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01x08 - Tweety and Ralph

Posted: 04/23/24 21:35
by bunniefuu
- Previously on st. Elsewhere.
- It is legionnaires' disease.

- What would that mean?
- The hospital would be closed.

I'm really not in the market for
a car, mark. Not a car, a classic.

Some guy named
barnum wants to buy it.

No, he doesn't.
You see, I'm barnum.

And now she's three
months' pregnant.

She's only been out of
here for two months.

They're building a nest.

I can see that. And she's
gonna have a baby in there.

♪ Blackbird singing
in the dead of night ♪

Tonight on st. Elsewhere.
But a "coming out"

Party because she's
having a hysterectomy?

That's just leslie's way
of dealing with things.

Or do you wait till he's in love
with you or you're in love with him?

Then spring it on him, "I've
had this hysterectomy."

Well, I refuse to raise our
child in an open-top nest.

Do you think ralph is able
to function in the world?

- Yes, I do.
- Barnum?

I, uh, made him up.

Hey, how do you know so much
about birds, ralph? I am a bird.

Anything else? The
angina pectoris in 438.

Mm-hmm. He's talking gibberish.

It's portuguese.
He's from angola. Oh.

I just thought he was
nuts. Get some sleep.

Another message from barnum.

Dr. Pat barnum?

Says if he doesn't hear from me soon, he'll
assume I sold the car to somebody else.


Ever hear of a barnum? Sorry?

Why do I talk to this guy?

I don't get it. I've been
sending bogus messages...

From barnum to craig all week long,
but I didn't send any message this morning.

What... You? I don't believe it.

What are you
doing, huh? Surprise.

It's a little twisted if you
ask me. Nobody asked you.

Well, I've never been accused
of being too conservative,

But a "coming out" party because
she's having a hysterectomy?

That's just leslie's way
of dealing with things.

It's still twisted.
Besides, I wasn't invited.

Luther, don't push yourself too hard.
We only have 40 extra patients, you know.

I didn't get to
sleep till 5:00 a.m.

5:00? It's the nightlife
that's gonna k*ll you.

What's in that
box? Oh, uh, wine.

What are those holes?
You letting it breathe?

Oh, luther, come
on. Go get some rest.

Uh, I gotta see somebody.

Well, we need another
orderly à la carte.

I'll call the maître d'.

Good morning. What are you doing
lying in bed on such a beautiful day?

You should be out
walking. You finished? Yeah.

I'm being consumed
by my own appetite.

All I do is eat, and when I'm
not eating I think about food.

How much have you
gained? Four pounds.

Oh, that's nothing. You know
what I gained when I was pregnant?

Forty-five. You
gained 45 pounds?

Yep. Hold this.

Yeah, that was my first
marriage. I was mrs. Eisenberg then.

You know, I'd never even
seen potato latkes before.

They were wonderful. Cheese
blintzes, lots of sour cream.

I got so fat I couldn't
get my wedding ring off.

And my feet
swelled up two sizes.

But the worst thing about
getting so fat is stretch marks.

What can you do?
Well, eat sensibly.

In your case,
probably eat enough.

And exercise. Every day?

Mm-hmm, morning and night.

Okay. And enjoy being pregnant.

I envy you. Sure
doesn't sound like it.

I do.

Right after you left
for cabo san lucas,

Another patient came
down with similar symptoms,

So I didn't wait to hear from
atlanta, I closed down the ward.

Cummings is quite upset.

He's a good man, you know.
I know. Just doing his job.

It's a very difficult and in
some ways unrewarding job.

I wasn't being facetious.

Have we found the source
of contamination? No, not yet.

We checked the air-conditioning
and heating units. They're all clear.

Ventilation? Nothing.

Hmm. No stone
unturned. Let's hope not.

Okay. Off to the wards?

Fighting the good
fight. Dr. Chandler?

You're a doctor, right? Right.

Okay. Let me ask you a question.
You know how sometimes...

Something can go wrong
with you in your body,

But it's not really
comin' from your body,

But coming from your
mind? Psychosomatic.

Right. Psychosomatic. Mm-hmm.

If a person can have
this problem, can, like,

Other things have psychosomatic
problems? Things? What other things?

Well, like, plants and animals
and other things like that.

You mean, would plants and
animals have psychological problems?

Yeah. You mean like
do dogs get depressed?

Yeah. That's very
interesting, luther.

Yeah? Oh, yeah, there's been
a lot of discussion about it.

You see, it seems logical that
where there's brain activity...

You would suffer from some
sort of psychological problems.

Doc, plants don't have brains.

That's right. But dogs do.

And horses do and cows do.

And pigeons.

Look, luther, are you going to stand here
and ask me about every animal in the zoo?

I got a lot of patients
to see. I understand, doc.

Just carry on. Thanks
a lot. I appreciate it.

And I know patients are more
important than pigeons. Thank you, doc.

Patrick and I went sailing up the
coast to bar harbor last weekend.

Hey. How'd you manage that?

I got carol to cover
for me. I don't believe this.

Annie cavanero actually chooses personal
pleasure over professional responsibility?

This mcfarland guy
must be something else.

You know what he did? What?

There's a nine-year-old girl,
tammy plummer, up in traction,

Heartbroken because she can't
play on the school soccer team.

I told patrick about
her the other night.

The next day he shows
up in her room, spends

Two hours telling her
about lobster fishing.

Now she's got a crush on him.
Sounds like she's not the only one.

I envy you, cavanero. You?

The man with a girl
in every on-call room?

I haven't felt like that
since I was married.

Graduated from
dartmouth, accepted at ucla,

In love with the most
beautiful woman in the world.

And chateaugay won the
kentucky derby, paid off 10-to-1.

That's what I like about you, ben. Deep
down you're just a sentimental guy.

Hi, leslie. What do you think?

Very festive. Good.

How you feeling?

I'm ready for the hysterectomy
if that's what you mean.

Everything set? First
thing in the morning.

You promise I'm only
gonna be in here a week?

Maybe less. Thanks for the
tickets to last night's performance.

How was it? Oh, wonderful.

But your friend victoria
can't dance like you.

Says who? Me.

You never saw me dance.
That's all right. I can tell.

I have a very artistic eye,
in case you haven't noticed.

Not to mention the fact
that I was a semifinalist...

In the larchmont junior
high twist contest in 1964.

Coming to my party?

Can I bring my chubby
checker records?

See ya.


Thief! Now cut it out, ralph!

Conspirateur! Voleur!
Quit it, ralph. Ralph, quit it!

Conspirateur! I'm gonna
get you for this, ralph!

Nuts to you, bill! Nuts to you!

Hey, hey, hey, what's
going on here?

He won't come down,
dr. Beale. I tried going

Up, but he keeps
throwing things at me.

Tweezers, thermometers. He
hit me in the head with a bedpan.

Those things hurt. Ralph, what
in the hell are you doing up there?

Building a nest, beale. What
does it look like I'm doing?

Look at the junk
he's got up there.

That's a very
impressive nest, ralph.

Look at that, bill. That
is one impressive habitat.

You building that
nest for you and jane?

He's building a
nest for his sweetie.

Ralph and jane, they're
gonna have chicks.

Look, I don't care. I got
orders to get rid of that thing.

What if I can convince
him to relocate it?


Ralph, would you consider
relocating the nest?

Would you ask shah jahan
to move the taj mahal?

He won't move it,
bill. Well, he's got to.

Move it or lose it, ralph.

Don't give me that!
Pompidou, j'accuse!

Cuban speculators are buying up
all the "e" tickets at disneyworld!

Calm down, ralph.
Provocateur! Defoliator!

Free rachel
carson! Ralph! Ralph!

Bill. Huh?

Exactly why do we
have to move the nest?

All I know is what my
supervisor told me.

Why couldn't we take a little
ecological license and leave it.

I can't do that, dr. Beale. Just
until things are straightened out.

I'll take full responsibility.

Nicolette says to me, "I
ain't gonna use no i.u.d.

"My sister used an i.u.d., And
she got pregnant anyway.

"And when the baby was born,

He had the i.u.d. In his hand."

Now how you gonna argue
with something like that, huh?

Is there any way for leslie
to avoid the hysterectomy?

No. She's got stage
two cervical carcinoma.

Who's the attending? Allinson.

The master of the soft touch.

He adopts the authoritative,
fatherly tone. Drives me nuts.

He's always so quick
to take everything out.

"Why does she need a
uterus? She's got enough kids."

"No more periods.
She'll thank me."

My mother had her
ovaries removed.

The doctor told her to, so she
did it without asking any questions.

She got old real
quickly after that.

The lack of estrogen caused
her to go into early menopause.

Male g.y.n.'S don't always emphasize
the difference in a pap smear...

Between inflammatory
reaction and neoplasia.

And they can't understand why a
woman won't come to them electively...

When they knows how rough he's
going to treat her during the examination.

You know, I really like leslie.

She's... I don't know. I just feel
like we have this real rapport.

I can see us being good friends. I just
hate to see her go through all this.

I'll tell you something, annie.

You know, if things
were reversed,

And it was men
facing castration,

We'd see a hell of a
lot fewer operations.

Victor, how are you? Why
the books? Craig's lecture.

It's on pediatric
cardiac surgery, and I

Know he's going to try
to put me on the spot.

Three textbooks worth
of this stuff, okay?

He's gonna try to
nail me, I know it.

Well, do what I used
to do in college.

You see, you take the
offensive. Find some

Hidden intelligent
question in there to ask him.

Dr. Craig answers it, thinking
you must know everything,

If you've got brains enough to
have asked something so obscure.

You think so? Trust me.

But if I were you, I'd
ask dr. Barnum. Barnum?

He's the only one who can understand
the complexities of a case like this.

Dr. Craig. How
are you, uh, today?

Sorry, dr. Craig. Excuse me.


So a bird's nest... Of course
they vary with the species...

I'm talking about your round
or open-top nest, like a robin's,

Not your closed structured
one like a marsh wren's.

Anyway, I'm convinced
that every open-top nest...

Is built according to the
same algebraic formula...

Than an engineer uses
to calculate stress.

You worked out the formula?
Right. Exactly. That's what I'm saying.

And you know why there's been so much
speculation and argument back and forth?

I mean, this has been a
hot issue for 25 years.

Why? Because nobody has actually
bothered to build a nest before.

They took them apart, and they
built structures like nests before.

But I built one.

It uses materials readily
available from the environment,

And it was constructed by one
individual within a time frame...

To allow for the
incubation of eggs.

Well, I refuse to raise our
child in an open-top nest.

Not even for science? Not even.

How about a two-story,
wood-framed house in essex...

With a bird feeder
on the back porch?

You got a deal.

Screech owl got a snake!

Henry's got an owl fixation.

Hey, ralph. Luther.

You know my mate, jane.
Oh, sure. How could I forget?

Hey, remember what
we were talking about?

Can you give me a hint? Julius.

I think it's a
psychological problem.

Ah, yes, julius, the
paragon of pigeons.

What's up? Can you
follow me for a second?

À bientôt, my little chickadee.

Shh, shh. Okay. Okay.

Close it easy.

Help me move some
of this stuff. Okay.

Everything will be all right.

Oh, look at him, ralph.

Look at the poor guy.

I know who did this
too... Pico martinez.

He'd been sneakin' into my
coop, sabotaging my pigeons.

He's been prancin' up
and down the block,

Braggin' about my pigeons
doing the fastest practice time.

And he said my
days are numbered.

There ain't a bird in the
state that can take on julius.

These guys, they have no feel for the
sport, no tradition. You know what I mean?

Guys like that are just in it
for the money, pure and simple.

I mean pico, if a bird starts slowin'
down, he throws him right into the street.

I mean, the bird could have
flown its heart out for the man.

His feathers are all dried out.

When did he last preen?

Three, four days. He
hasn't done anything.

I've been force-feeding him
sugar water for the last two days.

Do you got any
mercurochrome and mineral oil?

Also some cotton
swabs. Cotton swabs.

Speak to ralph.

It'll be okay.

You see, this guy pico, he
knows this guy hernandez.

He lives about
four buildings down.

He climbs over the fire escape, over
the roof, and he looks into my coop.

He's been spying on my birds,
trying to steal my training program.

See, I got this secret
vitamin formula.

I willed it to my cousin leroi. And when
I die, he gets it, and not a day before.

Unless I get outta
the sport altogether,

And I might do that if
julius doesn't make it.

Goin' down with the
champ, so to speak. Mm-hmm.


A thorn. Yeah.

It got embedded between the scapula
and the humerus. He couldn't get to it.

Hmm, poor guy. Dyin' of pain.

He stopped eating
so he'd die faster.

They like to get it over with.

They'll fly into a wall
if they could find a wall.

Listen to that.

Hey, how you know so
much about birds, ralph?

I am a bird. A bird.

Yeah, I bet you've been missing
that updraft down by the harbor.

A sharp left and
you're home free.

The tetralogy of fallot was one
of the most frequent and serious...

Congenital cardiac malformations
commonly accompanied by cyanosis.

It was one of the first
congenital heart lesions...

To yield a highly successful
palliative operation.

Uh, yes. Don't infants
with tetralogy of fallot...

Usually manifest distress
shortly after birth...

And succumb unless an
operation is performed?

That's right, ehrlich.

And I'm sure you're aware that
cyanosis isn't normally present at birth.

Yes, sir.

And why is that? Why? Yes, um...

Ehrlich? Yes, um...

Can you tell me why cyanosis
isn't normally present at birth?

Yes. Uh, yes.

And no. Uh...

The answer to that
question, dr. Ehrlich,

Stems from a
landmark operation...

Performed in 1944 by
blalock and taussig.

The first successful systemic
pulmonary artery anastomosis.

You moron. Did you think I
wouldn't know a loaded question?

Residents have been trying to
get away with that kind of crap...

Ever since semmelweis
first washed his hands.

I'm disappointed.

I thought you were
better than that.

Anyone else wanna pick up the
ball dr. Ehrlich just fumbled?

How about you, chandler?

Um, in most children,

Cyanosis isn't present at birth
because of persistent ductus arteriosus.

As the child gets older, dyspnea
on exertion usually follows.

Very good.

Now a characteristic
position, such as squatting,

Is then assumed
to relieve fatigue.

Now this position has great
diagnostic significance...

And is highly characteristic
of tetralogy of fallot.

Dr. Barnum to i.c.u.

Dr. Pat barnum to i.c.u.

It usually produces
an increase...

In the systemic arterial
oxygen saturation.

Cyanosis of the lips and
nail beds is apparent and...


And, uh, the patient might
appear to be smaller...

Than you would assume
from his or her age.

Uh, excuse me. Uh, doctor?
Are you... Hey, are you barnum?

Hey, dr. Barnum! Wait a minute!

Jane. Hi.

You look... Pretty as a picture.

How are you feeling? Wonderful.

Good. I wish I could say
it was something I did.

I think you're ready to
check out of the hospital.

You do? Dr. Morrison says...

There's no medical reason
that you can't be released.

Besides we have a closed ward, and there
are some sick people who need the beds.

I'd like to stay a while longer.

I just don't... I
don't feel ready.

Does this have anything
to do with ralph?

I don't want to
leave him. I see.

Dr. Beale,

When I first checked in
here, I couldn't talk to people.

I couldn't even look into a
person's eyes. I was scared.

I felt like a shell
with nothing inside.

Ralph helped me.

He made me feel full, and
I don't just mean the baby.

I can't leave him here.

Do you think ralph is able
to function in the world?

Yes, I do.

You know, I could swear that I
heard a scarlet tanager's mating call...

Coming from room
609 this morning.

He just does that for a
joke. He doesn't mean any harm.

You and I know that. But what
if ralph is on a crowded bus,

Rush hour, and suddenly he gets the
urge to be a short-billed dowitcher?

He wouldn't do it. Not then.

Or he sees a construction
worker up on a girder.

I don't think the guy would
appreciate being pelted by a bald eagle.

He wouldn't do that, dr. Beale.

It's rough out there,
jane. You know that.

Ralph's an extraordinary
person. He has a remarkable mind.

He's brilliant, no denying
that. Maybe even a genius.

He graduated summa
cum laude from m.i.t.

Facts like that
can be misleading.

When he was 19, he
designed an entire computer

System for kirkwood-moore

Jane, I'm not arguing with you.

I'm simply trying to tell
you that even a genius...

Sometimes cannot handle
the day-to-day problems.

He couldn't before.
But now he's got me.

And he'll have the baby. And that
makes all the difference in the world.

Can you take care of
yourself, the baby and ralph?

We deserve a chance.

Everybody deserves a chance.

How about if I take you
and ralph to dinner?

Have you ever eaten
fresh green linguine?

You mean for a test?

The last time ralph
had a day pass,

He didn't come back for a week.

When he did, he was unconscious.

He slit his wrists.

I don't think ralph is
ready to take on the world.

But, as you say, everyone
deserves a chance.

So, how about it?


Thank you.

The sun kept getting
hotter, beat down on me,

Till my face started to feel
like an old leather pouch.

But I still held
on to that pole.

My knuckles kept getting
whiter as I held tight.

A couple of times I thought he'd
pull me into the water after him.

But then, whoosh, he flew out
of that sea foam like a rocket...

And bam, landed
right in the boat.

For a long time after
that, we... We lay there,

The sailfish and i, panting.

I spent the rest of my stay at cabo
san lucas flat on my back in a beach chair.

But I got him. I got him. When
are we gonna see him mounted?

I'm afraid I'm
getting softhearted.

I threw him back.
I had no choice.

He had the look
of a grandfather.

Yes, alisa.

Disease control in atlanta.

Greg. Well...

Oh, you did. That's wonderful.

That's terrific news.
Thank you, sir. All of you.

We owe you one. You
bet. Good-bye. Thanks.

They found the source of
the legionnaires'. Where was it?

One of the heads in the
auxiliary shower just off ward 5.

It's only used for
patient overflow. Got it.

Let's reopen the ward. You bet.

Oh, boy, what a monkey
off the back, huh? Phew!

How'd you get
ralph to move this?

I promised him he
could have it in his room.

Well, let's see. He stole
2,100 tongue depressors,

5,400 Cotton balls, seven
dozen gauze bandages.

How long did it take
him to build this thing?

Fifty-three hours.
It was an experiment.

It was a felony. He finally
figured out how birds do it.

Apparently. Make nests, I mean.

So two psychiatric patients
got together to lay eggs.

Not exactly the
way mother planned.

No. But I don't know.
I've seen a lot of kids...

With everything in the
world going for them,

And some of them
are pretty screwed up.

You really can't tell who's going to be
the best parent or the best kid, can you?

No. Seems to me jane's own
instincts are gonna save her.

Dr. Morrison to i.c.u.

Hello, mrs. Craig. I think
dr. Craig's in surgery.

Yes, yes, I know.
Uh, excuse me. Sure.

I'll pick you up
at 7:30, okay? Ben?

Ellen, hi. How are you?
I need to talk to you.

Sure. Is there
someplace private?

Um, the lounge okay?

Sure. Good.

So, uh, what's up?

Mark still giving you grief
about learning russian?

I wanna talk to you
about barnum. Who?

Dr. Pat barnum.

Oh, yeah, right. He's
a good man, I'm told.

You're barnum. And
don't try to deny it.

There's a sucker born every
minute, but I'm not one of them.

Mark wouldn't be one either
if he had any kind of memory.

Like the time you had the
nurses set up an abdominal tray...

Instead of a cardiac
tray for a triple bypass.

Okay, let me tell you
what's been going on...

Since dr. Barnum
entered our lives.

Mark spent all day
saturday and sunday...

Washing, polishing,
vacuuming that car,

Just in hopes that
dr. Barnum would materialize.

Last night he spent three hours trying
to get the ping out of the cylinders.

I'm sorry. Yesterday
he cut his hand.

You know how that
can scare a surgeon?

He's obsessed, ben,

And I'm here to tell
you it's gone far enough.

I'm sorry.

I'll, uh... I'll tell him.

Thank you.

My stomach's been in knots. I
was afraid I'd have to be the one.

Probably because you smoke
too much. You want some coffee?

Must be intermission.
They're getting her ready.

It won't take long. Would you like
me to get you a chair, mrs. Stevenson?

Oh, no, thank you. I'm fine.

She's my only daughter.

She's always been
so full of life.

I remember when she
first learned to talk,

She'd go around the house saying everything
she was doing out loud, you know.

Like, "now leslie's
going up the stairs,

And this is the first stair."

"Now leslie's taking her
bath in the big bathtub."

She shared everything.

One time she said...
She was only two...

She said, "I'm happy
in the big world."

It was good for me, you know.

Because I've never had such
a positive outlook myself.

She can always
adopt, mrs. Stevenson.

She won't though. I
know the way she is.

This will settle it for her.

You younger women,
you want your careers.

Maybe you think
children are a burden.

It's not that i-i
want grandchildren,

It's just that nothing can
bring so much joy into your life.


Now she'll never know that.

That's why she
can act like this.

She just doesn't know.

It's nothing serious
it's just the flu.

Or as we refer to it affectionately,
a minor upper respiratory infection.

I'll give him some
antibiotics and he should

Be running around like
a banshee by morning.

It shouldn't be long. Why
don't you have a seat? Thanks.

Mr. Carmichael, x-ray.
Mr. Carmichael, x-ray.

Have you figured out what's
wrong with me yet? Yep.

You got pac-man fever.

I'm gonna give you some medicine
that'll keep speedy off your tail.

Doctor, could I speak to
you for a moment, privately?

Of course, nurse. Meet me in
the on-call room in 15 minutes.


What is that?

Come, come, even at
tucson nursing college,

I'm sure they taught you the
rudimentary facts of the male anatomy.

In case you don't know,
doctor, it being your first year,

g*ns aren't allowed
in the hospital.

Well, tell that to patients. I
had a "gomer" in here yesterday...

With a sawed-off shotgun.
This isn't funny, fiscus.

I know. I'm wearing it for
protection, yours as well as mine.

Don't you see enough b*llet
holes in this place as it is?

Look, I'm not gonna use it
unless it's absolutely necessary.

Here, hold it.

Not bad, huh?

What do you think?


You better get rid of it.

Just think. Is there anything
you don't like about restaurants?

Hey, let's go check out
the nest. What do you say?

No. This is ridiculous.

I'm not eliza doolittle, and we're
not going to the hungarian ball.

We're having dinner with a psychiatrist
who doesn't know cannelloni from camembert.

And he wants to test me!

If you think about it before
it happens, it won't be scary.

I'm a scientist,
not a birdbrain.

Believe me, I won't cut my
artichoke with a knife and fork.

And I'm not scared.

I am.

Come on, ralph. Please.

Pretend I'm the waiter. Why?

So I won't be scared.

Do you want me to be scared?

All I ever wanted is for
you to be strong and happy.

Okay. But let me be the waiter.

Our specials tonight
are scungilli marinara,

Oysters in garlic butter...

And scampi il trovatore.


Spaghetti? Mm-hmm.

Madam, if you want spaghetti,
you can go to the supermarket.

We serve pasta. Oh.

May I suggest our house
specialty, octopus verdi.


♪ 'Cause I only
have arms for you ♪

Prego. Pronto. Presto.
Molto dolore, amore mio.

If you don't want to
do it, we don't have to.

I was only having some fun.

Is there something wrong with having
fun now, or is that against the law too?

Along with laughing and talking too
loud, unless you're at a baseball game.

What's my next test, huh?

Do you want me to walk across
the b.u. Bridge without jumping off?

Hey, I'm sorry.

You should be.

Don't worry. I won't screw up.

Promise me. I promise.

Spare me the explanations.

You get him to stop smoking
and to start exercising,

Or else the next time we
meet will be at his wake.

Now good day.

Uh, mark, you got
a minute? What?

I'd like... I'd like
to talk to you.

Make it snappy, ben. I'm busy.

It's about barnum.


The reason why you've been
having trouble reaching him...

Is that, uh, he doesn't
exist. Who doesn't exist?

Barnum. What do you mean?

I, uh, made him up.

Made him up?

Yep. Why would you
do a thing like that?

Well, it was a...
Sort of a joke.

I'm sorry. I guess I should
apologize. No, no, don't.

I mean, I know I
made you feel stupid.

Oh, boy, you really got
me this time, samuels.


I really went for it, didn't i?

Um, hook, line and sinker.

Well, it's funny, right?

Well, I'm glad you see
the humor in the situation.

The humor? Are you
kidding? It's hysterical.

I mean, when I think of
the pages on the intercom,

And the phone messages.

And the ping in the cylinders.

And the name... Barnum.
I mean, really, the name.

P.t. Barnum. You get it?

I got it.

You're demented.

You okay?

He hit me.

Yeah. Come on.

Security, e.r. Security, e.r.

Bar still open? Have a seat.

I'll buy you a drink. Thank you.

Wards 4 and 5 appear to be
operating smoothly again.

Yeah. We still have those seven
patients from 2 east to relocate.

That's not too
bad, is it? No, no.

How come you didn't tell me
about losing that federal grant?

It didn't seem to
be right at the time.

They were hitting you
from all sides. Thank you.

So, that means we wait for that
new e.m.i. Scanner for another year.

We'll find the money
someplace else.

Have to work harder, that's all.

Money, money, money.

Money shouldn't have
anything to do with medicine.

But we spend a disproportionate
amount of our time trying to get it.

So, public relations become
more important than patient care.

Not more important,
maybe as important.

Sometimes I'd like to stand
in that hallway and holler,

"We're not gods.
We're not magicians.

Give up your grand
illusions about doctors."

But I suppose as long as people
wanna remain blissfully ignorant,

Health care's gonna
suffer, so who wins?


- Hi.
- Elizabeth.

What a pleasant surprise.
What brings you down here?

Oh, I came to pick up my dad.
Alisa told me you were down here.

Shopping, remember? Yes, I
remember. All right, all right.

She has a memory like
an elephant, this one.

You look great,
dr. Auschlander. How you feeling?

Better and better. Just got
back from cabo san lucas.

- Oh, really?
- It's in mexico.

I know that. And
even if I didn't, dad...

I know. You'd say you did.
Well, red onion market awaits.

Here we go. See you
later, daniel. Bye.

Right. Good night.
Your brother home?


I spent an entire night
in the cemetery once.

- Didn't sleep a wink.
- Ralph, why?

Ken bonafong dared me.

There was no way I was gonna let
that enfant terrible make fun of me.

We were 11 years old.


Can we have three glasses
of water with our meal?

We had this house in gulfport
that we all thought was haunted.

The butler place. Had a black
housemaid named floradell.

We were too scared
to even go up there.

Floradell kept house for
mr. Butler, I'd say about 35 years.

After he died, she stayed
on in the house for a while.

Everybody said old floradell
could talk to the dead.

I bet there was a lot of gossip
about what mr. Butler and floradell...

Did in that house for 35 years.

Yeah, but nobody got too worked
up about it though. Why's that?

Well, mr. Butler was
president of the bank.

Nobody much cared what he did as
long as he'd lend them some money.

Anyway, he finally died.

The house stayed empty
for about five years.

He had some third
cousins over in jackson...

That were trying to
figure out who got what.

Floradell stayed for a while, but
then she just up and disappeared.

Was she ever seen again?

Well, somebody said they saw her
down in new orleans, selling flowers,

But most people think that
the devil came and got her.

They sold the house to a hellfire and
brimstone preacher, joe willy babcock.

Now joe willy had two
huge flatbed trucks.

He put the house on the truck.

Ralph! Ralph!

Mr. Demaio in 218's got a
sign taped up next to his bed:

"I will give a blood sample one
time a day, and one time only."


Says he's starting to
feel like a pincushion.

His veins are all down. It's
really pretty depressing.

I'll talk to him tomorrow.
Not tonight, tomorrow.

They pushed leslie stevenson back
an hour tomorrow morning to 7:00.

Do you want me to still hold on her
medication or should I give it to her now?

Let's give it to her
now. She needs the sleep.

I'll do it.

Who's doing the
operation? Dr. Samuels.

Sleep time. Oh, thank god.

This is probably the lousiest
ceiling I've ever had to look up at.

These will knock
you out pretty well.

They've moved the
operation up to 7:00.

Sooner the better.
Here's to damaged goods.

Don't think of
yourself that way.

I won't if they
won't. Men, I mean.

But they will. The
right one won't.

There's some terrific
guys out there.

You know I was just lying here,

Thinking about when
it is exactly that you...

Tell this kind of
story to someone.

I mean, what, on your
first date over dinner?

"Look, charlie, if you're
looking for the breeding type,

You're wasting your money."

Do you wait until he's in love
with you, or you're in love with him,

And then spring it on him?

"Gee, see, I've had
this hysterectomy."

I'm all right.


Have you ever been
pregnant, annie?

No, but I've been thinking
about it a lot lately.

I have. It was about
five years ago.

Just been in boston
about six months.

Had my first real
job as a dancer.

A guy, his name was curt,
wanted to marry me, but I said no.

Not because I didn't love him.

Well, I didn't want
to be a mother then.

I wanted to be a dancer.

So I had an abortion.

And people kept saying,
"oh, it must have been hard."

But it wasn't.

It wasn't anything.

I've barely thought
about it since.

I'm tired. I think
I'll sleep now.

Have a good sleep.

Well, if it isn't the
young dr. Cavanero.

I thought you would
have gone out with the tide.

That's nasty looking.
What happened to you?

Nothing. Craig
can't take a joke,

And, uh, I can't take a punch.

Listen, that hysterectomy
tomorrow morning... Leslie stevenson.

Yeah? She's a friend.

What, a college buddy?

No, just a friend.

She could use a little bedside
manner tomorrow. Okay?


How is it with you? Fine.


You said this morning
that you envied me...

My relationship with patrick.

Well, it isn't gonna work out.

He's such a nice guy, but
already I can see the signs.

Why is it that it doesn't
work out? Why is that?

I don't know.

Maybe because
you don't want it to.

At least not right now.

I see leslie lying in that room,

And I feel like I'm looking
into an open grave.


You're a young woman. You
got a lot of time to have a family.

I'm not a cold person.

But sometimes it can
get so hard around here.

So hard that I feel
myself closing off desires,

Wants, dreams.

When is it that what you have
isn't worth what you're missing?

Leslie stevenson
wanted a career,

So she put everything else
on hold until it was too late.

She didn't plan for it to be
that way. It just happened.

She didn't plan for the
passage of time. It just passed.

I don't want that
to happen to me.

I don't want to
wake up at 40 alone,

Without love, without children.

I don't want that to happen
to me. Then don't you let it.

You okay?

I'm gonna take good care
of your friend tomorrow.

Get some sleep.

That's the last time I go out
with a public utilities employee.

Why, what happened? Nothing.

We can't win. The n.l.r.b. Says we
can't unionize because we're students,

Then the i.r.s. Says we have to
pay taxes because we're doctors.

So I'm borrowing
money at the rate of 21%.

Hello, ralph.

Sweetheart, I'm not angry.
Please don't be angry at yourself.

I know you tried.

I talked to my father today.

First time in a long time.

He says he wants to help.

I believe him.

He sounded different.

Or maybe it was me.

Ralph, do you hear me?

I remember when we first met.

I was in my room, crying so hard
that they had to put me in restraints.

You came in and started
talking to me about flying.

About the swallows in mexico...

And how you migrated
1,500 miles with them...

To the steeple in
san juan capistrano.

How you soared the
blue ridge mountains...

In an indian summer sun,

And landed finally on the highest
branch of a thousand-year-old pine tree,

And looked down on a
field of absolute stillness.

Are you there now, ralph?

Is the wind filling your ears?

The thing I'm trying
to tell you is that...

The greatest day of my
life was the day I met you.

And no matter what anybody
says about either of us,

Our child will know
that... In his heart.

Good-bye, my high-flying bird.

My eagle.