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10x03 - To Witness the Beginning

Posted: 04/23/24 20:39
by bunniefuu
[Ashley] Previously
90 Day Fiancé...

[in Spanish]

[in English] Oh, my
God. You're here.

This is air conditioner.
We're in the building still.

Here's our home.
What do you think?

- Um.
- Huh?

Everything looks
so old and dusty.

It's like...

I want a new bed, mattress,
the blankets, the pillows.

We have to, like, prioritize
what's most important.


- [barks]
- [Manuel in Spanish]

Rico Suave has been with
me through a ton of partners.

They leave and guess who stays?

Rico mother [bleep] Suave.

[in Spanish]



Shut up.

- Yes, yes, yes!
- Yes?

Oh, my God. What the hell?


There's nothing
I can do about it.

- Oh, my God.
- [doorbell buzzes]

It took all of 15 minutes

for her to be pissed off at me

about something
that I cannot control.

In my defense, you did control
it because you did break it,

but, yeah.

Why are you angry at me?


[in Romanian]

- [man in Romanian]
- [Justin]

I see how he's reacting about
me coming there to his country,

and it's upsetting.

Maybe he's afraid for
himself, he's afraid for you.


I just, it's a lot.



- Hello.
- I cleaned the comforter that you said was stinky.

- [laughs]
- And it smells...



- [Gino] So much better, right?
- Yeah, baby.

Give it a smell. See you
smell any fungus in here.

- Okay.
- Or any bed bugs or anything else.


- Like Coco.
- You're like one of the dogs

- that sniff at the airport.
- Yeah.

- I trying this.
- [laughs]

Everything in the house,
the condition of the house.

But I'm starting to feel better

because he's trying to
put some effort, finally.

Gino and I have been
cleaning and unpacking,

and I'm feeling more,
like, at home right now.

- I have a surprise for you.
- Surprise?

I need to go to the bathroom...

- and I promise it's not something bad.
- Oh. Okay.

- See you in a few minutes.
- Okay.

Oh, my God. Coco. Aww.

[Jasmine] Tonight is our first
night together after months.

You have no idea how horny
I am [laughing] right now.

Oh, my goodness.

From one to ten, 100.

[Jasmine] Gonna
show you the surprise.

Jasmine, you brought a lot of
underwear and bras didn't you?

[Jasmine clears throat]

Whoa! Look at you!

My nurse.

Oh, my God. You look so sexy.

I am Nurse Jasi.

[both laugh]

Wow. Look at you, ma'am,
with your big ones bulging out.

You're so sexy and hot, baby.


Look at this hot outfit.

- Whoo! Wow.
- [laughing] Baby.

No, don't do that.
Be respectful.

I'm your boss. [laughs]

Well, actually, you're my boss

- because you're Dr. Gino.
- [laughs]

And I need a favor.

This is your hat. The most
important part of your uniform.

This is a hat?

This is the shirt and
these are the pants.

Hurry up. Go and change. Wash
your hands and other instruments.

[both laugh]

Gino and I have a lot of issues
when it comes to our sex life.

So that's why four months ago...

to restore my virginity.

I was hoping that this surgery was
gonna improve my sex life with Gino

because he was gonna say, like,
"Oh, my gosh. She's virgin now."

Like, in a perverted way.

And I was like,
"That's super sexy."

But it was not the outcome.

Even though his [bleep]
was [bleep] enough,

it was very difficult for him
to get it [bleep] because...


we couldn't have sex.

And we ended up
being super stressed

and actually arguing.

Dr. Gino? Remember,
this is an emergency.

- Did you say emergency?
- [laughing] Yes.

Dr. Gino at your services.

I'm sorry to inform
you that I'm Nurse Jasi

but, at the same
time, I'm the patient.

So, Dr. Gino...

- Oh, my gosh. What's this?
- Some instruments.

You're gonna
start with this first.

You're gonna ch, ch.

And then we move to medium.

- Then this one.
- Oh, my gosh.

Ch, ch. You know?

- Just ch, ch, ch.
- Yes.

- And then you move to the biggest tool.
- Mmm-hmm.

I mean, I definitely can try.

I don't have the most steady
hand, but I can certainly try.

I am ready, Doctor.

Well, wow, those are big.

- [chuckles softly] - Um, I think,
whew, you need to lay down first.


- There. Let's prep you.
- Mmm-hmm.


[Gino] Mmm.

[Gino] Ah!

The doctor outfit is
making me feel like

I'm kind of in control here.

- Mmm.
- [kisses]

All right, baby.

Hopefully today our intimacy
can get back on track.

You know, I want us to be
happy and like we used to be.

[Gino groans]


- Coco.
- [laughing] Coco.

Where you come from?

Baby, yes, you
have to take him out.

Just give us a minute.


[Gino] Oh, baby.


[groans softly]

♪ We got the skills ♪

♪ We all the way
We all the way ♪

This is the final pack.

Oh, no. I forgot my syringes.

Need to take my hormones
because if I don't take these

I don't know if Justin
gonna end up alive.

He might end up in
this body bag here.

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ This time everyone ♪

♪ I'm your unicorn ♪

♪ Fly like Tinker Bell ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ You're so sensical
Shake with tremolo ♪

♪ I'm all over like yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

- Hi!
- Hello!

- Oh, my goodness.
- It's so early.

It's too early.

- Oh, you look cute.
- I know.

I'm so tired.

- Are you ready?
- [sighs]

Eh. I'm excited.

- I'm sure you are.
- But I'm, like, half asleep right now.

I'm excited for you, too.


Today I'm going to
see my fiancé Justin

in Chisinau, Moldova.

It's been about nine months.

It's been a really long time.

I miss him so much,

so I can't wait to see him.

You have everything?
Your passport?

- Your cellphone? Chargers?
- Yes. Yes. Check.


[Nikki] Justin and I are
currently nine months in

on the K-1 visa process,

and we are having some
issues that need to be addressed.

And the easiest
way to address them

is actually working
on them in person.

Oh, my goodness. [gasps]

I definitely want to know that
he is going to pull the weight

in our relationship financially,
sexually, whatever, emotionally.

I don't want it to be 89 days and
then I send his ass back again.

I want it to work, and I
know he wants it to work, too.

- [giggles] Oh, my...
- Ah! [laughs]

- Oh, my God.
- [laughing] What is in here?

Oh! Ow!

[both laugh]


[Nikki] Oh, my God.

[Chanel] Let's go.

[Chanel] I've known
Nikki for close to 15 years.

She says that he
makes her happy,

and that's all
that I want for her.

But when Nikki talks to me
about Justin it's mostly negative.

It's like, "Yeah, we had a
nice time and then we fought.

Yeah, we went to dinner
and then we fought.

Yeah, we FaceTimed
and then we fought."

She's very in this 100%
which I feel like he's not.

So, now, is he picking
you up from the airport?

- He better.
- Or... [laughs]

Are you guys gonna arrange this?

Yeah, but he's,
like, telling me, like...

[laughing in Romanian accent]

Oh, God.

- [in normal voice] Girl.
- [in Romanian accent] Baby, can you pay for cab

- Oh!
- And come to my house?

- [laughs]
- [laughing] Oh, no.

- [laughing in normal voice] That's what he...
- No. I'm on your turf.

You pay for the taxi.


She does give him an allowance.

I'm not sure how much
but it is a nice chunk.

She pays for every
vacation that they go on,

and she does pay for
his cosmetic surgeries.

His nose, his teeth, his cheeks,
his hair, his eyes, his eyebrows.

Whatever he needs done, it
comes out of Nicole's pocket.

In the past, Nikki
had sugar daddies

that took care of
everything for her.

And I'm so surprised that now
she's, like, the sugar mama.

She should know better.

[Chanel] All right,
so, what are you guys

gonna do when you get there?

- Like, what are the plans, like...
- I, the plans are...

- meeting his family, meeting his friends.
- Okay.

They will probably show
you or tell you something

- that you probably don't even know about Justin.
- Right.

Well, apparently, some of his
friends don't support our union.


They loved you when
they met you the first time.

Yes. That's because
they didn't know.

- And that's how it is all the time.
- Yeah.

- When people don't know, they're cool.
- Yeah.

- And then when they find out it's like...
- You know, again...

- [hisses] - they're not
used to that over there.

- Over here it's normal but over here it's not.
- Mmm.

Even here in the
United States...

- you know, telling
somebody you're trans, - Yeah.

It's either taken good or bad.

I feel like 15 years ago, when
our first K-1 visa was approved

and we tried to
give it a chance,

I don't feel like our love
was ready at that time.

I want you to find what you're
looking for and be happy.

Get all your questions answered

because you have
a lot of questions.

[Nikki] I want to believe
that he did come back

because he truly loved me

and wanted to give it a chance.

And I want to believe in that

because if I have
doubts, the devil is doubt.

It smells really bad in
here which doesn't help.

[Sophie] If I have to pee at,
like, 3AM I have to go outside?

[Rob] We don't have
a bathroom in here.

You're used to houses
in Dubai and London,

and all this other
bougie-ass stuff.

What's even bougie about having
a bathroom inside your apartment?

It's not normal, babe.

This whole time, Manuel's
mom has been thinking

that he is out
working in Guayaquil

when, in reality, he's
been in the States with me.

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[Ashley in English] Manuel has
always been on the secretive side,

so I would be doing myself a
disservice to not question some of this.

♪ We won't stop ♪

♪ You can just fly with me ♪

It's really dark in here.

I literally can't even see if
I'm doing my makeup right.

And it smells really bad
in here which doesn't help.

It's definitely not,
like, a normal situation

of having a bathroom outside.

It's, like, at two
in the morning

if I want to pee
and it's, like, raining,

I've got to walk
out into the rain.

It doesn't, first of all,
it never rains in LA.

[Sophie] Why can't you just
admit it's not ideal to pee outside?

I'm not gonna admit

that that bathroom
is so inaccessible.


[Rob] Yeah, well, you
get to see that patio

every time you go
to the bathroom.


You like creamer in your coffee?

- [Sophie] Um, not really.
- Or sugar?

You don't like sugar or creamer?

Maybe some sugar, actually.

[Rob] So, day one of
this 90 days kicked off.

I feel, like, real good.

I think the airport
romance was good.

Somehow, the elevator
has a glitch and it's my fault,

but, all right, no, it was a
moment but we're good.

And I woke up this
morning next to my baby.

It's like...

It don't get no
better than this.

How'd you sleep last night?

Um, so, I slept
really well yesterday.

It was obviously more
weird, like, waking up.

Like, when I felt you I was
like, "Who is this?" [laughs]

It was weird waking
up to someone.

I mean, I tried to
put you to sleep

so you wouldn't have to be

- thinking about all that.
- [laughs]

It was annoying
because I was really tired.

And I was just like, "No." And
you were like, "No, please."

- [laughs] "I'm a man."
- [laughs]

As soon as I got in the bed, I
passed out kind of. I'm so tired.

And Rob was like, "Nope."

I was like, "Rob,
like, I'm jetlagged."

And he took, like, six minutes
to take these buttons off.

But they got off
[laughing] eventually.

Kind of ruined the moment. He
was just like, "How do I take this off?"

I'm like, "Rob, come on."

- That was, like, the icing on the cake.
- Yeah.

Like, surprise,
surprise, surprise.

- [laughs]
- Icing. [laughs]

Yeah. No, it was good.
I mean, um, I slept nice.

[both laugh]

Anyway, I feel all right.

I'm just, like, it's
still weird for me.

Like, if I have to pee at, like,

You know how annoying that is when I'm,
like, half asleep and I have to go outside?

I got to put shoes on.

We don't have a
bathroom in here.

It's not the first place ever.

You're used to houses in Dubai,

and London, and Spain,

and all this other
bougie-ass stuff.

- It's like...
- What's even bougie about having a bathroom

inside your apartment?

- It's not the worst thing in the world.
- I don't know why

if you're just not admitting
that you know it's bad

or you're trying to
make me feel better,

but, like, it's not
normal, babe.

[Sophie] The thing
with me and Rob

is that, obviously, we
was raised very differently.

Like, I was raised in, like,
really nice houses in Spain.

Like, nice cars, good
education, stuff like that.

And then Rob was raised,
you know, obviously, in the hood

and not the best
areas and stuff.

So, like, he will get
defensive about it.

Like, he's definitely
defensive about where he lives.

Because I get, like,
this is his house.

So I don't want to,
like, slag it off too much

and be like "Oh, it's
absolutely terrible,"

but it is.

I'm gonna bring you
down to Earth a little bit.

You want to be with me,
I'm a down to Earth person.

And in that sense, we have
different mindsets about certain things.

And like...


[Rob] Can I?

- Rob.
- I was gonna go bathroom. My bad. Damn.

- [chuckles]
- [chuckles softly]

So should I wait for him
to finish, or... [chuckles]

[Rob] Mind your business!

You're not missing
out on nothing.

You don't not have something.

- You got everything you need.
- Got all but an inside bathroom.

- An inside bathroom.
- I don't have a dining room. I don't have chairs.

- I don't have a real kitchen.
- Man, we had an inside bathroom

that would just
be a dirtier house.

Anway, it's not
ideal is the point.

And I'd like somewhere
at least with a bathroom

inside the building.

- All right. Well, what did I say last night?
- It's not that crazy.

- What did you say?
- I said we're not gonna talk about this everyday.

[Rob] The "when are we moving"
talk is gonna get old real quick.

It's basically her telling me
about how I'm inadequate.

And I don't like
that feeling at all.

You know, she's used to
her family paying her rent

and being like, "Okay, you can
move in to the new spot now."

Like, that's not how
it works anymore.

I don't want to keep
hearing about it.

And it's gonna be one
of those things that,

as soon as she says it,

it's gonna put me in
the wrong headspace,

it's probably gonna piss me off,

and I'm not gonna
want to talk to her.

Oh, bub, he's out like a light.

He has no clue you're here.

♪ We should come
and live together ♪

♪ And do these radical
ways of thought ♪

[in Spanish]


[Ashley in English] Our
first night in Rochester

was interesting.

We got into a little tiff
about me being a witch

and then my animals in the bed.

Then, you know,
we got back together

and figured it out.

And then we had amazing sex.

Even though we get frustrated with
each other, we still love each other.

And we express
our love through sex.

So, yeah, we banged it
out. We always bang it out.


His freak number
is off the charts.


[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[Manuel] Okay.

[in Spanish]

[Ashley in English] Yeah.

So, today I am taking Manuel to
the local grocery store in Rochester.

My refrigerator was empty.

[laughing] And in my defense,

it was empty because I was
waiting for him to get here.

[in Spanish]

[in English] Let's
get some groceries.

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

Manuel literally can
eat the same thing

- every single day.
- [speaking Spanish]

- Rice, avocado...
- [speaking Spanish]

- tomato, red onion.
- [in English] Yes. Onions.

Not white onion, not shallots.

- Oh, okay. [speaking
Spanish] - Red onion,

- and sardines.
- [in Spanish]

He is Gucci.

He is Gucci.

- [laughs]
- [speaking Spanish]

Gucci is... [in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

What's up? What do you...

[in Spanish]

[speaking Spanish]

[speaking Spanish]

[in English] Huh?

[in Spanish]




[Ashley in English]
So this whole time,

Manuel's mom has been thinking

that he is out
working in Guayaquil

when, in reality, he's
been in the States with me.

I found out that he was coming over
here in secret when he was in Guayaquil.

And he said, "No, I'm not
gonna tell her until I get there."

And I'm like...

"You're gonna tell her now."

And he was like, "No,
it's better this way."

And I'm like, "But it's not."

And he's like, "I know how to
handle things with my mom."

And I was like, "Okay.
Then you do that."

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[in English] Manuel has always
been on the secretive side.

It has always kind
of bothered me.

And now that he is here
and I'm seeing this happen,

and not only is it with me
but it's also with his family, too.

We haven't even touched
the whole kid situation.

The man has two
teenage children at home.

Like, do they even know
I'm about to be a step-mom?

It's not really my business.

Manuel's kids are older.

They're used to him being away
for work for long stretches of time,

but I at least hope that
they know about me.

[in Spanish]

[in English] I've talked to
Manuel about opening up to me.

It 100% worries me.

I'm supposed to be committing
my whole self to this human.

We have less than 90
days to figure this out.

Baby, there's no way
I can work full time

and leave you at
home here all day,

so I ended up quitting my job.


One of the reasons
why I move here

you said, "Because
I have a job."

I'm scared, baby.

♪ Handcuffed on a train track ♪

♪ Five steps forward
Taking ten back ♪

♪ Freedom That's
the dream though ♪

[Gino and Jasmine kissing]


[both laugh]

♪ Unbreakable ♪

♪ Na, na, na, na ♪

♪ Na, na, na, na Unbreakable ♪

I love you.

- [laughing] I love you.
- [laughs]




I can have sex every
day, three times a day.

- [laughs]
- I, yeah.

For me, the more sex,

the more I will
get along with you.

We both are gonna

- try our best.
- To not to argue as much.

- Pinky promise?
- Pinky promise.

[Gino] We're starting fresh.

[Gino] It feels good
that Jasmine and I

have seemed to have
gotten our intimacy back,

you know, last night.

Because it felt
like, wow, you know,

this could be the start
of, like, forever for us

to be together, you know?

When it comes to intimacy,

I think Jasmine and
I are gonna be fine

as long as we, you
know, not argue so much.

When did you buy this bread?

I just bought it right
before you got here.

It has honey. Where
does honey come from?

- Where does honey come from?
- It comes from bees.

What are bees?

Bees are insects.

And insects are also animals.

I'm so hungry after all the
calories that I burned last night

having sex with him.

I'm ready to eat.

And there is nothing for me.

He knows that I'm vegan
and I take it very seriously.

It's like a religion for me.

There is nothing more attractive

than a man that
cares about animals.


I hate to say that.

But I'm hoping that
once we're together

I'm gonna slowly make
him transition into veganism.

I won't even tell him.

- Are you cold?
- Yeah.

I brought this robe and stuff,

but it's not gonna
work for Michigan.

This is too cold in here.

I can grab you,
like, a long John top

because I have quite a few.

Baby, no offense, but I cannot
keep wearing your clothes.

Why not? You like
wearing my clothes.

- You stole some of my shirts in Panama and kept them...
- It was because

- you were coming back to the United States.
- Out of my suitcase.

But now I have you 24/7, I
want to have my own clothes.

- [whimpers] -
[Jasmine] Please, baby.

And also, like, I don't want
to overwhelm you, baby.

But you said that you were gonna
be willing to make any adjustment

to make me feel like I'm home.

And it's not just me acting like a
brat like, "Oh, I want everything new."

It's just that things
are, they don't work.

Baby, it's not just
having all old stuff.

But even to cook something
as simple as this, it took forever.

[Gino] All this stuff that
Jasmine's mentioning.

She wants to replace the new
bed, new everything in every room.

It's a little overwhelming,
to be honest.

We can't do it all at once.

It's impossible, especially
with a wedding coming up.

And there's something that I have to
tell Jasmine that I haven't told her yet.

And I'm [smacks
lips] a little bit nervous

of, you know, how I'm
gonna break this news to her.

Baby, I have to
tell you something.


You are my priority, and I want
to spend all the time with you

to get you on your feet.

There's no way I
can work full time

and leave you at
home here all day

when there's all these
things that we have to do.

I just, you know, I need
to give you attention

from the day one
that you're here.

So I ended up...

quitting my job...

just before you came.

We're gonna be
living off of my savings.

But it's enough for us to live
comfortably until we get married,

and then I'll get a new job.

You shouldn't have
made this decision

without telling me first, baby.

One of the reasons
why I moved here

and you didn't move to Panama
you said, "Because I have a job."

Yes, but I quit to be with you so
you're not gonna be by yourself

and so I could get
you on your feet.

[Jasmine] I completely
depend on Gino,

and I have other people
who depend on me as well.

To the United States because we
need a sponsor, and now he quit his job.

Are we gonna be
financially prepared?

It's a matter of
budgeting our money

- and not overspending
on things - Well, we're...

that are not necessary
at this moment.

Maybe we just have a
wedding ceremony and that's it.

The wedding is the
last of my concerns.

Don't worry about it. You're
stressing out over nothing.

I'm stressed.

- Don't be stressed.
- [crying] I'm scared, baby.

[sniffs] I mean, I
love you, baby, and...

Don't be stressed. Oh, come on.

- You don't have to be stressed.
- I'm so stressed.


This is not the life
that he proposed to me

to have here in
the United States.

We cannot make this
kind of big decision

without consulting each other.

Because then our needs are
not gonna be taken care of.

So if it is just the start

and this is gonna be the
dynamic of our relationship,

this is not gonna work.

I'm gonna go and
take a shower, okay?


[Jasmine sniffs]

- You all in my phone.
- Who is that?

That, I don't know.

- Maybe...
- It's just some random page I follow.

I would describe myself
as a very jealous person.

It just really broke my trust.

Didn't you find me on a page

- that posts nothing...
- When I was single.

[Nikki] There's a lot
on the line for this trip.

We've had so many problems. I
don't want it to get to that level again.

I want to feel that I'm
making the right choice.

♪ I love the way
you're wonderful ♪

♪ Wonderful tonight ♪

♪ Magic has me hypnotized
Everyone in sight ♪

♪ They know they
know you're wonderful ♪

♪ Wonderful tonight ♪

Nikki arrives
today in Moldova...

Nine month, it's a long
time to not see my fiancée.

When Nikki's waking
up my time I go to sleep.


Sometimes we don't
have energy for speaking.

And sometimes we fight.

This is the favorite
thing of Nikki.

Because we will
see how it work here

with my parents,
with my friends.

I need to go put on
my heels, freshen up.


Yas, honey, now he
can suck on that tongue.

Just kidding.


When Justin sees me
today, he's gonna say,

"I wanna spend
the rest of my life

with that crazy-ass bitch."


I'm about to walk through the
arrivals door, and I'm feeling

so many nerves
running through my body,

and it's like butterflies.

This trip is important for me

because I wanna feel that

I'm making the
right choice for us

giving a second chance at love.

[upbeat song playing]

- [Nikki] Hi. Aw, I missed you.
- [Justin speaks indistinctly]

Come on... [indistinct]

- [Nikki] Mmm!
- [song resumes]

♪ I know that we're
breaking through ♪

[Justin grunts]

[Nikki speaks]

- Oh... [grunts] -
[song resumes]

♪ And I said you should know ♪

♪ We are unstoppable ♪

- [Nikki speaking]
- [Justin speaking]

[Nikki speaks]


This is my fiancé, Nicole.

And I'm feel in love, and...


You look so handsome.


My first kiss in nine months,

burn my lips. [chuckles]

- I feel like burn.
- Maybe it wasn't his kiss in nine months.

It's so hot.

[chuckles] This is Nikki kiss.

This is special.

- Oh, my goodness.
- Look, baby.

- It's your favorite, rose.
- [Nikki] I am impressed.

- I love it, thank you.
- Give me a kiss.

Finally getting to kiss my love

for the first time
in nine months,

it's like a dream come true.

But, there's issues that
we need to work through,

and this is why I'm here.

But let's get beyond that,

and maybe we can
work on something.

I wanna know that
I'm here and he's here,

we're meeting together.

We'll see.

[upbeat hip-hop song playing]

♪ Unh, yeah ♪

♪ You don't want this problem ♪

♪ Unh, yeah ♪

♪ It's whatever you want ♪

[Rob] This is what
brought me to California.

- The beach?
- Yes.

The ocean was calling me.

So, today is Sophie's
first real day in LA,

and I'm gonna take
her to one of my

favorite places to go,
which is the ocean.

I'mma bring her to Venice Beach,

and hopefully we have,
like, a really nice time.

- [seagulls mewing] -
[Rob] See, check it out.

That's Santa Monica.

- You can see it from here.
- [Sophie] Oh, nice.

[Rob] I don't know if you
even remember that but

- you can definitely see it.
- [Sophie] Yeah, the pier is there.

I love the pier.

It would be nice to,
like, live out here.

Yeah, it'd be awesome
to live out here.

How much do you reckon it
would be for, like, one of those?

Uh, too much?

[Sophie chuckles] How much?

No, these are not
gonna be cheap.

Like, like those
ones are super cute,

with, like, the open windows.

Yeah, I get it.
They're all really cute.

- They're ideal.
- I'd live in that one.

- Sure, me too.
- [Sophie chuckles]

I'm sure... Look,
look at the price.

Twenty-five thousand a month
for one of these houses over here.

I feel like me and Rob would be a
lot happier if we lived near the beach.

'Cause while we was
in Mexico together,

we lived on the beach. We
were very happy the whole time.

I don't know,
like, if you really,

really wanted to live there,
you could try to ask for help.

- No.
- [Rob] That's up to you.

If not, we could
stay in Inglewood.

- How much...
- I feel like we'd be happy there, though.

How much you got on it?

- [laughs] No comment.
- "No comment." You ain't got nothing.

- You just wanna live there.
- No, but I can't work right now.

Well, when you can
work, then maybe, yeah.

[Sophie] When I was
about 16, 17 years old,

I started just doing
waitressing and I afford,

like, a little apartment
in the countryside, like,

I completely disassociate
myself from my family

and just thought, "I
wanna be independent."

And like, since then, they
don't give me any money.

And I'll never ask them.
Like, I'll never be like,

"Hey, give me some money," like,

I, you know, I've never
asked them for anything.

That's just because I think it's
important to be, like, independent.

And sometimes, he's a
bit annoying, 'cause he's,

if we're going through
hardships, he's like,

"Ask your family for money."
Which does annoy me,

because I just wanna
be, like, proud of myself

and, like, actually
accomplish stuff.

And it's like, I'm not
gonna be just, like,

"Oh, what do you do for a job?"

"Oh, family money is my job."

[chuckles] Like, I just...
That's not what I wanna do.

[waves rolling gently]

[cell phone vibrating]

- You all in my phone.
- No, I'm not.

- You are, kinda.
- I'm looking at the beach.

- Whoa.
- Who is that?

Not, I don't know.

- [Sophie] Wait, who is that?
- [Rob] It's just some random page I follow.

[chuckles] Not somebody I
follow, it's just some random page.

[Sophie] That's crazy.

- What?
- That's crazy, you follow that page.

I pull my phone out,
and this random post

by some page that
posts random stuff,

posted, um, basically posted a
girl in a Dora the Explorer outfit,

but with, like, booty shorts.

Uh, Sophie did not like that.

She can be very jealous.

And, I mean, I wish she wasn't,

'cause, you know, I would
like to have, like, kind of a,

a more just, a mellow,
chill relationship.

It's not like I follow
any of the girls.

I just follow a page that
posts that type of stuff.

Didn't you find me on a page

- that posts nothing but...
- When I was single.

- When I was single, yes.
- Nothing but good-looking guys?

When I was single, yes. I
don't follow that page anymore.

- You don't?
- [Sophie] No.

Well, I wouldn't know 'cause
I'm not all in your phone.

I think that's weird, but okay.

- I mean...
- It's very weird.

Like I said, it's not like
I'm following any other girls.

I just follow a page
that post stuff like that,

which, to be honest with you,
the way that that stuff goes,

it's like, they might
not even used to post it.

I don't know when
I followed this page.

I mean, I would describe myself
as a very jealous person. [chuckles]

Like, I'm very honest
about it. I know I'm jealous.

But at the same time, it's like,

Rob hasn't necessarily
been the most loyal fiancé.

- [sniffles]
- I'm sorry, babe.

[Sophie speaking]

just because we hadn't
seen each other in a while.

And I'm not excusing it,

but I gave him the
benefit of the doubt that,

like, you know,
he made a mistake.

But it's starting
to feel more real

now that we're getting
closer to the 90 days.

And it's now even more
pressure on me, like,

"Can I trust this man? Is what
he's done acceptable, or is it not?"

And it's just, like, a really
overwhelming feeling for me.

[Ashley and Stacey] Hi!

- [in Spanish] Mijo!
- [Manuel speaks Spanish]

[Stacey in English] My kids would never
leave me without telling me, "goodbye."

You didn't say,
"goodbye," and you lied.

You told your mom
that you were going

to another town to work.

Being a mother,
I'm a little hesitant

because of how
he left his family

without saying goodbye.

[speaks Spanish]

- He said, "It's fine."
- Can I trust that?

[Ashley in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[Ashley in English] Yes, we
have to get ready to see my mom.

Tonight, we are going
to a cute Mexican

restaurant in my neighborhood,

so Manuel can meet
my mom for the first time.

I can't stress enough how
important this first meeting is.

Mom Dukes is the
matriarch of the family.

And I do a lot of smile
and nodding with Manuel.

My mom is gonna
be doing a lot of,

"What are you saying? No, sir."

So, I just hope that Manuel

can do a lot of smile and
nodding with my mom.

[in Spanish]

[Ashley] Mmm-hmm.

[Ashley speaks]

[in English] Manuel did not
have time to go home to go

get any sort of
clothing or anything,

so I got him some
button-down, some shirts.

I'm not gonna let him wear
some old, sweaty T-shirt

to meet my family
for the first time.

And I have fantastic taste.

Every time he steps out the
door in something I bought,

somebody compliments him on it.

[in Spanish]

[in English] what's
most important is that

[in Spanish]

[Ashley speaking Spanish]

[in English] Use this one. I
think this will work really well.

[in Spanish]

[Ashley in English] Okay.

[in Spanish]

[in English] During, uh,
dinner, we don't want hats.

[speaking Spanish]

[speaking Spanish]

- [Manuel speaking Spanish]
- [Ashley speaking Spanish]

[Manuel speaking Spanish]

[Ashley speaking Spanish]

- [in English] Hello.
- [Stacey] Hi.

- Hi.
- [Ashley] Hi.

[Ashley chuckles
softly] How are you?

[Stacey] Good,
so good to see you.

[Manuel speaking Spanish]

- [all greeting] -
[Manuel muffled]

- [Ashley] Samuel, how are you?
- [Samuel] I'm doing good.

I'm so good.

[Manuel speaking Spanish]

I'm happy.

- I'm happy.
- [Manuel chuckles]

[Ashley] I'm really
close with my mom.

I'm her oldest
child. We're buddies.

She had me at 16, so
we grew up together.

And I've been
waiting for this moment

for years and years and
years and years and years.

It's surreal.

I'm gonna try to let
you guys communicate.

- [Manuel] Yeah.
- [Ashley] So.


She's trying to find...

You're finding that
Google Translate.

[Stacey] I'm trying to
find the Google Translate.

[speaking Spanish]

- [Ashley and Manuel
laughing] - I got it.

- Oh, I got it.
- Oh, oh. Okay.

- [Ashley] Okay.
- [laughs]

[Siri speaking Spanish]

[Stacey] Is that real?
It was Spanish in here?

[Manuel speaking Spanish]

Sia, you right.
You do it faster.

- Now we plan a wedding and babies.
- [Samuel] Ooh.

- [Stacey] Bien.
- [Sienna] Manuel.

[Siri speaking Spanish]

- Oh.
- [Sienna laughs]

[speaking Spanish]

- Yeah, sí. Yeah, sí. Yes.
- [Samuel] That is it. [laughs]


[speaking Spanish]

- No.
- [Manuel] No?

No, quickly.

[Ashley] My mom is a teacher,

and she loves her
job and she loves kids.

[speaking Spanish]

[Ashley] Yeah, she
wants grandkids really bad.

She... She's taken
people's babies before.

Not like kidnapped.

But I mean like, she will
babysit people's babies

and like, "Oh, I
got the baby here."

Like, Mom, can you stop
taking people's children?

Does he miss his
pa... His family?

- [Ashley speaking
Spanish] - I'm sure he does.

[speaking Spanish]

He said he didn't say
anything to anybody

and it was really hard.

But why not say anything
to them to let them know?

[Ashley speaking Spanish]

[speaking Spanish]

He felt more secure
when he was actually here.

Like the planes went
through, nothing got cancelled.

Everything actually happened

before he said something.

This is what he felt was right.

[Stacey] My kids would never
leave me without telling goodbye.

You didn't say
goodbye and you lied.

It wasn't like you said, "I may be
going to America, I don't know."

Or, "I'm going to
pick up the visa,

I'll let you know
the status of it."

It was like, you told your
mom that you were going,

you know, to
another town to work,

which was false.

How does that make you feel?

- That you're the reason why he came, though.
- [Ashley] I mean...

- And that he left his family?
- [Ashley] He...

I just wish... It didn't happen
the way that it happened.

But I'm glad it happened,

and I think he... He
feels the same way.

And we've worked really
hard for this relationship,

and we've worked really hard to
be sitting here together right now,

and I've dreamed of this moment.

[speaking Spanish]

We... We shall
see. Time will tell.

- [speaking Spanish] -
[Stacey] Time will tell.

I just wanna make sure that
you love and protect my daughter,

that you love her
with your whole heart,

and your intentions are good.

So I'm gonna be asking
him a lot of questions.

Tonight was round one.

As time goes on,

I'm gonna be questioning
some things about him.

If... If I can just leave you
guys with some advice,

I would say,

what's made my marriage
strong is communication.

[Ashley speaking Spanish]

[speaking Spanish]

- He said it's fine.
- [speaking Spanish]

I do what I do, he doesn't
wanna argue about this, but fine.

[speaking Spanish]

[in English]

When are you gonna let it go?

[Sophie speaking]

It didn't last more than
like, what, an hour?

I didn't do anything.

- You cheated, though.
- I'm not... You don't have to...

I did not cheat.

♪ Hold up, wait I'mma
give it all it takes ♪

♪ Goin' hard Don't
need no brakes ♪

♪ I'm a boss Let's
get it straight ♪

♪ If I eat I scrape the plate ♪

[Rob] You think you'd ever
be comfortable walking him?

- [Sophie] No.
- [Rob] No?

[Sophie] Well, not by myself.

- [Rob] Go where?
- [Sophie] The nice parts of LA.

♪ I feel good I feel free ♪

♪ I can do anything
And be who I wanna be ♪

- [Sophie speaking]
- [Rob] Yeah.

- [Rob] I mean, it's like...
- [Sophie chuckles]

[Rob] It's like, even
though you're my girl...

- [Sophie] Yeah?
- [Rob] ...but you're so far away,

it's just like, not the same
when you're not here.

[Sophie] Yeah, same for me.

[Rob] It's like I
am, but I... Am I?

- But I am, but like, am I?
- [Sophie chuckles] Yeah.

- [Rob] 'Cause I don't get to hang...
- No, you are.

[Rob] I don't get to
hang out with my girl.

- I don't get to go on dates.
- [Sophie] You are an issue.

Keep walkin'.

[Sophie] I feel bad for checking
Rob's phone at the beach.

Because I respect his privacy,

but he's proved he's not
the most trustworthy person.

We gotta go slow
'cause he's walkin' slow.

[Sophie speaking]

I was heartbroken
over what he did,

'cause it is a form of cheating.

I gave him the
benefit of the doubt,

just because it was in 2020
when COVID was a huge thing,

and it was like, when are we
ever gonna see each other again?

This was before we
was even engaged.

[Rob] Let's check his
paws, he's limpin' a little bit.

I only really had one
serious long-term boyfriend,

and ended up cheating
on me like, eight times.

So with Rob, it's like,

I think every day, "Is
he gonna do it again?"

And it's like, not gonna
bring up after we're married.

This would be the
time to bring this up.

[Rob] Man, you gotta stop
lickin' on these paws, man.

- I know he... He's got allergies.
- Yeah, um...

[Sophie] There's something I just
wanted to talk to you about real quick.

Obviously like, I'm
happy to be here and stuff.

And it's like, the
realization that like,

obviously we're gonna be
together forever and everything.


When are you gonna let it go?

We only have, you
know, 90 days to,

to decide if we're
gonna be together,

if this is like, it.

So it's like, I definitely feel
like this is obviously something

that we should, you
know, we should talk about.

'Cause it's like, it's always
gonna be in the back of my mind

if I don't like,
bring this up to you.

Like, we not gonna act
like I've cheated on you,

when all I did was
respond to somebody

while laying in bed
at home one day

in the middle of us not seeing
each other for seven months.

Literally, it didn't
last more than a day,

it didn't last more than
like, what, an hour?

I feel like you're... You're
downplaying it a little bit.

I'm not... I'm downplaying it
because I didn't do anything.

- You cheated though.
- You don't have to...

- I did not cheat.
- There's nothing...

- Stop playing with me.
- To take my word for it.

We not gonna talk
about it like I cheated,

because it... 'cause...

- Why you getting angry at me?
- 'Cause I'm not gonna live my life

- [Rob] like I cheated on you when I didn't.
- Why you getting angry at me?

[Rob] Because I don't like that.

Every time you try to
act like that with cheating,

that's bull[bleep], 'cause I
haven't ever cheated on you.

I basically one day, sitting
at home, bored, late at night,

somebody hit me up,

sending me pictures and videos.

Um, so I started
talking back and...

And got into a conversation.

Then Sophie's callin' me,

talkin' about somebody
is sending her

basically what I sent
in the conversation.

It definitely, uh, create a
problem between me and Sophie.

Um, and I feel like
we worked past that,

and I've done nothing
else in any other way.

And yeah, it's
just a bit of, uh,

of an annoyance at this point.

And I feel like, you know, you
gotta give me a little bit of credit

that in two and a half years,

the only thing I ever did was
respond to the wrong person...

- I get it, but at the same time...
- while we hadn't been...

When we hadn't even
been together in months.

The whole time we've been
together, I've done nothing, so.

- I mean, you say that, but...
- You know?

I say that 'cause it's true.

You say that, but I'm still wondering
about the social media apps.

That you... you on... You
on these dating apps, where...

- I was never on dating apps.
- You were on dating apps.

I... I wasn't, it was a friend
app, where I make friends.

I mean, Turai... Turai
saw you on the dating app,

and he was not using the
dating app to meet friends, so...

I travel a lot. So
wherever I travel

I have this app to
meet friends. You know?

When I came to LA,
I did the same thing.

He knew I had it 'cause I told him,
"You see this app on my phone?

"It's just to meet
friends." Um...

But then his best friend Troy

hit him up and was like, "Yo, I just
saw your girlfriend on a dating site.

Which I was never on the
dating site, I was on the friend site.

It's just irrelevant for
him to bring up really.

Why are you bringing this
up when I ask you something...

You bringing up
stuff to me, so it's like,

- you have one thing to worry about me...
- But that's...

I got one thing to
worry about you.

I'm not gonna... I'm not gonna
continue to let that dictate

- how i feel.
- You never caught me out doing something though.

It doesn't make me wonder.

- I've been loyal though. That's the difference.
- I've been loyal.

I can see, like, the guilt in his
eyes when he's talking about it

and i can tell that, like,
he does feel awkward.

And like, he kind of instead
of just being there to listen,

and, you know, be like, "You know,
I'm really sorry about that I did it."

He chose to just get angry and
get defensive and blame me for stuff.

Which is how a lot of our conversations
go when he does something.

I mean, there's nothing
I can do about it now

except just trust him

but if it happens again,
obviously, like I'm gone.

It's gonna be over.

[Gino] Yeah.

[gasps in pain]

- What happened?
- [Jasmine] That... [laughs] It hurts.

If I'd known that Gino
was gonna quit his job

I would have never
had this plastic surgery.

Okay, I should bring the news to
you now that you look so relaxed.

What news? What did you do?

[Gino speaking]

[Jasmine speaking]

[Gina] It's okay.

Coco, take care of
the house, please.

- Got it?
- Yeah.

Yeah, perfect.

I'm sorry, Coco.

But Mommy and Daddy need to go.

- [Gino] Bye, Coco!
- Bye, Coco. Take care of the house.

Don't destroy anything.

Earlier today, Gino gave me the bad
news about he quitting his job. And...

Which I really appreciate.

But inside, I'm
panicking about it.

Because now we're not
gonna have any sort of income.

- [Gino] I know you like spa.
- I... Yeah, I get it like three times a week in Panama.

- Yeah.
- Thank you, baby.

- But what kind of massage?
- Like, a couple's massage.

I feel like I need it.

So, I don't wanna
overwhelm you but...

I have plenty of
reasons to be stressed.

- Yeah, you deserve
to have one - Yeah.

[Gino] It hurt my
feelings that Jasmine

reacted the way she did
when I told her I left my job.

Because... Gosh, I
thought she would at least

be happy that I could spend
more time with her and be together.

But instead, she was crying.

And not very happy with me.

I think she might
be worried about

how I'm gonna be able to
keep up her luxury lifestyle.

But we're not the only couple
that's living on a budget, you know.

Everyone has a budget

and it's the real world.

[Jasmine] Thank you.

- [man] Hello, how are you, guys? Good.
- [Gino] Hello, how are you?

My name is Gino and I
booked a couple's massage.

- Yes. I can take you guys to the room.
- [Jasmine] Thank you!

Ladies first.

- [Jasmine] Smells good in here.
- Thank you.

- Oh, wow, this looks so cozy.
- Wow!

This is what I signed up for.

[Gino] I never had
anything like this, actually,

in my life, I don't
think, done before.

[man speaking]

- Perfect. Sounds good to me.
- Okay.

[Gino] This can be good for me
because I can rest my head this way.

[Jasmine] Get naked, baby.

- [Gino] No!
- [Jasmine] Yeah!

Look at that sexy man.

Whoo! Wow.




I saw something.

I saw a sexy banana.

And I like banana.

You saw my banana last night.

- [Gino] Yeah.
- [woman whispers] How are you?

- [Gino] Good, how are you doing?
- Good.

- You want this take off?
- Oh!

- No. No, no, no.
- [Jasmine laughing] Yes, take it off.

- He already stress out.
- [both laughing]

I love hates because...

they help me cover my bald head.

So, I pretty much have
a hat for every occasion.

I don't wear a hat in the shower

and yes, I take my
hat off when I go to bed.

And yes, I don't have a hat on
when I have sex with Jasmine.

I just wanted to get
that out of the way.

Can we come at
least once a week?

Maybe, that's... you
know. Maybe once a month.

A month? [laughs]

All the money that you spend
on junk food and frozen food,

forget about it.

You should spend it
on these kind of things

that are so good
for your health.

[Gino] Yeah.

[gasps in pain]

- What happened?
- [Jasmine yells in pain]

Oh, not in the ass. No.

Not in the ass um...

Sorry, it hurts. It hurts.

Why does your ass hurt?

Is it from sitting in the plane?

What do you mean?

- What...
- Talking about your ass.

When they're
trying to massage it.

Because it hurts.

It hurts? Why?

Okay, I should bring the news to you now
that you look so relaxed and in a good mood.

- Baby...
- What news?

Promise you're not gonna
get mad at me, please.

What did you do?

Baby, you remember, a few
months ago, I told you that

I have lost so much weight

and i got so skinny that I lost

muscle and my ass got very flat?


And that I wanted
to get butt implants

and you were, like, "No,
don't spend money on that."

- Right.
- Guess what?




Are you kidding?

No, I'm not. Look!

I even have the... still
the, like... the marks here.

How could you do
something like that?

This is crazy.

[speaking Spanish]

[Manuel speaking Spanish]

[Manuel speaking Spanish]

It's because he still has his
balls, he likes to mark things.

Um, I don't know
how to explain that.

I can tell that him and Rico
can be best buds, really quick.

Rico has respected Manuel
as this man of the house,

so, Rico's made this, like,
bed underneath the bed.

There's like pillows and
blankets. It's really funny.

[Manuel speaking Spanish]

No, and yes.

Um, how do I explain this?

Rico Suave is my baby.
He's my son. I love him.

But Rico can be, um...

[Ashley] Come on, Rics.

[speaking Spanish]

[Ashley in English] You
know, I love Rico Suave.

I'm his mom.

And I think sometimes
he thinks I'm his girlfriend.

So, we're gonna have
to navigate through this.

And I just have to have hope

that everybody will find the place
everybody is comfortable with.

[Ashley speaking Spanish]

[speaking Spanish]

[Manuel speaking Spanish]

[Ashley speaking Spanish]

- [Manuel] Hmm?
- Mmm-hmm.

[Ashley speaking Spanish]


[line ringing]

[Manuel speaking Spanish]

[speaking Spanish]


- Okay.
- Okay.

Oh, my God, it's so sunny.

It's been, like, forever.

Seventeen years, it is
like, of coming out here.

A lot has changed.

- [Nikki] Yes, I want to eat.
- [Justin speaking]

[Nikki] Rest...

[Nikki speaking]

[Justin speaking]

Believe me, the amount of love
that I have from this beautiful man

and just, you know, the
unconditional love that I have from him,

is, like... I can't match it with
anything in the whole wide world.

[Nikki] What feeling I
had was a tingly feeling

between my... my legs,
that I need something more.

- You know, like I jut got...
- Food.

Yeah, food, and more.

[Nikki] Do you know
you wrapped the roses

in the color of the trans flag?

- [Nikki laughs] -
[Justin] No way.

Sweet colors.

Okay, baby.

And away we go.

[Nikki] Well, today is
a very beautiful day.

I still remember the first time I
ever came to Chisinau, Moldova,

and it was a snowstorm.

That was when I first met you.

Is that the only
mall in Moldova?

No. We have two malls.

- [Nikki] Called Mall-dova?
- Yes.

[Nikki chuckles]


Of course!

So what's going on with people

coming to the engagement
celebration? Did you figure that out?



[Justin speaking]

Oh, this is the place

- where we go.
- [Nikki] Oh, this is the place.

- "Creme de la creme."
- Yeah.

- [both laugh]
- I like your...

[Justin speaking]

[Nikki laughs]

Wow, this is nice.

[Justin] Sitting in
that cafe, with Nikki,

makes me nervous a little bit.

[speaking Romanian]

Because I see some
attention from people

to look at Nikki and,
like, "Who is she?"

When I know Nikki's trans, I am
thinking, "Oh, my God, everybody know it."


Oh, thank you.

- I missed you so much.
- I missed you too, baby.

It's hard being without you.

Like, it's just hard.

Like, doing things on my own...

And who's gonna hold my bags?


No, it was awkward because...

The guy looked me up
and down and he is like, um,

"So you here on
business or pleasure?"

And I'm like, "Oh,
you think I'm a hooker!"

"Oh, my God, no!"

Well, I can't wait, whatever you have
planned for me, I'm so excited to see.

Why during the daytime?

Are you afraid of taking
me out in public at night

because you're scared that they're
going to judge me on the way that I look?

Or they're gonna be able
to tell I used to be a man?

I think, it's...

about your...

Okay, well that's
better than a man,

or a trans or a dude.

And here in Moldova...

I don't understand,
I don't get it.

Because 17 years ago,

I did not have this face,
I did not have this voice,

I sounded like a truck driver.

And now, I'm like... My
level went from here to here.

And my body looks insane.
What are you scared of?

But you're leaving. What do
you care what these people think?

You're leaving. Who cares?

Dude, I'm coming
all the way here

and you're saying you're just
gonna take me out in the daytime

to see if people can
clock me, basically?

I'm not sleeping! We're going
to, like, a lounge or something.

You're not shelving
me in the dark, sorry.

Something in the back
of my mind tells me

that maybe he's secretly dating
somebody from the nightlife

and I don't know about it.

That would break my heart.

So I just hope
that's not the case.

I hope that it's just because
he's still trying to get over

his little insecurities and the
little butterflies in his stomach,

like, maybe they know,
or maybe people can tell.

But I gotta be honest.

I think something's...
Something's a little shady in there.

Okay, we'll see.

- No, we won't see.
- We will see.

- We will do. I'm...
- Let's talk about this later, okay? Let go.

Baby, you spent
$10,000 on butt implants?

She lied to me about it.

This is exactly the [bleeping]
that I'm worried about.

You had butt implants?

Yeah, I have butt implants.

I feel relief to tell Gino the
truth about the butt implants.

It's like getting a weight
out of my shoulders.

But at the same time, I feel sad

because Gino is very
disappointed at me.

He doesn't easily
get this mad at me.

I'm the one who always
gets mad. Not my Gino.

And now Gino is mad.

Are you kidding?
Why did you do this?

So you remember when
you were questioning me,

"Why are you not going
outside to run, like, everyday?"

And I told you
that I have covid.

I was actually recovering
from my butt-implant surgery.

How much did that cost?

How much do you think it costs?

I don't know. $5,000?


- More?
- It's butt implants.




Baby, you spent
$10,000 on butt implants?

You don't need butt implants.

You don't need butt implants.

- I can...
- We could have used that $10,000.

Our wedding, all the
appliances we need to replace,

all the home remodeling
you wanna do.

But I didn't know,
just in my defense,

- that we were broke.
- Why are you making decisions without me?

Well, you quit your
job without telling me.

You don't even need it.
You didn't even need it.

This is crazy.

- Give us one moment, please.
- [woman] Okay.

Oh... Why are you
asking them to leave?

I mean, where did you
get the money from?

- Does it matter?
- Yes, it matters!

I had some savings.


Do you remember that you were
giving me money for the wedding dress?


I've helped Jasmine
out a lot since I met her.

Helping her pay her rent.

Money for her children.

Cosmetic procedures.

And I've been doing
that because I love her

and I know she needs the help.

And she's not really
working right now.

But feels like I'm the one that's
always giving. I give, give, give.

And Jasmine's, just,
like, taking and taking.

It's terrifying, kind
of, to me, because...

You know, is this how
my life's gonna be?

I... I didn't think about
it being a big deal.

That's $10,000.
That's a lot of money.

It is... I know. I know, now.

I know that now.

Back then, $10,000
was very reasonable

because we were doing great.

And you had a very good job.

And you were sending money and
I was living the dream in Panama.

Now that I'm here and I know
that you have all this budget [bleep]

How did you not
think it was a big deal?

[Jasmine speaking]

I did it, not just for me.

Those are for him.

Because I wanted him
to find me more attractive.

And I thought that with this
surgery, he was gonna be happy.

And be like, "Oh, my gosh,
you went through all this pain

"just for me, to
look pretty for me."

Damn it. Um... I kinda...

Where you going?

I just don't know how
you can be spending

thousands of
dollars of our money.

What's wrong with you?

It's very selfish to
spend that kind of money

on an unnecessary surgery.

What the heck's wrong with you?

I'm really pissed off.

This is exactly the [bleeping]

that I'm worried about with you

just spending [bleep] money

on unnecessary [bleep]

when you [bleep] on me, okay?

[Jasmine] I'm very worried
because Gino is very mad at me.

But just by seeing
how mad Gino is,

I'm like, "There's no
[bleep] way I'm telling him

the whole truth...

Because this is just gonna
make everything worse.

[Gino] Selfish!

[woman] Next time
on 90 Day Fiance...


If you're not giving it to me,
like, who are you giving it to?

You have 48 hours
to change my mind,

or I'm literally leaving.

And that's the last time
you're ever gonna see me.

She is the first white
girl I have dated.

It's gonna destroy
my whole life.

You blew all that money
on a cosmetic procedure

that you don't even need

And you lied to me about it.

I feel really betrayed.

She's, like,
thinking of herself.

And the wedding
doesn't matter to her.

What else was she
lying to me about?

[speaking Spanish]


[Ashley speaking Spanish]

[In English] We still can't get his
phone up and working in America.

So, Manuel's family's
been blowing up my phone.

Why are you calling so much?

I didn't know who you guys were
when he was over in Ecuador.


They called nine times.

It's weird!

This make me nervous.

I'd be a food to not think Manuel
might be coming here on my back

so he can meet
up with his family.

Then leave him.

[friend speaking]

Like, to be honest, I don't think
I actually want to be pregnant.

If I don't ever want kids,
is that a problem with you?

Sophie just rocked my entire
belief in her and what we can have.

I could not walk
down the aisle today

It would be a lie.

I don't know what the
[bleep] I'mma do with my life

if I don't ever have kids.

Just leave me alone.