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01x14 - Remission

Posted: 04/23/24 21:47
by bunniefuu
Tonight on st. Elsewhere.

What happened to
these guys? Street fight.

Some paddies jumped
us. I love urban living.

Hi, boys. I'm dee.

She came through this door,

Tossed these flowers
at me, and then whammo.

Hi there!

I know better than anyone
what's going on inside my body.

Please, have the decency
to pay me that respect.

He got beat up...
By some negroes.

You have every
right to be angry.

A liver specialist
should know better.

Hi, helen. She did it again.

The flasher? Mm-hmm.


There are laws to protect
the innocent, chandler.

I'm thinking of getting
myself a lawyer.

You can't afford
a lawyer, fiscus.

They've got law firms
in the yellow pages...

That you don't have to pay a
dime unless they take the case.

Even then you don't pay anything
unless they win and you collect.

Sort of an incentive to sue your
neighbor. Or landlord, as the case may be.

Did the landlord tell you
he was gonna sell the house?

I guess he did. When?

I don't know. A
while ago. Recently?

What is this? The inquisition?

All right. Six months ago. But
just because he owns the building,

That doesn't give him the
right... The moral right...

To disrupt my life in this totally
selfish, mercenary and cavalier fashion.

When do you have
to move? Tomorrow.

Tomorrow? Well, who
reads those notices?

I thought he was bluffing. You
know, some excuse to jack up the rent.

You got an extra bed?

No. Sorry. I sleep
on a murphy as it is.

Here. Take a look in here.
Maybe you can find something.

I got my car out of
here. You got a new car?

Yeah. '72 Buick station
wagon. Drives like a boat.

Can I sleep in the back?

Fiscus, put on your
apron. You got a customer.

Clients, daniels.
Butchers have customers.

Physicians have clients.
That's what I mean.

Okay. What have
we got? My brother.

Where's it hurt?

Get the gurney. Can
you move your arms?

Hey! I gotta examine
him. Help me get him up.

You gotta do something for him right
away. He's messed up. Open your eye.

And your other eye. Okay.
Your mouth. Open your mouth.

You gotta jam that
stick in his mouth?

His tooth is broken. I don't know if
the blood's coming from there or what.

Okay. Help me get him on
the gurney. What happened?

He got jumped by
a couple n*gg*r*s.

Daniels, get x-rays. Chest,
abdomen, cervical/lumbar spine.

And a facial series?

The works. Looks like nose and
ribs are broken. God knows what else.

Find out where the bleeding
in his mouth is from. Right.

Know the guys who jumped
him? No, but I'm gonna find out.

Have a seat. We'll be
with you in a minute.


One more set. No, no.

I think I better quit while I'm
still ahead and you're still... Alive.

Precisely. Thanks a lot.

Best not do too... Too
much at first, you know.

At my advanced
age, you mean. Well...

Why couldn't you be a little more
patronizing on the court, daniel?

Drop a point or two now and then,
just so it wouldn't look so darn easy.

I have too much
respect for you, donald.

Besides, I hate
to lose. I noticed.

I'm a bad loser. Always have
been. Makes me cranky and sour.

On the other hand,
I'm a wonderful winner.

Gracious, compassionate.
You don't gloat.

Can I buy you a hearty
breakfast? Good idea.

I need something to confront
the young ones this morning.

I'm supervising a lecture dr. Cavanero
is giving to the first-year residents.


Well, now, donald, we'll have to
play again soon. But not too soon.

As soon as I brush up on my
strokes, huh? Well, just a little.

What do you say, annie?

Hey. Hi, ben.

What's up? Dear john letter? No.

Dr. Auschlander wants to recommend
me for a wodehouse fellowship.

Hey. That's terrific. Yeah.

Thing is, I thought that
wodehouse fellowships

Were, uh, part of
the old boy network.

Apparently they've been under a lot of
pressure to bring in an old girl or two.

I think you'd make a fine
old girl. Thanks a lot.

Look. It's one of the top
fellowships in the country.

Know what? I bet probably they'll
put you on the cover of ms. Magazine.

You'll have every ambitious,
energetic young schoolgirl...

In the country
wishing they were you.

I can see it now, you know.
Annie cavanero, role model.

Role model, huh? Mm-hmm.

Let's see. That comes right
before elder statesman, doesn't it?

Uh, just before. Dr. Morrison.

Patient margaret debrue,
please return to your room.

Kevin o'connor? Uh-huh.

Uh-huh. I'm dr. Morrison.

I'll be taking care of you.

Could you open your eyes
and look straight ahead for me?

How'd you sleep? Not so well.

Every time I coughed,
tears came to my eyes.

Well, you got
three cracked ribs,

A broken nose, and your
kidneys have taken a real beating.

You got jumped?

No kidding.

One guy used a baseball bat.

I could've handled 'em if
they just used their fists.

I got blood in my pee.

Well... Can you
take a deep breath?

Let it out.

The blood's from your damaged kidneys.
They're not workin' too well just now.

I'm gonna take some more x-rays,

Keep you on intravenous
fluids and antibiotics,

See if the bleeding
from your kidneys stops.

What if it doesn't? We'll cross
that bridge when we come to it.

It burns like hell.

Yeah. I know.

I'll have to run a few tests
before I can do anything about that.

See you later.


There's nothing out there. I
saw a place for $600 a month.

One room and a hot
plate. How do people live?

Month to month. I
don't see it, mr. Stratos.

Ah, it flew right in. I could feel it
buzzing around. Like a big furry ball.

I don't see anything in
there. Well, I do, and it hurts!

But there's no swelling. Okay? It stung
me. I'm telling you. Don't you understand?

I can feel it still
buzzing around in there.

I don't see any beesting.
And even if you did swallow it,

There's nothing we can
do about it right now.

I'm telling you it hurts!
Don't you understand? Easy.

Take it easy, mr. Stratos. I can
feel it in there! Now! Right now!

Hey! Hey! Come on! Hey!
What are you, nuts?

I got him. I got
him. Call security!

Down, boy. Let go of me.
Hey. You don't understand.

Get him. I... I was
at... The doctor...

You okay, victor? Oh, great.
The bastard broke my glasses.

Let me see. Your eye looks okay.

Guy drunk? Yeah.
He's got the d.t.'S too.

Hey. Thanks a lot, man. I
really owe you one. No problem.


So what you've gotta look for in
diagnosing common bile duct stones...

Are any kinds of obstructions
by tumors of the gallbladder,

Bile duct or head
of the pancreas.

Dr. Auschlander, is there
anything you'd like to add? No.

No. I think you've
covered everything.

We'll see all of
you at 2:30 in 5 east.

Okay? Thanks for your attention.

Nice job. Thanks.

Dr. Auschlander, I
was wondering if...

Are you all right?
Yeah. Yeah. I...

I must have pulled
something this morning...

Playing tennis
with dr. Westphall.

What can I do for you? It's
about the wodehouse fellowship.

Ah, yes.

You could be the first
woman to receive it. I know...

Not to mention two years with the
top research men of the country.

I'm not sure if I want it.

Why not, annie?

Well, I don't know
if I can continue...

This kind of total involvement
in my work for that long.

If you were not
the right doctor,

I would not have
recommended you.

I just don't know if I want to
spend that much time in research.

It's nice to have a
little body contact.

I was under the impression that
as I got older, it would get easier.

Instead I'm discovering that decision
making becomes more difficult.

How true.

Would I disappoint you?

No. I think you have
a legitimate concern.

But I also think life is too short to
live it for anyone other than yourself.

That sounds funny
coming from you.

Whatever I've done has
given me great pleasure.

Otherwise I would
not have done it.

If it happened to help
others, so much the better,

But I never compromise
my personal goals.

So, if you want to be the betty
friedan of modern medicine,

More power to you.

If on the other hand, you want marriage,
children... The whole catastrophe...

Then I say to hell with
what anybody else thinks.

Why can't I meet a man like you?

You want an antique? A classic.

Annie, do you play tennis? No.


Dr. Costello to intensive care.

Dr. Costello to intensive care.


Ah. He's coming.

Uh, father sturm,
this is dr. Westphall.

How do you do? How
do you do? Father.

I understand you had a caller.
That's an understatement.

I've been a priest
for over 20 years,

And I've been in this hospital
at least six times before,

But I have never seen
anything quite like this.

You mind telling
me what happened?

Well, I was lying here in bed,

Looking up at the ceiling,
thinking about my operation...

Tomorrow I'm supposed to have
an operation on my prostate.

And this lady... About 50.
She came through this door,

Tossed these flowers
at me, and then... Whammo.

She exposed herself.

Naked as the virgin snow.

Except for one of
these thin gold chains.

The kind you wear
on your wrist or neck.

She wore hers on her hips.

A waist bracelet?

My daughter wanted
to get one of those.

Did she say anything? No.

But she had a nice smile.

Any distinguishing marks?

Well, let's see. She... She
had a mole near her navel,

Uh, a small appendix scar,

And, uh, her hair was brown.

Is that it?

Well, it happened so quickly.

Well, father, I apologize for any
inconvenience this might have caused you,

And it's not gonna happen again.

Check upstairs with beale and
see if anyone's missing from psych.

Okay. And call security.

I already did. Okay.
See you after lunch.


Well, if you want to talk tennis,
you gotta talk big bill tilden.

I mean, the man was
untouchable on the court.

I don't know. I think rod laver could
have taken a game or two from him.

I saw a photograph
once of laver's wrists.

His left wrist must have
been twice the size of his right.

Probably calcium deposits.

It'll become arthritic, and
the muscles will atrophy.

That big breakfast of toast
and coffee got to you, didn't it?

I'm afraid my appetite's gone
the way of my backhand: downhill.

You know, the great players of the past
were superb by the standards of their day.

But I'm afraid that due to
technological advancement in equipment...

And better conditioning,

I think the top players of this
generation would take them.

Well, that's one man's opinion.

Dr. Mcgill, see nurse sampson.

Here's one. Listen to this. "One bedroom.
No pets, kids, water beds or students."

Isn't that illegal? Probably.

"Two months' rent, security deposit
and personal interview required."

Hire somebody to
go in your place.

All this for the disgustingly
high price of 550 a month.

Well, it's a seller's
market. 550 A month?

I'd sleep in a body
drawer before I'd pay that.

How do any of you guys do it?

Don't answer that, don juan. We all
know you're shacking up with sandy burns.

Not anymore. What happened? I
thought you were making her chirp.

Mmm, she was starting
to cling, so i... I cut it loose.

And so you ended it? Yeah.

Just like that? Just like that.

So you're back at
jack morrison's?

Uh, no. I... I'm staying with
jill roberts right now.

That young girl in neuro?

Peter, she's barely
out of nursing school.

He's working his way
through the building.

Maybe I should ask jack if I
could live at his house. Oh, no, no.

Nina morrison's had all she can
take of houseguests for a while.

Hey, wendy. You got a couch? No.

A rug? No.

How about a floor? Do you
have one of those? Fiscus.


What's goin' on?

This is my brother mike.

How you doin', mike?

We're still trying to determine
the extent of his injuries.

Uh-oh. That hurts?

- Mm-hmm.
- More than the other side?

Yep. How about here?

That's not as bad.


Uh, he got beat up.

By some negroes.

9:15 At night, the wise
guy's out for a walk.

There's no abdominal
rebound tenderness or masses.

Hmm. Bowel sounds are active.


Hey. Take it easy.
You're hurtin' him.

He's got bilateral
c.v.a. Tenderness. Hmm.

His lungs are clear, and his chest
x-ray doesn't show a pneumothorax.

So what do you think? Well,

I'd like to do a cat scan,
but since we don't have one,

I suggest an r.t.g.
And run it by westphall.

So, when can he come home?

Your brother's gonna
be in here for a while.

What does that
mean, "for a while"?

We don't know the
answer to that yet.

We don't have any
health insurance.

That's not our problem.

The hospital collects the bills.

They're gonna be
waitin' a long time.

My old man hasn't
worked since june.

We'll arrange something with
social services. Hang in there, kevin.

I'm gonna have the nurse bring
you down something for your pain.


In the meantime, lie still.

'Cause the more you move,
the more it's gonna hurt.

Trust me, doc. I'm not movin'.

Hey, doc. I don't want that spade
puttin' his hands on my brother again.

Hey, look. I don't want
to hear that kind of talk.

Dr. Chandler is
as qualified as I am.

Well, then you must
not be very good. Mike.

I want you to
understand somethin'.

It was a couple of his
kind that put kevin in here.

Now, you let your
buddy boy work on them.

'Cause just like
he's lying in here,

They're gonna be lying in here.

Dr. Tyler, emergency room, 1215.

Hey, victor. I've been
looking all over for you.

Is there another ehrlich working
this hospital? Not that I know of.

I wanted to ask... I can't believe it. They
charged me for seven signed lunches.

I never sign for
lunches. How's your eye?

My eye? You know,
from this morning,

When the guy had you by the
throat, and I pulled him off.

Oh, yeah. My... My eye.
It's fine. No problem.

Oh! Ooh! I got 'em. They
charged me for lunch on the 15th.

I was in gloucester on the
15th. I got 'em. That makes my day.

Well, uh, about what
you said... Excuse me.

Uh, could you tell me
the way to room 3114?

Yeah. It's one floor up, then
one wing over. Thank you.

Bye. Bye. You said
you owed me one.

Thank you. Yep.

Well, it's time to call in
the marker. That was fast.

I gotta move in with ya.

I... I got the old
eviction notice.

What did you do?

Nothing. He's
selling the building.

And you want to move into my
apartment? Just for a few days.

You sure your eye's okay? That guy
was pretty strong... For a drunk, that is.

Wayne. Really, man. My
mother called this morning.

I told her about the guy
strangling you. Know what she said?

She said, "don't volunteer for anything.
You do, and it can only mean trouble."

Trouble. But I told her. I said,

"What are friends for if you
can't count on them in a pinch?"

Listen, wayne... So,
what do you say?

Anything else. Okay? It's just
that I'm a very picky person.

I'm a real stickler when it comes
to... To order and... And neatness.

Just a couple of days,
okay? One week at the most.

I'm gonna go back to my
place, pick up a few things.

I'll be by your place about 7:00. Beacon
street, right? Yeah. 1295. Apartment 3.

I'm gonna work till 10:00,
so here are the keys.

Thanks, victor. We're
even. Dead, flat even. Good.

I mean, the slate is wiped
completely clean. I hope so.

You're the cat's
pajamas. I love you, pal.

Hi, boys. I'm dee.

It is 42 degrees
outside and cloudy.

Won't these daisies
cheer you up?

Will you look at
who I'm in here with?

Two of the handsomest men.

Now, I want to know who you are
and how your stay has been so far.

You first. Name?

Neil dubrock. And how's
your stay been, neil?

Lousy. I know. I know.

And how about you, handsome?

He's wally miniban.
He's lousy too.

I know how you feel.

Checkers. Magazines. Tv.

No fun.

Well, we are going
to change all that.

Okay, boys. Enjoy. Enjoy.


Dr. Stringer, 1214.

Hi. Hi.

This yours? No. He
was here when I came in.

It's a stiff. What?

He's dead.

You're right. Oh, listen. Did you get
your stuff moved into my apartment?

Yeah. It'll be nice to get off
old morrison's couch for a while.

It's like sleeping on marshmallows.
Your back must be k*lling you.

I'm used to it. I've logged up a lot of
hours on the couch the last couple years.

Ah, separating can
be very difficult.

Well, you know, it's inconvenient.
Little things like laundry.

I did this shirt in
the sink last night.

Well, listen. If there is anything
like that I can do for you, just say so.

See you later, jill. Oh.
Wait. Do you want dinner?

Uh, no. I wish I could, but
tonight's my night to see the kids.

Well, I'll hold
it for you, okay?

Okay? Okay. Your
stiff's on the move.

Mr. Gilliforte, there you are.

Mrs. Rowand's bile ducts disease is
indicated by intermittent jaundice.

She also has acholic
stools and dark urine.

What about charcot's fever? We
haven't seen any evidence of that yet.

Dr. Armstrong, will you check
for distinguishing factors?

Lift up slightly, please.
Breathe in. And out.

Once again. In. And out.

Uh, there's a palpable gallbladder
and a positive murphy sign.

That's common in this
particular disease.

Mrs. Rowand, have you
ever had jaundice before?

Enough times. I'm beginning
to look like a ripe banana.

Do you have pain?

On the right side of my belly
and here on my shoulder.

How about any
fever? I feel flushed.

There's a decreased
absorption of vitamin "k,"

Which can cause
bleeding tendencies.

Excuse me.


Dr. Auschlander.
Are you all right?

Do you need any help? I've
got everything under control.

Let me help you up. Thank you.

I examined daniel,
despite his protestations.

The remission is over?

Only thing I know for sure is
that he's in a great deal of pain.

We played tennis this morning.
He beat the pants off me.

We've all tried to be supportive of
his various alternate, uh, therapies,

But you know as
well as I do that marlin

Fishing and chaplin films
only do so much good.

He's still denying he
needs medical treatment.

Daniel has a very strong
will. Donald, he's an old man.

How much longer do you think
he can tolerate this kind of pain?

What do you recommend he do? I
suggested morphine for the pain,

But the only thing that's
gonna shrink the mass...

And slow the growth of the cancer is
chemotherapy, and he won't hear of it.

Well, can I help? Talk to him.

Okay. I will. Good.

Dr. Westphall. Yeah.
Hello, jack. What's up?

Uh, I got a patient. Young kid.
He got beat up pretty badly.

His, uh, kidneys
aren't responding. Oh.

I was wondering if you'd
take a look at these. Sure.

I was a mailman for 15 years,
but after I heard that, I quit.

Heard what, mr. Samrock?

The report the
postal service issued.

It was a contingency plan about how we were
gonna deliver mail after a nuclear w*r.

Oh, no. Not me. Mm-mmm. No, sir.

There wouldn't be any mailboxes
left and no houses, no streets.

And it's hard enough
with all those dogs.

Excuse me. Dr. Beale. Hi, helen.

She did it again. The flasher?

Mm-hmm. She spread-eagled in front
of two male patients on the third floor.

Oh, my god. They loved it.

Well, no trains, no planes, no roads,
and you can forget about express mail.

Be right with you, mr. Samrock.

I think we'd better find out
who she is and stop her now...

Before she waltzes through c.c.u.
And causes massive cardiac arrests.

I've been all through this ward, and
all our patients are accounted for.

Maybe she's a
former patient. Ah.

I'll go check the records. See what we've
handled in the way of female exhibitionist.

I'll be back in a
while, mr. Samrock.

On admission last night,
his hematocrit was 45.

This morning, 38.

Potassium is now 5-0. Hmm.

And how are his
vital signs? Stable.

There's continued
hematuria, but without clots.


That left kidney shows complete
extravasation on the i.v.p.,

And I think surgery's indicated.

His parents are here? Yeah. His
father's waiting down the hall.

All right. Well,
let's talk to him.

How old is this boy? Nineteen.

Mr. O'connor. Oh.
Hi, doc morrison.

Hi. This is dr. Westphall.

I asked him to take a look at, uh,
kevin's case. Oh. So, uh, what's goin' on?

Well, mr. O'connor, kevin's left kidney
has stopped functioning properly...

And, uh, bleeding internally.

And we feel the best
course to take, uh,

To stop the bleeding is to
remove the kidney surgically.

Will he be all right then? Most people
with one kidney live normal lives. Yeah.

How soon you gotta operate?
Sooner the better. Today if we can.

There's no other way? No.

Okay. Do what you gotta do.
Just make my kid okay. Right. Good.

Dr. Lyman to x-ray.


Have I told you what a
joy and privilege it is...

To be working on the same
staff with you? Fiscus, forget it.

I'm not helping you move. Come on, peter.
Everyone knows you love bending over.

It's the one night I got to
spend with my kids, fiscus.

Uh, I'll be more than
happy to help you, wayne.

V.j., You're a prince.

Have you got a car?
Uh, yes. Uh, two-door.

Hatchback? No. A
beetle. Very small.

I think, uh, chandler's
got a station wagon.

Not anymore. It got
sideswiped in the parking lot.

I saw him out there beating his
head against the front fender.

All right. Then here.
Call this number.

"Mickey bitkowitz"?

Yeah. He'll rent
you his truck. Rent?

Fiscus, there comes a time in every boy's
life when he's gotta pay for something.

One minute dr. Auschlander's
standing there,

And the next he's
doubled up with pain.

Why don't you come
by my place? 8:00. Okay?

I should be gettin' out of
here... Oh, I don't know. Sometime...

Hi there!

Geez! Can you hold a minute?


Uh, no. I... I don't think
you want to do that here.

Why don't you come
along with me. Hi.

Let's go.

My husband died
here in st. Eligius.

Of apudoma.

He bled to death. I'm sorry.

77 Breckenridge.

What's that?

My address. I assume the police
will want to know where I live.

We're not going to call the police,
mrs. Macaluso. At least, not yet.

I have never been in a police
station before. I don't think I'd like it.

Me neither.

Mrs. Macaluso... Dee.

Dee. Why are you
exposing yourself?


You see, a woman's body
doesn't have to age, you know?

Oh, it can sag, or she
can get fat or whatever,

But if a woman takes
care of her body,

It doesn't wrinkle
the way her face does.

You could put a bag over the head of a
24-year-old girl and a 50-year-old woman,

And I'll bet you dollars to doughnuts
you couldn't tell the difference.

I see.

Anyway. This morning I got up,

And I looked at myself in
the full-length mirror...

I have attached to the
back of my closet door.

And I had to smile
because, well, you see,

I still have a very nice body.

Something to be proud
of. Something to share.

Something that can
still make people happy.

So you decided to cheer
up some of our patients.

That's right. It was time to
give something back. You see?

Hey. I didn't mean
anybody any harm.

- Of course you didn't.
- My husband, ray...

He loved my body.

He used to say to me,

"You got great knockers,
kiddo. Great knockers!"

And he was right. See?

That's very impressive, dee.

- Nice chain.
- Thank you. Anyway,

As I was standing there,

It's like I could hear my
ray sneaking up behind me...

To give me a little
nibble on the ear.

"You got great knockers, kiddo."

Do you ever have the
urge to let it all hang out?

Uh, no. Not... Not really.


You're not gonna do
this again, are you?

Oh, hey. Look.

I know I caused you
a lot of trouble.

But you're only 50 once, right?

Today is my 50th birthday.

I promise I will
never do it again.

That's great.

Yes, alisa.

All right. I'm on my way up.

Gotta run. Happy birthday, dee.

Thank you.

Yes. Happy birthday.

Come on. I'll show you out.

Really. I will never do
this again. I know. I know.

Helen. Yeah?

Make sure you
remind me about mrs...

Oh, for crying out loud.

Dee. Come on. Now, I thought you
weren't gonna do that anymore.

Whatever happened to that
promise you made us, huh?

I tried calling your wife.

Katharine's visiting the
grandchildren in new york.

Morton chegley thinks it's
time you started chemotherapy.

I'm feeling all right,
donald. Really, I am.

You collapsed in the
middle of grand rounds.

I'm not a child to be
clucked over and cared for.

I am not an invalid to be whispered
about behind my back. Daniel...

I know better than anyone
what's going on inside my body.

Please, have the decency
to pay me that respect.

I've treated hundreds
of cases like mine before.

Do you think maybe in this case
your vision might be a little clouded?

I'm as strong as I ever was.

As alert.

As capable. No
one's doubting that.

Look. I appreciate your concern.

I know it's terrifying.
I know that.

I can face the pain that
goes with the injections...

The fever, the nausea and the diarrhea
that goes along with chemotherapy.

But what I hate is that, as the
chemotherapy kills the cancer,

I will grow weaker and weaker.

I know I'm running away from it.

You saw me on the tennis court this
morning. I played as well as ever. Better.

Well, I'm not ready to
put my life in mothballs.

What man wants to cease
to function as he chooses?

What man wants to hand
himself over to such a life?

The bottom line, my friend, is that
chemotherapy will buy you time.

Advantage westphall?

I'll do it.

Thank you, marshall.

None of that, thank you. I've
been climbing in and out of bed...

For almost 70 years
without any assistance.

Can't help myself. Guess it must
be the florence nightingale in me.

It's rather late in the
day to start chemo, isn't it?

As they say, there's
no time like the present.

I'm gonna hydrate you
first with normal saline.

About 150 c.c.'S an
hour. All right? Fine.

I thought I'd use a 23-gauge
needle. It'll hurt less.

Hmm. You're trying
to get on my good side.

You pay 50 cents each hour?

Negotiations got a little stiff.

Ah, come on. No.

Get out of the way!

Get out of the
way! Can you move...

- Back up! Great. Back up!
- Please.

Take it easy, wayne.
You move it! Back up!

- Wayne, take it easy.
- Just... Hey! Back off!

Great. Move!

Get out of the way! I can't...

Get your hand away.

There we go. Come on.

Uh, wayne, there's
somebody behind.

What have I pulled
into? A car wash?

Why don't you drive into there,
and, uh, then we can turn around.

Come on!

That's right. Easy. Easy.

Well, how am I back there?

Turn. Turn. I'm
turning. I'm turning.

Ah! The other way.
Other way. Hold it! Hold it!

There's a wall back there or
something. Well, then you try it!

Uh, I drive a bug. Very small. Hey.
Looks like you guys got a problem.

Well, it's nothin'
I can't handle.

You better get out of here,
or they're gonna k*ll you.

My name's dudley. I
can get you out of here.

- Yeah?
- Yeah. No sweat. Just cost you $3.28.


Price of a bottle of md 20/20.

Come on, bozo! Move it!

You got a deal, quaker.

Slide over.

And pray. You sure
about this, wayne?

No, I'm not. Don't you worry, fellas.
I'll get you out of here in no time.

Oh. Hi. How is he?

Well, your normal reaction
to the start of chemo.

He's very weak, and
he threw up again.

Should I come back
later? Oh, no, no.

Please come in. Sit down.

Thank you, nada.

They're hovering over me.

How are you feeling?

Cancer hurts.

I'm so sorry.

I think it was oscar
wilde who said,

"God spare me the physical pain, and
I'll take care of the moral pain myself."

I'm only glad katharine
can't see me like this.

Katharine paints, you know.

Her experiments with light and color
were like explosions on the canvas.

Did she ever have a
showing? At a gallery I mean.

Oh, no. She revels in
her amateur standing.

She paints for
the simple joy of it.

If you were to come out to the
house and admire one of her pieces,

Chances are you'd go
home with it under your arm.

She sounds like a
terrific lady. She is.

So much energy, so full of life.

I don't want to be
a burden to her.

Recognize the chemotherapeutic side effect
of depression in this case, dr. Cavanero?


Me too.

And for subjecting you
to that, my apologies.

You have every
right to be angry.

A liver specialist
should know better.

What have you decided to do
about the wodehouse fellowship?

I... I turned it down.

Ah. Well, there'll be others.

When the time is
right, you'll take it.

I should be going.

Oh, annie, would you do
me a favor, please? Anything.

Tomorrow I'm going home
for a few days to rest.

And I know you're
overloaded at present,

But could you keep an
eye on my patients for me?

Of course. Thank you.

Thank you.

I... I think I'll get
some sleep now.

Mr. O'connor, kevin's
operation's going along just fine.

Well, I just thought I'd hang
around till they finish, doc.

Could be a while. That's okay.

Dr. Morrison says you live
in southie. Yeah. That's right.

Gilfillan's bar still
on nolan street? Yeah.

Gus still runnin' it? Gus's boy.
How do you know gilfillan's?

Used to live down
there years ago.

No kiddin'. You grew
up in boston? Allston.


You remember the
gainer brickworks? No.

Washington street.
I used to work there.

They knocked it down 10 years ago.
Now it's all apartments for college kids.

Used to be a ballroom up around
there somewheres. Uh... The ashland.

Ashland. Yeah. I forgot.
The ashland ballroom.

Used to take my wife up
there saturday nights.

She dropped dead on me a
couple of years ago. I'm sorry.

That's okay. That's why this
whole business with kevin is...

I understand it.

Used to be some town,
boston, huh? Still pretty good.

Yeah, but it used to be great. You
remember when curley was mayor?

James michael himself?
James michael himself.

Wasn't... Wasn't he
reelected once...

When he was on trial for...
Mail fraud, wasn't it? Uh-huh.

They convicted him. Yeah.
Ran the city from his jail cell.

That's right. Sure was good to
his own kind. I'll say that for him.

- A lot of people loved him.
- I tell you something.

If curley was still running things,
guys like me wouldn't be out of work.

Ain't any work anyway. Not unless
your skin's the color of coal.

What do you say? Got a job at
the hospital for a guy like me?

Tell you what. If we build a new wing,
I'll let you know. Right. You got a deal.

I'm gonna beat it to the coffee shop.
Can I get you anything? No, thanks.

Hey. Get a load of this. Look at this.
Now they got 'em in suits. What next?




♪♪ Fiscus!

Hiya, victor. Long night, huh?

Uh, would you like some chicken
parts, victor? They do chicken right.

No, no. Wait a minute. I thought you said
you weren't gonna bring a lot of stuff.

I tried, victor. Really, I
did. I got rid of what I could.

You know. You should see the
stuff I tossed. What about him?

Oh, him. That's dudley. Uh,
he and v.j. Helped me move in.

He'll be up soon.
You should meet him.

I'm gonna be on call in
three hours. When I wake up,

I want him out from under my
board and out of my apartment!

That's not very
hospitable, victor.

Dudley is a w*r veteran.

Doesn't smell very
pretty, does it?

That's not the chicken.

It's dudley.

Oh? Mm-hmm.

Must have been a
full moon last night.

What's your favorite month?

I don't know. I kind of
like october. October.

Oh! What a creative
thing to do with a pumpkin.

But my heart still belongs
to february. Let me see.

But it's so short.
Not in a leap year.

On second thought,
would you take a look at...

December. Mmm. Every
day would be christmas.

Where do you think we
should stick it? Oh, well.

I don't know. How about over
here? Hey, you guys. Get out here.

All right. I got severe facial
lacerations and contusions.

Put him in cubicle number two.

Also send for a
suture tray, and set up a

Facial and skull series.
His jaw may be broken.

We got a g*nsh*t
wound in the upper right

Thigh. I'll take care
of this one right away.

Start an i.v. D-5
lactated ringer's.

Then type and cross
four units of whole blood.

Admission labs, neurovascular
check and x-ray. Stat.

What happened to
these guys? Street fight.

Some paddies jumped
us. I love urban living.

Where's the doctor? Second-degree
laceration on his left forearm.

Put a pressure dressing on.
Be back in a minute. Okay, okay.

Hold on. Here I am. I
can't see. I can't see.

Prepare an eye tray and have
scottie irrigate his right eye, okay?

Get your hand down,
sir. Get your hand down.

Freeze! Freeze!

There were so many flowers,
they must have thought I died.

Tell you what. You... You can
send them to the children's ward.

Except these. They go with me.

All right.

Decided to go home,
did ya? For a few days.

I'll let katharine fuss over
me. She gets in this afternoon.

Hop in. I think not.

Hospital rules.

It's my rule. I can break it.

Why the long faces?
See you in a few days.

A few days.