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05x13 - Tell All

Posted: 04/23/24 20:09
by bunniefuu
Robinson: tonight on "90 day
fiancé: the couples tell all"...

What did you think when people
were calling you gold digger?

Nothing is off-limits...

You've already had
the wedding night.

How'd it go?

You saw luis's behavior.

What were you thinking?

It was just gross.

That guy doesn't
deserve her.

...with never-before-seen


Wake the up, ho.

You got me
the up.

...couples break down...

Where do things stand today
in the relationship with luis?

I feel betrayed
by evelyn.

Do you think the marriage
could survive?

I have to think
about that.

We hear some of the most
revealing answers

In "90 day" history.

How much have you sent
to him to far?

How about just
this month?

Stop, mom.
It's none of their business.

I'm guaranteeing
her $10,000

If she wants to go
back to thailand.

Oh, no, he didn't!

Which couples stand together...

I just want to pull
my fricking hair out.

This is a lot.

Annie don't love him,
and she puts up with the

Just for sake
of being in america.

I do agree with him.

You think she's
full of?

Don't cut me off, david.

We have never
seen her this way.

Now, wait a second.
Let us speak, andrei.

Robinson: ...and which
relationships crumble?

Everybody has a past,
and I feel horrible for it.

It's time to find out.

Come on out.


Man: all right, here
come the cameras.

Hey, guys.
We just got david and annie.


All right.

Hi. Come on in.

All right, let's go
to the green room.

Talent's still arriving.

How you doing?

Still can't connect
to azan on skype.

All right.

We've got eyes
on molly, no luis.

Still no connection to azan.

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

- Hi.
- Nice to meet you.

Woman: if you could just
take your seats.

all right, ready for show.

- Hello. Hi.
- Hi!

Man: all right, guys,
get out of there.

We got to roll.
Let's roll.

- Second sticks.
- All right.

Three, two...

Hi, everybody, welcome
to "90 day fiancé:

The couples tell all."

I'm shaun robinson.

Joining me to discuss
this season's

Most talked about moments
are david and annie,

Elizabeth and andrei,
evelyn and david,

Josh and aika,
molly, and nicole.

Hello, everybody, and thank
you all for being here.


It's a pleasure.

Molly, when we last saw you,

You called off the wedding
after a dramatic fight.

So the question is,
is anybody here surprised

That luis is not with us?

- I'm surprised.
- I am surprised.

I keep asking.

All right, okay.

We're gonna get
more information.

Andrei, you didn't
raise your hand.

You're not surprised?



It's... It's like...

- Aww!
- Aww!

That's so sweet.

Yeah, you're amazing.

What in particular
made you feel that way?

Can I say
what you said?

He thought he looked
like a punk.

You did?


Yes, okay.

We will find out where luis
and molly's relationship stands,

But first I want
to check in with nicole

Because azan is missing.

Unfortunately, no one has been
able to get in touch with azan

For three days.

So what is it like for you
to be here without azan

When you see all
the other couples together?

It's really hard,
because I see everyone here

With their others,
and, you know,

They get to sit
next to them, and...

Right. know, feed off each other
in a good way,

And I'm just here
by myself, so...


Well, we're gonna keep trying
to connect with him.

In the meantime, let us hear
some first impressions.

Annie, who were you
excited to meet today?


Uh-huh. And how did you feel
about their relationship?

You think azan really
doesn't love nicole?


Thank god.



He should love
her regardless.


Instead of... He knew
who she was before, so...

I'm interested to know how
you feel about hearing

Someone say that they don't feel
azan really loves you.

Well, honestly, I'm just
kind of used to it right now.

I get a lot of comments that...
"I know moroccans.

Azan's using you" or, you know,
"he doesn't truly love you.

Like, you got to get your heads
out of the cloud,"

You know, "can't you see?"

And I get this stuff
all the time,

And it's something
that I just ignore

Because people don't
really see everything.

They see little pieces,
and little things

That we argue about
become big things.

And so

We've been through a lot,
and we've had a lot to work on,

But we've also become very
strong throughout our journey.

Over the next two hours,

These couples are going
to take a look back

At some of the most
captivating moments

From the past few months,

Moments that perhaps
some of you don't remember

And in some cases that you
would probably like to forget.

To start, let's review
the journey

That landed each of these
couples where they are today.

- Oh, boy.
- Great.

We have less than three weeks
to pull off a wedding. Ahh!

You didn't ask me
for her hand in marriage,

So I don't think
it'd be right for you

To ask for our help

We decided that
we'll sponsor him.

So basically, she's gonna
hold the family hostage.

There's no way.

My kids don't know
that we're engaged.

- Cheese!
- Do you love me?

Biggest decision of our life.

Just the stone.

An engagement ring.

Just... Just a guy friend who,
you know, I hung out with.

The interview's over.

It's done.
It's over.

I'm, like, leaving my country,
leaving my family,

Leaving my friends,
and you don't seem to,

Like, want to give
up anything.

And I can't push
my 6-year-old aside

Just to make way
for another grown-ass kid.

You're making me feel like
I'm losing my mind!

You can take your little ring
and get out of my house.

This is awful.

I've never felt
like this ever.

- Wow.
- Okay, then.

Whoo, bring on
the pecan pie.

Molly, that fight...

I can tell you
when I first watched it,

I was shocked.

What is going
through your mind?

I feel like my neck's
getting red, like,

Just talking about it again.
It was rough.

You felt luis really changed
during this time, didn't you?

I just saw a completely
different side of him, you know,

From having went
to visit him many times

And the nice,

Kind, amazing person
that I spoke to every day,

I think that it was
just too much.

I think that for him
it was too much,

And for me
it was too much...

Just the cultural shock, the
children, the age difference.

You think that's what caused
the shift in his behavior?

I mean, I attribute it
to the chemicals in the food

And just the lack
of the beach, and...

I mean, it's different.

I think all that stuff
combined with the fight,

That the lack of the presence
of his mother, hallelujah

And holy everything
every day,

Which is what he's used to
propelled this thing

That he thought that
I don't believe in god,

And that I worship buddha
and the hare krishna,

And I don't know what.

I mean, you know,
it's just art.

I do agree.
We are christians ourselves.

I wouldn't feel
very comfortable

Living at a house
with images or masks.

In america here,
we are many different cultures.

I was raised jewish.
I have a buddha.

And I'll take your buddhas

If you don't want them.
We'll put them in our house.

I have buddha, too.

Yeah, just because we have
a buddha in our house...

My mother wouldn't say
I'm not coming,

And she's devout in her
faith and not buddhist.

But to attack you
and say that

You're worshipping
different things

And to attack your religion,
that was really personal.

Well, I felt like the things
that he thought

I was worshipping,

Like, spewed out of me
when he actually said

"I don't think
you believe in god,"

And "there's no presence
of god here," like...

I mean, I really
was mind-blown,

Because how do you
take something

That is the most important
thing in my life

Behind my spirituality,
which are my children,

And not even want
to talk about it?

I would say, like,
about the witchcraft...

There's just like
a cover-up.

You don't think that's
the real issue,

You don't think the witchcraft
is the real issue?

Elizabeth: obviously,
she's not into witchcraft.

She's a pretty
genuine person.


A little bit later, molly,

You're going to
give us an update

On where things stand
with you and luis.

When we come back, we are going
to find out the status of nicole

And azan's relationship,
and so much more.

Man: all right, guys,
we're gonna cut.

Okay, quick break.

- You okay?
- No, very good.

Is it possible anyone can
get an international phone

So I can call him, like,
through his moroccan number?

oh, most definitely.

Azan knew that me and my mom

Were gonna be
skyping in with him,

So I'm not sure why
he's not answering me.

I'm gonna try and call him
on this international card.

He better answer.

'Cause he knew how important
this was to be here with me,

For me,

And the fact that, you know,
he's not here is really hard.

I know nicole was really
looking forward to...

To being able to skype
with azan here.

I have no idea
where he's at right now.

Woman: the number you are
calling has been verified.

you have 15 minutes.

Keep our fingers crossed.

Oh, my god,
if he picks up...

please enter the telephone
number you wish...


I think I've texted him,
like, 50 times today.

I'm pissed.

Do you think he's trying
to avoid you,

'Cause nobody's been able
to get ahold of him.

Not me.

Well, you're calling him,
and he ain't answering.

If he's not answering both his
phones, that gets me annoyed.

So what you're saying is,
he has more than one phone...

There's a backup,
and for some reason

He's not answering
any of them.


I think to a point
my mom believes in us,

But at the same time
she's also skeptical.

For him to not show up it...
It makes it harder, you know?

It really better be
a serious issue

For him to not be here
right now,

To be skyping in,
especially right now

When everyone else is,
like, all happy.

I want to see him and feel
happy, but I don't.

I feel, like, sad
and frustrated and angry.

Robbalee: hopefully, there's
a very good reason

Why he was unable
to take any of her calls.

But seeing her go
through this is very hard,

But it is her road
to go through.


Robinson: coming up...

Where do things stand today
in the relationship with luis?

Like, I know it's wrong,
but he just tries to ignore me.

It pisses me off.

It makes you wonder
if that would develop

Into something much,
much worse.

Nicole's headstrong.

She wants to be heard,
she wants to be loved,

And what I saw
there was...

That wasn't love,

We are back with "90 day fiancé:
the couples tell all."

I'm shaun robinson.

I'm here with david and annie,

Elizabeth and andrei,

Evelyn and david,

Josh and aika,

Molly, and nicole.

We still haven't
heard from azan.

We've been trying for a while.

We're gonna get an update
from nicole in just a moment.

But first, let's see
whose friends quickly

Became frenemies.

You're gonna meet
a bunch of my friends,

But the only person
that I'm, like,

About is mikayla.


She's really cynical about you.

If you're so in love now,
what does it matter

If you waited two
or three more years?

Are you afraid you wouldn't
be in love anymore?

I trust your judgment, evelyn,
but I don't know david,

So I can't like someone
I don't even know.

Are you dating
someone currently?

I am not.


I want them to...
Instead of just brushing me off

To really actually think
about what I'm saying

Instead of just not
caring my opinion.


Is it just seemed like

You were looking
for men in america.


Oh, man.

- Oh, joe.
- Oh, joe.

Does joe still think aika
is in this relationship

Simply for a green card?

Are you sure?

I'm sure.

He said some pretty bad
things about her.

He's a good friend,
and he really just...

He cares a lot about me...
Really? know, and, I mean,
he's gonna tell me

The way he feels...

But I feel like...

...and I give it right back,
believe me.

Sometimes I feel that, you know,
my fiancé was not,

You know, had my back

Because why are you always
listening to your best friend?

I am your fiancée...
That time.

I do defend you
every single time

Anybody ever says
anything bad.

You can stop being friends
with him, though.

I would never do that.

I mean, I respect joe
for speaking his mind.

It's america.

I feel like your friend joe
just seems like

He can't be happy with aika
no matter what she does.

First it's, "oh, she picked
the united states.

She's just coming
for the united states,"

And now she wants
to go home and now...

That's what
I was thinking. flags, red flags.
It's like, "what?"

- That doesn't make sense.
- I think he's jealous, honestly.

Joe and I have
a unique relationship.

I let him speak his mind.

Would you ever allow, david,
anybody to say

Things about
evelyn like that?

Well, I wouldn't allow it
if I had the power,

But sometimes you cannot
stop people from saying things

If you're not expecting them
to say them, you know?

Well, this is a good segue,
because right now

We have evelyn's
best friend, mikayla,

Joining us by video chat.

Hi, mikayla.

- Hi.
- Hi, there.

- How are you?
- Good, how are you?

Girlfriend, you heard a lot
on social media

After that exchange, right?

What were some of the
comments that you read?

There were a few that thought

That I was secretly
in love with evelyn

And didn't want her
getting married to david.

When he said "you sound
like someone

Who's not dating anyone,"

I was like,
"oh, no, he didn't."

What did you think
in that moment?

I didn't understand why
my being single

Would affect my opinion
on what was going on.

I didn't see why
it would matter.

David, why did it matter
if she was dating somebody?

I thought eventually if you,
mikayla, were dating someone,

You would not feel like I was
taking away your best friend.

Now, evelyn, you took david's
side in that moment.

In that moment...
I mean,

I knew that david was getting
a little bit harsh,

But at the same time, this is,
like, his welcome party from him

Leaving everything
that he knows,

And expecting to
be welcomed,

And for me to not have
my best friend's support

Was kind of like
a slap in the face.

Evelyn's awfully young
to be married.

She was only 18 years old.

That's barely an adult.

I am an adult.

It's my personal choice
to marry david,

But I don't
necessarily think

That if you're in love

That you should wait.

David, how is the relationship
between you and mikayla today?

She's been
very supportive,

And I can call mikayla
a good friend of mine.

Oh, really?
So you guys are good friends.

All right, mikayla.

Thank you so much
for joining us,

And I'm so glad that you
and david are good friends now.

We hope that relationship

Well, now we have another
special guest joining us

Who hasn't been afraid
to voice their opinion...

Robbalee, nicole's
mother is here.


Good to see you.

You look great.
Thank you.

What has it been like for you
listening to your daughter

On the show?

It's been

First of all, I want to ask
nicole... Where is azan?

I mean, I can't say
where he's at...

He just hasn't been
answering his phone.

I'd like to know what
the other couples feel

About azan being out of touch.

I know andrei would
lose his mind.

oh, my gosh.

Well, andrei certainly
isn't the only protective one.

Nicole made the decision
to take

may across an ocean

To meet her fiancé
of eight months, azan.

Their trip received a lot
of attention on social media,

But her biggest critic
might have been her mom.

May, look.
We're gonna take a plane,

Nicole: so, I'm planning this
big trip to morocco,

And may is actually
coming with me this time,

Azan's gonna get to meet her

For the first time.

Bye-bye, grandma.
Bye-bye, grandma.

Come on.

I'm a little bit scared.

I just have a bad
feeling about this.

I feel like a big chunk
of my heart just...

Just left.


May, who's that?

Ah, I love you, may.

she recognized who he was.

She said, "oh, that's daddy."

How is azan doing
with... With may?

He's really trying.
I mean, it's not

And be, you know,

Like a father to,
like, a 3-year-old.

A father figure.


That's not saying...
That's being a father.

May! Hold on!
Azan, wait!

You can't just
drag her around.

Are you hungry?

Doesn't mean she needs it.

You even said,
"she's two.


Robinson: robbalee, you were
crying just as much as may was.

I know.

What did you think, robbalee,
about nicole's decision

To have may refer
to azan as "daddy"?

I don't like it,
'cause he's not her daddy.

He needs time to adapt
to may and may to him

So that they can form
that kind of bond

Instead of it feeling like
you're pressuring him

To take on that

I know that maybe
it was a little early,

But I never pressured him.

This is not the first time
you've done that, though.

What do you mean, robbalee,
it's not the first time?

She has dated someone
in the past,

And may called him
"daddy" as well,

And I feel like...
I love you, honey.

No, you make me
look bad.

No, I'm not making
you look bad.

Yes, you are.
I'm trying to make you see...

Making me sound like that
I just do it with any guy.


That was a very rough time
in my life, okay?

I didn't know.
I understand.

But you had may calling him
"daddy," too.

Robbalee, what
are your concerns

If azan comes here as
the head of the household.

I am worried.
I am worried that

He's gonna get here

And things aren't gonna
go the way

She had hoped
they're gonna go,

And we're gonna
wind up pulling...

Supporting him?
Pulling the load, yeah.

Not just him, but...
But all three of them.

He's broke.

He's got no money.

No money at all?

Is that right, nicole.
No money at all.

She said it.

And you don't disagree?


No. Okay.

How is he going to be
providing for you and may?

Like, what does he do?
Does he...

What does he... He does...

He does a lot

Of different things.

He doesn't have, like,
a set job, but...

So how does he get money
just to live, all that?

How does he get money?

His family helps him
out sometimes,

And I've helped
him a few times.

You send money
over there to him?

How much have you sent
to him so far?

How about just
this month?



Go ahead, ask her.
Stop, mom.

It's none of their business.

Molly: did I not see on the
thing that you needed help

With getting
a co-sponsor?

Yeah. Mm-hmm.


Is it your money?

It's my money.

Until she runs out
of money.

Mom. Stop.

This obviously is
a very sore spot.

It is a very sore spot.

She'll call me and she'll say,
"mom, I need some gas money."

I'm like, "okay," you know,
I understand

'Cause her money
doesn't go very far.

But I'm also on her account.
It's part of the stipulation of,

You know, giving her money,

So I can see
what she's spending.

I see western union,
western union,

Western union,
western union.


So she'll give her money
until it's gone,

And then she'll
call me to help out.

That's not true.

Go ahead,
say it's not true.

Will you quit?

How much...
You're being ridiculous.

How much has gone

Overseas, say,
in a month's period?

Go ahead, nicole.
Mom, don't.



Of the other couples here,
does anybody feel he's in this

'Cause he's getting money
on a regular basis?

Maybe a little bit, yeah.

Josh: I mean, he's not...
He doesn't care

Enough to be here
or even be reached.

Evelyn, you're nodding...

He just doesn't seem
like a responsible guy.

I don't want to, like, think
bad things of azan,

But it's, like, hearing some of
the stuff, too, is like, "oh."

It's just kind of starting
to click a little.


Elizabeth: well, maybe
he feels a little embarrassed

That you're helping
him financially.

He's very embarrassed.

You know, so maybe
that has to do

With him kind of

'Cause I'm sure in morocco
it's flip-flop.

Like, you know,
the man provides

And the woman takes
care of the family.

All I know is that she sends the
money and somebody picks it up.

So if he's so embarrassed,
why does he pick up the money?

I don't think so.
I hope not.

I mean, I can't
speak for him.

I think he's afraid.

What do you mean,

I think now that they're getting
more into the visa process,

It's becoming more real,
and he doesn't...

I don't think
he wants to face it.

It's... It's finally
happening, and it's hard.

So what is the status now?
Can you give us an update?

It's less than three weeks
right now for his interview.

And how soon could he be
in the united states?

He could get his visa
that day or that weekend.

All right.

Oh, so much to talk about.

Next up, we will hear
from a couple

That had the internet

Chris and nikki
will be joining us

As we dig deeper into david
and annie's relationship.

Coming up...

Annie couldn't
possibly love david,

Because you said if he doesn't
have finances you will just go.

That's how I know
that you're full of b.s.

Do you agree with
your brother?

I do agree with him.

You think she's
full of?

Don't cut me off,

Welcome back to "90 day fiancé:
the couples tell all."

I'm shaun robinson.

I'm here alone
with david and annie,

And look who has joined us...

Chris and nikki, david's
best friend and his wife.

Hey, shaun.

I am so glad
that you guys are here.

I got a lot of questions
for y'all.

The other couples are
backstage right now

Listening in as we discuss
one of the most

Talked about
couples of the season.

Before we kick off, how long
have you two known each other?

Since 2009.

he's the life of the party.

I mean, he starts it...
He starts it off.

I mean, if you took
some time and... And...

Well, maybe not you,

But if you took some time
and hang out with...

With us... I mean, it's a hell
of a lot of fun.

But he's been living
in thailand,

In asia, for four years.

Shaun: all right.

Well, david, you met
annie in thailand

Where you also proposed,

But you had some issues
along the way.

In thailand, tradition requires
that a man pay a dowry

To the woman's family
to confirm the engagement.

For david, however, who doesn't
have very much money,

This proved very difficult.

David: I really need for you to
find out from your family

What they're okay with now.

I am offering annie's family
roughly $1,500.

I don't know if that's
a good amount.

I only have a tenth
of what they're asking for.

I promised them I would buy
two water buffalo

As a part of the dowry.

Oh, okay.

Everything keeps adding up...

A baht here, a baht here,
baht, baht everywhere.

I've lent david quite a bit
of money over the years.

Do you have a plan?

Not yet.
I'm working on it.

Well, I'm sure
as hell gonna try.


Annie, did you mean that?

Did you really mean that if
he could not provide for you,

You would not be
with him any longer?

Now, you saw on
social media, right...

- Yes.
- ...things they were

Calling you,
right, like "gold digger."

- Oh, I love that.
- Oh, you do, huh?

What did you think when
people were calling you that?

What happened when you found
out that david

Did not have as much money
as you thought he had?

So, david, how much money
have you paid so far?


I would say, $5,000,
$6,000, $7,000.

In that... I would say
in that neighborhood.

And how much is still owed?

To her family?



But there was no timeframe
given on that.

How much of that came
from this man here?

We've... We haven't
really added it all up.

Chris is afraid
to add it all up.

I'm sure, nikki, you've added
it up, haven't you?

I honestly have not
added it up.

- You have not?
- I'm scared to add it up.

It would probably tear up
our marriage.

But I expect him...
He's gonna...

He's gonna come through,
and he's gonna pay me back.

How is he
gonna pay you back?

He... He never pays
chris back.

Nikki, do you feel that david
just wants a free ride

For the rest of his life
through chris?

Chris has been doing it
for so long,

David sees it as normal,
chris sees it as normal.

How long has it been?

You want to tell?

We would travel.

Chris: we travel a lot.

No, he didn't give me money
before I lost everything.

It's when
we were traveling...

How long have you
been divorced, david.

Since 2009.

That's as long as chris
has been taking care of him.

So, I will say,
when he went bankrupt,

I covered the expenses,

I covered his life

So he could go and travel
with me and do things that...

That I wanted to do.

- Exactly.
- Okay.

Who pays their friend
to be their friend?

So I will say, I love giving
a hand up, not a handout,

And I felt...
But you give handouts.

This sounds more
like a handout, though.

I didn't really feel
like it at the time,

'Cause he's my best friend.

We love to travel.

We would... We were single,

We were doing what
we wanted to do, and...

And I had
my posse, my man.

- Okay.
- So I covered the expenses.

I covered his life so he could
go and travel with me

And do things that...
That I wanted to do.


And then it didn't really
become an issue until...

When nikki and I
became an item,

And I've got
a strong wife, and...

And so she's making
her point taken, you know?

Shaun: okay.

Well, david, without
the financial help

Of your best friend chris
and his wife, nikki,

You likely wouldn't
have been given

The blessing to marry annie

And certainly wouldn't
have been able

To make your way back
to america with her.

Nikki: chris invited david and
annie to come live with us.

Let's be clear...
This was not my idea at all.

Chris: when you're on your

You know, you're not
allowed to work.

But we would like you
to, you know,

Maybe volunteer
to do some things.

Like, I like thai food.

I would love...

Yeah, you can cook.

I like thai massage, so is that
something that you would be cool

To give me a massage
or something by the pool or...

Absolutely not.

You give me great massages.


So, the only thing that
I'm more concerned about

Is you becoming
too dependent on chris.

I understand.

Nikki: as see david
as an unwanted son.

"Take him off the"

Like, he needs
to be a grown man.



First of all, chris,
the massage comment...

What the heck was that?

Well, I mean, when you go
to thailand, that's...

That's what's...

I thought nikki was
gonna just come and just...

Just... To be fair,
david said...

Well, she gives me
great massages.

Well, I wasn't saying...
It wasn't mandatory.

If she had said yes,

Would you have been
okay with that?

- Hell no.
- Me neither.

Not happening.

I'm so glad you said that.

Hell no.

What did you think
when chris said that, annie?

- Happy ending?
- She said it herself!

No, no, no.

I would never disrespect
her with that.

Yeah, no.

So, tell me...

Chris sponsored
your visa, right?

Co-sponsored, right?

But you knew that you were going
to be responsible for annie

If their relationship broke up.

Sure. I hired an attorney
to tell me...

He told me not to do it,
but I did it anyway.

But I feel that she's not gonna
take advantage of the situation.

But you're responsible
for annie.

- Right.
- We don't have any other choice.

Shaun: you don't have
any other choice.

Well, my attorney said if
I wanted to give her some money

Just to go back to thailand

And write off what
I'm obligated for her,

I could make her an offer
right now and say,

"Hey, you want $10,000,
you can just go home right now.

I will write you
a check this moment,

And you can go back and...

And my rights, my obligations
to her would be gone."

And that's 350,000 baht.

Does she love david?
If she doesn't, she can have...

And I'm here on television.

I'm guaranteeing her $10,000

If she wants to say,
"you know what?

I'm getting up and leaving.

I'm gonna go back to thailand
and be done with it.

So, chris has made
a very serous offer.

He's saying he will
give you $10,000

If you want to go
back to thailand

Do you want to take
his offer?



So, chris has made
a very serious offer.

He's saying he will
give you $10,000

If you want to go
back to thailand

And not come back to the states.

Do you want to take his offer?


All right, what do you think,
hearing that?

- I love it.
- Gonna make me cry.

I'm... I'm proud
of this situation.

- Okay.
- She's saying that right now.

- All right.
- But she'll see.

Shaun: okay, well, david,
your drinking habits

Have become a topic
of conversation

Since you have been with annie.

She's voiced
some serious concerns,

And it's led to some pretty
big consequences for you.

Here is a look at one instance
that affected your time together

And some never-before-seen
footage from that night.

In america.

I don't have a drink.

On the floor tonight.

What he said.

It's a white-people joke.

Never mind.

I don't know what
he talking about.

You're in denial.

How are y'all ready
to get them married,

And you laughing
while she got

in her damn eye?

He disrespected
the out of you.

Nikki: and he's in denial.

He doesn't see it
as a problem.

And I don't know nothing about
thai culture

And how y'all do things
when it comes to relationship,

But here, if a
could disrespect me like that,

It's not gonna be
a relationship.


Nikki. No.
I love...

Don't touch me,
because you will get up.

And the baby.

You're my brother.
I love you.

No, you don't
love me, bi...


Bitch, watch what the
you say to me,

Ass back outside,
you ugly-ass bitch.

Bitch, you gonna
embarrass me, bitch?

Wake the up, ho.

Wake the up.

I should've knocked you the
out with your ugly ass,

You old bitch,
you ugly-ass bitch,

You ninja turtle
penguin, batman-ass bitch.

You got me the
up, and now I feel better.


- Really?
- Oh, my goodness.


Well, because he was so up
close and personal

During that incident,

To discuss what happened.

Hi, antonio.
Can you hear me?

hi, I can hear you,
but I can't see anyone.

Okay, well, everybody's here,

So thank you so much
for joining us.

So, david, you said antonio
wants to "f" chris...

You were talking about...

I was trying to be funny
and joking.

I wasn't trying to...

You weren't trying
to be funny and joke.

Well, I was drunk.

I thought I was
trying to be funny,

And it didn't come
across that way,

And I apologize for that.

But do you understand

Why antonio would have
the reaction that he had?

I totally... Especially
after seeing this.

I totally understand
why he had a reaction.

I was drunk, yes.

I was joking, and I didn't...
Until I saw this...

Didn't realize how drunk I was,
but I think everybody was drunk.

Nikki: no.

Not everybody,
you weren't drinking.

Antonio was drunk.
And annie wasn't drunk.

Annie wasn't drunk,
but antonio was drunk.

Antonio wasn't drunk.
He was drunk.

No, he was not.

Antonio, were you drunk?

i wasn't drunk at all.

the way that
you disrespected me

was not only a jab towards me,

but it disrespected nikki
and it disrespected...

And I apologize if i...
and it disrespected annie.

there it was either gonna be
a bowl of water in your face

or it was gonna be my fist.

And if I said anything to you
to disrespect you,

I apologize for that.

This is his first time
apologizing, by the way.

okay, thank you...
Thank you, nikki.

david seen me the whole next
morning and didn't say

i spared david that night.

i spared him.


Obviously, you think david
has a drinking problem.

I know he has
a drinking problem.

Does david have
a drinking problem, chris?


Does he have a problem
when he goes over the limit?

I mean, he goes out of control.

And I apologized... Not that
it needed to come from me,

Because, antonio, he didn't...
He didn't take it as a joke.

and let me tell you something,

i've never been down
for anything

that was fake and artificial.

annie... Annie couldn't
possibly love david,

because she tolerates

that he puts up for
the sake of her wanting

to have a green card,
and that's the real,

if you really want it.

Antonio, that is
quite an accusation.

Annie, antonio just said
that you're just in this

For the green card.

Annie, do you remember...

do you remember that night?

i asked you something about
david's finances, and you said,

"if he doesn't have that,
then you will just go,"

so that's how I know
that you're full of b.s.

it is true.

it's very true.

I don't know...
I don't know how he could...

He's met her one time.

Nikki, do you agree
with your brother?

I do agree with him.

I mean, you're saying
you think she's full of

That's what he just said.

Don't cut me off, david.

I don't agree with the part
about her

Just being here
for a green card.

I think annie is
a hard-working girl,

And she's gonna stick
it out for her family.

I've said that
more than once.

She has to do this
for her family.

Will you want to leave
david, annie,

If he can't provide for you?

yeah, let's see how long!

love is about through
thick and thin.

annie, I'm sorry,
but you're full of it.

nikki, I love you,
chris, I love you.

thank you for being both good
spirits and positive people,

and I love y'all, and everybody
have a wonderful day.

All right, antonio.

Thank you very much
for joining us.

Well, annie, after learning
about david's shocking past,

You gave him back
your engagement ring.

Instead of fighting for you,

He walked away,
leaving chris and nikki

To handle the situation.

Let's take a look
at how it all unfolded.

Do you know why
my parents split up?

She left him because he would
cheat with multiple women.

It wasn't just one.

Dad likes to party,
dad likes to drink,

And he likes to hook up
with prostitutes.

Okay, what did she say?

You have a past, too.

I want to give you
back your ring.

Obviously, you don't
want to be with me.

You made it clear
last night.

If you don't come
back with me...

Coming back with me,

Shaun: okay.

Annie, I want to ask you...

Do you think that david
might cheat on you?

Chris, do you think
that david is capable

Of being faithful to annie?

I think he will.

You think he'll be faithful?

- Yes, I do.
- Nikki, what about you?

Do you think he's capable
of being faithful to annie?

In america, I don't think
he would cheat on her.

In thailand, maybe.

What would be
the difference?

Because over there the women are
more attracted to foreigners.

Here... He's been here a long
time, and he's been single.

Nobody really wants him.

Did I cheat
on my ex-wife?

Well, you're talking
about something

That's from 10 years ago,

And it wasn't to the extent
that my daughter said it was.

And the answer is yes.

I did something when she was 15,

And I feel horrible
for it.

This is one of those
relationships where i...

You know, you don't know
if it's going to last.

You don't know how solid it is,

Because you're saying
that you don't know

If he's going to
cheat on you or not.

And then, david,
you're saying... Do you have...

David, what is the plan?

What is the plan to get a job,
to make money, to support annie?

What is the plan
that you have in place?

Within the next 30 days,

If something is not fully
in place here,

Then we're going back
to asia

'Cause I have my job
offer on the table

To go back to china
if I want.

Chris: now, if he wants to work
and if he wants to make money,

There's a restaurant

That I'm starting
that I would like...

That I offered
as their wedding gift,

To be a partner in my...

- Oh.
- my business.

You mean for him to work
at the restaurant.

Yeah, yeah.

So, chris has offered
you a position...

And we're gonna sit down and
talk about it when we get back,

'Cause that was offered
two days ago.

I mean, it's something that it
has to be immediate and now,

Because the restaurant's
not even open yet.

- Is it immediate and now?
- Yeah.

This job is immediate and now.

Well, I mean, the restaurant's
not open yet, so it's not...

The restaurant is not open yet?

You should be
the one who wants to...

"Let me get
the restaurant started.

I need to take care
of my wife.

People that I owe."

But it doesn't matter.
If you don't have the money...

How come you haven't taken him
up on these opportunities?

The offer was just
from 2 days ago.

So nikki, on thing...

You seem as though
you have just accepted

"This is how
it's going to be."

This is just how it is.

So it's not going to affect
your relationship with chris,

Obviously if he keeps
giving david money, right?

Chris is done.

I promised her that he's gonna
have to earn any amount

That I give him
from here on out.

From now until forever more,
you're not giving david

Any more money?

I feel that vibe.

So, no more money to david?

There's no more money,

I understand.

We're gonna check back and see

If you hold true
to that promise, okay?

Coming up, every couple here has
had their ups and downs.

Unfortunately, molly's
relationship with luis

Did not end on a high note.

Molly and olivia will join me to
discuss where things stand now,

When we return.


Coming up...

What were you feeling
in that moment?

Aghh, you know?

Like, I just want to pull
my frickin' hair out.


Do you think the marriage
could survive

If you don't have children?

I have to think about that.

I don't know yet.

We are back with "90 day fiancé:
the couples tell all."

I'm shaun robinson, here with
molly and her daughter olivia.

How are you doing?
I'm good.


Now, the other couples
are backstage right now

Listening in
and will weigh in very shortly.

Being a teenager is hard enough
without learning your mom's

Engaged to a man just

Let's take a look
at how things changed

When luis entered the picture.

He loves me and he wants
to love you too.


And he's not gonna take me
like away from you.

He's really not.

Over me before.

Olivia: it's just kinda like,
it's happening

And there's nothing
you can do about it,

And it just sucks.

I don't want to
talk to you.

Baby, listen...

My mom loves you,
but me and kensley

Things to her.

To know you better

Before you're like
our step-dad, you know?

No marriage.

No, not even thinking...


No, luis, you're not supposed
to talk about that

With your step-daughter.

You can be her friend,

We still have to be parents.

You really just can't be
talking about her having sex.



Molly, did you know
the conversations

That were going on
in your house?

I knew that
that had happened.

I didn't think
it was okay...

I just didn't think it was not
not oka... Does that make sense?

Like, he was just
talking to her...

Olivia, you were shocked
when luis said that to you.

It was significant enough
for you to go back

And tell your mom
while she was in the kitchen.

It's like, he is my step-dad

That's not his business.

If I'm sleeping with anybody...

With anybody.

There was a part
you got real emotional...

When you talked about luis
coming and taking your mom away.

Tell me your feelings
about that.

It was just...

Everything was still really new,
and it was literally like,

Well, he's gonna be
here on this day.

It was just all luis
all the time.

And I was like, hey,
did you forget that I'm here?

Do you still care?

Looking back, molly,
do you understand

Why olivia
was feeling that way?

I'm sorry you felt that way.
I sucked for that.

Because I don't ever want you
to feel that way.

And honestly?

I don't even know
what I was gonna say.

Aw. She's getting emotional.

It's hard.

It's hard.


Well, there are a lot of things

That parents keep
from their children,

But one of the most shocking
moments of the season

Was when molly revealed
she and luis

Were actually
legally married.

Let's take a look.

Luis's visa is not
really gonna be expired

Because we're legally married.

Oh, my gosh.

I'm not messing with you.

We are married on paper
with the court.

I just want to talk to you
because we are already married,

Me and luis.

That it would be

Maybe important
to tell me about that?

Or you know, ask me
"is it okay with you?"

You just kinda went
behind my back?

To you here?

Luis or me?

You don't tell your kids that.

- Wow.
- Oh, my gosh.

You dropped a bombshell,

To do that.

- What were...
- I don't even know if recall

Like how it all
just happened and the paper.

What went into your decision
not to tell olivia right away?


Because I didn't want
to squash like her dream

Of being with me
in the wedding,

And I was just feeling like,
"aghh," you know?

Like, I just want to pull
my frickin' hair out.

Like, I still do.

This is a lot.

You were saying you didn't want
to squash olivia's dream

And olivia made
a face like...

It wasn't your dream,
was it?

No. I didn't care
about the wedding.

I didn't want to be
in the wedding.

That was never my dream.

Olivia, you had to read
on social media people

Saying that you were very
disrespectful to your mother

And that they would never
talk to their parents

The way you talk
to your mom.

How do you feel about that?

You know, she got married
without telling me.

It's like, if your parents
have done that

And you're in
my situation,

Then I would like
to hear from you.

But if not,
you don't know my life

And you don't know
what I've been through.

When I said that she
picked him over me,

I really did feel like that.

I don't know.

Well, there are always two sides
to every story, and guess what?

Luis is here to tell his.

Come on out, luis.

- Uh-oh.
- This is insane.

- Here. Come over here.
- Are they still together?

- All right.
- What?

You're supposed to
sit with us.

I think
you're supposed to si...

You don't want
to sit over there?

It's okay?

Yeah, it's okay.
All right.

'Cause we have a spot
for you right there.

You're really not gonna
sit over here?

All right.

So, obviously things
are still a bit tense.

Luis: hm?

Things are obviously
still a bit tense.

We're just answering
questions about our life.


Well luis, let's look at one

Of the biggest fights
of this season,

When molly called
off her wedding

And told luis
to pack his bags.

Take a look.

It's not okay.

You want my kids
to not be here?

"You need to this.

You need to that."

I don't need to do anything
except take care of my kids!

In typical luis fashion,
when I tried to talk to him

About something,
he starts in on me

About the different
types of decor

That I have in my house,

And like having
these in my house

Is like super sacrilegious
to the christian faith.

You're blaming an owl
with the candle on the fact

That you are
an ass to my kids!

This nuts!

You're a hypocrite.

Premarital sex.



Those things are what makes
a person have the devil!

And getting your packed.

You can take your little ring
and get out of my house.

Okay, you don't...

You're making
me feel like I'm losing my mind!

Molly, you were saying
during the argument

That you felt like
you were going crazy,

That you didn't know
what you were doing.

What were you feeling
in that moment?

I honestly don't know what
to say except that...

That was very hard for me...

For him to dodge the most
important questions

That I was asking him,
regarding olivia and kensley,

And him to say that his problem
is that I don't believe in god.

Like where did that
even come from?

That conversation
took a left turn.

Like, really?

Like I felt this crazy rage.

Like all the things that
he thought that I was doing,

And when he said

I'm like, "oh.

I'm about to show you witch."

Like I felt like I was about
to "exorcist" out or something.

Luis, do you think molly
practices witchcraft?

Because I feel like
if I did that...

I completely understand that,
but I feel like if I did that...

Why you have that
in the home?

Bottom line is this...

If I just got rid of
every single thing

That you thought was bad,

I would just be giving in
to the institution and idea

That you think
I believe that.

And I don't.

And I just think
it's absolutely ludicrous.

It's not witchcraft or buddha...
It's something else.

What is it?

Is it olivia?

Pardon me?

Luis, do you regret anything
that you have said to olivia?

Oh, no, no.

You don't regret it?


Let me ask you this...

When molly kicked you
out of the house,

She told you to leave,
where did you go?

How did you guys
start talking again?

Who called who first?

- Honestly? I don't remember.
- You don't remember?

I don't.

Olivia says you called
luis first.

I don't know.
But if I had to guess?

'Cause she acts
on her emotions.

As soon as she feels something,
she's gonna act on it.

So, the big question everyone
wants to know the answer to is,

Where do things stand today?

Did you ask luis
to come back to your home?

I did.


We're here, and...

We're doing good.

I mean, I thought
we were doing good.

He's clearly not sitting next
to me right now, so...


Tell us how you are feeling,

And where does this
relationship go from here?

Answer the questions.
Obviously you understand.

So how is everything today?

Is everything good?

How do you feel about
the relationship?

You want to work out?

You want this to be
a happy family?

I know that
he is of the belief

That you don't marry
and divorce,

And you don't just not
try to work on issues,

And given time,
and we do have time, you know,

We're just trying
to work it out.



Well next, we'll find out
what everyone else things

About luis's return,
and check in with nicole

To see if she's been
able to reach azan.

Coming up...

What were you thinking?

It was just gross.


If azan ever did that,
I would be so upset.

You just made a comment
about my child.

You traveled across
the united states with yours

And you don't even have solid
ground to get your guy here.


Welcome back to "90 day fiancé:
the couples tell all."

I'm shaun robinson.

I am here with
all of our couples.

Except for azan.

We've been trying the entire
show to get in touch with him.

Have you heard from him today?

Nicole: no.

Sometimes he has troubles,

But it doesn't usually
take this long, so...

I don't know.

Well, we're gonna keep
trying to connect with him.

All right.

First, I want to get
a reaction to everybody.

Luis is here.

What is your reaction
to him being here?

- Shocked.
- Wow.



- Wow?
- Yeah.

after what we just saw, yeah.

That's got to, you know...

I keep asking why she's alone,
but now look at...

I thought he ghosted her.

- Yeah.
- Elizabeth?

Tell me what you
thought about...

When you saw the interaction
with her daughter olivia,

What were you thinking?


That it's disgusting.

I mean, I understand like,
you know,

They're a little
bit close in age.

But that's no way to start out
to be a father figure.

At all.
It was just gross.

But let alone
the fact that he's only

A few years older than her,

At some point...

With all due respect,

I felt like you were
the younger one there.

Not only towards
molly's daughter,

But in general
towards molly.

And the actions
you showed?

They don't demonstrate
someone who's here

With the right motives.

Andrei, let me go to you.

You had some harsh
words for luis.

You called him a punk.

Have a stigma.

Molly: luis.

He's a little pompous at times,

And I have called him
an ass.

But I never at any moment
thought it was a trick

Or anything.

Overall, he doesn't seem to be
displaying the behavior

Of somebody that wants
to settle down.

It's hard to see him
being genuine.

You know, be with one woman,
get married,

Settle down,
be a family man.

He's just
not acting like that.

I appreciate the validity
of your thoughts and feelings,

He's taking english classes.

He's helping kensley get her
backpack together,

Packing lunches.

The other day, he want to the
grocery store all on his own.

So there's a side of him
that we haven't seen?

That's what you're saying.


The thing that got me the most,
because I have a daughter

Who's young, like,

Why would you talk about
my daughter like that?

If azan ever did that about may,
I would be so upset.

You just made a comment
about my child, okay?

I mean, if we want
to go about kids.

You traveled all the way across
the united states with yours

And you don't even
have solid ground here

To be able to
get your guy here.

I don't know what y'all
have going on, but...

You know what I'm saying?

Like you only saw
a part of that.

I know it's only a part
of your conversation, but...

For anyone to say that...

I'm not trying to
defend him to the hilt.

I'm certainly not.

Luis, how do you feel about
hearing all of these comments?

Yeah, how do you feel about...
No, she's asking you.

She's asking what
your thoughts are.

She's not talking to me.

Well, I feel like
some of the things

That they've seen
and witnessed are very valid,

But they also haven't
seen everything else.


Well, molly and luis
were not the only couple

That dedicated time
talking about children.

At one point or another,
each couple discussed

What their future
family looked like.

Let's take a look.

Soon we'll get married,
starting a family.

Thinking that
we're gonna do this?


An acceptable amount

Of time to wait?

Within a year.

After I had my kids

I'll gladly live there.


- Do you want kids?
- Yeah.

He has with us, right?

Be different for your child

That you would ever
have with him?

Of course.

In anything I say to her?

Talk to her like that.

Don't listen to the answer.

Because you're jumping in.

That's not really your


You want to say to me?

Would you ever talk
to your father like that?

Hell no.
Why are you mad?

Am I ruffling your feathers?

Or are you gonna yak?

We don't need to be here,

Since your relationship
is irrelevant to us.

Then leave.



- Ohh.
- Wow.



Annie, when you were
at the table with ashley,

It was almost as
if she was trying to make you

Think twice about
having children with david.

Did you think "gosh,
maybe I don't want

To have children with david"?

Annie, would you want to raise
a child here in america?


I'm sorry.

Woman: oh yeah, no.

Shaun: annie?

So, do you want to have
children with david?

With david.

Elizabeth and andrei.

Are you guys talking about
having children now?

- Oh, yeah.
- Absolutely.

Oh, really?

Are you thinking shorter
or longer, elizabeth?

I'm thinking, I mean,
at least a few years.

No, I didn't.

You definitely did.

- Okay.
- Yeah.

Aika, how does it feel for you
to hear all this baby talk?

I know it's very frustrating
because you guys

Have been trying.

Would it be okay with you, josh,

If you didn't have
children with aika?

I mean,
I'm good either way.

But she definitely wants
a little jaika, as we call it.

And so do i.

I mean, I would love to have
a little baby with her,

You know,
start a family.

But having had two kids,
being 43, I'm okay if we don't.

I didn't see this happening

That I'm gonna need to have
my plumbing working again.

So you have not had
the reversal?


Have you ever thought
about the possibility

That it won't happen,

That you will never have kids?


Do you think the marriage
could survive

If you don't have children?


I don't think you
should lose hope...

But it shouldn't affect
your relationship.

Because whether it's adoption.


You never know what's gonna
come your way in life.

As long as you have
love together,

Nothing can conquer you.

You can conquer
anything in the world.

Well, we need to take a break.

But when we come back,
the surprises keep on coming.

And the couples are
holding nothing back.

Coming up...

Would you say that this
is the first time

Elizabeth has been
more submissive?

- Absolutely.
- Okay.

Elizabeth, talk straight
to your sisters.

What do you want to say to them?

- I mean...
- I'm just gonna say it.

'Cause I'm just...
There he goes!

Speaking for her.

what makes you so sad?

He's not here right now.

He's not here
and he did not join us?

That I'll have to
do this alone.

At this point,
how sure are you

That the relationship
is going to work out?

Welcome back to "90 day fiancé:
the couples tell all."

I'm shaun robinson.

And all of the couples are back
here with me except for azan.

Elizabeth, we have your sister
becky and sister-in-law

Megan joining us over video
chat today from florida.

Ladies, thank you so much
for taking the time to join us.

- Thank you.
- Hey. Thanks.

Shaun: when you commit to
spending the rest of your life

With someone from a completely
different country,

Chances are that along the way

You'll have to make
some compromises.

Elizabeth, your sisters
felt like you

Were sacrificing too much
of yourself for andrei.

Let's watch.

When we have girls' night,

Once he is here?

Where he's from, anywhere the
woman goes the man is there.

Being submissive to her partner?

I feel like every woman
that finds their man,

They will be submissive.

If you're in love...

We are going to
take her to vegas

For her bachelorette party.

I've been to vegas
once before. I like it.

Well, if I'm there and I know
you feel uncomfortable,

Then no I'm not
gonna do that.

You've become more
submissive to him?

So who has the final say
between you guys?


My sister was being,

Bite her in the ass.

It's like
a ticking time b*mb.


Ticking time b*mb.

Who said that?
I did.

Okay, why do you think
it's a ticking time b*mb?

No actually,
the ticking b*mb...

No, wait a second.

A ticking...
Let us speak, andrei.

We're not elizabeth.

Ladies, go ahead.

So, I said
a ticking time b*mb

Because elizabeth
was continuously

Going with
what he wants,

What he wants,
what he wants...

Not really...

- Doing what she wants.
- Right.

Then it's just gonna...

Eventually come out,
like "I can't take it anymore!"

That's not true, though.

Because we decide
things together.

Shaun: all right.

Would you say that this is
the first time in a relationship

That elizabeth has been
more submissive?


We have never
seen her this way.

Normally she wears the pants
in the relationship.

- Never in my life.
- Okay.

Elizabeth, talk straight
to your sisters.

What do you want
to say to them?

I don't really have
anything to say.

I mean...
I'm just gonna say it.

'Cause I'm just...
There he goes!

Speaking for her.

Shaun: all right.

So elizabeth, during an
overnight trip to miami,

Your sisters finally
convinced you to let loose.

Let's see how your night
went and the discussion

With andrei that followed.

Party's here!

Andrei is not too excited
about this bachelorette party.

Strip clubs?


If you want, we will
help you lie to hm.

- Cheers!
- To the bachelorette party!

No turning back now.

You'll see.

Loosening her up.

Okay, andrei.
This is jen.

And libby.

We're holding her hostage
for the next 24 hours.

Basically what this
means is...



We discussed taking
her phone away

Just so we can have
a couple of hours

To just let loose,
have fun.


It's not funny.

Why are you really getting
so upset, though?

It's it 'cause
he's gonna be upset?


Because I enjoy communicating
with my future husband.

I got my phone back.

Which I knew I would.

We didn't come here
to miami to fight...

We came here to have fun.

Thinking about andrei,
and I know he would be like

"No, don't do that...
That's trashy.

The only girls that do that
want attention."

But I didn't care anyway...
I did it.

They took my phone.

They finally gave it back to me.

Shaun: ooh.
All right, andrei.

What were your feelings
seeing elizabeth

Having a very, very good time?

You said her sisters
were trying to push you?

Test you.

I just want to say, andrei,
we weren't testing you.

It had nothing to do
with you, actually.

We weren't trying
to start any drama.

The sisters did say
they would help you lie.

And that could've
just been in fun.

Oh, yeah.

what did you all mean

When you said you
would help her lie?

- That's on you.
- Right.

That was me.

What did you mean by that, when
you said you'd help her lie?

This is what
I meant by that...

So he wouldn't ask more
questions about our plans.

That's what
I meant by that.

Do you think he's controlling?

Her sisters are
talking about that.

Sisters are different
than girlfriends.

There's one more thing
that I feel like

I need to defend
on our part.

We're her sisters.

We're not trashy.

And we're not gonna ever
put a situation

That would jeopardize
her relationship.

We wanted to give her
the epitome

Of a typical bachelorette
party, and that's it.

You don't have one last night
of being single.

Like that doesn't exist.

Beck and megan, thank you
so much for joining us.

We appreciate you,
appreciate your honesty.

- Thank you.
- Okay, thanks.

Oh, so much to talk about.

We'll be back with
even more very soon.

Coming up...

You don't want her talking
to anybody about sex.

He said "no way."

I felt betrayed by evelyn.

What are your thoughts
on the fact

That we haven't been
able to contact azan?

It pisses me off.

Welcome back to "90 day fiancé:
the couples tell all."

I'm shaun robinson.

Well, five of our couples
are newly weds.

But for evelyn and david,
the wedding itself

Was not the only event

These two awaited
on their big day.

Let's take a look.

David and I are both virgins.

We believe, you know, you wait
till marriage to have sex.

Well, I mean, if you have any
questions or concerns, honey...

I'm your mom.
I want to be able to help you.

But I mean,
what's the biggest fear?

I would not be
concerned about that.

At all.

Penises are designed
for vaginas.

- Oh, my word.
- Does he know?

Have you talked to him about
any of this kind of stuff?

You know what?

Want me to talk to you about it.

For us to talk about.


About it at all?

About sex?

Able to talk about it.

I mean...

No, i...

Can you just... Baby,
can you give me a break?

I can't believe you.
I just can't believe you.

I didn't think that
I pushed it too far.

I was raised in a very
conservative way.

When I have a trouble
talking about sex,

Then you meet me
halfway there.


Yeah, I have some explanation
too, actually.

First of all, what is it
about talking about sex

That makes you so uncomfortable?

Talking about sex
doesn't make me uncomfortable.

Talking about sex on camera,
for many viewers to see,

Makes me uncomfortable.

I think those things,
we can discuss them.

Which we do, eventually.

Not "hey, let's discuss our
wedding night on national tv."

At that point,
how I felt...

You know, I felt
betrayed by evelyn.

Because I told her
"don't raise this."

I'm fine discussing with
yourself, with my family,

With your family.

It's just like...

You don't want her talking
to anybody about sex.

Do you talk about it
with your mom?

Let me tell another thing.

Now that we are...

- It's a girl thing.
- It's a girl thing!

No one understands me.

Let me say something else.

Yes, that's fine.

I agree.

- She can talk sex...
- At first, he said "no way.


No, but let me
tell you something.

Now that we can
open ourselves...

I do feel uncomfortable.

With all the respect
to my in-laws, that I love,

That when we're drinking
coffee at their house,

They're talking about their
sexual life in front of us.

I wasn't raised in a way

That we're drinking coffee
in the morning

And they're telling us
their sexual night.

I was raised in a way.

And that's when I know
like how often...

This is kinda weird.

I mean, it's weird.

Yeah, maybe
I am old-fashioned.

Maybe I am the one
that was raised

In a ridiculously
conservative way.

Maybe I am
the wrong one here.

You know
what I was thinking?

"I'm gonna walk in after my
honeymoon and then she's like,

'Oh mom, last night
I did this...'

That would be a good thing,

If she's telling her
parents how happy she is.

And I never, ever gave you
the idea that I would want to

Like go share like
dirty details with my mom.

It'd be more like "I think
something's wrong with me, mom.

What does this mean?"

Well, I don't know.
I know.

And you know that
I'm not a weirdo,

And like I wanted
to experience that

Because I think sex is beautiful
thing and it's a natural thing.

It's just like, one camera,
or like, open-minded...

It's like...
It's a touchy subject.

What's interesting, david,
is that you have had to,

On social media,

Deal with people
who called you a liar,

Who said there's no way
this guy could be a virgin.

I mean, I think
it's hard to believe

From a 27-year-old
in these days.

Believe me, it hasn't been easy,
but I've holding

Until I would meet
the right person.

I respect you.

I think it's completely

Definitely be proud,
but don't feel like you

Have to explain
yourself to them.

I think she doesn't complain
nowadays, you know?

Oh, wait.
Since you brought it up, david.

You've already had
the wedding night.

How'd it go?

It went great, I think.


Yeah, it was...


I think the wedding-night
details should stay

For the newly weds.

Was it everything that
it was made up to be?


I don't know what to say without
making it sound super creepy.

It's not meant to be
discussed here.


Well, good.

I'm glad you guys
had a good time.

Oh, my word.

Shaun: no, you don't
have to clap.

You don't have to clap.

Thank you very much.

Well, coming up next...

Nicole, we're gonna dig deeper
into the relationship status

Between you and azan,

Who has left nicole
here on the sofa alone.

We're gonna keep trying
to connect with him.

More to come.

Coming up...

Nicole, at this point,
how sure are you

That you want
to marry azan?

We are back with "90 day fiancé:
the couples tell all."

I'm shaun robinson.

Unfortunately, no one has been
able to get in touch with azan,

So we asked robbalee
to come back.

Robbalee, what are
your thoughts on the fact

That we haven't been
able to contact him?

I'm a little concerned.

It is unusual that he's not
had contact with her.

What if he's totally fine and
just decided not to participate?

I will be very upset.

Because not only is he not
here for me right now,

But he also has me worried.

How many of you sense that azan
might be a little bit reluctant

To come to the states?

You think so, evelyn?

I think that things
are getting real now.

He knew about today.

Don't you think he'd try
to figure out any way possible

To contact somebody here?

Obviously this upsets you,
and it's silly and immature.

I would definitely
put my foot down.

You're feeling a certain way.

The good news is,
he's probably fine.


Well, nicole when you returned
from your first trip to morocco,

You were feeling a bit
neglected by azan.

You recently went back
to his country,

Hopeful that this trip
would be full of romance

And quality time together.

Let's see if that's
how things turned out.

Nicole: you know,
she's sleeping.

I was hoping maybe you could
stay and watch movies?

I guess.

Like, I am here for him and
he's going out seeing friends.

Robbalee: so, how's the dating
part of it going?

We have dinner.

But sometimes like
we'll have fights.

Are you willing to put up with
this for the rest of your life?

I was trying to get you
to talk to me

And to listen to how
I was feeling.

Don't want to just talk, okay?

Can you just...



It's easy for you
to do that?

It's easy?!


That everything is fine!

Because I love him
and I want everything to be...

Like I care about...

Distrustful and disrespectful

To me just
because of what I did!

That was hard
to watch, probably.

That was the first time
I've seen that.

What's it like to see
your daughter so upset,

And them argue like that?

It makes you wonder
if that would develop

Into something much,
much worse.

Nicole's headstrong.

She wants to be heard.

She wants to be loved.

And what I saw there was...

That wasn't love, honey.

Like I know what's wrong,
but he just tries to ignore me.

Like it would be so easy
if you just talk

Instead of walking away.

The moment could be over,

And we wouldn't have to
talk about it anymore.

It pisses me off.

Why does this make you
so emotional?

I really miss him right now.

That he did not join us?

And I have to do this alone.

How about we check nicole's
phone one more time to see

If we have any kind of
message from him at all.

Here you go, nicole.

And he if he makes it over here,
we'll be here for him.

Just like we're here for you.

no message, nicole?

One text
would go a long way.


You want to be able
to feel stable.

Come on.

Nicole, at this point,
how sure are you

That you want to marry azan?

I know that being in a marriage
and relationship means

That you have
to compromise at things,

And I've been trying so hard.

We've actually both been
trying really hard

To figure things out,

And then, you know,
we explain things, we talk more,

And everything
has been so great.

And we're just so ready.

Robbalee, at this point,
how sure are you

That the relationship
is going to work out?

I think they have a very
long, very hard road.

You have two very
different personalities

Trying to blend into one.

Because that's what
marriage is.

Marriage is blending
into one.

Nicole, I really hope

That things get better
with you and azan.

And I think we all here
wish you the best of luck,

Whatever that means.

And I want to say a thank you
to all of the couples.

Wish you the best of luck.

Thanks so much.

And thank you for tuning in.