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01x03 - Down's Syndrome

Posted: 04/23/24 21:04
by bunniefuu
Last week on st. Elsewhere.

Is reinhardt acting as an individual
or as a member of a t*rror1st group?

- I don't know that.
- Could you give us
the name of the victim?

Katherine mcallister.
She was in the bank.

They said there was a bombing three days
ago... That my wife katherine was hurt.

- She's in a coma.
- Why'd you do it?

You wouldn't understand.

This week on st. Elsewhere.

And clear.

- We've got a sinus rhythm.
- You almost k*lled him.

- I'm a psychiatrist.
- You wanna see if I'm crazy?

- Are you crazy?
- Are you?

- As a loon.
- Touch me again, you creep,
I'll smash your other leg!

- Well, we did find
some abnormalities.
- What's wrong?

It means that your child
has down's syndrome.

This is our son. This is
a defective... Accident.

What do you got today?
You got doctors with

Gym shoes. Gym shoes,
for crying out loud!

She's crazy about me.
I keep telling her it's

Only a sexual relationship
and nothing more.

That's good. Women are
suckers for integrity.

Here, the liver's quite healthy.


Now we see numerous discrete
areas of diminished activity...

In both hepatic lobes.


In this biopsy, we see
the adenocarcinoma...

Is consistent with the metastatic
adenocarcinoma of the stomach.


Here, we have a
focus of fat necrosis.

Note that some of the
nuclei have disappeared...

And the cell walls are blurred.

Who took these
pictures, james garner?

May I have the lights, please?

All right.


What do I tell miss taylor?

I'm not sure. That
should ease her mind.

Anyone else?

Tell her the truth. And what
exactly is the truth, dr. Armstrong?

She's dying. Would you like
to be the one to tell her?

She has a right to
know. I will if I have to.

Very good.

And are you going to tell
her when she's gonna die?

What do you mean? Well, is she
gonna die tomorrow morning,

Or is she gonna die next week?

Next month? Next year?

I don't know. You don't know.

It would seem that miss taylor is
in the same predicament we all are.

We know that someday
we're gonna die.

We just don't know when.

What I'm saying,
dr. Auschlander...

I know what you're
saying, dr. Armstrong.

I'm questioning how
you would say it.

Let's all think about that
when we meet with miss taylor.

We're lucky to have auschlander
around to discuss this case.

Yeah, it's like marie
antoinette talking

About the inner
mechanisms of the guillotine.

No, no, no. Franco's doing fine.

What about mr. Berman? Did he
have a good night? Are you kidding?

He was bouncing off the walls like
a ping-pong ball yelling for valium.

I told him yesterday it was the valium
that was making him hypersensitive.

Sometimes, we
suffer from a kind of

Schizophrenia around
here. I don't understand.

Well, the doctors,
the nurses, the staff...

We think of this hospital
as a place to work.

And the interns, the residents... They
want it to be a place to learn, of course.

And the community alternates
between thinking of it...

As a renaissance cathedral
or frankenstein's castle.

There's talk among the board
about closing this facility...

And moving st. Eligius to one of the
better suburbs, like newton or wellesley.

Judge, I'm well aware
of why you're here today.

That kind of talk has been
going on for a long, long time.

You don't agree with
the idea? No, I don't.

St. Eligius is part of
this neighborhood.

It's like old mrs. Weber, the
crossing guard at pogansett school,

Or that rusty fountain
in john adams square.

You can't take it away
without leaving a hole.

Dr. Osterwald, good
morning. Mm-hmm.

I wouldn't want
that guy examining me.

Too bad. He's the best
cardiologist in new england.


So what happened?
I called sanitation.

Well, they didn't hear you. We
had another kid in here last night.

Twelve years old. All
right, I'll call 'em again.

Yeah, make sure you
do. Damn hospital!

Angry young man. Yes,
that's rooney. He's an orderly.

You let an orderly talk to you
like that? He's talking about syringes.

You see, sanitation can't
dispose of them fast enough,

And the kids pick them
up and use them again.

You mean the
children are junkies?

Afraid so.

Next time, try ringing
the doorbell, hmm?

You've got that t*rror1st guy
reinhardt in here, haven't you?

Right. And the woman that was in
the bank when the b*mb went off?

mcallister. How is she?

Alive. Shall we?

Listen up, barbara. I'm not
gonna give you any more demerol.

I'm not gonna give you any more
percodan. If you want dr*gs,

Then you just go on out on the street
and buy 'em like everybody else does.

There's a call for you
on line two. It's your wife.

What does she want? She wants to know
if you've got the ticket for the laundry.

What ticket? She's
your wife, pal.

I'll be right back.

Touch me again, you little
creep, I'll smash your other leg!

Will the owner
of the blue ford...

Blocking the ambulance
entrance move it immediately.

The owner of a blue ford, you're
blocking the ambulance entrance.

Move it immediately.

I don't know what you've got, fiscus, but
if you could freeze-dry it, you'd be rich.

Well, cover for me tomorrow, and I'll
give you the secret. What's tomorrow?

Cathy and I are going to the
p*stol range. You're fantastic.

You've got a date with cathy martin,
you're going to the p*stol range.

She's a sharpsh**ter.
Yeah, I'll bet she is.


I got a secret between
you and me, all right?

All we ever do is have sex.

It's sex, sex, sex.

My heart bleeds for
you. She's crazy about me.

I keep telling her it's only a sexual
relationship and nothing more.

That's good. Women are
suckers for integrity.

I don't want her to get too serious,
or it'll ruin it. You know what I mean.

But I gotta tell you, between my
double shifts here and her, I'm drained.

Kind of like a maple tree
after sap-sucking season.

Yeah, right. Sure.

So when you suggested a more
mundane activity, she suggested...

The p*stol range.
Exactly. Sex and v*olence.

It's the american way.
Will you cover for me?

You got it. Thanks a lot.

It's my turn!

It's my turn! It's my turn!

Girls, girls, girls. Stop that. We're
gonna leave for school in five minutes,

And I want all that food gone.

Now, eat. Why didn't
mom make breakfast?

She's, uh, sleeping late.

Is she sick? No.

Then why's she still sleeping?
She's gonna have a baby.

I know that! A little brother.

Right, daddy? Right.

Not necessarily. Good morning.

A big, strong boy to protect you
from, uh, all the other big, strong boys.



I've got news for you. Even if
this one's a girl, we're stopping.

I'm gettin' too old for this.

- Give me a "b."
- "B!"

What if the test says
"girl"? Give me an "o."

"O!" - Stubborn.

Your father is the most
stubborn man in massachusetts.

And give me a "y." "Y!"

- What does it spell?
- Boy, boy, boy!

How you doin'? I'm dr. Beale.

Somebody just examined me.

I'm a psychiatrist.

I didn't ask to see
you. No, no, you did not.

But I'm afraid you don't
have much choice either.

You wanna see if I'm crazy?

That's what they pay me for.

How are you gonna find out?

Well, I figure the best way...

Is just to come out and ask you.

- Are you crazy?
- Are you?

As a loon. Why else
would I be a psychiatrist?

Of course, we're a little
reluctant to use the word "crazy."

It's a little vague, you know.

Says in here that you're
a pretty bright fella.

Honor student. Top of your
class till you dropped out.

- What is the, um,
douglas sterner award?
- Science.


Well, then you and me, we got
something in common, don't we?

I doubt it.

You know, there's been
something gnawing at me.

Maybe you can help me out.

For christmas, I
got this sweater.

Had a v-neck, 100%
cotton, size large.

And by mistake, my
cleaning lady, erma castro,

She put it into the
washing machine.

When I got it out, I couldn't
even fit it over my arm.

Now, my question is, where
did all that cotton go?

You're a real down-home
good old boy, aren't ya?

Yeah, I guess.

You, uh... You play chess, huh?


You know, I've been playin'
with a guy named dr. Craig.

He's a surgeon, and these surgeons
only play chess but a few ways.

Once they get somethin' stuck
in their head, it's there forever.

You and me'll play.

Dr. Pig?

I don't trust you at all.

You know, they say that paranoids
make the very best chess players,

Because with every move,

They naturally assume that
their opponent is out to get 'em.

In this lab, we do a lot of
experimentation with endocrine therapy.

Playing around with hormones,
speeding up the rate of growth,

That sort of thing.

It's pretty interesting.

Over here, we study the tissues
that we take from the animals.

Um... Hello.

Message from upstairs.

Belznik's starting to snap.

Seems to me this tube
system's a little out-of-date.

Yes, well, it's the only
wing that still has it, judge.

When we get some more
money... Say no more. Say no more.

Thank you.

Hi. Hi.

We used to get them from the
pound until they took it to court.

Now we're paying a supply house four
times what we were donating to the s.p.c.a.

Do you k*ll them? Some, yes.

I have three pedigree show dogs.
Well, mrs. Beardsley, this is a hospital.

People run it.
People are born here.

They come here when
they're hurt or sick.

Some die, and some, with
a little luck, get better.

What does that have to
do with these poor animals?

Do you know
anyone with diabetes?

Yes, my sister-in-law marian.

It's very likely she wouldn't be alive
today if it weren't for the experiments...

In insulin therapy conducted
in labs like this using dogs.

Even so, there's got
to be a better way.

If you find one, we'll try it.

There you go.

Bon voyage.

Please sit down.

Before we did the amniocentesis,

Remember we talked about the
kinds of things we'd be looking for...

How the fluid around
the fetus would indicate

If there were any
metabolic abnormalities.

Well, we did find
some abnormalities.

What's wrong?

The 21st chromosome split
into three instead of two.

You see, there are 23 matching
pair... What does this mean?

It means that your child
has down's syndrome.

Are you positive? Yes.

Doctor, um, let me
ask you something.

In this test, isn't there... Isn't
there a lot of margin for error?

Believe me, mr. Whitehill, I wouldn't
have told you unless I was sure.

Well, I'm-i'm not sure i...

The thing I don't
understand is...

How Ret*rded will the baby be?

That's hard to say exactly.

Some down's children live well into
their 20s. But they are children forever.

The average mental age
is about seven years old,

Though some do
considerably better.

Will the baby be deformed?

There's a high risk of
some sort of deformity.

Arched palate, slanted eyes.

God. I know right now it
seems like the end of the world.

But down's children are
very happy, very special.

Many parents find
immense pleasure in raising...


Dr. Cavanero,

The thing I don't understand
is, what caused this?

We have two perfectly
healthy children.

There's nothing wrong with
either of you. It's not hereditary.

Sometimes, it-it just happens.

Uh, dr. Cavanero,
thank you very much.

I think, um... Thank you.

I'd like to give you the
number of a friend of mine...

Who works at a genetic
counseling center at the north end.

- What sex is the baby?
- It's a boy.

Did you have a nice visit
from your sister? Yeah.

She brought you a new perfume.

Called "naughty nights."

Very pleasant.

Feel how lobulated she is.

Does that hurt? I ain't
deaf, and I ain't senile either.

Gently, gently, like this.

Easy. That's it. There we are.

Now you.

Breathe in, please.

Breathe out.

There's a vertical span
of about 20 centimeters.

I see your ivy's thriving.

Somebody's sneaking in
here waterin' that plant.

All you young folks
gonna be doctors?

- We are doctors.
- Don't look old enough.

Don't let their freshly
scrubbed faces fool you.

How have you been feeling?

Doc, I've been spittin'
up some green stuff.

We'll give you some medicine to calm
your stomach. Anything else we can get you?

You can leave one of these
young, good-looking doctors here.

See you later.

Her liver was hard as a rock.
What treatment would you suggest?

Radiation therapy.

It may relieve some
tension, but it would

Have to be limited to
doses under 2,000 rads.

What about chemotherapy?

It may also be used in
appropriate but futile doses.

Any other ideas? What about a
partial resection of the liver?

Some of the best answers,
dr. Morrison, don't come from textbooks.

I think she knows
she's going to die.

We can try to make her as comfortable
as possible. What else can we do?

Hi, good-lookin'.

How's my sweetheart?

'Cause that's what you are,
you know... My sweetheart.

It snowed last
night in minneapolis.

It did.

So we're gonna get
those skis, the broslams,

And we're gonna cross-country
all the way to bear lake.

Only this time, we're
gonna take the brandy.

So I was the only
12-year-old... ♪♪

In the council bluffs,
iowa little league...

That could bat a
thousand and read hebrew.

Cautery. More sponges.

My brother enjoyed
living on the dairy farm.

Loved those cows. Married
a woman named bossie...

From a very orthodox family.

Now owns a bull
bank in cambridge.

Listen, if either of
you'd like a shot at this...

It's very simple. It's a little
like, um, slicing cheese.

Don't you find the
music distracting?

Only mac davis. Excuse me,
doctor, but what's a bull bank?

He sells bull sperm to
unsuspecting heifers.


It's a little like a
computer dating service.

Cautery. You wanna
turn that up a hair?

You think while we're down
here, I should give him a vasectomy?

Specimen jar.

Ah, no problem. Plenty
more where that came from.

My next guest is
a double hernia.

But first, this word
from our sponsor.

Are you serious?

Would you rather he spent the
rest of his life in an institution?

We could take care
of him here. Oh, yeah.

Yeah, we know a lot about
raising a damaged child.

We could learn.

Teach all the babysitters
too? Other people have done it.

Look, it's just wrong to bring a child into
this world with that many disadvantages.

Life is hard enough. Who
says we get to choose for him?

My responsibility
is to this family.

It's not fair to
stephanie and michelle.

The girls'll help him.

Are you kidding? At best,
they're gonna be scared of him.

At worst, they're gonna
hate him for being so slow.

I don't think so.

I wanna hear you explain to them
why their little brother's a mongoloid.

Please don't use that word.
You'd better get used to it.

It so easy for you
to just throw it away.

Do you really think
it's easy for me?

But an abortion...

It's the only
reasonable thing to do.

Constant humiliation.

That's what I live
with all day, every day,

For 25 years.

He didn't wanna take
josie to atlantic city.

It's not her fault
she got carsick.

He drives too fast!

She wouldn't ruin the seat
covers. Keep your arm still, please.

I never liked that car anyway.

1958... Bad year for buicks.

Poor little josie. She can't
even drink out of the toilet,

Not even one time.

Keep your arm
still, please. God!

That dump we live in...
It's got rotten plumbing.

Makes noise all night long.

Thump, clank, thump!

I get no rest, no peace.
Do you see? Mm-hmm.

I don't like dust. But
I don't whine about it.

Constant humiliation.

Just keep your arm
still, please. God!

I can't do anything right
since then, if you listen to him!

Constant humiliation!

I know he's gonna say
something about the shampoo.

He hates it. I know it.

"No clean towels!
No clean sheets."

Const... You don't
like the way I smell?

- The hell with you!
- g*dd*mn it! All right, that's enough.

You just sit there and be
still. You understand me?

You sit there and you shut up. I don't
care if you don't get along with him.

You hear me? I don't
care about your problems.

I don't care about your stupid fights.
Do you understand what I'm saying to you?

You're k*lling yourself over
coffee grinds and toothpaste tubes.

And then you come in here lookin'
for help, not just once, but every week.

Every time you have a fight,
you try to k*ll yourself.

Then you come in here, and we
fix you up. He comes down here.

The two of you make up until
the next time you have a fight.

Then you try to k*ll yourself
again. People don't live like that.

- Look, I don't...
- Shut up!

I don't care about your fish t*nk, and
I don't care about your clean towels.

You just sit there and shut up.

Uh, peter? Myra's on the phone.

Tell her you can't find me.
Tell her I'm not here. Pete...

Just do me that
favor, will you, please?

Okay? Cut this.

Okay, there.

Now, I don't wanna see you in here
again unless you're really dying.

The problem's not your husband,
mrs. Lawson. It's in your head.

You oughta see a
shrink or somebody.


Mommy! Mommy!

Oh, honey. What is
it? What's the matter?

Huh? I had a bad dream.

Oh. Well, everything's
okay now. It's all over.

Come on. Take a...
Take a deep breath.

Wanna tell me about it?

Sometimes that makes it go away.

I don't remember all of it.

We were walking down the beach,

And I stopped to
talk to the giraffe.

And you and daddy
got mad at me...

And picked me up and were
gonna throw me in the ocean.

Oh, we love you.

We'd never do
anything like that.

Where'd you get
such a silly idea?

Well, you're gonna
throw away the new baby.

Oh, no.

I love you.

I love you too. Oh!

Daddy and I love you. We would
never do anything to hurt you.

I don't know. It
was uncomfortable.

The family sent me a fruit
basket. What's wrong with that?

The patient died, shirley. He died,
and they sent me a fruit basket.

It's a little late in the
week for the tuna fish.

Good point.

Hey, you. Where do you
think you are, at home?

She said she wanted to verify the
dates she was admitted and discharged.

And then she said, "can you
tell me what I was in for?"

Well, it turned out her husband had
used her blue cross-blue shield number...

To pay for his
girlfriend's appendectomy.

$1.18? All I had was a peach
yogurt and a chocolate bar.

They say medicine's a rip-off.

I've just been so
stupid this year.

I used all my sick
days for sickness.

Is andrew reinhardt
your patient now?

Yeah. How'd you put up with him?

"Shamash"? Shamash.

Sounds like a kosher
sandwich. What's it mean?

Well, um, shamash...

Be the sun god of assyria.

Yeah, sun god of assyria.

Twenty-three points.
I've had enough.

I hate to tell you this, v.j.,
But I think you're suffering...

From an acute case
of lexicography.

Sure, a few of them die.

But look how many drop dead...

Without any help
from their doctors.

Though, to be totally frank, the
young resident today is a complete klutz.

I mean, in my day, we
were taught ethics,

Codes of behavior,
respect for seniority.

What do you got today? You
got doctors with gym shoes.

Gym shoes, for crying out loud,

As if we were running a track
meet instead of a hospital.

Am I right, hugh? Oh, you know
how I hate to disagree with you, mark.

Brian's older
brother, david, is dead,

And his other brother,
well, he'll never get married.

Well, he's always wanted a
son to carry on the family name.

Do you have any children,
dr. Cavanero? No, I'm not married.

Any brothers or sisters?

Yes. One brother, four sisters.

Well, I was an only child.

When I was growing up, I always
wanted lots of brothers and sisters.

I swore that when I got
married, I'd have five of each.

What would you do if
you were in my place?

That's really not
the question here.

I know you're not supposed
to say... I know what you mean.

What I'm trying to say
is that in this situation,

Advice is easy when you're
not directly involved.

It's very complicated, isn't it?

What about your
mother? What do you mean?

What would she have done?

My mother would
have had the baby.

But, then again, she's a
very traditional woman.

So am i.

Well, eventually, I
wanna be a scrub nurse.

I know. You think it's
funny a punk like me

Wants to do more than
clean up afterbirth.

No. It's just that I've
been thinking of quitting.

Going to another hospital?
Getting out of nursing altogether.

Why's that?

Too many forms to fill out,
too many hostile patients,

Too many hostile doctors.

Aw, come on. It ain't that bad.

Most doctors are rich white
men who don't give a damn...

About my feelings or opinions.

Besides, there are lots of other
things a woman can do these days.

Things that pay better.

St. Eligius emergency.

Oh, hello, myra.

How long have
you had these pains?

Plenty of times.
Take a deep breath.

Your belly's pretty tender.
Have you been throwing up?

Yeah. Take a deep breath.

All right. Have
you had diarrhea?

Over in the texaco station.

Your wife's on the phone...
Again. Okay, take a deep breath.

Tell her I'll be there in a minute.
I'm not your personal secretary.

All right, give me a hand
here then. Take a deep breath.

His pants are soaking
wet. He's dehydrated.

Start him on ringers.
Uh, 175 c.c. An hour.

Anything else? Yeah,
drop in 30 of potassium.

He couldn't deny it any longer.
There it was right in the x-ray.

Twelve dollars and
35 cents, all in change.

Yeah, hello. Yeah, what's up?


No, uh, tell your
mother to take the "t"...

Myra, I can't.

If you had any idea at
all what I'm involved

With down here, you
wouldn't even ask me.

I'm in the middle of treating a
patient right now. Dr. White?

You better come quick. All right,
myra, we gotta talk later. I gotta go.

No, i... We'll talk later.

Three. Four. Five. What
the hell happened?

What kind of rhythm
have we got? Coarse v-fib.

Okay, charge the machine.

Two. Three. Four. Five.

- What's the pressure?
- Fifty over doppler.

Okay, give him an amp of
bicarb and an amp of epi.

Hand me those paddles.



Come on, you old
goat! Okay, reset.

Mm-hmm. And clear.

We've got a sinus rhythm.

Okay, take over.

Uh, give him oxygen by mask. Put a foley
in. Check to see if there's a bed in c.c.u.

Hang another i.v. Too, this time without
the potassium. Come here a second.

Uh, were you working with
that guy? I admitted him, yeah.

Well, did you check his history for renal
disease before you added the potassium?

What do you mean? What do I
mean? You almost k*lled him.

Daddy's home. I'm in here.

Hi. Hi.

How'd everything go today?

Well, the garbage
disposal stopped disposing.

Where are the girls?
They're at the playground.

Linda said she'd
bring 'em home. Oh.

Did you talk to dr. Cavanero?


Well, good. Everything's
taken care of then, huh?

No. I want this baby.

Denise, last night,
you said that...

I'm not having an abortion.

Look, will you stop this
and call her right now?

Call her yourself.


You know what
really galls me, brian?

No. What really galls you,
denise? You didn't stop to think...

That even for a minute, it's my
body that has to go through this.

What's that supposed to mean? This is
our life. Doesn't that count for anything?

Don't be stupid.
Of course it does.

Well, then imagine this.

Every day... Every damn
day forever... It's gonna be,

"Johnny, don't put your hand on
the stove. You'll burn yourself."

"Don't put your finger in the light
socket." "Don't pee-pee in your pants."

"Don't"... I don't care.

Oh, that's what you say now.

I know the way
I feel now. It's...

It's the same as when I was
carrying stephanie and michelle.

We didn't know how they'd
turn out, or will turn out.

What if stephanie becomes an ax
m*rder*r? Will we love her any less?

No, because she's
ours. Well, so is he.

It's not the same thing.
Stop fooling yourself.

What if something
happened to me?

If I was hit by a car and brain-damaged
for life? Or stephanie? Or michelle?

What would you do, pack us off to an
institution, or sh**t us in the backyard?

I know you. I love you.

Why can't you love this
child? If I wanted a pet...

This is our son.
This is our mistake.

This is a defective... Accident.


That's what it is,
you know. m*rder.

You can call it
whatever you want.

But I can't handle this. Can
you understand that, denise?

I-i can't deal with
having this child.

I don't have the strength.

Hi. Hi, wayne.

Where are you going?
Down to pathology.

This elevator's going up, cathy.

Oh. I do that all the time.

You come here often?

I enjoyed the p*stol
range. Did you really?

Sure. If I'm ever att*cked by
a paper target, I'll be ready.

So, uh, you're on
call tonight? Yeah.

Head-on collision.
It's got me swamped.

I can come down a little
later and give you a hand.

Thanks, wayne, but no.

What happened?

Well, it appears
that we're stuck.

This happens on an average
of about twice a week.

No. No, you don't understand. Elevators
make me nervous enough when they're moving.

I feel so strange in elevators.

I never know where to look. I know. My
elevator etiquette isn't too good either.

I always think
everyone's looking at me,

Staring at me,

Undressing me with their eyes.

I don't think, uh,
everybody does that.

Now we're trapped, wayne. It may
take them hours to discover us,

Like the blackout
in manhattan, 1979.

I was stuck in an elevator
at the biltmore... Cathy...

With an arab prince
and four labradors.

No. Take it easy.

Hold me, wayne! Please hold me.

Okay, I've got ya. Just
relax. Tighter, wayne.

Okay, is that... Is that okay?

Tighter. Wayne, hold
me tight. How's that?

Now, kiss me.

Please. Again.

I've waited...

What the hell's the
matter with this elevator?

Uh-oh. Must be jammed
between floors again.

I've been waiting five minutes. I've had a
long day in surgery. I'd like to go home.

I have the key.

This usually works.

This usually works.

What a rathole this is.

Get someone in
here to fix that thing.

Yes, dr. Craig.

Oh, no. Oh, no. Please stop.

Please stop.

No, don't stop.

Ah, there it goes.

Dr. Fiscus.

Goin' down?

Hey. Hey. What are
you doing here?

It's 8:00. You said 8:00.

Oh, right. Well, listen, I told
chandler I'd cover for him.

His wife's sick,
and... Oh, jack!

We finally both get
the same night off, and...

It's a joke. I'm only kidding.

Good. Whoa. Look out.

We're goin' to
durgin-park for lobster.

Okay. Okay?

I say durgin-park, and
all you say is "okay"?

Well, I was kind of hoping
that maybe we could go home.

Home. Mm-hmm.

I thought you wanted
to go someplace special.

Jack, you and I home alone together
is special. It practically never happens.

Oh, no, I distinctly remember
one humid night last august.

Mm-mmm. July.

I remember you spent
august in the emergency room.

That's right. It
was air-conditioned.

Let's stop off and
get some champagne.

I'm way ahead of you.

Our stop.

Dr. Fiscus, 1128.

Dr. Fiscus, 1128.

Uh, your brother called and said
he's gonna be in town this weekend...

And wanted to know if he could
stay with us, and I said, "sure. Why not?"

Sure. That's fine. Oh, uh, peter and myra
white want us to come for dinner next week.

Sounds like fun.

Come on. They're nice
people. Yeah, I know.

They're just going
through a rough patch.

Jack morrison...
Defender of the underdog.

Well, he's under a lot
of pressure. So are you.

And he's struggling to
make ends meet. So are you.

He has a baby. So do you.

You're kidding. Mm-mmm.


Why do you think I
bought the champagne?

Wait a minute. You're-you're-you're
pregnant. You can't, uh... You can't drink.

Just one. Not one.

Oh. Yeah!


Kids said you
were up here in bed.

Little, uh, late for a nap
and early for bed, isn't it?

You letting 'em watch tv?

For a little while.

Well, barry goodwin's
thinking of leaving the firm.

Some headhunter's after him.

Our garbage
disposal's still broken.

I thought it was supposed
to be fixed by noon?

They didn't fix it. Well,
let's junk the thing.

I, um...

I was talking to one of the
secretaries at the office today,

And she, um... She knows
a couple that have a...

A down's child.

I did it.

I had the abortion.

Tell the girls to
turn off the tv.




"Forever now, my
dream of love is ended.

"When the day breaks,
I die in desperation.

I die in desperation."
That's beautiful.

When I was a little
boy in new york,

My father used to take me to
the metropolitan opera house.

The old one at
broadway and 39th street.

Such a beautiful
building. It's gone now,

And in its place is an office
building, all glass and steel.

Shiny material.

Every week, we'd go to the met,

And he'd get standing room 'cause
we didn't have enough money for seats.

My father and i, every week,

We'd stand and
watch puccini, verdi,

Mozart, wagner.

And my father would cry.

Once, I asked him, "why
are you crying, papa?"

And he turned to me and said,

"Be quiet. Listen."

I'm 72 years old now
and dying of cancer.

Ironic, isn't it?

A distinguished liver man like
myself betrayed by his own liver.

With radiation and chemotherapy,
I'd have a slightly better chance,

But the nausea, diarrhea,
stomach cramps...

I'll be septicemic
from skin infections.

The slightest cold could easily turn
to pneumonia and finish me off in a week.

- What are you gonna do?
- I'm not sure.

- You know what I think?
- Tell me.

You should see a doctor.

Howdy, doctor. I was
just thinkin' about you.

- You tired?
- Tired?

What could I have been
doin' all day long to be tired?

Word around this hospital
is you play gin rummy.

Gin rummy? That's my game.

You've got the cards.

How about that?

All righty. I love
playin' gin rummy.

Well, the idea is, you
give me the good ones.

Got to save some
for myself, you know.

Oh... Oh, very good. I can tell.

Oh, I can tell by the feel.

Where are you
from, doc? New york.

New york, huh?

I've been there once.

Shall we?