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08x17 - First Comes Love...

Posted: 04/23/24 20:27
by bunniefuu
previous on 90 day fiance.

[jovi] we're here in vegas,
all my friends are here,

And yara and I are getting
married tomorrow.

Are you ready?

Are you sure she's the one?

I don't know why everybody
keeps questioning me like,

"hey, are you sure
you wanna do this?"

Because we all know the jewelry.

Am I making the right decision,

Have I had enough time
to think this through?

I don't know.

[harris speaking]

You know, I'm a little
guarded right now

When it comes to harris,

He said,
"you are my future wife."

But in my eyes, there are
still some open questions

That I need answered.

Look at this.

Three and a half weeks ago,
look at her,

That is a woman who's [bleep]
in love with you,

That has three [bleep]
kids with you.

[andrew] amira was supposed
to fly to america yesterday

But she didn't get on the plane.

[amira speaking]

I think that I [bleep] up.

[natalie speaking]

[woman speaking]

[natalie speaking]

[michael] I'm sorry that
I put you in this situation.

I'm really glad you came back.

[natalie speaking]

I'm just at the end of the rope.

[upbeat music playing]

- Hi.
- Oh, hi, I'm glad you made it.

- I'm kelly.
- Sorry I'm late.

- Yara.
- Hi.

[yara speaking]

So are you excited
to get married?


How long have you been together?

Two years.

Oh, that's a good
amount of time.


[yara speaking]

[yara speaking]

Looking gorgeous.

- [monty] nervous?
- Yeah, of course, I'm...

No, no, no, no, actually
I'm not [bleep] nervous.

- [monty] yeah, right.
- [laughter]

No, I'm ready
to get it over with.

In the nicest possible way
I can say that.

We're now a few hours away
from the wedding,

I'm getting some jitters,
I'm feeling nervous,

The thought's going through
my mind right now,

Maybe I'm not making
the right decision.

It's just a lot easier to let
you do this because if not,

I'm gonna struggle with it
for 30 minutes.

How do you think, uh,
yara's doing right now?

Hopefully good, she should be
getting ready with my mom,

I haven't talked to either one
of, uh, them in a few hours.

So I don't know,
I hope everything's good,

I hope she's ready
to get married.

[kline] I hope so too.

[jovi] it's been
a very intense two years,

From the miscarriage
to managing a relationship

From two different countries,

Having her arrive in america,

And now we have
another pregnancy

And a lot of times,
I was thinking

This might not happen

But yara didn't run away,

She didn't try
to go back to ukraine,

Um, I'm trying to make
changes to prove

That I'm ready to be a husband

And I'm ready to be a father.

So this is a big deal.

It's not even gonna feel like
I'm gonna get married

Well, okay.
Maybe I am a little nervous.

[gwen speaking]

[yara speaking]

- [gwen] oh, look how pretty.
- You like it?

Can you... Can you do this here?

Yes. Yes.

You ready for tonight?

[yara] yeah.

Wait, your hair is kind of...
Yeah, there we go.

Jovi has always been
a mama's boy.

I'm giving him to yara.

It's time for him to move on

And yara can deal with jovi.


[yara speaking]

Let's go get married.

I'mma get my hair, you go.

- [yara] let's go.
- All right.

- [yara speaking]
- see you in a bit.

All right. Good to go.

[kline] looking sharp.

Off to your last day
as a free man.

[jovie] yeah,
I guess it is, huh?

[kline laughs]

[yara speaking]

[natalie speaking]

[producer speaking]

[natalie speaking]

[natalie speaking]

[natalie speaking]

[upbeat music playing]

[natalie speaking]

[tamara speaking]

[tamara] it's been
a long weekend

And I wasn't sure
if it was going on or not,

Got cancelled Sunday,

But mike came
on his quad this morning

And said, "come on up,
we're doing it."

And I'm excited.


[natalie speaking]

[tamara] you're beautiful.

[natalie speaking]

[tamara] are you nervous?

Are you?

Mmm-hmm. Mmm-hmm.

[natalie speaking]

[natalie speaking]

[tamara] you told
your mom, right?

She knows
you're getting married.

[natalie speaking]

[tamara] too bad
she couldn't come.

[natalie speaking]

[natalie speaking]

[natalie speaking]

[tamara] you're beautiful.

[natalie speaking]

[andrew] yesterday,
amira was supposed to arrive

In america, but now I feel,
like, it's over.

[lori] how do we even know
she had an anxiety attack?

Nobody was there.

- Do you believe it?
- No, I don't.

-[andrew] you don't
believe it at all?
- No.

[stephanie] so this is it.

This is the k-1 visa.

Goodbye, ryan.

Hello, harris.

He really wants to come here
on the fiance basically,

But harris is living with emma,

Who he has children with.

It would be nice to just talk
to her face to face.

[whimsical music playing]

[connie] how's it going?

[andrew] it's going.
How you guys doing?

We're doing okay.

Can I have you guys do
some sanitizer?

[lori] some sanitizer.

[andrew] yesterday,
amira was supposed to arrive

In america, we were gonna
activate this k-1 visa

But I got a text saying
she didn't get on the plane

And now I feel like it's over.

It's tough
so I need some support

From my family right now.

So, have you heard
from the lady today?

I have not.

[connie] nothing?

I'm assuming she's back
in paris or back in France.

I had certain expectations
that she was gonna be here now

And I was gonna show her
everything I did

To the apartment, and tonight

I was gonna get
to bring her to dinner

- With you guys, like...
- [connie] yeah,

I was looking forward to that.

Kind of a lot of
disappointment, you know?

I feel like she...

Bait and switched you
a little bit, like, you know.

I don't think that there was
any intention

For that, though.

Why would you go so far
as to stay 15 days

In another country
and not get on a plane?

I feel like how dare you?

Since she didn't get
on the plane,

I feel anger,


Uh, sadness,

I feel all of these things
for my son

Who invested over
two years into this person.

You know, I feel like you
deserve more than just

"I had an anxiety attack."

I mean I've been with you
for two and a half years

And all you're gonna give me
is, "I had an anxiety attack."

I don't wanna think
about it that way.

[connie] she didn't even give
you an opportunity to try

To support her
and help calm her down

And be like, "hey baby,
it's gonna be okay

- As soon as you get here."
- yeah.

-[connie] as soon as
you get to me...
- I didn't even...

That's, you know, something
I haven't really pondered

Or tried to think about too much

But the fact
that it would've been...

I would hope beneficial
if she would've called me.

I worry that any disagreements

That we may have had
could play a role

In her not getting
on that plane.

But when I got that text
it did feel like a break up.

Because there was no...

There was no effort on her part

To do anything,

To fix it, to let me know
that she wanted to fix it.

The writing was on the wall.

Her tone had shifted

To one that was cold and distant

And I did my best
to work past it

But ultimately I should have
seen the signs.

[connie] do you feel like
though the reasons

That she's, you know,
calling an end to it

Is just that one anxiety attack

And then the one
disagreement you had

- The day before.
- I don't know. I can't...

[connie] I'm not saying
that you have to want know why

Or maybe you already know why.

- [lori] why.
- Maybe subconsciously

You already did, kind of,
maybe see it coming

And you guys were having
some more relationship issues

Than we knew about.

I'm sure it's a culmination

Of many things, you know?

We've certainly had
some tiffs but...

I didn't...
I didn't experience them

The same way that she did.

[lori] how do we even know
she had an anxiety attack?

Nobody was there.

- Do you believe it?
- No, I don't.

-[andrew] you don't
believe it at all?
- No.

You think there was
no anxiety there?

I believe something went on

Before she decided
to get on that plane

And she just decided
that she was gonna use

An anxiety attack as an excuse.

[andrew] what are you gonna do?

You just kinda
got to accept what has...

What has happened.

[connie] you have a right
to allow yourself

To be angry too.

- Certainly.
- I mean...

You can go through
all five stages of grief,

Denial, anger, acceptance.

But you're already
at the acceptance part,

Which is kind of weird to me.

No offense.

I mean, I can hold onto it

And I can be upset
and I can, you know...

But is that... Is that
going to bring her here?

It's just we want
to make sure that you...

It's healthy to mentally
go through all those things.

[producer speaking]

Not like...
Not like, ahh, like, no.

Like, it's just...
It's a profound...

Sense of defeat, you know?

[mellow music playing]

[andrew] even if amira and I
were to work things out,

She's back in France
and our k-1 visa

Expires in three days.

We'd have to start
all over again,

Re-apply for the visa,
and that's just too much.

[connie] I just feel like
you're letting her off
really easy.

An anxiety attack?

Whatever the reason,
they're hers, you know?

[connie] I just wish she
would have come face-to-face

- With you as opposed to...
- [andrew] me too.

I really wish that
she would have been here

And allowed us
the opportunity to...

Be together and remember
what we were

And, you know, and...

Just didn't get that chance.

[yara speaking]

[jovi] I'm getting some jitters.

I'm feeling nervous.

I realize like this is it.

This is for real.

Hello, honey.

[natalie speaking]

[whimsical music playing]


[jovi] you look amazing

[yara] thank you. You too.
You look different.

You're so short now.

Yeah, I know what you mean.

Ready to go?
We're late already. Let's...

We gotta get to the wedding.

- Let's go here.
- Uh...

- You come here.
- Okay.

Oh. Are we late already?

[yara speaking]

[yara speaking]

Yeah, I know. We're going
somewhere special.

Ready to get married?


[dramatic music playing]

[jovi] all right. Thank you.

[yara speaking]

[jovi] yeah.
I'm opening the door.

[yara speaking]

[yara speaking]

All right. Are you ready?


[jovi] I'm getting some jitters.

I'm feeling nervous.

I realize like this is it.
This is for real.

[upbeat music playing]

- [woman] I need you first.
- [jovi] all right, me first.

- Hello, honey. How are you?
- Oh, my goodness.

- [man] congratulations.
- Oh, my goodness.

- [man] how are you?
- You're so tall.

- Good.
- [man] where are you from?

- Ukraine.
- [man] ukraine? All right.

[jolly music playing]

[jovi] we're gonna get
married by elvis tonight.

So it'll be interesting.

I never expected this is the way

I would get married

But it's gonna be fun

And I hope yara enjoyed it.

[yara speaking]

[guitar music playing]

♪ amazing grace ♪

♪ how sweet the sound ♪

♪ that saved a wretch ♪

♪ like me ♪

Everyone, please rise
for the bride.

♪ I once was lost ♪

♪ but now I'm found ♪

♪ was blind ♪

♪ but now I see ♪

- Yeah.
- [laughter]

Wonderful you two.

Guest may be seated.

We are in the city of lights
las vegas, nevada.

We're here to celebrate
jovi and yara.

Marriage is a promise

To communicate and to share,

To treat each other
with respect,

To care, and to listen
to one another.

If you two would face
each other.

You have a ring jovi
at this time?

- Yes, I do.
- [man] all right, jovi,

You're gonna take that ring.

[mellow music playing]

[man] as you place it
on yara's finger,

Look her in the eyes
and tell her,

"I take you yara."

[jovi] yara, I take you...

[man] "to be my loving wife."

To be my loving wife.

[man] "in good times and bad."

In good times and bad.

[man] "in sickness
and in health."

In sickness and in health.

[man] "for richer
or for poorer."

For richer or for poorer.

[man] "for now and forever."

For now and forever.

[man] and yara you have
a ring for jovi?

Look him in the eyes
and tell him,

"I take you to be
my loving husband."

I take you to be
my loving husband.

[man] "in good times and bad."

In good times and bad.

[man] "in sickness
and in health."

[yara] in sickness
and in health.

[man] "for richer
or for poorer."

[yara] for richer
and for poorer.

[man] "for now and forever."

For now and forever.

[man] well, let me just say,

I now pronounce you
husband and wife.

Kiss your bride, my friend.

Let's hear it for them,

[cheering and applauding]

[upbeat music playing]

[producer speaking]

I feel good.

I'm happy she's still here today

And we finally tied the knot.

[yara speaking]

[jovi] it's waiting for you.

In your hotel room.

It is.

[gwen] I think
the wedding went great.

Finally done.
I'm happy for them.

[gwen] now we have
a new daughter-in-law.

With a baby coming out.

Hopefully, that they do well
with all of this.

[woman] congrats.

[indistinct chatter]

[kline] well,
it finally happened.

I did not think it would
really happen, but it did.

They made it.


[sara] I'll see what happens,
I think they, what,

Have a year and one day? So...

- A year and a day?
- Yeah.

If they're married
for a year and one day

- She can stay in the country.
- Oh, god.

You're already thinking
about that.

Well, no, I just researched it.

- Oh.
- Just in case.

You just never know
what's gonna go down.

[jovi] let's get moving.
Let's go to the party.

- [woman] let's go.
- [woman] party on.

You have a lot
to celebrate. Woo-hoo.

[yara speaking]

[cheers and applause]

[yara speaking]

[woman] raise your drink, guys.

[francine] yara, we welcome
you into our family.

And we're just so glad
that today happened

And that you're with us
today and always.

And jovi, I cannot say
how proud I am of you.

So don't [bleep] this up, right?

- [francine] right.
- [woman] yeah.

- Cheers.
- [woman] cheers.

[woman] hey, man.

[indistinct chatter]

[jovi] I'm glad that
the 90-day process

Is finally over.

Next for us is this pregnancy

And getting her green card

And get her moved over to
the states a hundred percent,

But for now, I think me and yara

May stay a couple
extra days in vegas.

I got an extra few days
off of work.

So we'll try to enjoy
our time here.

[yara speaking]


There bottom.

Cheers and blessings.

[intense music playing]

[amira speaking]


[harris speaking]

[dramatic music playing]

[amira speaking]

[man speaking]

[dramatic music playing]

[amira speaking]

[upbeat music playing]

when I got home from belize

And walked through
that front door,

I just breathed
a sigh of relief.

There was so much [bleep]
that went on in belize.

So, this is it.

This is the k-1 visa.

This is the paperwork.

I was going to be sending in
as soon as I arrived

Back from belize

Too bad for ryan.

Done. Done with you.

Goodbye, ryan.

Hello, harris.

So now, that I'm back,

Harris checks in with me
five to six times a day.

I miss you, I love you.

I mean, he really wants

To come here on the fiance visa.

He's ready to get married.

So, guess what?

Remember how mama
was telling you about ryan?

He is gone.

He is not gonna be your daddy

But guess what?

You'd like harris.

Mommy is seeing somebody new.

[gasps] do you wanna call?

Do you wanna call
and say hi to harris?

Let's call harris.

You know, I'm a little
guarded right now

When it comes to harris
just because I know for a fact

That harris is living with emma.

The person who he has
three children with

But he has been telling me,

"we are living in the same home,

Co-parenting those children.

Believe it or not, she texts me

And she actually says,

She gives us her blessing.

She wants harris and I
to be together."

I'd like to hear her voice
on the phone now though.

Because he has said,
"you need to call emma

To see that what I'm telling you

Is exactly a hundred percent
the truth."


[phone ringing]

[harris speaking]

[stephanie] look at cooper.

Cooper wanted to say hi.

- Can you say...
- [harris speaking]


Well, how are you doing?

How are the kids?

[harris speaking]

Okay. Okay.

How's emma doing?

You know,
it would be nice for me

To talk to emma face to face.

Yeah. And I... It's not that
I think you're a liar.

It's just... It would be...
It would be nice

To just talk to her
face to face.

All right. I'll go to hand
over the phone to her then.

[suspenseful music playing]

[harris speaking]

[stephanie] hi.

How are you, emma?

Good. Good.

You have a pretty outfit on.

Well, emma. You know,
I just wanted to talk to you,

You know, I know you and I
have texted a little bit.

But I just wanted
to hear it right from you.

You know, I know you co-parent.

What would you ever do
if harris came here on a visa?

Would you ever consider that

Even while the children
are young?

[stephanie] so,
you've moved on too, emma?

[emma speaking]

well, thank you, emma.

Do you mind if I say
goodbye to harris?

Will you put him back
on the phone?

[emma speaking]

- [harris] yes, steph?
- [stephanie] hi, there.

I just... I just wanted to say

Emma and I had
a wonderful conversation.


Well listen, sweetie.

We'll talk soon.

- Goodnight.
- [harris speaking]

love you too, goodbye.

[phone beeps]

Good deal.

You ready for a little yogurt?
And guess what?

We have some work
to do today, bubba.

We got to get rid of him.

Yeah, you bet.

Here we go, harris.

There we got it.


I love harris.

He is definitely the man

That I've been looking for.

Hi, harris.


So, harris and I
are going to apply

For the k-1 visa.

And I think that

We can be my happily ever after.

[dramatic music playing]

You wanna give him a kiss?

Oh, baby.

[suspenseful music playing]

[seagulls squawking]

[waves splashing]

[man speaking]

[dramatic music playing]

[kids screaming]

[natalie speaking]

[yara speaking]

[dramatic music playing]

[natalie speaking]

[dramatic music playing]

[mike] I wasn't sure if
I was a hundred percent ready

To marry her, you know,

And I was just kind of
having doubts

But at the end of the day,
love is a strange thing.

Sometimes, it don't make sense
and sometimes, it does.

The past few days

Have been difficult for me
and natalie.

But we're out of time.
The time is here.

I'm looking at her
in her beautiful dress.

I'm nervous.
I'm scared, I'm this.

I'm feeling this.
Like, I mean, it's, you know?

Today michael and natalie

Will declare their intention

To join their lives together.

To intertwine with them
in the partnership of marriage

For all of the seasons
of their lives.

Natalie, will you promise
to care for each other

In the joys and sorrows of life

Come what may and just share
the responsibility

For growth and enrichment
of your lives together?

And michael, will you promise

To care for each other in
the joys and sorrows of life

Come what may and to share
the responsibility

For growth and enrichment
of your life together?

I do.

[dramatic music plays]

[teresa speaking]

- [teresa] soon...
- [natalie speaking]

[teresa] ...I give
this ring to wear...

[teresa] as a sign
of my love to you.

And becoming your wife.

[natalie speaking]

[natalie speaking]

[teresa speaking]

[mike] I give you this ring.

[teresa speaking]

[mike] as a sign
of my love to you.

[teresa speaking]

[mike] in becoming your husband.

[teresa speaking]


- [man] yes.
- [tamara] yes.

Oh, yeah.


[tamara] yeah.


[tamara] yeah.

I've done over 400 weddings

Everyone is different.

What made
this wedding different?

We were going to do it
a couple days ago

And then it got cancelled

But now we're here
and we did it.

I think they'll be just fine.

They'll be fine.

[natalie speaking]

[woman] oh, yeah.


[beau speaking]

[tamara] let's dance
and celebrate.

[man] all right.

[mike] it has not been
an easy 90 days.

It has been
a roller coaster ride.

Up, down, sideways,
all which ways,

Highs, lows, good and bad.

Now I'm glad to really start

The rest of the days
for our life.

[man speaking]

Well, we're gonna do
a little partying.

- [giggles]
- [beau] yeah. Oh, no.

[mike] and then, uh,
later on tonight, uh...

[tamara] yup. Yeah.

[tamara speaking]


[beau speaking]

Not the first 24 hours.

Maybe the next four days.


- [man] yes.
- [woman] yes.

- Oh, yeah.
- [man] ooh!

[woman] oh, yeah.

[upbeat music playing]


[dramatic music playing]

[gewn] I just drove
to new orleans,

Takes about an hour and a half

To get here from home
to pick up yara.

This whole coronavirus thing
has exploded,

And it's really
making me nervous.

New orleans is really not
the place to be right now.

Let's go. Ready?

My biggest concern for yara
is the fact

That she's pregnant now,

So we don't know a whole lot
about this virus,

But I wanna be there for her.

[gwen speaking]

Been gone a month,
and now you don't know

When he's coming back.

[gwen] and now you're you stuck

With his parents.

[gwen] how can you have

Any worse luck, huh?

I see that. [laughs]

And you're not gonna fit
those pants very long.

[gwen] yeah, you can't...


- Everything's changing.
- [yara] mmm-hmm.

You have a headache?

[yara speaking]


Well, I can understand that.

[dramatic music playing]

So, you still have a headache?

[yara speaking]

[gwen] okay. That's fine.

But are you okay?

You look like upset

Or sad or something.

You don't look like you're okay.

I want you to be okay.

It would be easier

To go through all this chaos
with jovi, right?

[yara speaking]

Well, it's terrible timing

For you guys to...

[gwen] yara seems

A little bit maybe lost.

Uh, I just know she feels alone.

You could see it.

And she don't want
to be with us.

She wants to be with jovi.


Look, let's just...
Let's keep you

As comfortable as we can.

I know the situation
is not good,

But it's not good
for a lot of people.

Go lie down,

And if you need anything,
let me know.


[gwen] poor thing
just left everything.

She feels like she has nobody,

So... [sighs]

I'm gonna try to be
that mom figure for her,

If she lets me,

And just help her.


I still didn't wanna do that,

But that's reality.

[yara speaking]

I feel like I need to have
a little bit of freedom

Before the baby comes around.


[jovi] she just texted me.

"how much do I need to wait

For you to get home?"

[country music playing]


[claire speaking]

[gwen speaking]

[gwen speaking]

[yara speaking]

[upbeat music playing]

[gwen] boy.

[yara speaking]

[knock on door]

[doctor] hey, yara.
How are you doing?

Great. Everything's
been going okay?

[yara speaking]

[laughs] one of my patients
made it.

- [yara speaking]
- [doctor] so anyway,

How are things going? Okay?
Baby's been moving well?

- [yara speaking]
- [doctor] good.

And no issues with cramping
or contractions

At this point?

[yara speaking]

- [doctor] oh, lower back?
- [yara] mmm-hmm.

[doctor] yeah. The lower back
is pretty uncomfortable,

You know, as baby continues
to grow,

Puts a lot of strain
on that lower back.

Do you wanna do heartbeat?

[yara] yeah, we can do.

All right.
Let's take a listen here.

[yara speaking]

[fast heartbeat]

[doctor] like I said,
movements have been good.

Baby's been nice and active,
which is great.

Heartbeat's in the 140s,
which is normal,

Which is fantastic.

I'm gonna measure you
real quick.

[yara speaking]

[doctor] you're measuring 36.

You're measuring spot on.

You're measuring perfect.

[yara speaking]

[doctor] all right.
Other questions that you have.

[yara speaking]

[doctor] so an epidural
is a... Is medication

- That goes into your spine.
- [yara] uh-huh.

- [yara speaking]
- [doctor] yeah, well,

It's just
temporarily for seconds,

And they put
a little tiny tube in there

To deliver medicine.

So it basically makes you numb,

So that you're... Uh,

You don't have any pain
from roughly,

You know, mid-belly down.

[yara speaking]

[doctor] right.

- [yara speaking]
- [doctor] I think that

That's all normal, especially,

When you haven't
had a baby before,

To be kind of anxious about
the whole process, so...

[yara speaking]

If there's any questions
or concerns, just call me.

- [yara speaking]
- all right?

[doctor] you're welcome.

- Have a good afternoon.
- Mmm-hmm.

[yara speaking]

[upbeat music playing]

[blender whirring]

[yara speaking]

[jovi] due to covid,
I've been stuck at work

For four months.

I'm so excited to get home

To see yara,
and my birthday is tomorrow.

This is [bleep] gnarly.

[gwen] well, it's not
that [bleep].

- Look at this damn thing.
- What?

You can at least got me, like,

A shirt or something
that fits...

- They don't...
- A baby can fit in a shirt.

- Not this...
- They don't do that.

Yeah, they do.
I saw one on the internet.

The kangaroo ones or whatever.

If I wanna put my baby,
I may just wanna carry

The baby in my hands.

My mom's gift to me
for my birthday

Is a thing to carry my baby,

And, like, it's not even for me,

It's for the baby, like,

What did my life turn into?

Do you even understand
this is not a pet,

That's about to come
into your life?

[jovi] yes, I understand.

Obviously not.

You're so unappreciative
with that.

- Why are you gonna throw it?
- I'm not...

Not that unappreciative,
I just...

[gwen] yes, you're an [bleep].

[dramatic music playing]

[yara speaking]

[door opens]

[gwen] no shoes. No shoes.

[jovi] no shoes.

[yara speaking]

[gwen] I've taken off my shoes.

[yara] hey.

Hey, you're getting big, huh?

Well, look at this. Look at you.

When I left for work,
she didn't have a belly.

I come home,
she's seven months pregnant,

Like, that's a huge
difference, like,

She looks amazing,
but she's huge,

She's, like, ready
to have a baby almost.

- [yara speaking]
- you miss me?

- [yara speaking]
- you made me a present, huh?

- [yara speaking]
- cool. Nice balloons.

- [yara speaking]
- [jovi] yeah.

- It's very nice.
- Look at this birthday gift

- She bought to me.
- I brought him... Oh.

Yeah, I brought...
I brought him a gift...

[jovi] it's not really for me.

[gwen] it's baby's stuff.

[jovi] it's cool?

Where the hell the baby's
supposed to even go?

- I don't know.
- [gwen] see, jovi?

- You're not ready.
- [yara] jovi.

Where the hell the baby goes?

In there.

[gwen] but that goes
around your waist.

[yara] and this is, uh...

Oh, okay.


[gwen] like that,
and you just...

Wait, where's the...
There's no space

- For a baby right here.
- [gwen] oh, my gosh.

[jovi] all right.
So we'll keep this.

[yara] yeah.

[jovi] normally,
when I come home from work,

I'm so excited to get out,

Go have drinks with my friends.

I feel, like, this time,

Things are gonna be different.

You know, we're about
to have a baby,

So I'm sure she's gonna have
all these rules,

All these things
she doesn't want me to do.

This is just a rude awakening.

Can I open my birthday gift?

You [bleep] something small
inside a big box.

It's so much small in a big box.

What the hell is this?

[gwen] just probably
for the baby.

- It's not for you.
- Apple watch.

Yeah. Thank you.

[yara speaking]

[gwen] oh, she made you a cake.

- [yara speaking]
- ukrainian cake?

- Special birthday cake.
- [yara speaking]

Not from the pack, everything,

You made it by yourself?

- [gwen] from scratch, right?
- [jovi] wow.

Well, should I try it?

[yara speaking]


Tastes like sand from the beach.

[yara speaking]

It tastes okay,
but it's really dry.

I appreciate the effort
she went through,

Like, made me a cake
and do a lot,

Like, I really do
appreciate that.

It's so nice of her.

But it was just so bad.


[dramatic music playing]

[jovi groans] it's okay.

No big deal.

[gwen] so what's y'all plans

I got to get home.

[jovi] I guess she said my job,

I have to wash all these
[bleep] baby clothes.

It's my job for today.

[yara speaking]

I have to do, what else?

And put this mamaroo to go.

[dramatic music playing]

[yara speaking]

[dramatic music playing]

[jovi] I was starting to think
in the beginning, like,

"okay, I want a boy."

You know, I have the thought
in my mind,

Like, "okay. Maybe I want
a little daddy's girl."

I don't know.

[woman speaking]

- [jovi speaking]
- [yara] [bleep]

[jovi] she woke up
in the middle of the night,

She's not feeling well.

[yara groaning]

[jovi] I'm in full panic mode.

[nurse speaking]

It's getting later now.

Yara is in a lot more pain.

[yara speaking]


[country music playing]

- [gwen] hey.
- All right.

- What y'all doing?
- [gwen] whoa.

- You're back.
- Yeah, I feel fresh now.

- I got a haircut.
- [gwen] you look like

Jovi again.

[yara speaking]


[yara speaking]

- What you did?
- Hold it, hold it.

- Give it to me.
- [woman] hold it, hold it.

[jovi] I was starting to think
in the beginning, like,

"okay, I want a boy."

And, you know, we talked
a lot more about it,

And she tells me, like,
girl loves their dads so much

So, you know,
I had the thought in my mind,

Like, "okay, maybe I want
a little daddy's girl."

I don't know.

[woman speaking]

[crowd cheering]

[jovi] I'm so happy.

We're both excited.

[upbeat music playing]

[man] well, well, well,
look who decided to arrive.

- 'sup. 'sup.
- [jovi] it's about time.

I'm meeting up my friends
klein and darcy today

For a few hours.

Myself, klein, and darcy,

We got into a lot
of trouble together,

Klein's always been
the responsible one,

Keeping us in check,

And now, klein has a baby,

So it'll be good to get advice,

And just know what to expect

With being a dad.

[waiter] so they ordered
ahead for you.

- The old fashion.
- [jovi] all right.

Thank you, sir.

What you all been doing?

- Waiting on you, I guess.
- Waiting on you.

Sorry, I got a pregnant wife
at home,

I can't really, uh, do
what I wanna do anymore.

[klein] so how was yara
been feeling?

She's good. I mean,
she has her good days

And her bad days.

She's having
her contractions now,

So I know that means
we're getting close.

[jovi] I'm nervous,
I ain't gonna lie.

[klein] I'm sure
he's gonna call me,

Like, 3:00 in the morning.

[jovi] oh, yeah. "what do I do?

How do I make her stop crying?"

I never once thought jovi

Would ever be a dad,
much less married,

But, um, I'm very happy for him.

[darcy] I think jovi being a dad

Is a little nerve-racking.

I hope he changes
his lifestyle a little bit.

I hope it goes from drinking

And having a good time

To being a good parent.

And start to be comforting

Instead of being an ass[bleep].

The part that I'm the most
nervous, as far as, like,

Whenever she's about
to have a baby,

Like, I don't wanna look and see

What's going on down there.

- I don't wanna see it.
- I said the same thing,

And once I got there,
I ended up, like,

I pushed the nurse all the way,

And I was holding
her leg up, and watching.

Oh, you're looking right
between sarah's legs,

- Ready for the baby?
- Uh, I watched...

I watched my daughter come out.

I mean...

I'm clueless.


[upbeat music playing]

[jovi] so are they
super hormonal

- After the baby, too?
- Yes,

Because their hormones
are, like,

Trying to get back at, like...

Worse than now.

[klein] every girl
is different, but, I mean,

Sarah was more hormonal after.

- [phone dings]
- oh, she just texted me,

"where are you now?

How much do I need to wait
for you to get home?"

What time did you tell her
you'd be home?

[jovi] well [bleep], I thought
I'd be home an hour ago so...

[touchpad tapping]

[dramatic music playing]

- [jovi] she's pissed.
- [darcy] she's pissed?

Yeah, because I'm not [bleep]
home already.

[klein] yeah, because, I mean,
she's literally due

- Any second.
- I know. I know. I know.

Well, let's finish
this beer, bro.

[jovi] all right.
Yeah, we'll finish this,

And then, we'll head out.

[dramatic music playing]

[dramatic music playing]

[yara speaking]

[dramatic music playing]

[door opens]

[dramatic music playing]


What you doing?

[jovi] I'm sorry.
Why are you mad?

It's not, like, you had
the baby or something

While I was gone.

Oh, my god.

I went for a one last time
to go with my friends.

[yara speaking]

[jovi] no, not dying, but I know

I'm gonna be locked
in the home for so long

When we have the baby.

[yara speaking]

[jovi] my tone's not blah,
blah, blah blah, blah, but...

- [yara speaking]
- no.

[jovi] I thought, like,
I need to have a little bit

Of freedom before the baby
comes around,

And I don't think
you should be mad at me

For going to meet
my friends today,

For a short period
before we had the baby.

When we have the baby,
I will not be able

To see them.

[jovi] when baby is here,
I will be here.

Swear to you.

Every single day,
I will be here,

Taking care of my baby.

Not doing anything else.

[yara speaking]

I don't wanna fight
with you anymore.

I don't wanna argue.

Are you really gonna be mad
at me?

How's my baby girl?

[dramatic music playing]

[crickets chirping]

[suspenseful music playing]

[jovi speaking]

[yara groaning] oh, my goodness.

Yara woke up in the middle
of the night.

She's having contractions,
she's not feeling well.

I think it's just braxton hicks.

Hopefully, everything is okay.

[suspenseful music playing]

[jovi speaking]

It's 4:00 am now,
yara's still in a lot

Of pain.

I'm in full panic mode.

I'm, like, we need to go
to the doctor now,

But the doctor's
telling me otherwise,

So we'll just have to wait
a little bit.

So are you ready?

Let's go.

[yara speaking]

No, I have your passport
in here. So,

We wake up today,
and yara comes to me,

And she's, like,
"I think my water broke."

So I'm, like,
"oh [bleep] like, let's go

To the doctor right now."

She's all calm and relaxed,
and I'm, like,

"how could you be so calm?"

[yara speaking]

[jovi] yeah, let me try
to find you one.

All right.

[yara speaking]

You have your breast pump
and all that stuff?

[yara speaking]

- Jovi.
- What?

[yara speaking]

[dramatic music playing]

[yara] thanks.

All right. Thank you.

- [yara] okay. Let's go.
- [jovi] let's go do this.

We're in the hospital now,
going into labor

And delivery.

How you feeling?


Yeah. You're nervous?


[jovi] so we get
in the hospital,

And get checked in,

And at that point, you know,

If it didn't seem
real to me before,

It seemed real then.

And, like, oh [bleep]
we're having a baby now.

You talked to your mom, huh?

[yara speaking]


[machine beeping]

[nurse speaking]

We've been in the hospital
now for a couple of hours,

And I'm getting
a little bit nervous.

The doctor is telling us
her contractions

Are going slow.

You know, we're both getting
a little worried,

So the nurse
and the doctors think

That it's the best
to put her on pitocin,

Which is gonna speed up
the contraction process.

But she's probably gonna be
in pain a lot,

Seeing this way.

[dramatic music playing]

[jovi] I know the one thing
she's the most concerned

About is the epidural, like...

- [yara speaking]
- [nurse] no.

[nurse] uh-uh.

[machine beeping]

[nurse speaking]

[yara speaking]

[nurse speaking]

[yara speaking]

[jovi] how's your first
few contractions?

[yara speaking]

[jovi] she just gave you
that medicine now.

Are you worried
that that's gonna make

Your contractions worse?

[yara speaking]

[jovi speaking]

[yara speaking]

[jovi] what?

You're gonna be okay.

I promise.

Yara is in a lot of pain.

She's having some pretty
hard contractions.

I think this pitocin really
speed things up a lot.

If you're ready to stop
going through anything,

Let's get the epidural.

[yara speaking]

[yara groans]

[inhales and exhales]


[jovi] it's terrible for me
to see her in so much pain,

Knowing there's nothing
I could do to help.

[yara groaning]


Oh, my goodness.

[inhales and exhales]



[jovi] it's getting later now.

Yara is in a lot more pain.



[jovi] so how you feeling,
now that you got

Your epidural?


[jovi] yeah. You're relaxed now?

- [yara] I feel...
- Hey, baby girl.

Are you ready to come out?
We're ready for you.

You know, we're gonna be
there all day and all night.


We're excited to meet you.

I can't wait.

All right. So, they just came in

And checked the cervix.

It looks like we're
gonna have this baby soon,

So she's 10 meters dilated...

I mean soon, not 10 meters,

[laughs] and, uh, she's
pretty much ready to go,

So here she is.

Smile, you ready? You nervous?

Looks like it's crunch time.

[woman speaking]

Two, three, great,

Four, five, six,

Perfect, seven, eight, nine,

Ten, deja here.

Okay. Okay. That's it.

Two, three, four, five, six,

Seven, eight, nine, ten.



[mylah crying]

- [woman] all right.
- [jovi] okay, okay

Never be able to do that.

- [woman] you did it.
- [jovi] [indistinct] here.

- [woman] oh, hi, mom.
- [jovi] are you happy now

To finally hold your baby girl?


Hey, baby girl.


[yara speaking]

[jovi] beautiful,
just like her mommy, right?

[yara speaking]

[jovi] our baby girl
is just born,

Her name is mylah,

And she weighs seven pounds,
nine ounces.


[yara] mmm-hmm.

[dramatic music playing]

[jovi] just good now,
she looks like

She's actually falling asleep.

[jovi speaking]

Hey, oh, the light
is too bright for you?

You can look at me now.

Look at me now.

Oh, you have some beautiful
eyes actually.

Baby girl.

It's crazy.

Uh, the first time
I held her, you know,

We went skin to skin,

And it was just a special
moment like looking

Down at her, knowing that, like,

This is my child.

Oh, I think you understand
how much we love you.

[dramatic music playing]

[bird chirping]

[dramatic music playing]

Yara's been in the hospital now

For a couple days,

And we've been bonding

With our beautiful baby mylah.

[yara speaking]

[jovi] looks like
she's ready to go.

My mom is picking up yara
and I from the hospital

To take us back home,

To spend our first day
at home with mylah.

Let's go show you our home,
baby girl.

We have a lot to learn.

You know, we're both
first time parents, so,

Uh, making that adjustment
is not gonna be easy.

All right. Thank you, sir.


Keep her out of the sun.

Let's go this way.

[yara speaking]

- [gwen] hi.
- Hey.

- [gwen] hey.
- [jovi] let's get this girl

- In the car, as soon as...
- [gwen] wait, I wanna see her.

- I wanna see her face.
- [jovi] all right.

Let her see her.

[gwen] oh, so much sun.

[jovi] all right.
You go ahead and sit down

With the baby, and I'm gonna get

The car seat set up.

[gwen] mylah is here,
and I can't wait to hold her

And squeeze her and hug her,
and she's so pretty.

[jovi] all right.

- So how's this thing go?
- [gwen] okay.

[jovi] is this supposed
to go in the middle

Or is this supposed to go
in the side?

In the middle? Okay.

- You wanna put her in?
- [gwen] oh, jovi.

-[jovi] what?
-[gwen] car seat
goes backwards.

Always faces the back,
not the front.

What do you mean? Like this?

[gwen] yeah, you go face
in the back.

[jovi] are you sure?

And how's the seatbelt go now?

[gwen] whoa.

- Jovi?
- [jovi] what?

[gwen] did you not study
how to put in a car seat...

- No.
-[gwen] ...Before you
had a baby?

[jovi] we're gonna leave
the hospital,

And it's a complete
[bleep] show.

I have no idea
how to put on a car seat.

[gwen] see, this is not my part.

This is not my job.

[yara speaking]

I don't know.
We should have checked it

Out the box sooner.

Y'all should have played
with this at home,

And being prepared.

You poor baby girl,
they don't even know

How to do your car seat.


[yara speaking]

I blame my mom. I thought my mom

Was coming
with the car seat prepared,

Like, ready to put
mylah inside of it.

- Uh-huh.
- [gwen] yes.

[jovi] damn.

Let's go, baby girl.

- [gwen] you got it?
- Yeah.

- [yara speaking]
- [gwen] she's safe like that.

- Yes.
- [mylah cries]

- It's okay. Let's go.
- [gwen] it's okay?

[jovi] let's go.

It's okay. It's okay.

[yara speaking]

[jovi speaking]

[yara speaking]

[jovi speaking]

Okay, baby girl.

All right. It's okay.

[yara speaking]

- Don't cry at her.
- I can't.

[jovi] look,
she's sleeping already.

You're like freaking out
for nothing.

[yara speaking]

[door opens]

Done feeding her?

[yara] mmm-hmm.

You wanna put her on her bed?

- She's asleep.
- Okay.

[jovi] give her to me.


[jovi] okay. I know.

[yara speaking]

[jovi] all right.
Now she should be good.

How do you feel?

[yara speaking]

[jovi] I know. You're stressing

About everything.
You're emotional.

[yara speaking]

- She's so perfect.
- [mylah mumbling]

[yara speaking]

[jovi] you know,
I was surprised.

You did a really good job
having a baby like,

You did everything, like,
think you did it before.

I couldn't have done that.

- [yara speaking]
- no way.


- [yara] now you understand.
- [jovi] oh, your push gift.

- [yara speaking]
- uh-huh.

Yeah, probably.

I'm sorry I didn't have time
to go to the store

To get you a push gift.


What? Well, you went
into labor early.


I didn't have time to get it.


Maybe. [laughs]

- [yara speaking]
- you know me so well.

[yara speaking]

[jovi] she kept telling me,
like, oh, you know,

Like, this push gift thing
for women.

So I had to search
about this and figure out

What it was.

And I kind of wanted her
to think

That I wasn't gonna get one
for her.


Yeah. You did deserve one.

[mylah cooing]

[yara laughs]

[jovi] what do you think it is?

[yara speaking]

I don't know. What you think?

[yara gasps]


[jovi] I hope so too. Let's see.


It's not bull [bleep]

[yara] aww.


[jovi] yeah?


- [yara speaking]
- looks cool.

- You like it?
- [yara] mmm-hmm.

[dramatic music playing]

[yara speaking]

[mylah cooing]

[jovi] hey, you know,
I feel like we started

With so many challenges,

And just like
one obstacle after another

We had to overcome.

And, um, it was all worth it,
to see that baby girl

That we have now,
everything was worth it.

[yara speaking]

I was... Oh, so...


[dramatic music playing]