect of you"

And for her just to
kind of like "bow down"

In a sense is really unlike her.

Can you picture libby being
submissive to her partner?

I feel like every woman
that finds their man,

They will be submissive.

- Uh, yeah.
- If you're in love...


[ Suspenseful music plays ]

I can see why my sisters
are concerned of me

Totally not being true
to myself and who I am.

But I love him so much that
I'm willing to compromise

My behavior, if you will.

Am I gonna be miserable?

Is it gonna be okay
or am I gonna be happy

That he's taking
control of everything?

I don't know.

You are so open
to his culture

And embracing his culture

- That's true.
- And you have changed.

- Is he gonna be just...
- Like the same?

I don't know.


Aika arrives in two days.


Do you know I've been trying
to skype you the last few days.

I have really something
important to tell you.


[ Suspenseful music climbs ]


[ Dog barking ]

Rascal, come on.

Come on. [Whistling]

My name is josh.
I'm 43 years old

And I live in mesa, arizona.

[ Barking ]


Good girl.

I'm a home-theater technician.

All right.
That should be all set.

[ Sizzling ]

I have been married,
you know, twice before.

I do have two kids
from my first marriage.

And due to relationship
issues with my ex,

My kids don't want to have
anything to do with me,


- [Purring]
- my second marriage

Only lasted seven months.

I thought both times
that it was the real deal,

But, unfortunately,
things proved otherwise,

With some infidelity

And thinking I knew
someone when I didn't, so,

I don't really
do second chances.

- [Barking]
- no.

After my last divorce,
I moved in with some friends,

Basically gave up, thought I was
done with married life forever.

And then I met aika.

[ Upbeat tune plays ]

We met on a dating app.

She lives in quezon city,

Which is right
outside of manila.

I'm an average-looking guy
with a couple tattoos

And some ear gauges.

I'm not exactly sure how
I landed such a babe like aika.

I mean, she's like
[chuckling] a trophy to me.

I've always kind of had
a thing for asian girls

And I know in the philippines,
divorce rate is very low

And I wanted a woman
that I was going to marry

And live with forever.

When I first saw aika's
online-dating profile,

I fell in love right away.

We immediately hit it off
and, shortly after,

I decided to go meet her
for the first time.


I knew right away
that she was the one.

I had been in the philippines
and physically spent

Only five days with aika
when I asked her to marry me.


And she said yes,
thank goodness,

And she mentioned that a k-1
visa would be the only way

We could be together
here in america.


Hello! Hi.

Yeah, I can hear you good.

We have a decent
connection for once.

So what do you think?
Are you ready to come

And live in arizona,
or what?



[ Laughter ]

Of course.

Aika arrives in two days

And that is when our

I feel like I'm in high school

And I landed the hottest
cheerleader on the squad.

For some reason,
she picked me, and I just...

I can't believe it.

I can't wait to see you, baby.

I love you.
I love you.

But aika has certain

I know that living in a house
full of roommates is not ideal,

So I'm feeling a lot of pressure

To make her feel at home
here in arizona.

of course, babe.

Come on. Mmm!



[ Horn plays ]


Hey, may.

You see morocco?

[ Laughter ]

- She's so cute.
- Yeah.

Just got to morocco on my long
flight and I'm superexhausted,

But I can't wait
to finally be with azan.

[ Foreboding music plays ]

When I was in america,
I didn't think there would be

This different. I didn't think
there would be this much...

[ May speaks
indistinctly ]

With everything that happened
in the trip last time,

I want everything
to go well here.

This is his country,
his culture.

You know, I want to respect it.

But it really still does,
you know, suck.

I really want to just spend
the night with him

After a long flight
coming to see him.

You know, I've been
trying to skype you

The last few days
before I left.

Why weren't you picking up?

Yeah? I have something really
important to tell you

And I was excited
to tell you.

[ Whimsical tune plays ]
what? [Scoff]

Well, remember how I had
to find a sponsor for you

For your visa
to be accepted

- Mm-hmm.
- 'Cause I don't make enough?

Well, I've been
talking to my dad

About possibly sponsoring you.


He said he would sponsor you.

That's great.

That's like one of the
last things we'll need

For your visa to get accepted.

- [May speaks indistinctly]
- yeah, I know.

I know.
I was so nervous

'Cause I didn't think
he was going to, but,

I think I finally
convinced him.

Now you can finally come
be with me in america.

Yeah, I can't wait.
That's great.

We owe everything
to my dad now.


Yeah, I know.

Now you have to really
prove to him.

[ Laughs ]

You know, I really wish you
could stay in here with me

And... Hug and cuddle

And, you know?

I know.

I understand, I do.

[ Whimsical-suspenseful
tune plays ]

So far, azan is saying
the right things, but,

With everything
that happened last time,

There's just this like little
piece of me that's just nervous

Because I want it to be better
and I'm really trying myself

And I really hope he tries, too.

All right, it's time
to tell daddy night-night.


Good night.

- Okay.
- Good night.

Bye-bye, may.

I'm staying.
I'm right here.

- Mommy!
- Good night.

I'm right here!
Don't go away.

I'm not going anywhere.


[ Laughs ]

Like romance scams.

To go anywhere in the world,

With anybody she wants,
and she picked me.

She picked the united states,
it sounds like.

[ Suspenseful music climbs,
chord strikes ]

Today is david's
arrival day in america.

I'm beyond excited.

I feel like everybody's meeting
their person except me.

[ Suspenseful music plays ]


My fiancé is david
and he's 27 years old.

He's about eight years
older than me.

David is definitely
the first man

That I've ever been
in love with.

I've had relationships where
I thought I felt love, but,

Now, being in love, I know
that... Pbbt! This is crazy.

This is something
I've never felt before.

Right after david
and I got engaged,

We started the k-1
visa application

And david is arriving today.

Evelyn, let's go!

- All right.
- Ready?

- All right, let's go.
- All right, let's do this.

I'm not used to driving
in big cities,

So my dad's going
with me today

And I think that'll be nice,
for him to just chat with david.

And, maybe on the way back,
I can drive,

As long as somebody's
helping me.

[ Laughs ]


I can't believe
this is real.

It's like
my little girl is

about to be married.


I do wish that I had my daughter
with us for a few more years.

I guess I always knew that
she would be ready young.

I guess I didn't know
that 18 was gonna be it.

Your mom always told me,
"before you know it,

You're gonna be walking
her down that aisle"

And I said, "don't talk
about that right now.

She's just
a little baby."

[ Laughter ]

You know, I always have people
ask me how I feel

About her getting
married so young

And, you know,
I was married at 19

And, 21 years later,
we're still going strong

And maybe the world might say
you should wait

And live together,

And that's not how,
you know, we operate.

That's not how we believe
that things should be.

[ Outro plays ]

We're definitely
gonna be late.

I'm starting to panic.

His plane lands at 4:45.
[Drumming thighs]

It's about 4:45, so.

- My goodness.
- Almost there.

I know!


He just texted me!
He just texted me!

Ahhh! He said,
"bae, I'm landing.

Are you already
at the airport?"

He's here!

He kind of has to wait
for us anyway, right?

Yeah, it's not like
he's going anywhere.


[ Suspenseful music plays ]

Phew. Oh, my goodness.
This is real life.

This is happening.

[ Suspenseful music climbs ]

[ Engines whining ]


It's all starting
to feel so real.

David's not just
coming to visit.

He's coming to live
with me forever.

Welcome to terminal e.

Bring on the 90 days.

As long as david's here
with me, I'm ready.

I think it's downstairs,

Well, how do we get
down there?

[Laughs] okay,
I don't know where we are.

Now I'm extra frantic.
Where are we?

All right, we gotta backtrack
just a little bit.

All right.

Arrivals, arrivals.

They come out
this door.

So we can wait anywhere
over here, really.


The whole visa process
has just been so stressful.

But we waited and prayed.

And today is just like
a culmination of everything.

[ Applause ]

I feel like everybody's meeting
their person except me.


Oh, my god!


[ Triumphant music plays ]

Love you.

you're so handsome.

[ Laughing ]


My name is david.

I come from spain
and I'm 27 years old.

- Hey, bud.
- Hello.

It feels amazing to...

To be finally here
in person with evelyn.

The moment I went
through security,

The moment they said,
"welcome to america,"

That was the moment that
I knew I was here to stay.

You must be tired.

It's been a long day.

- Yeah.
- But...

- Yeah.
- It's home now.

- Did you say "home"?
- Yeah, I said home.

- This is your home.
- [Laughing]


David is here and I was
a little bit concerned,

But I'm happy to see
my daughter happy.

The culture in spain
is much different

Than it is in new england

And it's gonna be a little
bit of an adjustment.

I'm not sure if david
is 100% prepared.


it's amazing to be together.

I don't...
It's surreal right now.

Like we haven't even been
together for 10 minutes.

David: I am very excited to
experience life in america.

I heard it's very different,
but as long as I'm with evelyn,

I will...

I'll be fine, I'm sure.


[ Outro plays ]

[ Wheels thumping ]


I'm very excited about having
aika come in a couple days,

So I'm meeting my good friends
joe and kyle at the bar tonight.

And we've all been friends
for a really long time.

It's just very important that
they show me some support

For my decision
to marry aika.

- Hey, buddy.
- What's up, man?

- How you doing, man?
- Dude, man, you're late,

- Oh!
- As always.

Yeah, I know.

Time for a beer then, huh?

When I first told joe that I was
going to travel 6,000 miles

To meet a woman I met online,
he was a little shocked.

But now that aika and I
are engaged,

I really hope that joe and kyle
can just be happy for me.

What's up, bro?

Good to see you, man.

So how's it going?

Aika's getting here
in a couple days.

Pretty crazy.
I know.

It's almost like waiting
for the ultimate package

That comes in like
six months, right?

[ Laughing ]

You know what I want
to know? Is like

There's so many women,
like just locally.

Like why didn't you find
someone local and...?

I was online, looking
on a couple sites,

And I wasn't even really...
I think you were

On more than a couple.
Oh, look at what's here.

- Oh, yay!
- Make some room here.

- So...
- You know, I had my preferences

Set for arizona.

I wouldn't have even thought,
you know, philippines.

But she popped up
in my feed

- Yeah.
- And she was gorgeous.

I have to tell you something.

I actually did a lot of
research online about this

And there is something called
like romance scams.

[ Suspenseful music plays ]

And it happens like all
the time in the philippines.

- It does. But...
- How do you know

The difference, then?

I have instincts.

Instincts? Buddy...


You've had
two failed marriages.

Yeah, I have been
married twice.

I'm concerned about josh
just because to see someone

That I care about so much

Possibly hurt himself
really bad again,

It's something that I just don't
want to see him go through.

Any relationship is...
You're rolling the dice.

But before you marry someone,
like usually,

You date for a while,

Am I gonna buy a ticket
every two weeks

And go on "dates"
in the philippines,

You know, how...?
You're risking a lot.

- You can't just do that.
- Well...

And, in order for her
to live here,

- It's a risk.
- We have to get married.

We have to.


I just know aika and I know

This is definitely the most
in love I've ever been.

I've got feelings for her that
I didn't even know I could have.

What if the scam is just to be
a united states citizen?

Well, there's that.
I mean, there is kind of

Like an ultimate
goal, right?

- "So there's that"?
- If you're gonna try to trick

Somebody into getting
here and then

Take off or whatever.
"So there's that"?

There's still that.
Well, the scam would be -

- So there's the scam...
- But that's not what it is.

Well, I think at some point,
you gotta roll the dice,

Though, right?
I mean, it's...

Kind of taking a chance.

I feel like I'm like
screaming out to the heavens

And no one's hearing me.

I'm not gonna lie, I mean,
pretty much everybody

That lived in the
philippines wants out,

And they'll do whatever.
I mean, there are

- Yeah. Josh!
- tons of scams.

- What you're saying...
- But that's not like her,


I think at the end of the day,

She'll do anything
that she needs to do

Just to get
a united states visa

And the only thing I can do,
I think at this point,

Is just be there
for my friend.

it works out for him.

Josh: look at her.

She has got any option
she wants to go

Anywhere in the world
with anybody she wants,

And she picked me.

She picked the united states,
it sounds like.

She picked me.

I know joe just wants
the best for me,

But I've made up my mind.

Being together forever
is my dream with aika.

I'm fully convinced
this is 100% real.

She's coming for me.

No other reason.
No hidden motives.

God, man,
I really pray to god,

'Cause I don't want you to go
through any more heartbreak.


She's like it's her
fault she's late,

And maybe she's
deliberately doing it.

I don't know,
but I don't like it.

Now I'm nervous and we're
like 45 minutes behind.




Where's olivia?
I hope she's on the way,

'Cause it's time
for us to leave

And she's gotta drive us
to the airport.

My fiancé, luis, is about to
step off the plane any minute.

He's coming to america
for the first time.

I'm freaking out because
olivia is extremely late

And we're not gonna make it
to the airport on time.

All right, she better come on.

[ Crunching ]

We're totally running late.
Like so late.

- Okay.
- Okay? We gotta hurry.

Okay. -Did you leave
the keys in there?

- No.
- All right, I need the keys.

- Okay, can you lower your voice?
- Yep.

You're freaking out,
and I don't need that.

Well, I'm not trying
to freak out,

- Well don't. Then don't.
- But we're a half-hour late.

- Well, that's not my fault.
- Yeah, you're running late.

[Mockingly] ah uh-uh uh-uh.

[ Suspenseful music plays ]

I think she thinks I'm scheming,
but I had to go

Through the traffic
of three different schools,

Plus a construction zone,

Let's go.

She's like it's her fault
she's late

And maybe she's
deliberately doing it.

I don't know,
but I don't like it.

Now I'm nervous and we're
like 45 minutes behind.

I can't help it, mom.
There was traffic.

Well, what if he
gets there and...

We're not there?

Then... He can wait.


I'm sorry if I was yelling,
but like I was nervous.


[ Musical ringtone ]

Oh, my god!
We're coming!

We're coming right now.
We're on the way.

he's through.

Aaaaah! [Laughs]

This is so nuts.


I don't see him yet.

Do you see him?

Are you looking?

Where is he?

- I don't know.
- I don't see him.


I hope he comes here
so I can see him.

[ Poignant tune plays ]
[ molly crying ]

Oh, my gosh!

Aaagh! Look!

Who is it?

[ Laugh-crying ]



Oh, I'm so happy.


Kensley: oh, my god.

[ Continues crying ]

Oh, I'm so happy!

Aah! [Chuckle]


My name is luis.

I am 26 years old.

I am from dominican republic.


I love you, too.

oh, my gosh.

- You were?
- Mm-hmm.

How much?

So much!

[ Cry-laughing ]


[ Sniff ]

[ Laughing ]


Oh, my gosh.

I love her, yeah.

Oh, my baby.

[ Laughs ]

I love you.


Hi, olivia.

- That's kensley.
- Hi, kensley.


Where's olivia?

Come say hi!
[Dully] hello.

Molly: I can't believe you
made it through by yourself.

[Giggle] oh, baby!

- Hi.
- Hello.

[ Whimsical tune plays ]
this is not normal,

By any means,

But I'm also kind of annoyed
'cause I feel like this

Is not the first time
this has happened.

She's like "oh, I really
like this guy.

All right?
So just so you know."

And I'm like, "all right."

- Come on.
- Where?

Let's go.
We're gonna go to the car.

But I hope he's really
good to my mom,

Even though
I don't want him here,

'Cause I mean, she just...
She does deserve that.


Luis: I love you.
- Molly: I love you.

And I am
so nervous, too.

I am so sad because

I have to leave
my family there.


It's okay.

The first time
when I meet molly,

I just told her
she's so beautiful.

"I want to get married
with you.

I want to have a wife like you,"
because she was so pretty.

[ Chuckle ]

This is united states?

Molly: yes!

[ Laughs ]


No, no.


We just picked up david
from the airport,

And now we're starting
our three-hour drive

Back to new hampshire to get
him settled into his new home.

I just can't wait for us
to really get started

On our lives now
that he's actually here.

Just keep your
hands on the...

[ Laughter ]

On our way up, I was like,
"dad, you need to drive."

But I figured we could
drive back together

Because then you could be
in the front seat with me.

Your face is really cute and I
can look over at it sometimes.

[ Whimsical tune plays ]

Try not to look at it.

[ Laughter ]

Evelyn's driving is...

Not the best.

[ Horns blaring ]

Somebody's next to you,
so just hold on.

I'm like really...
I'm shaking. [Laughs]

[ Blaring horn passes ]

[ Laughter ]
my word.


[ Laughing ]

Stop sweat...
Stop sweating back there.


When I first told
my friends and family

That I was moving to america
to marry evelyn,

They thought that

I was a little bit crazy.

But I've never, never, been
in love until I met evelyn.

She flipped my world around.

How do you feel about
being away from granada

And knowing that you're gonna
be away for a long time?

Well, i...

I don't know.
I have like

Mixed of emotions,
you know.

I'm really happy
and excited.

But it's...
It's a lot to take.

Granada is an amazing
city, so...

I'm gonna miss it.

In spain, I had
a really fun life.


In my city, there's always
something going on.

Moving to a small town
in claremont, new hampshire,

It's gonna be hard.

We are now technically
in new hampshire,

Which means this is
your new home.


This is it.

When I think about the future,

I would really like to be able
to move somewhere else,

Go to a warmer place,

And I'm sure evelyn will like
find common ground with me.


I'm down for exploring
new places,

But I don't want
to pick up and leave

And move 10 hours
away from my family,

From the band,
my music career here.

But, you know, I'm sure

Everything's just gonna
work itself out.

No, I'm gonna help you
get settled in first.

Before the wedding, david is
staying at pastor tim's house.

Pastor tim has a close
relationship with my family

And they have a special
little apartment

Off their house for him.

And it's because we both
have the same conviction

That we don't want to sleep
together before we get married.

Oh, this place
is nice.

These are your chambers.

[ Whimsical tune plays ]

I share the same conviction
with evelyn,

The idea of purity
until marriage,

And we try to like not put
ourselves in circumstances

That would like make us
be tempted to each other.


It's like we're real people
and we love each other

And we want to be together,

So that's why we're taking
these precautions.

Like he's not staying
at my house.

We don't want the appearance
of him like sinning with me

And so that's why he's staying
at pastor tim's house.

I got you some new sheets
and that kind of stuff.

I am a little bit older
than evelyn

And I feel like, in my life,

I've been really close
from like

Losing my purity.

My friends might think
it's a little bit crazy,

But they respect the fact
that I'm waiting for marriage.

And it's about like
not being alone together

As much as possible.

[ Speaks indistinctly ]

- All right, good night.
- Good night.

We're very attracted
towards each other,

So I am really excited

To be done with these 90 days,
to be honest.


Stay here.

Azan, wait!


- Hey.
- Hey.

Watch out, may.


Missed you.

- May.
- Hi.


Daddy's got
something for you.

- Yeah.
- [Gasp!]

Ooh, bunny!


If we're going
to the market,

I have something
we can use.

- Yeah?
- Here, why don't you

Get these on her.

The market can be kind of crazy,
with all the people,

So I'm a little worried
about taking her there,

So I brought her little
lion-stuffed-animal backpack.

I have this.

It's like a...

A backpack, but it has
a leash on it,

So I can keep track of her,
so I don't lose her.


It's okay. It's okay.

[ Whimsical tune plays ]

Let's go.

We gotta go, may.

- You see?
- Ahh!

May, look at my hat.
You see?

[ Ringing bell ]

Oh. May!


Oh, he looks funny.


I think azan's really
excited to, you know,

Really prove himself
to me and to her

As about being a father.

But I'm like so
wondering and curious

If azan even knows what
he's getting into with may.

Let's go.

I mean, she's not bad,
but she can be a handful.

If she doesn't want
to do something,

Doesn't always mean you
give in to what she wants.

So let's go.
Stay here.

Oh, my god.


[ Squealing ]

Hold on.
Azan, wait! Wait!

May, come on.

[ Fussing ]

[ Wailing ]

Are you hungry?

It's okay.

It's okay, may,
it's okay.


[ Sobbing;
speaking indistinctly ]

Azan: what?

[ Suspenseful music plays ]

[ May coughs, sobs ]

At me like that?


Why are you saying
don't tell you what to do?

- I am may's mother.
- [May crying out]

Azan: okay.

Take her... May!
I'm not about to be done.

May, come here.
[Sobbing, wailing]

It's okay.

next time, on
"90-day fiancé"...

Has he ever been
in the united states?

He came on a tourist visa.

He overstayed
a little bit.


Olivia is having a bit
of a difficult time.

She's not coming, I guess.

[ Suspenseful chord strikes ]

I only have a tenth
of what they're asking for

And I don't know
what we're gonna do.

My friends are traveling.

They're paying,
some of them,

Over $1,000 just to be
at our wedding.

I'm not changing my wedding
around for these guys.

That's not right.


Azan has mentioned that I should
make some lifestyle changes.

It was going well.
I kind of stopped.

That I would try.

It's not as easy
as you think it is!

[ Suspenseful chord strikes ]