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05x07 - Welcome to Real Life

Posted: 04/23/24 20:04
by bunniefuu
Previously on "90 day fiancé"...

And action.

I think aika has the potential
to do modeling.

That's my daughter.
You think it's okay.

Maybe in your country it is,
but it's not funny to me.

They're not gonna
be standing at the altar

In jeans
and a dress shirt.

If there's any day
that I can be a little selfish,

Couldn't it be my wedding?

I'm leaving my country,
leaving my family,

And you don't seem to want
to give up anything.

Andrei wants me to compromise
the way that I am.

It's a bachelorette party

[ Sighs ]

You know that I never
worked out before at all?

Is that like
a deal breaker for you?

I see you already have
an engagement ring.

I know that you're not happy
with the ring

You've got right now.

But don't obsess
over it so much.

Today my dad and brother
meet andrei.

If you can't say that this is
where you wanna live,

Then how can
I give you my blessing?



I haven't told
my family yet that annie

Is going to be my wife.

They don't know that
you're getting married?

No. 'Cause I know
they're gonna love her.

[ Screams ]

When I put this dress on,
I know it's the dress.

It's kind of like knowing
that luis is the one for me.

They need to sort that out
or they're gonna have

A big problem.



Elizabeth: I left andrei two
weeks ago in ireland.

Even though we fought,

I still want him to be here
with me in america.

And today, after tying up
all his loose ends,

He'll arrive in america

And we can finally begin
our 90 days together.

I found us a new apartment,
and I'm just so excited

To finally begin
our new lives together.

My whole family
isn't too supportive

Of our relationship in general.

I understand why my family
is concerned,

But I just want everybody
to be excited for me.

You know, think whatever
you wanna think,

That's totally fine.

That's not gonna make
or break my decision,

But be on board with it.



I am moments away
from seeing andrei.

He's about to get off the plane,
and he's gonna be here.

So I'm excited. [ Laughs ]

It seems really surreal to me

Because this is like
a long time coming.

And it's finally here.

Now that it's
in front of my face,

I'm kind of just like,
"this is actually happening."

But I can't wait to see him.

I can't wait to hug him.



[ Laughs ]

Hi, baby.

Mm. Baby.

Before, I would have to get back
on a plane and leave him,

And go back home.

All right.
All right.

Let's get your bags.

But now we finally
get to be together

And there's no turning back.

[ Laughs ]

That's the best we got
right now, baby.

The next couple days we're gonna
meet my mom and my dad

And my brothers and sisters
and some of my friends.

Everybody, yes.


Let's go home.

You're gonna do great,

Did you think I would
be a bad driver?

Oh, my gosh.

with the woman thing.

Are you nervous
to meet my dad?


Andrei isn't too worried about
the meeting with my family,

But I'm literally dreading

The meeting between
him and my dad.

I fear the worst just 'cause
I know their personalities.

They will
just start arguing.

See if anybody
parked in my spot.


Welcome home, baby.

New, empty apartment.

[ Laughs ]


our hearts are here.

We're full.

Thanks, baby,
I'm glad you like it.

Isn't it big?

It's really big.

Shower curtain.

Here's our bed.
[ Laughs ]

The frame is outside.

We have to put it together.
[ Hands clap ]


[ Grunts ]

You're here finally.

I love you.

[ Laughs ]

[ Chuckles ]


Molly: let's go.

Luis has been here
for a couple of months

And he's still having
a hard time settling in

To his role as a stepdad.

And it's been
somewhat stressful.

No marriage?


No, luis.

You're not supposed
talk about that

With your stepdaughter.

Maybe in your country
it's okay,

But it's not okay with me.

We need to spend time

Quality time as a family
before we get married.

I've been down here before.

I've been...

Put me down.

I'm gonna go sit over here
and you guys can play,

'Cause I need to make
a couple phone calls.

Come on.

One, two, three.




You have to go behind me
and swing me.

- Mm?
- You have to go behind me.

Go behind me!

This is not how you swing.


No it isn't, because you
don't live in my country.

Let me get off.

Yes, please.

- What?
- Would you may i, please?

- Yes, I do.
- Yes!


- No.
- No?

I want to go up here.

You gotta watch her.
She little.

See, that's what
I'm talking about.

It's not about that.
She could break her arm.

Yes, I could break my arm
and my knee, my ankle.

I have to go
to the emergency room.

[ Chuckles ]

I don't know if it's different
in the dominican republic,

Or just because he's so young,

But I think luis has
a lot of learning to do

As to how to be
a father figure to my kids.


Come here, babe.

- Mom?
- You can go play.

Just stay on this side
so I can see you.

You know.

Just about this kind of stuff,
you know.

Like, just being a dad
and just...

I know you want to be friends
with olivia,

But we still have to be careful
what we talk about, you know?

We can't just be okay
with talking about that,

You know, the thing,
with teenagers.

I'm gonna need help
with kensley, you know.

I know you're watching her,
but, like...

- Yeah.
- ...she's wild.

I just need to know
how do you

See yourself, like,
being a dad,

Like a step-parent?


I got a lot going on
all the time.

I mean, it's not like
you want just me.

This is my life.
I have my kids.

It's the whole package.

You can't just have me,
'cause it's more than me.

And I do need help and I want
you to be there to help me.

The question
is do you want to?

You know,
do you want to help me?

I'm extremely nervous
that luis can do this,

That he can be the man
I need him to be

And he can be the dad
that my kids need.

But I'm very hopeful that we're
going to work out the kinks

And we're going
to have a wedding.

[ Sighs ]

We got this.

- We...
- We...


- ...this.
- ...this. Okay.

- We got this.
- We got this.

We got this.
We got this.

Yes, baby.
We got this.

Let's get her
and let's go.

I'm not lazy.

How you feel?
[ Exhales sharply ]



David: we're going
to annie's village

To pack her things up
and say goodbye to her family

Before we go to america.

It is very hard, because
last night annie and I

Had a fight at the
bachelor/bachelorette party.


I'm sorry. I was wrong.
I'm sorry.


[ Chuckles ]

Saying goodbye for her
is gonna be hard

Because she doesn't know
when she's gonna see them again.


[ Speaking native language ]

[ Sniffles ]


[ Sniffles ]

David: as I was leaving,
annie's dad, papa,

Came over
and put this on me,

And it's supposed to be for
good luck and for protection

That you should wear it
everywhere you go.

Even when you sleep you put it
under your pillow for good luck,

For health,
happiness, prosperity.

[ speaking native language ]

[ Laughs ]

It's gotta be very hard
for annie's parents

To say goodbye.

She's heading to america,
the unknown for them,

And I can feel for them.

I want to make them proud.

I want to make them happy.

Heading to america,
we've got 90 days,

We have a lot on our plate,
and the emotions of saying

Goodbye just very overwhelming.



I can't wait.

This isn't what I was planning
on doing on my vacation,

To go to the gym.

But I'm not opposed
to working out, so, for him,

I think I'll go and hopefully
I don't completely hate it.

[ Chuckles ]
let's go.

That I would try.

It's not as easy
as you think is.


Look at me.

- No, I don't wanna do that.
- No, do it.

I don't have
the right bra for that. Okay.

One, two, three.

See, good.

Three, four, five.

It's time to see
how you are.

Nicole: you know, I'm not doing
this just for azan.

I'm doing it for myself because
I know I want to be healthy

And I want to be in shape.

This is what I want.

I want this for me.

So how your feel?

Just if you can get
through this stuff,

That's why you feel
like it's fear.

Okay? It's cool.


And for myself.

That's good.

I want to be healthy,
but I don't think

I need to change myself
for a man for him to love me.

Because if he loves me
he should love me for who I am.

I'm not lazy.

Do you know what you're
asking of me right now?

Do you know what you're
asking from me right now?

And change.

That's cool.

All your body will be
very burning.

[ Exhales sharply ]

How you feel?
How you feel?

[ Panting ]

It's good girl.

- We're done?
- Yeah.


But are you attracted
to me no matter what?

But are you attracted
to me no matter what?

Evelyn: he's not embracing
the apartment,

And it's kind
of driving me nuts.

Then if you've made
your decision...

My dad's just worried that
he'll be financing our life.

I have my savings.

Well, you have
to show that to him, and...



Today I'm looking at a
potential apartment with david.

- This is the place?
- Yeah, this is the place.

I am so excited to start
living with david.

What you looking at,
the neighborhood?

Is it
a good neighborhood?

This neighborhood's
not bad.

David: it's very special just
to think about getting

A little place
together with furniture,

Which probably I won't have
much to say about it

Since I feel like
she already has her ideas.

I'm specific
about the wedding.

I'm not specific
about everything in life.

- Decoration?
- Yeah, I am,

'Cause I feel like
I should be the homemaker.

There someone
showing it to us?

A woman named lisa
is supposed to be showing it

To us this afternoon.

Is she here?
She might be here. I don't know.

You see anybody
in this window?

Why don't you
give her a call?

Evelyn: we're trying to keep
our budget within $900 a month.

David: yeah, we don't need
anything too big.

We don't know how long we're
gonna be in that apartment,

Therefore just something
small, practical,

That fits to our needs.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Hello, this is lisa.

Hey, lisa,
this is evelyn.

Keys are in the mailbox
so you can let yourself in

And kind of just look around.


Just, you know, it's $1,200
a month, heat is included.

All right, thank you.

- Okay, bye.
- Bye.

[ Metal clanks ]

All right.

[ Gasps ]

I love this kitchen.

[ Knocking on wall ]

Why are you knocking
on the wall?

How old is this?

This is an old house,

Little bathroom.
That's cute.

[ Laughing ] okay.

Really love the kitchen.

I love how it gives us
that vintage feel

That I really like.

Evelyn: the moment I walk
into the kitchen,

I'm just like struck with,

Wow, this is beautiful,

And just
what I'm looking for.

The moment I walked
into the kitchen

I thought, man, this an old,
not very practical kitchen.

I see where evelyn
is coming from.

Why wouldn't it
be practical?

It's got a stove, a sink,
a dishwasher.

I wouldn't mind if it was
modern and stainless steel.

You know, like...

Why make up scenarios
if this is what it is?

This is beautiful.

I can picture our dining room
table in here.

Oh, my goodness.
It would look so good.

I keep picturing where our
potential pieces of furniture

Would go and just getting
all these ideas.

It's just perfect.

It's kind of out
of our budget range,

But I want my first home
with david to be really special.

I like the floors.

And we could have
a christmas tree right here.

Can it be a fake
christmas tree?

- No, it has to be real.
- Okay, well then a real one.

And you know what?

We're only five or six minutes
away from my family.

That's nice, but remember
when we get married

I don't want to be
there every day.

I'm not even saying
every day.

I'm just saying it's a perk
that we're close by.

Well, it's...
It's a great thing.

Evelyn: this apartment is about
five minutes away

From my parents' place,

Which is a pretty big bonus
for me to know

That we're
pretty close in town

And we can practice music
whenever, even for church.

I think it's a pretty good deal
including heat, because...

I think it's expensive.

If we had an apartment
for $800 or $900

And it didn't include
heat we'd be paying.

That's nice,
but right now,

We are in claremont
so we need to be...

Maybe we can find
a smaller place.

We are not settled yet.

We haven't decided how long
we're going to be in town,

So getting into an expensive
first apartment

Without knowing what
our future looks like

Is not a smart move.

Okay. Then if you've made
your decision...

I'm not here telling you
what to do or what not to do.

If I was we wouldn't be
staying in claremont.

I want to make you happy
and I want you to live

At a place that you like.

We have to be responsible.

It's just upsetting that
he's not embracing the apartment

Just like he's not
embracing claremont.

It's kind of driving me nuts.

He loves traveling.

But david's just really gonna
have to stop complaining

About claremont
and just deal with the facts.

He's here now.



[ Paper rustling ]

Elizabeth: andrei has finally
come to america from ireland

After he got his k-1 visa,
and I feel like

The other part of me is here
and I feel like myself.

I feel like a complete woman.

Like, he makes me
feel like a woman.

[ Laughs ]

Now that andrei
is finally here,

We have an apartment
to get in order,

We have a wedding plan,
we have family members to meet.

But my family
thinks that andrei

Just wants to come to america
and just be here.

You have decided
to marry this guy.

I think dad
feels very concerned

That he's gonna end up
supporting andrei.

I'm just gonna end up
supporting 'em all financially.

Afford all what?

This was actually a housewarming
gift from my dad.

I'm working as a property
manager with my dad.

He owns a company.

I'm independent,
but I think my dad

Still sees me
as his baby girl.

Yeah, you can't work,
but you will.


Tonight andrei is going
to meet my father

And my brother, charlie,
for the first time.

I am worried that my dad will
immediately go into finances.

And I feel like he's going
to immediately grill him

And be like,
how much money do you have?

How are you going to be able
to support my daughter?

But at the same time
you need to remember

That he's coming from
a totally different country.

He's not gonna have a career
right off the bat.

Bear, look,
our bed's done.



My dad's just worried that
during the 90 days,

Since legally
you can't work, um,

That he'll be financing
everything that we do,

Like our apartment,
our wedding.

So it's almost as if
he's financing our life,

And he doesn't necessarily
approve of our relationship

And what we're doing
and all that, so...

Well, you have to show that
to him, and I think that...

To show what?

Not show, but just
explain that to him,

'Cause he doesn't

He wants to be secure
in knowing that you,

As my husband,
will be a provider.

I think for you,
you just need to talk to my dad

And explain to him
that his fears aren't a reality.

Just seeing andrei's temper
that he has sometimes

And how he can be
so quick to get angry,

I'm really worried that
he's going to have his guard up

And he's going to be
super combative.

I already
can see them clashing.

Work out every day with you,

But you know that I never
worked out before at all.

What if I
don't do this stuff?

Is that like
a deal breaker for you?

I see you already have
an engagement ring.

I know that you're not happy
with the ring

You've got right now,

But don't obsess
over it so much.


David: today, annie and I
are finally arriving

In the united states.

It has been a long
and arduous road.

All this work, and all
the ups and downs,

And the financial constraints
of just getting here.

We're tired, we're jet lagged,
but it's exciting.


Let's find
where uncle dave is.

We land here in los angeles,

It is chris
and his daughter, ila,

Picking us up at the airport.

Here, I want you
to give them to her.

You give them to annie.

Here, let's hide
behind the pole.

Go, go, go, go.
Go get her.

Come on, come on.
Give her her flowers.

Go get her, go get her.

Annie: [ laughs ]

- Give her her flowers
- oh, my gosh.

- Ila.
- Ila.

Welcome to america.

You official.

Man, you look great,

Seeing chris here and ila,

And just having annie
here in america,

I mean, I haven't lived in
america in over four years.

[ Laughs ]

Did you ever think
you would be here in america?

Annie: no.

Well, let's go.

Now that annie and I
are in the u.s.,

We are going to head
to chris and nikki's house,

And we'll stay with them for
a little while till we actually

Go to kentucky
to be with my children.

What are you thinking that
you would like to do,

Guys, while you're here?

I'd love to show her
hollywood, santa monica.

We have a really cool
thai town in l.a.

Oh, wow.

Really, you could feel
at home here.

If you ever got homesick,

Go to thai town and you'll
feel like you're back home.

You'll feel like
you're back in thailand.

Oh, wow.

David: we are here.

Everything that we have
been working on

Over the past few months
is coming to fruition.

It's like, bang, start now.

Welcome to the game.

- Wanna see mommy? Let's go.
- Ooh!

Chris: finally.

Wait a minute.
Don't put me down, dad.

Annie: I'm scared to stay
with chris and nikki.

I want to have my own house

But david no have money.


Chris: let's just leave it
right here for now.


This is the kitchen,


[ Laughter ]

[ Indistinct chatter ]

- I'm molly.
- I'm annie.

How are you?

Nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you.
- Welcome!

Chris: we wanted to surprise david
with some of our old friends

That we worked with.

David sometimes
doesn't think

That he has as many friends
as he does,

But they were ready.

Hey, if david's in town
we want to be with him.

- How's it going?
- Exhausted.

Are you excited to be here
in the united states?

Oh, yeah.

Does it make you nervous
to be here,

Somewhere that
you never been before?

- Yeah. Yeah.
- Are you nervous?

Yeah, sure.

Are you ready
for the wedding?

Yeah, I don't know.

Have you had any plans
about the wedding?

Do you have
your dream wedding?

So, kids,
are y'all gonna have any?

- I try every night.
- Oh!

- Oh!
- [ Laughs ]

If we can, we will.

You want to have
a baby with me?

Who wouldn't want to have
a baby with you?

- So what?
- And how old are they?

My daughters will be

So it's only a couple year gap
between my daughters and her.

Oh, so your children
are older?

Yes. Two of my children.

How do you think
they're gonna feel, like,

You coming back to the states
and saying I'm getting married!

I purposely didn't tell 'em
so we could come back here

To be with them, or we would
have been married in thailand.

They don't know that
you're getting married?



David: I haven't told
my family yet because I wanted

To do it in person.

Trying to do it over skype
is just not my style.

I know once they meet her

They're gonna love her
like I did.

And everybody who meets
her falls in...

- But they will be shocked.
- They will be shocked.

- Yeah.
- Do you think they'll be happy?

We'll see what happens
with the kids.

If my children do not
like the fact

That annie is going to be
my wife, I love them,

I'll always be there for them,
but that's on them.

- Are you nervous?
- Yeah, sure, I'm nervous.

Having his family,
his daughters

And his son support him
is a lot more important

Than he would like
to say to us.

I think that it's much
more of a bigger deal

Than he's
putting out there.

Y'all want to just go around
and show you where everything is

And let you rest and relax?
Yes, please.

And we'll get going
for tomorrow.

David and annie are gonna be
our house guests

For as long
as they need to be.

Nikki's been great
to open up our home.

I'm only on board with this
because chris asked me to.

This is where the bedrooms are.
You can watch t.v. Up here.

Nikki and I went
and got this...

- Yeah.
- ...the usa. Welcome.

David: I'm worried because
I don't want annie to feel

That this is the way
that most americans live.

I can't offer this.

She will see when we leave here

And head to my family
in kentucky

That it's not the wealth
as it is here in l.a.

This will be difficult
on so many levels.

David: thank you all so very
much, really,

From the bottom of my heart

For opening up your home
and your life.

- We're family.
- I know.

Chris: all right, guys.

Relax and have a nice night,

And if you need anything...
Thank you.

See you in the morning, brother.
We're going to get some rest.

Thanks for everything, guys.
Love you.

- Thank you.
- [ Sighs ]

So tired. I love you.

Yeah, I love you, too.

Welcome to america.

Thank you.



What? I'm tired.


[ Goat bleats ]


Drive a car everywhere.

[ Sighs ]


Of course she's okay.

She's being carried
the whole time.

[ Laughing ]


[ Grunts ]

[ Exhales sharply ]

I know, and that's why
I'm trying for you

And for myself.

I want to try.

The reason I sleep late
is because you know

May doesn't sleep
sometimes at night.

She's hungry,
so I feed her.

I have to change her
all the time.

I'm the one
who takes care of her

And I just get
tired sometimes.

Okay, what if I don't
do this stuff?

Does that mean you don't
want be with me

If I can't do it
in the future?

Is that like
a deal breaker for you?

Sorry that I don't work out
every day with you.

But you know that I never
worked out before at all,

So for going from that
to doing a few things

With you is something.

So that's what you should be
appreciative and support me on.

You made promises that
you broke, too, okay?

But I don't make
a huge deal about them.

I guess we'll just have
to see in america.

You'll just have
to trust me.

I would hope that you would
want to see me happy.

Somebody from another country
gets to come in

And take my mom away
and I don't like it.



Hello. [ Laughs ]

Olivia's definitely
kept her distance

Since that night with luis,

So I've decided
that we want to go

And have girl time together

And have a great time
with each other and reconnect.

Molly: thank you.

I've taken olivia to
get her nails done

Since she was about
four years old.

So nice of you
to join me.

So nice of you
to invite me.

Well, you don't come out
with me too much anymore,

So I thought maybe
this would be a way

To spend some time
with you.

I don't come out with you much
'cause you like to go with luis.

And it's not me.


Luis is from
the dominican republic

And my family
thinks I'm nuts.

But you know me,
I've been coming here forever.

He does.

He speaks english
fairly well

And he's going
to take some classes.


He does not speak
english fairly well.

- He does.
- Mommy.

I just know this.

Love is universal.

[ Chuckles ]

You don't even have
to have a conversation

With somebody
to know sometimes.

- Yes!
- What?

Let me just tell you,
none of my friends

Have had a man
from another country

Move into their house
that didn't meet

Until they picked them up
from the airport.

- Well, I'm unique.
- None of my friends have

Done that and nobody does that.
I'm different.

[ Laughs ]

Nah, she just is
so worried about

What does luis want?

What does luis like?

Oh, we have to buy plantains
because he loves those.

I'm gonna cook plantains.

I don't like plantains.

This afternoon of fun time,
girl time, nail time

Turned into a little more
serious than I had anticipated.

This is
not a negative thing.

This is actually, like,
love thing, you know?

Something good.

And I would hope that you
would want to see me happy.

Don't you think?

I guess.


Woman: come here.

[ Voice breaking ]
it just doesn't feel good.

[ Sniffles ]

Somebody from another country
gets to come in

And take my mom away,
and I don't like it.

I know that's hard,
but it's going to be good.

I love him.

I love his family.
They love me,

And that is why
I'm getting married.

It's not even...

I can't explain it.

I don't know, you know?

Sometimes you don't
really know love

Until you know love like how
I love you and kensley.

- Don't cry, don't cry.
- I can't help it.

I just want you
to know that.

There's nothing
that anybody can ever do,

No man,
no livvy ray business,

No nothing that will ever
take the place of you guys.

Even though we fight
and I yell at you,

I love you.

I love you girls more
than you'll ever know.

It's going to be okay.

As of right now,
it's looking like

They're planning
to get married,

And 90 days is gonna happen.

It is weird,
but at the same time

He makes her happy
so that's good.

All right,

How do I kick this
puppy up a notch?

Molly: I think for
the first time in a long time,

Olivia and I really bonded.

I think that she feels better
and that she can see

That he's not here
to take her place.

We got to go
look at a venue.

I maybe going to go look
for dresses.

I want to help
pick out the food.

That's what I want to do.
I don't want no plantains.

I want something delicious.

But I'll go with you
to look at dresses.

I love olivia and kensley
more than anything.

But I've waited 41 years

And I deserve to have
the love of my life.

I'm trying to convince david
that it's important for me

To stay in the area.

He said he would go anywhere
that my music takes me.

Right now,
it's taken me here.

No, it's keeping you here.



I think with anybody
planning a wedding,

It just gets so stressful.

So david and I
are really hopeful

That today is just
going to be relaxing,

Almost like a breath
of fresh air for us.

What's up?

Today I'm getting back
in the recording studio

Just to kind of work
on my new songs.

And david gets to see me
in the recording studio

For the first time.

[ Car beeps ]

Let's see if I can get out
of this driveway.

[ Car bangs ]

[ Car screeching ]

Evelyn is a very talented girl
and I feel very blessed

To be able to hear
her music every day.

Can you sing me
a little bit of the song

We're going
to record today?

[ Laughs ]


You can wait.

This is something that I want
to continue doing forever,

And I want you to be able to
feel like you're a part of it.

Evelyn: I've been working
with my producer, mike,

For about over a year now
in his home studio,

And it's been really great.

We've been able to produce
a bunch of songs.


I feel like I have something
good going on with mike,

And that he does things
pretty inexpensively for me.

That's another reason that I'd
like to stay close to the area.

But you know
that nowadays

You can do a lot
of things online.

I'm not even saying we have
to live next door.

I'm just saying I don't want
to be across the country.

If we decided to go somewhere
else I think it would work.

I really don't want to have
to think about that today.

It's that when
I'm about to record,

I don't want to think
about anything that could

Be distracting or make me upset
or anything.

I just try to have
my focus 100% on the music.


I feel like I'd be leaving
my creative faucet,

Which is my family,
for my music.

I'm not asking you to commit
to 20 years of backpacking.

I'm telling you,
"hey, let's go on an adventure.

One, two years,
you're dream will come true.

My dream will come true."

You only want yours
to come true, kind of.

I'm just saying that
there's options, you know?

We're just going to go
wherever god calls us.

And hopefully it's here.


- Hey!
- Hey!

Mike is my producer
and he has a home studio.

- David. Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you, finally.

I've heard lots about you.
Okay, great.

What makes mike so good is
that he just doesn't

Take your work
and make it into his own.

He really tries to give you
the product that you want.

And we'll just give you

A little intro
so you know


Okay, ready?

* Wandering through trees *

* Your voice I hear. *

Mike: when evelyn and I started
working together last year,

I hadn't heard
any of her music.

I hadn't even heard her sing.

I was very impressed.

She has a very unique
singing style.

* Will you ever know? *

* Ooh *

I think evelyn has an immense
amount of potential.

* Oh *

Wow. Sounds amazing, baby.

[ Chuckles ]
thank you, baby.

I love this.

Wasn't that nice?

I love those images you paint
during the bridge of the forest.

Still, I feel like there's
a lot to do in this song.


Before the bridge there was
a lot of empty space.

Definitely, definitely.

we want to fill those spaces.

Hopefully letting solomon
go over everything.

- Yeah, of course.
- All my music is produced here.

So I'm trying to convince david
that it's important for me

To stay in the area.

So you're thinking
about moving?

I'm not thinking
about moving.

I'm used to warmer weather,
and I heard that winters

Are really long in this area.

You know, when we work
on this music together,

We build up
a relationship.

You have to recreate that
relationship someplace else.

Mike: david seems like
a really nice guy,

But I would hate for evelyn
to wake up some day

And not have realized
her potential, musically.

I'm compromising a year
of my life in a small town.

- Oh, really?
- Yeah.

Really, 'cause you said
you would go

Anywhere that my
music takes me.

No, I mean...

I will go anywhere where
your music takes you.

And right now
it's taken me here.

No, it's keeping you here.

In that case it's not
taking you anywhere.


Evelyn: you don't
just find a producer

That you work with
really well everywhere.

And I don't' really understand
why david is not getting that.

I don't know. I don't know
what we're going to decide.

We'll figure it out.

Evelyn: when he says we'll go
wherever my music takes me,

I just want him to see that
right now it's taking me here,

Where I am right now.



I would like to work
with you, okay?

So is this something
you really want to do?

How are you guys?

We're just here to look
at some wedding sets.


All righty, what kind of style
would you say

You're most
interested in?

White metals,
yellow metals, rose gold.

- What do you like?
- What I like?

I mean, you're the one
that's going to be wearing it.

I see you already have
an engagement ring.

Of course.

Josh: the ring is very special
because it's been

In my family
for 50 years.

It was my mom's ring,
and she said

I want you to give this
to the woman you love.

Unfortunately, I kind
of already did that.


Are you set on
a heart-shaped cut?

Are or you open
to other...

I don't know if we have any
heart shapes set up just yet.

But we do have a couple
of loose stones

That we can always bring out
and show you if you'd like.

- Nice.
- Oh, yeah.

This is going to be
a one karat stone right here.

- Wow.
- Oh, wow.

Well, let's...

Plus the mounting.

For just the stone.


Expensive taste, huh?

It'll be forever.

Of course.

- You like that design?
- Yeah.

Are you crazy?

Josh: if I was
just made of money

And had an infinite
bank account,

Of course I'd go buy her
whatever ring she wants today.

But that's not how it is.

There's a lot of other expenses
with the wedding, too.

It's not just the ring,
so let's talk about it.

We're looking,
we're just shopping.

We're getting ideas.

Not today.

Just for a little bit.

We will, babe.

Woman: what have you envisioned
your mother in?

Honestly, I never saw
her getting married.

Molly: [ giggling ]

Oh, here comes...


Today my dad and brother
meet andrei.

As her father I want
to hear you say

That this is where
I want to live.

If you can't say that, then
how can I give you my blessing?




Molly: I got my man,
I got my ring,

And today my mom,
olivia, and I

Are going shopping
for a wedding dress.


I haven't always made the best
choices regarding relationships

But two of the choices I made,
landed me my daughters.

That is a positive.

And I guess
another positive is

I've never been married
to one of my bad choices.

To celebrate my mom's wedding
you could take me

On a shopping spree,
or whatever you want to do.

There better be a lot
of dresses in here,

I've been driving
for three damn hours.

[ Laughs ]

Oh my goodness!


- Yay!
- Molly, wow!

Molly: I'm not a traditional
type of gal.

I'm a wild, crazy girl

And I love crazy colors
and loud fashion.

But luis is very traditional,
and he really wants to see me

In a white dress.

So this is a fun, ruffly.

I don't mind that.

It's got a little bling,

I like that.

Woman: what have you envisioned
your mother in?

Well, honestly, I never
saw her getting married.

But he's going to love
whatever she puts on.

Everything she does,
he's like,

"This is my wife.
I love my wife."

- Aww.
- It doesn't really matter.

He really is very sweet.

He's going to love

This is a little
weird for me.

I want her to be my mom,
not a wife.

[ Laughs ]

But I'm happy that
I could be here for her.

I think we've got about
five gowns to start with

And we can go from there,
see how they are, start fitting.

- Fantastic.
- Oh, my god.

You're excited
and I'm about to vomit.

I never got
to do this before.

Oh, gosh.

I'm just so excited
to be the flower girl.

She's been talking
about it so much.


Molly: [ giggling ]

Oh, here comes the giggles.

I can not believe
I'm doing this.

Woman: all right, everyone.

She said, you have
on a black bra.

Of all people
you should know better.

- 'Cause I wasn't thinking.
- Okay, walk on up.


Becky: well, let her walk up
and let her see.


Well, it might look better
if you couldn't see

The black panties
and my bra.


I would bring this up
a little bit more.

- [ Laughs ]
- oh, my gosh.

No. Mnh-mnh.

- Not at all.
- But I do like the dress.

- We're going to keep on going.
- Yes.

That is so ugly.

We just have like
such different tastes.

I just don't think
I'm going to like

Any of the ones
that she puts on.

It's going to be hard for me
to fake liking it

Because it's like fugly.

Your mother doesn't expect you
to fake anything.

She wouldn't.

Woman: ready?

Let's see what this one
is going to look like.

[ Gasps ] oh, my.

All right.

I love this. I feel easy,
it doesn't feel heavy.

What do you think, livy?

I like it, too.
You do?

[ Screams ]

When I put this dress on,
I know it's the dress.

It's kind of like knowing
that luis is the one for me.

I think luis
will like it, too.

Now with the veil,
is anyone giving you away?

Do we need the piece
in the front?

Is your dad going to be
giving you away?

You want to know the truth?

I don't know.

I have no idea,
it's kind of debatable.

He's just very stern

And he's very southern man
from georgia

And he doesn't get it.

I think he thinks that
this is just a big joke,

And it's not a joke to me.

I mean, I don't think
I would have waited this long

To get married
if I wasn't, like for real.

It makes me feel very sad.

I want my dad
to support my marriage

But I don't think he's given
luis a fair chance at all.

But moms can give you away
too, nowadays.

Doesn't just have
to be dads.

Moms can do it, too.

I would be totally
all right with that.

Oh, my gosh.
Are you crying?

Becky: molly, she's down about
how her dad is reacting to luis.

It bothers me, but I'm available
for whatever she needs me to do.

This is like whatever
mom wants to do,

They want to go
with their daughter,

And their granddaughters...

To see how they're going to
look in their wedding dress.


[ Laughing ]
I really love this dress.



So today is the day my brother
and dad meet andrei,

And I'm very nervous.

[ Indistinct chatter ]

My family thinks our
relationship is a huge mistake,

And they're not afraid
of letting you know.


You're going
to do great, baby.

- Hi!
- What's up man?

So, maldova.

- Moldova?
- Yeah.



Nice to meet you.

So I'm just meeting you
for the first time,

And I don't want
to put you on the spot,

But to me, the biggest thing
that I want to know as a father,

Is how do you plan
on supporting her?

Because it's very expensive
to live in america.

Mortgage payments,
car payments, utilities.

Legally, you can not.

It's hard enough to be married
and make it work

Under the right

So the chances of this
lasting and working out,

I don't think
it's very good.

I don't think
the odds are good.

All right, so I can tell you
as her father

That she's
very strong willed.

You're going to have those roads
where she's going to want to go

This way and you're going
to want to go that way.

How are you
going to resolve this?

We'll compromise.

But you are, as a man,
the head of household.

And I trust his judgment
and his direction.

- Well...
- We talked about that.

I'll gladly live there.



You'd be happy with living
in moldova?

I love moldova, seriously.

How do you think
you love moldova?

You've been there, like,
once or twice.

It's an amazing country,
the people are nice.

The quality of life
is extremely different.

It's truly a beautiful country,
it really is.

Something tells me
that I'm not going to be able

To see my grandkids
very often.


What girl in the united states,
meets a guy,

And marries him
and moves to moldova?

Unless this guy
is the king of moldova.

[ Laughs ]
[ chuckles ]

- Bottom line.
- Yeah, really.

[ Laughs ]

So why the rush
to get married? Why?

- This isn't a rush.
- What?

My dad is worried
that andrei is

Going to take me away
from him, that's it.

But like I'm a grown-up
and it's time to have a family,

And move on
and get married.

Every normal person
wants to do that, so...

So I guess, as her father,
I want to hear you say,

"Yeah, I've decided that this is
where I want to live,

This is where I want
to have a family.

If you can't say that,

Then how can I
give you my blessing?

Well, I think you guys have
made this decision, on your own.

You haven't asked
anybody's advice.

Basically, you're just saying
this is what we're doing.

I think that you guys need
to sink or swim on your own.

Elizabeth: I kind of knew
we would be on our own,

But now I really realize

That we're not going
to get help from anyone.

Our wedding is going to be
really expensive

And I don't know how we're
going to pay for all of it.

We've got to hit the road
but it was good meeting you.

I know that you're not
happy with the ring

You've got right now,

But don't obsess over it.


- Hi.
- Hello. Hi.

[ Indistinct chatter ]


- Thank you.
- Thank you.

All right.



I just want you to be happy,
that's all.

I know you're not
happy with the ring

You've got right now,

But don't obsess
over it so much.

Sometimes you get mad
or worked up about stuff

That isn't
really a big deal.

- Mm-hmm.
- Right?

I agree with that.

When you constantly
talk about, like,

Money and rings,
it just makes me feel like

I'm being used
or like kind of bad.

We'll see.

Are you okay waiting?

Josh: I knew that aika
wanted a family,

I didn't think
she meant like now.

We kind of got to wait
for certain reasons,

We just have to wait.

I have complications
as far as conceiving

That we definitely need
to figure out first.

I just wish you could be
a little more patient.


I love you.


See if you can hit
a baseball, big papi.



Okay, man.
So you coming?

Wait till I get in.

So you try to
play baseball today.

I will try not
to strike out.

Jess: I love hanging out
with luis,

And I love having
another guy around

To help balance out
all the estrogen

That's in the house
most of the time.

Oh, yeah.

Line drive.


Oh, man!

[ Laughs ]

All right!

You'd better take
some swings, big papi.

Here we go.

Oh, you hit like a girl.

Come on, I thought all
the dominica republic boys

Could hit a baseball.

[ Laughs ]

We're getting you out
the house man.

This is real dude day.

- What?
- Boys day.

Thank you.

How you feeling
about being a dad?

Well, she's coming around.

I can tell she really
likes you a lot.

I know you do.


Jess: him maybe wanting
to move back to the dominican,

It gives me a slight concern
because, you know,

In less than 90 days
he's marrying my sister.


You need to tell molly
what you're thinking.

Y'all need to talk about,
you know.

She loves your country, but...

...she has her kids
and her business here.

She can't just move
and go back.

So you're going to have
to talk to her about that

'Cause that's a real deal.

You know, that's a deal breaker,
if you ask me.

I'm going to give him time
to talk with molly.

It's really not my place
to talk to her about it,

Even though she's my best friend
and has been my whole life.

So they need to sort that out

Or they're going to
have a big problem.

I was hoping
you'd stay home.

Going out is one thing
he promised me would not do.



- Hey.
- Hey.

Nicole: good.


Nicole: me and azan have a lot
of problems right now.

I think he wants me
to be healthier

And putting a daily
workout routine or whatever.

And I feel like maybe
we do need to slow down

And find out
who we are as a couple,

Because I want to really give
our relationship a chance,

And see it go through.

So I really hope
that's what he wants, too.

I was hoping
you'd stay home tonight.

I think, you know,
you go out a lot.

But you know
she's sleeping,

I was hoping maybe you could
stay and we watch movies.

Okay, I guess.

I wish that we could just
have a nice dinner

And then you know, relax
and like be together.

It does worry me that he's going
out because it's one thing

That I literally asked him
before I left

To not do,
and he promised me he wouldn't.

I mean, I'm only there
for two months,

Why is it so hard
to not go out?

- Okay?
- Okay.

See ya.

- Bye.
- Bye.

[ Exhales sharply ]

I do feel lonely.

Like, I love may and I love
playing with her,

But she can't really talk
and have a conversation.

And mind you his family
still doesn't speak english,

So I still have
no one to talk to.

It's like I am here for him and
he's going out seeing friends.

[ Sighs ]

[ Laughing ]


I wish azan would stay home
so we could talk more

Because we've been
having like some fights,

And I wish he would just like
talk to me about things

So that we can figure this out

And just work it out
instead of just

Going off somewhere by himself.


May woke up crying,

And we finally figured
out she wanted lunch.

Do you like your sandwich?

- Yes!
- [ Chuckles ]

Nicole: I wish we could talk
about things.

Me and azan,
I wish he was home right now.

Things have been rocky
and I just wish he would

Just sit and talk with me
instead of getting frustrated

And not talking
and shutting down.

It's really annoying because
I just need him to talk to me,

We just need to talk,
that's it.

It doesn't even
have to be some crazy,

Big scrubby words.

I just need him to just talk
to me about us and stuff.

Next time on "90 day fiance"...


Andrei is meeting my sisters.

What about like
a bachelorette party?

Maybe vegas?

We are going to
take her to vegas.

Libby, are you there?

[ Indistinct chatter ]

How are y'all ready
to get married

When she got tears
in her damn eyes?

Did you hear
what he just said?

- Yes.
- Don't [bleep] touch me!

I will beat your [bleep].

We had a pretty big
blow out.

She wants to go home.

If she loved you to death,
she wouldn't tell you

That she wants
to go home.

Why would we want
to stay at a town

Where like half the town
is for sale pretty much?

If david doesn't get
what he wants

Is he just going to
pout about it forever?

Moving away
would be hurtful.

It's not about
you guys anymore,

It's about us
as a married couple.

[ Sighs ]

Have you decided
what you're going to do

For your bachelor party?

I'm not really worried
that luis might do

Anything really crazy.

[ Laughs ]

Listen to me,
listen to me.

No, you're [bleep]
bad person.

Don't say that
I'm the bad person.

I'm over here taking care
of may by myself

In a foreign country.

Why does he
have to be this way?

Why is it so hard
to talk to me?

- Stop.
- Wait!

[ Bleep ]