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01x22 - Addiction

Posted: 04/23/24 21:56
by bunniefuu
Tonight on st. Elsewhere.

The only reason I ever got involved
with you is because we had great sex.

I was puttin' out the fire when the
medication room was broken into.

Peter, both you and I know you
have a drug addiction. I am innocent.

Hey! Cut it out! You'll k*ll
him! He's wearing a pacemaker!

So the bum caught me with a
hammer. I still got my sh*ts in, right?

Aren't you supposed to be watching
dr. Craig's kid? Have you seen him?

- Oh, my god. He's dead.
- How's nina doing?

Seventeen hours and no change.

Ready? Push.

[Grunting, panting]

What news of the
maternity ward? [Sighs]

Nina's been in labor for three hours.
She's dilated only two centimeters.

But she's fine. We're gonna hang in
there with natural childbirth all the way.

Sorry about bringing you back down here,
but as you can see, we've been bombarded.

Anything serious? No. A bus
sideswiped the old state house.

The building's fine. Mostly
everybody else is just shook up.

To be honest, I needed to get out
of the labor room for a little while.

Having a baby is not easy.

[Chuckles] tell that to
nina. Shirley, you jest.

We got a pool going on your kid's
weight and the length of nina's labor.

It's only a buck. You
stand to make a fortune.

Problem is, the only spot left
is 36 hours, 12 pounds, female.

No, thanks. You never know.
She could be a female shot-putter.

Thank you.

♪♪ [Soft rock] dr. White.

Yeah. I thought I smelled smoke
coming out of the men's room.

Big deal. Probably some
orderlies puffing on reefer.

Will you check?

Yeah. What's the matter? You
afraid to go in there alone, honey?

Oh, come on.

It's in there, dr. White.


Holy... Call a code red.

John, call a code red!

Excuse me. Is there
a mr. Custodi here?

Gene custodi?


Mr. Custodi?

How long has he been here?

Gene? Gene?

Oh, man. What have we got here?

Uh... Oh, boy.

Give me a hand here, shirley. How
could you let him sit here this long?

He was able to fill out the
forms. He wasn't that out of it.

His pupils are
dilated and equal.

Seconal overdose. We're
gonna have to lavage him.

[Daniels] candy, we
need you over here!

Nothing to be alarmed about. They're
probably here visiting a sick dalmatian.

Why don't you have a seat.

Mr. Davies? Yes.

Gratwick davies? That's me.

You wanna follow me, please?

How does it look? I
think we got him in time.

Would you get
me 30 c.c.'S ipecac.

♪♪ [One-man band continues]

What's his problem? He's got a few
bruised ribs and he needs a tune-up.


Dr. White, we've got
another problem. What now?

Somebody broke into the medication
room and stole a whole lot of dr*gs.

Where? Down here.

♪♪ [Whistling]

Ehrlich, I want to
talk to you. I'm sorry.

What for? I don't know.

It's just a
conditioned response.

You know, dad, like a
skinner box or pavlov's dogs.

I know, steven. This
is my son. Hi, steven.

You must be victor ehrlich.

Steven is gonna watch me repair a
patent ductus arteriosus right now.

But after that, he's all yours.

I expect you to make his vacation from
med school as informative as possible.

I want him to get the feel of what
the life of a resident is all about.


After all, he'll be in
your shoes next year.

- Nice bucks.
- Thanks.

Why don't we meet at the fifth
floor nurses' station, oh, say noonish?

- Huh?
- Okay, 12:10 on the dot.

I don't want him to have any special
handling just because he's my son.

Treat him like any other
top student of ohio state.

Yes, sir.

Where's the oxygen, mahatma?

Good. Son, that'll
clear up your hangover.

Rough night, dr. Craig?
Are you kidding?

My son and I were up late
celebrating his homecoming.

Okay, let's get started.

Well, whoever did it really knew
what he or she was looking for.

What did we lose?
You name it, it's gone.

Enough morphine, diazepam and seconal to
keep the whole city downed out for a month.


I went to the top on this one. I
talked to the commissioner of police.

He said they're gonna do everything
they can to try and catch the guy.

I'm no junior g-man, but it seems pretty
obvious that whoever stole the dr*gs...

Started the fire
as a diversion. Yeah.

The commissioner asked me if
I thought it was an inside job.

What did you say?

I said I didn't think so.
What do you really think?

I don't know. Who was
the resident on call?

Peter white. Oh, boy.

Hi. Hi.

Hi. Hi, nina.

We've still got a ways to go. I'm gonna do
a pelvic exam after the next contraction.

Why don't you take off
for a while. No, thanks.

Honey, you were in e.r. Until
4:00 a.m. And then came down here.

Go and get some rest. Nothing's
gonna happen in the next hour.

She's in good hands.

Okay, I'll be in on call.

How are you feeling? Great.

Oh, here comes another one.

Okay, now just relax.
Breathe through it.

That's right.

Very good.


[Auschlander] it was a monday. I remember
it like it was yesterday. Cold, dry.

All I wanted to do was get
at the nazis, so I enlisted.

I didn't let them know I was a
doctor. I wanted to get in the infantry.

I didn't know there were any
nazis in new guinea. There weren't.

Roosevelt saw fit to
send me after the japanese.

I guess he knew how much
macarthur needed me. It's just as well.

The w*r in europe
was a nightmare. What?

No recurrent
malaria, no beriberi.

All you guys got was a
developed taste for french wine.

We deserved it after all
that sicilian red we drank.

I bet you never
thought we'd miss 1943.

No, I guess I never did.

I do miss rita,
though, all the time.

Well, look at the bright side.

You're old, you've got diseases,

You've had heart surgery
and you're wearing a pacemaker.

The way things are going, you
should be with her very soon.

[Chuckles] I don't know whether
that's good news or bad news.

We've come a long way
from kelly street, didn't we?

Further than we
probably had any right to.

We didn't end up in jail like
the rest of the neighborhood.

I guess we fooled
a lot of people.

How did we get to be so old?

There's nothing wrong
with being old, danny.

It's just that a lot of people
our age give old a bad name.

Where did the time go?

Which reminds me, benny o'neill
died a couple of months ago.

Of what?

I think it was emphysema
that finally k*lled him.

I told him a hundred
times to quit smoking.

You know, I like
boston. Nice town.

I feel the same way. I
couldn't live here though.

Why not? I don't know.

There's... Too something.

I know what you mean.

Hey, david, how's it going?


What's the matter with him? He get up
on the wrong side of linda this morning?

Dr. Westphall wants to see you.

My dad told me a lot about you.
Believe me, I'm not as bad as all that.

No, he admires you. He sure
has a funny way of showing it.

I know how demanding he can be.
How would you like to be his son?

They haven't printed the money
yet. Time to check on a post-op.

And how are we today, marie?

I'm ready to get out of here. Looks
like you're gonna get your wish.

Would you care to
examine the incision? Sure.

Who's he? I didn't
mean to be rude.

Dr. Craig, this is marie.
Marie, dr. Craig. Hi.

Just hold it. Hold
it one second.

I have been in this dung
heap for two weeks...

And everybody's been
calling me by my first name...

The doctors, the
nurses, the orderlies.

We try to be
friendly and informal.

It's a one-way street,
and I'm just sick of it.

I don't know your first name. I
don't even know if you have one.

It never really occurred
to me. No, it wouldn't.

You guys are just
trained to be patronizing.

You treat us all like children.

I'm 54 years old.
I got three kids.

And if one of them dared to call
me marie, I'd smack 'em in the head.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry,
mrs. Benzinger.


So much for dazzling you with my
bedside manner. Don't worry about it.

My dad says you just have to let
patients like that roll off your back.

Yeah. You won't
tell him, will you?

Come on. He's my father. Do
you tell your father everything?

Not since fourth grade.
You're all right, steven.

Well, thank you. It's about
lunchtime. Wanna grab a sandwich?

Uh, no. Uh...

Actually, I'd rather get high.

Excuse me.

Sinsemilla. Humboldt
county... Blow your head off.

You got a light?

What exactly are
you accusing me of?

I'm not accusing you of anything. I
just want to know what happened.

I was putting out the fire when
the medication room was broken into.

It's all there in my report. Or
didn't you bother to read it? Sit down.

Dr. Westphall, I'm sorry.
This is a weird time for me.

I know that, and
I appreciate it,

But both you and I know
you have a drug addiction.

I'm doing exactly what you told me
to do. I'm going to the rehab center.

I'm in the 21-day program. Good.

That's good to hear. I mean it.

But, peter, knowing what I know,

I'd be negligent if I didn't ask
you about last night's break-in.

I am innocent. I swear it.

Okay, fine.

You believe me? Just like that?


You don't like me
very much, do you?

Peter, I'm well
aware you've had...

More problems this year
than anybody deserves,

But I have to tell
you the truth.

Every time I look at your evaluation, one
thing becomes more and more clear to me.

You don't seem to be
a very good doctor.

You telling me you're thinking of
dropping me from the residency program?

It's crossed my mind.

I feel so terrible. What now?

The pool. The pool on the
length of nina morrison's labor.

I drew 23 hours. I got 15.

Don't you think
it's cruel? Cruel?

I really hope I win. I
could use the money.

But it's hard to root for a fellow
creature to be in pain for 23 hours.

Hmm. Hey, guys. Hello.

Hi, wayne. Hi.

What's the count and the amount?

Nina's been in labor 16
hours, three minutes now.

I never win anything.
Including the marathon.

Wasn't it exciting, though?
That surging sea of human sweat.

Yeah. Hey, I'm no
alberto salazar,

But if I don't get my 10-mile running
fix in the morning, I can't get going.

Ten miles a day? Guys
like you are crazy.

You take a healthy cardiovascular
activity and turn it into an obsession.

- You can't live without it.
- Did you know almost a third
of the people who run...

Would rather give
up sex than jogging?

Chandler doesn't have a choice.

Wayne, could you
pass the salt? Yeah.

- Look at that tray.
- Yeah, what about it?

Look at the size of that cake.

I see you squirreling away those
chocolate bars during rounds.

Okay, so I got a sweet tooth.
Sugar gets me through the day.

Sure beats not eating at all.

This morning a 14-year-old
girl came into e.r.

Eighty pounds and she kept
complaining about how fat she was.

I was reading this university
of arizona research report...

That correlated the behavior of
obsessive runners with teenage anorexics.

It said they're both
bent on self-destruction

And suggested they
seek psychiatric help.

Who asked you?

Anybody who'd quote
a university of arizona

Research report is
obviously a workaholic.

Speaking of addictive

[Martin] do you honestly think he broke
into the medication room last night?

He's capable of doing anything.

Phil, remember... Innocent
until proven guilty.

It really isn't all his fault.

Doctors perpetuate the myth that dr*gs
are good because they take the pain away.

We forget the side
effects. Poor peter.

I'm glad his problem went public.
I was tired of carrying his load...

And covering for his mistakes.

- He makes all of us look bad.
- Anybody want a taste?

[Imitating car revving]

Whoops. Today's the
start of the st. Eligius 500.

How's nina doing? Seventeen
hours and no change.

Oh, well, so much for that.

I'm heading back down there now.

How's the guy I admitted last
night doing... The seconal

Gene custodi?
He's right in there.

His vital signs are stable, but
he was in and out of it all morning.

Though last time I looked in,
he seemed fairly responsive.

Think I'll say hello. Okay.

Hello, gene.

I'm dr. Morrison. I pumped
your stomach last night.

Well, I just came by to
see how you're doing.

Getting by. You don't
look so good, though.

I'm a little fuzzy. My
wife's about to have a baby.

Oh, yeah? I got a kid.

Laurie. She's just a year old.

Then I don't get it. How come
you're doing this to yourself?

You mean pop reds? Yeah.

Look, I got outta high school
about this time last year.

She was pregnant,
so we got married.

And that was fine with me
'cause I really loved her.

Then what about your responsibility
to your wife and your child?

I don't get to see them.

One night I got home from
work and they were gone.

Not even a note.

Laurie could be
dead for all I know.

You tried to find them?

Till the money ran out.

What about the police? Oh, man.

Six months is a long
time not to see your kid.

Gene, the pills. You gotta
stop punishing yourself.

No, you don't get it at all.

When I take reds and I'm on the
nod, it's like laurie's there with me.

Hey, my problem
isn't your problem.

Hello, jack. How
you doing, gene?

I see we're gonna
have another talk.

Well, only if you want to.

It's time I got back
down to the labor room.

You ever been a father
before, dr. Morrison?

- Nope.
- Today's a big day for you.

The day my daughter was born
was the happiest day of my life.

Good luck.


Have you seen steven craig? No,
not since the last time he was with you.


[Auschlander] finally, I succumbed to
the pain and went into a chemo cycle.

- How bad is it?
- Rat poison in
a slow intravenous drip.

Don't undersell it. Truly
a nauseating experience.

[Horn honking]

What the hell? That
guy must've been doing 80.

Rita was k*lled by a
hit-and-run driver. I know.

She would've been 65 this year.

What the hell's the idea?

I blew the horn. Maybe you
should turn up your hearing aid.

You can k*ll somebody. So
take it easy. Herbie, forget it.

Where's your wife? Out turning
tricks at some old-age home?

You smart-mouthed punk. Herbie,
you're wearing a pacemaker!

Don't answer him. You're
real brave... A real wiseass.

Okay, it's finished. You'll have a
coronary. Did you hear what he said?

It was probably a drugged-out
clown like that who k*lled rita.

Take deep breaths, herbie.

In almost 60 years, you
haven't changed a lot.

We are what we are.

There's an argument for
genetics versus environment.

What the hell's the idea?

Hey! Cut it out!
You'll k*ll him!

He's wearing a pacemaker!

Herbie, I'm coming!

You all right, herbie?
Yeah, sure. Let me...

It's over. It's over.

Do you believe that?
Dr. Auschlander, are you all right?

I've never felt better in
my life. What happened?

We got into a fight. What?

You should've been there.
Let's take care of him first.

Like the old days.
Herbie's not kidding.

Rolling around on
the hood of that car.

Hold still. I wanna see where
the blood is coming from.

He's got me pinned.
Can I get some gauze?

He's already grazed me
once with the hammer.

Looks like you're gonna need some
stitches. I'd like to get a skull series.

I don't think you're
bleeding. I told you, I'm fine.

Herbie's wearing
a pacemaker. So?

Dr. Ehrlich? Call me victor.

Wait a minute. Aren't you supposed
to be watching dr. Craig's kid?

Have you seen him? In
a manner of speaking.

Wait. Don't tell me. He got hit by
a gurney, trapped in an elevator?

What? Follow me.

Oh, my god. He's dead.

He's not dead. He's high.

Again? He smoked a joint
this big this afternoon.

Looks like he's been tapping
into the nitrous oxide.

k*ll it, would you, please?

Yo, steven, up
and at 'em. Come on.

Boy's got a problem.
Help me get him up.

All he needs is some air.

Oh, man, what a rush.

Oh, hi, victor. Where you been?

Where I been? Come on. Wake up.

[Nina grunting, panting]

[Morrison] you're doing great, honey.
Fifteen more seconds and you're out of it.

Look at the monitor.
Look at the monitor.

[Nina] I don't think I can
take the pain anymore.

Yes, you can. Sure you can. Can't
somebody else do this for me?

Okay, okay, we're
finished. We're finished.

Okay, a cleansing breath.



I think we should talk. We've
been here for 20 hours now.

You've only dilated one
centimeter in the last eight hours.

We're still not even
close to delivery.

You think we should
accelerate labor?

We've come this far.
I don't wanna give up.

Nina, we've got a choice. We can
hang in there another eight hours,

Or we can speed things
along with a shot of pitocin.

I don't wanna do that.

I know I can make it.
I know you can too.

But if we hold out too much longer,
it could potentially harm the baby.

But, jack, what about all the time we
put in... All the classes and preparation?

It's not wasted. It got
us this far, didn't it?

You're doing great.

But the fact is, we're
here to have a baby.

And whether we do it naturally or
not, at this point it's secondary, right?


Start an i.v. With pitocin in it.
Let's get the delivery room ready.

One of your doctors told me my
heart's running like a swiss watch.

He also tell you you
got a punctured eardrum?

Yeah, and that's too
bad. It was my good ear.

I called tony. I told him what
happened. I wish you hadn't done that.

He's having enough problems with his
deliveries showing up late from korea.

I'll drive you
back to the hotel.

A lesser man would've had to
spend the night here at club med.

A smarter man wouldn't
have gotten into that foray.

I haven't felt so good in 25 years.
I don't give a damn about my ear.

So the bum caught me with a
hammer. I still got my sh*ts in, right?

I know what you mean!

You know, for a second there...
For a split second of a moment,

I was 18 again and immortal.

I know. I could feel the adrenaline
exploding out of my heart too.

By the way, thanks. For what?

For being there.

Danny, I'm gonna
tell you a secret.

We're gonna live forever.

Hi. Good luck.


Hi. This isn't
the time to visit.

It should be over
in a couple hours.

I'll put this in her room, so she'll
have it when she comes out. Good luck.

Finally. Yeah.

How you doing? Pretty
good. Is peter on call?

I don't know. Let's
go check. Okay.

How's it going
between you and him?

It's not. I haven't seen
him since his birthday.

I know what you're
going through.

My first husband
didn't want me to go out

With the girls. He wanted
to go out with them.

That's peter. My second
husband didn't want me to work.

The problem was, he
didn't want to work either.

My third husband, well,
that's better left unsaid.

I can't imagine going through
any of this more than once.

Me either. You know, myra,

An interesting thing happened
to me because of my mastectomy.

I learned you don't throw relationships
away like you would broken appliances.

You fix them. You
make them work.

I wish it was that
easy. Maybe it is.

I think what you've got to do is
figure out what you really need in life...

And what you're
willing to do for it.

Thank you, helen.

Hi, victor. Hi.

May i? Yeah.

Want some? Alphabet
soup. Mm-mm, good.

No, I'm not in the
mood. Bummed out?

No, no, no.

V.j., You're a man of the
world. Let me ask you a question.

I have this friend... My
friend's boss has a son...

Who my friend's boss asked
my friend to baby-sit at work.

Are you with me so far? No.

You sure you don't want
some soup? No, thank you.

Anyway, the point is that the
boss's son is doing something...

That the friend knows
the boss wouldn't like,

And my friend who likes the
boss's son and respects the boss,

Can't figure out what to do.

You mean, dr. Craig's son,
steven, is taking dr*gs?


You really are in a pickle.

Well, okay. You have any age-old
indian wisdom you wanna share with me?

In my family, we
have an old proverb...

"When you open your
window for fresh air,

You're bound to find a
locust in your curry."

I see. Okay.

Look, I am an anesthesiologist.

My job is to knock people out when they are
operated on so they don't feel the pain.

That's a good thing.

But when this gift is
abused, all it causes is pain.

So, you're saying I
should be a stoolie,

Squeal on the kid and
tell craig everything.


I have been working under
dr. Craig for a while and a half now.

We don't have what you may
call a meaningful relationship.

But I think I know him
well enough to tell...

That the son's abuse will
break the father's heart.

Aha. So, you're saying I
shouldn't talk to craig.

No. Then what are you saying?

Talk to the son.


I'm not dealing, I swear.
Who you talking to?

Not even a pharmacist walks around
the streets with that many pills on them.

I told you, I'm not dealing.
Let me see your prescription.

Please. Listen up, gene.

With the stuff we
found, you've had it,

Unless you wanna tell
me who your connection is.

Gimme a break. I tell you
that and I'm a dead man.

Listen, buddy boy,
you're a dead man anyway.

Your record isn't exactly spotless
when it comes to drug abuse.

This time, no probation.

The state has an old-fashioned
way of rehabilitating guys like you...

Cold turkey in a prison cell.

Have a nice day.

Can you get away
for a couple of hours?

If you don't spend some time with
me, I'm not sure what's gonna happen.

This week alone, I've already
taken off two days to be with you.

I have my career to think
about. You're not being fair.

Just for an hour or so. Come on.

I feel like I'm slipping
and I need some help.

That's why you're at rehab.
I walked outta that place.

I couldn't stand it. All
those people talking

About... You really
don't want any help.

You wanna just complain...
Please, don't start on me like that.

The last thing I wanna hear right
now is what a jerk you think I am.

I'm the best thing that ever
happened to you. You said so yourself.

I never said that. You got me confused
me with your wife or someone else.

- Jill, please.
- Living with you is
no picnic, peter.

- You've wrecked my car.
- The insurance covered that.

- You're constantly borrowing
money that you never pay back.
- What is it with you?

I'm dying in here and
you're still kicking.

Come back.

The only reason I ever got involved
with you is because we had great sex.

But ever since you started going heavy
on the dr*gs, you're damaged goods.

You're all the same.

It took you no time to move in, peter.
It's gonna even take you less to move out.



Are you okay in there?


[Grunting, panting]

The baby's head's about to show.

Now, nina, I want
you to listen to me.

You're gonna feel a burning sensation
when the baby's head being born.

Don't let that scare you.

Ready? Push.

You're doing great.
Very good. Again.

Real good, honey. Very good.

Jack, look. You can
see the baby's hair.

[Chuckles] [sobbing]

I'm gonna do an episiotomy. Now don't
push through this next contraction.

Nina, I'm gonna make a small incision to
enlarge the opening so you don't tear.

- Do it. Do it.
- Here we go.

Small pushes. That's
good, honey. Very good.

I got it. I got it.

[Laughs] that was quick.

[Panting] what
is it? What is it?

It's a boy.

And the time is 6:33.

It's a boy, jack.

It's a boy!


Is doc fujiyama here?

No, he went to the health club.

He was supposed to have the
results on the neilsen autopsy.

Oh, the man who died sitting with
his family watching television?


Here it is. Thanks.

This is incomplete. Why, wayne?

There's no indication of
what show he was watching.

[Chuckles] my guess is cable.

They play all the really
good movies on cable.

I love lying in bed, watching.
There are no... Interruptions.

Uh-huh. Uh, well, bye, cath.

Wayne, wait.


Have you ever seen the
french lieutenant's woman?

It's on tonight. I saw it.

Can you ever forget the look on meryl's
face when she was standing on the quay,

A lone figure on a windswept
cob, waiting for her man to return?

Then she turned and jeremy
saw her for the first time.


Well, uh, what happened with
you and warren applegate?

It's finished. Oh.

He was just a passing fancy.

Wayne, can I be frank? You
can be anybody you want.

Please, I want to
bare my soul to you.

I saw the way you were
looking at me in the cafeteria.

Like you used to, before.

Oh, damn it, wayne! Ever since that night
when I walked out of your apartment...

Cathy, you are not interested in
me. You are just obsessed with sex.


Yes, I am. But only
with you, wayne.

You're better than
tony... And david...

And scott... And steve. Steve.

Even gary. Gary.

I still wear your
heart close to mine.

Well, look, cathy, I
gotta go. Please, don't.

No, you don't understand.
I am in the middle...

Of the beginning of a very nice
relationship with shirley daniels.

Anything that might happen between
us right now will screw that up.

And I don't wanna
screw that up. Shh.

No, cathy. No,
cathy. Wayne, shh.

Cathy... Close your eyes.

Cathy... [Muttering]


"A day will come when you shall be called
to account for what you have done to me."

I knew you'd come back.

Was it our stuff?
[Beale] a syringe.

My guess is retrieved
from a garbage pail.

Custodi's chart didn't mention
he was into heavy stuff. He wasn't.

Then what did he use? Nothing.

He took the empty syringe
and shot up an air bubble.

Instant heart attack.

He left this note.

[Woman over p.a.]
Attention, everybody.

Jack and nina morrison are the proud
parents of a seven-pound baby boy.

Length of labor:
22 hours, 12 minutes.

[Knocking] come in.

Oh, hiya, victor.
Care to join me?

Uppers. Help you sail right
through the evening carnage.

I used to take 'em for philosophy
exams. They gave me divine guidance.

Are you nuts? Your
father could walk in here.

He said he'd be back
in three minutes.

When my dad says three
minutes, he means three minutes.

Get your feet off there.

Victor, what's the problem?
I sense hostility here.

I don't get it. You're bright,
good-looking, with an incredible future.

Sky's the limit. I'm no saint. I
grew up in california in the '60s.

So I understand what
you're doing here.

But I learned the human body can only take
so much and then brain cells start to fry.

I got it under control.

Go on up to the psych ward and talk
to some of the junkies and speed freaks...

And the acid
casualties up there.

They don't know who they are,
but they have it under control too.

If I closed my eyes, I could
swear my dad was in the room.

What you're doing here
shows so much disrespect

For a man who obviously
loves you very much.

I think that's what
bothers me the most.

I've got nothing against my
dad. I'm just leading my own life.

Oh, yeah? Suppose I tell him.

So, tell him.

Hi, dad. Steven, ehrlich.

Steven and I are going to
the party for jack morrison.

Care to join us? Thank you, sir.

- How are you two getting along?
- Terrific.

Yeah, great. Okay, let's go.



I saw you in the hallway.

Nina and jack had a boy.
That's good. Jack wanted a boy.

They're throwing a party in the
fourth floor doctors' lounge.

Yeah, all my friends will
be there. What do you mean?

I mean, myra, I'm
hated around here.

They don't hate you.

I don't hate you.

Well, you should.

I've given you reason enough to.

Well, believe me, I've done
my share of hurting you too.

I don't even remember anymore.

Did we ever love each other?


Then how did we get here?

I don't know.

Remember when you
asked me to marry you?

We knew for a long time
that we wanted to get married,

But neither of us wanted
to be the first one to say it.

But you asked me...

On that spring day when we
were walking the quad at brown.


And when the words came
out, I started to cry because...

That's all I ever wanted was to be
your wife and have your children.

I loved you that much.


[Sighs] I miss providence.

Yeah, me too.

Come home.


It's happened three times this month.
We're not gonna catch him. I know it.

Mind if I have one?
Not at all. Go ahead.

How 'bout you? No.

Suppose for now, we
consolidate the medication

Rooms by putting them
on every other floor?


We could double security, but either
way, it's gonna cause a lot of aggravation.

We can talk about
this later if you like.

Am I that distracted? Yeah.

Anything I can
do? Make me young.

Yeah, wish I could.

This afternoon when I was
thrashing around with herbie...

It's lucky the two
of you weren't k*lled.

It'd been years
since I felt that vital.

I realized what a mistake I've made
trying to grow old gracefully.

"Rage, rage, against
the dying of the light."

Why shouldn't we? Because,
my friend, it's a waste of time.

But, donald, won't you at least admit
you'd give up everything you've worked for,

Learned, achieved, to
feel the way you were at 18?

Of course. But if we did,
where would that leave us?

Confused, selfish, immature.

I, for one, wouldn't want
to go through that again.

Well, I would, in a second.


Oh, jack and nina morrison
had a baby boy a little while ago.

There's gonna be a party
on the fourth floor.

Well, then, rather than
dwell on what's gone forever,

Perhaps it would be wiser
to look to the future.

♪♪ [Instrumental rock]

luther. Thank you.

I thought it was jack morrison's
baby. Luther had the winning time.

Twenty-two hours. I could feel
it in my bones. Where's my cash?

Where's your ticket?
Huh? That's no problem.

Don't worry. I'll
get it later. Uh-uh!

No ticket, no money.
That's real cold, v.j.

I'll be right back.

Cathy, hi. How 'bout
a cigar? Thank you.

Want a light? Oh, no.

I need a refill.
Anybody else? No.

Me. Okay.

There you are. I
was getting worried.

What's that awful smell? I don't
know. Maybe my new aftershave.


It smells like formaldehyde.
Well, I was in the morgue.

Let me help you wash it off.

Shirley, let me explain. I was just
getting the latest on the neilsen autopsy.

Hey, everybody, here he is!

It's gotta be here someplace.

Jack, congratulations. Thanks.

How 'bout a cigar?
No, I don't smoke.

Then get a drink.
Thanks. It's quite a day.

Yeah, I'll bet.

How's gene custodi doing?
You make any progress with him?

Jack, listen. It's a party.

What's wrong?

Custodi k*lled himself
a couple of hours ago.

What? He left a note.

What'd it say?

"I hope the next world
is better than this."

Please be here. We talking
about big money here.

Come on. Mega bucks. We not
talking about just a few dollars.

We talking about big cash.
Please be here. Come on.

Here they are. Dr. Auschlander.

Dr. Westphall.
Steven, long time.

Enjoying your externship?
Oh, yeah, the best.

Everybody here's
really terrific.

Any particular field
interest you yet?

Cardiac surgery,
of course. Right, dad?

That's right.
Should've guessed it.

He is gonna make one hell
of a great doctor one day.

Hope so. Where's the punch?

I found it!

I found it! I found it!

♪♪ [Humming]

Have you named the baby yet?
Yeah, carl yastrzemski morrison.

Peter, after my great-uncle.

Ladies and gentlemen, may I
have your attention, please?

Here's to young peter morrison,

Harvard medical school,
class of 2008. [All laugh]

And I expect all of us to be in attendance
at his graduation. [All] hear! Hear!

You know, we spend so much time in this
place, dealing with all kinds of sadness,

That when we get a chance
like this to celebrate a new life,

It becomes even more cherished.

And now that you're all here, I
wanna thank you for your skill,

Your dedication
and your compassion.

A toast. To life.

[All] to life.
