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01x04 - Cora and Arnie

Posted: 04/23/24 21:06
by bunniefuu
Previously on st. Elsewhere.

What the hell
happened to this woman?

t*rror1st set off
a b*mb in a bank.

- Oh, god.
- She's the lucky one.

Is reinhardt acting as an individual,
or as a member of a t*rror1st group?

- I don't know that.
- Well, could you give us
the name of the victim?

Katherine mcallister.
She was in the bank.

They said there was a
bombing three days ago...

- That my wife catherine
was hurt.
- She's in a coma.

- Why'd you do it?
- You wouldn't understand.

- I'm a psychiatrist.
- Going to see if I'm crazy?

- Are you crazy?
- Are you?

- As a loon.
- How's my sweetheart?

Dear mother and father.

It is friday night, and I
am writing you a letter.

Oh, how I miss sitting with you all
under the banyan tree by the river.

Does uncle gupta still tell
his stories of the monkey prince?

I am sorry to hear that
his eyesight is worse.

I will send money for his
visit to the eye doctor in patna.

I am glad that the monsoons
have come early this year.

When I close my eyes, I can smell
the delicious sweetness of the rain...

And feel the soft
mud between my toes.

How is shushma devi?

Does she still ask about me?

I am glad she didn't
marry paramjit.

Tell her she is
always in my thoughts.

Mother, I leave this up to you.

I am sorry to hear that
brother ravi's import business...

Has gone into bankruptcy.

That is what happens when you
go into business with a pakistani.

Perhaps uncle raman can find
him a job in the shirt factory...

A job with dirty hands
would do ravi good.

Hey, v.j. Hey.

What's that, hieroglyphics?

The lady in the bank... The
b*mb victim... How's she doing?

She's real bad.

Her husband sits and waits
by her bed 24 hours a day.

Don't let me die! Oh, god!

Angel dust is a wonderful drug.

Especially for children.

Don't you think fiscus
has that special glow?

Yeah. It's either
rheumatic fever or love.

Try lust.

Hey, congratulations, dad.


Lillian rogers? Yes.

I'm dr. Fiscus, your
guide and healer. Oh. Hi.

What can I do for
you? She passed out.

We were in our hotel room getting
ready for bed, and she passed out.

I'm fine, really. She came
out of the bathroom,

Her face suddenly went white, and
she went down like a ton of bricks.

- Did you get off
the pot too fast?
- I was washing my face.

Was there a big difference in
temperature between the two rooms?

- No.
- She's never done this at home.

Where's home? Pennsylvania.

What are you doing in boston in
october? The caribbean's not cold enough?

I'm a revolutionary w*r buff.

We're visiting
famous battle sites.

What do you get
out of this? Pewter.

Pewter. Okay. How
long were you out?

Oh, a second or two. It
was 15 seconds, at least.

Do you have any chest pain? No.

Headache? No.

Did you see an aura, a
spot, anything like that? No.

Were you hyperventilating? No.

Do you have any history
of heart trouble? No.

Diabetes? Mm-mmm.

You on any medication? No.

- Having an
extramarital affair?
- What?

Show him the bruise. Oh.

That was from
when I fell, I guess.

Okay, mrs. Rogers.
It could be nothing.

Or? Or it could
be a mild stroke...

Or a silent heart attack.
"Silent heart attack"?

You never know until you
know. Let's take a closer look.

Hello. I'm dr. Morrison.

What's the problem? I got
the itches and my feet hurt.

How long have
you been like this?

Scratchin' a week.

Look. See? The skin's
comin' off. You a doctor?


What about your feet? Have
they been bothering you a while?

A long time.

I just figured it was
old age creeping in on me.

You live here? Shh.
Quiet, arnie. Quiet.

Figure it's something
from the dogs. What dogs?

Oh, strays. We got
strays. We take 'em in.

They protect our stuff.
And they been scratchin'.

Okay. You need a
new pair of shoes.

Hey, the fellas at the shelter would slit
my throat for 'em. Like freddie, right?

No. Freddie fell
asleep in the snow.

Yeah, but they...
They took his shoes.

Yeah, that's right,
arnie. That's right.

Oh, boy.

Can you feel that? No.

You got nice eyes.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

If you can't see into
their eyes, watch it.

Right, corie? Right, arnie.

Can you feel this? No.

Tell me when you can feel it.

Uh, yeah.

Uh, that tingles.

When was the last
time you saw a doctor?

I don't know.

A friend of ralphie
used to be a doctor.

Oh, no, arnie.

He wasn't a doctor. He
just worked in a drugstore.

Oh, yeah. Yeah.

I'll scratch 'em for you, corie.

I'll scratch 'em.
Oh, that's good.

Yeah. Oh, yeah. That's good.

Arnie has the magic touch.
Knows the secret scratch.

Rubs deep, kills itches.

Mrs. Durang, I'm
going to admit you.

I'm going to have them
give you a special bath,

And then the attendant's going
to put some medicine on you.

That will stop the itching.

After that, I want to
get some blood tests...

It's okay. Routine
x-rays, an e.k.g.

I'm worried about the
vessels in your feet.

So I'm going to schedule
some additional tests...

Till we can figure
out how to help you.


You can leave or you can stay, but my
advice to you is you spend the night...

So we can run some
tests on you tomorrow.

Do you know a
doctor in the city? No.

Well, I work here. I'd be
happy to undertake your care.

Oh, that would be fine. Okay,
I'll show you the way to admitting.


Could I have some water too?

I think I don't have any left.

Could I make... Could
I make it cold, please?

Good morning, mrs. Durang.

Oh, it's the doctor
with the nice eyes.

Dr. Morrison.

I never remember names,
but faces I never forget.

Where's my clothes?

Well, we couldn't keep them.

But we're getting
some from the goodwill.

How do you feel this
morning? Itches is gone.

Good. But my feet hurt.

Well, I have some
questions I've gotta ask you.

Okay? Okay.

Uh, you ever get any headaches?

Not since I quit drinkin'.

Oh, but arnie gets
'em. Real bad sometimes.

Lays him out for
a couple of days.

Ever have any
pains in your chest?

No. Oh...

In my gut though... Sometimes.
Yeah? What do you eat?

Well, uh, doughnuts,
piece of sandwich...

I can make a stew out
of the things we find.

And, uh, if arnie gets
a day of sweepin',

Maybe some franks and beans,

And we find stuff
behind restaurants.

Did you ever have any
major operations? Surgery?

A boyfriend broke my jaw once.

I had to have it
wired up. No kidding.

Oh, and I had my tonsils
out when I was a kid.

No. No, I think
maybe that's a dream.

Anybody in your family
have any serious diseases...

Or, uh,

Similar problems
with their feet?

Heart trouble?
Hypertension? Diabetes?

Ooh. Arnie had
something last winter.

Oh, he was real sick.

No, I mean your mother or
father. Were they ever sick?

My mother? She threw
me out when I was 17.

I don't know my
father. I never knew him.

She still alive, your
mother? I don't know.

How about brothers or sisters?

My brother got
k*lled in a car accident.

He was a grocer.

He almost gave me a job once.

Except I came
late, so he didn't.

But he... He was a nice man.

A drinker... Oh, ho, ho.

I know. You're gonna ask
me if I got a sister, right?

Right. Yeah.

My sister hates me.

She lives somewhere
in florida, I think.

She's got a house there,
but she don't got no husband.

I got arnie.

- Mrs. Durang...
- No. Cora. Call me cora.


The vessels in your feet aren't
giving you an adequate supply of blood.

Now, the only way we're
gonna find out what's going on...

Is to inject some dye into the
vessels, and then take some pictures.

- It's called angiography.
- You're gonna make me
radioactive, huh?


You might have some
reaction to the dye,

But usually we can handle that.

See? I read the papers too.

Couple of days late, maybe,

But things don't change
that much that quick.

Do they, dr. Nice eyes?

No, I guess not.

- I'll send somebody to get you.
- Okay.


Hey, jack.

Pete, huh? Hey, hey.

Yeah, pete's a nice
name for a girl.

She'll probably have
red hair and freckles.

Let me ask you something.
Does nina have a mustache?

You know, I had a girlfriend
named fionnella once.

She had one blue
eye, one brown eye,

And her mother was
an alaskan malamute.

Fionnella... Thanks.

Isn't that a beautiful name?

Somebody with a name
like that can do anything.

They could run, field,
hit. Hit with power.

Not like the name cathy. Does
dr. Martin know you dislike her name?

I don't dislike it. I hate
it. I tell her all the time.

Is that one?

It's plain, it's ordinary.

It's the only thing
ordinary about that girl.

"Pete." She'll play the banjo.
- 30, Cafeteria.

12:30. See you.

Mr. Mcallister.

I've been meaning to
look in on your wife.

- How is she?
- She died.

A case history is the most
valuable tool we have.

The more thorough
the case history,

The better our chances are
of finding out what's going on.

Listen to your patients, and they'll
tell you what's wrong with them.

Now, who's up? Mr. Franklin,
ruptured spleen.

Post splenectomy.

Ever have any trouble
with shortness of breath?

Going upstairs, walking? No.

Chest pains? No.

Family history of
heart disease? No.

Any trouble breathing at night?

Do you have to prop
yourself up with pillows?

Well, mrs. Rogers,
I don't think...

What we're dealing with
here is cardiac in origin.

Then it wasn't a heart
attack? Doesn't look like it.

You here on a vacation?
A long weekend.

The kids holding down the fort?

We don't have any children.

Let me run you up to
neurology. Have them do an e.e.g.

You know, in the middle ages...
We're talking ninth, 10th century,

Somewhere in there...

Many times, the
outcome of a, uh, battle...

Was determined by a chess game.

Rather civilized way to conduct
warfare, wouldn't you say?

Warfare isn't civilized.

Your, uh, t*rror1st friends...
They play chess as good as you?

Tell me about the
group you belong to.

I told you already.
Tell me again.

What do you believe in?

Class struggle.
Armed insurrection.

The rights of all oppressed people
to overthrow their oppressors.

- As in innocent people
in a bank?
- Nobody is innocent.

That's a rather conservative point
of view for a radical, don't you think?

Then again, as a product...

Of a traditional,
advantaged family,

It isn't surprising that you
have such a singular view.

We don't want to
change the system.

We want to blow it up...

Schools, airports,
bus stations, banks...

- They're all the same.
- I take it
you've done this before?

And I'll do it again.

And again.

You lack a good, healthy
fear of life, andrew.

That's why it's so easy for
you to take the lives of others.

You have been sheltered
and protected for so long...

That you feel invincible.

Well, that sense
of invincibility...

Is an illusion.

You're a pig, beale.

I am recommending
that they send you...

To walpole correctional.

It's maximum security.

When I get out of here,

I'm gonna off
your mother, beale.

Mrs. Small, please
come to the cashier.

Mrs. Small... Arnie.

Oh, corie, I brung you these.

Oh, arnie.

Ooh, they're beautiful.

Aw. Did you pick
'em yourself? Yeah.

From the cemetery.

Hey, ladies, this is
my husband, arnie.

She can't see.

How are the dogs?

I don't know. I ain't seen 'em. I
slept in the park last night.

What park? Across the street.


What a sweet fella you are.

You slept in the
park all night long?

I didn't sleep so good. That's 'cause
you missed your sweetie, isn't it?

You feeling better now, corie?

Yeah. Itches is all gone.

You know who I saw
in the park? Who?

Big tommy. Big tommy?

I thought he was
still up at roxbury.

They threw him out.
They put him in a room.


How's he doin'? Not so good.

The junkies stole
everything from him.

He was screamin' about it.

Big tommy's a
screamer now? Yeah.

You should have been
there to see it. I wish I was.

Corie... Be careful.
Be careful, arnie.

What? Let's go home.

Oh. I can't. I gotta wait
for the doctor. What for?

'Cause he said so. They're
gonna take pictures of my feet.

I don't like hospitals, corie.

Oh, I know, sweetie. I know.

Did you eat anything
since yesterday?

I forget.

You'd forget your head if it
wasn't screwed on, wouldn't you?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

You hungry?

Why don't you go to the greek's?

Maybe he needs a sweepin' up.
Get yourself a tuna fish sandwich.

Get a tuna fish
sandwich and mayo. Hmm?

Lots of mayo.


Potato salad.

Hot coffee.

I'm not hungry, cora.

How you gonna take care of
your sweetie if you don't eat?

Go on. Go ahead.

Don't worry about me.

After they take pictures,

You and me'll go home.

Promise? Yeah.

Go ahead, hon. Go ahead.

Do you want me to bring
you back part of my sandwich?

Nah, that's okay, sweetie.

I already ate.


Nice alpha waves.

Very nice alpha waves.

Bet she has great dreams.

Yeah, she does.

I haven't see alphas like this
since I worked at berkeley.

Used to send me
yogis all the time.

This one old boy comes in...

He folds his legs,
closes his eyes,

And proceeds to play this
machine like it's a pinball game.

I couldn't believe it.

Could it have been a stroke?

Well, there's nothing
abnormal here.

If it's a stroke,

A part of your brain is
dead, and that shows up.

Might have been a
transient ischemic attack.

What's that?

Was part of her face
droopy after she passed out?

No. Don't worry about it then.

We're all dancing on
the edge, you know.

Little plaque in
your neck arteries,

Palpitation in your heart...

Just long enough for
thrombosis to set in...

Whammo. You got an embolism...
Blood clot in the brain.

If it's your right hemisphere, well,
then maybe it's just your big toe.

But it's your left... You're
totally "gorked" out.

I'd like to have ear, nose and
throat have a look at her...

Just to play it safe.


Why can't you listen
to springsteen?

You know, like a
normal human being?

What is this? Uh, tea.

From darjeeling. My
mother sent it to me...

Along with the pictures.

What's that, your family? Yes.

They live in the country, huh?

In a village near patna.

We're the leading family.

Who's this, your granddad?

Uh, my great-uncle.
He's a swami.

Is this you? Yes.

My mother made me
dress up like that.

- You had a jewish mother, huh?
- A real yenta.

- How do you know about yentas?
- Woody allen.



Who's this? Uh, my cousin.

She have a phone number?

You have any more pictures? Yes.

Dr. Martin on the dunk for two.

Hi, wayne. Hi.

- What is that thing? Gall bladder?
- Liver.

I hate liver... Unless
it's covered with onions.

Bad joke. What
are you doing here?

Nothing much. I just, uh...

I finished my daily constitutional,
and on such a lovely day...

A young man's fancy
naturally turns to pathology.

Would you help me out
with the retractor. Oh, sure.

Right here. There?


You know what? I had a
terrific time last night.

Where'd you learn
all those rope tricks?

I never met an ambidextrous
pathologist before.

- It's too bad they
canceled the gong show.
- Are you teasing me?

No. I had a really
terrific time. I mean it.

Me too.


I had a dream about you
after you left last night.

I don't remember it exactly,

Except that I woke up laughing.

No, not that kind of funny.
I... I felt good about it.

About you. You made me laugh.

So, uh, I was thinking...

That if you're free tonight, uh,

They got to have or
have not on the tube,

And I was figuring I'd, uh, fix up
a batch of eggplant parmigiana.

I got a case of jiffy
pops in the freezer.

I was gonna roll up some oregano
and, uh, have a pretty decent time.

It's no big deal.

What did she mean by that?

That would make it two nights in
a row we'd be seeing each other.

It's no big deal. So
what do you say?

- Okay.
- Okay!

All right. Great.

Terrific. Uh, see
you around 8:00.

- Should I bring
anything, wayne?
- High heels.

Hello. Dr. Westphall.

Just noticing your
native plant poster.

Yeah. My daughter
elizabeth gave me that.

She thinks my
office is too stark.

You garden? Well, I try.

Every year I try.
It's a family thing.

You're married? No.
Just me and the kids.

Viola tricolor.

No, I think that's
johnny-jump-up, isn't it?

that's what it is. You got it.

My wife katherine and I went
to college in new hampshire.

There was a section of the campus
where we used to play touch football...

That was bordered by
footsteps-of-spring... Hundreds of them.

I remember this one
sunday... We were playing.

Katherine was the
quarterback on the other team,

And as she faded back,

I came in from the right... From
the blind side... And she didn't see me.

She looked so hopeful...

Scanning the field, looking
for somebody to throw to.

Almost didn't want
to disturb her,

But it was a one-in-a-million
shot, and I took it.

Caught her just below the hip,

And we both went flying
into the footsteps-of-spring.

I would like her body
flown home to minnesota.

Dr. Savalar to n.i.c.u.
Dr. Savalar to n.i.c.u.

What are you doing?

I'm going to the bathroom.
Not here, you're not.

Come on. Zip up.


How many paper clips
did you swallow, todd?

Okay. Let's just go up to
x-ray and see about that.

Okay. Come on, boy.

Nurse barrows to c.c.u.

Nurse barrows to c.c.u.

Guess you better
switch to jogging.

Your mom know you're
wearing that jacket?

Okay, where's it hurt? My back.

I was getting out of my car and
I got this sharp pain in my back.

Do you have any history
of back trouble? No.

Okay, take off your
jacket and let me see.

- This the spot?
- Yeah.

Looks like you've been shot.

Yup. Where you goin'?

Hey, thanks, man.
You don't understand.

You wanna die? Hey, man, I'm
on parole. I just did three of 10.

My parole officer find out
I been shot, I finish the 10.

Yeah, that b*llet may have penetrated your
intestines. That's what we call serious.

I'll take my chances. Just
sit down. Just sit down.

Come on. Maybe we can work
something out. Okay? Just sit down.

Now, uh, did you
give your real name?

- Dummy.
- Man, I told you
I didn't know I was shot.

Well, what were you
doing? I was at the library.

That book must have
been pretty overdue.

Come on. Man, I had some
business with some friends.

So? "So"? So these friends
are criminally affiliated.

You understand
what I'm saying, man?

They send me back for that
with or without a b*llet.

Well, who shot you? I
don't know who shot me, man.

If I knew who shot me, I wouldn't
be sitting here chatting with you.

Come on, buddy. You're not
gonna make it. Man, just let me...

You're not gonna... Please,
just stay. Okay. Charley!


You ain't no real cop.

I'm big as one.

Okay, everything... Nurse?

Nurse, uh, b*llet
wound, lower back.

May have "perfed" the abdomen. Get an
i.v. Into him. Check his urine for blood.

Get some abdominal x-rays.
See where that b*llet is.

You ever see so many pretty
ladies, like they got in this book?

Huh? I like her.

Yeah, I bet you do.

Oh, look at that dress.

Oh! I bet that
cost a bundle, huh?

Oh, but there's
not that much to it.

Got a nice smile.

You know why these
ladies are smiling, arnie?

No. I'll tell you why.

'Cause they got
their good looks,

They got their nice, big houses,

They got plenty of dough in
the bank and they got their joes.

That's why. You got your joe.

Yeah. Come here.

Aren't you gonna finish
your sandwich, arnie?

I'm gonna give it to the dogs.

Time to get your
picture taken, cora.

Hi, arnie.

Picture taken for what?

They're gonna take
x-rays of my feet.

They wanna see what
they look like inside. Why?

'Cause that's what
the doctor ordered.

Go home, sweetie. It's okay.

I got to? Yeah.

You gotta feed the dogs.

Our dogs can wait, cor. No.
They'll be jumpin' and barkin'...

Like the last time
when you didn't feed 'em.

Oh, yeah. I remember.

Go ahead. Go ahead, arnie.

I'm gonna give 'em my
tuna fish sandwich.

That's very nice of you,
arnie. Do they like tuna fish?

They love it. Lots of mayo.

What are you gonna
give me before you go?

Come back real soon. Okay.

Bye, nurse lady.
Good-bye, arnie.

Okay. Put this over here.

So arnie didn't
want to leave, huh?

No, and it's tough on him...

'Cause hospitals scare the
hell out of him. Why is that?

When he was a kid he saw his
family burn up in a house fire,

And they put him up
with his aunt and uncle,

But he kept acting out, so they
put him away in the loony park.

And 25 years later,
when the money ran out,

They put him back on the street.

He couldn't even
talk when he came out.

I think it's all those
shock treatments...

And brain-k*lling dr*gs.

How did you meet? Oh, on comm
avenue, about two years ago.

He was standing
on the curb, yelling.

At you? Oh, no. At everybody.

Then we went to the mission.

It was a nice place then. You
know, you could meet a fella,

You know, and
have a conversation.

It was terrific.

You can hear the vibration? Yes.

Now tell me when
the sound is gone.

Hear it now? Yes.

Relax your neck.

Ever feel dizzy? No.

Have any ear pain?
Hear ringing? No.

Has your hearing
changed recently? No.

Well, your sinus
x-rays are normal.

Hearing and balance are fine.
Drums and canals are okay.

You use ear swabs? Yes.

Don't. They just pack it in.

Have you had your eyes
checked recently? No.

Let me send you
upstairs for a look, okay?




Little ostio in here, but
otherwise they look normal to me.

Well, the angiography
showed severe obstructions.

I presented the case
to a vascular guy,

And we reviewed the sinase,

And he agreed the only option...

Was a bilateral
amputation at the ankles.

Hmm. Well, given her history,
I'd have to agree with him.


Well, thanks,
dr. Westphall. Okay.

Mrs. Jenner...

Oh, dr. Nice eyes.

You get the pictures so fast?


So? Figure out what
give me the itches?

The itchiness was
caused by scabies and lice.

I'm afraid what the angiography
and the x-rays show is more serious.

It's that bad, huh? Yeah.

How bad?

The infection in the tissue...

Has spread from your
toes to your whole foot.

We can't save them.

He's just like a big little
kid, that arnie, you know?

He can't take care of himself.

Your feet have to
be amputated, cora.

Otherwise the infectious
process will continue,

And the gangrene will spread.

There's nothing else
we can do to stop it.

You understand, cora?



I wish there... Oh...

Dr. Nice eyes... Hey,
don't worry about me.

Cora can take a punch.

It's okay.

Dr. Zelig, 5-2-1-6.

Dr. Zelig, 5-2-1-6.

- What are you staring at?
- Katherine mcallister's dead.


The lady that was in the
bank when your b*mb went off.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

Talk about being in the
wrong place at the wrong time.

It's wild.

Get your stuff together. We're
moving you to the jail ward tonight.








Hey, arnie.

Hey, it's okay. It's okay.

Everything's okay.


Here, come here.

Come here, arnie. It's okay.

It's okay. Shh, shh, shh.

It's okay. Corie?

Everything's okay. Corie?

Corie! Corie! Shh, shh, shh.

But I told you they were gonna
take pictures of my feet, didn't i?

Yeah. What're you making a big
to-do and upsetting everybody?

I forgot. Aw, you'd
forget your head...

If it wasn't screwed on to your
shoulders, wouldn't you? Yeah.

Where were you, anyway?
I went to the shelter.

I went to look for frankie.
He owes me a dollar.

He pay you? No, he
said maybe tomorrow.

Yeah, sure. Who smacked you?

Huh? Who smacked you?

You got a big
thing on your head.

That damn charley
hit me with a bottle.

Don't you have the sense to run?

Didn't hurt much.

They take your blood.

They put it in bottles...

And they sell it, corie.

That's not blood, arnie.

That's medicine.

Doctor said I'm
very sick, arnie.

Dr. Nice eyes said my
feet gotta be cut off.

My feet are dead and
they're just poisoning my legs.

You understand me?

This is what they do, corie.

This is what they do.

No. It's not the
hospital's fault.

I could have run from charley.

I could have run.


Corie, please, let's go home.

I'll soak your feet.
I'll... I'll take care of you.

Please, corie?
Please, let's go home.

They're gonna cut off my feet!

Don't you understand anything?

You can't go running around
like a chicken without a head,

Because I can't chase
after you no more.

I could have run.

I could have run.


Go tell the nurse
to give you my things.

And scare her if she don't.

Kissinger said it was power,

The marquis de sade
favored whips and chains,

Samuels claims it's a 30-to-1
shot at suffolk downs...

And speaking for myself and
the urban psychiatric institute,

The greatest aphrodisiac
in the history of man...

Is high heels. Baloney.

That ranks second.

Thought guys like you
were supposed to be tough.

It barely penetrated
your muscle.

The surgeon said he could have
pulled it out with his fingers.

Goin' back to jail
because of you, man.

So it's my fault now you got
shot? Society's no longer to blame?

If you hadn't have got me so
excited, I could have made it.

Yeah, to your car, maybe.

I think they must have
shot me through the window.

Hanging around with
the wrong crowd.

So what do you do anyhow, huh?

Secret agent, right?

- Yeah. Secret agent.
- See you later.

Who's winning? I am.

What's the verdict?
Well, our tests indicate...

You're a perfectly
healthy 13-year-old girl.

- She's okay?
- We can't find anything wrong,

- Except that
you need glasses.
- Oh, I know.

And we don't know
why you passed out.

My advice to you is that you see your
family doctor as soon as you get home.

We'll send him our results, and
he'll probably give you a stress test...

And put you on a
cardiac treadmill.

More tests? More tests.

Well, I certainly made
a mess of our vacation.

Nonsense. It's more important
to me that you're okay.

Let's just think of
it as... An adventure?


Can I help you? Lillian
rogers... Checking out.

Takes just a moment.

This is your bill.

- Oh, my god.
- What, george?

You're kidding. $1,380.90?

Looks fine to me.

1,300... There goes my pewter.

I think I'm going to be sick.

Lucky for you your wife wasn't.

Dr. Tynan to obstetrics.

Dr. Tynan to obstetrics.


Where are you going?

Home. Cora, you can't leave.

Arnie, go wait
over there for me.

No, it's okay. It's okay.

I'm all right. Go ahead.

It's all right.

Look. You're a nice guy and I
know this hurts your feelings...

No, my feelings have
nothing to do with it.

Don't you understand?

It's only a matter of time
before the infection spreads.

I understand. Your feet
have to be amputated.

Come here.

I can't be lying around
up here. I got a homelife.

I gotta take care of him.

Look at your feet, cora.
You can barely walk.

I can walk fine.

Arnie's not gonna be put back in
any damn institution, you hear me?

If you don't get treatment,
you're not gonna live out the year.

My mother swore
I'd never see 30.

I'm only trying
to help you, cora.


You're handsome,
and you're smart,

And you played all your
cards just the right way.

I'm old, and I'm tired.

And I have made every kind
of mistake a woman can make.

And the only thing I got...

That loves me... Is that man.

Who's gonna take care of him while I'm
lying around here getting renovated?

Besides, these dead old feet are
more bother to you than they are to me.

So I think I'll keep 'em.

Thank you very much.

You'll die.

Maybe you're wrong.
You ever think of that?

I'm not wrong.

Well, if you're not,

It's no big loss.

You can still change your mind.

Maybe I will.

Maybe I will.

They ought to put a
wrecking ball to this place.

It's a dump. I'd be doing
you a favor if I blew it up.

Hey, uh, sambo.

Take it nice and slow. I
wanna enjoy the view.

Hey, where is the
jail ward, anyway?

Up or down?

Hey, don't worry. Nobody's gonna
bust me out of your jail ward.

Nobody has to.

