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05x09 - Wake Up Call

Posted: 04/23/24 20:06
by bunniefuu
previously on "90 day fiancé"...


Andrei is meeting my sisters.

But what about, like,
a bachelorette party?

David: she's like,
"[bleep] you, [bleep] you."

[ As annie ] I sleep
on the floor tonight.

How are y'all ready
to get married

When she got here tears
in her damn eye?

We had a pretty big blowout.

She wants to go home.

If she loved you,
she wouldn't tell you

That she wants
to go home.

I'm not really worried that
luis might do anything crazy.

[ Laughing ]

Listen to me, listen to me.

No, you're
a [bleep] bad person.

Why is it so hard
to talk to me?

- Stop.
- Quit it!


Molly: and coming up...

You gonna get up
sometime today?

Nicole: so, we had a big fight.

[ Sighs ]

Aika wants kids,
but I had a vasectomy.

You know, reversing that
is not always guaranteed.

I hadn't even had one
conversation with you

When you popped the question
to my daughter.

Don't look for me
for financial help.

You're on your own on that one.

I still feel like it's important
for us to talk about intimacy.

We're getting married. I mean,
we talk about everything else.


[ Dog barking ]

Okay, what did I do?
I know I made a list,

And now I don't even know
where it is.

Last night, luis and I

Both had our bachelorette
and bachelor parties,

And we agreed to come home
around the same time

Because we've still
got a lot of work

To finish up the last
details for the wedding.

Listen to me, listen to me.


I feel gypped.

I feel like I got gypped
out of my night

Because I came home
and he stayed out longer

Than he said he was going to.

And now we got stuff to do,
and he's not up.

Like, it's not cool.


Yeah, you.

You gonna get up today,
sometime today?

Look at your phone.

Look what time it is.


That's about the same time
you got in last night.

What happened?

What happened to 10:00?

Well, what did y'all do?

Like, did y'all get, like,
private dances?

[ Chuckles ] baby.

I know you needed it.

I know you needed your time,
but I would have liked

To have been out longer, too,

And you totally, like, told me
to come home, and I did.

I know luis is having
a hard time adjusting,

So I'm not taking it personal.

Of pressure on people.

Well, get used to it.

That's about the only
break you're gonna have.

It's time to go.

You got stuff to do.
No more off days.

No. Let's go.

We got so much to do.

Oh, my god.



David: today we are
going to have lunch

With chris and nikki
and annie and myself.

The other night, we had barbecue
night at chris and nikki's.

It totally got out of hand,

And I am responsible
for my actions

Whether I remember them or not.

Man: this some
bull[bleep] out here.

This ain't no
bull[bleep] out here.

This is the real.

Chris is a mama,
and he needs to take his [bleep]

Out of his mouth.

Chris is
a grown man what?

- What? No.
- Yes.

Don't [bleep] touch me.
I will beat your [bleep] ass!


I apologized to annie
and promised her

That I would not drink
until the wedding day.

And we ended up having
an amazing day in hollywood.

Did you ever think
you would be in hollywood?

You see things
you've never seen before.

Look at that!

Oh. Huh.

Now that I've cleared
the air with annie,

We're gonna talk
about the other night

'Cause it's kind of
like the elephant

In the room that
needs to be addressed.

I already know what
I like to eat, so...

We were only
planning on staying

With chris and nikki
for a few weeks,

Till we actually go
to kentucky for annie

To meet the kids
and to get married.

But because of the whole
economic thing,

Right now I'm at their mercy,

So I really don't have
many options here.

So, you guys had
a day out yesterday.

What did you guys see?
What did you do?

I'll let you tell the story
from your own experience.

What was new for you?

Sex toy.

[ Laughter ]

So, annie, you had
the dream day yesterday...

Oh, yeah.

...and a little bit of
a different the night before.

So, how was... Was there
any conversation about that?

I am sorry for what happened
the other night.

But when you were sober
yesterday, you never said sorry.

Well, we were gone most
of the day yesterday.

I didn't really have a private
moment to be with him.

I don't want
any excuses, but...

No. I understand what
you're saying there.

...i'm just letting you know
you never said sorry.

Never, not to chris.

Then I need
to call him...

I don't know what
you've said to chris,

But definitely
not to me...

...and definitely not

To antonio.

Well, and I would like
to talk to you about that,

That I am sorry
for the other night

Because I appreciate your home.

I don't want to disrespect you
in any way, shape, or form.

I'll tell you this.
I know you're a good talker.

Actions speak louder.

Do you think you have
a drinking problem?

Right now chris, nikki, and
annie are, like, talking about

That I have all these drinking
problems and all these things.

And I did get drunk, and I
might have been out of line,

But antonio was also drink.

And I don't understand why

Everybody's beating up
on me like this.

I just want you to admit
that you have a problem.

I don't think that I have
a drinking problem.

I really don't.
You don't think you...

Annie, do you think
he has a drinking problem?

It's been an issue
more than once.

You laughed in her face
while she was crying.

That wasn't okay.

Nikki: we've had a talk
with david before.

David can't really anything
that's gonna make me

Believe him from this point.

Literally, his actions
are gonna tell me

If he's a changed man or not.

I don't remember saying
anything that was so...

I didn't think that I said
anything that was so...

I was trying to be funny.

You don't feel like you said
anything that was so bad?

I thought I would make a joke
and say that antonio wanted

To [bleep] chris.

I thought I was trying
to be funny that night.

I don't recall being...
No, no, no, no.

'Cause one minute you say
you don't remember,

And then the next minute, you
say you're trying to be funny.

Well, I thought I was having
a good time and happy.

But at the moment,
she was crying, too,

And you still said it, so...

He should have gotten slapped
is what he should have gotten.

I would have slapped him.

I'm happy that antonio decided
not to, but I would have.

You are a funny guy.
I mean, you have a great...

But there's some things
that aren't funny.

And now that you said something
you thought was funny,

But now not that you're...
Well, in context,

It's not funny.

Yes, when I do drink, I tend
to want to drink to get drunk.

And to have fun.

Well, I don't want to...

Well, no, that's...
That's different.

That's why I'm saying to you
that I'm not going to drink.

What I'm saying is...

I said to her yesterday,

"What can I do to make this
right, to make it better?"

And she said, "do not drink
until the..."

"You know, at least
till the wedding."

And I thought about it,
you know, going all the way

To the wedding...
'Cause we have 90 days,

Now down to 80-some days...
And not drinking

'Cause then it means, okay,
I have a handle...



And I understand that.

And that's why I made
that commitment to her.

I'm just gonna say this.

I hope it doesn't
happen again

'Cause I would have to
hate to put you out.

I don't want that
to happen.

I get the message
loud and clear.

And we'll take care
of annie.

Like, annie can choose
to go with you,

Or she can choose to stay.

But, yeah, if you pull
another stunt like that,

I won't be able
to tolerate that.

- That was just too much.
- And I hope that you recognize

That, too, annie,
that you have some friends.

You do have us. Like,
we wouldn't let anything

Happen to you.

Thank you so much.

Chuck: usually the guy
will talk to the dad

Before he asks
the girl to marry him.

And it was like, "I don't
even know this guy,

And you're engaged?"

You know, sex is a natural,
normal... Normal thing.

Apparently it's time for us
to have the sex talk.

Penises are designed
for vaginas.

Oh, my word.


I think you guys have made
this decision on your own.

You haven't asked
anybody's advice.

I think that you guys need to
sink or swim on your own.


Hey, andrei.

How you doing, man?

Thanks for coming out.


Chuck: I'm meeting andrei.

I'm gonna ask him
some questions that

I've kind of been saving up.

So, hopefully, you know,
he can be up-front

And honest with me today.

So, you never played
golf in moldova?

You get a cooler
full of beer,

And you go out and spend three
or four hours on the course.

It's a good way
to get to know people.

So, that's kind of why
I wanted you to come out

At a driving range
and just hit some balls around

And just try to
get to know you.

You don't have to swing hard.

What you have to do is
just meet the ball when you...

When you come back down.

That's what you want to do.

There you go.

Not bad, not bad.

Hey, listen.

You know, I really felt
that we needed this time for me

To get to know you.

My biggest concern,
to be honest with you,

Is you being able
to find good employment

Here in the united states
to raise a family.

And I want you guys
to have the nice things.

You know what I mean?

She's not gonna be happy living
in a two-bedroom apartment,

Driving a beat-up...
Beat-up car, raising kids,

While her sisters are driving
mercedes, living in big houses.

I'm just telling you.

You know, the difference
between her and her sisters

Is they married guys
that were already successful

And had money.


One is, and one's
like almost 40.

Another thing I want
to ask you...

And this has been
kind of bugging me...

Is, like, I don't know,

In your country,
what your traditions are,

But usually the guy
will talk to the dad

Before he asks the girl
to marry him.

Is that the kind of tradition
you have in your country?

I hadn't even had one
conversation with you

When you popped the question
to my daughter.

Elizabeth just showed up
with a ring on her finger...

"Dad, I'm engaged."
I was like...

You could have knocked me over
with a feather.

And it was like, "I don't
even know this guy,

And you're engaged?"

So, you can see, you know,
as the father, I was...

I was a little skeptical.

You know, when you...
You guys never asked me,

You know, my opinion,
or you didn't ask me

For her hand in marriage,

So I don't think
it would be right for you

To ask for our help monetarily.

So, this wedding, whatever you
got to pay for, expense-wise,

You're on your own on that one.


You understand
my position on that?

I'm standing by my decision

That I'm not gonna help
with their wedding.

You didn't ask for her hand
in marriage?

You didn't ask me
for my opinion?

Don't look for me
for financial help.

You sink or swim on your own.

All right.
I'm gonna get on out of here.



Jacalyn: hey, babe,
what you doing?

Some guitar.

I got to fold some laundry.
Want to help me?

I can if you
really need me to.

Well, if you're
practicing and...

No, that's fine.

Between david and my family.

And it's definitely made things
a little bit awkward.

Moving away would be,
you know, kind of hurtful.

It's not about
you guys anymore.

It's about us
as a married couple.

I guess you could say
the honeymoon is over

Between david
and my family,

But I just hope that my family's
not taking it personally.

Are you getting
really excited?

I'm excited.

It's coming up, so...

Before you know it.

You nervous or are you scared
or do you want to talk about it?

Just, like, the whole idea
of everything

That involves being
married and everything.

Do you mean, like, sex?

Oh, my word.

Um, yeah, kind of.

David and I
are both virgins,

And we have never
lived with anybody.

My life is gonna change
really soon in a huge way.

I feel pretty comfortable
talking to my mom about sex,

But it's still awkward.

Well, I mean, if you have
any questions or concerns,

Honey, I'm your mom.
I want to be able to help you.

I have no problem having

Difficult conversations
with evelyn.

Maybe sometimes she's
a little put off by it.

I was young when I was married,

And there were things
that I needed to learn.

And you do.

And I'm sure she'll learn, too.

Um, I don't really know...
I mean, I guess all I'd ask

Is how do you get
to be comfortable,

Like, just being
together intimately

And also not...
I don't know.

It just feels like it would be
uncomfortable and unnatural.

What do you mean
by being...

You said that it seems like
it might be uncomfortable.

To be together, like, even
naked sounds kind of like...

You know, sex is a natural,
normal... Normal thing, honey.

And it's really not something
to be really afraid of.

I mean, I can understand
because it's something

That you've never done
and it seems kind of scary.

But, I mean, what's
the biggest fear about it?

Am I even
going to like it?

I would not be concerned
about that at all.

Penises are designed
for vaginas.

Oh, my word.

So it will work fine.

And, actually, it's something
to look forward to.

You know, being married now,
you'll be able to have sex.

And, I mean,
it's a beautiful thing.

That's weird.

Knowing the experience that she
was telling me from was like...

Of her and my dad
was kind of gross.

Anything else?

Not really.

I feel like I wouldn't want
to ask you weird questions.

Honey, I am open to any question
that you have, honestly.

I want to be able to...
You know what?

I don't even think
david would want me

To talk to you about it.

Anything private like that
he doesn't want me

To talk to you about.

Who does he want you
to talk to it about?


David does not like the fact
that my mom and I

Are really open with
each other about sex at all.

He is more of the kind of person
that says, you know,

Sex in our lives is
definitely, like, private.

Like, you don't share
with anybody,

Even if you have
questions or whatever.

Well, that's not healthy.

You need to talk
to someone, honey.

I know.

I mean, how did
david grow up?

I mean, was his family open
about sex or the topic of sex?

I mean, from what he told me,
it didn't sound like

They were super chatty
about sex.

I think he said they talked
about it, like, once

When he was 12...

...and then never again.



should be interesting.

I think that it will take
some getting used to,

The fact that david's not
very open at all about sex.

Relationships where you can't
discuss things lead to problems

And lead to issues.

If I have true concerns,
I want to be able to share them.



I was trying
to get you to talk to me

And to listen to how
I was feeling.

This is what happens when you
don't want to just talk, okay?

It happens somewhere public.

Why is it so hard
to talk to me?


I really need
to talk to you.

I know you're still
upset, but, like,

It's really close to me leaving,

And I don't want to leave,
like, on bad terms.

He keeps ignoring me,
and it makes me really upset

Because I really just
want to talk to him.

You know, not only is he having
a hard time trusting me

Still because of,
like, what I did,

You know, cheating and stuff,
but now it's like

I'm scared that he's not
gonna get over this.

I really wanted to go home

Because I didn't know what to do
because I felt alone

And I didn't know who to
talk to or where to go.

I don't like that I'm here
and that's what's happening.

Like, that's not
why I came here.


And, like, when I just asked you
to come talk with me,

You didn't.

It became like that because
you didn't come talk to me.



You know, I know I was wrong,

And especially since
your aunt was around.

And I really...
I really do feel stupid

And, you know,
disrespectful to your aunt.

She's been so good to us.

I know.

The relationship, you know,
has had a lot of ups and downs.

And, you know, azan
breaking his promises

And, you know, acting
the way that he did,

But also, you know,
even though he did things,

You know, I wasn't innocent.

I promise that when I go home
that I'm really gonna try to,

Like, be better with myself,

And, like, hopefully,
you know, when you come,

I'll do my best
not to be short-tempered.

Me and azan have a lot
of problems right now,

But I really hope
that azan still wants to

Go through the k-1 visa with me

Because I really want to give
our relationship a chance

And see it go through.

- You think so?
- Yeah.


I know this
really nice spot.

The food is really,
really good.




Tonight I'm taking annie
out for a girls' night out.

We're gonna go eat,
we're gonna go drink,

And then we're gonna go dance

And enjoy some
girl time together.

- Cheers.
- Cheers to a girls' night out.


How are you feeling
about being in l.a.?

So you do like l.a.?

How are you feeling about
moving to kentucky?

It's... It's small.
It's small.

I was there
for three years.

Oh, wow.

But I didn't like it.


Chris has a lot of businesses
and properties in kentucky,

And I absolutely
hate it in kentucky,

But I don't want to rub my
negative feelings off on annie.

I want her to experience
for herself.

I don't want to sway
her decision

Because she's gonna
ultimately have

To live there with david.

Are you scared?

Yeah, just...
Just stay on top of him.

What I'm worried about is david
is never gonna be able

To ever provide for
hisself without chris.

Like, even when he first
went over to thailand,

He would still find ways
to indirectly ask for things.

Like, with you guys'
engagement party,

He got money from
chris for your...

For your jury.

That's not true.


Even like with the whole
visa process,

Chris had to co-sponsor
to help david

Bring you here to prove

That david had the means
to provide for you.

Did you know that?


How long does someone
sponsor a k-1 visa?

That's a lot.

I know, but...
I didn't know.

That's news to me.

He has to know.
Yeah, he has to know.

Well, you could say that now,
but you never know.

Like, anything could happen.

Wow. I'm just...
I'm feeling shocked.

Like, I did not know this.

This caught me off guard.

Wasn't expecting that.

Nikki: so, tonight I found out
that we are legally responsible

For annie for 10 years.

If annie and david are married

And then they decide
to get divorced,

David is probably not gonna
want to support annie,

Which means we'll probably
be stuck supporting annie.

So, I'm a little pissed.

I think this is
really cute.

When I think of lingerie,
there's cute, classy, sexy,

And there's slutty.

And I'm not opposed to either.

This one looks really small,
though. Hold on.

It's a thong, evelyn.

[ Laughs ]

Aika has been wanting a baby
and starting a family.

Obviously you know
I was fixed in my 20s

After I had my kids.


I know that my mom meant well
with her sex talk,

But I actually think I'm more
nervous now than I was before.

So, I told my best friend
mikayla about it,

And she's actually
taking me lingerie shopping

To show me that
it shouldn't be a scary thing.

Mikayla: you excited?
First time wearing lingerie.

This is really crazy.

Me and david have reconciled
after our first meeting.

That was a little intense.

I don't know david,
so I can't like someone

I don't even know.

- I am not.
- Okay.

But we're friendly now,
and as long as he always treats

Evelyn well, I think we'll
be able to stay on good terms.

Can I help you find
anything today?

We're just looking around.

Well, let me know
if I can help you.

All right, cool.
Thank you.

- Great.
- Mikayla is my best friend,

And... I don't know...
I feel like she thinks, like,

I'm her innocent friend.

So, like, to be at
a lingerie store with me,

Picking out lingerie like
I'm gonna have sex soon...

It must be, like,
really weird for her.

So, what are your
goals today?

What do we want to get?

I don't really know
what I'm doing,

So I'm trying to just see
what I like,

See what there is, I guess.

Let's just walk in circles
till we find something.


There's this one.

It's, like, totally
see-through in the butt.

I don't know. I feel like
I'm more pink and girly.

Like, I don't know.
I think this is really cute.

Oh, here's the matching

When I walked in the store,

Everything looks
beautiful and neat.

And it's like, "wow, you know,
all this stuff

Is meant for, like, sex.

Like, what?
This is crazy."

Because I actually
have a purpose

For this stuff very soon.


Now, that goes in the back,
just so you know.

Thank you for sharing.
You're welcome.

This one looks really small,
though. Hold on.

It's a thong, evelyn.

Well, I think thongs
are supposed to fit you.

She went for some more
scandalous stuff

Than I thought she would.

Still not too bad.

You know, she tends to be
more conservative,

So it definitely was
a little surprising.

- No.
- Okay, well, you can't

Do it all at once.

We got to do the head first,
then the neck.

- This is not gonna work.
- Arms in.

- Arms in?
- Arms in.

When I think of lingerie,
I think there's, like,

Two extremes.
There's cute, classy, sexy,

And there's slutty.

And I'm not opposed to either.

Okay, so,
what do we like?

This one
I really, really liked.

That one's really cute.

And this... It doesn't
really scream

"Wedding night."
I know.

It doesn't... I just...

I really liked
how it looked, though.

But if you ordered it
in a different color...

[ Exhales deeply ]

I just feel, like,
stressed out with everything

'Cause it's all
feeling real.

Well, now especially that
you've been trying on lingerie

For the day.
Yeah. For sure.

So, are you more nervous
or more excited or more scar...

Like, what's the strongest
emotion right now?

I think nervous.

I guess I seem really confident
onstage and performing,

But I feel like, you know,
performing onstage and singing

Is kind of like
revealing my heart

In my music and my soul.

But I feel like with david,

I'm revealing everything
about who I am.

Has he been
any more open

About talking about
the wedding night at all?

I don't think
david's nervous at all.

I just think he doesn't
like chatting about it.

David has been
very uncomfortable

Talking about anything
with the wedding night.

Personally, I think it is
something you should discuss,

Especially if, you know,

You've never been
together like that before.

He's ready for it, but not
ready to talk about it yet.

Yeah, so...

But that still doesn't stop me
from being really nervous...

Nervous, yeah.
...because it's something

Really new
to both of us, so...


It's important for david
and I to wait

Until marriage to have sex,

But there's nothing wrong
with looking forward to that

And having healthy discussions
about expectations and whatnot.

I don't know.
I think it's normal and healthy.

But it's, like, so difficult
for him to talk about sex.

I think I have my starting
collection for lingerie.

All right, that's it?

Okay. Let's go.
All right.


Elizabeth: andrei has
been here for two weeks,

And I love being,
like, together 24/7.

Like, I love snuggling
every night.


He keeps me warm.

[ Both laugh ]

So, what's your point?

I mean, like...

Yeah, I agree.

I mean, I can ask my dad
if he can help.

Well, when do you think
we should do it?

A couple of weeks?

Just, like, you know?

I'm really disappointed
because my dream wedding

Is on the top of a mountain
while it's snowing,

While the snow is
literally falling down.

I want to arrive in
a white horse and carriage.

But there's no way we can
do that in a few weeks.

[ Sighs ] I mean, you know,
it would be really hard to do,

Like pretty much
almost impossible, but...

We've waited so long
for this moment.

I'm ready for it.

Being ready for it.

It's about, like,
making it happen

Things that go into...

You know, and planning.

If I can get, like,
the perfect dress

And the perfect
venue for now...

Yeah. problem.

[ Laughs ]

Right now we'll do
a small wedding

So andrei can get
his paperwork,

And then we'll spend
the next year

Planning the wedding
of my dreams.

And maybe my dad will be
on board by then.

We're gonna get...
We're getting married?

Yeah, baby, yeah.

[ Laughs ]

I think when my dad
and my family find out

That we decided to do
the wedding in two weeks,

They're gonna
freak out for sure.

For sure.

I mean, they're still getting
used to him being here, so...

No. It's gonna be...
It'll be interesting.

[ Laughs ]


[ Laughs ]

[line ringing]

- Grandma.
- Hi!


So, we had a big fight.

Are you willing
to put up with this

For the rest of your life?

[ Sighs ]

Hell no.

You should be in kentucky
looking for a job.

His ass needs to go.

David: tonight nikki and chris
have asked me to come out

To talk about
something without annie,

And I'm not sure what
they want to talk about.

did you all need a minute

To look over
the list of drinks?

I'll have a pinot noir.
Pinot noir?

And unsweetened tea
with lemon, please.

You got it.

Nikki: we're just gonna have
a talk with him.

The fact that I found out
when we went out...

Annie and i...

That we are responsible for her
legally for 10 years...

His ass needs to get a job,
and he has to go.


What's up?

So, we asked you
out tonight

While annie
is watching the kids

Because when annie and I
went out for girls' night out,

I found out from annie

That we are legally responsible
for her for 10 years

With chris being a sponsor.

I didn't know
you didn't tell her.

I'm not putting
all the heat on you.

It's him, too.

He didn't communicate that
with me.

I told her the truth,

But I didn't
tell her everything,

It would be better that way.

And I didn't lie to her,

But, um, yeah.

I have nothing.

Do you know
what the sponsorship means?

Did you explain to her
what sponsorship means?

The 10-year
just basically says

That she will not go
on government assistance

For 10 years.

The reason I'm asking
is because I feel like,

With the fact of knowing

That we are legally bound to her
for 10 years,

If something bad
is to happen...

I feel like
you shouldn't be having fun

And vacationing
in california.

You should be in kentucky
looking for a job.


I'm not kicking him out.

When david and annie
go to louisville,

We've got a place
for him to stay,

And I got him a car
to drive.

What chris has to offer you
is not long-term.

We have a place there,
a car there,

But everything is temporary

Until you get on your feet
and able to...

And I'm ready. I'm ready.

That's why I came back.

My next question is,

Why did you come
to california?

Oh, chris wanted...

You know, said,
"come to california."

Well, I mean,
don't put it all on me.

No, I'm not trying
to put it all on you, but...

No, but you said you would
like to see our place

And get acclimated
back in the states.

It's not all about you.

I'm not saying
it's all about you.

I'm not saying
it's all your fault.

I mean, you did say,
"come to, you know, california.

Stay as long as you want.

Come here." You know?


David: I'm really surprised
when nikki says

That you need to go back
to kentucky now

Because it wasn't that long ago,
they're like, "let's stay.

Let's have fun."

I was not
expecting them to say,

"Hey, you need
to leave right now,"

And getting kicked out.

Nikki: it wasn't my idea

For you to come here
in the beginning.

Oh, I know that.

I mean, he told me

That you were
not in favor of that.

And I damn sure
didn't know

That we were legally bound
to annie for 10 years.

I thought you knew.

All this is gonna be moot

Because he is gonna get a job,
he is gonna work,

He's gonna do everything

That he promised me
he was gonna do,

And it's not gonna be an issue,


I have been working.

And if you don't find
yourself a job,

Then what's the plan?

What's the backup plan?
That's something...

We'd have to cross
that bridge...

Actions speak louder
than words.

I really,
really have to see it,

And I'm gonna be
on your butt,

Only because
it's not just you...

It's annie now.

And god forbid
she gets pregnant.

I'm just...
I'm just not happy.

My whole thing of
coming back here to america

Is wanting
to be with the kids,

To blend the families

And I want to be
self-reliant upon myself.

I had an awesome job.

I had cars. I had a home.

I had... And that's where

I want to get back to
with annie,

In that normal,
suburban life that I lived.

- Yes.
- Until I can show you,

You're gonna feel that way,

And I hope we have
a conversation a year from now

When you're like,
"you know what?"

You proved me wrong.

I want to prove you wr...
But I doubt it.


Here's my rules.

You get back to kentucky.

You stay at the place
that we're gonna offer you.

You have the car.

You find your work,

And you're not gonna be
getting handouts.

That's done.
I don't want a handout.

You keep saying
you don't want it,

But you always ask for it.


David: I'm not surprised by how
much she's venting her anger at me.

I'm sorry
that she feels that way,

And I hope...
And I'm confident...

That I can show them.

I just really want you
to prove me right

And show that my faith in you
is good.


he's my best friend

And he's gonna
prove me right

And he's gonna
prove you wrong.

I have no faith in david
at all.

Well, I guess it's time
to go back to kentucky.

She has your bags packed
already, I think.



You ready?

You ready to skype
with grandma?

There's a lot
going on in my mind.

We need to make sure
that the relationship

Is going to work out.

And I wish azan showed me more
over the two months

To show that he would be
a supportive dad and husband.

You ready?


The internet
isn't very good in morocco,

And I've been pretty bad
keeping in touch with my mom.

[ phone ringing ]




Hi, may!

[ Speaking
indistinctly ]

Is that grandma?
[ Laughs ]

i miss you, too, may!

Give grandma a kiss.

Here. Here.

[ Laughs ]

so, how you guys been?

We're good.

yeah. We miss you.

I think, you know,
she's been a little wild,

So I think
she's missing home.

did she adapt okay?

i mean,
is she having issues?

is she having trouble?

It's more like at night.

She's been kind of fussy.

how is azan doing with may?

i mean, is he...

is he learning to adapt
to a small child?

He's like... He's fine,
like, during the day.

Like, when we go out,

He's really good
with taking care of her.

When it comes to nighttime,
he's a little more like...

Doesn't know what to do

Because she doesn't
want to sleep.

You know,
she'll cry and scream.

'cause he can't deal

with a 3-year-old
and her temper tantrums,


is that what
you're telling me?

But, you know,
he's really trying.

I mean, it's not easy
to come in right away

And try to be, you know,
like a father

To, like, a 3-year-old.

a father figure. Yeah.

that's not the same
as being a father.

Nicole: my mom has always been
doubtful of azan being a dad,

But I understand
what my mom is saying about

Azan needs to step up more
to be a father to may.

so, how is the dating
part of it going?

We have had good times,
of course.

Things have been good.

But sometimes,

Like, we'll have fights,


You know how
what I did to him...

And, like, he's having, like,
just a hard time,

trusting me completely.

So, you know,
he thought I was, like,

Still talking
to guys and stuff.

And I think sometimes
that's why we get in fights,

'Cause i, like, yell at him
for doing that,

And then he gets upset
that I'm getting loud.

listen to me.

this is important, okay?

if he can't get over this,

this will always be a sore spot
in your relationship.

are you willing
to put up with this

for the rest of your life?

[ Sighs ]

I don't know.

He says, like,
it's hard for him to trust

While we're
in different countries,

Which is understandable,

But he said, like,

He'll, you know, be better
when he comes to america.

no, it won't get better.
It won't.

if he can't forgive you

he is certainly not
gonna trust you in america

unless he can
keep his eyes on you.

and is that really the way
you want to live your life,

is him always looking

to make sure
you're not cheating on him?

I don't know.

at this point,

after spending
all this time with him,

are you still talking about
doing the visa?

We're still talking and...

that sounds like
some hesitancy there.

Well, I just...

You know, we've just
been through a lot,

And I feel like I wish
I could see more from him,

But I feel like
being in morocco is hard.

Before I go back to america
in a few days,

Me and azan really
need to decide

If we're gonna do
the k-1 visa.

Everyone's so easy to say,
you know,

Who has a good relationship
or a bad relationship,

But I feel like every couple
has its ups and downs.

Well, I guess
we'll just have to see.


Pamela: my baby girl
getting married.

I just wish
it wasn't so quick.

Today was supposed to be
my moment.

For the last time,
are you sure?



That's not fun.

You need to learn about
how to fix a child.



Woman: hey, guys,
welcome to frozen cow.

our 90 days is almost up,

And luis is still
having trouble with the kids.

These are all
the flavors.



Okay, okay.

I thought it would be
a good idea

To do something
as a family today

Because I just hope that luis

Can really take on the role

Of being another parent
alongside of me,

Even though the kids

Don't biologically
belong to him.

Thank you.

Ooh, yummy, mommy.


It's out to
the rocking chairs!

[ Laughs ]

Oh, my gosh,
this thing is, like, so huge.

Do you like it?

Yes, yes, I like it.
You do?

Yeah, of course.

Oh, gosh.

You have another napkin?

Here. I have this one.

Oh, my gosh.

Oh, boy!

It's bound to happen.




You need to learn about
how to fix a child.

This is your life.

No. You need to help me.

She's little.
Are you gonna help me?

'Cause this is
what's the real deal.

Come on, luis.

That's what a stepdad
has to do.

- You see?
- You better step it up.

- Stepdad.
- I'm not little. I'm big.

Molly: you're not big.

You're not big enough
to hold on to your ice cream.

Look at this.
You see?

You want to learn
how to clean up a mess?



Kensley: stop.
"Ohh, stop."

- "Ohh."
- Stop it.

Baby, he's just learning
about children

'Cause he doesn't have
little kids.

He doesn't do this.

Molly: luis is young.

And, I mean,
there's absolutely nothing wrong

With being childlike
when it's time.

But I don't think
he really understands

The full role of a stepparent.

no, that's not fun.

We're in a public place.



[ Laughs ]

I'm trying to be serious.

Luis has a lot of maturing
to do.

[ Laughs ]

It's not funny to me,

You have to be the adult.

I cannot take on
another child.

[ Laughs ]

I need a man,
not a man-child.


I am a little bit concerned

That luis does not want
to step up to the plate

And be the dad, like,
that I thought he could be.

Luis: so...

[Scoffs, laughs]

Kensley: mommy,
I don't want to go home.

You have to make a decision
if you want to do this

'Cause this is it.

It's an adjustment.

This is life.
This is life.

This is your life.


So, andrei and I have put
a few savings aside

For a small ceremony,

So we can get married
as soon as possible.

If we can get married
in a few weeks,

Then it's that much sooner
that andrei can finally work.


I told my family

That we're getting married
really soon,

And they were so shocked.

My family thinks that I am
rushing into the relationship,

And they feel
that I'm not ready for it.



Today my mom and sister

Are going dress shopping
with me,

And I'm more than sure

They're gonna let
their opinions be known.

It's a cute little boutique.

Hope they have
some good stuff.

- Hi. How are you?
- Good. How are you?

- You must be my bride.
- Yes. I'm elizabeth.

I'm jennifer.
I'm the owner.

- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.

Hi, I'm pamela,
elizabeth's mom.

That's my mom.

So, tell me what
we're looking for today.

So, I'm sort of
in a time crunch.


What kind of time frame
are we looking at?

Like two weeks.



For you specifically,

We'd have to do something
off the racks

To allow for...

...alterations, fittings.
Got it.

I mean, that's pretty much,
you know...

Okay. That's fine.

So I'll let you look,
and then we'll try some on.

Okay. You're welcome.

Pamela: I think that andrei

Seems like he cares
a lot about elizabeth,

But I'm just
really quite shocked

That she wants to do this
in two weeks

Because I do feel like

The wedding
is happening too fast.

So I'm really hoping
that she'll reconsider.

Okay, so, we'll bring
a couple in with us to start.


Pamela: that one's so pretty,

- All right.
- Yay.

[ Door chimes ring ]

Hi, mama.

Hey. How are you?
Good. How are you?

Good. Good to see you.

Come have a seat. She's
trying on her first dress.

Megan: ooh.

My baby girl
getting married.

It's crazy.

I just wish
it wasn't so quick.


Have you, like, tried to talk
to her at all about it,

About, like,

"Why are you doing it
in two weeks?"

whether it's two weeks from now,

They still have to be married
within 90 days.

I know, but, like...

So, that part she can't...
There's no...

...three months
versus one month

Is totally different.

Elizabeth knows
what elizabeth wants.

And she's gonna do
whatever she wants.

But we're
genuinely concerned,

And for a good reason.

You know,
this is all happening so fast.

- We're ready!
- We're ready!


- Ooh.
- Ooh.

- I love the color.
- Ooh.

- Ooh.

- Wow.
- That's... Oh, my gosh.

- I really like that one.
- Mm-hmm.

Jennifer: it's faux buttons
all the way up,

With a zipper,
and it has a nice "v."

- See it?
- Oh, my god, I love that one.

I mean, it's classy,
but still modern

And, like, shows my figure.
Are you crying, mom?

Jennifer: aww.

[ Laughter ]

- As mom cries.
- I think we found it.

- Good.
- She's my baby, my baby girl.

[ Laughter ]

having that dress on

And just seeing it
in the mirror,

I just picture myself, like,

Standing next to andrei
at the altar with it on,

And it's just...

It kind of
sealed the deal for me.

what do you think?

I love it.

I think she found it.

[ Laughs ]

So, are you, like,
having any...

I don't want to say
second thoughts,

But, like, with the timing,

Like, two weeks...
I mean, that's...

And you guys have only
lived together, like, two weeks,




At all?


And let's just
get over it.

For the last time,
are you sure?

Two weeks.
Like, you're good?


Elizabeth: I feel very annoyed
and frustrated.

We're already here.
We're doing it.

Like, it's not
up for discussion now.

let me enjoy this moment.

- All right, you guys ready?
- Ready.

I think I'm all

Elizabeth: today was
supposed to be my moment,

My time to really just
be excited and celebrate.

And I just feel like my sisters
were kind of taking it away

And just acting almost envious

And trying to make it
about them,

And that's
not what it's about.


Aika wants kids,
but I had a vasectomy.

Is not always guaranteed.




[ Speaks
native language ]

[ Speaks
native language ]






Josh: yeah, right?

Woman: hello.
Welcome to alessia's.


- Right this way.
- Okay.

Josh: since she has arrived
in america,

Aika has been wanting a baby
and starting a family

And getting pregnant,

And we've got to hurry
and all this stuff.

I just wish you could be
a little more patient.

So I want to try
to talk things out.


- Thank you.
- Thank you so much.

Josh: aika wants kids.

That's her whole goal.

That's why she came here.

But she's kind of
forgetting about

The one huge problem I have
in that equation,

One crucial thing,
one big hurdle.


So, when we get married,
starting a family...

it's been, like, 20 years

Since I've changed diapers.

I'm gonna be going back
to, like, square one.

So, like, when are you
realistically thinking

That we're gonna do this?

I know you want it,
like, yesterday,

But, like, how long is
an acceptable amount of time

To wait to have kids?



A lot.

Within a year.

I never told you

That it would be
a year or less

'Cause you know
we have issues.


Obviously you know about
the procedure I had done.

I was fixed in my 20s
after I had my kids.


during my first marriage,

After I had my two kids
with my first wife,

I decided that
I should get a vasectomy.

And now we have that
to tackle

Before we talk about
having our own children.


You know, reversing that
is not always guaranteed.


I mean...

I had two kids,
and I thought I was done.


You know?


reversing my vasectomy...

It takes a lot of time,

A lot of testing
and hospitals and clinics

And a lot of that.

[ Chuckles ]

I know.

But you did wait...


A reversal
is about 15 grand,

And the odds of it
even working

Are pretty slim
after all this time.


That's not a priority
right now.

And insurance
doesn't pay for it.

I don't care.

Like a queen.

All right.

We'll set it up.

aika has been pretty clear

That she wants a baby...

Vasectomy or not.


So I just... I just
have to deal with it now.


Baby, come here.

We're gonna figure out
our options, okay?





Jen said that

She's gonna do
anything she can

To try to get
a rise out of you

To test
our relationship.

My sisters at my wedding.

Elizabeth: I will not choose
between my family and andrei.

David: you excited about
heading to louisville?

I don't know.


David: what do you think?

David: I'm really worried
that annie's gonna think,

"Oh, my god,
what did I get myself into?"




Oh, wow,
you're already packing.


David: annie and I
are heading to louisville.

Staying with chris and nikki

For a few weeks.

This is cutting it short,

But this will allow us

The opportunity
to go to kentucky,

For annie to meet the kids
before the wedding,

And for me to get a job
and get on my feet.

You excited about
heading to louisville?


"Mm" meaning "yes"?

I don't know.

You just seem really irritable
right now.





I can't believe we're here.

I know it's different for you,
but it's like...

Well, yeah.

This is gonna be
your home.

Eventually you're gonna
come back here and say,

"Wow, I'm home."


David: so, louisville, they
say, sits in a valley.

It's beautiful.

I mean, it's got
a lot of nice things.

I mean, it's not gonna be
california, of course.

This is...

Is this the right place?

So, I think
this was a firehouse.

Right now
chris has been nice enough

To put us up
at one of his properties.


David: yeah, I think.

I mean, this looks like
the right address.

It's only temporary,

But at least we're not
sleeping on the street.

Chris said he left
the back door open for us.


I think it's upstairs.

David: when we first come in,
I'm like,

"It's definitely
an abandoned firehouse."

Well, if there's a fire,

At least you know
the place is safe.

I'm really worried
that annie's gonna think,

"Oh, my god,
what did I get myself into?"

It's not so welcoming
and warm.

I don't know
how she's gonna react to this.


What do you think?

So, I mean,
you got good cabinet space,

A lot of good cabinets.


David: obviously,
our long-term plans

We'll have to talk about
after the wedding

And what we want,
but for now,

Just to live on our own,
it's good.

Here's the bedroom.

I mean, it grows on you.

It's kind of shocking
at first.

I wasn't expecting, um...

What do you think?

I'm more worried about
how you feel?


It's big.

I hope it is something

That's workable
and doable for her

'Cause I'm the one
that's gonna be out working.

She predominantly
will be home.

But at the same time,
my choices are limited.

I don't know how well

She will assimilate out here
into this area,

And I'm concerned.

Let me grab the bags,

And I'll be
right back up.


[ Sighs ]



Yep. We'll see
what it looks like.

Andrei and I have decided
to get married in two weeks.

Because we don't
have the support of my dad

For this wedding,

Andrei and I want to get
his green card right away

So he can start working
as soon as possible.


Oh, look, babe.

This is so cute.

Elizabeth: today we're going to
see a potential wedding venue.

this will be the place

Because we don't have a lot
of time to figure that out

And we want to get
the ball rolling.

[ Exhales deeply ]
fresh air.

Do you?

Your face
doesn't show that.

You look mad.

You have
a good poker face, baby.

This is andrei.
This is lindsey.

Hi. Nice to meet you.

Thank you so much
for having us last minute.

You're welcome.

Thank you.
I know. It is.

Thank you.

So, we literally have
not even two weeks.


So, why only two weeks?

Well, our visa process

Took a little bit longer
than we thought,

And now that he's finally here,

We kind of just want to, like, cut
corners so he can start working.

So, we won't really
have that many people.

This is very quick,

But we can
make this happen.

Okay, cool.

The timeframe
we like to work with

Normally with brides

Is six months or more.

Lindsey: over there.

Two weeks is crazy.

so, how does the food work?

This is
an all-inclusive venue.


If you want
to take a look at this,

Everything in the left-hand
column is included.

Would you like to see
the ceremony site?

Let's go check it out.


So, this is
our ceremony site.

Elizabeth: aww.
And let's walk through.

- Yeah.
- This is beautiful.

This is the ceremony site.

We do, like, a sheer
white linen draping down.

Yeah, I love that.

The sunset comes through
these trees over here.

It makes for just really
romantic, pretty pictures.

So, if you guys want
to take a second, discuss it,

And I'll go get
some paperwork.

yay. Thank you.

I think, perfect.

The wedding venue
is outstandingly beautiful,

And I'm really excited.

It's happening.

We're getting married.

But at the same time,

I wish that my family

Was supportive
of our relationship.

My sisters
will definitely be there.

Like, my brothers

And who won't.

The wedding-dress shopping,

It's just like...

They were talking
so much [bleep]

The other night

The bachelorette party?

About, like,
trying to get me wasted

The moment I get to miami and...

You're gonna, like,

Have an influence
on how I act

Jen said that

She's gonna do
anything she can

To try to get
a rise out of you

Right. Exactly.

As if our...

As if our distance
wasn't a test enough.

At the same time,

At my wedding.

Like, I understand
where he's coming from.

But I will not choose
between my family and andrei.

It will not happen.

And I don't, um...

I don't want that
to be that way.

I want everybody
to get along.

We're as one.



David and I
are both virgins.





Evelyn: tonight
I'm at david's apartment,

And I am making dinner
for david.


He's used to home cooking
with his mom.

So it's probably
pretty important to david

That I can meet
his cooking expectations.

David: hey!

I'm 18 years old.

I haven't done much cooking
my whole life.

I really do want to be, like,
a stay-at-home wife and mom,

So I kind of want to, like,
prove myself to david.

And I hope that
I don't scare david away

With my lack
of cooking skills.

What rhymes
with "mesa mia"?


Quesadillas. Wow.

I really want to cook
something for david

That I know that he likes

And that we ate together
in spain.

I went all out tonight.

I really did.

I wanted to do
something special for you.

I'm a little bit nervous,

But, I mean, how do you mess up
a cheese quesadilla?

That's a nice apron.

I'm ready
to do some cooking.

[ Chuckles ]


Look at me.
I'm doing it.

Does anything
go in with the onions?

David: evelyn is unexperienced
in the kitchen,

But she's young,

So I'm sure we will learn
a lot of things together.

So I'm not worried.

Want to get off me
so I can make you dinner?

Evelyn... She's very dependent
on her family right now.

But in spanish,
there's a saying that says...

If evelyn right now
is not cooking,

It's because
she doesn't have to.

What can I say?

Best quesadilla
I had in my life.

That's love.

That is... Whoa.

How is that...
You know what?


Are you happy with
how everything is going?

Just in general with us?

Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Evelyn: I've been wanting
to talk about sex with david.

I don't know. We just
haven't had the right time

Or right chance.

We're getting married.

We're taking our relationship
to the physical level.

And I thought,
now that we're alone,

It would be kind of nice
to talk about some stuff.

I mean, I'm a little bit nervous
about marriage

And everything that
it comes with

And everything
'cause you and i...

We just... You know,
we've never been married.

We've never had
to live with somebody

And wake up to somebody
every day.

I know. I know.

That's gonna be
just something

That we will
have to get used to.

And I think
it's gonna be great.

You know?

But at the same time,

I still feel like
it's important for us

To talk about intimacy.

David: me and evelyn
are very different.

She's more open
towards talking about anything

And everything
that comes to her mind.

I have a harder time,

I guess, like,
since I was young.

With my family,
we wouldn't talk about

Pretty much intimacy
and stuff.

So I have a harder time.

That's for sure.

I mean,
I think it's gonna be stuff

That we're gonna, like,
figure things out

Once we're married.

We don't have
to talk about it.

You don't want
to talk about it at all?

About sex?

I feel like we should
be able to talk about it

we're getting married.

I mean, we talk about
everything else.

You're making me
feel uncomfortable.

You know that?


No, i...
I'm gonna take a break.

Yeah, seriously.

Do you need...

Do you need me
to be more clear about it?

I'm sorry.

I don't know what to do.
I just don't know.

Let me take a break.

Baby, can you just...

Yeah. Baby,
can you give me a break?

[ Sighs ]

Can we finish...
No, not now.

I can't believe you.

I just can't believe you.

Even when you know, like...

And I tried my best.

We said a few things,
and I was like...

Right, and that's why I thought
that's what we talked about.

No, baby,
you're smarter than that.

I do care, and I didn't...
Of course you care.

I didn't think
that I pushed it too far.

I was raised
in a very conservative way.

When I have trouble
talking about sex,

Can you meet me
halfway there?

Can you, please?

"Yes, yes, yes.

You don't want
to talk about sex?


I don't know.
It was a long night.

He said some crazy things to me

That really made me
question our relationship.

David told me he wasn't
comfortable talking about sex

In any way, shape, or form,

And I didn't really like that.

It's less than a month now

Before we're
supposed to get married,

And I'm not even sure
how I feel right now.

It's just...


It's a lot.

We're getting married

We don't have enough time,
and I get stressed out.

You get stressed out, too.


I know.


Nicole: next time
on "90 day fiancé"...

So, does that mean

With the k-1 visa?

I'm kind of tired of hearing
how it's all me.


- Whoo!
- Whoo!

We're holding her hostage
for the next 24 hours.

it's the first time

I will be seeing the kids
with annie.

"Oh, by the way,
we're engaged."

Do you want a husband
to be there in the home

For his children
and his...

You're asking stuff that's not
really your [bleep] business.

- Go.
- [Bleep]

You are an [bleep]
to my kids.

This is [bleep] nuts!

Take your little ring,
pack your bags,

And get out of my house.