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01x12 - Release

Posted: 04/23/24 21:44
by bunniefuu
Previously on st. Elsewhere.

Call a code. Get an o.r. Ready.
Tell 'em g*nsh*t wound to the chest.

And now you walk back into my
life, and it's like you never left.

Who is he anyway?
Dr. Fanning, meet john doe.

It's 10 years, nance.
I mean, I've changed.

So have i. If this were 10 years
ago, I'd jump into bed with you.

- This boy's dead and gone.
- He's not dead
till I say he's dead!

Hello, mark! Bob!

How are ya? Tonight
on st. Elsewhere...

I don't think this
autopsy's necessary.

I didn't ask you to think. I
told you to get the release.

- Do you remember what happened
the night you were shot?
- I don't remember being shot.

Well, actually, mark,
I'm here for a sex change.


An autopsy could help us
understand the cancer better.

He's dead, doctor!
That's all I need to know.

At least I don't let my pride
get in the way of my patients.

Well, he is my patient, and you're gonna
have to wait to get your hands on him.

Listen to me... Never mind.

It's my father you did this
to! Come on! Hit me back!

- I'm real sorry.
- You have no right
to tamper with my life.

You are about to
destroy yourself,

And you want us all to stand
around ringside and cheer!

What are you doing here?

How soon they forget.

No, I mean, in our past life, you
were always into your loafers...

And out the door at
the stroke of midnight.

Yeah, well, I had
this compulsion...

About being home in
my own bed by sunrise.

No more? Well, I wear boots
now. I told you... I changed.

No, no, no, no. Wait. Wait.
Wait. What are you doin'?

I don't know about you, but
I have to go to the hospital.

No, stay here and talk
to me, huh? Oh, I can't.

I have this patient,
norman wyler...

End-stage renal failure
and recurrent ascites.

I get his lab results
back this morning.

Why is it we always end
up talking about medicine?

Ben, you should see
this guy. He looks like

He's been drinking
since before prohibition.

He's all bloated up and
scared he's gonna die.

Want me to come in
and take a look at him?

I asked dr. Auschlander
to look at him.

A free surgery
consult never hurt.

Well, why not?

You know, I'm a
very big believer...

In greater
interdepartmental liaisons.


Anyway, it's almost impossible
to distinguish this slug's i.h.s.s...

From mitral regurgitation
or valvular aortic stenosis.

I mean, he was as big as a
blimp and sweating like a pig,

So I checked for a p*stol shot
femoral pulse, and I was right.

It was i.h.s.s. Would you
excuse me, cavanero? Sure.

I want you to assist my
12:30 pericardial window.

I thought jacobson
was assisting you.

Now it's you. Anything
wrong with that?

Well, I was supposed to scrub
with dr. Pearle. Fine, armstrong. Fine.

Just remember... Pericardial
windows don't grow on trees.

I'll be there, dr. Craig.

Julia, would you go down to 364
and see what overland needs, please?

Did I hear you say
overland? Yeah.

Bob overland?
Yeah, that's right.

Well, I'll be.

10:30 On a saturday night
on a crowded street,

Guy blows a hole the size of the callahan
tunnel through a kid, nobody sees anything.

How's he doing? Well, we took
him off critical this morning.

We're gonna move him out of i.c.u.
As soon as they have an available bed.

He's responding that well?

Seventy-two hours to the minute
after they brought him into e.r.,

His heart pressures were near
normal, colostomy was functioning,

So I took out the "a" line and
catheters and started t.p.n.

Lucky kid. Yeah.

Doesn't know who he is.

Dr. Crawford, i.c.u.

Hi, pal. I'm dr. Westphall.

Hi. Hi, dr. Chandler.

Take it easy there.
Wait a minute.

If you want to get
up, use this. Here.

How are you feeling?
My chest hurts.

It's gonna take a while. You up
to answering some questions?


- Do you know the person
who shot you?
- No.

Do you remember what
happened the night you were shot?

I don't even
remember being shot.

That's understandable. You've
had quite a shock, young man,

But you beat the odds.

When... When will I be
able to remember my name?

Well, dr. Chandler's gonna work
with you to get your memory back.

I will get it back then?

It's very likely. You
don't know for sure?

No. Can't be a hundred percent sure,
but we're gonna do everything we can.

In the meantime, the
police have distributed

A description of you
throughout the state,

And by this evening it should
be all over the country.

We're hoping someone
sees it and identifies you.

Wh-what if no one does recognize
me a-and my memory never comes back?

James t. Grisanti.

Male, caucasian.

Fifty-three years old.
- Margaret.

Three kids.

Came in two weeks ago for
treatment of his colon cancer,

Which, after two years,
made its way to his liver.

His cheeks and eyes were
sunken. His weight was down to...

What, white?
Ninety-eight pounds.

And after the usual three-ring
circus of c.a. Treatments,

Mr. Grisanti lapsed into a coma.

Today he died.

Any thoughts, any questions,
any eulogies or postmortems?

Are you ordering an autopsy?
What good would that do?

Well, I'd want to rule
out brain metastases.

What do you think
about that, white?

An autopsy isn't necessary. The
cancer was widely disseminated.

Morrison, would you tell us
why doctors get autopsies?

So we're sure the clinical evidence of
death corresponds with the pathological.

What's physically apparent is
not always the actual cause.

And why must we get a
release from the family?

To free ourselves and the hospital
from any legal responsibility.

And if you can't get the
release, you're a wimp.

I think we ought to do an
autopsy on the late mr. Grisanti.

And since this was your idea,
dr. Wade, would you like to give it a try?

No, thank you.

I got my first one last week on a
three-year-old boy with leukemia.

After all he and his
parents had gone through,

I felt like I was torturing
them by asking for it.

But you got them
to agree? Oh, yeah.

But I don't want to do it again
unless I absolutely have to.

Okay, then. White, since
he was your patient,

You'll be the one to ask
the family for the release.

Grisanti died of
cancer of the colon.

We don't need any
autopsy. Yes, we do.

There's a first time for every
resident, white, and this is it.

That is, unless
you wimp out on us.

Now, dysart, what about
that ruptured spleen?

Come in.

Excuse me. I'm looking
for bob overland.

Oh, my god, it is you!

Hello, mark. Bob!

How are ya? Hey!

Oh, right away, off
the bat, huh? Oh, yeah.

Okay, watch it. Watch it. I
remember. Watch this. Watch it.

That I remember. You
remember that one?

Nothing changes. Ah,
still hate losin', huh?

With a passion. You
know, till my dying day,

I'll never forget that first time
I stepped in the ring to box you.

You remember
that? Freshman year.

Aha! Oh, it's good to see you.

So what are you
doing here in boston?

I thought you were in new york
at mother of mercy hospital.

Well, they offered me chief of surgery
right here at st. Eligius. I grabbed it.

Chief of surgery!
Right. How about you?

Well, I'm vice president of advertising
with a small company in connecticut...

Fantastic. For the
past three years.

How long has it been since
we've seen each other?

Fourteen, 15 years? You
know, I meant to keep in touch.

I mean, more than just a
christmas card. Me too. Me too.

But, you know, a year goes
by, and you don't even know it.

Mark, tell me... Are you
and ellen still married?

Oh, sure. How's anne?

Anne's terrific. She's a
marvelous, marvelous woman.

She sure was a knockout
back in those days.

They both were. The two most
beautiful ladies at penn, remember?

You devil.

You look great. So do you.

Yeah, but you're the one that's checked
into a hospital. Nothing serious, I hope.

Oh, no, no. I feel
better than ever.

So, why are you here? Now,
don't tell me it's for your heart,

Because I'll break
every bone in your body.

Well, actually, mark,
I'm here for a sex change.


How long have you
been drinking, mr. Wyler?

All my life.

Uh, I mean, heavily.

Oh, I don't know.

Twenty years maybe.

Ever since my wife left me.

Ever occur to you all
that drinking might k*ll you?

Uh, not till now.

Put your arms straight
out in front of you, like this.

Okay, now when I
let go, keep 'em out.


Uh, could you... Sure.

Why am I growing breasts?

It's fairly common with
liver failure, mr. Wyler.

Your liver can't break
down the estrogen anymore.

It's called gynecomastia.

Oh, is that so? Is that why my
feet and hands are so numb?

No, that's something else.
That's called polyneuropathy.

Too much alcohol in
your nervous system.

I guess I'm in pretty
sad shape, huh?

But, uh, you can
help me, can't you?

I mean, i, uh... I
don't want to die.

Nobody's gonna let you die,
but you've gotta play ball.

Well, I'll do anything you
say, doc. I'll do anything.

Okay. Hang in there.

What do you think?

I think we need to decompress
the portal hypertension.

Why don't I open him up
and do a warren shunt?

To shrink the veins feeding
into the liver? Mm-hmm.

I hate to operate unless
it's the only answer. So do i.

I mean, I'd much rather spend the
afternoon with you at suffolk downs,

But in this case I
think it's appropriate.

I'll let you know. Nancy, I
have seen cases like this before.

I know. Years of experience.

I've been looking for an
apartment every chance I get.

But you know how
it is around here.

By the time I read the classified
ads and I shake loose of this place,

The apartment's
already been rented.

Well, don't worry
about it, pete.

We hardly know you're there.

Have you seen myra?

Yeah, there was a message on
my service from her this morning,

But I haven't
returned the call yet.

You know, you're gonna have
to talk to her at some point.

What's the matter?

That's the family I've gotta get
the release for the autopsy from.

I don't envy you.

No! He's been through enough!

It's a very simple procedure.

I don't want a bunch of
strangers cutting james up!

An autopsy could help us
understand the cancer better.

He's dead, doctor!
That's all I need to know.

Now let the dead rest in peace.

Ordinarily I would agree with
you, but in this particular case...

Two years I watched
my husband suffer!

No more. Do you hear me?

No more!

Mrs. Grisanti, please, I know
what you've been through...

Let her be, huh? For god's sake.

Mom. Sis, come on.
Let's get outta here.

I felt terrible.

I mean, this woman
is a basket case,

And I'm sitting there browbeating her,
trying to get her to sign a release form.

The first is the worst. You feel
like invasion of the body snatchers.

Weaver's only doing
this to get at me.

Look, kirk weaver may be a pain, but
he wouldn't put you through this...

Unless he thought
it was for the best.

Look, uh, will one of you
guys help me out on this thing?

- Sorry, peter.
- Just this one time.

Peter, we've all had to do it.

No, it's just this
particular family...

It's never pleasant.

You better just get it over with
or go tell weaver you can't hack it.

I saw bob overland
knock out blackey boone.

Blackey boone?

A real pile driver with
the face of a leech.

When blackey looked at you,
the hair on your neck stood up.

But bob took him out
with a single punch.

I just can't believe it's
the same bob overland.

Did you talk to
him about it? Oh, no.

I'm sure that once
you sit down with him,

You'll see that he's
the same person.

Only he's had to make
this complex decision.

It was so obviously humiliating
for him to see me that I just...

Is there someone else you
can talk to? Is he married?

Call his wife. Or anybody
who's close to him.

I don't know. I just don't know.

Mark, don't take it personally.

I'm not taking it personally.

Oh, how's the psychiatry
rotation going?

You know, I never knew
I'd enjoy it as much as I do.

Right now we're working with an
amnesiac. You making any progress?

Well, we're literally trying to
reconstruct his memory bit by bit.

It's going slowly,
but it's fascinating.

Ben, I've been thinking
about norman wyler.

I think it's too
soon for surgery.

Well, it's nice to see you too.

Yeah. I'm gonna put
him on spironolactone,

100 Milligrams
three times a day.

Fluid restriction, 1,200 c.c.'S.

A one-gram sodium diet. Right.
With a protein restriction.

Nance, that's not gonna
reduce the size of his abdomen.

It's not gonna cure his
esophogeal varices. Sure it will.

It'll also help get some of that
weight off. Not enough to do any good.

Listen, this guy has been
in the hospital four times...

Within the last year
on the same dance card.

I mean, conventional medical therapy
hasn't exactly been a success for him.

But he never stayed in long
enough before to give it a chance.

Well, it's a little late now.

Listen, at the very least,
you need a needle aspiration.

He had one on
his last admission.

Ascites, low in protein content
and no bacteria. Eight months ago.

The guy's much worse since then.
Why are you so anxious to cut?

Because the man is sinking fast.

And if you weren't so anxious to
prove yourself to daniel auschlander,

You'd see that I was right.

You have your opinion about
this case, and I have mine.

Indeed. At least I don't let my
pride get in the way of my patients.

Well, he is my patient, and you're gonna
have to wait to get your hands on him.

Listen to me. Never mind.


Oh, how do you like the
chicken à la st. Eligius?

It's not bad.

You mind if we talk
while you eat? Good.

Oh, I see you got the
newspaper I sent you.

Thanks. Get a
chance to read it yet?

Front to back. Oh, good.

Haven't exactly
had much else to do.

Well, let me ask you
something. Let me see.

Uh, who did we sign
a peace treaty with?

- Sounds like a civics exam.
- Well, it is, sort of.

It's to test your memory on things
you've seen since the accident.

Oh, I get it.

So who did we sign
the treaty with?

Israel. Good.

Uh, let's see.

Who's the mayor of boston?

Uh, kevin white.

And he warned
the city council...

That he may have to lay off
more firemen for budget reasons.

For budget reasons.

Very good. Very good.

Okay, now I want you to count
backwards from a hundred...

By sevens.

A hundred, 93...

Something wrong?
What is this stuff?

Well, the hospital tries
to pass it off as pudding.

It tastes strange. What?
Don't you like chocolate?

Chocolate? This is chocolate?

I don't remember chocolate.

Well, that's, um... That's okay.


Now, look, white, I've
been watching you.

As far as I'm concerned, you're the
kind that does not belong in medicine.

Because out of the 22 first-year
residents who've tried so far,

You're the only
one who's failed.

I don't think this
autopsy's necessary.

I didn't ask you to think. I
told you to get the release.

You go back to that
family and get them to sign

The release on the
dotted line. Understand?

The family's already left the hospital.
How am I supposed to convince them?

Hey, you figure it out. I
don't care. But I want it today.

Your husband is about
to destroy himself,

And you're telling me
that you're happy about it?

I said I'm happy for him.

You must still be in shock. Bob
made this decision three years ago.

He's been working with
a therapist ever since,

Preparing for the
first operation.

So, you see, I've had
plenty of time to adjust.

Oh, it's just not right.
It's not right for bob.

Now, you know what a
conscientious, careful man bob is.

You know he wouldn't do something
like this unless he was absolutely certain.

We'll get him the best
psychiatrist in boston.

Mark, do you remember the senior
follies that the fraternity house put on?

When you and bob and neil
abbott dressed as the shirelles?

Yeah, I remember that.

Yes. Well, we all thought
it was a great joke.

And when it was over,
you got rid of the dress.

But, you see, it wasn't
quite that simple for bob.

Oh, come on, anne.

I've got a hundred other
stories if you'd like to hear them.

I don't believe this!

Look, I'll talk him
out of it, okay?

Mark, bob is going to
have this operation,

And you're gonna have
to come to terms with it.

And if you can't, I do not
want you to talk to him, no,

Because I don't
want you to hurt him.

Just leave bob alone.


Um, I'm just about
to go off duty,

And I was wondering if you
want to have dinner tonight.

Good. Yeah.

What's the matter? You
seem awfully preoccupied.

I've got that son
of a patient in there,

And I've gotta try and convince him
to sign the release for an autopsy.

Oh, I see. No big thing.

What time's dinner?

Uh, 8:30? Okay.

Hey, thanks for coming
in to see me again.

You said it was
important. Sit down.

Uh, I know this is a
difficult time for you.

I want to apologize
for this morning.

We were all... Hey, you know.


I got to like your father a lot
the last few weeks, you know.

I mean, his death
is a loss to me too.

Sure. I know.

That's why I think we need to talk
about having this autopsy performed.

We settled all that.

I won't put my mother through
something like that just now.

Besides, all the arrangements
have been made for the funeral.

Nothing has to change.

You could still have a full
viewing at the wake. My answer's no.

You know, one of the last
things your father said to me...

Before he went into a coma was,

"I hope to hell my children
don't have to go through this."

He was very concerned about
that, and he had reason to be.

We don't fully understand if and how colon
cancer can be transmitted genetically.

What's that mean?

Look, I'm not gonna make
you any phony promises either.

I mean, even if you get
your mother's consent,

We may not be able to find out
everything we need to know...

About adenocarcinoma
of the colon...

In time to help you
and your sisters.

How come nobody told us before
this could be passed on to our family?

The research takes years.

But this autopsy is
one important step...

In building the
information we need...

So that maybe your children will be
free of the fear of getting the disease.

That's why it's important for
people like you to cooperate.

There must be some
other way to find out if...

I wish there was.

I don't know. My
mother... She's not...

She's not strong enough.

Eddie, I come from a
very close family too.

If I were in your shoes, I'd want to do
what's best for my family in the long run.

I'd want to make every
effort to spare them the pain...

And the loss of self-respect
your father suffered.

Okay. Get me the forms. I'll
get my mother to sign them.

Okay, I'm going
to count to four,

And while I'm counting,
I want you to relax...

And clear your
mind of all thoughts.

One, two, three, four.

Are you relaxed?


Now I'm gonna say a word,

And I want you to tell me the first
thing that comes into your mind.


What do you think of
when I say the word "home"?

- Nothing.
- Okay. That's fine.

I want you to
imagine your father.

Think of the word "father"
and tell me what you see.


Can you describe
your father for me?

No, I can't.

That's fine. Can you
describe your mother for me?


Just relax.

Clear your mind of all thoughts.

Tell me what you think of
when I saw the word "g*n."

g*n? Yes.

- Fiscus.
- Who is fiscus?

- I don't know.
- Can you describe him for me?

Curly dark hair, white coat.

He grabbed a paper
with a bloody hand.

My blood.

He read some numbers
from the paper.

What else do you remember?

I don't know.

I saw a light...

Like a bright bulb
shining in my face.

I remember feeling a strange
sensation starting to rise,

But my body was
still there on the bed.

Someone was holding
onto me, squeezing my heart.

I was hanging from the upper
right-hand corner of the ceiling...

Without any strings or anything.

And I saw my body
and people around it.

Someone said, "this
boy's dead and gone."

And the man with my heart said,
"he's not dead till I say he's dead."

That's when you were in
the emergency room, but...

What else?

I turned away.

I heard a very familiar
voice calling me.

I don't know who it was,
but I went inside the light.

This woman... I
wanted to hug her,

But she asked me if I was ready.

And I said, "no. I
don't think so."

And then I started
falling backwards.

Then what?

Then I remember waking up here.

That's all?

Okay. Okay. Relax.

Clear your mind of all thoughts.

Take a deep breath.


I want you to try
and think back,

Right before fiscus.

Tell me what came into
your mind just before fiscus.

- Sterling.
- What is sterling?

I don't know.

Can you describe
sterling for me?

I... I can't.

All right. All
right. Just relax.


What the hell are
you doing here?

I came to pick up
a urine sample.

Urine? You know, it may come
as a shock to you, ehrlich,

But you're a doctor,
not a delivery boy!

No wonder you're four steps behind
all the surgery residents around here.

You're too busy
studying to be an orderly!

I just thought it'd
be easier. Easier, huh?

Is that all you're
interested in?

Put your nose to the
grindstone, ehrlich.

Show some initiative,
some leadership potential.

Urine sample. Next thing I know,
you'll be taking lunch orders.

I've gotten into adventure
running. It's a real kick.

Last weekend, I ran from lexington to
concord, following paul revere's trail.

There's nothing like the way your
thighs tingle after running long and hard,

Especially along a route
that's teeming with history.

I'm saving to go to tibet.

I want to run up one
of the himalayans.

They've got these
buddhist monasteries...

Scattered along the
way like holiday inns...

Where you can rest, relax...

And really get in
touch with your body.

Who knows?

Maybe I'll find shangri-la.

Did you ever see that
movie with ronald colman?

- What?
- The movie lost horizon.

Yeah. Yeah.

Okay, no metastases
to the frontal lobe.

What about the temporal lobe?

Nothing there either.

What about the midbrain?

Mm, uh-uh. There's no sign
of ventricular compression.

All right. Then
check the cerebellum.

It's intact.

The third and fourth
ventricles are normal.

What you're saying is he died of
cancer of the colon. Is that right?

That's right.

Don't you want to
wait for the rest?

I'll read the rest when you've got
it finished. I've gotta get up there.

Stop by.

He remembers things people said at
a moment when he was clinically dead.

It's incredible.

What if when the cab driver
brought him in, fiscus had said,

"No way. Forget it. He's dead"?

Fiscus told me he almost did.

Because by all accounts, the boy
was dead, every sense of the word.

Four or five minutes...
Nothing, not a beat.

Any moment, they could've
given up. But they didn't.

Yeah, but how do you know when
someone's dead and not coming back?

Yesterday we had a
woman go into arrest,

And for seven minutes
we tried bringing her back.

Nothing. Finally we gave up.

But if I had hung in there
another minute, another second,

Maybe she'd still be alive too.

I mean, how do you know?
When do you know for sure?

Chandler, you use
everything you've got...

Talent, technology,
education, instinct,

Blind luck, prayer.

You give it your best shot, pal.

You hope for the
best. It's all you can do.


I guess for now, I should be more concerned
about finding out who john doe really is.

Well, looks to me like you
got a pretty good start.

If I can only figure out what
the hell "sterling" means.

Come in.

You wanted to see
me, dr. Auschlander?

Yes, nancy. Please sit
down. That's all right.

- Hi.
- Hello.

We've just been
discussing norman wyler.

I think there's a real danger
mr. Wyler will go into hepatorenal coma.

Dr. Samuels has suggested a
needle aspiration and a venogram.

Whatever you think best.

We can draw off 200
c.c.'S of the ascitic fluid,

And that way at least we'll have a
clearer idea of whether or not to operate.

- I understand.
- It's a relatively simple

You can do it yourself. I'd
be delighted to show you how.

I think I can manage.
But thank you.

I hope you don't
think I'm meddling.

I appreciate your getting
involved in this case, ben.

Actually, it comes as
dr. Paxton's suggestion.

And from what I've seen, she's done an
excellent job with this particular patient.

It's just that sometimes
you get too close to a case,

Lose perspective.

It happens to me. It
happens to all of us.

Will that be all,
dr. Auschlander?

I'll see you down in nuclear
medicine at 5:00, right?

Oh, mrs. Petrie's liver scan
should be ready by then.

Is there something going
on between you two?

At this point, I'm not sure.

So you got that release.
How'd you finally manage it?

I lied through my teeth. Well, sometimes
we have to do things we don't want to.

Don't tell me that's life.

Chandler, lieutenant gerard just
called. They found john doe's parents.

Oh, terrific! They're on their
way over from stockbridge.

Sterling... Was that the
last name? Was that it?

I don't know. They haven't made
that connection yet. Thanks.

Oh, excuse me.

No, alfred, you can't
have any more meperidine.

Any more meperidine, you won't be
able to feel the end of your nose.

Go on back to your room.

Dr. White!

White, do you know the
agony you caused, huh?

Do you know how hard it was
convincing my mother to let you?

I had to force her to
sign, my sisters and i.

We were at my uncle's funeral
home. We saw what they did to him!

The top of his
head was sawed off!

The skin on his face had
been pulled off his skull.

My mother took one
look, and she cried...

She cried so hard, she collapsed
in the middle of the funeral home!

You cut out my father's
brain! And for what?

You have no right to
treat people this way.

It's my father you did this to.
My father! Come on, bastard!

Come on! Hit me back! Come on!

I'm real sorry.

You doctors, you got no guts.

Mark, I was hoping
you'd come back.

There's something I
want to talk to you about.

Well, fine. Sit down.

I want to postpone
your operation.


I want to review
your case personally...

With dr. Sakota and
your psychiatrist,

And I just want to
be absolutely sure...

That this operation
is your only option.

My only option.

Mark, sit down. I've
gotta talk to you.

Please sit down.

Mark, I want you to know that I
really appreciate your concern.

I really do. And I want you
to know something else here.

I didn't reach this
decision overnight.

I... I didn't toss it off lightly
after a couple of drinks.

No, no. I'm sure you feel that you've
considered everything very carefully.

It's just that I'm not convinced that
your doctors have advised you correctly.

I've been thinking about
having this operation since...

God, it seems like forever.

Anne told me way back
in college you knew.

Oh, even before that.

We were friends. Close friends.

We shared the same
room for four years. Yes.

I mean, it's just
impossible that I

Wouldn't know that
something was the matter.

Don't you think I
wanted to tell you?

Don't you think I started
to tell you a hundred times?

But I knew... I
knew if I told you...

That our friendship
would be shattered,

And I valued your friendship
more than telling you the truth.

Now, mark, you remember the
time... I remember everything!

I remember the walks around the
quads at midnight, arguing philosophy.

I remember the first time
we saw ellen and anne.

Hell, I remember the damn
license plate's number...

On the red convertible
that we bought together...

And how when we got the top down, we never
could get the damn thing back up again!

I had to drive, and you held
the umbrella over my head.

And all it ever does in philly
is rain. Yeah, that's right.

And you're trying to tell me
now that those memories are a lie?

Every gesture and look
had a different meaning?

Nothing's changed, mark.

I've just become more fully
aware of who I really am.

It's taken me years to stop
trying to be something I'm not.

Years of trying to
be the best athlete,

Dating the most
beautiful ladies,

Merely to compensate for my
own strange feelings I have inside.

You admit they're
abnormal? Abnormal or not,

It's what I feel inside, mark.

And finally... I have enough
courage to do something about it.

Not in my hospital, you're
not. You can't do that to me.

Well, as chief of surgery, I can halt
any procedure that I deem unsuitable.

You have no right
to tamper with my life.

I am trying to
help you, damn it!

The only help I want is your
support and your understanding.

You want my approval? You
are about to destroy yourself,

And you want us all to stand
around ringside and cheer!

Well, you may have convinced
your wife, but not me, buddy.

I know you too well to agree
to anything so disgusting!

Bob overland is gone. He's dead.

No, no, no. I know bob overland,

And I'm gonna save him.

Hey, dr. Weaver,
hold on a second.


There was no cancer
in mr. Grisanti's brain.

Who? James t. Grisanti.

We performed the
autopsy on him. I was right.

The cancer was disseminated in
his body, but the brain was clear.

Well, good for you, white.
Feels great, doesn't it?

We opened him up for nothing.

It wasn't necessarily for nothing. We
know more now than we did before, right?

And I lied. Wasn't
the first time, white.

What I did to those
people today...

What you made me do to
those people today... Was cruel.

I've been trying to rationalize
it all day in my head, but I can't.

I r*ped those
people is what I did.

I feel like I was r*ped myself.

Look, white, those are
the rules of the game.

If you don't like
it, don't play.

I'm not feeling particularly good about
myself right now, if you know what I mean.

But one thing I know for sure...

No matter how rotten
I think I am sometimes,

I know I'll never be
as rotten as you are.

I'll see you tomorrow.
Don't forget rounds, huh?

His parents are gonna
be here any minute,

Hoping for a real breakthrough.

Whose parents? John doe.

Which john doe? We've got
15 john does and five janes.

Yeah. Forget it.

Hey, what are you
getting so excited about?

Yeah, you're right. You know,
I'm more nervous than he is.

I'm going over to the nurses' station,
see if they're there. I'll see you later.

What do you say, phil?
How're you doing, ben?

Listen, I know a great russian-french
restaurant down on boylston.

Do you want to go tonight?
You're remarkable, ben.

Now what? What's wrong? Oh,
nothing. Everything's just perfect.

You're still upset because
I went to auschlander.

If you believe a patient
of mine needs surgery,

You can go over my
head any time you want.

Go to the surgeon general of
the united states for all I care.

But don't you ever talk to me or
about me in that condescending way.

What? What did I say?

"It's a very simple procedure. I'll
be happy to show you how to do it."

"From what I've seen,
daniel, she's doing an

Excellent job with
this particular patient."

It's just like when you had that duplex
on second avenue and st. Mark's place...

Second avenue in new york? That was
12 years ago. I don't care how long ago.

You're still mad about something
that happened 12 years ago?

My point is you have
not changed one bit.

Oh, come on, nance. I
think you're overreacting.

Let's get this straight. I
am not one of your bimbos.

Oh, here we go. I am
not one of your harem.

If you can't talk to me like
a person, don't talk to me.

You're gonna blame me for
your own insecurities, right?

I came to this town
for one reason only...

To learn from
daniel auschlander.

I do not... Repeat, do
not... Want you in my life.

Nancy, where are you
going? I have a patient.

You do not. Yes, I do.

Nance... Don't you yank at me!

Oh, well, it's not my fault
you can't take the pressure.

Oh, you are so
smug. Don't touch me!

Nancy, will you come back
here. Hey, will you shut up!

Who are you telling to shut up?

Why don't you just butt out!
Yell at him! You're such a barbarian!

Oh, and you're perfect,
right? Miss perfect!

St. Nancy of nairobi.

How do I look? Just fine.

Now, remember
what we talked about,

And don't expect to
recognize them right away.

Okay, okay. Remember it
takes time, so don't be nervous.

That's easy for you
to say, dr. Chandler.

Could you show
them in now, please?

Mr. And mrs. Kotlarz,
he's ready to see you.



He's not our son.

Patrick's been
gone for two years.

We thought that...

The description the police gave
us sounded so much like patrick.

We've been hoping for so long.

I'm-i'm very sorry.

I'm sorry.

They're not my parents.

- No.
- Doesn't matter.

Dr. Chandler,

Who am i?

I don't know.

Life used to be so
much easier to follow.

A man was a man; a
woman was a woman.

Except for uncle
miltie on tuesday nights.

I never found him to
be the least bit amusing.

Oh, come on, mark. Did
you see some like it hot?

Are you gonna tell me that jack
lemmon and tony curtis weren't funny?

I never so much as smiled. Marilyn
monroe was the best thing in it.

At least she was normal. And
look what happened to her.

Well, I think the world's
a better place today. Why?

Well, you know, the past is never actually
as good as you really think it was.

You wouldn't say that
if you knew my father.

My father was the kind of
man that the world needs again.

I mean, he gave things
order. Life made sense.

My father didn't know
anything about this h*m*,

Transsexual, asexual,
unisexual crap.

It is more confusing now,
but I think people are happier.

They don't have to fit into
roles they can't conform to.

Okay, tell me... What if your
son came to you and said,

"Mom, the next time you see
me, I'm gonna be a woman"?

Oh, come on, mark. No,
I'm serious. Answer me.

Well, I'd be
shocked. Damn right.

At first. But I love my son, and I
think he's a pretty nice human being,

And if he really felt in his heart of
hearts that that would make him happier,

I hope I'd find the strength
to not stand in his way.

Typical. How about you, don?

Well, a couple months ago, I was
walking down congress street,

And two young nuns
were walking toward me.

At first, I didn't pay
any attention at all,

But just as they were about to pass
me, I noticed that they were both men.

I admit it. I admit it. It
threw me for a loop.

You know, there's a difference
between transsexuals and transvestites,

Even ones with
such catholic tastes.

I'm not so sure, helen.

I mean, we have to get back to
traditional male-female role models.

Oh, dear. If that
means I have to return...

To doing the housework
and cleaning all by myself,

I'd rather armageddon
struck right now.

You know, in a way,
it's all our fault.

- Whose fault?
- The medical profession.

We figured out how to safely
and simply alter a person's sex.

Oh, please, donald. I'm
feeling bad enough as it is.

I'm gonna go home.

Come on, mark. Cheer up.

It's not as bad as
all that, you know.

I guess so.

I shouldn't let bob's
operation bother me.

It's his life, you know,
after all. Yeah, I know.

But it makes you wary
about trusting people,

About believing in
certain principles.

Before you know it,
the people betray you,

And the principles fade away.

Well, I'm not gonna
give up. Good night.

Good night, mark.

Take it easy, pal.

So much for cheering him up.

You're buying, right?

I think we better get back to more
traditional male-female role models.